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  1. Hi everyone - I'm in a sticky situation. I went to live abroad for some time in 2015 and I'm back now. I was sure before I left that my UK HSBC account was at 0 but it wasn't due to some overdraft that I gone into without knowing which later led to the account being closed. I just received a letter from Cabot today saying that I owe them a balance of £1347.86. I spoke to HSBC earlier in 2017 and they said to me that the account in question was closed and that I owed something in the region of £200 due to overdraft. I can't remember the exact details but I assume they said the debt was written off, otherwise I would've paid the debt right away then. This also makes what Cabot are saying quite confusing because they're saying I still owe this debt and that the fee is larger than I was told by HSBC. I phoned Cabot right after I got the letter and they told me that it was probably Direct Debit that caused the fee to be so high. I had no Direct Debit and I never admitted liability. I asked whether they have the T&C's of the agreement I had with HSBC, to which they said no. I also asked if I could have evidence of the debt but they said they didn't have anything on their side and they'd need to make a dispute with HSBC. For that I said, I'll contact them myself and get the details so they'll put the account on hold. What do you guys think? Someone told me to get this all in writing sent to them either in email or post. Should I do that? Please let me know what to do since I have no idea! Many thanks in advance.
  2. I owe one of my creditors £32000, (more than half of this is their solicitors costs) after speaking with Business Debtline and preparing a budget I offered them £440 per month. They got a order for me to attend court for questioning. I went to the court with the documents requested which were statments for all bank accounts, HMRC returns etc. Their solicitor was there and asked me questions regarding my income, (although they hadn't listed their questions before hand) After court the solicitor wrote and asked me to supply my bank staments since 2017, I replied they have seen all my current financial position and ability to pay. They have written back today to say they are trying to deal with this amicably and if I dont send through what they want they will get a court order and those further costs will be added on to my debt. Can they get a court order to see that far back?
  3. Hi all My wife recently received a County Court Claim Form which we have decided to dispute in full. I've completed the details below. I would be really grateful for your help with next steps. From reading other threads it seems my next move should be to send a CCA request to the Claimant and a CPR 31:14 request to the legals reps. Is this correct? Thanks --- Name of the Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Date of issue: 09 Jan 2019 - Defence form submitted online on 24 Jan 2019 What is the claim for: By an agreement between JD Williams Ltd Re Fashion World & the Defendant dated 11/10/2015 ('the Agreement') JD Williams Ltd Re Fashion World agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit account. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments Due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. 688.36 2. Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol)? No Have you changed your address since the time at which the debt referred to in the claim was allegedly incurred? No Did you inform the claimant of your change of address? N/A What is the total value of the claim? £688.36 amount claimed + £60.00 court fee + £70.00 legal representative's costs = £818.36 Is the claim for: Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007? After Is the debt showing on your credit reference files (Experian/Equifax /Etc...)? ***Wife is checking - will update*** Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim Unsure Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year? No Why did you cease payments? Account was settled What was the date of your last payment? Unsure Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No, as N/A
  4. Hi i wonder if anyone can give me advice. I have received two summons from link financial ref to old defaulted ex barclay credit card debts. Can anyone give me any advice as to how to go about and what to do please? Any advice will be highly appreciated.
  5. I took out 3 loans 96-99. I never repaid as I didn’t earn enough. I didn’t defer for the years 12-17. I got a letter to defer in 2017, when I did it, they said it was too late and it has been passed to link. I have been hounded for nearly two years. I am not in a position to pay it back. now they have said I have to reply within seven days or else. What can I do? If anything?
  6. Hi Guys, I am newbie here on this forum. I have been approached by the solicitor for Negligent Finance advise on the loan I have taken out back in 2006. Told me that this is NO WIN NO FEE and I don't have to pay anything upfront but If I win the case I have to pay 25% fee. Did anyone has used this service and especially on Negligent Finance Advise and how successful or unsuccessful they were. I am really sceptical I may limp into one problem into other one. Your advises will be much appreciated and thanks in advance.
  7. Please can someone help. I have Link Financial writing to me about my deceased father owing them money. They have been sent death certs already but have now addressed a statement to him at 'my house.' The letter talks to him - saying 'behind on payments. They are lunatics. They have had (and acknowledged x2 death certs). I have written to them saying I believe that debt is statute barred and that my father has died. They waited months with no communication and now this. Shall I just return to sender?
  8. I've reached a ridiculous situation with this outfit . Under the agreed T&C's they may, subject to having given 28 days notice, change the T&C's. While there is no record of their having given any such notice, they have never-the-less changed the T&C's to the effect that failure on my part to complete an annual review entitles them to cancel the agreement They now claim that I have cancelled our agreement, but there is no record that I have ever done so. On the other hand they have warned that unless I complete the annual review before some time in December they will exercise their right to cancel the agreement. But this raises the issue as to whether their failure to give the required notice had rendered the changes they had made to be without effect. They say that completion of an annual review allows them to assess whether we can afford to complete the Debt Management Plan, and in doing so accord with FCA recommendations. Whereas I have argued that they are applying an overzealous interpretation of the FCA recommendations. In regard to which I note that according to an FCA enquiry "in some areas, an inaccurate interpretation or overzealous implementation of rules (such as those around data protection or affordability) is preventing firms from meeting the needs of vulnerable customers."
  9. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, I need some debt advice please. I've been receiving letters from Lowell financial chasing me for two old debts for almost 4 months now. They were threatening court action, so I finally responded . One debt is for an old Tmobile account, (which I remember), the other is from Shop direct (which I don't remember). I sent them a statute barred letter the shop direct debt because I couldn't remember anything about the debt, I assumed it must be a very old debt seen as It doesn't appear on my credit file. They have since responded to my letter saying I opened the account in 2004, last payment was in 2008. Apparently I made a payment between 2009 and April 2013, so based on the last payment of £10 in 2013 (which I don't remember) they state that the debt is not statute barred. The letter also states that a CCJ was issued against me in MAY 2014, with the terms to pay £50 per month (again I had no clue there was a CCJ) which is now in arrears. I need some advice for the best way to proceed please. I am now stuck, do I have any more leg to stand on, or do I just go ahead and make payment arrangement with them?. The total debt they claim for shop direct is £1180.23, I can't afford this now, I'm already struggling financially and paying other debts. Please help, what do I do next?, I don't want another CCJ or bailiffs at my door. Thanks in advance for your time. Jo x
  10. Hi Guys I have received a letter of claim from Restons solicitors for a debt bought by Cabot financial. I have made a complaint to the financial ombudsman that the original creditor ‘ a credit card company ‘ refused to deal with several mistakes on my account over a year before Cabot bought the debt and simply told me to deal with the 3rd party debt collectors. The ombudsman said that as they were still the legal owners of the debt they had a duty to deal with me and not pass the buck to the debt collectors. The amount Cabot are claiming is for £1800 when the correct amount after deducting the disputed amount is £1150. My question now is, should I contact Restons who have sent me a letter of claim and say they will start proceedings on 18 05.2018 or Cabot or both and tell them its a disputed amount sold by the original owner of the debt and I have now made complaint to the FOS for which I have received relevant paperwork and a reference number. So would they like to put proceedings on hold whilst this matter is dealt with by the FOS as I see no point in starting court proceedings when they are trying to claim the wrong amount.I I don't dispute the lower figure. So far I have made no contact with either company.
  11. Hey all, I received a letter from BW Legal last month in the form of a "letter of claim". The letter stated that they where acting on behalf of their client Parc Financial's, who bought the debt from PD UK I am given until the 13th July 2018 to reply to the letter. If i didn't pay or set arrangement to make payments for the balance of £206.74, I could occur additional fee's such as interest, court and solicitor fee's making the balance £306. The particulars of the debt stated that I entered an agreement with PD UK on the 28th June 2013, prior to being purchased by Parc Financials on the 9th December 2016. Because of how long ago this was, I am unsure if i did receive a letter / notification of this at the time, but I do not believe i did. No other supporting documents or as such were provided with this letter, only a reply form. According to my credit report, I defaulted with PDUK on the 01/02/2014. I also noted an open account for Parc financial for the same amount. Interestingly enough, I dag through my old email that i used at the time which I couldn't trace any contact from PDUK regarding the debt or notifying me of it being sold. However, I did find an email from BW Legal on the 5/3/2017 as a "Final Request For Payment" and another email on the 7/12/2017 as a "letter of claim". The difference between the two is that the earlier said "may" and the letter received last month says "will". It is worth mentioning I do not remember the debt amount though I know I did borrow money from PDUK It was such a long time ago when I was 18-19 years old, unemployed and had a CCJ at the time from Wonga (stupid young mistakes eh). What would be my best course of action? Seeing as so many people seem to be in or faced the same situation as am I. Thanks in advance
  12. I have been checking my credit files mainly Noodle and Clearscore but have found out that I have a financial connection on my account to someone I have never heard of on my Clearscore account. I sent in a dispute and realised that this is connected to Equifax. They did not answer my dispute when I informed them that I do not know the individual which is highlighted as connected to me and asked how he is on my account when he does not appear anywhere else. My response to this was a pdf of my credit file showing his name as a financial connection which I was already aware of. Is there anyway I can get this removed as I have never heard of the person on my credit file?
  13. Not sure if this is the correct section to post in,but could only find this to be the nearest to my question.Mods,please move it if needed. Basically,the workers rejected the company pay offer,and were balloted for industrial action.The management imposed the wage rise and included it in each persons wage this week,going against Union protocol. I have a copy of the companys financial report covering the last 5 years.Would it be illegal to put this report in the union cabinet/notice board?.Would a data protection breach happen?.
  14. Hello I've received a "Payment Due" letter from Lowell today. Stating " your former BT PLC account remains unpaid. I did have a BT line but cancelled it when moved house in September 2015 and haven't had any dealings with them since. Anything I need to do now as I am aware i cannot CCA a telecoms contract. Thanks DC
  15. My partner started to receive letters from a company called Lowell financial a while ago. When I saw them alarm bells started to ring and I did a bit of research on here. From what my other half tells me, these debts were from well before we met so are probably 10 years or more old. The debts were from capital one, three, jd wiliams, and shop direct. We sent a cca request and £1 postal orders for all the debts. Lowells have acknowledged all the cca requests and closed the three account. It has now been a month since we have heard anything from lowells about the remaining 3 accounts. We have checked on experian and it seems lowells have 2 of the named accounts showing as in arrears for about 4 years. From what I read on another post, my other half should not pay them anything ever. They have failed to provide any of the original documents so as far as I can tell they are unenforceable and should be off her credit record after 6 years. Am I correct And should we be worried about it?
  16. Are on stride still Euro cash net aka quick quid, I got a 4k loan from them in august last year, over 3 years, total to pay back £6500 - which before anyone starts, I don't care, I was grateful for being able to borrow 4k at a time when I needed it, I am repaying and never missed a payment, my query is, how was I able to borrow 4k over 3 years when their website says max loan 3k over 1-2 years, have they changed terms since August last year.
  17. Today my other half received a rather strange letter titled Notice of Transfer Of Proceedings from Cabot Financial UK Ltd that states this claim has been transferred to the county court at _____________ for enforcement. This was done apparently because she did not reply to N56 (form for replying to attachment of earnings application) within the specified time. She did not receive this form. The receiving court will arrange for the bailiff to serve N61(order for statement of means) The only CCJ she had was over 10 years ago and is now definitely statute barred. Is there anything I can do to prevent any further action on this? Surely Cabot are taking the mickey??
  18. Hi guys Any advice on how I can get rid of a CCJ issued by PRAC Financial? My credit report states that the default on my loan with Payday UK (whose debt Prac has acquired) is Satisfied as of Jan 2017. Another credit report says its closed. Unfortunately these clowns still want their pound of flesh. Ive received two letters. One from Northampton County Court about the CCJ and one from BW Legal saying I pay the amount of £1,029. I dont want to pay another £255 to set aside. I dont want to pay anything to remedy? What should I do? Maybe write to the court?
  19. Hi, Could someone help me please? , complete noobie questions below:- I've been out of the country and been sent a claim form from the County Court Business Centre for a claim from a 10 year old Halifax credit card debt for £1600 plus £105 court fee and £80 legal representative costs. I have been receiving calls from these people but i just thoiught they were PPI calls. This claim form was sent on 6th April (I flew abroad 7am that day) but i've logged onto the portal (22nd April) and filled in the AOS form to extend, i'm not sure if this will still be possible to do? I may have paid small payments to this debt a long time ago but to be honest forgotten about it, got my credit score back up high and then this lands through my door, i really don't want a court judgment on my credit file. The debt doesn't even show on my credit reports from various agencies. I'm not even sure about how much the original debt was and how much credit was put onto it etc. Could someone help me please in the reply to the court or give me any pointers/online helpers? I really believe that this debt could be Statute Barred. Any help would be greatly appreciated, my main concern is not to get a mark on my credit file and I really don't want to pay a DCA the full amount but would consider a part payment. I'm not even sure if it's gone past that stage that I cannot offer part payment out of court? Thanks in advance x
  20. Hi I am looking for some help in identifying what the correct default date should be on an old debt from Barclaycard. I went into arrears on a Barclaycard account during 2011 and the debt was transferred to IDR/Link Financial Outsourcing in March 2012. There was no default issued to the credit reference agencies by Barclaycard before it closed the account and transferred it to Link, who subsequently registered a default in September 2012. However, having gone through old paperwork whilst preparing a CCA request, I have found a default notice (section 87(1)) from Barclaycard (via Mercers) in December 2011, i.e. before it was closed and transferred to Link. In addition, I also received a default notice from Link in September 2012, just before they registered one with the CRAs. The default is still on my files and is due to drop off this September. I believe the correct default date should be the December 2011 one, as that is when Barclaycard sent me a default notice and 3 months before they closed the account and sold it to IDR/Link. By September 2012 I had also been in arrears for around 1 year, which I think is too long before a default should be registered under ICO guidelines. However, I am not completely sure and have the following questions: 1. Must the creditor register a default when they issue a section 87(1) default notice? 2. Can the debt be sold to a third party DCA without a default being registered? 3. If yes, can the DCA subsequently issue its own default notice and register a default? 4. Related to questions 2 & 3, can I be issued with two section 87(1) default notices (I am aware that it is not allowed to register a default twice but not sure if this is the same thing). The debt is not settled. Clearly, if I get the default changed to the earlier (and I believe correct) date then it will drop off my files. Any help gratefully received.
  21. Alert for charities - use the regulated financial sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/alert-for-charities-use-the-regulated-financial-sector
  22. As expected an Recorded Signed for Sar was sent to them at the beginning of January, they well outside of their 40days to supply, all that occured within that 40 days is they made a call to the alleged debtor asking that they contact them ( I advised they ignore said calls and to wait for the Sar) No Sar has arrived What next?
  23. Hi, I have a debt which was with Barclaycard originally back in the 90's, roughly £7k. I got into trouble a few years ago when I was ripped off by an investment company who put me out of business and stole several thousand pounds from me. I was advised to use Step Change in 2016 to sort out 4 debts in total. I was not aware that this system would only last for 1 year ( paying a nominal sum per month to each debt) and that afterwards I would be back to square one. After it ended I was abroad working for a few months and was not receiving my mail. Now I seem to have Link Financial chasing this debt ( who I have heard are very aggressive) I wrote to them at xmas last year when letters caught up with me at last and asked them to provide proof that they can chase the debt. Our correspondence crossed in the post and they had already sent a court claim against me in January, which I acknowledged with the online money claim system. ( I have not put in a defence yet as I was awaiting the response from Link.) Now Link have sent the 'proof' which consists of; copies of payments made via step change, letter from barclays stating account moving to Link, general terms and conditions for the card debt, but no copy of the original signed document for the card. What are my options? Should I specifically request the signed document or do they have enough to take me to court? They are trying to force me "sign the admission" via the court summons "supported by an offer to pay monthly instalments'. Link have already stitched on nearly £1000 for their court fees and other bits. I am not currently in a position to pay anything except a bare minimum as I only have a very small part time wage and some money I have saved whilst abroad to live on. Thanks in advance for your help.
  24. I had a loan via satsuma loans (provident financial ltd) I started to find unaffordable. I did the right thing and rather than paying late I contacted them being honest and setup a payment agreement, which I have stuck to 100% and not missed a single payment since it was setup in may 2017. Despite this and the fact ive made major strides to improve my debt handling and credit record over the last 12 months its still had something dragging it down and ive just found out that its provident financial ltd. The record for them on my credit file is still showing as per the original loan agreement which I haven't been paying for almost 12 months now however this is no longer valid as the new payment agreement I had with them superseded this original agreement which explains why I haven't been making payments towards it. I have requested via experian and noodle that satsuma update this record to reflect the new agreement but they have refused to do so. My question is, is this legal? I dont see how when ive setup a payment agreement with a company's approval that the original payment agreement is still valid as surely you cannot have 2 payment agreements with 1 company for 1 loan.. ...the payment agreement I setup surely supersedes the original one? and I dont see how its fair that im being penalised for late payments on a loan agreement I no longer have any agreement to pay. this whole thing has utterly tanked my credit file despite the fact ive worked really hard over the last year to sort myself out and until I find someway to correct it it will keep on tanking my credit file. So just wondering what my options are here? Is there anyway I can force satsuma to update my file to show the new agreement rather then the out of date invalid one? Can I get some advice please?
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