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  1. Hi, good people of CAG, I wonder if you can help me, please. Hi there, I bought a car for Four Thousand five hundred and fifty pounds from a chap on Facebook Marketplace about three weeks ago. At first, it all started pleasantly enough, the seller and I traded details, texts and phone calls. I arranged to meet him at his home address, he wasn't there when I arrived and had to wait about 10 minutes for him to arrive. I drove the car on a test drive around the block in the dark, he had the radio on masking any sound, we took it into a garage which had "some" light. I looked at the car and it seemed perfect, too perfect. I have read that having background music on masks any noise, thus covering up any car issues. We traded details again, phone numbers etc and said that yes, I was definitely interested. We traded texts and I said that I was going to try and get the money together. He then tried to hurry my decision by saying that there were others interested even though I said that I was. Anyhow, I went with my wife to pick the car up on Sunday (6th Jan) We had to wait for him again, about 10 minutes and the car wasn't at his home address. He arrived and my wife transferred the money into his account. We started filling out the log book for the change of owners and he started saying ok let's do this all online so we did. We changed the owner details online there and then which I was a little odd. We then signed a bit of paper saying that the car had no warranty and sold as seen which again was a bit odd but the money had already been transferred at that point. The Engine Management light was on when I drove the car home, I didn't think that much of it as I've had cars where the management light has come on and it was because of a faulty spark plug or something like that. The next day (Monday 7th) I took it to my local garage around the corner from me where I have all of my servicing and MOT's done and I trust them. I asked them to check what the Management Light Fault was. I had a phone call later on in the day giving me some very disturbing news indeed. They ran some diagnostic tests on it and the fault which came up was a problem with the Automatic DSG gearbox and was told would cost upwards of 2k to repair. If the Mechatronic unit is faulty then again you are looking at upwards of 2K, if they have both gone then goodnight. There was also a problem with a wheel bearing at the back, the bulb in daytime lights had gone and the tyres were close to worn on the back. Needless to say, I was fuming, I tried to ring the seller, I sent him messages.... nothing. I then spoke to Citizens Advice who told me to write a letter saying that he was breaching conditions and that you were rejecting the car. wait for 14 days. I sent two letters, one to the address he gave (home address) and one to the "business" address (see below) I sent them Special Delivery so that I could track them (as advised by Citizens Advice) the one sent to his home address wasn't read but the one at his business address was signed for by him Mr Bhatti. I constantly phoned him, left messages on his phone and through texts but he ignored all communication. I Finally tracked him through WhatsApp, he still denied all knowledge of the faults but he didn't answer all of the other questions I put to him, he said he broke his phone and it was being repaired, that's why he didn't respond. He said that it's all my fault and I should have checked the car thoroughly. This was a Private sale but I have since found out that the seller is a director of a company which sells used cars and light vehicles. This I think is the reason he always turned up 10 minutes later as his “office” is around the corner. I have a messenger chat where he told me that there were no problems with the car and the car drove well and the mileage was motorway miles. The previous owner I was told was an old man who drove the car locally who kept it in the garage. The car is immaculate so who was I to doubt that. This was, in fact, a complete lie. It emerges that the old man is, in fact, a minicab driver registered to drive for Basingstoke Council. The owners before him were ERAC UK Ltd who are a Car rental firm in Aldershot. This means that the car would have been driven by anyone and in all different manners. These are Two things that would have affected my decision to purchase the car which he should have told me about. I also have photographic evidence that he does have other cars for sale on Facebook Messenger. The yellow "trader" slip is missing from the V5 log book so this is another abnormally. I also found out through the Internet that he and his brother were charged back in 2007 with handling stolen mobile phones from a shop he worked in so it proves he is a dishonest person. I also joined Which Legal and we are now into the third week after sending my second letter about taking the matter to court, which I can't really afford to do and can't really get the time off of work. I now find out that he has resigned as a director of the “said” company so that’s a bit odd too. Do I have anything here or am I wasting my time or do I give it to one of those "ill buy it.com" places for a reduced amount and cut my losses? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, I entered the Damside Street Car Park in Lancaster on 09/09 2018 at 11:57:47 with a 5 years old daughter in distress. While my partner took care of her I had to go around to find a place where to change money because I didn't have enough loose change to pay for a parking ticket at the ticket machine. Therefore I bought a parking ticket valid for 1 hour at 12:10 (just over two minutes after the 10 minute grace period finished). I left the car park at 12:13:02. In total, I stayed there for less than 16 minutes but purchased a ticket allowing me to stay for 1 hour (plus the 10 minutes grace period). A few days later I received a Parking Charge for £125. I tried to appeal with the HX Car Management and with the Independent Appeal Service but with no success. A few days ago, I received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones solicitors threatening with a legal action if I don't pay £160. I'm not sure what to do. Shall I pay or shall I go to the court? Do I have any chance in the court with no legal experience? Thank you for your help Miroslav
  3. I bouight a car from a private add in autotrader . I carried out an RAC hpi check and there were no issues. now a finance company (credit plus) claim its theirs and are taking me to court.
  4. Hi, I bought a car which is currently taxed in the disable category. I only have the MOT and the green slip of the new buyer. How can I tax it?
  5. Hello, I had taken a number of payday loans in the past, in particular the period of 2014-2015. Most of them are settled or just ignored, but there are a couple that keeps getting chased. One is for Cheque Centre which has been bought up by Lantern (Formerly motormile) and the other is The MoneyShop who I'm now getting chased by BWLEgal on behalf of PRAC Financial Limited. Now, so far I've just ignored them, get standard threat emails etc. Heard nothing regarding the moneyshop one for months until now. However, is it worth making a complaint and the proceeding to FOS for ireesponsible lending when in particular Cheque Center no longer exist? Would that get me anywhere, and who would I complain to, Lantern? As for The Moneyshop one, should I complain directly to them or Prac Limited? I've read the guide so I'm prepared to take them to FOS (I had many many payday loans at the same time, and Cheque center was in particular bad where I was offered £1000 every month with £300 interest, and I used them for rollover several months in a row..)
  6. Hi This is my first post so please forgive me if I'm asking a question with a pretty simple answer! I recently (2 weeks ago) bought a car from a trader which after taking it to a garage has been diagnosed with a few problems. Notably, front and rear springs on the drivers side are broken and the washer tank has a crack in it. The only reason I took it to a garage was to have an oil and filter change and a general health check of the vehicle as it isn't running great at all. Now my question is, where do I stand with the trader? I have been given different bits of advice, typically the advice contradict one another. The quote I have received for the remedial work is just short of £300, 'should' the trader pay this for me as it was obviously like it when he sold it. If someone could just advice me of where I stand and how to proceed it would be greatly appreciated. thanks Mike
  7. Hello Agaain In November 2017 I bought a commercial freezer online from a so called reputable comapny. The freezer was faulty and they made 4 enginer callouts to repair the freezer eventually giving up and sending me a replacment of the same make and model which suited me fine as long as i have a working freezer. Ever time the tempature goes up i loose stock and end up going through the whole hassle of calling the company up and complaining. I have proof of all the call outs and that the item was replaced. My problem is it has only been 5 days since the replacement and i already have had the enginer round becouse the moment the freezer arrived we noticed the temperature setting was faulty and now on the 5th day the actually freezer is not working properly as it has gone up to -7* this should be between -18 and -22 as the manual and description states. i am about to contact the company but this time demand a refund rather then repair or refund as i believer the make or model is faulty and we have tried those options before. im preparing a letter/email to send mentioning "consumer rights act 2015" i just wanted to clarify as this is a business to business transaction would it still be covered by the act. i been told it is covered but ive also been told otherwise. can anyone give me any advice on how i should go about this or any laws that would help me in this situation. just to mention, Any mention of a refund is absolutly refused going from previous conversation and they act as if i dont even have a choice in the matter.
  8. I got letter from solicitors, on behalf of Robinsons Way acting as agents for HPH (ex Barclaycard) on a debt they say originates from a legal agreement from 2004. This I believe relates to an old Egg debt, but BCard bought my Egg debt in 2011/12. I was paying Egg card small amount monthly, Egg stopped taking payments (not me defaulting) when BCard bought debt. Bcard wrote to me said I needed to change SO to their details and quote my Bcard as a reference!!! I didnt have BCard, it was an Egg card. I wrote and told them, they didnt reply, I didnt resume payments (Never made any payments to Bcard). That was in 2011/2012 not too sure of last payment date - have to scroll thru old bank statements, but never made any payments to BCard. Had various letters from Bcard, Robinson Way and other companies over the ensuing years, debt been passed off from one co to another. Now just received a Letter of Claim from solicitors saying they have legal agreement between me and original creditor (who they seem to be implying was BCard as no mention of Egg), and the date of that agreement. Said their "client" (think they mean BCard) purchased the account and it was legally assigned in July 17, Notice of Assignment sent to me - I not received! I have drafted a letter asking for a copy of the CCA, a full breakdown of the costs involved in the debt, and a copy of the Notice of Assignment. Will send recorded delivery tomorrow. I know they have 14 days to supply a legible true copy of the CCA -. My main thought is why has it taken them so long to initiate legal action if they have a good case? Any thoughts or advice please on what else I can do, Sorry for War and Peace!!
  9. I bought a rug from modern rugs last week. It arrived yesterday and while the pattern is the same, the colour of the rug is different. I have looked at their returns policy and they say they will refund the money if we send the rug back within 2 weeks at our own expense. It is a 116 x 170 rug and will be expensive to send back and as they sent a product that was not as advertised I do not feel I should have to pay the return costs. Does anyone know what rights I may have buying something online that does not match the pictures in the online shop?
  10. Hi, I was just asking for some advice regarding a recent order. I bought some jeans online from Stuarts London in their sale for 67 pounds. I received them today 31/01/18, tried them on but they dont fit (too small). I had to download the returns form and while filling it in I noticed the line- Sale items are NOT refundable, and can only be exchanged for another product or a credit-note as an e-voucher will be issued against the purchase. I have never encountered this before, I have bought many clothes items online and returned them for a refund successfully even in sales. I thought under the current rules I have 14 days to return for a refund no questions asked. I would be grateful for a clarification and the right way to return them for a full refund. Thanks!
  11. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can offer some advice with an online shop problem. I bought an E-cig kit from a shop online which I received a week ago. This morning when I turned it on, the screen is faulty - it has like lines all down it right across it. I contacted the shop I bought it from who don't want to know. I was told that even though I had bought a full kit - mod and tank in a sealed box, that he could not take the tank back due to hygiene reasons as it goes in your mouth. I don't get this as I know that vape shops who have faulty goods returned send the whole kit back to the manufacturer who in turn refunds them. No vape shop will take back part of a kit and it must be returned in its original box. After being pushed, he said he might replace the mod but could not guarantee it would be in a sealed box - all mods are bought in sealed boxes. He said I would have to trust him that he would not send me an old reconditioned replacement ! He point blank refused to replace the whole kit with a new one so I told him in that case I would want a refund to which he refused and said I obviously didn't know the law. He then said if he was to consider anything, he would have to make sure that I had not damaged the mod myself - I am OCD about all my mods. They are all like new I am so fussy with them so no I didn't damage it myself. Again I was told that I obviously don't know the law and that he doesn't have to give any refund. This guy is really dodgy. I paid for the kit through paypal Does anyone know what I should do now? Thanks for any advice you may have
  12. I'm in a bit of a pickle and am hoping someone can help me work out how to get around this: I bought my partner an Apple laptop via eBay three years ago. All seemed above board, but I collected in person and the seller insisted I pay cash as they didn't want to risk a Paypal chargeback - fair enough, I thought. At the time, they assured me they would send me a copy of the original Apple sale receipt and I asked several times. The seller then stopped responding to my messages. Not an issue, I thought, since I had the laptop and didn't think the proof of purchase would be an issue. To prevent the laptop being used if stolen, we put a firmware password on the laptop - this is a low-level password that effectively locks the Mac altogether if the hard disk is changed, which makes it very difficult for thieves to use the laptop if they steal it and try to wipe the hard drive. Six months later in 2015, we realised that we had forgotten the password. We took the laptop to Apple and, after e-mailing every bit of correspondence I had had from the eBay sale and with the seller of the laptop, a nice chap at Apple Ireland authorised my local Apple repair shop to reset the firmware password. Thinking we were out of the woods, my partner put a new password on the machine, wrote it down safely in a book, and that was that. Fast forward to two weeks ago, and we have realised that we have once again forgotten the password, and, having moved house, have lost the book. However, this time, Apple have refused to reset the password, because we don't have the original sale receipt for the laptop. Apple have said that, since we don't have the original proof of purchase, we will have to pay around £500 to have a new main board (the logic board) replaced. My instinct in this matter is that, having proven once beyond reasonable doubt that we are the legitimate owners of the laptop, a reasonable person would believe that we are still the rightful owners of the laptop, and Apple should remove the password. If somebody could help, we would be most grateful (in fact, if you can help us get Apple to authorise this password removal, I will send you £50 and a crate of beer/cider/wine/fizzy pop of your choice) Thanks ever so much! Alex
  13. I bought some made to measure window blinds from an online retailer. They make it clear they cannot be returned if the purchaser gives the wrong measurements, so I followed their measuring guide to the letter. When they arrived the blinds themselves fit perfectly, but the fixings that hold the blind do not fit the recess I have. These fixings or their size were not mentioned in the measuring guide or anywhere else on the site. I have asked for a refund but they say they can't be returned as the blinds are made to measure. I said I wasn't to know the fixings would be bigger and not fit, and they said I should have expected they be bigger in order to hold the blind. They have offered a discount on an alternative blind which would fit better, but no refund on the initial purchase. They also pointed out I'd ordered a similar blind before and so should have known about the fixings, but I didn't fit that blind myself, and the window it was for wasn't so shallow, so such an issue never arose and I've never even given it a thought. Obviously I wouldn't have bought blinds I know couldn't fit - what would be the point? Where do I stand, in terms of returns? Thanks.
  14. Hi folks, I purchased a car on finance in December 2016. I viewed the car and agreed that I was wanted to go ahead and make the purchase as I already had the finance sorted. The only thing that I noticed was a whine coming from the engine, but not being a mechanic I never really bothered about it as I had always wanted this make and model. I contacted the finance company and gave them all the details of the trader and the car, and then signed all the paperwork at the showroom. I was told the car was going to go into the workshop to be be checked over I told them I would collect the following weekend to give them some time. I physically collected the car a week after signing the documents, which was the 10th December 2016. A couple of days after driving it the whine got pretty bad, I swung by my local garage and asked them to be told me that the turbo was on it's way out, and it's a potential expensive fix, I contacted the dealer and he asked me to bring it back to assess it. That same week I got in my car in the city centre to drive home from work and the front spring snapped when i shut the driver's door. I eventually managed to have it recovered to the dealer and get a lift home. The dealer told me they would replace the spring and the turbo at the same time. Excellent. With the turbo playing on my mind the slight popping from the front driver's wheel wasn't a priority, but now the car was driving much quieter I could hear it every time I went over a bump or turned the steering to the right. was now over my 30 day warranty had the front suspension mount replaced. No dice. After 5 months of annoying knocking, in May my local garage took the car in again and replaced the drop link, since the car was giving poor MPG I had it checked out, to find it was running cold, and the thermostat had stuck open, had the EGR and main thermostat replaced at my expense. When it was in my local garage the mechanic noticed a slight oil leak and asked me if I wanted him to check it out, I said yes. He removed the skid plates from under the car to find a leak from the oil sump, there was some sort of epoxy putty covering the source of the leak but it was still seeping from the sides. the oil leak was gradual. He quoted me over £400 to replace the oil sump and replace the oil. This was just the last straw. contacted the trader and after 4 weeks they had not replied, contacted my finance company who told me I was 3 days over the 6 months and I would need to pay to have the car inspected to prove the faults were there when I got the car. I paid and had an inspection done, to be told the car has 21 FAULTS!! One of which deemed the car dangerous to drive! I needed the car for work again, I paid to have the cracked front hub replaced so I could get some use of the car safely. the other 20 faults involve leaking suspension all round, a bent front drop link (possibly when the spring snapped as it's the same side), suspension bars which have completely rusted away and loads more. The total cost to repair these faults is £3'141.00!! Hopefully there isn't a judge in this land who could try and say that a suspension rod could rust completely rust away and crumble in the space of 6 months, neither could an oil sump which is covered by a strong skid plate be punctured and repair itself with putty. I passed the report on to the finance company they have spoken to the garage who did the inspection who verified most of the issues they found were more than likely over 6 months old, now I am waiting to hear back as to what the next step would be. The thing is, if they are going by the date I signed the finance agreement then they are correct, however I never took collection of the car until a week AFTER I signed the paperwork I would never had 6 months opportunity to highlight any faults. 21 faults found on a car in the first 6 months ownership is ridiculous, and I am looking to find out the best and worst case scenario, given the costs to put it right. Sorry for the long winded explanation but I wanted to give a clear explanation as to the history of problems with my 2006 BMW 320d.
  15. Regarding Ebay. I purchased an item from an American seller. The total cost of the item including postage came to £31. I got a card through the door today from royal mail asking me to pay a customs charge of £14.10. When I looked at royal mail customs online it clearly states on there that goods purchased below £135 would be exempt from customs duty. What should I do!?
  16. Hi-a company has essentially not paid £300 of mine. I recently sent a final demand letter via tracked post and i can see that it was not sign for at the other end, it is actually being sent back to me. They are also not responding to emails although they were responding before. Can someone please tell me how i would go about suing the company. thanks!
  17. Well it is that time of year again when Car Boots kick off. Just found this story. Diamond ring bought for £10 at car boot sale turned out to be worth £350,000 Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/22/diamond-ring-bought-for-10-at-car-boot-sale-turned-out-to-be-worth-350000-6651215/#ixzz4hmYG7BAm What is the article that you found at a car boot that you were delighted with or disappointed with. Maybe you bought something that fell to pieces or a bargain that you want to gloat about. Well you have to release the pleasure or displeasure. Yesterday I bought this Bikini Vase for 50 p popped a flower in there and pleased me no end. I am easily pleased.Are you.
  18. Hi all, I am really sorry but I do not know where to put this. I bought an online course. It had a no refund policy and was based in the USA. After going through it - I have realised that the claims made in the sales pitch were very misleading and some were lies. As what is stated in the course is quite different to what is stated in the salespitch. I asked for a refund and was told flat out that it would not happen and then was told that everything I said was wrong - my perception and the facts and that he could prove it. Then was told he would not respond to anymore messages about it. I have spoken to several other people who have felt mislead too. They have been successful at taking the company to small claims in the USA. In fact there seems to be quite the awful trail if you look for it online. I have contacted my credit card company about this and I am waiting to hear back. The amount was £600. As the company is in the USA - what can I do about this? Will the credit card company help me or do I need to do something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I get that they had a no refund policy which would have been fine if the salespitch hadn't basically lied. I know the UK law does specify that marketing should not be misleading etc...however as this is a USA company I am not sure how to deal with it. And yes I know I was dumb and it is the first time I have fallen for this crap and I am disappointed in myself but well live and learn and I know it won't happen again.
  19. Hi I purchased a sofa on eBay from an actual company, as opposed to a private seller. I paid using a credit card, but as it was on eBay, it went through PayPal. I entered my card number directly, rather than using it as a funding source, if that makes sense. I.e. it was a direct purchase with my card rather than PayPal being used as a staged wallet. I make this distinction because I wanted to know whether this gives me any section 75 rights. So anyway the sofa broke after 3 months. The wood supporting the legs broke so the legs went up inside the base.. Although it was only £150, an item should be fit for purpose and not break so soon, especially as the item description said 'high quality materials used'. I contacted the seller but they wanted nothing to do with it, insisting that I should have noticed the defect earlier. As it was over 30 days, they claim I had accepted the item and could not return it. I supplied photographic evidence but they said that someone must have exerted excessive force on it. This is untrue, we have only sat on it normally and not even used it as a sofa bed which it does convert to. So I opened a dispute with PayPal. They heard my side of the story and I asked if they required either the photographs or the correspondence between myself and the seller as proof, but they said not yet, they would request it if they needed it. The next thing that happened is the seller responded to the case (I didn't get to see their response) then PayPal ruled in their favour without me being able to offer any counter argument or evidence. I need to know what I can do next. Should I contact my credit card company? Info on MoneySavingExpert suggests that using PayPal prevents you from claiming under section 75 but it doesn't draw any distinction between PayPal as a wallet and PayPal as a gateway service. I was hoping that using my card directly may help. What other options are available? My wife was successful in using the government Money Claim service so I may do that if the credit card avenue is not viable. The eBay returns process doesn't seem to cover any scenario after 30 days. The company is Furniture In Fashion if that helps or rings any bells with anyone. Any advice welcome! Thanks Burton
  20. Helping someone . I bought my house in a auction and knew the house was suffering from some sort of damp problem. I never had a survey done as there was no mortgage and there was a damp problem. I have managed to sort that out and will be having a damp course done in a few weeks time. However now some 16 months on cracks have started to appear on inside walls. These are vertical ones and are very thin. I have checked the wall above and because it has wall paper on cannot check if the cracks have gone up. I did however contact my insurance company who took down the claim an are in the middle of appointing a Surveyor to come out and inspect this. Do i have anything to worry about if i cannot produce a survey ?
  21. Just bought my first car in the UK from a large auto auction and was curious about the V5C document. Do I really need the signature of the registered keeper (previous owner) if purchased through an auction where I have no contact with the previous owner at all? :???:
  22. Hey guys, was wondering if you could give me some advice on whether I've handled a used car situation, as after putting it off as much as possible, I've been given no other choice but to take a car dealer to court 8th December, me and my girlfriend traded in her Corsa for £400, for a Polo plus £500 cash (£900) total. The dealer checked her car, and had access to it for about 4-5 hours. I test drove one car, which broke down straight away, then test drove a similar but more expensive one, but only at 30mph up and down the local road. I refused the £50 Mot offered (Had 4 months left), as I have a very trustworthy garage that I wanted to take it to. As soon as money changed hands, the car cut out when I drove it out, to which the dealer said it was just because the car was parked on a slope and it's just the petrol and would be fine after putting some petrol in it. despite driving 15 mins back to my home, and putting in £10 petrol, the car kept cutting out, whenever going over speed bumps the car would make awful scraping sounds. when I took it to my garage they said there were two minor problems and an oil leak from the sump pan. They said the dealer illegally sold me the car, and that they would have to fix these problems straight away. Dealer argued the case, but eventually accepted that they needed fixing, and booked me into his local garage. 5 days later i took it to his garage, and when the work was done the mechanic denied that he was even told to look at the sump pan, and that he wouldn't look at that until the dealer gave the go ahead (he did fix the 2 minor problems again, contacted dealer, who reluctantly said he would book it in, to which was another 5 days away. When car was taken to garage, he kept it for a few days, and finally rang us to pick it up, but it was still cutting out while driving. due to it being Christmas, it took just under 2 weeks to get it checked by my garage (5th January) to which they said that it wasn't fixed, and that I need to take it back. Again contacted seller who arranged it for the 9th (a day after a month of having the car). On the day I was unwell and my girlfriend didnt feel safe driving the car, I text to cancel, but then the dealer started ignoring us. I tried ringing but no avail. i gave it a few days and then text him again to say that I wasn't happy with the car and would like a full refund. No response. spoke to citizens advice, who said send him a recorded letter. Which I did. But again no response, i text him saying if i dont hear back I will take it to court. Thats when he finally responded saying that it's my fault for buying a used car, and that he won't be giving me a refund and that I can take him to court but to let him know in advance. There's been a lot of back and forth between me and him, but the only thing he's willing to offer is £400 refund as he says the Corsa I traded in had a Head Gasket problem and it's cost him £480 to fix, even though I was not aware of this problem, and he had ample time to check and reject the trade in on the day. He's also listed the car without saying that he's fixed it, but is saying he's fixed pads and discs, which he never mentioned to me. I offered that he could have the Corsa for free, but the minimum I would've taken was my £500 cash back, to which he declined. Now I've applied for small claims court and am claiming over £1200 as I've had to keep the car insured and taxed to keep it on the road as I have no where else to store it I was debating whether to claim for traveling costs, as the car was bought to travel to football matches but I've had to get multiple coaches and trains on the day Do I have a good chance of winning?
  23. My partner bought a vehicle for £2650 from car dealer with no warranty on 7th March 2017. On 25th March 2017 the bottom end crank shaft went and we had to be towed. The garage said the work is minimum £1500 and we've shopped around and nowhere can do it cheaper. The car dealer said that is an extortionate amount for what needs to be done and has agreed to pay half. Leaving us to find £750 to pay for the rest. My partner is about to agree to it as he feels he's had enough stress with it but we're having our first baby this year and really can't afford it. Is there anything we can do? Do we have the right to fight?
  24. Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question but my wife and I are thinking about buying a sofa and like the idea of buying online because of the distance selling rights of being able to send it back if it turns out to be unsuitable. Please can I ask if buying in store and then having the goods delivered is classed as distance selling or am I really embarrassing myself here?
  25. My Mother In Law has got several scary warnings from Parking Eye for parking without a ticket, despite having bought one. She's found the ticket and she put the wrong reg in. Is it worth replying to, or just keep ignoring it?
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