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  1. Hi I'll try and keep this brief. A friend and I got on a train recently where there is no ticket facility and there was no conductor on the train. When we got to the destination station my mate took off to the ticket office and asked for two tickets from the last stop, not the station we go on at. At this point I wasn't aware that he was getting my ticket and was fully expecting to get my own. We'd had a few beers and he thought this was a bit of a high jinks and mischief, it certainly wasn't about the £3 difference in price. Well, as you can imagine we were questioned, had our details taken and advised that a letter would be on the way. Are we looking at prosecution or is there any possibility we'll be able to settle out of court? I can't believe we've been this silly and neither of us have any convictions at all.
  2. Hi, My relative attempted to book a train ticket from destination A to destination B in the EU. Instead she bought it in reverse from destination B to A, the prices are the same either way. Immediately after purchase she contacted the website to adjust the error. She was told she made a mistake and that the tickets are non-refundable entirely blaming her for the error. However, I am not sure the error on the ticket was entirely her fault. 1) She has a disability and found the website was confusing and difficult to use. There were web accessibility problems. Web accessibility problems will have a disadvantage to people with certain disabilities and it will cost them money in a situation like this one. 2) She had to keep on moving back or refreshing pages as they kept timing out. The error made in the purchase might have been the result of the poor website performance, or because she had to go back on the pages. 3) The information provided on the site was not clear enough, or was not delivered in a way that was clear enough, further increasing the possibility of the error being overlooked during the check out. 4) Despite reaching out to the seller immediately after making the purchase for a ticket for a journey that is to take place only in July, the seller refused to reverse the charge or fix the error on the ticket. 5) The seller blamed my relative for the error, when the fault could lie with the website itself. This would actually means that a seller can design a website that would deliberately lead some customers to make errors, thus making people buy two tickets instead of one, and in that way sell more tickets. It’s concerning. Do we have any rights in these situations? Or do the ticket selling sites do what they want more or less? Any views would be great. Thank you.
  3. Hi everyone, love the website, long time lurker.. I received a lovely yellow penalty notice stuck to my window today. I have attached the 'ticket' in this post. From what I understand I should not do anything until i'm sent a notice to keeper, is that correct? And then from there I'm a bit unsure, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot PCN.pdf
  4. Hi all A friend came to me as I work in legal but this is outside my expertise and I have read some good advice on this site so hope someone might be able to help. My friend was caught without a ticket on a Cross Country train. They took a copy of his ID and said he would receive a fine in the post. Two months later he has only received this letter. From reading previous posts I had advised him he would receive a letter asking for his version of events but nothing else has come through yet. Is this the normal process? Any advice or pointers would be gratefully received. Many thanks Letter.pdf
  5. This will be a long post, so bare with me on this. A few weeks ago, my mother received a letter from Amigo loans. Strangly enough, telling her to confirm her details for her recent loan application. Pretty strange, I mean we've heard of them but NEVER used them or even been on their site. I decide to ring up, find out what it's about (maybe its a mistake or error). NOPE. They recieved a application from a company called Express Finance. Again, never heard of them. But amigo gave us the contact information for them, and took mum off their system. And we rang Express Finance. Again, they had an application/information sent to them from yet another company, Finance Train. They told us they'd take the information off their system. We then decided to contact finance train, whom we came to notice were a loan broker. And this is where it all begins... I myself decided to try and email them I had any information from them written down (incase it went further than them as this was getting bizzare now). Every single email address on their website came back not sent. Every. Single. One. i'll ring them? Nope. Their phone always (no matter what time of day) goes through as if ringing and then just says 'our offices are shut. Please call again during buisness hours'. Well, what hours are those? You're a UK based company, working normal buisness hours but I can never get hold of ANYONE. So by now, i'm a little mad. We find the FCA authority number and have a quick look if they're still trading. They are, and another company shows up but its MDX solutions. Apparently, Finance Train is a trading style of MDX solutions i think, Okay, email MDX solutions. Someone there should direct me to the right place at least. I emailed on the 4th Nov. I'm still waiting. Now all this sounds a little weird by now as it is, I decided to look into the companies listed with MDX solutions and there's a few in total. 2 have the same website, a few colour changes, and my favourite part about one of them is that it has 'This is a paragraph' written on their privacy policy, you know, just incase I didn't understand the concept of a paragraph. Every company on there which is a loan broker has the same number for customer services, and same style of email address 'customerservices@xxxxx'. The other websites, have a different number to these, but again, their numbers match (little bit odd to say the least). All these companies are registered to flats in London (or at least MDX solutions is, but on the 'contact us page' the address is that exact same one. And looking at the person who managed MDX solutions (who has his own website for his new company) seems very proud of having 5 companies who have gotten FCA approval by him (I know because of a blog post on their telling me all about it). This all seems very weird to say the least. Has ANYONE else had dealings with MDX solutions or Finance Train (Or even a company linked with them) because I really REALLY want to get to the bottom of this. (PS mother has NEVER used a broker in her life, she has had a loan before but we did ring the company to ensure they didn't pass those details on to a broker or in general and they informed us they do not do that what so ever. They're a fairly large company as well so I tend to trust what I have been told by them)
  6. Hello, all Today I received an intention to prosecute from Thamleslink railway in relation to an incident some weeks ago. To provide some background, I was having a pretty forgetful few days... I left my coat & gloves on the train, forget my suit when attending a wedding and in relation to this post, I forget to get a train ticket. For context, I was extremely sleep deprived as I recently became a father for the first time and was under a ton of pressure. At around 6am, I arrived at my train station late for my train which I was under pressure to make as I had a job interview (the company I work for has been recently bought so I don't have job security & I have bought a new house). I use carnet tickets where I fill in the ticket with the appropriate date. I had forgotten to pick up a new blank ticket that morning and proceeded to use an old ticket unintentionally to enter the barriers and board the train (I didnt check). I suddenly realised the mistake I had made and in my panic, I changed the date of the old ticket to the day of travel. I appreciate this is an error of judgement but in my haze of sleep deprivation and panic, I made a bad choice. A revenue inspector asked me to produce my ticket, which I did and he accused me of changing the dates. I attempted to explain myself and convince him it wasn't premeditated but he informed me of rights and took my details. I admitted my mistake to the officer and admitted to changing the dates. This is my first caution and I am now obviously worried about the outcome (fine, criminal record, prison sentence etc). I am obviously happy to pay a fine as I did a bad thing but I dont want to lose my job over this. I have tickets to prove I had a blank ticket at home and have never done this before. My offences are listed as; - Altering a ticket with intent - entering a train for the purpose of travelling without a ticket Any advice on how I should respond to the prosecution letter and guidance on what penalty they could impose would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
  7. I'm going to see a friend in Germany and started booking it up and had a problem booking my ticket home. I'm flying out and got the hotel booked but after trying to book a train ticket on Loco2 and Bahn.de for the homeward journey I deserved a problem with the whole plan. The reason I tried to book the train was because flights were extortionate, around £300 minimum (around this time of year I expected that). The train I found leaves Hamburg at 00:34 on 29/12/2018 arriving into London at 12:57 and the fare offered for this train was £66 Standard Class or £123 First Class. I decided to go with the latter but Loco2 refused to book the train for me. I wanted to book there to get a 'through ticket' so if Eurostar or DB ran late I'd not face problems using an Advance ticket on the UK Railway. As it wouldn't give it to me I decided to book the international part on bahn.de This website gave reservations but when it came to entering card details to make payment, Their website would not reserve a seat on the 11:56 Eurostar service. There is a button which says "Force Reservation" which I pressed and it kicked a message back saying the train was fully booked. I thought this was odd so decided to try and book with Eurostar directly and noticed that their website was showing some fully booked trains but wasn't showing a 11:56 departure from Brussels. After investigation I found out both Bahn.de and Loco2 (Which presumably API's to the Bahn system) was trying to make a reservation for Eurostar Train #9129 ... That train runs only on Sundays... the 29/12/2018 is a Saturday, so it shouldn't be coming up as a possible journey at all... I've spent a few hours trying to figure out how to get around this problem. It seems that the 12:52 departure is fully booked for Both Standard Class, Standard Premier Class but Business Premier does have seats available bringing the total price to £505.15 if I delay departure in Brussels I can use Standard Premier on the 14:56 for £317.00 (Standard Class is sold out) Either way I'm left with a touch choice of abandon the trip and lose out on the Hotel and Flight I've booked, pay the extra £200 (Which isn't really doable) or take the ferry from Hoek van Holland which will bring the price down to around £138.50 (This is doable) or use the coach from Brussels bringing the total to £159.45 both of these options take significantly longer but offer a considerable saving over the Eurostars. Having looked at this, what are my options here? I reported the issue to Loco2 straight away who blamed the Bahn system being slow to update. Having checked today the ticket for the train that doesn't exist is still being advertised. I believe this is mis-selling as the companies concerned are advertising a service which doesn't exist. I had no idea that service didn't exist until I tried to book said service. Had I have known this I wouldn't have booked the outward journey and hotel. A friend of mine commented that I should've booked everything in reverse. I disagree with that because the same could happen for the Hotel or for the outbound journey. I will probably book the ferry and just accept I won't get home until 2AM... But do I have any comeback here for the extra costs? Thanks, Shark
  8. Two days ago when I purchased a ticket at the ticket office, I was asked if I planned on returning between 16:00 and 18:30. As I expected that I wouldn't return until after 19:00, I said no to this and was sold an off-peak ticket. As things turned out, I was ready to return at 16:45 but, due to my earlier conversation at the ticket office I assumed that I would have to wait until 18:30 for a train. I waited around for an hour and three quarters before catching a train, only to meet a revenue protection officer on the train, who demanded that I buy another ticket because my ticket was not valid on the train. I thought that the problem was with the train leaving at 18:30 precisely, but he told me that I had to wait until 19:00 to return. I went to the station again yesterday to purchase the same ticket but this time, when they asked if I planned on returning between 16:00 and 18:30, I asked them why. I was told that 16:00 and 18:30 are peak hours and it would be more expensive to return during these times. Why am I being given conflicting information by two separate employees of the same company? Who is correct? If I was told 19:00 in the ticket office, I would have waited an extra half an hour for a train, especially after having already waited for almost two hours. Furthermore, there were empty seats on the train, so it is not as though I have deprived another passenger of a seat. As I refused to buy an extra ticket, they told me that they will be taking me to court over the matter. I suppose that I will receive a letter in the post at some point? How should I respond to this?
  9. Hi all I booked a ticket via the GWR website several months ago. At the time of booking, I specified my outward journey but not my return. I purchased a ticket based on a journey that satisfied my outward requirements and that told me simply "Return journey: by 26 Jun 2017". I received an email confirmation stating the same. A few days ago I rang to book seats on the journeys only to be told that I couldn't travel on the mid day journey back that I wanted on the ticket that I had bought (a super off peak) but would need to either wait a further 4 hours before I could get the first train that met the ticket criteria or pay a further £50 to do so (almost as much as my original ticket). I was also told that if I did this on the day on the train, it would cost me £80 to quote "rectify my mistake". I asked why was I not told at the time of booking that I would be limited to certain trains for my return journey and was told "did I tick the terms and conditions box at the end of the transaction - because that explains the ticket types" I find this HIGHLY miss leading and a near deliberate attempt to con travellers into having to pay more for their journeys when finding themselves on a train they apparently should not be travelling on. I also asked if the difference in fair would have been cheaper had I paid the difference at the time and (due to my only finding this out a week before travel) was told it would have been significantly cheaper. Anyone else feel this is miss leading too? I would really like to complain about this practise to the highest I can - who should I send it too? Thanks
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/01/end-rip-off-rail-fares-ticket-pricing-system-gets-overhaul/
  11. Hi all. A few days ago I was travelling on a train and caught without a ticket. it was not by a normal inspector and instead an enforcer of some kind who took matters more seriously. I had come from a small station where the ticket machine often does not work and so I said that was the reason i didn't have a ticket and was not intending to complete the journey without paying. He said that I had ample time at the station where I changed to go and buy a ticket. He also said that because the station i got on at and the one i would leave at did not have barriers that i could have intended to do the journey without paying. I apologised and said that i had planned on paying on the train, but after research its clear this isnt good enough. The whole conversation was recorded and he asked my details etc and i think he said i would be receiving a letter with an admin fee. I have done some research my question is will the letter offer an admin fee because i'm quite scared of the prospect of a court hearing and potential criminal record? Is there a way they could find out the ticket machine was in fact working (i'm not sure it was) and prosecute further or will they just want a quick penalty fee? Thanks in advance for you help.
  12. A barrister who dodged train fares for two years has been brought to justice Dr Peter Barnett, 44, was given a 16-week suspended sentence after swindling a rail company out of £5,892. Australian-born Dr Barnett, who won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, had been accused of avoiding £19,689. But his lawyer Angus Bunyan argued successfully that the figure – based on the full single fare for each dodged journey – was too high. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/609167/Barrister-fare-dodger-two-years-sentenced-court http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569758/Lawyer-prison-rail-fare?_ga=1.49340771.450238813.1443865536
  13. Virgin has become the first train company to automatically compensate some passengers if they are delayed. If you buy an advance ticket on the West Coast mainline through Virgin's website or app, you’ll get money back if your train is sufficiently late. The money would be with you within three days, and you won’t have to claim for it as it’ll be automatic. The government are encouraging other operators to roll out similar schemes nationwide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34424729
  14. Dear forum users, I hope I can gain some useful advise here as I can't afford proper legal advice. Story goes: I took a train from Llandaff to Cardiff Central (3 stops £3.60) for the local beer festival. Spirits were high and my mind wasn't on the ball. The ticket office was closed at Llandaff so usual run of business is buy on the train or at Cardiff Central. This train the conductor went back into his cabin and so I could not buy a ticket. When I got to Cardiff Central I asked where can we get a ticket bacause there was no ticket office open. Was directed to unpaid fairs desk. This is where I did things wrong big time. I claimed I came from Cathays. 1 stop after Llandaff. 60p cheaper. My normal run to work is Llandaff>Cathays. I claimed ticket office was closed. They called the station, station said they been open all day. During call I realised I wasn't thinking straight and said I came from Llandaff, but still ticket office was closed. I offered to pay the full fair but the officer said it was pointless as I was going to have to pay twice. So I didn't. This was all taken down in a statement and I had to sign it. Letter came few weeks later, I responded giving my story of events, apologised firmly stating that I had every intentiont to buy a ticket but put my hands up for confusing Llandaff and Cathays stop. I also offered to pay the full fair and wished not to waste anymore of their time. I'm a regular user of the service and always pay. I still have a Llandaff>Cathays rtn ticket for that day. I hold my hands up, I've done wrong I've been informed I must respond to the threat of court proceedings within two weeks before it progresses. I've no criminal record and I don't want to get one because of a stupid fib and 60p. Am I being paradoid or is what I did that serious? Any adivse on how to proceed would be much appreciated.
  15. Back in July I bought a ticket at Richmond station (Zone 1-4 travelcard) and travelled into Waterloo I used the ticket to enter the platform (The barriers are 99% in use at the station and always at the time travelled i.e. 17.30). Once I arrived at Waterloo and upon getting to the barriers I realised I no longer had the ticket. I approached the attendant and explained the situation he then instructed me to see the Enforcement officer. Having been once bitten (not enough balance on my oyster on one occasion four years ago) I considered just using my oyster to go through but stupidly thought I would be able to put my point across. Once getting there I was told a) I was liable for a £20 fine b) i had to buy another ticket. I explained that i'd bought the travel card using a credit card and could provide the statement as proof. Since then i have sent an appeal letter into Iracs, accompanied by proof of transaction and the appeal was rejected on the basis it arrived at the office after their deadline (the fact they backdate all of their correspondence a minimum of 7 days makes this a touch ironic). To summerise I replied that I will wait for them to refer it back to SWT and deal with them - I have now received an letter from Capital Resolve threatening a home visit and am debating whether to just pay the £90 fine. At the same time I would hate to give a penny to a bullying debt recovery agency without it absolutely being the best option. Having read a few of the other threads on this site and it would appear much of the advise is to pay the fine that said I have not found a case where a ticket was bought and lost on route. I have approached SWT separately but as expected they have said they cannot discuss any matters of a penalty fare (very quick response time) and I then asked separate to this specific fine - do they have access to a time stamped transaction history at the station? (asked twice - with no response at all) My personal view is that I am not in the wrong at all and would hope once this is referred I can actually put forward my case - equally i don't want to risk a mark on my record if the odds are against me. Any advise or experiences anyone might be able to provide would be greatly received.
  16. hi everyone, I hobbled to catch a train this morning at east Croydon at 611am the platform display was not working so I asked the train dispatcher was this the Clapham train he replied yes, I boarded the train. as I sat in the seat the announcement said the next stop is London Blackfriars. by this time the train was moving, I got off at Blackfriars and told the guy on the platform what had happened he told me to go to platform 1 and get back to east Croydon. I hobbled off to platform 1 as the train was due. I got on this train and exited it at east Croydon at approx. 718 I boarded the next train at east Croydon for Clapham junction this train was late and so there was lots of people waiting I boarded the train and as the train was packed stood in 1st class. the 2 single seats were free so I sat on the arm rest as my damaged knee was aching from running for different trains. about 5 minutes in 3 ticket inspectors said have I a 1st class ticket I replied no, they said I couldn't sit in first class as I didn't have a ticket, I said then were am I to stand as the carriage was ram packed and im sitting on an arm rest not on a seat , she said it doesn't matter and issued me a penalty ticket £20, I told her what happened and she said it was my fault that I got on the wrong train, can someone give me advice, this is the first time this has happened and I am fuming about 1 the guy told me to get on the wrong train 2 the next train was deleyed by 10 minutes from east croydon 3 there was no where else to stand apart from first class. I am currently having physio on my damaged left knee so I needed to sit on the arm rest not the seat as my leg was aching, I have letters mri scan and appointments of proof for this. can someone please give me some advice is this legal to give me a penalty notice for being in first class as the train was absolutely rammed from a delayed train. the train I get on at 611--615is is always empty and this is the one I should have got the train company is southern rail and the ticket inspectors were the same many thanks ian aka shanniani
  17. Hi guys, you were amazingly helpful in the past, so thought I would try you all again. Been doing lots of reading on the forum, but to be honest, just confusing myself. I parked at Newport train station, rushed for my train and forgot about paying for parking (usually do it via their app). remembered about 2-3pm so though "bugger, probably too late now" so paid it. Came back from London at 7pm with a parking ticket. The irony is that the ticket was timed for about 10 minutes before I paid for it online. I wrote a letter (probably against all your advice now lol) to them explaining all this and how I have paid the other 8 times I have used the parking, and how I did pay, but 10 minutes too late. received their "thanks but no thanks letter" What should I do now? pay the speculative invoice or appeal or ignore??? Please find attached the letter if anyone wants to read and help me out !! One of the funniest bits is, I am a guy !! Idiots thanks in advance guys
  18. Hello, This morning I drove to Totnes station to get the 10:19am train to London for a few days. I had checked on Saturday that there is long-stay parking in the APCOA parking at the station and the machines do long-stay tickets and offer the option to buy tickets in advance. So you would think if you can buy a ticket in advance there would be enough space. However there were no spaces except one in the parking allocated for maximum 1 hour stay. As far as I am aware there is no other long-stay parking in Totnes and with panicking about what to do with only a few minutes before the train I parked in the 1-hour area, ran over the bridge to buy a ticket for 4 days and ran back over to display the ticket and catch my train. Otherwise I would lose an expensive train fare. Maybe I was foolish to e-mail APCOA explaining the situation and wanting assurance they would not capitalise and they replied: Good morning, Thank you for your email. Is it possible to advise us of your vehicle registration number and for your arrival and departure dates and we can log this on our system? Unfortunately we cannot prevent a parking charge notice from being issued, however we can give you a reference number for you to appeal against should you be issued one. Kind regards, APCOA Parking (UK) I didn't send them my registration number (which I don't remember anyway since I just passed my driving test) but said I would be seeking legal advice. I believe they will try to get £100 profit from me for having to use the last available space. I do not know if they use wheel clamps. It is patently ridiculous to a. offer advance parking payment in a car park that was full the first time I used it and without reserving spaces b. to claim they cannot prevent a parking charge from being issued since it is they who are issuing it. Any advice on what to do in this case would be welcome. Please advise on what I should do! Thanks!
  19. Hi all, Just give you a quick run down of the operation of the local station and route to hopefully clear up any confusion before any advice can be given. Our local station is an unmanned station, as are all the stations on the branch line, apart from the two terminals, in this case Strood and Paddock Wood, and the middle main station being Maidstone West. All the stations have a machine placed at each entrance in which to purchase a Permit to Travel ticket which can then be exchanged for a travel ticket by either the issuing ticket office at Strood, Maidstone West or Paddock Wood, or by buying a ticket from the conductor/guard on board the train. However, in the last month, the types of trains used have changed from a 3 coach class 377 with a driver and conductor/guard, to a 2 coach class 466 driver only. The Permit to Travel machine at our local station always appears to be broken, either it is jammed with coins where it won't accept anything, or the coins just slip through to the rejected coin collector, although there is a time displayed on the machine to indicate that it is turned on. Over the last two weeks, my daughter has twice been issued with a £20 penalty fare by Revenue Protection as she wasn't in possession of a valid permit to travel or travel ticket, although she wasn't able to purchase one in the first place. Revenue Protection were at the first station she would have been able to purchase a ticket from, and before the ticket office, therefore stopping her from purchasing a ticket as she has done on numerous occasions before. She did state that the Permit to Travel machine wasn't working, but they said it was, even though they weren't at the station. She paid the first Penalty instantly, but she want's to appeal this second and any subsequent penalties that she may occur if the opportunity to purchase a Permit to Travel isn't available. Hoping that some of you good guys and girls on here can offer some advice and ammunition so she can win her appeal. Many thanks, Bloke 199
  20. Train companies are still failing to provide customers with accurate information about delay compensation, new research by the rail regulator has found. The research is in response to a super-complaint issued by Which? in December 2015 that highlighted how badly some train companies were letting down their passengers. The Office of Road and Rail (ORR) investigation has agreed with Which? that rail passengers are being doubly disadvantaged by train delays as the claims process for compensation is neither clear nor straightforward. One company even openly admitted that it’s not in its best interest to promote compensation to its passengers. How to claim refunds for train delays and cancellations Don’t miss out on the compensation you’re entitled to if your train is delayed. Use our guide to find out how much train delay compensation you’re due and how to claim it. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/03/train-companies-still-failing-millions-of-passengers-436881/
  21. Hello all, I am new on this Forum, I got a Penalty Fare Notice from East Midlands Trains. I tried to get the ticket on board as I thought I could do but instead I got a Penalty Fare. I paid half of it on board and then they took my details and told me to pay the rest. (I couldn't pay it all as I didn't have enough money on me). They asked me for my ID but I'm from a different country so I provided my ID from my country. They took my date of birth (they got the year wrong, I realised when I read my copy at home) and asked me for my name and address. I said I was on holliday so I didn't provide them an address. They have my name and my first surname (I have two surnames) and a telephone number from my country (but it's an old one because it was the only one I could remember). Am I ever going to get this fare? Are they going to find me with the information they have? Where do they check all this information? Thank you so much.
  22. Hi there, I hope this is a good place to put this question. Long and short of it: I was offered a season ticket loan which has been paid out of my salary each month. I am now leaving my employment on (until now) good terms. There's approx. 3 month left on my season ticket loan. I have asked to pay the remainder back via standing order over the remaining 3 months to make it manageable. I asked on the 8th June. I received a response on the 22nd saying the following (I've 'anonymised' the email, and rounded the monetary figures to the nearest £5 for anonymity as well.): Some other factors: 1) I never signed any documentation regarding the above loan 2) This will leave me without salary for 2 months 3) I've considered the option of getting a refund on my season ticket from the train company and use that money to pay my employer back. However - because of how the train company sorts discounts I wouldn't be refunded the full amount, so would be out of pocket by at least a few hundred and, more importantly: I know from my partner getting a refund recently, the train company can take as long as six weeks to sort out the money back. As such, not only would I be without a train ticket for a month and have to find MORE money for travel to London, I'd still have no salary for living/bills etc. So that's not really an option. If they deduct my salary in the above mentioned way, it will leave me in a situation of substantial hardship. Am I able to do anything? I'd be very grateful for any help!
  23. Hi apologies if there has already been a thread like this, I'm just new to this site and do not know how to navigate it very well. Last year I was stopped by a ticket inspector on a southern rail train, i did have a valid ticket, however I didn't have a relevant discount card on me. I offered to pay was told I would receive a letter within a few weeks with the details of the fine and how to pay it . A month passed and I received nothing, at the time I was in the process of moving house . I have now moved address and had forgotten about the letter if I'm honest today I received a letter from MARSTON HIGH COURT asking for £650?! I have not seen any prior letters, this is the first one. It also says that if I don'tpay within 14 days tthey are going to send bayliffs over. I definitely cannot afford £650 all at once, and even if I could somehow manage to pay it in instalments it says the amount must be paid in full. I really dont know what to do?! Any advice would be really appreciated!
  24. hi all, I am new in this site and hope i am in the right place. I wanted help with a refund from skills train. I enrolled on 2008 with skills train but didnt complete the course because i hardly got any reply from the tutor and it just didnt work for me. But they made me pay the whole amount eventually with monthly installments. i've already paid full amount as of date. I recently found that i could get refund from Skills Train after reading some posts so i am asking if someone can guide me on this please. I have still got all the course materials and the receipts that i was given from them. Please if anyone out there wants to help me i will much appreciate this. Thanks for reading this post.
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