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  1. Hello, I have requested from IDEM my CCA, initially they said they could not find it, i stopped making payments, they have since sent me an application for the cards i took out, dated 1993 with my signature on it, and what appears to be a generic copy of a CCA listing terms and conditions, it has a newer address on this(not the one at time of application) and it states term such as a £12 charge if i go over my credit limit, which i did do in the past but was actually charged £25/£35 ( i believe the lower charge of £12 came in around 2006) therefore what i really want to know is this classed as a valid CCA or are they trying it on?
  2. Hi guys a pointer on this one please, i sent off a CCA on 28/06/2018, had the normal letter back saying they couldn't find the T&C/Contract but will carry on looking.. roll over to Friday 21/9 i get the T&Cs in the post.. there are 2 things that is wrong in the T&Cs, 1 the address is my currant one and not the address when i opened the Acc and 2 the £10 yearly charge that i know wasn't on there, also my signature is not on there at all, the Acc was opened in 95. i think what they sent me is all kack. what would be the way forward on this? sorry forgot to add. Thanks for pointing them out.. i've redone 1 & 2 docs1.pdf
  3. Hi all Hope everyone is well. Had this back recently - after months on inactivity on all accounts. For a Lloyd’s credit card This is the one and only sheet sent back from Idem. Looks like an application form to me ? Any help much appreciated. Thanks for looking and Bon weekend ! Here is correct picture Lloyd’s scan 2.pdf
  4. hello there I received the following from idem Sorry for not naming my attachment , I am new to this technology. Are these documents enforceable? Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated. convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2018-03-05_13-25-40.pdf
  5. Hi Ive CCA'd all my creditors. I have had a response from IDEM for some sofas I had from DFS. They have sent me the original credit agreement I signed in DFS on 24/11/07 with a copy of my driving liscence. They have also sent me a list of all payments made, apart from they have missed off the first year of payments made through payplan. So I am guessing that this debt is enforcable so where do I go from here shall I set up a repayment plan for this, do you think I could try and F&F. Should I enquire about the missing payments? The last payment made to them was recently on 04/12/17 which was the last payment I have made into my payment plan. Thanks in advance
  6. Today I received a white county courtclaim form from northampton for the MBNA Credit card 2008 – now with PRA GROUP - £2723 – defaulted 2012. On 12th Nov PRA Group wrote to me in response to my returned PAP form where I stated I dispute the debt because I need more documents or information Specifically I wrote: I need a copy of (1) the Default Notice, (2) the Notice of Assignment, (3) a complete set of statements detailing exactly how the debt has accrued detailing: (a) All Transactions, (b) Any additional charges, be them by the original creditor or you PRA Group (UK) Limited, the debt purchaser or any predecessor, © Details of all contractual interest added by whom and on what date, (d) List of ALL Payments made toward the Agreement. The PRA group letter on the 12th said, that in response to my query (PAP form) please find enclosed copy of statement of account from MBNA and a copy of the credit agreement (was an online application 2008) plus statements from the MBNA credit card (virgin). The letter goes on to say that they will put the account on hold for 30 days until 12th December to allow sufficient time to receive the letter and contact them. Today I received the county court claim form. I don't know what to do now? Please advise. Should I try to a negotiate an offer with PRA or will I have to pay in full somehow! I don't want a CCJ registered.
  7. This is what I received back from cca the dca, I hope ive included what I should img003[22].pdf
  8. Good afternoon I have today received a response from IDEM after sending them a CCA letter regarding a HSBC credit card They have sent me a reconstituted copy and statement and their letter says that this is all they need to provide and that the debt once again becomes enforceable. There is nothing enclosed that shows my signature. is this now enforceable without the signature and if not what should my next move be Many thanks
  9. Hello I am new to the site always been a watcher and reader. Recently requested a CCA on account that is managed by idem (previously EGG) because it was pre 2007. They have sent through a copy but I am unsure where I stand to whether it is enforceable. I have a scanned copy in PDF Please can someone help me I have been quite successful on negotiating F&F on other accounts and am trying to finalise on others with Barclaycard (Link), PRA Virgin Active. RS1.pdf
  10. Please can anyone help with advancing this? I would be really grateful if a Default Notice 'Expert' could kindly offer me any advice. I have a long standing dispute with a Creditor on my DMP – MBNA/Moorgate (sold to IDEM post complaint Oct 2016). Original creditor MBNA on DMP May 2009, sold to Moorgate 2012, Default Notice from Moorgate Dec 2013 but binned by them (even though letter to terminate agreement thereafter also and no other monthly statements received), they didn't record the Default Notice with CRA either, I have (Moorgate) arrears markers from 2013 to current. I have thus far complained to MBNA (& Moorgate) to request a Default Notice to be issued and recorded from the start of my DMP May 2009 (when the arrears started – as comfirmed on all their MBNA statements I have and evidenced to all, as I defaulted on original T&C paying reduced monthly payment under DMP), MBNA refuse to add a Default Notice as ‘relationship continued’ and I entered into a payment arrangement with them’, Moorgate refuse more or less on same grounds and say their previous Default Notice was scrapped as they were contacted re payment continuation, so didn’t record. The Adjudicator at the FOS has come back to me, she says MBNA have ‘foggy’ evidenced that I continued to meet most of my monthly payments with them (??!!), she seems ‘Exacerbated’ of her telephone conversations with Moorgate, and has decided to not uphold my complaint altogether as she doesn’t think either have acted unfairly??? She has said I can ask an Ombudsman to take a look also… .but that they are ‘likely to agree with her’. I am quoting the ICO guidance version 3 2007 to FOS, however the Adjudicator has said ‘More recent ICO guidance states that there are exceptions and a Default Notice shouldn’t be added if a payment agreement has been entered into, such as a DMP.’ I have sent the Adjudicator absolutely everything so I am confused, am I barking up the wrong tree here, I don’t know what else to say to them other than the enormous evidence and several emails that have taken place …..please can anyone offer some advice (it will be on my CRF until 2026 ?) Moorgate have told the adjudicator, if I stop paying now for 3 months, they will re-place their original Default Notice of Dec 2013 as this pertains to the current arrears. Do I upgrade to an Ombudsman and stick with it for MBNA Default May 2009 or / stop paying 'now' IDEM and expect DN Dec 2013 reignition from Moorgate (?!) Thank you so much for reading in advance… Arrears with MBNA May 2009 until sale to Moorgate March 2012 (MBNA told Moorgate the account was up to date - this is totally untrue as was mounting arrears against T&C although of course MBNA don't record these) Plus x 3 seperate missed payments with MBNA Moorgate arrears from September 2012 4 seperate missed payments with Moorgate to date. Moorgate sold to IDEM in December 2016 after my complaint.Save Save
  11. Hi all, Trying to sort something out for my sister who has got into some bother with Idem. She originally had a debt with Aqua and despite sorting out a payment agreement with them after racking up some arrears, Aqua defaulted the debt when they were taken over by New Day Credit. At this point, repayments stopped being taken for several months despite my sister's attempts to sort things out with the new company. New Day subsequently sold on the debt to Idem Servicing who have been chasing my sister via Moorcroft to collect the outstanding amount. My sister is adamant she has received no notice of assignation or any other correspondence from Idem, and has only received correspondence from Moorcroft. She checked her credit report a few months ago to see the default issued by New Day was removed, but that a new default had been registered by Idem. She claims not to have received a default notice from Idem and the dates don't tally between that default and the one issued previously by Progressive. She believes the default placed by Idem is incorrect and has been placed in breach of the CCA regulations as procedures haven't been followed. She sent a CCA request to Moorcroft, asking for a copy of the CCA, as well as the notice of assignment , original default notice and a statement along with a cheque for £1. The cheque has been cashed. Moorcroft wrote back saying they had passed the request to Idem, but yesterday she got a letter saying that she should contact Idem directly for the information. The account has been placed on hold for 30 days to allow her time to request the info from Idem. I don't see why she should contact Idem. Surely if Moorcroft are the ones acting as agents then they should supply the requested documents from the creditor (Idem)? The original CCA request was made in August, and nothing has been forthcoming so in my view the debt is unenforceable now until such times as the requested paperwork is supplied. To be clear, she's not disputing the debt and says she owes the money and is happy to pay back; she is disputing the placement of a default that she says has been unlawfully placed on her credit file. All help and advice is appreciated.
  12. Hi Sorry in advance this is so long winded..... I have a secured loan with Idem. (originally with Picture Loans, but when they went bust it was bought by Idem several years ago) I have permanent 0% interest on the loan, as agreed originally with Picture when i got into financial hardship with them, and after some initial difficulties with Idem (when they tried to add interest back onto the balance when they took it on), this frozen 0% interest is now carried forward also by Idem. They acknowledge it and the balance now reflects it. My balance owed to Idem is approx £40k and everything i pay each month comes directly off that balance due to the zero interest. So i do have hope, and can see light at the end of the long tunnel in terms of eventually paying this off. I have been making reduced payments for several years due to financial circumstances. The original contractual monthly payment from the Picture days was over £650. When Idem took over the loan i was paying them as little as £120 pm. After 2 years now of regular monthly payments (all agreed with Idem every 3 or 6 months), i am now up to an agreed payment of £500 pm, having gradually been able to increase this over the years. Great progress i believe. Especially as all the payments are coming directly off the balance owed. My main issue surrounds the arrears balance. Because my payments are still under the original £650 contractual payment, my arrears balance has been growing and growing throughout the years of my reduced payments. The arrears balance is now approx £20k. However my query here, is that the interest is permanently frozen, and the contractual payment of £650 was based on the original interest rate of approx 14%. So the original contractual monthly amount now bares no correlation to the monthly amount required to settle the remaining balance on time. eg - I have 8 years term left on the loan, which is £40,000 / 84 months = £476 per month required, to settle the loan on time. So i am basically already at the the monthly level required to settle the loan on time. So surely the £650 pm contractual requirement, is no longer relevant, in terms of my requirements here. If i continue paying £500 pm i will settle this loan early. If i pay what they are asking as the CMP (contractual monhtly payment) then i will settle this loan over 1 yr early. And all the while that i continue to pay the £500, my arrears balance increases. It looks terrible on my credit file. I have asked them to wipe the arrears, due to the zero % interest, as they are no longer applicable to the amount owed vs the term remaining. However all they see is a piece of paper with a large amount of arrears on it, and a monthly payment which is less than the CMP on the account. So they will continue to put pressure on me to increase my payments up to £650, and then they will probably ask me to start contributing extra to the arrears. I'm not in a position to do this, or likely to be in the future, however i really don't understand why i should, even if i was. I have asked several times recently about capitalising the arrears, but they refuse point blank, saying they can't as it isnt within their policy, and would basically mean refinancing, which they wont do. So should i just accept that my arrears balance will continually increase, despite my good intentions and work in getting back to where i am now? Even though the loan is likely to be paid off early at the current level. It is very stressful knowing my payments are less than contractual and that i need to renegotiate payment plans every 3 months, each time i do this they mention the level of arrears. I'm worried they take further steps due to this high number. Even though the number really in my opinion, is no longer a relevant aspect of this. My ideal scenario is to be able to have the arrears balance cleared to zero, and agree with them a new monthly payment amount that clears the balance owed in the term remaining. ( i believe this is effectively what capitalisation is??) That would remove the stress of the huge arrears figure, greatly improve my credit file going forward, and give me huge stress relief from knowing the account was under permanent control with no more worry about negotiating new agreements every 3 months or worrying about potential further action on the arrears. Is there anything i can do to make them see sense over this? Or any other options i haven't thought of? Sorry i have rambled on here. Any help, thoughts, or advice is very welcome. Thanks
  13. Hi all, Havent posted in years but I just wanted to find out if anyone has had any good progress with Picture / IDEM I tried to dispute and gave up with all the red tape but after realising that I have been paying on time for 90 months and the loan hasnt moved I have found the fire again... below are my details I stupidly took out a Picture Loan in Sept 2007. the loan amount was for 25000, Picture added 5000 PPI to the total loan so the loan amount was 30,000. I found this out after and in discussion with FCSC regarding this.... Some months I have paid £500 with the hope of paying less interest but the interest was still £210 a month. Account is not in arrears so I am not sure if Idem will agree to freeze interest. Now that would be helpful. Ive read some forums that mentioned that IDEM agreed to freeze interest, does anyone have a template letter? In terms of being mis-sold I have researched and some of the below might be valid. I would love to know if any other people who have had a Picture Loan have any valid input or feedback 1) I was not informed that the 5000 would be added to the loan and I would be paying 25 years of interest on it! 2) loan is variable but even though the bank rate is 0.5 this 2nd mortgage loan hasn't decreased (unlike my Halifax Mortgage)... 3) My lack of financial knowledge was used to take advantage of me. I should have been advised to discuss my debt issue with StepChange and setup a Debt Management Plan instead I was encourage to consolidate. 4) The total amount repayable was never made clear, with my mortgage I received a key facts document 5) with my unsecured debt I am in a DMP with StepChange and fortunately the companies involved have frozen interest and charges. Stepchange are unable to assist with this loan because its secure 6) I discussed the issue of the interest rate being variable and never going down with Idem, they said there are unable to assist because initial company has gone bankrupt but Idem do regularly review??? 7) I spoke to FOS and they are unable to help. FSCS can only deal with the PPI not the entire loan 8) Citizens advice have informed me that I may be able to discuss mis representation act but it should have been done within 6 years. I am at a lost but very angry and annoyed that I got myself in this situation I am alot wiser and smarter now and would never make the same mistake. Do you think I could send a F & F settlement for a say £5000 and hope they will accept? Any help or advice is very much appreciated.
  14. Hi All, I had started a CCA process with Idem servicing with the OL being Citi Financial. I took out the loan in 2007 and have had a minimum payment going out. All payments have been stopped whilst my CCA request is in process. Idem promptly replied within the set time of 12+2 days with many copies of the signed contract with Citi financial, i just want to make sure that what they have sent is enforceable, if so should i resume my payments and send a F&F offer to them. I have uploaded the documents that were sent to me.
  15. -IDEM Services replied that debt is unenforceable as they are unable to provide CCA paperwork, but they refuse to release me from my financial obligations. (£2000) This debt does show my on credit file, defaulted 09/2001 Not sure what to do here, please any help info on next steps??? stop paying ? wait for it to fall off credit file? offer full & final???
  16. Hi guys been lurking around on the forums for a couple of days using the search function, not sure if this is correct place to make this post so the debts going off my credit report now are (drum roll....) Lowell Telecommunications supplier £1000+ account started 2006 Defaulted 2011 Default every month since 2015 Rang them once or twice going to submit a SAR request under the DPA ------------ Idem Unsecured Loan £3000+ account started 2008 Defaulted 2011 Defaults shows 2 defaults 2016 Rang once or twice going to send a CCA request ------------- Lowell (think it has been moved to another company) Credit Card account start date end of 2007 Defaulted 2011 Defaults every month since 2015 Going to send a CCA request -------- So i was looking at my credit score and there is some old debts on there, i read about defaults being removed after a certain amount of time but if they are defaulting every month it will never end? I have no problem going to court if need's be These are really old debts, i haven't seen a letter from or heard from any DCA's (that i can remember) I can't see how i have a phone bill of £1000+ (they said it was £800+ airtime call charges!) I am willing to fight my corner at all cost's (whats the worst that can happen a CCJ? i get defaults every month i can't even upgrade my bank account from a child account) After a hard time in my life i was homeless (registered with local council etc years ago) Plus i can't remember having these debts! I don't know if this helps me in anyway Has any one got any advice? My main objective here is to get rid of the default's
  17. Today I received a Claim Form for an old Bank Of Scotland Credit Card debt that had been passed on to IDEM Securities Limited. I had been sending regular monthly payments to Idem via Standing Order, last payment sent was January 2016. I had sent a signed for CCA Request on 28 December 2015 to IDEM SERVICING. The reply to my CCA request was: IDEM acknowledged they were unable to supply a copy and acknowledged until they could do so the agreement cannot be enforced. in March 2016 they wrote again saying they have now received a copy from LLOYDS BANKING GROUP and enclosed a copy. No signatures whatsoever are shown and just a print off of Repayment and Interest Charging, all looks like a generic print off. I never made any communication whatsoever with IDEM from this point. They tried phoning me daily and leaving messages on my answer machine which i never responded to. They then wrote to me in April 2016 saying they were unable to speak with me. Then they wrote in May 2016 saying they are keen to speak with me. Then on 14th July they wrote saying account transferred to Litigation. Today I received the County Court Claim Form with Issue Date 27 July 2016. I have logged into MCOL and done acknowledgement of service, and defend all. I have also a CPR 31.14 request to send signed for to Claimant in the morning. I also at this moment have a Claim Form going on with PRA-Halifax(LLoyds) which i have a thread on the forum, i have filed defence on that, and awaiting the 28 days to see if gets stayed, so i already was aware with MCOL and defend all being way to go. I thought it would still be worth while posting a new thread with this particular claim that has arrived today, just incase any different cause of action is best, both cases are very similar intruth as both have not provided a true copy of CCA. Any help/advice as always truly appreciated! Thank you
  18. Just had a completely ridiculous experience with the FOS. Rather than rewrite it all here it is part of my thread in the Debt Subforum http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?376861-1st-and-second-mortgage-negative-equity-on-property-what-happens-next (The FOS comes into it towards the end, if you don't want to read the entire story )
  19. hi i was wondering if anyone can help/advice me i have secured loan that is now with idem of which i was in a payment arrangement of £150 a month as my partner lost his job they accepted this then went ahead served with court repossession papers i had only just spoken to them they forgot to mention that court action had already started, i have told them that i can go back onto full repayment soon as my partner gets work i have been in payment arrangements with them for approx 2 years the shortfall in payment to them now is my partners car insurance payments as there is just no jobs locally im at my wits end with them any advice would be appreciated
  20. Hi, My partner has had an agreement with IDEM services for a repayment plan of 95 pounds. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons in January. She has been without work for 2 years and now she must accept early retirement as she is no longer capable of working. We wrote to idem and her other creditors asking to reduce the figures to a token 5 pounds of which all but idem agreed. I will fill out and income/expenditure form for her to send, as now I am the only earner in the house and so am responsible for all expenses. is there anything I can do in order to get them to drop their figures or see sense, ultimately she will never realise the conculsion fo these debts as she is no longer in a position to earn money outside of her pension.
  21. Hi, My secured loan from Black Horse is now with Idem Securities. They are being very fair with their acceptance of our situation but insist on regular reviews. It was a secured loan. They are 3rd charge. I am wondering what legal rights they have 'inherited' IF ANY? However, when we tried many years ago to take out a secured loan they wouldn't touch us as the mortgage we have has a draw down facility on it. Also every now and again we get a month or two arrears on mortgage. The secured loan people never chased us. I was expecting them to try and seek repossession but it didn't happen. I din't ever think why but am now wondering how legal the secured loan from BlackHorse was to be secured as 3rd rank! Any advice welcome. From picking up on an earlier thread. We had several TSB loans repeatedly consolidated and then we were coerced into turning them into a secured loan; a 3rd charge on our property. (We have a mortgage with separate drawdown facility.) The loan is heavily in arrears. Idem took over and I did not query the original agreement or their ability to do this or indeed any miss selling issues. How can I check the validity of this transfer or the original lending criteria as I no longer have the original agreement? With this loan being secured, I have always worked with collection activities but our means are very limited and we cannot get anywhere near the contractual payments. The pressure of having to review the agreement so frequently is hard as our income is mainly disability benefits and very poor, fluctuating self employed income. It would be a massive relief if I could find out how legitimate the lending was as we had no choice but to accept a secured loan as TSB, back then, were threatening further recovery action if we didn't. Today such bullying would not have happened and a repayment plan put in place. Hope someone can advise me. Thank you
  22. Sorry to have to use a 'reply' thread but I couldn't see how to start a 'new' topic. I have used the forums previously and have had great success. My wife bought a new car on HP in 2007. Unfortunately, we went through difficult times in 2008 and she defaulted with 'Black Horse'. The car was repossessed. sold and my wife was issued with an invoice for £12k. This was the 'defecit' that Black Horse say they lost. My wife has paid every month towards this debt. The debt has been sold on and sold on again. On 30th December 2014, I checked our credit ratings and my wife's had dropped like a stone. I was staggered to see a new company 'Idem Securities' who now say that she defaulted 'their' agreement and they have placed a new default against her name. The debt was defaulted in March 2009 and should one off (by my reckoning) in March 2015. Idem will not respond to any mails or written communication. The debt is 'defaulted' under the original HP agreement as well as by this new company. What can we do please? Stan
  23. Hi In 2005 I got the following: Together Mortgage £113000, Picture Loan £33000, Welcome Loan £21000, RBS Debt totaling £25000 credit card debt totaling £ 9,000. PAYDAY LOANS total £1200. I was in great despair as I was going through a divorce had an ectopic pregnancy and lived in a house half built. I was off work due to ectopic pregnancy and was losing money fast. On top of this my step daughter came to live with me and I was trying to help her through college etc. My ex husband was very nasty and he was due to leave the army and I got frightened in to not taking any of his pension that I deserved for giving up my career to bring his daughter up. He cashed in all our joint policies and left me with nothing but debt. I was in despair literally and had a breakdown turned to alcohol (not badly but enough). I then tried reading self help books to try and change my mind set. I wrote myself blank cheques to all the people I owed and had them on my wall so that I could visualize on attracting money. I won £3800 from a 10p bingo ticket then I got a windfall of £32000. I cleared the credit card debt, got the house finished and reduced the welcome loan to £9000. I still owe the rest, I got the RBS loan secured against the house to free up monthly spends. My house is now worth £136000. I was annoyed though as I have paid over £37000 to IDEM not realising that to settle I need to pay another £42000!! I was younger stupid and scared. I have now rented out my house and I am living in a room, I have started my own company using all the skills I have and have enlisted friends to help me with their trades (I take a small percentage from them as I get them work). [EDITED] It is about visualizing and felling the luck and wealth. It takes only 16 seconds to vibrate mentally and put good thoughts out. I do not ask to win the lottery e.t.c but I try to create ways that I can help myself out of the mess I got in with money. [EDITED]
  24. Hello all, anyone know about second charge and Deed of entitlement? Interesting Case with IDEM Capital, advice required please Hi All Slightly complex situation but here it is, any advice appriciated. Overview We have a mortgage with NRAM and a secured loan with Picture>Webb>IDEM. We cannot make payments and are in default. NRAM looking to put us on a voluntary repossession scheme which are happy with. IDEM have had us is court. Today was the third hearing and they didn't show as they cannot find the correct Deed of Entitlement information, witness statement and paperwork. They asked for Adjornment via letter (not sent to us only the court) but the Judge struck out the claim as they had said they would based on second hearing and paperwork etc beign wrong. What kind of solicitor can best give advice on this? (I.e Conveyencing, housing etc?) Given they cannot prove Deed of Entitlement can we challenge their charge at the land registry and have it removed? Again, your advice is most appreciated!
  25. Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this...hope so. I wonder if I share a story, if anyone can offer advice please. 9 years ago, due to illness and family tragedy, my husband got into financial difficulty. Via the CCCS, token repayments to creditors were agreed an interest suspended. Since then, payments have increased in line with affordability. We have reapid a considerable amount, but still have a fair way to go. I know some will say, 'why didn't you try to go the non-cca, unenforceable route' but, all apart from one were helpful (I did get SD set aside re Arrow Global as they wouldn't play ball) so did not want to pursue the fight with the others. Fast forward to now and our circumstances have taken a turn for the worse and, due to a reduction in income (husband self-employed and work slowed, loss of income due to ongoing health issues and hospital visits), we can no longer afford the current repayment levels, so we have written to the remaining creditors to explain the situation (and included an up-to-date I&E). The one I would like to ask advice on is Idem. ORIGINAL DEBT TO MBNA APPROX £7800 APPROX MBNA PAID £4400 APPROX PAID TO IDEM SO FAR £2000 Original Creditor MBNA agreed a repayment programme that, provided we kept to until they were repaid, they would leave us alone (which they did). We continued the payments, then in September 2012, we were advised that they had sold the remaining debt to Idem Capital Securities Ltd, but that the agreement would continue (which it did). We began paying the same payments to Idem but, we cannot afford these now. Idem has written (see letter C) saying that they need express consent to process the information in our letter and I&E, either in writing or by a phone call. As we won't deal with any of this at the telephone, the signed confirmation is the only option. DO WE HAVE TO SIGN AND RETURN THIS? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS IF WE DO? WHAT IF WE DON'T? What we don't want is for them to 'get heavy' with us, because we can't pay what we can't currently afford. If the repayment programme with MBNA was in place and a default notice never issued as a result (don't have one in file anyway), when the debt was sold to Idem, did that terminate the account and could Idem take us to Court if we can't agree on continued repayments? Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks Sorry, forgot how to attach copy letter, it's been so long since I posted on here!! Think this should work. Didn't-too small, sorry. Hoping this works. Can someone let me know if you can see this copy ok. If not, I'll try the other suggested method. Stigman, Thanks for the response. Yes we do have our own house (with equity, I'm afraid). You said send a CCA request (to Idem I presume). Is that n preference to a SAR (to MBNA)? Also, do you know anything about the request to sign the 'express consent' letter and whether we have to do this in order for them to look at our chnge of circumstances/I&E? I've got all the MBNA statements so I can look at them with regard to charges and a possible reclaim. How far can I go back?
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