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  1. Hi, 2 Years ago i received a parking charge for not parking within the lines. i had a valid parking ticket to stay on this carpark. I appealed against this parking charge which was denied. On the appeal i noted that i did park within the lines and that i did have a valid parking ticket.. the evidence given showed my car parked close to the line on the RHS front of the vehicle on 3 pictures.. On the 4th picture it showed my vehicle over the line.. i stated that the parking attendant has angled the camera to make it look like the vehicle was over the line. (in a hatched box in the corner of the carpark). i then set on ignoring this company.. they have constantly bombarded me with emails demanding money which i ignored.. it then got passed onto BW Legal Services LTD who did exactly the same. They then resorted to ringing my landline which i have never given them.. infact my landline is ex directory so how have they got this?? Today i have received claim form from Northampton bulk centre.. I will wish to defend this but not quite sure how i should word my defence.. is anyone able to advise ? P.s, i was the actual driver of the car but the claim form is not in my name it is in my wifes who is the registered keeper.. i have never state she was the driver.. Regards.
  2. Hi didy you get a defense in on this one my friend has got the exact same claim Got a claim for apparently wheel was slightly on white line. He needs help with a defense claim is exactly same as yours. Thanks
  3. got a pcn on my windscreen yesterday at asda newton abbot . Iwas working on site and didnt think i needed parking ticket . my van is a lease van and iam wondering whats my next move . i have seen a couple of other posts about the same site . they have had sucsess with letters .any ideas
  4. Dear Forum members, I would like to ask you if you could kindly help me draft the best POPLA appeal that I can in regards to the NTK I received from UKPC? Appeal sent as the Keeper of the Vehicle on the following grounds and asked for further information: 1. Equalities Act 2010 compliance (have sent them proof of disability for an occupant of the vehicle) 2. Parking Charge amount claim grounds 3. Asking them to give a breakdown of their actual loss. Is the charge a true reflection of damages? 4. Their status – the creditor? 5. Ownership of premises? 6. Contractual Authority (as required by BPA Ltd AOS CoP B.7) 7. Signage There was no admission on who was driving and that is stated in the appeal letter to UKPC clearly as well. UKPC Rejection of the Appeal: Their reasoning for rejection of my appeal was (verbatim): Disabled parking bays are reserved for Blue Badge holders only and that a valid disabled badge must be clearly displayed at all times. They have not addressed any other issues or points of appeal at all. I have also downloaded the photos they hold on file for my vehicle and they are all silly and also show how inadequate their signs are as they are absolutely unreadable. I have included in this document (further down on following pages) the following: • Copy of the photos UKPC has on their online system for the vehicle at the location • Copy of the photos I have taken subsequently visiting the site to check for signage • UKPC Notice to Keeper copy (personal info scribbled out) • My letter of appeal to UKPC as the owner of the vehicle (personal info scribbled out) • Copy of the UKPC Rejection of Appeal letter to me (personal info scribbled out) Could you please assist me with making the best possible POPLA appeal for this case? Thank you ALL for sharing your time and knowledge so selflessly!!! Below is the summary as per your guide and I have also attached full PDF document with photos and copies of letters etc (redacted for personal details): please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement: 18/11/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]: 19/12/2018 3 Date received: 24/12/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES (copy in the attached PDF) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] YES (details in the attached PDF) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up: YES (details in the attached PDF) 7 Who is the parking company?: UKPC (ukparkingcontrol.com) 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]: Great Western Industrial Estate, Southall UB2 4SD PDF case copies for the Forum to ask for POPLA appeal help.pdf
  5. I have received a PCN for an alleged offence at the same location, https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?487668-G24-Parking-charge-while-shopping-B-amp-M-Stores-Falkirk&p=5170354#post5170354 dating the parking offence as 30th November. It alleges the driver overstayed the permitted 2hours by 11 mins I now live in England but as the alleged offence happened in Scotland am I correct that Scottish Law applies, so pursuing the keeper is illegal?
  6. Hi, Just after some advice regarding parking on my local road. A business operates on my road, it is generally a quiet road with about 15 terraced houses on each side. During opening hours of the business the customers literally use both sides of the road to park leaving very little space for residents who live on the road to park their cars. It has causes so much traffic on the road and stress to the residents. I have spoken with the council and they have said there is nothing they can do. Does anyone have any experience in dealing with this kind of issue?
  7. Hi, Sorry but this is my first time doing this so bare with me. I work for a catering company in which I load and unload stuff everytime with my own personal car. There is one sign that mentions of a 30 min loading time and there is also a parking sign in the exact same area. On the Parking sign it mentions that you can park up to 1 hour. I have been given a ticket by ParkDirectUK within the period of 10 minutes so this does not make any sense to me. At the time I was loading and unloading taking things to and from the car. I think I have been provided this ticket unfairly and I think it is ridiculous, I also spoke to another person who works within the same units me saying that he had also been provided a ticket 7 days ago for the exact same thing. I will provide pictures which I hope will give you a better understanding. If you need anymore information please let me know. Should I pay? Should I ignore it? Should I contest it? Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Ridoftickets
  8. Hello, Me again! I received a charge notice for parking on their clients property for a CHARGE NOTICE from Highview Parking, Bradfield Road Car Park, Sheffield S6 2BW Date: 18.12.18 Time: 19:47 Time left: 22:27 Duration: 2hrs 40 mins I had been for a meal at the Italian restaurant for my managers retirement hence the late time of arrival. The car park was empty and so presumed it would have exceeded the time period with it being unsociable hours. Having spoken with friends and family, I decided to ignore the first letter but have received a second one today to state the charge is now £85 instead of the reduced amount of £50. and if not recieved within 14 days an initial debt recovery charge of £40 will be incurred???? Can I please have advice on what to do next as I don't know how best to go about these sort of things- I do think it is disgusting and the owners should not be allowed to charge these ridiculous amounts. I am concerned that I will get taken to court etc??? Please help?? Many thanks in advance
  9. Hello, I'm in need of help and advice please............. On Monday 14th January 2019 I received a parking charge notice from PCN notice to keeper NTK St Mary's Road Retail Park Car Park, Sheffield S2 4AL- DFS sofas, Ammount charge -£100 within 28 days or £60 if paid before 24.1.19 contravention date: 27.12.18 contravention reason: parked for longer than the maximum period permitted - 120 mins!! Total duration stay: 199 minutes I visited DFS to look at sofas, I presumed this was owned by DFS not a private company!! NTK are lying because I left the car park- drove to Ikea Sheffield and Next outlet over at Meadowhall, at least a 20 minute drive over there. Looked the whole way round Ikea- and got stuck in traffic and then Next outlet, i then called at centretainment to pick family members up and then returned back to the car park to show my family a sofa I'd seen in DFS I have contacted my online banking and have evidence via online chat with them the time of transaction I made at Ikea and also have printed a statement with the date I made the transaction. I'm so upset about it- firstly I presumed the car park was owned by DFS and didn't see a sign. I haven't done anything about this charge notice yet- can someone please advise?? Do I appeal if so what should I reply with? Do I ignore it? Many thanks in advance
  10. Hi, can someone help please. I over stayed the maximum 2 hour parking in Tesco car park (private eye) a few times and now I’ve been sent a charge £250.00 or they will take me to court. Could someone advise me what to do please
  11. Hi all, can anyone recommend who I should structure a PCN appeal given this situation? One half of the road (where I usually park) had its resident parking suspended temporarily for works, so on Friday I parked on the other end of the road. Having returned to my car for the first time today they have re-opened the usual half and suspended the half I was parked in. Because I hadn't been to my car in 4.5 days I had no idea they had moved the parking suspension. My partner and I are absolutely certain there were no suspension signs where they are now currently - we made a point of looking to check both halves weren't suspended. All they have done is taken down the suspension signs on Friday from the first half, sellotaped a new piece of paper on them and stuck them to posts on the other half of the road (I have a photo to prove it). We live in East London, so we have to park 250m away from the apartment to get a residents bay. We don't check on the car and the availability of the bays daily - that would be nuts. 1. How can I structure an appeal to say that I was parked there before the parking suspension signs were even put up? 2. How much notice does the council have to give its residents before suspending parking? Thanks in advance for any advice and support!
  12. Good morning , wondered if any could assist. In November 2017 i called into what i believed was a service station - SOUTH GATE PARK, A120 Stansted Airport , CM24 1AA as tired and falling asleep. i parked the vehicle in a bay went into one of the outlets McDonalds visited bathroom etc and left. Thought nothing of it . In December received a NTK about parking and fine. Wrote in as the driver as thought there must be a mistake . Met parking said i was only allowed to use starbucks Not Mcdonalds as was off their site. Then sent off to polpa who said no - guilty. Been fighting for 14 months , various debt collectors etc , threats . Now received letter from(JAN 19) saying i owe MET £160 and instructed to write . I Have never had such a nasty experience in nearly 50 years motoring. I honestly believe this has been designed to entrap people. I have a huge dossier . I believe the information /evidence is misleading as layout of site. AND FORGIVE me i was told this - (but not sure if true/applicable) - the NTK said the contravention was 08th Nov 17 BUT the Notice says date of issue of this notice 20th December 17- SOME 42 DAYS later , i was told only 14 days. What i cannot understand if true why did POPLA NOT pick this up ? Surely as experts(i am not just a pensioner) they have a duty of care - or are they independent and whose interests. If anyone can help please it would be most appreciated . And sorry if not to your rules on how set out not sure what i was supposed to do. tony213
  13. I had an appointment for dental treatment last week. I parked the car, with a blue badge and 'clock' correctly displayed, on the opposite side of the road. This is an area previously covered by double yellows and had, 12+ years ago, been a service bus stop. I am fully aware that no service buses have used this stop since the opening of a new Interchange down the road in 2006. It is a popular parking place for blue badge holders as it is a quiet stretch of road since the buses stopped running through there, other services with stands in the next street stopped using this area of town last year when a gap in the dual carriageway was plugged and traffic lights removed as part of other works taking place. But, the council have since marked out a 'Bus Stop' at one end of the parking area and claim this is for a community transport minibus for the disabled. These minibuses have run for some years now and my understanding was they went a different way, dropping off and picking up on the other side of the road to where I was parked. I contested the ticket. They've written to say no, I was parked in a bus stop and therefore have to pay. I disagree. I accept that they have marked out the 'Bus Stop' and put a thick solid yellow line against the kerb, which I didn't see when I parked between other vehicles already there as it was raining heavily. I have checked, this work has been done in the last year. I used Google street view to see how it was marked last year, just double yellows although the whole stretch had green tarmac. Before I appealed the ticket I checked with https://www.askthe.police.uk/content/Q388.htm and there is a single line which says under PLACES WHERE YOU CANNOT PARK, 'A bus stop during hours of operation;'. So as part of the 'informal appeal', as they term it, I had said "I have challenged (the council) to tell me the hours of operation for this stand". They have not supplied this information. I am not against the disabled persons bus service, being a blue badge holder myself, but I question the legality of the stand being there. It is not for service buses and therefore would not have 'hours of operation' in that respect, meaning I complied with the information I obtained from the Police website. The community transport service is pre-booked, so by definition not a 'public service' bus as we know them. The 'bus stop' is therefore not in use for service vehicles and I was parked there outside any known 'hours of operation'. But where do I get this sort of thing verified so I can make a formal request to the council for repayment of the PCN on the grounds I was parked legally ? I am paying it under protest as they double the amount if not paid within 14 days.
  14. I have been issued with a a PCN for parking at a local council NCP CAR PARK. I have been photographed leaving the parking site without paying for a valid parking ticket. I DO have a parking ticket for the time of parking but it does not display my vehicle reg number, I could not remember my reg number when I got the ticket,couldnt be bothered to walk all the way back to car, so just entered a series of 1111111 in order to obtain the ticket. I have appealed the charge but am expecting in to be rejected, because thats what they do. what will happen if I refuse to pay up.
  15. Some advice please. My severely disabled daughter (uses an electric wheelchair) and her carer used a car park in Exeter in a Smart Parking car park, but the carer only entered the last 3 letters of the car reg. This is most probably because in our local council car parks you only need the last three letters. The letter states we did not purchase a ticket or it was insufficient time. I still have the ticket and photographic evidence that we paid and parked, so I appealed on their behalf. The appeal was on the grounds that we did not enter the full reg and they are upholding the PCN!! Today we received a letter from a debt recovery company DRP. Any advice as to how to proceed would be appreciated as I feel that this is really harsh.
  16. Hi, I received a Parking Charge Notice for parking in a place I thought would be fine to park in. I have a PCN for £60 rising to £100 that I just can't afford to pay. Things are so tight i'm afraid that this might take me over the edge. Is there ANYONE that can help me? Key details... - Date of infringement: 11/01/2019 - Not appealed yet. - NTK: Not received the notice to keeper - Company: One Parking Solution Ltd. - Place: New England House, Brighton.
  17. Hi everyone my sister got a letter on the 6th of feb saying she owes £173 for a parking ticket that happened in October last year. It says a warrant has been put though from the courts but my sister hasn’t received any other letters about this. This is the first she’s heard of the parking ticket. With her being on benefits and not having the money to pay I was thinking of sending a n245 form but don’t no what court to send it too. Ill upload a copy of the letter. Any help really appreciate. Thanks Andrew E007F505-5A47-4D11-99C1-143F8339C132-converted.pdf
  18. Long story short, I used the car park and then paid before I left however I still received a parking charge notice. Is there anything I can do to appeal this? I have not contacted Horizon Parking as of yet, I haven't appealed either. Below are some info you might need: The parking works by you entering your reg number to a parking metre/display before LEAVING and then paying the amount it states on the screen. I paid the amount it said and then left within 5 minutes of paying. I paid by cash so I don't have bank proof. I don't have any receipts as I accidentally misplaced them. My reg number was correct as I always double check and it tells me the sum on the screen. The entering/leaving time on the letter are correct. I am yet to appeal, the only communication I have received is the letter I have attached to this. Is there anything I can do to win an appeal? Will ignoring them work? I would appreciate any help. Thank you very much. imagetopdf (5) (1).pdf
  19. Hi, I received a PCN recently and I'm not 100% sure if a ticket was purchased for the time in the car park. The driver was in the ten pin bowling alley, which the car park is outside, with son for his birthday. Just wondering how I, the registered keeper, will go about handling this. 1 Date of the infringement - 10/2/19 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 18/2/19 3 Date received - 20/2/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] - N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] - Y (See below sent 22/2/19) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - N 7 Who is the parking company? - Smart Parking 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Havens Bank Retail Park, Exeter Appeal: I dispute your 'parking charge', as the keeper of the vehicle. I deny any liability or contractual agreement and I will be making a formal complaint about your predatory conduct to your client landowner and to my MP. There will be no admissions as to who was driving and no assumptions can be drawn. Since your PCN is a vague template, I require ALL photos taken and an explanation of the allegation and your evidence, i.e.: - If the allegation concerns a PDT machine, the data supplied in response to this appeal must include the record of payments made - showing partial VRNs - and an explanation of the reason for the PCN, because your Notice does not explain it. - If the allegation involves an alleged overstay of minutes, your evidence must include the actual grace period agreed by the landowner. If you fail to evidence the actual grace period that applies at this site or suggest that only one period applies, this will be disregarded as an attempt to mislead. In the absence of evidence, it will be reasonably taken to be a minimum of twenty minutes (ten on arrival and ten after parking time) in accordance with the official BPA article by Kelvin Reynolds about 'observation periods' on arrival being additional and separate to a 'grace period' at the end. - in all cases, you must include a close up actual photograph of the sign you contend was at the location on the material date. Formal note: Should you later pursue this charge by way of litigation, note that service of any legal documents by email is expressly disallowed and you are not entitled to assume that the data in this dispute/appeal remains the current address for service in the future. Yours faithfully,
  20. Hi, I parked in a loading bay for what felt like no more than 15 minutes and received a parking ticket. See images attached. I couldn't see any signs that clearly displayed the time allowed or the terms and conditions. Is this legal? Please let me know if you need any information and thank you CAG in advanced!
  21. Hi guys, help please, I have received a parking charge notice from parking eye, at Asda Wrexham. It offers a discount if paid within 14 days. should I pay this? What a diabolical trick! such nice way to thank you for spending your hard earned cash with Asda!
  22. Hi, I entered the Damside Street Car Park in Lancaster on 09/09 2018 at 11:57:47 with a 5 years old daughter in distress. While my partner took care of her I had to go around to find a place where to change money because I didn't have enough loose change to pay for a parking ticket at the ticket machine. Therefore I bought a parking ticket valid for 1 hour at 12:10 (just over two minutes after the 10 minute grace period finished). I left the car park at 12:13:02. In total, I stayed there for less than 16 minutes but purchased a ticket allowing me to stay for 1 hour (plus the 10 minutes grace period). A few days later I received a Parking Charge for £125. I tried to appeal with the HX Car Management and with the Independent Appeal Service but with no success. A few days ago, I received a Letter Before Claim from Gladstones solicitors threatening with a legal action if I don't pay £160. I'm not sure what to do. Shall I pay or shall I go to the court? Do I have any chance in the court with no legal experience? Thank you for your help Miroslav
  23. Hello, I've received a notice to keeper today for exceeding the maximum period allowed by 17 minutes. Although I was driving the car, I was not the keeper as it's my fiancé's (so the letter was addressed to her but I won't let suffer for it) My initial reaction was to ignore it but I decided to play it safe and ask for guidance. Thank you in advance. 1 Date of the infringement 11/02/19 2 Date on the NTK 18/02/19 3 Date received 20/02/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Y 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, plates upon entry and exit 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Euro Car Parks 8. Where exactly Marks & Spencer, Penrith BPA
  24. Hey, chaps, quick one. I received (out of the blue) a letter from Gladstone claiming instruction of legal proceedings against an alleged parking charge. This is the first I've heard about this. They're demanding £160. 1) Luckily, their solicitor letter went to my parents, as I moved address (and updated this back in 2018). 2) Their letter is dated 25 Jan 2019, alleged charge was on 24.02.18 3) Looking at the date, and thinking back to that time, yes, I was 100% parked on their car park. However; - I recall what the event was (local Rugby match) - Parking was in fact paid in full at entry (on match days, they had a parking attendant in a high vis taking payment at entry and handing out 24 hr tickets) - they do also have machines, but this is something they have done for a very long time - Of which, I've paid the front-man and never had a problem. - I had 3 people in the vehicle who also saw full payment. I've contacted ES parking online 15.2.18 (disputing this charge and noting all above)... and as of yet, low and behold, no reply as of yet (I'm now going to send recorded delivery). Obviously, almost 12 months later I'm not going to have the ticket, so I feel I'm being royally stung. Do I have a leg to stand on?
  25. 1. The date of infringement? 17/2/19 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) n/a Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? n/a, but photos available online 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] n/a 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] n/a 5 Who is the parking company? UKPC 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Alcock Crescent (Vickers Green Estate), Crayford, DA1 4LX Ticket says they operate under BPA ……………………….. Hi received a windscreen ticket from UKPC for parking on the road. In a residential estate, but on a road, not a car park. No markings, yellow lines on the road and wasn't blocking anyone or any entrances. A not very obvious sign parallel to the road saying "No Unauthorised Parking" which looked like they were for the parking bays, but on closer inspection after receiving the ticket say 'no roadway' parking in very small letters. They have photos showing car with a blurry sign in the background on other side of the road, plus a close up photo, taken at an extreme upwards angle (blurry, can't really read what it says - my own photo is much better) Considering whether its worth an appeal or not, any help appreciated. Thanks
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