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  1. Hello Caggers just after a bit of guidance, I have sent a SAR to HSBC and pretty much been ignored ended up lodging complaints to FOS and ICO, the end game is all about PPI. I am corresponding with ICO and they will only get involved if HSBC have refused or ignored my request. I told the ICO my request has been ignored and sent them a signed receipt for the SAR delivered into a HSBC branch for delivery through internal mail system to HSBC data controller. The ICO have now come back and said this is not proof the bank have received the SAR and not proof the bank have been given proof of ID. Is this similar to other folks experience with ICO. How can I prove when the SAR was delivered to HSBC with my proof of ID that's exactly what it was and nothing else. Happy to provide more info from the ICO email TIA.
  2. Hi, I have a debt which was with Barclaycard originally back in the 90's, roughly £7k. I got into trouble a few years ago when I was ripped off by an investment company who put me out of business and stole several thousand pounds from me. I was advised to use Step Change in 2016 to sort out 4 debts in total. I was not aware that this system would only last for 1 year ( paying a nominal sum per month to each debt) and that afterwards I would be back to square one. After it ended I was abroad working for a few months and was not receiving my mail. Now I seem to have Link Financial chasing this debt ( who I have heard are very aggressive) I wrote to them at xmas last year when letters caught up with me at last and asked them to provide proof that they can chase the debt. Our correspondence crossed in the post and they had already sent a court claim against me in January, which I acknowledged with the online money claim system. ( I have not put in a defence yet as I was awaiting the response from Link.) Now Link have sent the 'proof' which consists of; copies of payments made via step change, letter from barclays stating account moving to Link, general terms and conditions for the card debt, but no copy of the original signed document for the card. What are my options? Should I specifically request the signed document or do they have enough to take me to court? They are trying to force me "sign the admission" via the court summons "supported by an offer to pay monthly instalments'. Link have already stitched on nearly £1000 for their court fees and other bits. I am not currently in a position to pay anything except a bare minimum as I only have a very small part time wage and some money I have saved whilst abroad to live on. Thanks in advance for your help.
  3. Dear Forum, Just looking for some advice in order not to fall into the well-reported problems with cancelling DW Sports contracts. - Me and my wife each have a 6 month contract (which will run for 14 months if not cancelled) - Our contracts started in Feb and March respectively. - DW Sports terms and conditions allow for cancellation if you have a "change of circumstances" (Clause 12, Section 3) - We are moving abroad on the 15 June 2017 So, we did the following. Went to the gym where the manager got us to fill in the online cancellation form - we did this and got a cancellation code which we wrote down. The local manager said she would call me back on Mon 5th (today) as she needed to call the head office. She called back on Monday the 5th and stated that: Head Office had agreed to a cancellation and had actioned cancellation of the contracts for after the next payment on July 1st (this is acceptable to us although I'd prefer immediate cancellation). She could not provide us with a written receipt of cancellation and that if I needed further proof I would have to use the cancellation code and contact the head office. We should not cancel the direct debit as DW Sport would do that. Am I just being paranoid, or overthinking or should I really pursue them for written proof of this cancellation? I don't want to have to deal with any BS from this company in the future. Please advise on the best course of action. Many thanks in advance for your help! DW's Terms and Conditions under clause 13 (I mistakenly referred to clause 12 in my post above) allow for notice of cancellation at any time with a change of circumstances (13) You may cancel your membership: 1. by giving us at least one full calendar month's notice to cancel your membership to take effect at the end of a calendar month. During the first 14 month membership period the cancellation of your membership cannot take effect earlier than the end of the 6th month for a 6 month contract or 12th month for a 12 month contract ; or the 12th month for Home Club Memberships or memberships that are discounted or for contacts specified for a 12 month period. For Membership Renewal Periods (which are not applicable to Home Club Memberships), cancellation can take effect at any time by providing at least one calendar month's notice as stated above, even during the first 6 months of that Membership Renewal Period; 2. by providing notice of cancellation at any time if one or more of the following applies (a "change in circumstance"): 1) - you are unable to use DW Sports Fitness clubs because of a genuine and serious injury or illness which results in you being unable to use DW Sports Fitness clubs for a period of 2 months or more, and this is evidenced by reasonable supporting evidence, such as a Doctor's note; or 2) - you are made redundant or otherwise lose your job and provide us with reasonable supporting evidence, such as a letter from your employer on company headed paper or proof of entitlement to Jobseeker's Allowance; or 3) - you move house or your principal place of employment is changed and your new home and new principal place of employment are located more than 10 miles from a DW Sports Fitness club which you are entitled to use. Proof of relocation must be provided in the form of a utility bill, bank statement or signed tenancy/mortgage agreement . Other forms of documentation may be considered at the discretion of DW Sports. if none of the above circumstances in (2) apply and you are affected by other unforeseen extenuating circumstances, we may at our discretion (and on an individual basis) consider a request by you to cancel your membership. Any such request shall be made to the Membership Services Department on 0344 249 5300; or
  4. Dear all, I've just discovered that the sub-floor and joists that were replaced only 6 years ago in my Victorian house have rotted again, I'm told by an independent building contractor, due to inadequate damp protection. A master carpenter/joiner replaced joists/sub-floor and oak flooring only SIX years ago, due to the originals rotting. My question is can I reasonably expect the carpenter to contribute to the cost of this new work, which will essentially be to rip up what he did 6 years ago, beef up any existing damp protection and then rebuild the floor from the ground up? I feel he bears the responsibility for not highlighting the need for adequate damp protection in the first instance. Many thanks.
  5. Hi all, I have been a member of the site for many years, and was given great info about reclaiming bank charges years ago, thanks for that. However, my problem is now with Welcome. After scouring the Welcome forum for months I decided to go for the PPI on the loans I had with them, and through the info from this site I managed to get back a good bit of cash, again thanks, but Welcome used the refund to pay off an outstanding balance on my last loan, which I thought had been paid off, since found out why it is still open, but that's another story. However, after returning to this site I figured that there may now be charges I can reclaim, so after reading up on many stories and gathering advice, I sent off my £10 and £1 postal orders to Welcome for my CCAs and a SAR and this is when the problem began!!!! My first letter went to Welcome on February 10 and since then I have four letters from Welcome saying they can't prove who I am and each time I have sent them new proof. To date I have provided them with One of my original loan agreements, which shows my previous address, it was only one I had Letter from solicitor after sale of my previous address, showing full payment to Welcome for a secured loan Letter from Welcome Finance showing loan balance paid off, this was from my previous address. A bank statement showing current address Telephone bill from current address Letter, to my current address, from Welcome regarding a successful PPI claim Letter, showing current address, from FSCS regarding my PPI claim Birth certificate Divorce decree Welcome keep asking me for a passport, driving licence, firearms certificate or a police ID card and I have repeatedly told them, in letters and emails that I cannot provide these as I suffer from Graves Eye Disease so don't drive, I have not been abroad for more than 10 years and my passport expired about 7 years ago so don't have a valid passport, I do not own a gun so do not have a firearms certificate and I do not have a police ID card. Again I received another letter today and after scouring the house have sent them my latest pension plan and a copy of my telephone and Virgin media bill. When applying for my PPI I didn't have to send this much documentation, and I have asked the person dealing with my latest request to confer with the person who dealt with my PPI. So if these latest documents don't work, apart from standing outside their Nottingham offices with my name in bright neon lights, I have no idea what else I can send them to prove who I am. And bearing in mind they have written to me four times and I have replied to each letter with further proof of who I am!!!!! Does anyone have any advice about this????
  6. HI I moved to a private flat-share around a few months ago. The agent at the time didn't want to give me a full tenancy agreement. I wasn't really fussed as i was working and paid my rent on time. Unfortunately I recently lost my job and have been forced to claim esa. The landlord does not usually accept people in full time employment and i have no intention of risking my accommodation . I need proof of address as i am allowed by law to apply for housing benefit and i am under no obligation to tell him i am unemployed anyway, BUT i need proof of tenancy What possible reason can i give him to ask for proof of tenancy? I have also been told by housing benefit that i do not actually need a tenancy agreement just proof of residency etc. SO i assume for housing benefit just a letter stating when i moved in and how much rent i pay and what room i live in etc Can someone offer me some advice? Im only staying here for four months and I'm recovering from an illness i have no option but to stay here at the moment. What reason can i say that i need proof of tenancy other than for housing benefit? thanks
  7. Hi guys i work for a company called xxxxxxxx a company who are well known for ripping people off on the job, I work on the Virgin contract and had a job which involved abit of cable clipping and cable splicing as the customer didnt want extra holes drilling through her conservatory luckily i found an exsisting RG6 sky cable on the roof of her property which i barreled on to and tucked behind the gutter no tugging or pulling involved as i just slot it behind and then clipped the way around to my access point. 6 weeks had passed since the job had been completed and the customer claims that i have pulled the guttering away from the fascia and has caused a leak and claims she has had the guttering people out to take a look at it would cost £300 but has no proof of a quote in writing , any invoices to the job being completed or any photo evidence to support her claim against the guttering being damaged. I phoned my manager today to be told that i have had enough and have been asking for the proof to this claim if he has it i will hold my hands up and settle the damages he claims there is no proof of the work being done or any quotes, invoice etc and its classed as SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM which means they arnt required to provide me with any information. The company is a complete and utter joke and have no idea how these people are still running They have already took £50 of the settlement from my wages without telling me about it, signing any paperwork to show i approve of it and the contract does not state they are allowed also I have £250 remaining and another £50 is due to be taken from me on 28th of this month DO I HAVE ANYWHERE TO STAND HERE IN TERMS OF A TRIBEUNIAL IVE TRIED MY HARDEST TO WORK WITH THEM ON THIS MATTER BUT NOTHING AS THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LEFT THE COMPANY DUE TO THESE PEOPLE I HAVE LOST COUNT
  8. I initially had a credit card debt with MBNA which was then sold onto Max Recovery Limited. When the debt was originally sold it was under an IVA. Now the IVA has since been cancelled, so I have started written communication with Max Recovery Limited. As I understand it, when a debt has been sold on, there should be a Deed of Assignment to prove that Max Recovery Limited own the debt. I have asked for this document on 3 occasions Max Recovery Limited has not acknowledge this requests. To date Max Recovery Limited has sent the debt onto their own DCA a firm called Drysdenfairfax Solicitors for collection.Again, I asked their DCA for proof their client owns the debt, Drysden have not complied. I reported Drysden to the Solicitors Regulation Authority over the matter, the SRA said Drysden hasn't done anything wrong. So my question is this; because Max Recovery Limited have failed to provide proof they have purchased the debts, can they persue me for it!?
  9. Hi, would appreciate some advice if possible. History of this debt - Original Creditor: MBNA Date of agreement: 12/10/2005 Current owner: Arrow Global Current balance: £4223.87 Default date: August 2010 Last payment: 2013 (?) DCA: Capquest Current issue - Got married a few months ago and have changed surname, found CAG and decided to sort my act out. Recently sent CapQuest a CCA request (using CAG template), trying to get things sorted. Before they even received it my neighbour popped round with a letter they had incorrectly sent to her address. She'd also opened the letter as CapQuest had called her home and worried her. I was fuming about the phone call, they obviously searched the address for a number, if they's taken 2 minutes to check my credit file they would have my correct address, and sent them a letter to complain their only response so far is to request confirmation of my name change (valid request in terms of data protection I think, but I refuse to send them any of my ID). Wondering if there's any advice on the following: As I want to get a clear CCA request response (do they have it or not) I understand the need to identify myself, should I provide this to the OC or the current owner? Would appreciate an opinion on my draft response to CapQuest please - Thank you for your letter, dated 27th January and received 29th January. In your letter you request confirmation of my details. Due to the nature of my current complaint and your companys inability to appropriately check and manage data; I am reluctant to supply you with identification documents. As such I am writing directly to the original creditor (MBNA) of the alleged debt with sufficient identification to reflect my change of details. I f relevant to your desire to contact me I am sure they will pass this information along in due course. I await your response to my formal complaint (letter dated 20th January), the main points of this complaint are stated again below for clarification: 1. The letter received disclosed alleged debt details, nature of contact and amount, without any attempt to be ensure that “data and information used in the identification process is, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and adequate”. This failing may relate to CapQuest or their client. 2. CapQuest also somehow obtained the telephone number for INCORRECT_ADDR and contacted them about the account number above, which contradicts the intended recipients right to privacy. Attached file is a copy of my complaint letter and their most recent letter. Thanks for reading Capquest_name_confirmation.pdf
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm currently having the following fun and games, any advice: I took out my Policy with my insurer in December 2014 and sent them the appropriate NCD proof. All fine until July 2016 when I move house and, then, approaching renewal time in December 2015 a week before reveal I hadn't received anything from them. I call them and then realise I had forgot to tell them of my change of address. This is an important bit, what I was told 'you cannot renew a Policy to a different address to that of your renewal,. I tell them fine I'll start a New Policy online which I duly do adding 1 year to my NCD. Receive Policy and all is well until May 2016 I then get back to find my front reversed into in a car park with a towbar do a fair bit of damage. So I call my insurer to start the claims process only to be told my policy had been cancelled back in March 2016 because I hadn,t sent proof of my NCD to them. I point out that, no, I hadn't because my previous insurance was with them so why would I need to do so? I also questioned why I hadn't received a request for NCD proof nor advice that my Policy had been cancelled. Now because the policy was cancelled there is nothing the Insurer can do. Fuming, I email their customer service and customer complaints teams demanding to know why they would need a copy of the NCD proof when I was insured with them last year, why cancel my policy for this reason and finally, and for me, most importantly I've been driving round uninsured for nearly two months. Today they call me back in response to my e-mail basically to tell me that because I changed to a new policy I should have sent my NCD proof even though it's with the same insurer. They claimed to have sent letters, emails and texts advising that unless I send them the proof they will cancel my Policy. I pointed out I never received last years NCD because after it went to my old address I was told to cancel that policy and start a new. Does the above ring true with you guys? The damage occurred in a car park near where I had an interview and, ironically, I was offered the job but have now lost it because my car is non-roadworthy.
  11. Hello, Firstly a big thank you to the contributors, having read many of the DW / ARC complaints on here I have managed to get Major Law Solicitors off my back and DW Fitness have agreed to close my account with no further action IF I can send proof of the phone calls. The trouble is the phone calls were made in my parents house down south of which I have no access to the phone records and would struggle to as they live abroad 6 months of the year. I remember making a couple of phone calls that didn't go through on my mobile but later than the date my letter said. I am obliged to prove I rang several times and couldn't get through? During the period I check their twitter account and 90% of the tweets to them were all of people complaining they couldn't get through on the cancellation line - DW are WELL aware of this issue (hence they've changed their policy recently) Here's the email I received in reply to my letter. Thank you! "I am writing in response to your letter received by DW Sports Fitness Head Office, 23rd June 2016. After reading your letter, I can only apologise if you have unable to contact membership services to cancel your membership. Going forward if you are able to provide your call history showing calls taking place in February I can look at closing your account down with no further action. Unfortunately there is no record of a letter being received dated 29th February so I cannot back date your cancellation to this point. If the letter was sent recorded delivery please provide the reference number and I can have this looked into."
  12. My wife has a LA PCN for stopping in a box junction which she doesnt think she did . She followed the link to the online info that shows 4 pictures of the car all off the box apart from one where she is half into it. So how do the council decide if you were stopped in the box or passing over it? Thanks for any help Sam
  13. Hi all, rather a strange post so please bear with me. Today I had a 3 hour long final assessment as an admin assistant and got offered the job after my 1 on 1 interview at the end. I was called away to the interview when I was inbetween filling in all the forms. When I finished the forms, the another lady who worked there (not the one who interview me) looked through my forms and said I need to provide proof of the last 3 years of my benefits. I was a carer for my Gran up until Sept 2014 but was getting Carers Allowance up until August 2012. The Carers Allowance stopped due to my Gran being in hospital so much but I still carried on being her carer even though I was claiming JSA. In April 2014 I started to claim ESA as my Grans health began to deteriorate and she was in and out of hospital again but I was still her carer. My Gran passed in Sept 2014 and am signing off ESA now as this job offer has really given me the boost I needed and that I never thought Id get. My question is, why do I need to provide this information? How do I go about providing this information? From the DWP? I didnt even know I could get this info.
  14. Sorry for having to create a new thread. I know there is already a lot of great information out there already and I have read loads already but I need some fairly specific advice with this one. So the story goes: I took my Dads car to the office the other night. We have use of a car park that belongs to a bank that we sublet an office from. All thats required is a little paper permit that I have had sitting between my dash and windscreen for months now without any issues. The other day my Dad sent me a text saying he had received a letter about a PCN being "overdue". He sent me a copy and I saw that the evidence pictures were really dark and hard to make out. So I logged in to the website to see the rest of their evidence. Looking through the pictures I can see that they are all taken in the dark using a flash that has done nothing except illuminate the reg plate in to a incomprehensible blurred mess. Cant even read the reg. There is one picture on the whole windscreen that if I up the exposure, I can just about see the permit in the bottom of the drivers side windscreen but obviously I cant see any details. The rest of the pictures of the dash and windscreen are all taken pointed away from where the permit is... So what should I do from here? Send an appeal letter with the photo that I upped the exposure on and suggest that perhaps the Parking Official didn't see the permit in the dark? Or is there a standard appeal letter I should send first? Thanks in advance for any advice given.
  15. Hello to the forum. First things first I would like to say a big thank you to all the people that have posted on here as it has been a great help to me in my fight with them- link, over the past 3 & a half years!! My situation. The usual pre 98 student loan. Never paid, recognised or did anything & had completely forgotten all about it until out of the blue, July 2011 a letter from link! I’ve batted with them for well over 3 years now. Done the statue barred thing only for them to come back with the CCJ thing by the student union in 2001. the question I have is this and would be very grateful of any advice; Link have not given me any paperwork and have only provided me with a reference number to the alleged CCJ and repeatedly claim that this is proof enough that the alleged debt is not statue barred? For some strange reason they seem to think that I am just going to accept that I have checked with Northampton CC where they claim it was issued (although in one conversation on the phone with them they told me it was Chelmsford CC after I said I checked with Northampton CC…hmm?). Checked the trust register online, phoned registry trust & checked my credit report & nothing anywhere. So is there actually any official way for me to check if this reference number is actually valid? I find it a strange situation that it seams all these official companies destroy or archive their records after 7 years as they are no longer valid yet a CCJ never becomes invalid, in a sense so we seem to be left with the situation where we have to take the word of this well dodgy company link…hmm!! Who I do not trust one tiny bit as they have lied to me on several occasions now and I get the feeling, especially after what I have read about them, that I wouldn’t put it past them to just copy & photoshop any old CCJ and claim it is mine if there is no way of actually officiating it?? I am now in a circular situation & I just don’t know how to get them off my back anymore. I’ve sent them the statue barred letter. I’ve told them a million times to take me to court but they wont as they know dam well that it will be a purple blue moon before for a judge is likely to reissue this CCJ as I fit all the criteria of the limitations act, it’s been 10+ years with no contact whatsoever, I've been easy traceable during that time and not committed any kind of fraud so they have no chance in court and they know it! Even if they did take me to court I would rather pay a solicitor £6grand to defend me than give this company the £3grand they allege I owe them as I dislike them so much, to put it mildly!! They know dam well they don’t have a legal leg to stand on so they just harass me with their constant phone calls (that I have a log of) and their letters# (which I have every one of), it’s just pure intimidation and I’m the type that will fight back, I’m just sick of it now though! They keep on claiming they have a CCJ by way of just giving me a reference number but I cannot officiate this anywhere so I have to take their word for it…hmm! In the meantime they are free to just harass me by demanding money just because they say they have a CCJ and given me a reference number, is this at all legal??!! # As an added note to their letters. They are constantly adding interest to the alleged amount even after I have sent the statue barred letter and I was under the impression that it would be a rare CCJ if they were allowed to charge any interest. So by adding interest are they still trying to claim the debt that I have clearly stated is statue barred as if they were trying to claim the debt by way of the alleged CCJ then it would be for the judgemental amount?
  16. Hi all. Went bankrupt in 2008 and included a welcome loan in it as a debt. Last year received a CCJ from them claiming repayment, filed a defence saying it was included in the bankruptcy, now received a demand saying i need to provide proof or they will proceed with the claim. Do i need to provide proof, surely its not that hard to prove i was bankrupt They claim they cant locate any proof of the bankruptcy. if so HOW DO i prove it??? Rgds
  17. Hi, firstly, my partner and I, along with our child have lived in this house since 2011 and in this street since 2006. Last year I applied for his secondary school place and was awarded the school of our choice, the school is 250 metres or so from our front door (one of the reasons that we moved to this street in 2006). Last week I received a letter from the LEA Admissions officer telling me that I had to prove where i lived in October last year, they want 5 pieces of paper, 2 of which are A V5 document , I dont own a car, my partner buy s and insures our cars, also, proof of receipt of CB and or Tax Credit, we receive neither of these. I cannot ring them until Monday, but this sounds very strange, part of the letter states that he is not necessarily doubting where I live or where our son lives, actually, that is precisely what it sounds like to me. Whilst we have nothing to hide and have not made a fraudulent application, I cannot provide them with something that I do not possess, does anyone have any advice please.
  18. This is the best place I could find, but it's not the right place to post this. I am at the top of the list for a council house, I have till Friday to prove my address otherwise it's back to the bottom. The issue is that I have only got my bank statement that goes to where I am living at my sisters house. I don't have anything else at all and they don't accept a driving licence. How can I sort this out?
  19. What is the procedure for job centre advisers to check your private email account on your phone to see if you've actually applied for jobs and have proof of it? I currently have proof on my email account of jobs which i've applied for which I can retrieve on my phone but what is the actual procedure for job centre advisers to physically see these emails which counts as my proof in looking for work? Can the adviser demand I hand over my phone then open each email to read them or do I just need to turn the phone screen to the adviser and show them the emails listed without actually going into them and showing them every single email. The reason I ask is because I was informed by an adviser this week while signing for my JSA that they have the authority to ask me to hand over my phone so they can check through my emails themselves otherwise I may well be sanctioned. I know there will be a data protection breach in that somewhere and know they can't force you to hand over your phone so they can rake through the emails but I'm just asking around for a little clarification before next signing day.
  20. I've always kept a paper record of my job search activities, however, it seems that at my Jobcentre, claimants are being heavily pushed to record this on Universal Jobmatch. One of the issues with UJM is that the vast majority of the jobs listed there don't allow you to apply within the site itself and take you to an external site, such as CV Library, Adzuna etc. This then means that your application is not recorded in the 'Application history' section. So, does anyone know if it's acceptable to manually type this information into the 'Activity history' section instead? I am also considering typing all of my job search activities - not just those sourced from UJM - into the 'Activity history', so that everything is one place, and so I can do away with writing it all out in hard copy. I don't intend to give the Jobcentre access to my UJM account, and haven't ticked the box that would allow them to do so, but would there be any issues if, when signing on, I logged into my UJM account, so they could view my job search activities?
  21. Hi We recently bought a plastic garden storage unit from shedstore. (can't post link as too few posts) They desribed it as " suitable for both indoor or outdoor use, garage or patio." The box it came it stated "Weather proof for outdoor use" However, the doors only touch at the top and bottom and there is a 4mm gap in the middle that lets rain in (the doors would need to overlap to be rainproof) We contacted shedstore (by email) who then contacted their supplier. They suggested that we add some additional door seals and they stated that the product is not waterproof! We do not think that we should have to make adjustments and that the cabinet should be fit-for-purpose as supplied. Also, the box clearly states "Weather proof for outdoor use". Shedstore are now ignoring our emails. Can anyone suggest how we should proceed please ? Many thanks in advance, H
  22. Hi, Hope this is not a stupid question but after paying a token £1 per month payment for a number of years my debt has been passed onto a new Dca and they want proof that I'm on benefits. I can provide a photocopied letter from the SSA but my question is a data protection one, , can the information they hold on me be passed to outside 3rd parties and any other agencies or is it held by them 'in house'. Many thanks...
  23. Hi I don't know if anyone is aware of the case law of Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Limited v Kotchea, Court of Appeal 26.1.11. A summary of this case is that a discrepancy as to interest rates was different. K had a strong prima facia case that the interest rate charged in 1998 which would have been specified in the document that he has signed were not those that appeared in the terms and conditions that were in evidence. The interest rate under a consumer credit agreement was a term of central importance. Section 78 required the creditor to supply a document which sets out the original terms as to interest rates. P had not shown that the obligation has been satisfied. It would therefore be appropriate to set aside the Judge's order in the original hearing. This case can be used if you need to defend yourself in proceedings. If the figures don't add up, no add up no pay. Also check who the Claimant truly is, prove of ownership is vital. This can be done by asking for a notice of assignment and deed of assignment as well as the credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act in the prescribed terms. The debt collection agencies and their solicitors seem a little shy when asked for this information and take to the hills. Hope this helps.
  24. Dunno if this is right section , but here goes In May 2013 a charity provided my autistic son with a new boxed HP laptop. Recently the battery is going flat very quickly -about 2hrs.It def needs replacing I was surprised to find my warranty had expired in May .....2010 ! I contacted the charity and they told me they bulk purchase in advance -hence the early expiry my question is do i have any legitimate warranty claim ie when i received the goods ? Thx
  25. Hello, I was hoping someone could provide some advice. I took out a storecard with River Island/GE Money when I was 18 which was around 9.5 years ago. I also took out an overdraft/credit card and stupidly defaulted on all of them. I started paying them off and was convinced that I had paid in full the storecard years ago. I paid off the rest in full last year. However around 1 year ago I was contacted by a debt collection agency out of the blue in relation to a £270 storecard which hadn't been paid off. I've since changed banks and didn't keep statements etc from around the time as it had been so long (I also often used my mums/grans card to make payments on it) so I don't have full records of payments towards the storecard. I've called the storecard providers several times over the past year requesting payment breakdowns for all payments made to the account however as GE Money no longer exists and is part of Santander they told me they do not have this and I need to speak to DCA dealing with it. What I find is strange is that the storecard had a £250 limit and they are chasing me for £270. I definitely made payments to this storecard so I don't understand the amount etc. If I've made a mistake and there has been an outstanding balance then I'm more than happy to pay but I'm almost 100% it was paid off. I've asked the DCA for statments/payment breakdowns and they all say they will put a hold on acc for a few months till they get them from the creditor however they never materialize and then DCA changes. All I want is a breakdown of payments made/dates so I can see proof that I owe this but noone seems to be able to provide this information. Can anyone help? Also I'm in Scotland and current DCA is Rockwell. Thanks in advance Lori
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