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Found 18 results

  1. Hi, I parked in a loading bay for what felt like no more than 15 minutes and received a parking ticket. See images attached. I couldn't see any signs that clearly displayed the time allowed or the terms and conditions. Is this legal? Please let me know if you need any information and thank you CAG in advanced!
  2. Hi, I entered the Damside Street Car Park in Lancaster on 09/09 2018 at 11:57:47 with a 5 years old daughter in distress. While my partner took care of her I had to go around to find a place where to change money because I didn't have enough loose change to pay for a parking ticket at the ticket machine. Therefore I bought a parking ticket valid for 1 hour at 12:10 (just over two minutes after the 10 minute grace period finished). I left the car park at 12:13:02. In total, I stayed there for less than 16 minutes but purchased a ticket allowing me to stay for 1 hour (plus the 10 minutes grace period). A few days later I received a Parking Charge for £125. I tried to appeal with the HX Car Management and with the Independent Appeal Service but with no success. A few days ago, I received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones solicitors threatening with a legal action if I don't pay £160. I'm not sure what to do. Shall I pay or shall I go to the court? Do I have any chance in the court with no legal experience? Thank you for your help Miroslav
  3. Hello, I've received a notice to keeper today for exceeding the maximum period allowed by 17 minutes. Although I was driving the car, I was not the keeper as it's my fiancé's (so the letter was addressed to her but I won't let suffer for it) My initial reaction was to ignore it but I decided to play it safe and ask for guidance. Thank you in advance. 1 Date of the infringement 11/02/19 2 Date on the NTK 18/02/19 3 Date received 20/02/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, plates upon entry and exit 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Euro Car Parks 8. Where exactly Marks & Spencer, Penrith BPA
  4. Hello, I have Entered Crawley NCP carpark Opposite TAJ. Which is pay and display car park without any entry and exit bariers . After entered i got a phone call it's took 8 minutes the reason i need to park my meeting was canceled i got a phone call from them then i left car park i have stayed just 11 minutes 30 seconds. After 13 days i have received a parking charge £100 and if i pay within 14days i have to pay £60. Please kindly advise me what i have to do ? shall i need to pay or i can ignore it? Many thanks Kind Regards parking charge.pdf
  5. Hi Guys, Date of Infringement : 21/08/2018 Issue Date : 23/08/2018 Date Received : 25/08/2018 Mentions Schedule 4 Protections of Freedoms Act 2012 : No Photographic Evidence : Yes, entering and leaving Have you appealed : Not yet, rang Lidl Parking Company : Athena ANPR Where : Lidl dedicated Carpark, 21 London Road, Blackwater, Surrey, GU17 9AF Operating Under : International Parking Community's Accredited Operator Scheme Permitted Stay : 1:30 Apparent Stay : 1:42:10 Hi guys, Received a named letter today. Pretty disgusted. Apparently the car was parked there for 12 minutes longer than permitted. We are regular Lidl customers and have a bank statement showing money spent during the 'offense'. Rang customer service, who weren't interested at all in helping. The letter came today, pretty upset by it, especially as money is tight at the moment. Spent time looking through newbie threads here and elsewhere, Would like to email the CEO as I see others have done this, couldn't find it though. Still unsure as to how exactly I should proceed. Any advice is really appreciated.
  6. Hi, Just looking for some advice please. I recently went to a small local supermarket and had not realised that there was a time limit on the parking session. There are various signs up but the main entrance sign says "car park for shop users" - see signs for details, I assumed the car park was for users of the car park and that there was no time limit. Unfortunately the time limits were displayed on the other signs up in the car park. I just got a letter with a parking notice, as I was 14 minutes longer that allowed. The reason I took long was my child was feeling ill and then fell asleep in the car I stayed in the car with her until she woke up and I then went shopping in Asda. I paid cash on the day. Just wondering if I should pay the reduced rate or if I should try appealing. I don't think I have a leg to stand on I honestly did not see there was a time limit. Any suggestions? Thanks, Chris pparkingeye.bmp
  7. Received 2 NIPs from different police forces after being caught by speed cameras, one in one force area, the 2nd in another force area. Was continuing a journey on the same motorway in the middle of the night, temp roadworks - unmanned - speed not excessive but over the limit, but each one was within the speed thresholds. One force offered me a speed awareness course, but the other refused and instead issued me with the more severe *Conditional Offer Of Fixed Penalty*, i.e. £100 fine plus 3 points. I did the course, cost me £76. I contend that the other force should not have issued me with the conditional fixed penalty and that both offences were only seen as separate because - unknowingly to me - the 2 speed cameras were in different force areas, even although I was still on the same motorway. Seems excessive punishment and a technicality is being used in order to deny me another speed awareness course offer, i.e. that only one can be done every 3 years. I've checked all the guidelines and the force in question has apparently breached them. I now stand to get a court summons because I've refused to accept the *COOFP* and would claim that both offences should not be separate but ought to be seen as one only. Seems like they want two bites of the same cherry? A tricky one where it seems as if their guidelines can't cope with my circumstances, so instead of either treating them as a continuation of the first offence, or taking no action, they seem hell bent on prosecuting me. Any thoughts ??
  8. Regarding the fact that the "edit post" facility has apparently been changed so it is only available for 10 minutes after posting, not 24 hours. From http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?459296-Freedom-of-Information-Act-being-abused-with-vexatious-FOI-requests.&p=4853996 Downsides of this: CAG'ers on smartphones may not have the "preview post" option. It may well be available on the "full site" rather than "mobile view" options, but in that case, if forcing people towards using the non-mobile option ; why have the mobile view? The problem for people (especially on mobile devices) is that they may post, and have something happen in real life so they can't go back and check their post within the next 10 minutes, loosing the ability to change typos and incorrect "autocorrect substitutions". Sometimes, even despite proofreading, errors aren't spotted until the post has been posted..... Does it matter if an OP alters their post? I doubt it does, if no one else has replied. If someone has replied : why not "solve the problem" by encouraging people replying to reply with quote (the default on my smartphone). The quoted section won't change even if the OP changes their original post, and provides not only a record of the original post, but context for the reply, too. I think the "baby has been thrown out with the bath water" here, for the reasons I've stated. Suggestions one should "preview you post" before posting show just how easy it is for typos to slip through, even with previewing. I suggest other solutions (as stated) are better, or even a shorter "lock period" than 24 hours, but nowhere as brief as 10 minutes.
  9. Hi, I’m new to the forum and I’m looking for advice, I parked in a supermarket car park which has a 2 hour limit on it, and i have received a fine today through the post stating that i was over the 2 hours free parking by 12 minutes, the fine is £50 which is a lot of money for me at the moment. I genuinely didn’t realise I had been over 2 hours. I was hoping someone would have any idea on whether I could get around this problem; I mean it was only 12 minutes. I would be really thankful if someone would have any advice, thank you.
  10. Please advise! My 7 year old daughter is severely impaired and she has a blue badge. We use a wheelchair adapted car. We usually park in disabled bays. On 20th of Apr 2016 we received Parking Charge Notice from Gemini, parking operator ar Rivermead Centre Reading. The PCN states that the car exceeded the 30 minutes free of charge parking with 3 minutes. They've asked a payment of 100£, 60 payable in 14 days. My opinion : 1. I thought disabled parking (public or private) are free of charge. 2. The PCN was issued on 20th of Apr for a civil offence committed on 20 th of march - is thus corect? 3. The signs displayed in the parking are ambiguous without any mentions regarding terms & conditions. 4. I've sent an email to the Rivermead Centre asking for the terms and conditions that apply in their car park with NO answer back. When my daughter is not in the car we don't use the disabled bays nor her blue badge. I didn't find any other post with the same situation and I open this one. Please find attached the PCN I would appreciate a lot your opinions! Best regards, Marius
  11. http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/this_land_is_mine/ No politics please, i posted this link up as nobody even knows why people are even fighting anymore in its simplistic form It shows how much the human race still needs to grow up and put our petty differences aside. Enjoy its true meaning, and remember
  12. Hi, my female friend/girl friend paid to stay in a Hotel, she doesn't drive. She asked me to come and see her as she was having trouble at home etc, she said there was parking there and that as she had booked a twin room, I could stay if I wanted to, she told me that her booking informed her there was parking available for guests, the tricky part is one section Booking conditions: it says free private parking is available on site (reservation is not needed) and then another part it says, A) there is no check in desk, remote door access codes are given, B)All reservations will be provided with 1 free car parking space. Guests must provide the car registration when they complete their reservation using the Special Requests box, or before arrival using the contact details found on the booking confirmation. Additional parking spaces must provide car registrations and an additional costs will be applicable. I have told them this, I even showed the copy of her booking, I was only there for approx 15 minutes, the company is NPE Parkingprotection. They say I was there for 30 minutes and I will have to pay the charge, All correspondance has been by email and now they want my address and if I don't give it they will obtain it from DVLA... What should I do as I only have today to pay it before it goes up to £100 then more.....
  13. I am a newly elected union chairman at work and it is a learning process for me as well as challenging.Ther eis one issue which I cannot answer as I do not know the answer.Basically,a colleague at work said that all the disciplinary hearings at work are illegal because the minutes should be taken by someone independant, rather than the person conducting the hearing.Is this correct, and if so, is there any legislation on this issue?.Many thanks
  14. I got a £90 "fine" (discounted to £45 if I cough up within 14 days) from Smart Parking. I gather that this is not like council parking fines or penalties but is in fact an invoice for the damages they have incurred ! Is this legally enforceable ? I'm reluctant to just ignore it and hope it will go away because I don't want the stress hanging over me. What do I need to do to make this go away ? Should I contact the Co-op who own the car park (it says coop car park on the ticket)? What is a POPLA ? Is there a template I can use ?
  15. hy i wonder if anyone can help , I went for my atos medical today , they were a hour behind ?? , when i eventually got to see the examiner , he said as you have a few medical conditions i will do one at a time . my first was I have bile acid malabsorption , he asked me how it affects me , how often i go to toilet , how many accidents a day/night i have , he punched this into the computer , than after 2 mins , left the room saying he would only be a minute , he came back in and said ok you can go , my last medical took a hour and a half , this one 5 minutes , he did not ask me about any other health problems. I am totally confused as to why he did not ask about any of my other disabilities , can anyone help
  16. http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/~/media/pdf/Consumer_forum/Consumer%20Forum%20Minutes%20-%20%20December%202012.ashx Comments?
  17. I had a return to work interview (after more than a week off waiting for OH assessment that advised I was perfectly fir to work, as the hospital had stated on discharging me), immediately followed by a 'management restructuring meeting' where I was invited to resign or take redundancy. I asked at the start of the meeting when I realised where it was leading whether I would be supplied with minutes; the response was that it was not a formal meeting, so no minutes would be taken/available. I followed up the meeting with an email with my notes of the meeting. A reply came back with employers version - I think he'd been at a different meeting, still discussing 'restructure' with the implication my role no longer exists, although no reference to redundancy/req to resign that had been main topic of meeting. At a brief face to face meeting today, reaffirmed the redundancy 'option' - plus followed by a couple of emails from them referring to the face to face meeting, and 'the matter we spoke of' and 'the misunderstanding'. If I can't get decent settlement, planning to take to Emp Tribunal - but am concerned about this lack of written evidence - any advice? Also, can I insist on taking a friend with me as a witness to future meetings?
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