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  1. Hi, can someone help please. I over stayed the maximum 2 hour parking in Tesco car park (private eye) a few times and now I’ve been sent a charge £250.00 or they will take me to court. Could someone advise me what to do please
  2. Hello all, Thanks for allowing me here to post. I have just received today in the post a forwarded letter from DRP Debt recovery Plus ltd. I have been living permanantly in France for over 6 months. The letter refers to a Notice of Intended Court Action re an alleged unpaid parking fine on 2/2/18 at Roadchef Rownhams South (the motorway services in Southampton). Apparently, the driver remembers he stayed more than the free 2 hrs - just didnt think to get a ticket or mention it to me. GGGRRR. The vehicle was registered to me, but not driven by me on this date, and I had no knowledge of anything till this letter arrived today. They (DRP) state they sent me a letter on 10/4/18 (to my old address in UK) where I ceased to live since September. (forgot to tell DVLA). They want me to pay £120. Do I have to pay it? Should I contact them? Should I send them a letter at all? Did have a look on Money Saving Expert but its very complicated and I didnt really understand. getting old, you know.
  3. I request your assistance for dealing with DRP (Dept recovery plus ltd) who are acting on behalf of Empark UK Ltd operating on ground of Mount Vernon Cancer centre. I had a letter on 12th April 2018 that my vehicle was issued with a penalty charge notice on 12th February 2018 for the reason of 'parked in marked ambulance bay'. I disputed the matter in writing that; 1. My vehicle was never parked in the bay 2. No where the location states 'Ambulance bay' rather at one point it says 'Authorised vehicles'. The parking area is used by Ambulances, private hire vehicles (who are contracted by hospital to pick up/drop off passengers) and also for people who pick up and drop off passengers. My mother is a cancer patient. On 12th she attended hospital to see the consultant, due to some internal issues she continued to wait for over 4 hours and her condition deteriorated, started vomiting i drove the car from the car park which is fair distance to the door of cancer centre (never parked in the bay), i then walked in, pushed her wheel chair to the car. Within this matter of minutes, the parking attendent issued a ticket and had gone to avoid confrontation. I went back to the reception and explained the matter, showed them the parking ticket i had paid. I left the parking notice with them and was assured that this matter will be taken care of. After few weeks I received letter demanding the payment. I wrote on 29 April 2018 back with all the details as above. I then had rejection on 22nd June 2018 and that i can write to POPLA. I must admit at that time, my mother wasn't well and I was struggling to look after her full time and also concentrating on my full time degree course that i did not spend time to attend to that matter. Now on 17th Dec, I received letter from DRP (Dept recovery plus ltd) demanding £145.00 by 26th December. I had a look to see if i can appeal but POPLA only accept appeals within 28 days which i missed.. what options do i have? anything i can do?? I have been in full time studies and out of work for over a year now.. can't really afford to pay..
  4. Hi all, (COPY OF LETTER ATTACHED) Been ignoring letters after parking in a train station and now received this letter ? How would i handle this, this is a company car and plenty of people have use of it but it's in my name so was going to reply stating i don't know who the driver was? Any ideas please Thanks Guys Gladstones.zip
  5. HI, I had been given a ticket on my car for parking at 4 CHURCH ROAD, ASHFORD - TW16 2UT When I got to the car park I had gone to buy a ticket, because I didn't have the right change I quickly went into a convenient store to get some, roughly in about a minute when I come back to pay for a pay and display ticket I see someone taking pictures of my car I approach him he said that I was being fined for not displaying a valid ticket. I explained that I was on my way to get one and that it had barely been a minute since I parked. (keep in mind this car park is almost empty) He insisted that I go online to make the payment and there was no point in displaying a ticket... With frustration I left the place without buying a pay and display from the advice given I ignored the letters from the debt recovery companies, which spelt my name wrong on the title.. I've now received a letter from Gladstones Solicitors, dated 19th April which i received today (24th April) it states: Re: Our client: Parking Control Management (UK) Limited Amount due: £160.00 Vehicle Registration: XXXXXXX You have previously been written to questioning the settlement of a parking charge. Due to the absence of payment or a valid appeal against the charge, our client has instructed us to recover the total amount due to them as shown above As all other attempts have failed, out client may now instruct us to take legal action against you in the County Court. To prevent such action, we invite you to make a payment immediately or confirm to us in writing your proposals in respect of this debt. In order to avoid any further action you should pay the full amount outstanding within 14 days of this letter. You can make a payment online (Cant insert the link here) or by calling 03330230049 It is important that you understand that if the judgment is registered against you then this could seriously affect your chances of obtaining credit in the future as this information can be made available to any interested parties via the Register of Judgments, Order and Fines, and will remain there for 6 years. If you are unsure about anything contained within this letter, you should seek advice from a solicitor or contact one of the following organisations who may be able to help you: Yours sincerely Gladstones Solicitors (NO SIGNATURE)
  6. Hi can you help me? Sometime ago I parked briefly in a pay and display car park owned by corporate services I didn't have the correct amount of change on me so I popped into a shop to get some. By the time I returned I had received a ticket. I ignored the letter they sent me & I have now received a demand for payment from a debt collecting agency for £160.00. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.
  7. I live in Ingress Park, Greenhithe. Back in February, I came back late at night to find a car parked in my allocated bay. This is not the first time it happened. I took photos for proof. and parked temporarily in a Visitor Bay. In the morning I had a ticket (as I hadn't been able to find a visitor permit and there is no out of hour number to call) I assumed it would be fairly simple to get this sorted , and possibly even send a warning note to the owner of the car in my bay. How wrong I was - PCM refuse to back down. Ingess Park management didn't really help much. I've been keeping a quiet record of other misuses since, including cars without permits continually parked in a disabled bay. In fact , I have an email on record that PCM decided not to check the disable bay. I have been through all the various nice letters. Now I get threatened with court action. To me, I have a reasonable counter claim, which is that PCM / Ingress Park failed to adequately enforce parking restrictions on the allocated bays, so those in the know simply park in them with impunity. Any thoughts? Do I have a good case? If I lose, will my credit rating be screwed for years?
  8. Hi guys. This is my first post here and so be gentle !! Last week I received a demand letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP) stating they are writing to me of behalf of their creditor (G24 Ltd). It states they are writing to me due to no response received to their previous correspondence and are demanding I pay £160 parking charge ! The thing is, this is the first I've heard of the parking charge/fine (dated 5th Nov 2015). There has been no correspondence received. I have also revisited the site (England) to inspect the disclaimer sign, which states the fine is £100, or £40 if paid within 14 days. Naturally, I rang DRP and explained I have had no previous correspondence and as such was completely oblivious to the parking fine. He then said "Well you're now outside the 28 day appeals window" !!. I then questioned him as to how I can appeal a situation I had no knowledge it existed !! To which he had no answer, obviously. At this point I also had no evidence of the offence I had allegedly commited so I asked for this, which they emailed me at the weekend (two images of my car parked outside the lined bays). I replied to the email thanking them for the evidence but also stating that I will not be paying £160 because I received no initial paperwork and was not given the opportunity to settle the matter at the reduced rate. I then received a reply which I will copy below, which says they still want the £160.... Start of letter........ Thank you for youremail regarding the above Parking Charge Notice (PCN). The time to challenge the charge has now expired and therefore access to the Independent Appeals Service (if applicable) is no longer available. However, in order to resolve this matter, I will offer the following comments as to why this PCN was correctly issued and is still payable. My findings The site in question is subject to terms and conditions, which are stated on signs throughout the area. Those signs state that all vehicles must be parked in authorised areas. On the date in question, the vehicle was parked in an unauthorised area and a PCN was correctly and legitimately issued as a result. Correspondence Please note that a PCN was sent to the vehicle’s registered address for notification purposes. If there has been a problem regarding the delivery of this document, this is a matter to raise with your postal service. Under The Interpretations Act 1978: Where an Act authorises or requires any document to be served by post (whether the expression “serve” or the expression “give” or “send” or any other expression is used) then, unless the contrary intention appears, the service is deemed to be effected by properly addressing, pre-paying and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, to have been effected at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. Your obligation to notify the DVLA of a change of circumstance Regarding your details, I must stress that it is your obligation to ensure any of your details held at the DVLA are correct. If a delay in communication has resulted from a failure to do so, our company cannot be held accountable. What you need to do now Please ensure that £160.00 is paid by 24th March 2016. Payment can be made online or by phone. Go to 'link removed' or phone 0208 234 6775. You can find full details of how to pay on the reverse of the letter(s) sent. What will happen if you do not pay what you owe If the amount is not paid by the date shown above, we will recommend to our client that court action be taken by them to recover the outstanding balance. What if you do not agree Although any correspondence that does not provide further evidence will be noted and retained, I cannot guarantee that we will reply to it. End of letter...... Surely they cannot force me to pay £160 when they cannot prove I received the initial PCN ? It also rages me that they say if I haven't received the initial PCN, then I need to contact my local postal service ! They're the sender, it's not my duty to ensure delivery and how can I query unsolicited mail ? Any help/comments guys would be much appreciated. Kind regards
  9. Hello good people of the CAG. I have just arrived home from Uni and found 7 letters from a company called Debt Recovery Plus Ltd, each letter demanding £150 for unpaid parking charges. These charges span a period between 16/10/15 - 06/11/15. I called the company to dispute the charges as the ticket machine has been out of order (It is still not working!) and the lady at the car park who checks to see if people have payed and displayed told me to place a note in my windscreen stating that the machine is out of order and I'll not get a fine. DRP told me on the phone that I cannot appeal as I'm am out of the appeal period. I didn't receive any letters from the company that issued the original charges (LDK Security Group Ltd) so this is the first I know about them. Was the guy from DRP correct in informing me that I cannot appeal? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Paul. Update: I have just visited LDK Security group website in search for proof of parking violation and apparently there should have been a note stuck to my car with a reference number on it. This has not been the case.
  10. Hello all I will probably not be the only one to receive a demand from Highview/DRP for an old parking fine which they never followed through at the time of issue because I disputed the terms of the contract. However, in the post-Beavis era I guess they are now going through their records and restarting proceedings in dormant cases. So, quick question - for a parking fine issued in 2013 can they suddenly restart proceedings now (and demand payment in 7 days)? If they can, what is the best way to deal with them? I no longer have any of the original paperwork. I did inform them at the time of the incident that I was not driving the vehicle when it was parked but they continued to pursue me as the keeper in any case. If we can no longer rely on unfair contract terms (this was a free car park and a 10 minute overstay from what I recall) then what is the best strategy? Thanks for all help and advice. RT1970
  11. Ltter today from DRP : Notice of intended court action unpaid parking charge £150.00 They want payment by 23rd March or court proceedings will take place. What is the recommended action to take? I need more information how this "charge" was iniatated.
  12. I live in Scotland Last autumn I parked in a retailers car park and done some shopping at that particular retailers. I was gone for just under an hour and then drove home. A few weeks later I received a parking charge notice stating I had overstayed my 2 hour limit which was untrue. I wanted to contact them but I was advised not to contact them what so ever. I've ignored a few of their letters but have just received a threatening letter from a DRA called Debt Recovery Plus. What's the best course of action?
  13. I received a parking charge notice after inadvertently overstaying in Sainsburys car park in January. Previously I have had a ticket whilst parked in a local Aldi and believing that it wouldn't be enforced I ignored threatening debt recovery letters and they went away . Hence I didn't worry and ignored this notice. I then received demand for payment notice from DRP for £120 . My husband told me he'd heard that things had changed and that I should have paid . On the notice from DRP they quote "landmark decision " handed down 4th November 2015 in favour of parking operator who took motorist to court for non payment of parking charge - it says that this is important test case due to complex legal arguments used by both sides. This sounds very vague to me - however I don't want to risk any consequences which might affect my credit rating or a court case . Do I pay or not? I have no valid excuse for overstaying- just didn't really realise the time . I welcome advice!
  14. Hi all, Newbie here so please forgive me if this has been covered off elsewhere but I'm hoping for a quick bit of advice.... I made the mistake of leaving my car for 2 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds in a Highview car park on 11th December 2015. I'm certain that I was still present in the car for at least 20 minutes prior to leaving the car on a call, and any CCTV would back this up, doubt that's particularly relevant though. Anyhow, I've changed address since and have received no communication, or engaged in any form of dialogue with Highview Parking Ltd. As such I've had a lovely letter from DRP arrive in the post yesterday, informing me they've tracked me down via whatever CIA / Interpol (DVLA) database, and that if payment is not forthcoming with 14 days they'll be taking my wife, house and dog hostage... I've been researching all the advice on here relating to Highview, and despite the infinite wisdom of Facebook friends telling me to ignore it I'm not totally comfortable with that course of action and intend to lodge an appeal, follow this through and defend myself in court should that day come. To the point of this post.... I'm slightly confused by the status of my PCN.... My first course of action was attempting to appeal the PCN via their own website, this redirects to "w w w. pcnphoto .com". Upon entering my PCN and registration I receive the following message.... Your PCN has been cancelled. If you have any further enquires contact us by email so that our team may assist you directly." Following this I followed the "Pay Now" link on the Highview website, this redirected me to the parking charge payment website and a table of the PCN details including, Reg, PCN number, Date of Violation, Location, Time In, Time Out, Duration, Current Fee Due.... All of the details are present and correct however, the current fee, and total payable, both show as £0.00. Arrival & Departure pictures are also "temporarily unavailable" Is this due to the PCN being passed to DRP for collection or can I take this as off the hook? Thanks in advance guys! James
  15. Had received a parking notice before but ignored. Now a second letter came to the post demanding £160 to be paid, failure to pay a court action will be taken to recover what I owe. What shall I do? Please help
  16. I got a letter from Debt Recovery Plus last month, saying I had an unpaid parking charge from May 2014. I don't remember receiving any parking charge last year, this letter was the first I'd heard about it. The letter was titled 'Notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £140.00'. I looked up advice on another site and was overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice over what to do, but gathered that by not receiving the original parking charge notice I'd missed any chance of appealing and that it was best to go to the company that owns the car park. It was the St Peter's Wharf Retail Park in Maidstone, shared by several companies. Obviously I don't have the receipts from that far back but I would have shopped in Asda as I always do when we go. If I did stay over the time it would have only been by a few minutes. My youngest was potty training at the time and everything took longer than it should have. The car park is often difficult to enter/leave and to find a space, there's every chance I spent 15 or 20 minutes trying to get in/out of the car park and find space to park. I wrote to the Asda, explaining that I had received a notice out of nowhere threatening me with court action and asking for £140 (plus £75 charges if it goes to court) , when I would have spent money in the shop and only overstayed for a maximum of 5 or 10 minutes. I said that there would have been no loss to them as I was a paying customer, that I couldn't afford the ticket or to risk another ticket by shopping there again and to please contact Parking Eye to get the ticket quashed. I got an email back (which I only just saw when I searched my emails) saying that there was nothing they could do about it. To be honest I pretty much forgot about it in between, hoping that it was dealt with by the letter to Asda, as we've had some other things going on that took priority. Yesterday I got another letter from DRP titled 'Reduced payment offer of £112.00 to avoid potential court proceedings'. It says my case has been 'referred to the creditor with the recommendation that they appoint their solicitor to commence court proceedings' against me. My family has been going through a difficult time that's caused us a crazy amount of stress and we're just coming through it, this is the last thing I need. I've even been tempted to borrow the money to pay it off just to get it off my mind but when I know from forums like this that it can be challenged it seems just such a waste of money that we can't afford. What do I need to do to fight it? Should I contact Parking Eye to make a late appeal or wait for them to send court papers?
  17. Hi, I received a parking ticket on the 3rd March 2015, I was parked in our designated flats bay behind another car, whilst moving in to the new flat. I received a ticket having parked there for 10 mins whilst unloading the car. The car park is private, behind gates and is free. I had not wanted to park in another persons bay so parked behind my boyfriends car to not cause obstruction or inconvinence to others. The ticket I received was for £100 - for a private, free car park!? I appealed this ticket and explained we had been moving in. The response from Ethics parking management was I should have contacted the company and informed them I had been unloading. It is now to late to continue an appeal via POPLAR and I have no had a letter from Debt Recovery Plus titled Demand for payment for £160. The letter also states the wrong postcode and location of where I was parked, if I were in this location I would have been parked in roadway. Does anybody have any advise as to whether I should pay this? I have read other forums and many have been reduced. Could this scenario be used as excessive payments as it is a free car park . I currently haven't admitted liability. I am getting quite concerned if the letters were to continue but £160 is a huge amount of money. Any pointers would be much appreciated Thanks
  18. The car park for the Maternity Section at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow was full on the 20th April this year when my daughter went to give birth. Part of the car park was closed for maintenance work and the workmen pointed us to an area where other cars were parked on a side road within the hospital. When we returned there was a notice on my windscreen from CPPlus notifying me of a £40 Unauthorized Parking Notice reduced to £20 for immediate payment stating I was not parked in a designated parking space. All the cars parked in this area also had similar notices. Another driver who was there advised me not to pay and to ignore any follow up. I then received a letter dated 4th June 2015 from PCS Parking Collection Services advising that they had obtained my details as the registered keeper/owner of the vehicle and stating that full payment must be made within 28 days to avoid further action. As originally advised on the 20th April in the car park I continued to ignore this letter. I have now however received a follow up letter dated 3rd July 2015 from DRP Debt Recovery Plus Ltd demanding payment for the unpaid parking charge of £40 for their client otherwise they will recommend their client that court action should be taken. I'd appreciate any advice on what action I should now take. Thanks
  19. Having sorted my wife's charge at Morrisons, now trying to do same with Sainsburys and Euro Car Parks. ECP sent the initial parking charge, "issued" 10th February, letter dated 16th February. Interesting thing was that there was no first name on the letter. There are two of us here at this address, my son and myself, so the person to whom it was addressed was ambiguous. In my view they had not written to me. A second letter, headed notice to keeper was dated 9th March. Again no first names, only surname. I then heard nothing until a letter from Debt Recovery Plus was received, dated 7th May. This letter was addressed to me, and headed *Notice of Intended Court Action" which of course it was not. they demanded £130, £60 more than the alleged original charge. This letter referred to a letter dated 14th April, which I had not received. Wording was curious - "If you are liable for this charge and do not pay the full amount...." and threatening to pass a file to the creditors solicitor with a recommendation to commence court action. I replied to this letter saying, I had not received a pcn, nor a notice to keeper, nor a notice of keeper liability. I disputed the "debt", said they had not complied with the BPA Code of Practice, told them I would be writing to the landowner, which I have, and telling them if I had no response within 14 days I would consider this an indication that the matter was closed. This prompted a written, rather than a form letter, explaining some tosh about the BPA Code of Practice, quoting Clause 22.7 (incorrectly) about challenges not being possible, referring to the pre-court action code of conduct (irrelevant at this stage) with a comment that they were trying to resolve the matter amicably (strange given that the tone of their other letters was anything but amicable) and mentioning Beavis vs Parking Eye as a "landmark Case" and alleging that they believe that similar conditions applied (I think not as I understand it). They finally said that they may not reply to any further correspondence if it didn't provide further "evidence" I am drafting a further response and will thank them for not writing further to me and tell them I won't be writing to them again. I have written to Sainsburys but cannot believe the response I have got. We were actually customers at the store and I submitted receipts to show this, we also used our nectar card. It was answered by their customer services "Careline" - more like "Don't Careline" - saying that they did own the car park, but "would not be able to overturn the charge" which I know to be not true. They did thank me for taking the time to contact them! There will be a follow up letter addressed personally to their CEO. Interested to receive any comments from anyone. How would my view that ECP have not written to me because they only used second names in the initial letters stand up? thanks
  20. Hi. In brief... I drove a car belonging to my wife and parked it in the free parking for customers car park at Vastern Ct in Reading. I left the site for literally 2 minutes then came back and bought a load of stuff at The Range, looked at some wines in Majestic (but didnt buy) and then bought some stuff in Aldi. When I got back, found ticket, was pretty cross, when I got home looked at the forums (which at the time were of the ignore until the NKD came through opinion). When the NKD did come through, we replied and told them that I was the driver at the time and not my wife. She then got a letter back from them saying her appeal had failed... and then came a slew of letters upping the ante at each stage, but all addressed to my wife. At the time, the relationship was somewhat rocky, so comms weren't great anyway. So I googled again ad came up with Parking Prankster who recommended an outfit called [removed] who for £16 would fight your case, or pay the fine guaranteed. I thought great! Paid up, thinking all dealt with, until many months later discovered that the company had collected the money, shut its doors and run... thanks! I had been done over And other expletives. the letters still came, the charge was now £160, and started coming from DRP now. Then there was a lull. After the big High Court case, and appeal, the letters started coming again, citing the High court appeals etc, which made my wife nervous. she wrote to DRP denying their claim ,and suggested they refer back to the first and only correspondence in the matter. She did not mention my name in that letter. Today, I received, in my name, a letter from DRP, demanding the £160. This has been going on for over a year - will have to dig the dates out - but it must be at least 14 / 15 months, and this is the first time they have written to the right person. Do I have any defence re time limits - given that they had my details all along? Any suggestions as to what route I should take? Many thanks
  21. ncGood afternoon, The other day I recieived a DRP letter in the post my first correspondence regarding a Parking Eye ticket in November last year. The letter I have is for a alleged contravention in the Leisure West Complex in Feltham. A leisure complex which consists of various businesses, restaurants and cinema etc. I am being invoiced the ammount of £120 from DRP. However I checked on the Parking Eye website about this ticket and the price on there website is £120.95 which contradicts the DRP price. I cannot get no information of the Parking Eye website about this ticket and there are no images or times online of this contravention. The date of the ticket was November last year and I recieved the DRP letter dated the 22nd July this year. Also the Car Park involved is a free car park with a time limit on it Are there any grounds for my appeal? Thanks in advance.
  22. hi i received a letter from our van lease company stating that a parking company had been in touch to identify the owner of the van as a parking ticket has been issued. the letter stated i would have the opportunity to appeal etc and would i let the lease company know what my plans were with regards to paying it or appealing it etc once id heard. then i receive a letter from debt recovery plus for an unpaid ticket £150 stating failure to comply with their previous demands in a previous letter (which i never received and asked for a copy which i got but was dated the day before i received it) i contacted smart parking and explained id heard nothing since the lease company contacted me and then a demand for £150,i told them i wanted to appeal this ticket and what should i do etc,they were very rude and abrupt and told me to deal with drp,not sure what to do here as ive now received a second letter from drp for £150 today any help would be much appreciated as always
  23. One of our company vehicles apparently parked for too long in a car park in Edinburgh. I had been told by our employee that the fine was not legitimate as the van was actually there twice in the same day and that this was not picked up by the cameras, and instead they thought it was one long visit and exceeded the allowed time. This has happened to us before so I wrote to parking eye explaining the situation. I heard nothing and eventuallty got a letter from debt recovery plus. I called PE and they deny ever receiving my letter. I was also told I was too late to appeal. They did, however, listen to my reasons for not paying and I was told the camera has been checked and only one visit was made in that day (I was not the driver so cannot be sure either way). So now I have another letter from DRP saying I have to pay £135 by 25th Nov and they have quoted the PE V Beavis & Wardley test case. My understanding is that this case is going to appeal in January 2015, so should they really be quoting it as a test case? So what I'm asking is, what should I do now? I don't mind paying some money to make it go away, but £135 does not seem reasonable to me. Am I entitled to ask for the camera recording to check them myself? Thanks in advance
  24. Hi all, Great forum and some good advice, but I feel I still need to ask again as some of the info is conflicting. I parked at A Euro Car Parks site in Bracknell. I over stayed (I was there for over 6 hours) as I never recalled you had a limit before and that it was free (it is for an hour or 2 I think). I got a letter from ECP demanding the £70 or £40 if paid straight away, but I lost the letter. So awaited letter number 2 so I could pay. Instead I got a letter from DRP demanding £130 or they would recommend to the creditor's solicitor that court action should be taken to recover what I owe. Anyway, I was happy to pay the original fine but had no way of doing so or talking to anyone at ECP. I spoke to the DRP saying I will not pay them £130 as I never got a letter (slight bending of the truth) but will pay the original fine with the reduction to £40. They just refused and demanded the full amount (this is last day I have to pay). I said that the original letter never came to me so that was unfair. They started referring me to websites and legislation saying I had to pay them the £130. Anyway, I called them back and the same woman (they would not let me talk to the person on the letter) still refused and said I would be taken to court. I said they had no right for that sum and she again directed me to a website stating they do. I informed her that the amount of letters lost by the Royal mail a week means this is not unusual and asked why they did not send by recorded delivery. She just said they don't have to and just have to prove that they sent it and I am the person who has to prove that it didn't arrive (not possible). I also said I had taken legal advise and been told that they don't have the right to this money. They simply said "No, you haven't". I said I had and they just said "Thank you, goodbye". So I have read a number of threads here (the main one was 2012 though) saying ignore, ignore, ignore. Are you sure they can do nothing here? I am also slightly troubled by the sticky that says you should not ignore. There is an address on the letter. I should also say that I am using a company car. Can they find that out and contact my company?
  25. I just thought I would check something here. Some time back I was issued with a parking invoice by UK Parking Controls Ltd. I have ignored it for some time and started getting the usual letters from Debt Recovery Plus. the latest one is offers to let me pay my parking invoice by instalments. Surely they need a credit license to take payment by instalments?
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