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  1. Hey, Got a bit of a strange one here - I have today received a green letter from Lowell Solicitors saying that I have not paid the £50 instalment on a CCJ they have obtained on a VERY old Orange mobile phone account. This is the first letter I have ever received about this naturally, it made me check my credit file where low and behold - a CCJ has been placed under my old address (not lived there in almost 7 years). This letter says that I have got until the 11th December to make the £50 payment or they will recommend enforcement action. My issues are as follows. 1) This is the first thing that I have heard about this (genuinely) and did have an old Orange account at my old address back in 2008 after falling on hard times. No payments have been made on that account since we moved in Feb 2011 and I have not knowledged anything. 2) The CCJ which was obtained in Oct 2017 is under my old address so does that mean that any papers I would have needed to see for challenging etc have gone to that address? 3) Can a CCJ be obtained and enforced on a statute barred debt? Hopefully, someone can help me out here and give me some advice. Cheers Scott
  2. And Hello everyone, I have just registered on the Forum and this is my first post! I was hoping to pick your brains a little regarding a similar issue I have found myself in. I have travelled from St Pancras to St Albans on the Saturday just gone. My partner and I have stupidly used my bank card - thinking that St Albans was still covered by the London zone! It's a complete mistake on our part which I have admitted to the staff at St Albans station, and apologised. I have asked if it's an option for us to purchase a ticket now (hoping they would exercise the discretion) which they have not. In fact, the first officer said that I ought to pay the penalty of £25 which I thought was too much (given the standard penalty is £20). I have simply asked him to explain to me why it is more than £25 pounds. At the same time my partner was speaking to the second officer who said to him that he can pay the amount £11.80 now, and the rest he can appeal later. When I heard this, I asked "my" officer if I could pay the same to which he said no. I asked why that was the case but he just said that was up to him - essentially charging me more than my partner, and for the same offence. I though it was not fair, and refused to pay the £25. He automatically started filling in the MR 11 notice (the "witness statement"). I had no idea what that was, and asked if he could explain which he just said - this is a legal document. I asked if he could please confirm that he is indeed entitled to serve this to me - I asked for his employee reference number and to show me a badge with his picture on. He told me his employee number, and refused to show any documentation to support it and said that I would just have to believe him. At this point I said I would rather pay the £25 penalty fare (I did not understand the MR11 but it sounded scary), but "my" office said that it was too late. I suspect I will be receiving the notice to prosecute very soon. My question is whether I should wait for it to arrive, or should I contact the Prosecutions department now, before the notice arrives. I never not wanted to pay the penalty fare, I just wanted to be treated in the same way my partner was - i.e. pay £11.80 penalty fare rather than £25. I still want to pay for the journey I made/penalty fare, but I can't do that via Thameslink Customer Department (because Penalty Fares Department is independent to GTR). I would be grateful for your thoughts, Many thanks in Advance Majka13
  3. Hi I took out a loan off quickquid back in feb 2012 I could not afford to pay the loan back at the time. They sold the debt to gothiagroup in 2014 Its been in arrears ever since feb 2012 the total amount is £1149. Its been nearly 4 years in arrears now and shows up on my credit report. Would it be worth writing to quickquid to see if I could get this loan write off due to I could not afford to pay this loan back at the time thanks.
  4. Hi can you help me? Sometime ago I parked briefly in a pay and display car park owned by corporate services I didn't have the correct amount of change on me so I popped into a shop to get some. By the time I returned I had received a ticket. I ignored the letter they sent me & I have now received a demand for payment from a debt collecting agency for £160.00. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.
  5. Good afternoon, I received a withheld phone call on tues 19th April asking for my ex husband, told them he doesn't live and as never lived here, they asked if I knew where he is, I said I've not seen him for 19 years, then asked about me as this is a joint dept from 19+ years ago, I was so silly to answer their security question and give them my mobile and email address. Wednesday I received a letter from gdr trace saying that they think I'm the person there client wishes to contact, I've not phoned them as yet as this was posted on the 18th before my phone call on the 19th, obviously they are working together. It was a messy devorce which ended my house got repossessed, I've never hidden away as I still pay a monthly payment to this. They said they sent a letter in 2001 to that address and whoever lived there said I didn't live there, I know for a fact my ex would not say he owed this dept or made any contact, I would think this would be statued barred, I'm so worried at the min about all this and would love for some advice, I've seen the template letters that can be send and would this stop contact, somehow I don't think so with this company. I've looked as well on my credit file and everything is ok there. I'm waiting to still received the letter that they said on the phone call, but have not as yet, they told me I had 2 weeks to get back to them when I do get this letter, many thanks in advance I also don't want my ex's name on any letters as this one from GDR TRACE had both our names on it.
  6. I received a court letter a few days ago from Lowells solicitors for a court summons for a dept that is over six years old. the last time i paid anything was in 2008, what should i do?
  7. Hello, I am looking for some advice please. I have a standing order weekly to Fedex Europe paying off some outstanding import tax, however today I have received a Notice of Enforcement asking for £958 - includes a number of charges! I can happily print off the invoices for these payments and get these off to them, but I need to know what I can do re the letter? I have emailed them today asking for confirmation of whether any payments have been added to this account. I have until 31st March to get this sorted. Please advise. Thanks
  8. Hi, I have a strange question, and hope someone familiar with debt collection procedures / DPA 1998 are able to assist. I am disabled, living with elderly parents. My father has never been in debt, and would absolutely freak out of he knew I still owed Tesco Bank a considerable amount of money. I am in comms with them regarding token payment on debt, its been over 10 years of intermittent token payments, DCAs etc but recently I keep receiving letters from their recoveries department but with the fact it is the recoveries department clearly showing on the front of the envelope. A few years ago I thought I read that DCA's etc needed to be more discreet when addressing people who owe money. Luckily I have stopped my father seeing these envelopes but if he does see one my relationship with the family will suffer tremendously. How can I ask Tesco Bank to be more respectful in there posting of Debt letters? Are they breaking any Date Protection Issues by showing recoveries department on the letter? Thanks Me_too TESCO PRINT.pdf
  9. Hi all,i am going through a divorce and whilst i was married we had a joint account with Nationwide,which all our bills where paid from.Whilst going through the divorce and ending up at the High Court to thrash out a financial agreement,it was agreed that we both pay off our half of arrears on the joint account, (which to my knowledge ive no idea how this happened, as there was sufficient money to cover the bills).that was in December 2013.I then set up a payment plan with Nationwide to pay for MY HALF of the arrears,which i fully paid.it wasn't until May 2014 that i received a phone call from Nationwide saying there is still £470 odd still owing,i was amazed at this as i paid my half off.Since May 2014 i have received phone calls from Nationwide asking me to pay off the remaining amount,i have tried on each phone call to explain that an agreement was made in the High Court of December 2013 that this money would be paid and also stated that ive paid my half,to which they said they do NOT take this into account, they just want their money.I was also told by one of them that if my ex wife didn't pay her half then her half would be written off,which i was disgusted by.The latest is that i am now getting phone calls from 01614257485 and texts from a company called FREDRICKSON INTERNATIONAL.Now not just dealing with the stress of a bad divorce, i am also very stressed with this too.Can anyone help ?
  10. Hello, Please help I received a couple of demand letters from HRMC which I called them and disputed verbally and asked them to send me a break down . I got nothing from them. Suddenly I got a letter last week from DCA saying I owe 5k and have to pay. I am a singly parent with 2 kids and struggling to make ends meet. Can you please help advise me how to dispute and ask for the breakdown and also advice me on the best way forward on this. I am currently unable to pay them anything as I do not even have any funds to my name. once all my monthly bills are paid. I am really confused and feel I am being bullied by the HMRC & DCA.
  11. I have been advised to post my situation here, to see if there is anyone who can advise. I really do hope so. My youngest was excluded from school for missing a monthly direct debit payment. I have been a parent at school for 8 years, seeing my eldest all the way through the school till 18, and have on occasion had a direct debit miss, I have always subsequently then paid the bill, and the dd continues and there is no problems, I pay the late payment charges etc. But it all gets paid, and the monthly direct debits continue, that has been our history with them for 8 years. However this time it was different, we had been struggling to pay the fees, but paid they were, some dds met the odd one didn't, we cleared them within a month of missing, this occurred over a 7 month period. But at this point we were not in debt with our payments. The next missed DD, we got the standard email from the school saying this had happened, and that we needed to bring the account up to date, at this point we knew from previous experience that we had until the next dd date to sort it, however 2 weeks short of that date the school sent a letter to say that unless the entire term was now paid up our youngest would be excluded. taking the amount owing from £1190 to £5900 inclu additions and deposit for a place at prep school. Unfortunately at the time I was under investigation for cancer, and my husbands business was struggling financially,( the school were aware of both situations). We could have paid the initial amount owed but were not given the chance to by the school, they were demanding the full amount. Subsequently our youngestr was excluded. I went to the head and informed them we could no longer afford to keep her place, and that we would not be taking up her place at prep school. This was all in May 2013. We heard nothing else from the school, until mid sept when they wrote to say the bill was outstanding, that we still had to pay the full term and we could pay by instalments, 3 in total. before we could arrange that it went to a solicitor and to court. At the time this was taken to northhampton county court, my husband had a stroke and was very ill, we didn't fight the ccj unfortunately. It has now escalated to a statutory demand. Now in a position mentally and health wise to deal with this..(just) we have asked for a set aside on the ccj, as we are refuting the amounts and the school has refused to give us a detailed breakdown of the bill, we have also put in a set aside for the statutory demand ( which wasn't dated). we have 2 court dates impending. Is there anything we can do as damage limitation, or anything that could help us with this issue. The bill has now risen a further £3000 and we can't just pay it off, otherwise we would. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Hello Can you help with advice. In around 1992 myself and a girlfriend bought a flat with a mortgage through Cheltenham and Gloucester building soc. She left and disapeared leaving me unable to keep up payments on the Mortgage. I handed the key's back to them. I agreed a payment plan with them in around 1994/5. The Cheltenham and Gloucester was taken over by LLoyds, and so my debt was taken over by them. I have received a letter telling me my debt has been sold to a Debt collecting Solicitors. I have been paying Lloyds for all those years and am told I still owe over £6k. A few people have told me Lloyds are a bit dodgy at keeping documents. They also seemed to take a long time to resell the property and by the looks of it for almost no Value. Can you give me advice.
  13. Hi wondering if any one can help me I was contacted by Westcott regarding a dept owed to TRBOS for aprox £900 I contacted them asking what the dept was they informed me it was a style card which was opened around 9 years ago, I may or may not have opened this in a time where i went mad with credit. I sent of for a copy of the agreement under section 77-79 of the 1974 consumer credit act to which the sent me a blank copy of the terms and conditions of the account with a pre contract information sheet with my name printed on it. I informed Westcott that i wanted a copy of the agreement with my signature on it, to which i was given a different address to send of to, i received a letter today saying that leagaly all they had to send me was a gopy of the agreement and terms and conditions of the time the account was opened, I contacted TSBOS on a number supplied and was told that they no longer have a copy of the original signed agreement as they don't have to keep them after 6 yrs. I just want to see the orginal signed aggrement before i aggree to pay anything. Can any one offer any advice please :?:
  14. Hi I need some help I have fallen behind on my payments with brighthouse as I was made unemployed as my work closed down I have signed up with jobseekers allowance bright house are phoning me asking to make £64.30 payment today but I cant afford to as I only have £ 20 to last me to next friday as I need that 20 pound for food for my daughter who is only one I dont know what todo as I have a couch and tv from them I have had them for at least 1 and half years help
  15. Hi first off great site lot's of great info. My problem is I lived in the Netherlands for a number of years and was going to say there for good, till I lost my job and the cost of living has sky rocketed there so was put in a corner. So decided to move me and my family back to scotland. The problem is the Dutch mortgage I have we have stopped paying so the house will be repossessed soon and sold at a loss so will owe about 50 to 60 thousands euros im guessing. Can the dutch chase me in the UK for that dept. I can not afford to pay it. would a collection agency buy a dutch dept or could it be sent through the courts. What options do i have Thanks for any advice
  16. Hello to everybody Today |I received the first letter from dept recovery plus ltd for a parking charge that had happened in Scotland in a private parking (not store parking) I wasnt driving that day I had given the car to somebody to help him moving in his apartment and got fined for that. My biggest concern is that the letter says that if they dont receive a payment before 10/12 they will recomend to the creditor solicitor that court action should be taken . The problem is that these days I am not gonna be in the country I will be away.. please help I attach the letter with all the details erased Thank you very much[ATTACH=CONFIG]47964[/ATTACH]
  17. hi again . i have had a letter from red offering me a discount on the account it says i owe lowell the money it is a halifax account overdraft. i dont know who owns it now do i ring them to find out who owns this then send them a cpr or a cca request. the letter also says that this will go to hamptons legal if they dont hear from me in 10 days well 10 days as been and gone letter was posted 25 oct 2013 not heard from hamptons yet. they say hamptons will put in a claim. if i get a cca or cpr request to them now will it stop them from putting in a claim if they dont send me the stuff i ask for
  18. I have an address which I got off the net for the above. I have: Santander Complaints Department, Santander UK plc, Po Box 1125, Bradford, BD1 9PG Can anyone tell me if this is correct? I have written to them twice recently and got stony silence. Thanks David
  19. hi everyone, firstly keep up the amazing work you do, it means a lot to know there is people to help and support you when in trouble. Ok, had letter from ccs for 2304.25 overpayment to dept for work and pensions. This around 10 years ago and we did start paying them a small amount each month but that stopped around 5 years ago. Get a letter every couple of years and I think 3 years ago I told them to 'prove it' and asked for a copy of my file which they suly sent several months later (reams of paperwork!). should i respond to ccs? Thanks all
  20. hi everyone! i'm new here so i'll do my best to explain... going back quite a few years ago (maybe 7/8 years ago) i took out an IVA (i can't remember the company) as i owed about £19k to different creditors and banks. to cut a long story short i stopped paying them after a while as it was just too much and i could'nt keep up with it. we then moved house as we rent, changed our phone number and it all went quiet. we stayed at that house for 4 years. we then moved again and we had to have a credit check for the new house (rented) and it came back clean... this was a year ago and i have since been able to get credit again (visa & mobile phone) about 6 weeks ago i got a letter from rockwell asking me to contact them over an outstanding debt in my name... this i ignored! then i had a phone call from them, i told them there will be no correspondance over the phone and put it down. i have found out they have many alias and they tried calling me via them so i had all the numbers barred. rockwell have sent me another letter saying... owed to our client ARROW GLOBAL GUERNSEY LIMITED your reference number ************ outstanding balance £658.95 our clients reference ************* original lender LITTLEWOODS if you don't respond we will pass your account to our specialist recovery agents FENTON COOPER to assess further recovery options... etc they have also offered me a "special offer - settle at a reduced amount" £593.06 so i'm unsure if this SB or not as it could well be over 6 years old and if not its going to be very close too that. should i send them a letter and if so what should it say? i'm really stuck and very unsure what to do... PLEASE HELP!
  21. Hi there, i went bankrupt in may 2007, this year in january i received a letter from a company called aktiv kapital, advising that they were the collectors for halifax for the sum of £**,***, bla bla bla, basically the dept in question was part of my bankruptcy which was settled in may 2008, I've had 5 or 6 letters since, and I've repeatedly told them i went bankrupt, and that the halifax sum was included in my bankruptcy and gave them the bankruptcy details are halifax allowed to have done this???
  22. Can anyone give me any feed back on a company called commercial domestic investments please
  23. Hi, Happy to find that I am not the only one having an unoticed defaulted account from Vodafone. My story begins back to 2009 when I had a contract for 3G mobile internet with Vodafone. And my story is really simple, due to a busy life with studies and exams in my academic years I should have missed to pay a bill, and I do not even remember if that is the case since everything happened silently and I guess quickly without my knowledge. After some time Vodafone stopped sending bills at my home and I thought my contract is over and I just left it, but I didn't know that Vodafone was planning to shape my credibility and my young life. After two years (yes two years) I realised that I couldn't really do anything. I couldn't rent a property (even when I could afford it) or make a phone contract (even when I could pay for the whole year) or get a credit card from a bank (even when my salary is very high), and then I realised that a third party authorised by Vodafone had my account defaulted for the amazing amount of £70. Yes £70 dept is enough to ruin your life because someone else decided for this, enough for someone else to muppet your life on behalf of yourself and for any telecom company enough to see its billions become billions again, and all this without NOTICE or at least a "glass of water" . I shocked from my findings and I paid immediately the amount to the third party hoping that my account will be normal again, but this is not the case. The question is Why I wasn't been warned for something? (I didn't have any financial difficulties and I could have paid for this) Is there any hope that something could be done for this, or should I stop dreaming and wait for my 30s when my red "criminal" account is removed from the credit file ? Thanks in advance...
  24. Hi, My girlfriend took out an 18month contract phone a while back and towards the end of this contract wanted to go abroad for a year but found out that Orange had her on the system as a 24month contract. She tried to fight this but they wouldn't listen and as such she cancelled the direct debit and left the country. 12 months later she has returned to a pile of letters threatening bailiffs and court action from the likes of NCO and westminster solicitors. In this sort of dispute can we just ask Orange to provide proof of this 24month contract and if they can't we shouldn't have to pay them. Its a case of 2 sides to this story and without evidence I don't think they can keep hounding her or can they? As I don't know either way and my girlfriend is adament that it was only an 18month contract i feel that Orange should have proof of these contracts. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Andy
  25. Hi i need some help regarding ScotCall Dept Collecting Services. I had a River Island store card when i was 18 and never payed it off, in fact I have never payed any money towards this card. I'm now 25 away to turn 26 soon and they are looking for £175.39. These letters came out of the blue a while ago. The dept was with some other company before but has now been passed on to ScotCall. I have been just chucking these letters in the bin. I could keep ignoring them but i think i'ts about time i got them to stop wasting paper and save some tree's : ) by the way i live in Scotland any advice would be great and thank you in advance.
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