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  1. Hi, I have been away for a few days when I came back yesterday, I noticed my car was gone. I obviously freaked out and called Police who advised me to call TRACE, I did it and there was no entry on their database about my car. There was no letter, or phone call, email, SMS or anything to let me know that my car was taken by Marston. Not a single notice. For all I knew, my car was stolen. I then called Police back, and they were able to find out that Marstons took my car. I called them immediately and was told that it was due to a PCN issued last year by Kensington and Chelsea council. I have no recollection of ever receiving a PCN there, but I have been to the Chelsea Hospital to support a friend who was 9 months pregnant and feeling contractions. The address and date matches, so it must have been that, there was no PCN on my windscreen, though. I then told them that I have never received any letter from Marstons regarding this, neither before they took the car, nor after. Their reply was that they didn't need to do that because the Council have done it already, and they were given the warrant to control the vehicle, so they went ahead and did that. They said that the Council has sent me 4 letters asking for payment. After speaking to Marstons, I decided to comb my old letters to see if I find any communication from the Council and I found only 1 letter. Sent in October last year, exactly 3 days after my younger brother died, so it must have gone unnoticed by me during that emotional storm. I have sent an email to the Council saying the same thing I wrote above. Got a reply saying they have forwarded it to the Parking team and they will reply in due course, whenever that is. Marston is now preparing the car to be auctioned unless I pay over £600 to recover it. Are they correct when they say they did not need to send me any notice? It doesn't look right to me. I want to pay the PCN, however, I cannot afford to pay what they are asking. I guess the council can intervene but I am not counting on it. There must be a way out of this? Best regards.
  2. At the beginning of last year, after my wife lost some disabilty benefits, we ended up getting into debt, mostly small but included a credit card just over £3k. My wife has since managed to get back on top with all but two, and I will shortly be in a position to clear most of mine, apart from the credit card. If I was to clear some of these debts by offering a settlement of (say) 50% and (say) offer a grand as settlement of the credit card would this be a detriment on my credit rating? We will be moving to private rented accommodation in September and want our credit rating to be as healthy as possible.
  3. MY 16-19 account had been opened in december 2016 and yesterday, the 23rd of February, I received a letter that my account was being closed, and that Barclays were unable to continue being my bankers. It offers no other explanation. I realized yesterday that my card was missing when I attempted to call them and tried to find my account number and sort code. I decided to go into a branch and was told that my account did not exist. I'm concerned whether there is any way I can reverse this decision and whether I will be able to open an account with another bank or building society such as Nationwide or Santander? There is no issue of money being stuck, more the inconvenience of having my account closed down and having no idea about it
  4. Hello Just a few questions please if somebody is able to help. 1. What are the rules around Income? is there a maximum amount of income that if you are earning you cannot claim Universal Credit? 2. what does subject to immigration control mean? how or who do i check that with? can someone please explain "habitual residence" and "right to reside" in basic english 3. what happens to benefits like esa or housing benefit or tax credits when i claim universal credit? do they stop as soon as i make the claim or am i sent a letter telling me when they will stop and they continue until i get my first universal credit payment? 4. what happens if i am claiming esa and dwp stop it and i have to claim universal credit as i have no other income but i still want to appeal the esa decision? if the esa decision is given in my favour would i then go off universal credit and back onto my old benefits? would appreciate help with these from someone in the know - thank you so much
  5. Writing this on behalf of my missus. She runs a newborn/wedding photography service and has a facebook page to advertise it. https://www.facebook.com/AG-Photography-201381183294753/ She only recently noticed that, the profile pictures she uses on this page, appeared on several pages (used 'image search' in Chrome). This is understandable as she also has a Pinterest page and most of the results are pinterest pins etc. But the problem is that there is a few pages that offer various services like E-cards, phone covers and even a resort in Portugal, that use her photo on their pages. She can prove that she's the owner of the said photo, as she's still got original camera files and SD card. Links to websites that use here image for advertising: Portugal resort: http://www.montedaquintaresort.com/en/resort/kidsclub/ France (?): http://www.coque-design.com/lg-optimus-g-pro-/1426-coque-personnalisee-lg-optimus-g-pro.html USA: http://www.yourecards.net/ecards/baby-black-and-white-cute-inspiring-picture-on-favimcom/cardid62590/card.html?catid=126 I told her that I don't think there's much we can do here, as these websites are registered abroad, but you know women - so I came here to ask for some advice. To me it's clearly a breach of copyright - especially when websites advertise their services and earn money using her photo. Waiting for some helpful advice Thanks
  6. Basically me and my brother have been renting together a few years, made financial sense and we get on well. It is through an agent. He has since had a child(hes not with the mother but they get on) and he has been on the housing association list for a while as he wants to be able to have his son staying over etc. He's over every weekend anyway but stays at my dads. Last week he was accepted for a 2 bedroom flat with the housing association and is going to accept it so will wish to leave shortly. This leaves me in a tricky situation as I would like to stay here, it is his name on the tennancy and he obviously cant stay on it. The reason we went with his name was that I had a lot of recentish adverse credit + was self employed(this was over 5 years ago). I am still self employed and still have some adverse credit but its at the back end of the 6 years, some have already dropped off. The only recent things I have are an ee account which is spotless for 3 years. I believe they probably didnt even check me in any way. I do deal with the agents as much as my brother though if not more + pay half of the rent from my bank. Does anyone know what might happen in such a situation?,we are I believe here till October ie they charge £100 or so renewal fee(excessive I know). I know I can afford to keep the place on my own but again with the knowledge of how agents work I have a feeling I might have to go through all the application etc again. More £££, risk of credit fail and dificulty proving income again. Part of me thinks surely they could swap the names in the knowledge weve always paid without issue and in 5 years only had a washing machine repaired, bathroom floor replaced(due to damp) and a toilet flusher so we are low maintenance. I do know the landlord as he is a friend of my dads if that makes any difference. I presume its in their interest to keep me in as long as the rents flowing, + they still have the deposit + rent advance. I was thinking of maybe saying see where we are in October when the "renewal" comes up. Any views would be appreicated.
  7. Hello Finally & T.G., I won my ESA appeal. Please can I ask a few questions? (1) How long (roughly) will DWP take to pay arrears? (2) How will HB / CTB treat my case? (i.e. will an overpayment of HB/CTB be created whilst on Assessment Rate?) (3) Does DWP ever appeal the HMCTS appeal decision? (4) Do DWP take notice of any reassessment recommendations? (5) I have been advised by a few advisers to claim DLA / PIP but am stressed enough with claiming ESA. Is there any correlation between ESA and PIP decisions? Thanks (thanks for answering previous HB etc. questions)
  8. Is anyone able to help? I'm 65 in just under a month and know that some of my benefits will stop, at the moment I receive ESA,and DLA, my wife also claims carers for me. Will I get a letter from DWP telling me what I will be entitled too when I get my pension.Thankyou for any information given its much appreciated. pin62.
  9. 12 july 2015 Hi, Please can someone help me, its urgent and I am very worried. Just to give you a brief background I am a single mother and was diagnosed with a chronic pain condition at a young age and Iv had for many years other health issues have now made me worse like diabetes, Ibs, arthritis and more. Iv also had to be there for my mother who is bed ridden after a car accident and my step father who for many years had liver disease and was very ill before he died a couple of years ago. I have tried to go back to college and university where I now have a degree but its been really difficult iv also had battles with neighbours, bullying with the children in school etc as well as problems with debt people. Iv been trying so hard to get my life back on track and my credit report and feel that I cant win because there is not enough hours in the day or my health is constantly giving me problems or looking after everyone else is over whelming. I also have dyslexia also so paperwork is a struggle the last few months my mum has been very ill after a suspected stroke, heart was checked out and now she has lost the feeling down one whole side of the body. Due to this and all my other issues including being forced back to work which I was trying to do but I was trying to do it in my time due to my health, my paperwork has had to take a back seat. Recently iv gone through some letters I didn't know that santandar were trying to take me to court and missed the dates etc. I have now received this letter that I have enclosed it on your site for you to see and I am very frightened I don't have a lot but what I do have I cant afford to loose especially when Im trying so hard to get work and start a business if I can, but due to me struggling with everything and feeling very over whelmed and I don't know what to do. Please can some one help me to sort this out quickly, so I don't loose anything. I do have other debts but I feel I need to just work one debt at a time at the moment due to trying to cope with everything and my dyslexia. I have years of this actually going on and my mum helped me pay off this account so that I thought and I moved over to another bank for a new start only to find out latter that I had a debt, I need to go through years of statements which I don't have all of them because I believe at the time they were giving me charges for anything and everything and at one point I was in college/uni and was supposed to be a student and not get any charges at all because I was a student. So I feel let down by this company. Since I have gone over to a new bank iv never had such problems or charges etc ever again. Thanks in advance to everyone. Roguehunter
  10. My partner has quite a few DCA letters to deal with, for which I'm dealing with for her. I will make a few statements first. We don't own a house, we rent - I have a car on finance, in my name only. We have no savings and she does not work, only gets benefits and some of the debts are benefit related. Firstly; DCA ask for household income - one of them ask for partners income - can they legally ask this and does she have to give it? I'm not named in any of her debts, so I was under the impression what I earn has nothing to do with her income. What would be classed as "low-priority"? Most of these are catalogues but one is related to Child Tax Credit overpayment, which is now with a DCA. We have arrears for Council Tax and Water rates - rent is all up to date. We sent a letter off asking for the amount to be written off as she doesn't earn anything and has very little income but most have replied with a big fat "NO" and Robinson Way were downright rude (and also weirdly the letter dated 25/12/14 - yes Christmas Day!). While we're on the subject of Robinson Way - their letter dated Xmas day - they have messed up as it says " Amount Due: £.00" now this is obviously an error but can I make their life equally as difficult by now disputing this as their data processing is inaccurate? Next step is to write to them offering £1 a month as the only feasible option left. I'm more concerned with the question about whether these DCA's can take what I earn into account - or for that fact, what either of her sons earn (although one is only part-time, the other is out of work). Many thanks
  11. Looking for the answer for a friend. Is there a significance of an invoice being sent for payment nearly twelves years after the event stated on the letter? No requests for payment have been sent in all that time.
  12. Hi everybody, Brief summary to date I have received a claim form for a credit card account from 2003 I sent the OC a CCA request in Feb 2009. They did not respond and I sent the account in dispute letter in March 2009. The OC then continued to pursue the account, sent a default notice and then their solicitors demanded the full amount. This was all whilst the account was in dispute, awaiting a copy of the agreement. The account was then passed to various collectors with the usual barrage of telephone calls and letters. Some 12 months after my initial CCA request, and after the above actions, the OC sent me a reconstructed CAA agreement, but this contains a lot of wrong information and cannot be classed as a true copy. They go onto state that they are still looking for the original, but they would not have opened an account without having sight of it and that this satisfies my CCA request! I have no recollection of ever signing an agreement in the first place. The account then passed to the current DCA who have issued the claim. Were the OC allowed to sent out the default notice and demand earlier repayment whilst the account was in a legitimate dispute? Thanks.
  13. It's a 2002 Passat estate with nearly 190,000 miles. Yep, worthless in theory. But I paid a couple of grand. And a couple of grand is a couple of grand. I went to view it, and to be fair it has loads of receipts, it's been cared for, new brakes, 4 new good tyres, new timing belt, recently serviced by previous owner. Went on a test drive with dealer (well he drove it as he didn't let people test drive) and he said it was spot on. Which is was in all fairness. No nasty bangs or anything. We even tried the aircon and it seemed cool enough so I drove away happy, I admit. However a couple of days later, I noticed the car didn't reach operating temperature. I was a bit peed off but thought if that's all I have to worry about it wouldn't be too bad. £224 later it was fixed. I also noticed that in fact the aircon didn't work- now this peed me off quite a bit. It felt ok on the cold day we test drove it but clearly it was just the blower. I've now found out that the window demister doesn't work either, which now is getting annoying. I'm no mechanic and need to pay a mechanic for every fault and by the time I've fixed these issues I would have been better off buying something much nicer. I accept it's a very old car but with having to spend hundreds of pounds to fix it it now feels like a very expensive banger... I just don't really know where to go with this.... Help!?
  14. Hi old poster here but had to go by different user name for this because it would be as plain as the nose on your face who I am employee on holiday (common knowledge they are abroad) while on holiday letter sent by recorded delivery letter inviting them to an informal meeting regarding there lateness and sickness at the start of there first shift back obviously they didn't get the letter (there was a card from the postman but didn't have time to go collect it ) can they say in there appeal letter I was not formally invited to a disciplinary meeting in writing
  15. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  16. Had a good job, career, home, money, etc. Then had a prolonged period of inactivity, debts piled up, not opening letters, spiral of anxiety and stress. blah, blah. Now, for past year or so, been earning, and getting back on feet. Looking to start paying back, and deal with all my debts. Have done as much due diligence as I can, and need some pointers. I have a number of creditors, with debts totalling around 45K. Have been paying token payments of £1 to most, some more. Looking to get StepChange advice and help. But also need some idea of full and final offers to really motor down the debts. So, as a starter, here are some of my most pressing questions: 1: I am having difficulty filling in my Income and Expenditure, as my income fluctuates. (I am working freelance, as am probably too old to be employed by a company.) I am wary of entering payment schedule and failing. Prefer to keep paying token amounts, then offer surplus every 6 months or so. Would creditors go for this? 2: I understand the first step may be to get CCAs from my creditors. Are there any downsides to asking for CCAs? Would creditors sense that I am trying to wriggle out, and go for asking for more, or get heavy-handed? 3: Are CCAs only for debt companies, or even the Originating creditor? (some of my debts have been off-loaded to debt-companies.) 4: What is the purpose of SARs? How does that help me? I understand they might be for finding penalty fees, etc? I know I accrued a lot when I couldn't pay any amounts when I started my downhill slide. 5: When offering Full and Finals, do I go for the biggest first? 6: I have been sold from one debt-company to another on some debts, I dont know what I am paying for on some of the payments!! Can I just phone them up and ask where the original debt comes from? (I have signed up with noddle, and got my list of creditors and credit file, so I have a starting point. I have been reading this forum for a few days, and have built up some knowledge, and seen how helpful this site can be. I would like to ask for some help in taking the first steps for an eventual bright future. PS: would it be ok to list my debts (with some fudging to protect myself) as a starting point?
  17. Hello, few background info: I have a joint tenancy with another person. Contract with SSE is only in his name. He is being threatened with disconnection due to high bills. After the latest bill in Feb this year he owes Southern Electric £1.5k. He tried several times to arrange repayment plan but everytime he did SSE wanted more than he could afford so it's well behind now. All repayment plans failed as SSE wouldn't negotiate and acknowledge he could only pay what he could only pay... We just got a letter today saying that we will get disconnected shortly. Also stating that alternative is to install pay as you go meter, and it would cost a lot of money! Last thing we need is to add up to the bill! I am on ESA and housing benefits and cannot really spunk out a lot of money as I haven't worked for more than a year. This entire situation just adds up to my depression and anxieties.... They said if he tries to switch providers they will block it! They're within their rights to do so. My questions are: 1) How to negotiate with SSE and arrange repayment plan? At this point they're asking for £250/month. Too much! 2) Is there any 'safe period' by law that they cannot perform disconnection of electricity services? 3) Only he (the other tenant) has a contract with SSE. They will block him if he tries to change providers. How does the situation look for me? Can I change providers or get a contract with new provider?
  18. Just watched a program on C4 about UK's APPRENTLY most notorious car repo guy (and what a massive tool he is) and was just wondering about some things on the subject. First of all, the fact they can take a vehicle back after it's been sold on because the original owner owes the company money is utterly disgusting as it is, but regardless; 1) Is the court order that they apparently bring along with them enough to repossess from property that DOESN'T BELONG TO THE CURRENT CAR OWNER...ie if car owner stored the car elsewhere on private land other than his own? 2) Can the financing co. repossesss the vehicle after it's been sold on AND ALSO claim the original debt owed by original owner? eg, I still have Black Horse claiming I owe them money on a vehicle I bought way back in 2003....SURELY it's been reposssessed by now from the person I sold it on to, as this seems to be the done thing?
  19. Hi there, This morning my partner had a letter telling her to turn up to an assessment. This is the first one in 2 years, since we had her original one when her problems started. The original one was a bit of a debacle - - The funny foreign doctor who spoke poor english - No questions at all were asked about her mental health(the reason she was claiming) just about her physical health(no problems) - I was told that I could not be a witness, and could not take notes(I had been on here and seen I could and kicked up a stink until she relented) Despite all that, there were no problems with the claim. Whats the current advice on Atos assessments? Also, as she is no longer getting ESA as the DWP changed it last year, should she even be assessed? To clarify, she gets DLA, and I get CA and IS support, both of which are based on her DLA. Thanks
  20. Hi Caggers I really need advice/comments on this letter that I am about to send of to my creditors including PDL. next payment due 15th May 2013 so no time to wait. I am going to be honest here and tell you that my debt has got out of control thanks to gambling. I have sought help and haven't had a bet for over 3 weeks even though I have still got money to pay my priority outgoings and agreed rent arrears repayments. This for me is a massive step. Is there anything I should add/omit/change and is it ok to state that I have got into this mess because of gambling? Thanks for looking.
  21. I am self employed and my earnings vary a lot often for a short period oftime. My housing benefit claim was already close once because my earnings weretoo high. However the problem is that my earnings vary a lot often for asmall period of time and it is inconvenient for me to make a new claim forhousing benefit each time my earnings vary. I would like to know how to explainmy situation to the housing benefit department to avoid that my claim is closedeach time my earnings vary temporarily I would like to know if there is a specific law for self employer or if I have to file a specific form
  22. Hi Had my car towed at 11:25am on sunday. PCN served at 9.20am from single yellow. Just moved there and didnt know that single yellow is restricted in the area of Camden on Sunday. Got parking permit in the area but it was full the night I arrived and pretty much stayed the same during the day. I didnt notice the pcn on the car... Anyway the question is.. Do they need to display signs that the car will be towed in the area ? or just the sign of controlled zone is enough to tow the car? There is no signs on the street about towing or clamping.. just one about controlled area at the end of the road. Do I have any ground to appeal?
  23. Sent my appeal off with some brief details of why i was appealing , Had a Letter from DWP confirming that they received my appeal, and about how much ESA i will get until it's heard, But so far over 1mth since requesting the full written statement of the Atos wca Form IB /ESA85, But so far i have not been sent it, The person that i recently spoke with from DWP ,Confirmed that they could see that i had previously requested it, but could not understand why i had not yet received it, What can be done to force them to supply this info,(assuming it actually exists) ?
  24. I have recently had a few letters from HMRC. The first told me that I owe them £1100-00p. The other letters set out how I come to owe this amount. I have contacted them and told them that I cannot possibly pay them this money. I am unemployed , disabled and have just gone through a divorce. I subsequently received another letter from them stating that if I don't pay up, they will start to charge me interest. Now, I receive Industrial Injuries Disability Benefit and DLA (mobility) higher rate. The amount of benefit I receive puts me over the threshold for income related ESA; therefore I don't receive that. I am now in a position , just as a lot of people; that I have to pay 20% of my council tax out of my benefits. Add to this that I have to pay £25 per month to the legal aid people - to clear my debt with them , due to the divorce. I just cannot afford to pay any money to HMRC. PLEASE, where do I go from here. Many thanks in anticipation. Cheers - Scousegeezer
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