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  1. Hi, I entered the Damside Street Car Park in Lancaster on 09/09 2018 at 11:57:47 with a 5 years old daughter in distress. While my partner took care of her I had to go around to find a place where to change money because I didn't have enough loose change to pay for a parking ticket at the ticket machine. Therefore I bought a parking ticket valid for 1 hour at 12:10 (just over two minutes after the 10 minute grace period finished). I left the car park at 12:13:02. In total, I stayed there for less than 16 minutes but purchased a ticket allowing me to stay for 1 hour (plus the 10 minutes grace period). A few days later I received a Parking Charge for £125. I tried to appeal with the HX Car Management and with the Independent Appeal Service but with no success. A few days ago, I received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones solicitors threatening with a legal action if I don't pay £160. I'm not sure what to do. Shall I pay or shall I go to the court? Do I have any chance in the court with no legal experience? Thank you for your help Miroslav
  2. A friend of mine said he was done by an average speed camera and he claims to have received a ticket from two police forces for this, can this happen I thought it sounded a bit weird
  3. Hello Friends, I am a Leeds city resident and I got three parking tickets in a span of two weeks. There are multiple issues with these PCNs as I spotted some discrepancies in councils guidance on the time limits. Few years back Leeds city council has introduced a mobile based parking solution by partnering with a company called parkmobile. Being a daily commuter I really love the convenience of the app though it charges 25P convenience fee for each transaction. The way the app works is as below: Step 1: Drive to the intented parking space and open the app. Step2: App presents the user a map with the exact location of your car by using mobile’s gps location. The map also shows the parking machine Ids on the map corresponding to the street. The same ID is also displayed on the parking machine with big, bright and bold letters so that any one can see it from far distance as well. Step 3: User selects the parking machine ID and click on pay now button Step 4: App asks user to re confirm the Vehicle registration Step 5: Counter starts The beauty of the app is that it also incorporates any timing restrictions that may have been imposed on that street parking machine (for eg : Maximum Parking Duration 2 hours), Price list for each of the hours (for eg 0-2 hrs – 2£). My case: Now coming to my case, I drive a fully electric car and Leeds City council incentivise all EV drivers with a free parking permit(to be displayed on windscreen) which enable EV drivers to park for free on any of the city’s street parking spaces. As I am so used to the parking app since its launch I always use it to check the parking restrictions and payments etc. On this occasion I parked on a street named as ‘Edward Street’ which has 2 hour maximum parking rule according to council and as per the front facia of the parking machine. But to the contrary on parkmobile app it was tagged as full day parking. Following the guidance from the parkmobile app I simply parked on the street came back in the evening only to find a PCN attached to Windscreen. Later in the week I started parking in a different street and it has also got similar issue and ended up getting another PCN. . Finally I ended up in getting 3 PCNs I was so desperate to speak to the Enforcement officer. Luckily I got hold of one of the officers sooner than later and explained the situation. Officer heard the whole story and agrees that there is a problem and council has to correct it. Officer also advised me to park in another street near by where the parkmobile info marry up with the front facia info. Since then I stopped getting tickets. Current situation: Current situation is that I appealed all the PCNs and council politely rejected and sent a NTO letter on my wife’s name as my wife is Registered Keeper of the car. Way forward: I am thinking to take a video of the whole situation, parking app usage video and put similar explanation as above in my respresentation to council. Questions I do have now: 1) The NTO letter is on my wife’s name, As me being the driver at the time PCN issuance can I do the representation? 2) How strong is my case and what are the chances of cancelling the PCN by council after my representation? 3) PCN states a contravention code as “06 – Parked with out clearly Displaying a valid pay and display ticket or voucher”. I think rather it should state “07-Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time” as I am displaying the council permit on windscreen all the time. Does this discrepancy invalidates the PCN? 4) Does council accepts the video as evidences in representation? 5) Any other suggestions please ?
  4. I've searched the Natwest website for a two-factor authentication option and failed to find anything. I've used the site complaint form to ask about this and received no reply. Does anyone know if the site provides this facility?
  5. Back in 2016 we commissioned a builder to undertake extensive renovation works in our house. He originally was a limited company but this company was dissolved in June 2016. He then started work for us as a partnership. His father has been involved with our job in that he came to our house a couple of times and the kitchen supplied was in the fathers name and address on the invoice. To cut a long story short, the building works went on far longer than they should and weren't completed until we sacked them. We asked for a partial refund and this was refused. In May 2017 We employed a solicitor stating our claim. The son said he did not owe us anything and was going to go bankrupt anyway. The father said he was never involved. We couldn't afford any more solicitors fees so we decided to lower our claim and decided to issue a CCJ to both father and son as joint defendants. The date of issue was the 24th November. Today was the deadline to "Acknowledge Service". The father has acknowledged service but the son hasn't. Now I don't know what to do. Can I request judgement against the son? Or do I have to wait another 14 days as I'm assuming the father is going to defend his part. The son isn't on the insolvency register yet so again I'm assuming he hasn't actually applied for bankruptcy. Many thanks oldpoyntz
  6. Got a letter from Northampton Court on behalf of Harrow Council, demanding £195.00 for being in a bus lane on the 16/03/2015 at 11.28. I never received any letter from Harrow Council about this offence, the time indicated 11.28 is strange as the bus lane restrictions are 0700-10.00 and 16.00-19.00hr and this has always been the case since the restrictions were applied. The penalty charge notice gives the correct reg in the photo and you can clearly see the make of my car but vehicle make is stated as unknown. This is very strange, my question is how do I go about replying, I know I can state I did not receive the notice to owner to take it back to the first stage, nor appealing against the charge or receiving no reply to an appeal.. What do I do and why over two and half years to get this letter
  7. Two World War 1 soldiers have finally been identified a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/two-world-war-1-soldiers-have-finally-been-identified-a-century-later
  8. Please help, First time I received my salary and my outgoings monthly payments are bigger than amount received. I have unsecured loans and pay day loans and this Month I won’t be able to pay 3 of them, I read all the 10 steps but I am still panicking, I have more payments than my salary and I need at least 3 Month to back to "normal" when my paY day loans will be paid in full but this Month and next one I have to stop some payments. Please help and let me know how to go the creditors and what I can ask TO HELP ME, WHAT should I tell them? Can I ask to freeze 2 Month instalments or just offer pay a little? Many thanks
  9. Hi Would appreciate some advice on the task I've been landed with. My Dad (92) has lost his licence and has got a SORN for his car. He wants to swap the car with one of my daughters car and then sell her car. His car is much better than hers and it will definitely benefit her. My concern is the whole road tax scenario. This is what I think I have to do, but I'd welcome any advice 1.Inform the DVLA that my Dad intends to give his car to somebody else 2.Complete the paperwork for his logbook to transfer the car to a new owner 3.My daughter informs the DVLA that she is giving her car to soembody else 4.She completes the logbook paperwork. 5.She informs her insurance company that she is trading cars 6.My daughter taxes my Dad's old car 7.My Dad applies for a SORN for my daughters old car My concerns are around 6 and 7. How does my daughter start the process of taxing a car that currently has a SORN? It was done quite recently and no paperwork has come through yet. Does this matter? Does my Dad have to tax the car first and then apply for a SORN for my daughter's car? Or can he just go directly to applying for a SORN Any help or advice would be gratefully received
  10. I end up in some strange places when doing a little research. Recently I came across this Debt Clock. Good heavens I thought, prodded myself a few times to check I was not having a nightmare. Then got hypnotised for about ten minutes till I had to lie down for a while to recover from the shock. Now I am certainly not an economist but wonder if this debt is true.And I know there are wise ones in these forums that can answer difficult questions. I looked elsewhere as well but for now this post will do. Just a couple of questions. 1-What would happen if we took the batteries out of this clock and said we cannot pay back this debt. 2-I see many towns sinking into debt and struggling like never before. Cutting back till they can cut no more. Absolutely skint to put it mildly. What would happen if a town said Thats it we are bust, we can do no more, it is affecting our town and its people far too much. 3-A silly question possibly, would a Government knowing that they are skint risk the health of a community in the outside hope that something like Fracking half the country away would possibly reduce this debt.Kind of desperation thought. I know at the moment to some reading my threads elsewhere possibly think I am obsessed with Fracking.Certainly worried for sure. Just another thought out there for people to have their say. Oh yes a link-That clock that is driving me mad possibly.Someone whip the Battery away. The UK national debt grows at a rate of £5,170 per second! http://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/
  11. Hi, I stumbled across this website and I hope you can help me. I'll be so greatful if you can. I have a defaulted Lloyds account which I last used in 2007, and in oct 2013 it defaulted. The overdraft had grown from about £250 to over £1600. I received not a single letter... .up until 2013 when I got one from a credit collector demanding I repay it. I have been arguing it is statute barred for some time now, and they have supplied me with statements showing no activity since 2007 and a steadily increasing debt. It defaulted shortly after maxing out and defaulted. I seem to be going round in circles, after reading what feels like the whole internet on this topic, my point is that LLoyds could have taken action after a nominal two years of inactivity, thus starting the SB clock. Is lloyds had withdrawn the account as per their own T&C then it would have defaulted a long time ago, and been a much smaller debt. Do you think that is a fair argument? If it is, clearly it's not in their interest to agree, so how do I force the issue as I don't want this to go on another 2 years! Thanks for any help you can offer
  12. I've gone through the first level appeal for PIP at Tribunal (twice - the first tribunal was disallowed for legal reasons). On receiving the latest tribunal's refusal, I got home and immediately reapplied for PIP. I'm honestly beginning to have doubts as to whether it's worth it - I feel my one piece of supportive evidence has been turned against me. My long-term condition involves chronic heart failure and type-2 diabetes. I would maintain that my condition has not improved and in some areas has certainly got worse. The tribunal said that my condition was insufficient to qualify for either the daily-living or the mobility components of PIP. In the course of the tribunal, I admitted telling my doctor (of nearly 30 years) that I was unable to walk for long, before stopping to catch my breath. The interpretation of this was that I had put words into my doctor's mouth. I can't see how I can have led my doctor in the course of an everyday examination. When you see your doctor, it's reasonable and expected that you would tell him what's wrong, and he would then do what he could to heal you. My PIP medical was a year ago. Getting to this point has meant enduring a lot of stress and a large drop in income. My heart-rate has never slowed, meaning I have been even more exhausted than usual. I'm bowled over by the negative outcome.
  13. Hi, I'm in a very complex situation and I am loosing my mind and health over this. I was wondering if anyone can assist me, greatly appreciated. Around this time last year I was asked to submit a medical form for WCA, which followed by a face-to-face assessment. My WCA for ESA scored zero points and I submitted my case to Tribunal for review. I believe I meet 4 descriptors for the Support Group. I am currently waiting for a hearing date. The medical WCA assessment outcome in 2016 recommended Work Related Activity for 12 months indicating that I could be ready for work (possibly downgraded to Job Seekers Allowance) after 12 months. As a result of Work Related Activity I ended up in A&E on 4 occasions with a severely excessive heart rate where I was kept in hospital and wired up to a drip. I complaint about this to CHDA who carried out my assessment, they responded stating that I could have gone to the A&E anyway and that it has nothing to do with their assessment, or something to that effect. I have bladder problems and I had to attend a Jobcentre that does not allow toilet use for customers. I have heart problems and I have to attend a service provider in a severely stuffy unaired environment (even the adviser complained about having to use an asthma breathing device there), and that made me very ill. I often feel that my endurance is being tested by physical and psychological torture and I can either make it less painful and quicker for myself by taking own life or prolong the pain but in the end get the same result as the DWP will drive me to an eventual death. While I am still waiting for the Tribunal outcome for ESA medical assessment 2016, I have now been asked to submit a form for medical assessment 2017. I returned the form not to lose my benefits. They sent me a letter for a face-to-face assessment. I believe during this assessment I will be downgraded to the Jobseekers as they will deem me totally fit (as per their recommendation that I will be fit in 12 months). CHDA picked on my doctor letters, ignored the evidence, and handled the formal complaint from me unfairly - that's how I feel. DWP ignored formal complaints from me, made intimidating calls to me, took 4 months to respond to my Mandatory Reconsideration - responded only after I got my MP involved, even then they lied to my MP writing to her that I was happy with the outcome and my MP closed the case. There is absolutely no way in hell this WCA will be a fair one or humane one. It's a conveyor belt to pass you from one torture room to the next, there is nothing more to it. My question to you is, do I have to attend another work capability assessment while I am still waiting for hearing date with the Tribunal? If so, what happens if I need to submit another claim to the tribunal? Will I be able to run two separate claims with the Tribunal on ESA benefits? Thank you in advance for helping me with this madness.
  14. Hi All New to forums, so please move if I have posted in the wrong place. Thank you in advance for any comments. Introduction My wife (38) and I (44) are currently in a joint ownership mortgaged property, in a debt management plan, with defaults on bank loans and credit cards. We both have good earning potential and hope to remortgage in approximately 2 years (after April 2019/20) to achieve full ownership. Current financial position Our current property is in my wife's name. It's a joint ownership (50%) 3 bed semi. Our 50% is valued at around £85k. We have £18k o/s on the mortgage and a further £6k charge on the property from Cabot re: an old CCJ that is no longer on the wife's credit history. Approximately £60k equity. Wife is in long term permanent employment earning £32k per annum. Husband is Director of own Ltd Company. Currently in year 1 with expected earnings of around £28k (£8k salary + £20 dividends). First year end is April 2018. Current debt position We currently have around £20k of debt under a debt management plan. Two years ago my wife was ill and I was made redundant. Rather than bury our heads in the sand, we tried to deal with our creditors, asking for payment holidays or help with interest payments. We tried to consolidate but none were helpful. Despite being pro-active, they all served us with defaults. Below are the debts showing as default on our credit check. The bottom two credit cards show as "up to date" but when you drill down it shows the payment with "DM" next to it for debt management. Type of debt Amount £ Default date 6 year date Bank o/d 742 28/08/2012 28/08/2018 Bank o/d 998 29/08/2012 29/08/2018 Bank Loan ,627 31/12/2012 31/12/2018 Credit Card 2,617 29/01/2013 29/01/2019 Credit Card 1,716 27/03/2013 27/03/2019 Credit Card 424 06/12/2013 06/12/2019 Credit Card 1,494 28/12/2016 28/12/2022 Credit Card 1,948 28/12/2016 28/12/2022 Bank o/d 325 22/02/2017 22/02/2023 Credit Card 1,819 up to date - DM Credit Card 4,013 up to date - DM 20,723 The default date is from our credit reports and I have added on 6 years as I believe/hope the debts will drop off our credit reports after this date (?). Plan A What we would like to do is buy a full ownership in approximately 2 years. My wife's earnings will be around £35k, and I expect my earnings to be around £45 (£8k salary + dividends). We hope to borrow in the region of £300k and use our equity to spend around £330k and pay off the rest of the debt. If my understanding is correct, debts older than 6 years won't show on our credit history, so we would spend the next two years paying off the more recent debts, so that our credit check is clear (ish). We would clear the old debts with the remortgage. Plan B Our current property is owned 50% and we could buy the other 50% at a good rate from the Housing Association. Because of the work we have done to the house, I hope we could buy the other 50% for around £75k and have full ownership of a house worth between £190 and £200k (at a cost to us of £160k). We would use this as a stepping stone to achieve PLAN A in roughly the same time frame. As the property is currently listed as 'affordable housing' I believe taking full ownership would allow us to potentially sell for more, and open up more options in terms of dealing with lenders, without the restrictions associated with joint ownership properties. Questions 1) Is the £6k debt to Cabot likely to affect future borrowing? It doesn't show on a credit check, but Cabot do have a charge against the property. 2) Husband is owner/Director of Ltd Company. Other than waiting for 2 year trading history and maximizing earnings from Company, is there anything else I should be doing over the next two years? 3) Will our defaults 'disappear' from our credit checks at 6 years old? Can they still affect our rating? 4) Is there any debts that should take priority over the others? 5) After April 2018, when I have been trading 1 year, would it be possible to buy the other 50% of our current property with the above credit history, equity and earnings? This could be an opportunity to clear off some of the debts to improve our position for the future. 6) Are their any considerations around 'help to buy' that we could take advantage of now and things we should/shouldn't do to jeopardize any opportunities? For example, I have never owned a house. Might this help me in getting 'help to buy'? 7) Do lenders ask for bank statements? Should we perhaps keep any unhealthy payments out of our main bank accounts? 8) Do we need to be concerned about our ages? 38 and 44? I would appreciate any thoughts, comments or suggestions. We are committed to paying off our debts and hopeful that we can achieve our goals. Thank you.
  15. My request is a simple one, I want one or two set of Blank Used Empty Original HP Cartridge for Refill Purposes. Model is 953 or 953 XL Printer Model is Officejet Pro 8715 Any one any idea of how I can source these, please let me know. It has to be Originals. Thanks all.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38389577
  17. Bought a 56 plate fiesta diesel 14th July. 2016 First problem we had was the alternator failed. The dealer replaced it within a couple of days. Now we have a more serious problem where it appears that the ECU has failed. This was reported to them on the 18th November and they collected it on the 21st November. The car is still with them and were being fobbed off with excuses. I remember seeing something on CAG saying that any fault found within 6 months of purhcase is deemed to be there at the point of purchase and the dealer is responsible for the repairs. Is this still the case? When they come back with it finally repaired and they want to charge me, I will pay it to get the car back, but can I then start a small claims to reclaim the cost. We're also having to hire a car for the weekend. Boris
  18. Hi I only just noticed that £13.99 had been taken from my Santander123 cureent account by Ancestry.com via DD !!!!!! I checked the DD and it states it started on 29/07/16 and i most DEFINITELY did not start/confirm this Direct Debit. Thus far they have taken £13.99 on 29/07/16 and today 02/09/16 !!!!!! How do i go about cancelling this, i can not recall using this service !!!!! I have an excellent credit rating and am more worried about it effecting that. Also i have no details of an account with them, so would not know how to even 'log in' to cancel it on their site. Anyone advise. Thanks Little update, i had full info on the DD, it has been taken by - Payee name: GLOBAL COLLECT BV RE ANCESTRY.COM I have NEVER authorised this !!! Anyone advise ? Thanks
  19. Hello all, My first post on this great forum - very nervous and very worried. Please correct and advise me if I do anything wrong or don't follow correct protocol as I'm not a regular user of any forum! I had two credit card accounts with MBNA one started 1996, the other in 2001. I believe I stopped paying the full repayments around 2005 due to losing my job and the resulting financial problems and agreed with MBNA a reduced, interest free monthly repayment. Some time later I received letters saying both accounts had been assigned to a debt collection agency who would now be taking over the accounts. I think these were possibly re assigned two or three more times to different agencies over the next couple of years but my memory on these is not so good as I was suffering from severe depression around this time and on prescribed medication. I probably ignored and binned any correspondence from around this time. Most recently, around November 2015, Arrow Global took over both debts and on 05 August this year I have received two Court claim forms (one for each account). I read a few threads and have responded to the claim online at moneyclaim.gov.uk to acknowledge service and stated I wish to defend. Now I'm struggling and worried sick that my head might go again and would be so grateful for any help you wonderful people could provide. I don't think I have a lot of time to respond?
  20. HI Hopefully someone can help me, i really don't know what to do next. i admit a few years ago i ran into a few problems and didn't keep up to date with outstanding credit accounts, the old bury my head in the sand. I have being trying to get things in order and recently got my clear score credit report, to my shock i had a CCJ for an outstanding overdraft which was being chased by Lowell. As far as i remember i had a £1400 overdraft which i left unpaid. That was in 2009. i moved house in 2011 and never heard any more about it, although i have had other lowell communications over the last few years . I contacted lowell to ask for details and they informed me the CCJ was taken out in 2012 although the credit report says 2014. They informed me i have arrears on the agreement of £1000 and must start paying £50 per month right away or they would take further action. My main question is do i have any rights to have this set aside , Lowell have obviously had my latest addresses over the the last few years why is the first I've heard about it when i got a credit report. And also the overdraft was £1400 but the debt they are claiming i owe is £2605, is there any way i can challenge this?
  21. My BF has just received two letters from First Credit, are they phishing ? Should we ignore them ? They were both sent to his old address, we have a redirection set up now for post otherwise we would not have received them. They start by saying: "Let us help you - you can repay **** over a period of time" Each letter goes onto provide details of two Lloyds debts they purchased in November 2013 with the offer to call them or complete forms they enclose to start making payments. As always I appreciate your help and advice.
  22. So I've been hit with these because I get tax credits. Stupid me didn't realise it's only if you get child tax credits you get free scripts, (I only get working). Should have read the form properly I know but there we go. I've called them and they will extend the payment dates but there's no way I'll be able to meet their demands, (approx £50 a month). I am able to offer £20 a month. Will they still be able to enforce a DEA if I am offering to make reasonable payments?
  23. A barrister who dodged train fares for two years has been brought to justice Dr Peter Barnett, 44, was given a 16-week suspended sentence after swindling a rail company out of £5,892. Australian-born Dr Barnett, who won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, had been accused of avoiding £19,689. But his lawyer Angus Bunyan argued successfully that the figure – based on the full single fare for each dodged journey – was too high. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/609167/Barrister-fare-dodger-two-years-sentenced-court http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569758/Lawyer-prison-rail-fare?_ga=1.49340771.450238813.1443865536
  24. Hello… I wonder if there is anyone who can help with this, please? Years ago my husband who is financially naive, (to say the very least), was sold several pensions, life insurances, annuities, etc., by an IFA. Amongst other things there were two pensions with Sun Life, (why he was sold two policies with the same pension provider is a mystery, but the IFA probably got paid commission for both of them). For several years they were paid in by direct debit under the two different policy numbers, then, when my husband was made redundant and stopped paying in, it would appear that at some point both pensions merged into just one policy. He was not informed of this, or if he was, they may have written to the wrong address as we moved a few times. Both pensions were quite small and under the rule of triviality, he would probably have been able to take the money from each without having to buy an annuity, but by merging the two, it increased the amount of the pension pot to more than £30k. The pension pays about £130 per month. he could really benefit from having the cash as there are no savings and he could pay down the mortgage as it won't be paid off when it ends soon. The IFA is still in business and I tried to contact him to ask about the portfolio he set up, as there may be an endowment which could help as well, but he won't answer my emails… Should my husband contact Sun Life and ask why the pensions were merged and if there is no good reason, would he be entitled to claim what's left in the pot, even though he purchased an annuity? Or will the new pension rules allow him to do that anyway? There was talk last year that people who had bought annuities would be entitled to their money but would have to wait an extra year for it… I've not heard anything since...
  25. Hi and thanks in advance for any time and help . Been meaning to post for a while , a letter that arrived yesterday (29/9/15) has spurred me on , My wife a number of years ago had run up a £10k Yorkshire bank visa card debt. When I looked into it earlier this year when she told me about the debt it seems (according to noddle) she received a CCJ dated on her credit report on the 1/10/09. The letter that arrived yesterday from the county court is titled a "general form of judgment or order" and goes on to say ," It is ordered that ME III limited be substituted as the claimant in this claim" , the letter is dated 28/9/15 . Am I right in believing this letters arrival has stopped the debt becoming statute barred by two days , also as far I am aware there hasnt been any PPI on the debt (not 100% sure) but I am sure there are some hefty charges . And so whats the best way to move forward in this sticky situation .She doesnt really earn that much to even attempt to clear the debt over a number of years so I would have to seriously help . It really affected her nerves hiding it from me for so long and the latest letters arrival may start her off again . Thanks for reading , Andy.
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