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Found 21 results

  1. Hi I had a debt with Barclaycard in 2004/05 for £476 and then facing financial trouble, I have an IVA in 2007/08 which failed because of emigrating to Australia for 4 years. Since 2006/07, I had no contacts with any financial companies and didn't pay any money to anyone, other than GE. I have come back to UK and since then paid off GE. But, I have no communications from any financial companies. I checked my credit history and there was nothing showing from any financial debts from 2006/07. I did get in touch with Barclays but that was for a PPI claim which they paid up. I am now suddenly being chased for that debt with Barclaycard from 2006/07 by a company called Cabot Financial. In the letter they sent me, it says they'll send a company called ResolveCall to visit me and discuss the debt, if I don't call them within the next seven days. My question is I am sure the debt is statute barred. I have never made any payments to Barclays since 2007. What are the next steps - bear in mind, I haven't contacted them and I have never admitted to the debt to them. Thanks for your help
  2. Hi, I have received a letter from Lantern requesting payment for loans I took out years ago. The loans do not appear on my credit file and have not been on my credit file for at least the last two to three years. I think I defaulted on most of them six years ago that's why they are not on my credit record. Lantern have called me on my work mobile number once recently, ( within the last two weeks) and I refused to answer security questions because I was not sure who I was speaking to. But they did say they where formerly MMF. I do not wish to engage with Lantern, what steps do I take to ensure I pay them or not Thanks in advance.
  3. Back in January 2017 I switched banks. Everything seemed to transfer over with no issue until July 2017 when I received a letter from Kwik Fit Insurance Services saying I owed them £107 for a home contents insurance policy. On checking my direct debit list I discovered that no payment had been taken for the direct debit. I had two direct debits with Kwik Fit insurance at the time, one for car insurance the other for contents. I rang the bank who confirmed that Kwik Fit had never applied for the payments to be withdrawn from my account. I sent a recorded delivery letter to Kwik fit and followed up with another letter (again sent recorded delivery) three weeks later after I had heard nothing from them. A month after my second letter I received a letter from Resolvecall to recover the debt on behalf of Kwik fit. I telephoned Resolvecall and explained the situation and asked them to look into the matter. The girl I spoke to said she would and would email me within 14 days. I heard absolutely nothing and (stupidly) assumed it was the end on the matter. Four weeks ago I received a letter from Arc Europe who have now bought this debt and now a letter from Major Law with fees added. They are now asking for £130. Can anyone suggest how I should handle this? I am not denying that this money should have been paid, albeit by monthly direct debit, but I tried to communicate on several occasions first with Kwik Fit and then Resolvecall only to have my requests ignored. I can't take the chance that this could go to court as my job relies on me having no CCJs on my credit file. If I have to pay the money I will (though I wouldn't be able to pay all at once) but I don't think I should have to pay costs. Would it be worth sending a letter to my bank under the bank account switch guarantee? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks so much in advance.
  4. My wife received a letter today from lantern saying they have been trying to contact her. It says she owes £722.91 but doesn't say who to, it simply has an account number. She has no idea who the debt is with and nothing is on her credit file. They are saying unless she pays up in 7 days they are referring her to resolvecall. How should we deal with this?
  5. Hi folks, hope someone can give me some advice please. I missed a month's direct debit for my electricity supply from edf; they cancelled the direct debit and gradually I fell behind. I used their online chat application and 'spoke' to an operative - I said that as I'm paid weekly I'd be able to repay the outstanding amount at £25 per week, ie £100 every four weeks. The lady said I had to pay by direct debit, £100 a month I said I'd rather pay weekly and she said that she would note that on my account. I set up a standing order and have paid £25 every Friday for the last probably 4 months. The outstanding was about £400-ish, sorry I can't remember exactly. I started getting letters from edf saying I had this outstanding balance that needed to be paid off, then would come home from work to notes through the door from debt collectors saying they'd tried to gain access. This morning I had a letter through the post from Resolvecall saying that they are applying for a warrant to come into my home and fit a prepayment meter and the hearing is on 12 October at my local court house. The amount they say is outstanding is £431.41 I read the meter and sent it to edf last week to see where I was the bill was in the region of £600. Resolvecall letter is dated 25 September and I read the meter before that so their info is out of date. I'm paying this as quick as I can and now I'm worried sick. What should I do please? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, I have been receiving letters from Cabot regarding an old Mint credit card debt which I defaulted on in 2010, I made payments on this to Oct 2013 through a DMP with CCCS/Stepchange but unfortunately was made redundant and was unable to continue with my DMP. I am not sure at what stage Cabot got involved but I have not had any contact with the directly, their letters have included various discount options for payment. Today I received a letter from them saying as they have been unable to contact me they are instructing ResolveCall to visit to put me back in contact with them and I am worried about this person calling. Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.
  7. Hi Everyone Hopefully someone can help with this. Last week I had a card pushed through the letter box from Scotcall saying it was a first visit and that I had to call a number etc. No more info on the card stating what it was about. I called the number to find out what it was about and was asked a heap of personal/security questions. The call went round in circles as I would not confirm my details so they could not tell me anything. I told them to put the matter in a letter so I could consider it. I heard nothing via letter. Anyway since then Mr Scotcall has visited my house no less than 4 times. Twice when I was not in so I just ignored that as no point calling them for the same nonsense. When he actually caught me at home the first time in he asked me to confirm who I was and I would not. He then gave me a sermon about his role for Scotcall and how he was to put us in contact with each other etc. I said tell them to put whatever their issue is in writing and I will not have any discussion with you. I politely closed the door and told him to leave. He stood there for a good five mins and then eventually left. He has now just been back again and I repeated what i said the first time that i will not talk to him and i want it in writing. He has a fleece type jacket on with scotcall on it and a badge with scotcall so basically the world and his wife walking past will assume I owe money and think they know my business. Anyway he stands there again after I politely say 'jog on' and after a while sticks another card through which says 'resolve call' on it and that he will call again. Twice now I have told him not to call again and i am sick of the humiliation of it...after 4 visits you would think he would give up. I believe this may be part of a debt I disputed some time ago and it is not a huge amount of money either - around 700-800 quid. I asked some questions in a letter to the original company re evidence of this supposed debt and heard nothing back so left it but I guess the debt has been passed on to these scotcall/resolve call people now. I really am reluctant to engage in any discussion with these people now, debt is probs around 5 years old anyway. I just want to stop this man turning up at my house all the time - can anyone give me a clue as to how I do this?
  8. A few weeks ago a bloke knocked holy hell out of my front door. Wondering what the matter was I went and answered. He started ranting on about something, I only caught part of it. Then I saw his jacket, the word Scotcall caught my eye and I saw red. I told him to go away and shut the door. I am registered disabled with COPD, a condition made worse when exposed to cold air, so there was no way I was going to stand at the door arguing the toss with him. It was a very cold day. I have clear 'no cold caller' signs on the door, including one issued by the Police which reads "No appointment? Don't bother knocking'. He banged on the door again, I just ignored him. after a while he went to his car then came back a few minutes later and shoved an envelope through the door. Knowing that it was nothing to do with me I put it straight into the recycling box, unopened. As we are a no cold calling area, and the signs on the door are quite are clear, I notified the local police neighbourhood team and trading standards. A couple of weeks later and he was back, banging on the door again. I was ready for him,. I had prepared a nice little note and had the copy by the door. I thrust it at him and told him clearly to off. He shoved the note back through the door. Ignorance like that annoys me so I opened the door again, told him to get off the premises or the Police would be called. He started to argue and said he was at liberty to call as often as he liked, I corrected him and shouted quite loudly at him, mainly to alert my neighbours of a potential problem. He backed away on to the street and carried on trying to tell me he had the right - I stopped him, pointed out that he had no rights at all, He knew that I was not the person he wanted to see so he was clearly wasting my time. I said that I was not a messaging service and that I would not discuss another person's financial matters even if they lived there. After he had left I was quite shaken and was in a bit of a state, to put it mildly. My inhalers were not bringing my breathing back to normal and my chest was tight. I suffered a lot of pain through the rest of the day and eventually got a taxi to A&E. They prodded and poked about and gave me pain relief. I had an EGC and x-ray, was sent up to a ward and left to rest a while. A doctor saw me at about 6am, I got no sleep at all that night. The main doctor saw me about 10am and by then the pain had gone, possibly due to the drip and being put on morphine. I was discharged and sent home at lunchtime. Thanks to the unwelcome caller I was unable to do very much for several days. I don't work, I'm not able to, but simple things like making a sandwich or a drink were difficult. I was still very uptight about his visit. I contacted trading standards again. They sent a complaint to Scotcall, I know it's all the same company. I've since had a letter to acknowledge the complaint and I've sent the person who wrote that an email with my side of the story, so there is no doubt about who called and what happened. I managed to get the car registration number last time, so was able to pass that on to TS and the Police. The letter mentions someone who may or may not live here who I am not responsible for. Regardless of if they were here or not, it was me he saw, me he hassled and me he put in hospital through causing me to be so stressed. This has been mentioned to Scotcall. I await their reply. I've repeated that i am not a messaging service and have no reason to speak to their agent at all. I consider his actions to be harassment. He's not been back since. If he does I will be calling 999 straight away as he will be causing a breach of the peace just by being there. He's been told, very clearly, to stay away. Had I been any fitter I would have happily marched him back to his car and shoved him in it. I will not stand for little Hitler's like him barking orders at me as he tried to. I know what Scotcall are about and they now know what little regard I have for them and their agent. I do not bow to threats and intimidation. I'll let you know if I hear any more. If anyone else gets a call from and agent Scotcall or Resolvecall, shut the door on them. If they hang around, call the Police.
  9. Hi guys, It's been a while but things are starting to affect my day to day living once again... Here is the background. October 2007 I purchased a laptop from PC World under HFC agreement. July 2013 HFC transferred an account to HSBC Bank plc. In October 2013 this account then got sold to IDEM Servicing. During this time I was in a fee charging DMP paying various debts off, but I killed them off to attempt my own free repayment arrangement, but due to various reasons, I struggled and put it to one side. On 6th January 2014 IDEM served me with a default notice, with a written intention to terminate my loan agreement. I sent a CCA request on the 10th January enclosing £1 and included the revoke access for sending someone to my home address etc. With no response... Sure enough on the 22nd Jan, a "Notice to Terminate" letter came through demanding full payment of balance. I should have kept chasing for CCA but certain issues at home meant it took a back step and i got distracted. .. unusually hearing nothing from IDEM, until just recently. 1st October 2014, a letter comes through the door from "resolvecall" referencing the Idem account with me. But claiming they were contacted by "Arden credit management" to make contact with me to arrange contact with them (Arden.) I have never had any correspondence from Arden Credit Management. This is an Idem account. the letter from resolvecall stated if i did not contact Arden, one of their reps would make a personal visit within 28 days from the date of the letter (1st Oct). Today is the 8th of October and this evening at roughly 5:30pm, a rep arrived at my door... my Dad answered, the guy asked for me, my Dad advised I was unavailable. (I was upstairs in the bathroom at the time but I could hear him talking.) -- this is where I need your help too guys -- I heard the guy, after being told i was unavailable at the time, tell my Dad that he has been instructed by HSBC to make contact with ME so he could then put me in touch with someone over the phone that he held in his hand, to discuss an account I hold with them. Before I could get downstairs, the guy then started to ask if I held any debts at all.. . my dad at this point simply shrug his shoulders, I went downstairs and kindly asked him to leave the property. His response "Do you not want me to put you in touch with anyone then?" I repeated myself. He then said "ok" and closed his ring binder and left. I got his name.. but I have to admit , I am a little shaken up, my heart was doing that fight or flight pounding in my chest. Where do I go from here guys?? Who the hell do I send letters to now? I am still only in a position to offer £1 for any debt that I owe, there is no special treatment here. But did the doorstep guy from Resolve call breach any rules by talking to my dad and asking him questions? I really hope, after all that typing, you find time to offer your advise... Regards David
  10. Hi everyone, Fantastic forum with lots of great advice. I have been researching things relevant to my situation but I think the best thing would be to post my queries and hope that some of you can help me clear things up. I am beside myself with worry, and I'm constantly feeling down and really don't see how I can get a proper life back. I fell into arrears with a vanquis credit card when I fell into money troubles through my business not doing very well for a few months. I did contact vanquis to explain my situation and request that they froze any charges / interest etc... .those requests were ignored and the letters demanding payment continued along with the constant phone calls.. .the phone calls really get to me, so much so I have now taken to leaving my phone on silent. I am in no way trying to escape my debt, I just wanted them to understand my situation and agree to some "fair" repayment plan. I received a notice of default from vanquis dated 16/7/13, then a confirmed resident letter from impact a few weeks later, and in the last couple of days a letter from resolvecall stating they are acting on behalf of vanquis and they have been instructed to collect any outstanding balance... .the letter also states that if I fail to contact vanquis within 3 days then a doorstep visit will be made. I am unsure if I have jumped the gun slightly but I decided to send each of these companies a CCA request letter which also included a section regarding doorstep visits and how I wasn't granting permission. I received a response from resolvecall with them stating that they were confirming my CCA request along with the £1.00 postal order I sent. ..but if I wanted a copy of the agreement then I should contact vanquis directly, and in the meantime they will continue with their actions as per vanquis's instructions. The p.o was returned also. Where do I go from here, I feel like they have dismissed my CCA request. I'm not very good at dealing with people at the best of times due to lack of confidence in subjects I in all honesty don't know much about, but I am feeling totally intimidated and scared of what the future holds. I would really appreciate any advice anyone can offer....letters to send, dates and timelines etc. Thanks.
  11. Hi Really new to this site, i have an urgent query. resolvecall attended our home today, nobody was home. THey have entered the house put gas/electric meters in (due to an unpaid disputed bill)and changed the locks. There is no one at the property and i have no way of getting in the house with my 3 children.... Is this ok? is this legal? help!!!!!!
  12. Hi, could someone help me with the next letter to send, i had a visit from resolvecall last week, my partner answered the door and confirmed i lived here!! he was caught off guard! anyway i sent the doorstop letter and got this back today, the creditor is arrow global, resolvecall came to do the doorstop, but return letter is from scotcall, assume they same company?? i think the debt is from a catalogue from a couple of years ago, cant remember last time i paid but at least 12 months ago, and money has been very tight since. this is letter i had today ::Resolvecall informs me that as part of the credit agreement I signed and entered into, I agreed to pay the full outstanding balance and that where necessary the creditor could recover the debt by outsourcing the debt to a third party which included by way of doorstep collection. The second paragraph of their letter reads "Therefore the licence you state that has been revoked is irrelevant which for the avoidance of doubt we do not agree to, is not binding on us as it does not fulfill the relevant principles of contract law" I have no idea what this means or to what is refers. They end with stating that they are entitled by law and under contract to recover monies outstanding and can take reasonable steps in accordance with regulatory guidance, which I assume means they can send someone round?? what do i do next please? any help most welcome, if anyone can draft a reply to help please
  13. Hi all, first post here. To cut a long story short, I had a loan from a large UK bank for £20k in 2005, I paid off £5k and was then made redundant. I informed the bank that I could only pay a token amount each month and their response was to add £10k of "reasonable charges" to the debt and sell it on to another company. I then found a job and took out an IVA which I paid for 2 years but was made redundant once more and couldn't keep up the payments on it. I defaulted on the original loan 7 years ago, but stopped paying on the IVA 4 years ago. I have not responded to any correspondence during this time, believing the additional £10k to be unreasonable. Today I received a brown envelope through my door saying I had to call Resolvecall urgently. Any advice on what to do next?
  14. RE: Outstanding credit card debt with vanquis bank Hi I recieved a letter from resolve call saying that if I did not contact their client Vanquis bank within 3 days they will send someone round to my house to discuss repayment offers. I phoned them up today and said that I have sent a letter to Vanquis bank today as I do not want to negotiate over the phone with them. I also said to them that I do not invite anyone from their company to my home to discuss this and if anyone does come around I will phone the police for trespassing. The women got very annoyed and said that as I have revoked the agreement under the CCA a third party has the right to resume collections as they see fit including door stop visits without invitation and that because I haven't spoken to vanquis over the phone she or they are sending someone round to the house to discuss this with me. she also said I should read the cca. Now I really don't want a doorstep visit I have an elderly father who lives with me and although I can shoo them off this will probably scare him especially if its some meathead they send round. So should I just phone vanquis and give in? Is she right in what she says?
  15. hi guys, Just went up to my mum's to collect some post and found two letters. One from a company called Mercers dated the 14th February demanding that I pay them a sum of money to cover apparent outstanding payments on my Barclaycard account. Now, I've had issues paying my balance, and they've been reducing my credit as I've been paying, but I have been paying. I can't see anything on my account on their website to suggest I'm in more arrears than I should be. I also received a letter from a company called Resolvecall with a different amount in arrears. I don't know what to do about this as I'm not aware that I'm needing to pay anyone other than Barclaycard any money. As far as I'm aware I'm up to date on my minimum payments. Can someone give me some advice on what I should do here? Thanks Guy
  16. Hi, I'm after some advice for my father-in-law. He has recently had a visit from Resolvecall but he wasnt in at the time so they left a card saying this was their first visit and to call the office before 8pm. It is regarding a credit card debt with Barclays from about 5 yrs ago. Basically he was made redundant and due to ill health couldnt get another job, had to sell their house and are now renting. They struggle to make ends meet as it is so there's no chance of him being able to afford any repayments. He has had letters over the yrs but has ignored them and this is the first time he has had a doorstep visit. After looking on this site I emailed them the letter (from my husbands email address) telling them he did not wish to make a home visit appointment but they have replied saying they will not stop any future visits until my father-in-law gets in touch with them directly. He is scared to death of them coming round again which is why I am dealing with it. What should we do now? Any advice appreciated. Thank you
  17. Hello All I have a Welcome Finance CCA which for one reason or another has been bought by MKRR. I CCA'd them last September, and they have sent me a copy of the front page of the agreement with no T&Cs, but the thing that is puzzling me is the figures stated on the agreement. They are as follows: Total amount of credit = 2945.43 Payment over 65 months APR = 20.80% AIR = 19.6% Total charge for credit = 1805.93 Monthly Payment = 73.07 Made up of Acceptance fee = 75.00 Interest Charge = 1728.93 All well and good, and I am no accountant, but I have work this out on several online loan calculators and got the same amount on each of them, which is different to that on the CCA. They are: Total amount of credit = 2945.43 Payment over 65 months AIR = 19.6% Monthly Payment 73.88 Total Repayable = 4802.43 There is also no total repayable on the credit agreement. My question is, is this CCA enforceable? I was under the impression that the figures given should be correct. Please help Total charge for cretid = 1857.00
  18. Hi all, This is my first post and am looking for a bit of advice. I have 2 Natwest credit cards and a natwest loan, The two cards are approx £1300 each on them and the loan is approx £9.5k remaining, I have not been able to make the last few payments to natwest on all 3 of these due to a downgrade in job/pay at work. I spoke to natwest about this BEFORE i missed any payments to let them know that in the coming months i would probably be having difficulty meeting payments, I have now missed serveral payments (approx 4) on both the cards and the loan. Today have recieved letters headed from a company called "resolvecall" basically saying that the bank have lost touch with me and that i need to contact them in the next 3 days or they will send someone to my house, Now up until now i have (propably quite wrongly) been ignoring them but want to start to contact them but still cant afford to make the payments. How should i go about this, should i call natwest so that i dont get some guy turning up on my doorstep or is there another way? Im just really wanting a bit of advice on this as i probably could ignore it but then who knows what may happen. Any advice ASAP would be really appreciated and thanks in advance for any replys posted.
  19. Intro info-threads have been merged to give background to the issues. Basically its only £230 but its the principle + need a new van so this would really come in handy towards that. Wrote asking for the money back they declined, wrote again threatening court again a big fat no and a copy of the ombudsman book. They state that complaint has now been closed. Should I now put in a claim with the small claims online or is there a way of encouraging them to pay otherwise? I gather egg dont tend to do refunds. All are £16 standard default charges, dont know if this makes a difference? Any advice on my best route would be much appreciated
  20. In 2002 I took out a loan with Lombard direct. This was over a period of 5 years and included PPI, which I am now trying to claim back as mis-sold. However I defaulted on repayments when I lost my job and eventually this was passed to a collection agency. I have been paying Intrum Justitia every month for several years and in February this year I had a letter offering a settlement figure, which was far too high and I couldn't afford it. I then decided to ask for a copy of my credit agreement and sent the letter as advised on this forum. this was on 1st March. They replied on 11th March to the effet that they would contact their clients and hold the matter in abeyance until they had further instructions. On 17th March Lombard sent a letter to me asking me to confirm my address and signature as I hadn't signed the request for a copy of my credit agreement. I did not reply. On 23rd March I had a letter from Arden Credit Management referring to a letter I had supposedly had from Lombard dated 8th March. (I never received this letter). the letter from Arden advised me that they were now taking over the account and asking me to fill in a form with personal and financial details. I did not fill in the form but sent a letter advising them that the account was currently in dispute with Intrum Justicia. On 1st april I received a letter from Lombard was was basically a Notice of Sums in Arrears provided in compliance with the Consumer Credit Act. they provided a telephone number for me to call. I haven't called and don't intend to. So now I'm not sure what to do next. Do I just ignore this latest statement from Lombard. I still feel that the request for a copy of my credit agreement has not been fulfilled. Any help or guidance would be most appreciated.
  21. Ok guys firstly i am a new Cagger and what a relief to find this site as it has empowered me somewhat into, at least, not feeling alone with Debt. I shall post soon regarding my actual debts and break them down in order to keep the correct thread format later. This question is regarding letters threatening Home door visits. I have read previous threads regarding resolvecall etc and how they have no rights and you can tell them to leave and i have no problem either ignoring their door rings or telling them to F**k Off but the problem is that due to circumstances i find myself staying with my parents and it IS THEIR door that is getting the hassle. (The debt was taken out here). resolvecall have already tried to visit 3 times (even leave a little card with number of visits...which i shall keep as evidence). One cheeky resolvecall guy was even spotted peering through a window. I dont like the idea of my parents being pestered (told them not to answer)but at the same time i dont want to send a strong letter that might give them cause to believe their visits are intimidating me. I will correspond "in writing" till the cows come home until i get the DEAL I WANT but how do i get the visits stopped. The latest is Metropolitan Collection who are saying "they WILL visit on xx/xx/xx...cheecky blighters even state between 8am and 9pm. Now im no genius but i know not many people can legally visit you at 9pm...duh. Guess it will be interesting to see if they call. Let the games begin ..i guess
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