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  1. https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/17386639.car-park-cameras-suspended-after-penalising-customers-at-costa-next-door/
  2. Hi all, My dad who is a private hire driver was dropping off a passenger at birmingham airport IBIS hotel. This hotel allows passenger drop offs/pickups only by private hire drivers and is a red route in all other circumstances. My dad recieved a fine i sent off an appeal to APCOA detail that he was a private hire driver and eligible to drop off. No response was received from and in return we got a debt recovery letter. I then sent off another email to APCOA stating that i had sent an appeal but not received a response. 4 months down the line and without a response, i have now had a DCBL letter (although the letter states that this case is not subject to high court or bailiff action). What is the best course of action? For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement - 5th March 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - i do not have this to hand as have misplaced it 3 Date received - as above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes there is evidence of showing my dad doing a drop off, but i have since gone and taken a photo of the sign which states drop offs for taxi only. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - appealed on 14th APril 2018 stating that my dad is a private hire driver and is eligible for the drop off Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - NO response 7 Who is the parking company? APCOA 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Birmingham Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. Hope you can help THanks
  3. If anyone could help I’d appreciate it, We went to Birmingham to collect a friend and driving down to the 30 minute free wait the car started to jerk and pull the engine management light came on. Which forced us to pull over as was not safe to continue. We clocked their sign saying no stopping to collect or drop off. We never did we in fact stopped for two minutes maximum. Enough time to switch the engine off an start it again. The engine management light stayed on but the car seemed a slight rough but wasnt pulling or jerking. We drove up an down for a while then entered the premium set down to collect as they had to wait around for us. We kept the ticket also took a picture clearly showing the enginee on with engine management light on and also a photo of their sign post. As we had not done any of what they said we couldn’t. A week later we received a parking charge notice to pay 50 within 14 days or 100 after. I myself appealed to APCOA never heard anything I got a demanded letter to say the 14 days had now gone and I needed to pay. I challenged them on the phone and was informed I had lost my appeal. But never got a letter I said to the man it was an emergency he said I’d have to appeal to POPLA I did an today I’ve lost. This was a genuine emergency an we literally stopped for 2 mins. To switch off an back on. Will we have to pay can anyone help???
  4. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?221029-APCOA-parking-ticket&p=5076144#post5076144 Hi kbcs6dpm, May i know what's the outcome eventually? I may have a very similar incident in Northwick Park Hospital and I'm receiving endless letter of demand. Appreciate if anyone here could enlighten me please. Thank you.
  5. Hi - My daughter received a ticket from Apcoa at a railway station. Although the photos in the accompanying letter shows that there is something stuck on the windscreen she swears blind that there was nothing there when she got back to her car. She had also just moved so the letter came through to us here. Rightly or wrongly she sent them a cheque for the £80 they were demanding. Further letters had arrived from ZZPS (the phoenix which arose from Roxburgh?) saying that this had been passed to them and that she now owed £140. She rang and said that it had been paid but they were their usual abusive selves and said that it hadn't and that they were going to come after her for the money. A letter then arrived from their pet solicitors Wright Hassall who claimed that she now owed them £176. She was really worried about this and again, rightly or wrongly, she paid them the £176. She then checked over her bank statements and the original cheque she wrote out to Apcoa had clearly been cashed. Where do we take this now? I feel that ZZPS and Wright Hassall have conned her out of money and that Apcoa have caused a load of distress by moving this parking charge to them in the first place despite cashing the cheque. Any advice would be gratefully received thank you.
  6. Hi All, I just got a letter through the post, stating i had a ticket in August at Theale train station. This isn't my first time I have had one, its not the first time have have fought and won. So I would admit to it if I had. But on this occasion, I was not driving, I was not in the country. One of my house mates (3 insured drivers) was the culprit, all swear they did not do it. Where does this leave me? I have started the ball rolling and gone back with the APCA appeal of: ' Hello, I today received a letter claiming that I received a parking fine for this car in August (12th) at no point in August did I have any yellow sticky paper attached to my car, I have seen several on the floor of the car park but not attached to my car. An this is not my first charge so you can see I would own up to it if it were there (I always win!) Unfortunately where I WAS the registered owner of this car I was not driving on this day, I was away with work in the US (I have receipts that will prove this) 3 of my house mates are insured on it but non are admitting to this. I will not pay and unless one owns up I am not sure what we can do here. I do have a question about the £100 fine! The charge is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss The demand for a payment of £100 is punitive, unreasonable, exceeds an appropriate amount and has no relationship to any loss that would have been suffered to the Landowner. The reduced sum of £50 rises to £100 if not paid within 30 days of the date of their appeal rejection letter and therefore indicates that the initial sum is a blanket sum and not proportional to any actual costs incurred as a direct result of the alleged parking infringement. Can you provide me with a complete break-down of how this “charge” was calculated in the form of specific evidence relating to this car park and this alleged incident. In the BPA code of practice, paragraph 19.5 states: “If the parking chargeicon that the driver is being asked to pay is for a breach of contract or act of trespass, this charge must be based on the genuine pre-estimate of loss that you suffer.” And paragraph 19.6 states: “If your parking chargeicon is based upon a contractually agreed sum, that charge cannot be punitive or unreasonable.” I am aware of previous POPLA adjudications in which day to day running costs of the business (staff uniforms, signage, maintenance etc.) would have been incurred whether the alleged breach had occurred or not therefore these may not be included as a pre-estimate of loss. There is no machine for paying for parking on the site (it is a private, residential car park), and there was no loss or damage arising from the incident. The Office of Fair Trading has stated to the BPA that a “parking charge” is not automatically recoverable simply because it is stated to be a parking charge, as it cannot be used to state a loss where none exists. And the BPA Code of Practice states that a charge for breach must wholly represent a genuine pre-estimate of loss flowing from the parking event. If APCOA's Genuine Pre-Estimate of Loss is £100. How can they possibly afford to lose £50 each and every time someone pays within 30 days? Or If APCOA's Genuine Pre-Estimate of Loss is £50, why are they attempting to charge me £100? The Genuine Pre-Estimate of Loss cannot be both figures and therefore cannot be genuine. Please send me the POPLA number (Unless you want to cancel this now to save us all some time) Thanks ' any thoughts of next steps would be good. Thanks
  7. Hello, This morning I drove to Totnes station to get the 10:19am train to London for a few days. I had checked on Saturday that there is long-stay parking in the APCOA parking at the station and the machines do long-stay tickets and offer the option to buy tickets in advance. So you would think if you can buy a ticket in advance there would be enough space. However there were no spaces except one in the parking allocated for maximum 1 hour stay. As far as I am aware there is no other long-stay parking in Totnes and with panicking about what to do with only a few minutes before the train I parked in the 1-hour area, ran over the bridge to buy a ticket for 4 days and ran back over to display the ticket and catch my train. Otherwise I would lose an expensive train fare. Maybe I was foolish to e-mail APCOA explaining the situation and wanting assurance they would not capitalise and they replied: Good morning, Thank you for your email. Is it possible to advise us of your vehicle registration number and for your arrival and departure dates and we can log this on our system? Unfortunately we cannot prevent a parking charge notice from being issued, however we can give you a reference number for you to appeal against should you be issued one. Kind regards, APCOA Parking (UK) I didn't send them my registration number (which I don't remember anyway since I just passed my driving test) but said I would be seeking legal advice. I believe they will try to get £100 profit from me for having to use the last available space. I do not know if they use wheel clamps. It is patently ridiculous to a. offer advance parking payment in a car park that was full the first time I used it and without reserving spaces b. to claim they cannot prevent a parking charge from being issued since it is they who are issuing it. Any advice on what to do in this case would be welcome. Please advise on what I should do! Thanks!
  8. Hi all Just need some valuable insight about the above PCN I received last week. I had an interview at one of the World Business Centres near Heathrow Airport at Newall Road. I was driving down from Luton, and was quite stressed about the interview. I parked my car at a private building next to the world business centre as parking at the centre was controlled by barriers. I forgot to check the parking fee and parked my car on one of the slots in that private building area. When I returned back in 45 mins after the interview there was a purple colour notice pasted on my windscreen to pay £45 within 21days or £90 within 28days. I did manage to catch hold of the parking attendant who issued the penalty and he did mention that he would not be able to destroy the notice as it was centrally operated. I have tried to go online as mentioned on the notice but the website seems to not work. I have read a few forums online about disregarding these notices as they are not legal notices? Before I would want to spend £45 for nothing, can someone guide me if I will get way by not paying the fine? Hope to hear from someone, Many thanks LK
  9. Went to London for the New Year Eve celebrations and booked a Travelodge for an overnight stop. When we arrived, I attempted to pay for parking, but the machine refused to accept a card payment. Message on the screen was Network Unavailable. I brought this to the attention of the recetionist and showed him the machine ( I also took a photo on my phone ). He said can you not pay with cash and I said, no as I didn't have any on me. He then said no problem, I will email the parking company with your Reg number and you pay me cash later, obviously a little cartel going on here!! When we returned in the very early hours, a little bit worst for wear, I tried to pay the money to a different receptionist who said they don't accept payments. She said not to worry as her collegue would have emailed the company and basically you have free parking. Well this morning I have received a parking charge notice from APCOA Parking dated 15/01/16 saying I breached the terms and conditions of use of the hotel car park and want me to pay £60.00. Should I appeal this, complain to travelodge or chuck it in the bin!!?
  10. Hi all, Glad I found this site! In November 2014 I had been given a Parking Charge Notice for parking in a what wasn't a parking area - reason for issue FGW04 - Not a parking area. The moment I came home I sent an email to APCOA to appeal as per instructions on the back of the PCN. I had then received an automatic message confirming they have got my email and that they will be in touch with the decision. This was the second time I disputed the charge - previously I was given one for parking over two bays when in fact I had just slotted my car in the available spot between two cars. So I was used to the process.... that ticket was cancelled. I fully expected the same this time. To confirm, I had paid the parking for the whole day. I had parked in the designated car park area, but not in one of the drawn parking bays. The car was not unsafely parked, it was not blocking the passage or other cars nor was the piece of tarmac marked as a none parking spot. About a third of the normal parking bays were sectioned off for heavy machinery, so already small car park had even less spaces to park and was badly overflowing. Other drivers have been parking in the same spot where my car was for the two weeks before hand without issues. That day they issued about 20 tickets for anyone that was not in the marked bays. I sent all this info in the email to them and waited. Nothing happened for months so I chucked the PCN. 2 weeks ago (while we were on hols) they sent a setter from Debt Recovery Plus Ltd saying my wife (who is the registered keeper) owes APCOA £150 and that they will take her to court - all the normal blab. Yesterday we had another letter saying they will send her to court if she doesn't pay by the 1st July. Obviously, I don't want to pay anything as they had lost no business that day nor could I had known I can't park where I parked (the car park is a ruin in most places). But if I have no grounds on which to appeal then please let me know ... Also how do I change this from my wife to my name as she is rather disturbed by it all. Many thanks in advance!
  11. Hello all, I am hoping for a little help. I received a parking ticket from APCOA for parking with no ticket at Theale train station. This happened on May 20 2015, The ticket was issued at 11:43. Without really reading anything I put in an appeal to APCOA, I knew from reading papers never to pay up for private land. My appeal: I admit this was very basic but I knew they would reject anything I put so did not really try. I am a regular Theale Parker and use the APCOA app to pay for my parking. On the date in question I parked at my usual time of 07:20, as normal once I boarded the train I tried to pay for my parking at a price of £4.20. However, the app would not let me, I kept getting a "system Error" message. I kept trying but thought as I am on the train where I do not get good signal I will try again in approx 30 minutes when I get to London. With full 4G I tried again with the same result, headed to the tube so I could get to my office. More and more attempts to no avail (I do have several screen grabs of the error message) I was then in meetings from 9am until 2. When I came out of my meeting (no phones allowed in the meeting) I was finally able to pay for parking at a cost of £2.80. Upon getting to my car at 17:20 I found I had been given a ticket, the ticket was issued at 11:43am. I immediately tried calling them, no luck so I mailed them, probably not a good idea without research but anger got the better of me. I wrote a short version of the above: "Hello, I parked at Theale car park today between 7:20 and 17:20. I had tried several times to pay via your iPhone app, but continued to receive the error message:"System error - There has been an error processing your request. Please try again later. I tried every 5 minutes for 2 hours with no luck. As I was at work I had to stop and go into meetings. I tried again after at approx 14:00 as was able to get the parking. I have screen shots of the error messages and the train tickets to prove I was in London at the stated times. I release I have not paid the full amount (2.80 vs 4.20) I am prepared to pay the difference but as this was no my fault that is all I am prepared to pay." A few days later, as expected I received their rejection notice;I called them. They said to appeal to POPLA by copying and pasting what I had sent to them to POPLA. I did this (stupidity I know!) The POPLA appeal is due on July 1st. Today (June 15) I received a mail from APCOA with their evidence, what I would expect, pictures of the signs and it states their app was working on the day! No proof of this though just their word. it also says that I can submit further evidence to POPLA directly but before I do I would like some help. The points I want to cover would be: - the app was not working - I don't care what they say, for 2 hours I tried but it didn't work. To their point about calling the number- I use the app so I don't have to pay for the call! I couldn't call anyway as I did not have the number or signal to get it while commuting. Then at the office I was in meetings. - The signage. They provided pictures in their evidence showing the terms and conditions. However, in the main sign next to the pay machine it does not state that payment has to be made immediately, no, this line is found 80 feet in the opposite direction, 8 feet in the air. Part of my argument would be it says I have to pay on the main sign, not when I have to pay. Are we expected to walk around the car park checking all the signs to make sure we know all the terms? I would liken that to signing a contract when a page has been left in a draw! One more point on this, after the person from APCOA said to me on the phone I would of had 30 minutes grace period to make the payment, the sign says it has to be made immediately, contradiction? Also the observation time and ticket issuds time are exactly the same at 11:43 should these not be different? - finally the £100! There were lots of spaces, at least 100. In no way was my parking stopping anyone from having a space. I eventually was able to pay for the space albeit at a reduced rate. But had I have been able to pay it would have been only £1.40 more so why £100? This seems punitive to me. I am more than prepared to pay the difference plus a small fee for their trouble, a payment of £10 but no more. I will do whatever it takes to fight this. Any help people can give would be appreciated. Thanks Chris
  12. Hi all, the missus is a nurse and recently went to a night shift at a different hosipital and in her rush to get there arrived with no cash on her..... .already in a rush to make her start time she scribbbled 'staff nurse' on a piece of paper and went to work. last night received a 'Fine' in the post from apcoa requesting £60 or else... ..£100 if not within a certain time frame. Pictures of the car on the letter including the hastily written note. is there any other course of action other than pay the 60 quid? obviously they have her bang to rights but £60 for something that would have cost her less than a tenth of that seems ridiculous........ thanks in advance
  13. I received a penalty notice from APCOA back in July (2014). The offence was shown as '05-Parked over two bays'. (My car is the Kia Soul in the photo) Having parked in they spot and in the same way for 12 months and never received a ticket, I was surprised to see one on my screen one evening. I did write to APCOA and attached photos to show that the second 'bay' that they referred to was not a bay, but an old bay that now housed the CCTV camera pole and bollards, and therefore the penalty was invalid. They responded and said they upheld the penalty charge. I called APCOA and spoke to someone, who located my letter and actually agreed that I shouldn't have been fined as it wasn't a parking space. I also looked around online and saw that a lot of other people were having issues with APCOA and their 'fines'. I ignored their letters for more money, and was disgusted when they increased the fee from £60 to £155 because I hadn't paid them. Their letters stopped towards the end of August. This morning however I received a letter from a company called SCS (Small Claims Solicitors) based in Martin lane, London, stating that if I don't pay then their client will consider issuing legal proceedings. Also on the letter, it now states that I had two tickets issued, consecutive reference numbers, both on the same day, for the same car, in the same car park for the same offence - I must be good to be able to do this! They now claim I owe them £310!!! Has anyone else ever encountered SCS before, and should I be concerned? The letter threatens CCJ and attachment of earnings - I didn't think that a parking fine can result in such things? Any advice or assistance would be really appreciated, Thanks - Kaygee
  14. APCOA own the car park at the hospital I work in, to park in these spaces you require a permit but I heard from other staff that they have all received letters through about parking in these spaces and nothing has ever came of it. In January of this year, I parked in one of these spaces and received a parking ticket however I took my colleagues advice and never paid this. A few months ago I received a letter through which has photographs of my car on it asking for the money, I also ignored this. Today I received a letter from Roxburghe (Debt Collectors) asking me to pay £91 within 10 days!! I really do not want to pay this, will they take me to court? or what will happen if I don't pay it? Ps I live in Scotland and this is an English company.
  15. I took my disabled dad for a long procedure last week at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow (Greater London). I parked at what I thought was a disabled parking space, displayed the blue badge properly as required. When my dad finished his procedure and we got back to the car around 4 hours later (still within time limit imposed), to my horror I saw a parking charge notice stuck on the windscreen wiper. I was astonished and dad was very upset. The guy parked next to me told me he was here yesterday and saw another car given a parking charge notice- apparently he said where I parked was meant to be the exit! I have uploaded an image on Youtube to show where I parked that day. Since I am relatively new to this website I am not allowed to post a link but if you go to Youtube and type in ''NHS hospital car park run by APCOA'' you will see the image I took. It shows the space has a ''disabled'' sign on it and I didn't see anything else obvious to me that it was the exit. Coincidentally when I was waiting for my dad in the hospital that day I read an article from Daily mail newspaper. It can be seen online if you search for ''Daily mail, Parking cowboys hit cancer victims: Now scandal of 'disgraceful' fines spreads to NHS hospitals''. If APCOA really want patients to know it was an exit, surely they could have cleaned up the disabled sign and repaint clearly something like ''Exit only, no parking'' on the ground? My key question is : Should I complain to the NHS or should I just ignore it? Thanks a bunch for your thoughts.
  16. Hi Zerospeed How did this pan out, with you? My wife has circa 40 tickets dating back to 08/09, Usual letter, calls etc which have stoped for a while- However she has today had to have ameeting with HR & her manager regarding these tickets and advised that a letter will be going on her file, if she receives one more fine they will start disiplinary proceedings. She has paid a permit since being employed by the trust, but due to the hospital renovations/development parking always has been unavailable for the number of staff on duty, this is still a problem experienced today. So the fines are not for paying but parking in the wrong area. My wife sent the HR lady away with a buzz in her ear about the real problems in the NHS and failing wards not that of where the staff park. Firstly I dont think the NHS can do this, I have told her to take this up with the union, Secondly surly Apco has broken Data protection rules by divuldging this information to the NHS- they have also told her employer she has been contacted by Balifs which she has not again DPA break and slander making her reputational damage to her employer and her manager both in the room at the time. Im not happy to sit on this, and like Zerospeed am expecting paperwork to start coming agan after this has been raised by her employer. Aparently HR are going round a long page of serial offenders and issuing warnings, this will come to light more im sure... Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi, My partner works in a hospital and often has to attend emergencies. Unfortunately she has accrued 20 parking tickets this year from APCOA. Judging from advice from the internet, we decided not to pay as they are a private company, and it appears from advice on this and other forums they cannot enforce payment. We received multiple threatening letters from APCOA, but ignored them based upon the above advice. Today we have received a court summons from APCOA threatening us with court action if we do not pay the fine (now accrued to £3000). I just wanted to know what the options are. My partner has spoken to the NHS hospital she works at who stated they cannot help us with this. Can I ignore this? Or do I need to pay up?
  18. Not overly concerned about this but thought I would post the situation and an interesting link. I took my father to hospital for an appointment and dropped him at the entrance about 11:00am and then went to park the car to save him the walk back, found the parking spot went and put £3 in the machine for upto 6 hours parking, went back to the car and put the ticket in the dashboard. Returned to the car at about 12:00 and found a ticket, I had only gone and put the ticket upside down on the dashboard, and after checking my ticket it had only took £1 of my money and issued me 30 mins parking. I can only assume that the £2 coin just dropped through and I didn't even notice. Now the minimum parking fee was £2 as far as I can recall so how did that machine issue a ticket when it hadn't had the minimum amount put in the machine ? and you also get 30 mins free parking. I obviously will be completely ignoring it as I did pay so nobody has lost anything, but the interesting item that appeared in the local paper about the new parking regulations, says that the hospital will keep the money from the parking fees and the Enforcement company(APCOA) will keep the fines ..... ........ is this not encouraging them to issue tickets ? http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/local-news/clampdown-starts-on-illegal-parking-at-north-691796 Thoughts anyone.
  19. Hi All, First post on the site and hope that someone can help me with this one. Earlier this year I was unfortunate enough to receive a PCN from APCOA for picking up in the roadway just outside the designated pick-up area. This has vey quickly resulted in a letter from Roxburghe, and now Graham White solicitors, with strong hints about court action. The fee has reached £131. On the day in question I used the pick-up area, paying my £1, but my passenger was unable to locate me within the allotted 10 minutes. Pedestrian signage is poor, it seems. I drove out into the road where he quickly spotted me and jumped in, whilst the traffic was stopped. If I continue to ignore these letters and it eventually goes to court, what are my chances? Has anyone got recent experience of this? I gather that the law changed in Sept/Oct last year which might make things more difficult for the motorist. Thanks, Ratzo
  20. My Mrs took me to Luton airport, it was dark and we were unfamiliar with the layout, she dropped me off (like 10 seconds) and shot off home. I was only picking up a hire car, I had no suitcases or anything. Almost a month later a later from APCOA "PARKING CHARGE NOTICE" needless to say I was fuming........ ok yes I wasn't in the correct dropping off zone but we weren't to know, and anyway if you was stopping to drop off passengers with suitcases you'd be there like 5 mins or so, whereas I was a quick 10 seconds. decided to contest it, have written a stiff letter saying I didn't think I was in breach of their contract as we never saw the signs.... Its now two weeks, and no reply at all....... I've been on the web and I gather these people haven't got the clout of the police etc and people say these charges are enforceable......I dont know I am only going by what people say. and people have said just to ignore anything that comes in the post. My feeling is we'll get a letter after 28 days where they say the matter will be passed to a third party. REALLY they SHOULD reply to my stiff letter..... what should I expect now and whats the best thing to do guys please????
  21. Hi Hi guys Some quick help please appreciated.... parked in a hotel car park operated by APCOA in early august I believe and now receiving letters from those 2 firms. 1 from APCOA , 2 letters received from Roxburghe and 2 from GPB solicitors LLP. Shall I ignore? Thanks
  22. Hi, I'm new to this group, so sorry if I have posted something incorrectly. I recently received a PARKING CONTRAVENTION CHARGE NOTICE from APCOA for 04-Not parked in a designated parking area. The carpark was full and I parked my car at the end of a line, where I was causing no obstruction whatsoever, there just happened to be no parking bay for my car. I also paid for my ticket. APCOA are requesting I either pay £50 in 14 days or £75 within 28 days else in the event of non-payment, APCOA will apply to the DVLA for registered vehicle keeper details to facilitate the recovery of this debt. I would like to know if anyone has any experience with this and what I actually should do, i.e. pay the ticket, challenge it on grounds of non-obstruction or simply ignore it (the later seems to be the best way to deal with it from reading other like questions) Can anyone help please - thanks?
  23. Hi All alid ticket and a Staff NHS I parked on a roadside within the local hospital in a row with around 12 other cars, no yellows, no emegency traffic flow, not able to find a space for 1 hour 15 mins. The above notice put on my windcreen even though my vehicle clearly shows a valid ticket and also a staff NHS permit, albeit for part of the hospital that has yet to relocate to the new super hub (lol) £40 fine or £15 if paid now, on principle of their pettiness and given the amount of parking spaces that are occupied by hundrens of construction vehicles and skips rubble etc due to the rebuilding, l do not want to pay these people. Anyone with any advice for me ? Cheers AG
  24. can you give any info on this company ccjs or bad pratices
  25. Hi All A couple of weeks ago I parked at Chippenham station bought a ticket and on my return the was a Civil Parking Notice under my wind screen wiper, the ticket had fallen off the dashboard on to the seat. I appealed to APCOA and have recived a letter stating that my vehicle was parked without a valid payment and the notice is being upheld. What can I do about this ? Thanks in advance Oldone69
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