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  1. Help! im a student and my Uni is very close to a Morissons. I've parked there randomly a few times and got 2 tickets for 50 pounds for overstaying the 2 hour period. To be fair i wasn't looking for any parking signs as i was always in a rush and didn't even know that i had a time limit in a shopping center car park. To be fair is a very small town. I live in Northampton by the way. I have receiving 3 letters( each for the 2 tickets) from Euro car parks which i kind of ignored and after that i have been getting tickets from DRP saying i have to pay 150 pounds each for both tickets. What should i do ? i've been so scared to get in contact with these people. At first i didn;t have the money and after that i thought i would just wait and get more familiar with the subject. Do i have to pay these tickets or not ? How should i go about this?
  2. Hi, I will try and explain the scenario that took place between my wife and PayPal as best I can. One morning, my wife was contacted via Facebook messenger by who she believed to be a colleague at her workplace. This was before Christmas and the colleague explained that her PayPal account had restrictions on it and asked if my wife could accept money into her PayPal account for items the colleague had sold to help with the cost of Christmas. Being the ever pleasing colleague she agreed. After the money appeared in my wife's PayPal account, she was instructed to then withdraw to her own bank account and then transfer the money to another bank account provided by the work colleague. This was all completed without any issues. She arrived at her work that morning to be told by her colleague that there was never any request to move money by her and that her Facebook account was hacked. There were two payments made in to my wife's account, both approximately £490 pounds. All money had passed through so we though it was very strange, maybe laundering, but just moved on as our own money wasn't at risk. A few days later however the second payment of £490 was declined, leaving my wife £490 down. We didn't really understand what happened but we assumed the account from which the funds were sent was either hacked as well or they were dodgy too. We contacted our bank to find out where the final destination of these funds went, and to log a case of fraud, but it was a German, online bank and they have yet to enter successfully into dialogue with our bank, so nothing is progressing. And we don't expect it to get anywhere. We now have the PayPal debt collection agency chasing her which we are not happy about. We are also not happy about the fact that no one at PayPal, the bank or any of the other fraud organisations is willing to look into the case in any more detail, despite this transpiring to be quite a common [problem]. Should we stick to our guns regarding this or will that be futile? Do Westcot and/or PayPal take these kind of things to court? Will this effect my wife's credit? I would also like to point out that all conversations that took place on Facebook etc have been recorded and ready to be shown to anyone who needs to see them.... Thanks in advance. James
  3. Hi all, I'd appreciate some help/advice regarding the above please. On 29th September, I parked in a Euro Car Parks location. I paid by phone, and have the receipt/proof of purchase from 14:31 to 17:31 on that date (£3.20; £3 for parking plus the 20p service charge for using the phone service). According to their CCTV, I entered the car park at 14:13. I remember spending quite some time driving round waiting for a space, found one but re-parked (I couldn't get out; it was clearly left as everybody else had that issue!) so it took some time for somebody to leave. I now understand the grace period was 10 mins from car park entry to payment. Come departure time, I was back at my car at 17:00/17:05. However, the car park has me exiting (via CCTV) much later; I don't have the original notice to hand but I think it was just before 18:00. This is correct, because the car park was just a massive queue due to surrounding roads being blocked and nobody could leave. I didn't really think anything of it/never contemplated an issue until I had a notice from Euro Car Parks in October (received by me on 16th October) stating that "the P&D/permit purchased did not cover the date and time of parking." I wrote to them (not recorded delivery) with proof of my purchase, offered to pay £1 to cover the difference/what the parking would have been, explained I was hunting for a space/queuing etc, didn't think much of it. No response. I then had a letter from Debt Recovery Plus dated 6th December (paying your parking charge, how to settle, what happens if I don't pay, a supreme court decision so do not ignore this), and I sent a copy of what I sent to Euro Car Parks. No reply. I had a further letter from them dated 28th December (notice of intended court action). I ignored this letter. I had a further letter from them dated 14th January, with a final settlement offer. Again mentioned court and CCJs. I also ignored this letter. Today I received a letter from Zenith Collections. It shares it is sent without prejudice, they'll collect the debt and pursue to a legal conclusion if necessary, they urge me to act now etc. It is titled "notice of debt recovery assignment" and says the date of the notice is 29th January and all communication should be with them. I called them, mentioned the offer made, that others have not responded, etc. I also made the same offer to them. They will only accept the reduced settlement rate of £136 (from £160). They do not want copies of the parking ticket/payment made or correspondence to Euro Car Parks/DRP (who seem to be the same as Zenith). They said they will take me to court and they recommend I seek legal advice. With all of the above, is there any advice available here please as to what my next steps should be? Lesson learnt; send everything recorded delivery in future/be aware of parking cover if there's a big queue/you're still expected to pay even if queuing! Many thanks in advance. I just found this bit, so here are answers to questions 1 Date of the infringement - 29th September 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 5th October 2018 3 Date received - 16th October 2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes - specifically paragraph 9 (2)(b) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes - two photos of car number plate only 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - no appeal, offered to pay £1 to cover difference, sent parking ticket payment receipt which covered 14:31 - 17:31 Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - No 7 Who is the parking company? - Euro Car Parks 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Cornhill Wolverhampton Euro Car Parks are a member of the British Parking Association (stated on letter). All other correspondence detailed above.
  4. I know there are a few threads on similar subjects here, but wanted to set out my exact circumstances to see if anybody could advise on my next course of action. The usual story, lived in the UAE for four years, topped up a loan to pay for accommodation and expenses. That was all fine before I was made redundant in early 2017. With accounts frozen, felt I had no choice but to get my stuff together and return to the UK. Debt is around 100,000 AED. I've had all of the normal emails, them trying to call me at my place of work, etc, but now appears they have enlisted the help of a UK company, International Debt Recovery, who I see ran a credit check on me, where I presume they got my address. Have received a letter from them, where they namecheck HSBC Middle East and ask me to get in touch in the "next seven days". I have since received a text message from them, too. What are my options here? I'm in no position to pay back the £ currently, and I understand that they're not exactly accommodating when it comes to payment plans. I have taken on a mortgage since I returned to the UK with my wife, but that's only been in the last eight months and it is a first time buyer scheme, so very little/any equity has been built up. Just looking for some advice really, have read elsewhere that people have ended up bankrupt over this, so must admit I'm slightly concerned. Thanks in advance.
  5. Good Evening, Group I am deeply ashamed to say that I have been caught cancelling items in waitrose value of 40£. I have been accompanied by the security to a room. No police involved. The took picture of me and my I address. I took my lesson but now I want to know what is the best reaction on this wrong doing except that I will always pay my bill. Thank you in advance for spending your time on my case
  6. Investigation leads to shutdown of ‘asset recovery’ company that recovered no assets READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/investigation-leads-to-shutdown-of-asset-recovery-company-that-recovered-no-assets
  7. Hi all, My dad who is a private hire driver was dropping off a passenger at birmingham airport IBIS hotel. This hotel allows passenger drop offs/pickups only by private hire drivers and is a red route in all other circumstances. My dad recieved a fine i sent off an appeal to APCOA detail that he was a private hire driver and eligible to drop off. No response was received from and in return we got a debt recovery letter. I then sent off another email to APCOA stating that i had sent an appeal but not received a response. 4 months down the line and without a response, i have now had a DCBL letter (although the letter states that this case is not subject to high court or bailiff action). What is the best course of action? For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement - 5th March 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - i do not have this to hand as have misplaced it 3 Date received - as above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes there is evidence of showing my dad doing a drop off, but i have since gone and taken a photo of the sign which states drop offs for taxi only. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - appealed on 14th APril 2018 stating that my dad is a private hire driver and is eligible for the drop off Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - NO response 7 Who is the parking company? APCOA 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Birmingham Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. Hope you can help THanks
  8. Hi my 1st post on here i was hoping somebody can help me i have had 3 letters from civil recovery solutions. I was caught walking out of b and q after swapping parts from a damaged box to a good box i thought that one part was missing so i took it from the damaged box and put it in the good one. After being stopped it turned out that the part was in the good box but i had not seen it. No police were called and i was made to sign a store ban for 1 month. I had received a letter from civil recovery solutions for £95.15 which i ignored and another reminding me that the early settlement fee was about to expire . I am now on my 3rd letter for £118.94 and it is headed letter before refferal. I am now quite worried i have ignored this letter as well but they gave me 28 days which is due to expire next week I am also worried as im going abroad for a few weeks and if it does go to court i wont be in the country and loose by default. This was a mistake on my part i have never been in trouble with the law and im now loosing sleep and its all i think of but i cant afford to pay the fine plus i dont want to pay out of principal. Has anyone ever been taken to court from civil recovery solutions or B&Q or are they just trying to scare me into paying. I hope someone can help me with this please i have read many threads on these companies but most are quite out of date and never come back to say whether they heard anything more or ended up in court. Thanks in advance.
  9. This is my 2nd run in with ECP. First one, about forgetting to purchase a ticket, was dropped by them after their follow-up letter which nicely increased the demand from £60 to £100. This time I made sure to buy a ticket but overran the allowed time (I think I was 6 minutes over a 3 hour limit but the letter didn't stipulate). I received, and promptly forgot, their first letter and was away for the final 2 weeks of the 28 days they gave me to appeal their second letter. I went to lodge my appeal and was told: 'No further appeal can be made against this Parking Charge Notice (PCN) – the PCN has been forwarded to Debt Recovery Plus Ltd. All/any communication must now be directly with Debt Recovery Plus Ltd who’s contact details are on http://www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk or telephone 02082346775.' This to me implies they've sold the debt to a DCA rather than do what they've threatened in the past which is to take me to court and push for a CCJ. To me this is just a non-credit related issue and one that cannot result in a default or CCJ against me, damaging my credit rating, nor is it anything that can result in legal action, and so is something I shouldn't be concerned about. Am I right? The charge itself is excessive - £60 (later increased to £100) for overstaying on a ticket is in breach of what they can charge and as I understand it, they can only claim for lost earnings - which would simply be the cost of a ticket to cover the extra minutes I was parked. Having previously laughed off a DCA when I did receive a default on a credit card debt, I'm not bothered at all about a DCA chasing a parking ticket, assuming my understanding of the situation is correct. And if I am right, isn't it bizarre that a parking company renowned for taking legal action has decided to wave the white flag and sell on to a DCA? Thanks in advance.
  10. Have been sent a notice of debt recovery from dcbl after losing against gladstones in court. Went to court over a parking ticket in June and lost. Waited for a further letter from the court with instructions to pay. I received a letter from the court ordering to pay on or before 3rd of July. But this letter was received after the 3rd of July. The envelope has no date stamp of when it was posted. There is no where on the letter stating the judgement will be entered in the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines. I have no registered CCJ either on trust online or any credit search. I do not want to pay gladstones on either their very scamy looking website or automated phone line. What should be my next steps?
  11. Hi all, This is a query for me, regards to a couple of outstanding invoices that have now been paid. I received an email from Stirling Debt Recovery on behalf of their client Thompson Local for two invoices for £162 each and another invoice for £60. I have contacted Thompson Local direct and have paid £324 to them this morning, and will pay the final £60 for end of contract fee next Friday. Thompson Local stated at first that I needed to contact Stirling DC, I said absolutely not, I don't do any correspondence with a DCA whatsoever, and asked if Thompson Local were refusing to take payment that was owed to them. Of course they said no, but needed to contact Stirling as to what to do. I get a phone call a couple minutes later back from Thompson, they are quite happy to take £324 today and £60 next Friday, but have said additional charges by Stirling will need to be paid directly to them. These charges are listed as reasonable debt collection cost under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act 1998, of 10% of the total outstanding debt, plus late fees of £40. Now I know the general instructions about DCA's is to just ignore them, especially when they don't actually own the debt themselves, as in this case, but as it is a commercial debt, can they still chase me for these additional charges ? Any advice would be gratefully received. Cheers, Bloke199
  12. Hi, I have received a letter from DCBL which states: "Your overdue amount of £269.48 due to Excel parking services ltd in relation to a county court judgement number xxxxxx has now been passed to DCBL to recover the debt on their behalf" It also mentions a further £75 + vat charge. I have searched lots of forums and the advice has been consistent to ignore all letters from Excel parking or any debt recovery firms. i am concerned this letter mentions CCJ number which suggests a CCJ has been issued. I dont recall receiving any court letters, although i have changed address. Normally, I would ignore these letters as per the advice on the various forums but im worried if a CCJ has really been issued and what I should in this case? Should i respond to DCBL? Should i contact the court (and if so, which court would i need to contact as i have not had any details)? Or should i continue to ignore? Please help as i am really stressed out now Many thanks in advance for any advice/help. Cheers
  13. Hi all : haven't posted in a while. Had letter out of the blue yesterday from Global Debt Recovery Ltd (New Malden) Client Jefferson (Insurance Product) sum of just under £100.00. We are today appointed as agents for the collection.......basically giving me options how to pay etc Never heard of this company and quite frankly don't recall any insurance owing. Any advice on how to respond please kind regards
  14. Hiya, I tried to take about £30 of shopping from Waitrose today. I know I'm an idiot (hence the username) I'm not doing it again, I've been scared about it and want to just move on. I'm worried about the civil recovery thing. I admitted to having taken something before on one occasion from Waitrose and so they gave me a lifelong ban. They didn't contact the police but they scanned my ID and took a photo of my face. I got given a letter from RPL. What legal advice do I need to get? They told me I will get a fine 'probably around £100'. When will I get this letter, does anyone know? what happens now? The letter says at the bottom: 'In principle the Data Protection Act 1998 does not prevent the use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... Your personal data may be stored and used by prospective employers within client companies to make employment decisions...' What does this mean realistically? I think I might want to work with kids as a teacher - will this stop me from being able to? Any help is appreciated.
  15. Hi guys sorry to bother you. syesterday i got caught stealing from primark. i was cold needed a jacket thought id nip in and grab one. Didnt work out for the best and i really regret my decision. i was detained for around an hour or so and i was asked about my details etc. i gave them my name, phone number and address. they said that a civil recovery team would get in touch with me over this matter and i will be issued a fine. They threatened me wth bailifs and other court orders as well. the only thing is at no cost can i let my family find out as they will kill me. i am going to set up a royal mail direct so my mail is not sent home. ive seen similar queries but i was wondering if they ever follow through with the threat of bailiffs. the thing is i cannot afford to pay 70 pounds for a 10 pound coat which was not damadged at all. thank you for any help
  16. My wife parked my car in an NCP car park in Ipswich for 15mins on 6th dec. She had some issues paying with her phone via Ringo. However, payment was made successfully as was confirmed by her bank statement. Yesterday we received a letter from Trace debt recovery for 160 pounds. We phoned NCP who said they sent letters (they didn't). We have finally managed to get them to allow us to appeal on their website, previously it was locked out. How should we appeal? I can attach a screenshot of the bank statement, but what explanation should I give. I've never had this happen before and it is keeping me awake at night it was a ZP serial number if that helps
  17. Hello all, Thanks for taking the time to read my thread. My story is no doubt similar to many past and present, i am looking to now take control of my life and debt! After a period of tough times and illness i have started work/business again and on the road to mental well being. Background... 40k unsecured debt Self employed / Partner employed Discussed circumstances with Payplan and they recommend debt management plan or IVA I am concerned over IVA and the equity clause at year 4 as this is our nest egg, i have no pension and the property is in my spouses name but they tell me if they can prove i contribute to mortgage they could activate this clause. Given the above i am looking towards DMP which i am happy to undertake myself hopefully with guidance from more experienced folk. Our joint income at present covers households etc but only a minimum token payment off creditors which i am making. This will improve as i bring in more work/business and see no benefit in IVA and the negative stigma that could be viewed by being on the register trying to win contracts or endorsements by trading standards. I am seeking advice on 1/ DIY DMP or IVA is my thinking right? 2/ Next steps to formalize one of the above Many thanks in advance.
  18. please help. I need to know if for any reason I can get rid of this debt. I owe a working capitol loan - the debt has been passed to akinika. they rang they asked who I was I said they have wrong number. now im worried - as the same company I owe money and are paying them off - will they link this will they come to my house? will I be able to remove this debt following the process set out to send the letter - ?
  19. Hello all, I`m new to this so please bare with me.. I recently had a Hypo , which is severe low blood sugar that Diabetics sometimes get. It can result in drunk like or irrational behaviour.. back to the story, I was in Tesco doing my shop when this happened, I walked out without paying.. I`m not a shoplifter but I did never the less walk out without paying.. When I came too I was in a room at the rear of the store being guarded by a security guard.. I asked why I was there as I had no memory of the prior 45 minutes.. I was informed I was a thief and they was waiting for the Police to arrive.. At some point someone had given me a mars bar so that was why I had come back from the brink. The police said there would be NO charges and let me leave the store.. Today however I get a letter from a solicitors saying I owe Tesco £125 . .. Civil recovery.. should I pay ? do I have to pay ?
  20. Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me or provide some advice on what i need to do: I live in Birmingham City Centre and have received a number of Parking Tickets from Premier Parking Logistics- these notices are usually issued during the night time. Upon advice from blogs etc i have ignored these Parking Ticket due to them being unregistered with the appropriate parking authorities and a certain Mr W*lton W*lkins being the owner or previous owner of the company. I have racked up about 4-5 of these notices and now they have passed this to a company called DCBL (debt recovery company) they have written to me at an address where i no longer live - they also spelt my name incorrectly. They have somehow obtained my address and written to me advising i owe them £160. £100 for the Parking Ticket and £60 admin fee. On the back of the letter conveniently hidden it says "This case is not subject to High Court or Bailiff Action" firstly yes i have written to the DVLA to request who they have given my information to and i have not acknowledged any of these letters or contacted DCBL or Premier Parking. Has anyone else had any issues with Premier Parking & a Debt Recovery Company and if so how was it resolved? I appreciate any advise or help!
  21. Hi I received the letter below yesterday from a debt recovery agency, I did receive a PCN last year whilst parked at the shopping centre but I can't remember the date I have until now ignored all communication and binned the letters they sent as this is what I did last time I got one of these things quite a few years ago, although now I have seen the advice is no longer to just ignore them, worked last time though The car park does have signs up all over the place about restrictions time limits etc and I do remember when I parked I wasn't able to park in the bay properly due to a van encroaching into the bay where I parked which meant I encroached into the next bay, I was parked for less than 10 minutes while I went to the chemist to pick up a prescription for my step son and when I came back had the pcn attached to my wind screen. The car park is free to park in so no loss of revenue was incurred and I didn't cause any damage by how I parked. I'm looking for advice as to how I should proceed from here as reading the forums ignoring it no longer seems to be the way to go. Thanks in advance. Darren Inkedparkcing charge_LI_NEW.pdf
  22. Hi, Went to a wedding last year? I honestly cannot even remember how long ago it was. There was insufficient parking space at the venue and my vehicle was parked in an empty cash and carry car park just down the road. We did not see any signs/ information informing me this was private property/ charges etc. I have attached a google street-view image of the area in question - the signage is very small and I can confirm on the day - a vehicle was parked in front of the sign - big enough that myself and 4 other members of my family walked straight past it and did not notice it. The vehicle was parked approximately where the silver car is in the image. I received a parking charge notice on return to the vehicle and numerous parking charge notices via mail - I followed advise from a basic google search which advised to ignore. I now realise this was a mistake. Received the following letter through the post today. I have stupidly thrown away all previous correspondence and cannot even remember the date of the incident. Am I outside of the period in which to appeal? What action would you advise? Many thanks in advance
  23. Hi i have received a letter from Argos Financial recovery services requesting the full balance of my account or they will consider passing my account to a third party who may commence proceedings against me in the county court or sheriff court. I see this as very threatening and intimidating. I lost my job just before xmas 2016 and spoke to Argos to explain that i couldn't afford payments but am now at present back in full time employment and my direct debit has been reinstated and a payment was made on the 12th of April with the letter from Argos dated the 16th of april. I phone Argos to explain that i was now in a position to keep my monthly payment up but they were not even interested as it had been passed on to the recovery department. and demanded i fill out a personal financial statement to see how much i can afford although i am paying anyway. I feel that they are just trying to frighten people like myself into making full payments. Any advice would be appreciated as i am very frustrated with these complete Muppets.:-x:-x:-x:-x:-x
  24. HI everyone my first post on this site as i am in a bit of a pickle around 2 years ago at my gym ( which also happens to be a hotel & restaurant ) company called "millennium door and event security randomly turned up and decided to start slapping tickets on everyones cars ( gym users , hotel stayers & restaurant eaters all included ) as you can imagine there was quite the uproar with many complaints going to the hotel manager about this whom seemingly was unaware what exactly was going on ,but someone within the hotel had agreed that millennium could start ticketing peoples cars under the pretence that they were " managing the car park " i imagine of course the hotel would receive a percentage of any " charges recovered " i avoided the whole thing for a while although i will admit things like this make my blood boil as this business model is created to inflict misery on innocent people and to generate pure profits for the robbers that own these companies i cannot believe that in 2017 companies like this are still allowed to get away with slapping tickets on peoples cars on land they have absolutely no affiliation with anyway around a year ago i damaged some ligaments in my leg , i still attended my gym as there was a good physiotherapist there and i liked to use the pool facility however for around 5-6 months i was unable to walk distances and therefore i would use the disabled spaces provided by the hotel this is where the problems began everytime i would return from using the facilitys i would find a "ticket" on my windscreen i must have collected around 20 of them in 6 months however as i pay a monthly fee for my gym i believed i was more than entitled to use the private disabled parking space provided by the hotel and simply ignored the nonsense tickets i can remember even querying this with the gym manager who said the rules do not apply to patrons and members ( the sign millennium door and event security had put up even mentions this ) i kept throwing the tickets away and thought nothing more of it , until i started receiving mountains of letters from "max recovery" and "goldstones solicitors" more con artists i ignored all these swell thinking it was all huffing and puffing trying to bully money out of me next thing i am being served county court papers from some business centre in Nottingham ( 200 miles from where i live ) first i received one claim stating i owe £400 - this was the first one and i actually went to court with expecting somebody to see sense and throw it in the bin gladstone rocked up with 3 solicitors and had carefully analysed every single defence point i had I'm not joking they must have spent more time on this than the OJ simpson trail myself and the magistrate had lost all interest by the end and the court awarded them the full amount minus a little bit of interest they were trying to claim i ended up paying these ba*stards £374 in full they were not prepared to negotiate a payment plan of any type then a few months later i receive one stating i owe another £350 - by this point i had enough and just threw it in the bin ( i know stupid ) the judgement defaulted and they yet again get the result they so desperately wanted along with a CCJ which has now been handed to DCBL aka don't pay we will take it away i also have another case with them waiting to go to court for another £400 - but i have been clever in dragging this one out for along as i possible can by switching addresses and saying i am out of the country for 5 months but i have no doubt that gladstone will be after this one like a dog after a bone too anyway its the defaulted one they have a cci for i am most concerned about at the moment because i live with my parents and where as if i was on my own i simply wouldnt even acknowledge they're existence and would potentially consider an acceptable level of force to remove them from my property ( yes i feel that strongly about it ) my mother is old and would get frightened easily if 2 burly debt collection attack dogs and a camera crew turned up at the door one day i am aware there is no where else to really turn now I have accepted i will have to pay the criminals £350 and be thankful for it however like most ordinary people who don't con others on a daily basis i don't actually have a spare £350 just laying around to pay them i am insolvent and live on very little i am going to ring DCBL tomorrow to see if i can pay £50 a month I'm already anticipating they will politely decline this and i notice there is no way to contact them via email ( meaning no paper trail of attempted negotiations for court ) so assuming this will probably end up in high court a few questions 1) could a £350 debt even incur a high court writ and if not does it just go back to county court what sanctions do they take 2) i am aware you can ask the court to set aside the judgement or set up a payment plan however they want £50 minimum to do either of these extremely difficult tasks and seeing as the debt is £350 I'm not sure its really worth it to add another 50 on 3) is it worth speaking to citizens advice or will they just give me barrel answers 4) the outstanding judgement thats waiting to go to court could anyone help me on here with a defence ? because obviously my last one didnt work very well sorry i know the post is long but this is literally so frustrating if i had actually incurred a debt with someone for a service or goods they had provided i would of paid up straight away however these "debts" have seemingly appeared out of thin air i still after all thisl fail to see the damage I've actually caused to warrant nearly £1000 pounds worth of parking charges all i did was park at my gym thanks to anyone that takes the time to respond
  25. New here, been reading some posts, but so much info, getting confused.. Well over 10 years ago, had 3 Credit Cards, 2 were with Barclaycard directly, another via another company, but at some point Barclaycard took that card over also... In the last 5 years at least have had a payment plan with Barclaycard with all 3 accounts, as I could no longer afford the monthly amounts along with interest, in Dec 2016 Barclaycard passed 2 of the accounts over to Link Financial, paying one at £50.00 a month the other at £100.00 which is what I was paying Barclaycard In June this year Barclaycard passed the last one to a Hoist Portfolio Holding Limited, who in turn immediately passed it to Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited I own £1866.75, was paying this at £53.00 every month to Barclaycard, they now sending Letters asking for payment/flexible approach etc What upsets me about all this, I've never missed a payment with Barclaycard, may be a date but doubled it with the next one, my bank account goes from Black one week to Red the next.. So have no spare cash to play around with, Barclaycard was getting their money back, just not quickly. Now have payment details with Moorcroft via account details, web page etc, not yet contacted them, but don't what to fall behind with them just to incur interest etc, so making the amount owed even more & will then take me even longer to pay off.. Can anyone please help me, not sure what to do...
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