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  1. Hi, I have received a letter from Lantern requesting payment for loans I took out years ago. The loans do not appear on my credit file and have not been on my credit file for at least the last two to three years. I think I defaulted on most of them six years ago that's why they are not on my credit record. Lantern have called me on my work mobile number once recently, ( within the last two weeks) and I refused to answer security questions because I was not sure who I was speaking to. But they did say they where formerly MMF. I do not wish to engage with Lantern, what steps do I take to ensure I pay them or not Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi guys I wonder if you could offer advice please Jbw enforcement agent appeared at my home this morning looking for my 21 year old son. I did not open the door no will i. Son is not here at the moment but i do have a bed wardrobe ect in my dinning room for him to use if he was to be here - no belonging other then some clothes and odd toiletries and no car in his name. Notice just says enforcement for warrant £616 And a ref number . phoned son who told me to open his mail and discovered letters about non payment of dart charge from march this year. 2x £115 one of the numbers matches the number on the enforcement notice the other does not Whats the best way to proceed from here please ? Are they likely to try and take goods from my home ? Should son contact the bailiff with a offer ?
  3. Hi all, Great to see some current posts in this thread. I to have had a letter from CLI re a Kuwait debt. This is one of many companies that have tried to connect with me that i have ignored. HOWEVER! They've chased me from moving house, and the latest letter says they are sending a debt collector around in 7 days. Is this just another scare tactic? This has been going on for years now.
  4. Cutting a very long story short. Applying for ESA first time in January two letters were enclosed with the ESA50 form requesting a home visit and recording for a ESA F2F assessment. Received Maximus letter for ESA f2f assessment at beginning of April at one of their medical centres. Rang Maximus and told them there was no letter from them to give the reasons why a home visit was not granted. Was told by Maximus the DWP Decision Maker has disallowed the home visit. Rang DWP and told them Maximus said the DM has refused a home visit and and asked the reasons why. Was told by the DWP staff that is was wrong the DWP's DM do not make any decision with regards to home visit nor get involve with F2F assessment that is the job of Maximus their medical contractor. Went back to Maximus and told them what DWP said the appointment was cancelled. Received couple of phone calls from Maximus requesting a letter from the GP to back up the home visit request. GP faxed letter to Maximus stating cannot attend a f2f at a centre due to medical/clinical reasons. Maximus confirmed by phone that they have received the GP supporting letter at the beginning of May 2018 and was told they will send a letter of their decision about the home visit by four different staff. Received several letters to attend appointments at different dates from Maximus including a phone call to ring them very important and very urgently with regards to a f2f at their centre which was to take place some 3 weeks later strange. Each time received a phone call two days before the appointments due date to cancel appointments because their recording machine is broken and that it will take a very long time before hearing from them. Received another letter last week to attend yet another appointment at their centre at the beginning of July but still received no letter with regards to the home visit whether it has been granted or refused. Non of the cancellation letters stating appointments was cancelled because of broken recording machines it just said appointment rescheduled sorry for the inconvenience. Maximus has on record they've book for a Taxi as their making reasonable adjustment but send no letter stating that fact. New appointment letter had not stated a Taxi has been booked for the appointment it just said please attend 10 minutes before the appointment time. I'm looking for a template letter with regards to disability discrimination and harassment from Maximus/contractor and a sample letter under the equality act 2010 requesting a home visit with regards to Maximus making reasonable adjustments for a f2f assessment under the equality act. Any help will be appreciated.
  5. My husband received a parking notice in February 2017, after parking on a private road outside the house where he was living. GLADSTONES SOLICITORS were involved. He received 2 notices and as it was a private parking company he ignored them. A few months letter a 3rd latter came suggesting a court case and demanding £400. He filled in the form and returned it saying that whilst he disagreed with it he would pay but could not pay all at once and requested a payment plan. He suggested £100 per month. That was in November, 2017. He heard NOTHING back from them and received no further notices or correspondence. On the 22nd March 2018, at 17.45pm there was a hammering on the front door, my husband answered and noticed a clamp on his car. A guy came into the apartment and told us he was from DCBLtd and was a High Court Enforcer and he was not leaving until we had given him £2318.00 cash/ debit or credit card or goods to that amount. We were shocked as we had no idea what he was talking about. He was very intimidating. I asked for his ID and he showed me a badge and ID I photographed him and the ID. I asked for paperwork. He showed me but then got very aggressive when I tried to take it from him to read it. During this time he let it slip that he was filming us and derided us for not knowing or noticing that he was wearing CCTV. He walked around the apartment writing down our goods onto the back of the paperwork i.e. 2seater white sofa, 3seater white sofa, wood frame mirror etc. All of which would raise pennies at public auction. He snarled at us that he could go into any room, any cupboard, any drawer that he wanted to. He also tried to take the IPAD that belongs to my husbands company. He then informed us that he would call the van, which if it arrived to take away the goods would cost us £1500 extra. We tried to reason with him but he called the van anyway. We panicked and managed to borrow £2300 from my son. We could not afford the van to turn up and take away our belongings and be left with an empty apartment and £4000 debt. We paid him and he left. We looked at the paperwork at last, it was headed "Notice that goods have been removed for storage or sale" There was NO name and NO address on it. There was a CCJ which we checked and is now on my husband’s credit rating. The original debt was now £773.93, There was a compliance stage fee of £90, An enforcement stage fee of £822.00 and A stage sale payment of £630 Plus interest of £2.24 A total of £2318.17 We tried to dispute the payment with my bank, they did not want to know, I have been to CAB who say that as it is no longer a debt and they are unable to help. We have called GLADSTONES SOLICITORS and Northampton Court to get copies of any paperwork. We cannot contact GLADSTONES or the court. We have emailed the court requesting that they remove or put a paid notification on the CCJ. About 30 minutes after the bailiff had left the house, my husband received an email reply, from JULIE who said she was from GLADSTONES Solicitors, acknowledging his request for a payment plan. She wrote saying thanks for the letter dated 18th February 2018 -the date the CCJ went through and that it was no longer their concern. When we requested they send copies of all correspondence they said they were not obliged to send any copies of paperwork or correspondence. Where do we go from here? What can we do to get our sons money back? Please help! Many thanks
  6. After his retweet of Britain First videos and attack on the PM and British values [sent to the wrong Theresa May], there are increasing calls for him not to come here. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/30/evil-racist-how-the-uk-reacted-to-trumps-theresa-may-twitter-attack https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/30/britain-demand-apology-trump-cancel-state-visit-theresa-may
  7. Hi, I'm after some advice please. We recently had a visit from the HCEO following an unpaid Water debt. In our panic (at 7am with kids in the house) we paid the full amount - which was double the actual bill. We just wanted them out of the house ASAP. Since then I have asked for a breakdown of fees as I felt they had charged us too much. Below is the breakdown Description Amount Writ amount £1,515.21 Interest on Writ amount (@8%) from date of Writ to date of paid in full £0.00 Compliance Fee £90.00 Enforcement Stage 1 Fee £228.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00 (variable Stage 1 fee) £46.37 Enforcement Stage 2 Fee £594.00 Sale or Disposal Fee £630.00 7.5% Fee of amount over £1,000.00 (variable Sale or Disposal Fee) £37.37 Total £3,140.95 Total amount paid to date £3,140.95 The above fees are inclusive of VAT at 20% I would refer you to The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014, Regulation 6, to assist you in understanding how the fees are applied http://www.legislation.gov.uk/en/uksi/2014/1/regulation/6/made There is no requirement to actually remove goods for the Sale or Disposal fee and 7.5% fee to be applicable, the commencement of the process is sufficient for the application of the sale or disposal stage fee. Could someone please tell me if this is correct I was under the impression that Sale or Disposal fee didn't come into effect just because they entered the house. Many Thanks
  8. Hello lovely people Let me quickly explain what is my situation like. About a year ago I got fined for littering (75 quids), that fine has risen to the stage of notice of enforcement when I have started to dealing with it. After contacting either collectica and marston (by sending my budget and calling them),a payment plan was refused. Couple of days ago I found final notice saying i need to contact the bailiff on number provided, I did so but just to be told that full payment need to be made today to avoid further charges and visits. When i was at work yesterday bailiffs paid me a visit, leaving a little card "notice of intention to search my premises". At this stage Im clueless what else can be done to stop them, I cant afford to pay this fine (at final notice stage it was 856). Tried to seek help on the phone the best advice i got was to face my bailiff and try to have a chat with him then I have read many threads advising against it. One more thing is that property i live in is not mine, I was a student (recently expelled...) and i live in one of the rooms paying landlord some money to cover the bills. There is no rent agreement whatsoever, I dont have anything valuable but other people living here may have and Im concerned about bailiffs taking their stuff as I do not think that they still got receipts for their stuff.... Thanks for all help in advance.
  9. Relatives of Argentine soldiers killed during the Falklands War visit the Argentine cemetery at Darwin READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/relatives-of-argentine-soldiers-killed-during-the-falklands-war-visit-the-argentine-cemetery-at-darwin
  10. A few months ago I sold my business which was a Ltd company. There were several debts on the business and I'm in the process of winding up the company with a liquidator. As far as I'm aware I did not offer a personal guarantee to any debt. Out of the blue yesterday, I got a visit at my home from a company called DCBL to collect the debt regarding one company. The bailiff said he was there to enforce a high court judgement and either we pay in full or he will seize the goods in the house. Unfortunately, I had already let him into my home at this point and realised that was my biggest mistake. Whilst I tried to get more information from him about my options he started to take a camera out and began to take pictures of my belongings. Obviously, this was aimed to intimidate me and it worked. When I asked to see his paperwork he refused to let me hold it. Instead, he turned over the 1st page which was more detailed and showed me a page underneath which showed what the original debt was and the charges put on top which is what he was there to reclaim. The total sum he was looking for was just over £11k. I told him that the debt was against the Ltd company and the company had no connection to the home other than that I as Director lived there. We had never received notice from the court about the case and he then said that DCBL would have written to my home. Which they haven't as I had no letter. When I said I needed a few minutes to get the funds together he said: "that's fine, I'll continue to take pictures". I told him that I was going to pay as I didn't want him to take my goods he just ignored me. I got out my debit card and paid the debt and he went away. The issue I have is; 1) The debt was in the company name, did they have a right to come to my home to collect it? 2) His aggressiveness in talking to me. I gave no indication that I was not going to pay and actually just queried if he was allowed to collect it from me which he ignored. 3) The paperwork, what was he trying to hide? He was adamant that I wasn't allowed to touch it and when I suggested he hold it and I view it he quickly turned over the pages to show me the page he left with me. 4) at the door, before entering he simply said he was from a company called DCBL regarding a debt to company XYZ. He didn't mention he was a bailiff. Looking at the paperwork he has left me, the title of the page is "Notice that goods have been removed for storage or sale". He hasn't removed any goods. The charges on this page I would imagine are higher than the page where he doesn't have to remove goods? There are charges like; Enforcement Stage Fee Sale Stage Fee Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I have spoken to DCBL this morning who suggested I write a complaint, which I will do seeking advice from this forum. Thank you.
  11. I read the other day that he's talking about visiting and his ambassador suggested May might be a good time. Given that Trump cancelled a visit because of demonstations and more or less hid when he did come over, I wonder why he thinks it would be any different this time? He certainly seems very sensitive to people expressing their opposition to his policies. Downing Street are trying to play down the significance of this.
  12. have a unpaid debt with anglian water. ccj granted march 2013 for a debt of £1,341,98. agreed with them to pay debt off at £5 per month. after a financial income check incomings outgoings. we applied to pay this debt by direct debit payment. they said it could not be done. over the period of time we reduced this debt to about £300. for some reason they cancelled the agreement and enforced this with the high court enforcement group who visited me today. informing me they are collecting a debt of £2,041.15 for anglian water. rather annoyed to find that anglian water never told me of there intentions or giving me a chance to put my case to the court. where is the common sense the debt reducing. then they treble the debt to be honest struggle paying this amount. is the court system just got no sense before they decide what actions they take on people. any advice available here please . contacted anglian water waiting for call back.
  13. Hello Someone was renting my flat and then left. He believes that I have withheld all his deposit (which I did not, only part of it was withheld for damages). He applied to the County Court to recover the monies but the mail was sent to the flat where I no longer live. Consequently I did not receive the letter from the Courts, or I would have challenged the claim. I have just received a Notice of Enforcement followed by a further letter stating that their Enforcement Officer attended my new flat but was unable to meet up with me to discuss payment. They state that as they were unable to recover the full amount, the enforcement of the Writ has escalated to Stage 2. Apparently this is over £3k. I do not even know how this amount has been arrived at as the rent was under £600 per month. What are the options now open to me? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cal
  14. Hi, I am hoping for some advice and i have heard i am in the right place. 10/2015 - I received notification from Northampton County Courts Re an unpaid parking ticket issued by Blackpool Council. The car was one which I was the registered keeper of, however I was going through a separation at the time and was unable to agree ownership of the car with my ex partner. The car was in her possession during the period the ticket was issued. I wrote to the county courts and to Blackpool council, detailing the above. The courts agreed to cancel the case however Blackpool council never bothered to reply. I heard nothing until today which was in the form of a letter through my letterbox issued by Phoenix headlined ENFORCEMENT AGENT VISIT. They state on the letter that they called to collect a sum of £423 on behalf of the named client - Blackpool. They state that they wil return in 5 days to seize and take control of my goods if payment is not made by then. They asked me to contact them on 0333 323 0333 to make payment and avoid further action. Signed S.King. Under this, its headed GOODS VIEWED FOR POTENTIAL REMOVAL and nothing is listed.Overleaf, it says a detailed breakdown of my account and lists; Debt amount £ (blank) Compliance Fee £ (blank) Enforcement Fee £ (blank) Sale & Disposal Fee £ (blank) and then a fee schedule I have not contact the bailiff as yet, but i have sent an email (containing the email i sent to the county courts back in 2015) to the head of Blackpool council Mr David Blackburn as a letter of complaint. I attached the letter i received today and asked him to cancel the parking fine and to instruct Phoenix to cease action with immediate effect. Please can i have some advice on what i can do. Many thanks, Bm1988
  15. I have got an ccj against me from Cabot financial we have had a visit from an county court bailiff regarding this of which I refused to deal with him and certainly did not get entry into my property I have now received a final notice letter stating that they have no alternative but to attend with vans and porters to remove our goods for sale am I right in thinking that unless they gain peaceful entry this will not happen I do not own a car and they is nothing of any value outside Thankyou for any advise in advance.
  16. I left a rental property in January '15. Subsequently, I had a CCJ issued in April 15 (to the previous address so not defended) for£1600 (HBOS). Bailiffs attended the previous address in Dec '15. I have contacted Northampton to find out who issued the CCJ but not heard back yet. For how long is the warrant live? I'm seeing 1 year in some places? Is it normal for warrants to be re-issued to new addresses (in this case 2 years later)? The CCJ is only coming up to 3 years. There's no real point in Bailiffs attending as I have no property (everything I own can be packed into two bags) I am slightly concerned about my partner's belongings being dragged into this. Would I be able to have the CCJ set aside based on service address, admit liability and pay the outstanding amount? Would that CCJ then be removed from my credit file or would I just have to let it ride? As yet, I've had no recent contact with bailiffs in the matter described, I want to get ahead of the game.
  17. I apologise in advance if any of this sounds unapologetic or lazy, I just want to give the basic details. Have been scouring through the Internet the last few days and this is what I thought might be best to do. I have three defaulted accounts: Cabot Financial (used to be a lloyds TSB credit card, think it was sold but not sure): 1164 Default on credit report: sept 2014 (I haven't paid anything since July 2011 although I have no proof for this. I know because I opened a HSBC account around this date and decided not to touch the account again) They have been writing letters and making phone calls for the last couple of years and I have been ignoring..last week I had a home visit from fidelite credit management, told him the person he's asking for has moved out and he left me a letter to pass on about a first visit lloyds TSB current account overdraft: 1199 Default on credit report: Nov 2015 (Accidentally had a bank transfer to the account August 2013 - not touched the account since - never updated address with them so not sure if they have been contacting) NatWest current account overdraft: 1095 Default on credit report: Feb 2013 (The last time the balance changed was November 2012 - so this default date seems correct - again did not update address with them) Wrote out a paragraph about my personal situation but realised may not be relevant? Have been burying my head in the sand but after a home visit from the debt collector last week I cannot do it anymore. Please help.
  18. Hi, I'll try and explain this as best I can, last December (a week before Christmas to be exact) we had a visit from 2 high court enforcement officers (their ID was on a laminated card) they said they were from court enforcement services and were acting on behalf of NPOWER for an unpaid ccj that has been transferred up to the high court and they were here to take payment or sieze goods which I think they said was to the value of £2563 - odd, ( we said you can see we don't have goods to that value anyway and they agreed) at no point was any paperwork produced to break down any of the companies fee's or anything or any high court writ produced. Now as it was Christmas and my husband was a bit panicked that these people had turned up and put him on the spot he told the officer he'd pay £150 a month on a certain date (which is completely not do-able in our circumstances with 5 children and myself not working and he shouldn't of offered to pay that amount in the first place), with that the officer said ok i'll text you the agreement when I'm outside in my car and let you know the account details and remind you of date to pay etc and it was exactly that a written text saying reference number - Automated line (number) account number: sort code: total amount £2563 instalments on .... every month I was upstairs keeping the children away at this point and came down to find he'd offered to pay £150 every month, I asked if there was any paperwork or anything which there wasn't. he paid £150 for 2 months, we're currently paying off a fair few debts and it put us under so much strain we could barely pay the rent! we researched a few things online and got mixed messages about high court writs , this company in particular what powers they had exactly , my husband rang the company up explained what had happened and said we'd paid 2 months but we have no paperwork to see where the money's actually gone, no evidence of a high court writ, no paperwork to say if any fee's are to be added literally nothing but a bank account + sort code! they told my husband they would email it over, twice he made this phone call and twice told the same thing with NO EMAIL actually arriving. I decided we'd stop paying as we could be paying anyone without any paperwork. January was our last payment yesterday they decided to turn up again (I know with high court they don't let you know they are coming anyway) when we asked for some sort of paperwork to prove this writ existed one of them pulled up a picture on their phone and zoomed in on a stamp they say is from the high court and said this is your writ and there is the stamp. One officer in particular was really agitated when we kept questioning why we had no paperwork to prove where the payments were going, saying they don't need to provide paperwork we are just to pay it as it's an order from the high court , he told my husband to be quiet whilst HE spoke (now my husband is as polite as you get so wasn't being rude or anything) but we were promptly spoke over when we were explaining what we wanted to know. They said we are lucky they haven't charged us for this visit or the first one as they have come from London to the south west . Also mentioned was the fact if we didn't pay Npower could apply to make my husband bankrupt. whilst i've spent most of my night researching various options to stop these people coming back as i'm not paying without any paperwork with breakdown of fee's etc we'd really appreciate any advice or pointing in the right direction of what to do next and how to handle the situation. my husband is ringing the county court this afternoon to double check the status , do we also ring NPOWERS legal dept and see what they've got to say (again the officers said to ring them too) Thank you.
  19. Found this in the Guardian today A young man committed suicide, for a debt that had escalated from 2 PNC's https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/apr/30/debt-ridden-couriers-suicide-after-bailiff-visit-prompts-call-for-reforms#img-1
  20. I had AXA health insurance up until April 2016, and in January of 2016 I received some specialist treatment all of which was paid by insurance. I have now had a letter from AXA to say I owe this specialist £200 as they have just had an invoice, 21/3/2017, and my outpatients limit had been reached. I said I thought 14 months late was a bit much, that I had now cancelled the policy, that I might have moved and I wasn't impressed. Their stance is that it is between me and the specialist....the Dr's accounting system must be wild!! Any advice really appreciated....
  21. Hi guys, hope everyone is well. Been on this site a few times and think it is a superb tool and helps us against the bully boy company's out there who try and feed on hardship and vulnerability. Hopefully I can add some advice or help in the future. I have a question of my own if anyone can help. Today I had a doorstep visit from a company called Fidelite. They asked who I was so I asked who he was and his face was a picture. I never gave him my name and told him politely to jog on. He is chasing a loan debt that I took out in 2004 and haven't paid or acknowledged the debt since at least 2006. I am sure the debt is now stat barred. Question is did I do the right thing. Regards and thanks in advance. Staffy.
  22. What is the best way without costs to inform a debt collection agency my son does not live at my address and prevent further visits to my home address. My son does not live with me and the only connection to my address is he used it once as a care of address to have his NI number sent. Woke up to find the bailiff stood in my living demanding monies for an unpaid motoring fine, was totally unexpected so my doors were not locked....they are now... any ways, my son was at my home at the time of the visit but gave a false name. Right or wrong I told the bailiff my son did not live at this address and had no property at this address and therefore he had no right to be in my property and used my body to direct him out of my living room, there was some resistance on his part but eventually I had moved him to my front door. He then said he was calling police as i had assaulted him by touching him but after 10 mins apparently trying to get through he said he couldn't be bothered and left in a huff. Would a simple email suffice or will I have to pay for a statutory declaration ?
  23. I have seperated from my partner ex partner just over a year ago and some how I'd allowed her too put all of our debts into my name. Shock horror when we split up she stopped paying for them and I today had a bailiff call from Andrew jones enforcement. They've apparently sent out 6/7 letters too my previous address but I have only received one at this address. today he visited and has told my partner if I don't phone him within the hour he is going too be back too arrest me. Firstly the debt is £410 from council tax. The original amount owed was £80. I have had bailiffs send back debts previously due too the fact I have ADHD and severely struggle too deal with such people. I accept the debt but am struggling financially as I have recently been through court to gain custody of my eldest child [removed - dx]. However I have not yet been able to start claiming for her child tax credits etc. I have sold my car, tv everything worth anything except my phone during this time. Everything in the house is owned by my partner. Firstly can the bailiff arrest me ? Secondly am I classed as a vulnerable person with ADHD as it is classed as a mental health disorder ? What's the best plan of action from here he is due back shortly an I have no idea what to do ? J
  24. Hi everyone my husband is now having a home vist from the pip on tuesday we did not ask for this he had just passed his esa medical in june can any one tell me what they do at a home vist thanks in advance love this siite
  25. Hi All, Yesterday whilst I was out at work, I had a surprise visit from a bailiff who handed over a letter to my boyfriend stating that if I don't complete the means form & return it, I could be sent to prison. This came totally out of the blue to me as I haven't had any court order letters & I was confused about where this had come from or what it was related to. Quoted on the letter was Phoenix recoveries which also means nothing to me, I have had no correspondence from this company I called the bailiff and all he could tell me is that it was from a debt in 2005 and it is for collection charges. The original debt was £4300 and the amount they are now seeking is £1400. I did default on a loan around that time and was subsequently given a CCJ which has now been cleared from my credit history as 7 years has passed since the CCJ was issued. The bailiff gave me the number of the solicitors (Mortimer Clark) to call and ask them but I just wanted to ensure that I have all the information I need prior to discussing with them. I'm sure this can't still be chased 11 years after the original debt, especially if I have already previously been issued a CCJ I really am not sure about this and could do with some help with facts prior to calling the solicitors. Sorry for long winded post but I wanted to get all the information in & hopefully someone can give me some guidance. Thanks in advance Rach
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