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  1. This is a thread to contain my payday loans, my original one is here: HERE Here is a list of the payday loans i taken out from 2011-2014 (ish) The last contact i made with them was December 2017 as instructed by Redbridge Finance a company who was "supposidly" going to help me claim compensation from them. Wonga Quickquid Payday express Mr lender Myjar The money shop The cheque centre To name but a few, there are probably more but it really hurts my head when i try and think back. I am not being chased for any of the above debts at the moment, and not all of them are on my credit report. The only ones that are on my Noddle credit report are: Lantern: a debt collection agency wanting £262 default date 11/08/2014 Advance against income Active securities LTD a debt collection agency wanting £442 Default date 07/09/2014 I'm not sure which company they are from (original creditors) , i haven't heard anything from them ever although all of my debts were taken out at my old address. There are probably more than the ones i listed at the top of the page, but it's going back a long time and feel free to read the thread linked in the top for a short back story going back to 2012. I was hoping for some advice on where to go from here, redbridge tried to put a claim in against Wonga, filed a complaint against the FCA to find they went bust. Thanks so much in advance.
  2. Hi I will start a consolidated thread listing all my payday loans due to gambling and the severe nightmare it has caused me including losing my job and nearly my family. I have downloaded your guide and going to sort all the information I need to post properly this weekend. However I have (after reading your frankly brilliant guide) looked closely into the situation with QuickQuid. I spiraled from loans of 100 to £1200 with them over 2015,2016 and 2017 whilst also borrowing every month from Wonga, MyJar, Lending Stream. I lost my job in June 2017 and owed them £1200. I defaulted etc and they did actually freeze the interest etc for a period whilst I got back on my feet. In August last year I got re-employed but on a much lower salary. I set up a payment plan with them for £120.76 per month for 18 months meaning total repayment of 2173.68 for a £1200 loan. I believe I have a case for irresponsible lending but simply cannot start it till this weekend. My next payment is due to come out on friday. So... 1) Should I cancel the direct debit or continue paying? 2) If yes to cancelling then should I inform them I have done so and why? Many thanks Moobelle
  3. I read with great pleasure a gentleman on another thread who successfully claimed back over 8k in fees from Quickquid after taking after multiple loans. I was in the same position pretty much as the gentlemen in question and was offered 350 quid in 2015 for full and final settlement which i may now have stupidly accepted. Do I have recourse to go back for another claim and say this was not considered correctly? would appreciate some advice, also in the same position with Wonga, accepted a fraction of the interest payoff paid over some 20 loans with them.
  4. Good Morning, Today i received a letter from PRA group in relation to a quick quid loan taken out in March 2011, they are offering around a 70% discount, The letter is titled "Could you settle your account?" I did query this loan in 2015 so i have a statement of the account. I was just wondering what my next steps would be to get them to stop hassling me and would this be statue barred as the last payment was made in May 2011. Thanks DC
  5. Hi Folks, I'm having a number of issues with Quickquid and them supplying me information of all loans I have had with them. I am planning on putting in a IRL claim against them History: 30/07/18 - Sent E-mail request asking for all loans I had with QQ over the years (was a lot) Provided Date of birth, and all addresses I have had over the last 9 to 10 years 16/08/18 - No response received, sent a chase request 20/08/18 - They provide 6 account statements. I can only reconcile that against 2 of my loans (4 were potentially from an old bank account I had no access to) I was expecting another 14 statements. 26/08/18 - I chase up the missing statements 04/09/18 - Chase again due to no response 11/09/18 - Chase again due to no response 21/09/18 - Chase again due to no response!! 26/09/18 - I call them as this is getting ridiculous. They state they will make the information available on their website as a downloadable file. 28/09/18 - Information is now available. I download it and it is exactly the same as before!! Still missing all the statements. What should my next steps be. Are the actions I have taken essentially a DSAR or do I need to explicitly ask for this? Or should I now just go straight to the ICO and raise a complaint? Thanks in advance KO
  6. This may have been covered so apologies however my wife had a debt with QuickQuid in 2010, there hasn’t been communication with them since and don't recall having DCA's involved we’ve seen the debt now appear on her Noodle credit file with an account start date of 2010 (when she took out the advance and wasn't able to make any repayments) but a default date of 2015 – i assume they’ve done this just before the debt is Barred so we’re screwed until 2021. Can they do this or is this unlawful? Some help would be appreciated. I've heard that a default can only be registered with a DCA within 6-months of the payments stopping - according to the ICO. Not sure if this is right.
  7. Hi guys, Hoping you can help me, while at uni I like many had to live on these damn things, I would pay one off then get another one out the same day to keep on top of the money which had just been paid back, The other day I got a letter from Moriarty Law Solicitors threating court action, like an idiot I agreed to pay back 50 a month to them for a 450 balance from a 300 pound loan, I can not afford to do this I made one payment and then stopped it. Today I called up and explained the situation and the customer service agent was so rude!! Quickquid unfairly lent me loans for a good 2 years I would say, without any means check and let me run up so much debt. I also have debt with 2 other lenders but they are not with DCA yet. I understand there is a gray area once it goes to a DCA so could you please help? I cant log into my account on quickquid either. I know I borrowed it so should pay it back but Moriarty Law Solicitors won't accept a plan I can afford now I missed a payment. This is just one of them - As we have advised you previously in the Notice of Default, you have failed to make payments required under your Loan Agreement with QuickQuid or to contact us to take corrective action. Loan: .... Date of Agreement: 41507 Outstanding Principal: £250 Outstanding Interest: £208.44 Outstanding Late Fees: £24 Discounts & Credits: £0 Total Amount Outstanding: £482.44 As a result, we have decided to refer your account to a Third Party Debt Collection Agency who will be in touch with you in due course. Their information is listed below. If you would like to make a payment, please contact the debt collection agency: ARC (Europe) Ltd 01932 251842
  8. I took out a payday loan with quickquid for around £200, couldn't pay back as I lost my job and fast forward to now, I owe ARC Europe £333.80, what is the best way to deal with this? Thanks.
  9. Hi There I raised an irresponsible lending claim with QuickQuid back in July. At the 8 week point they replied saying they hadn't done anything wrong. I raised it with fos who replied with their assessment in November. The adjudicator upheld my complaint. At this point quickquid said they wouldn't consider the loans i had prior to July 2010 as they had been taken out more than 6 years ago. Fos said they should refund all interest plus 8% on my last loan and they would look into whether I should be refunded for the others. Fos gave quickquid 2 weeks to respond. I contacted the adjudicator after 3 weeks to see if they had received a response. I was told that QuickQuid didn't agree so it would have to be referred to an Ombudsman. Does anyone know how long this can take and how often the ombudsman disagrees with the adjudicator please? Many thanks C
  10. Hi I took out a loan off quickquid back in feb 2012 I could not afford to pay the loan back at the time. They sold the debt to gothiagroup in 2014 Its been in arrears ever since feb 2012 the total amount is £1149. Its been nearly 4 years in arrears now and shows up on my credit report. Would it be worth writing to quickquid to see if I could get this loan write off due to I could not afford to pay this loan back at the time thanks.
  11. Hi There. i've been reading some of the post and i thought i give it a try i used this template "I wish to make a formal complaint based on what I believe to be irresponsible lending and the amount paid towards the loan. On 26/02/2010 , I was granted a Debt Relief Order. Had you done sufficient checks you would have seen this on the Insolvency Register and on my credit report. This, added to the fact that I made you aware of the difficulty to repay and the offer of further finance should have been blatant that I was in financial difficulty at the time. I do not believe you performed adequate checks and should not have agreed to loan these funds. During this time I received calls and texts to the point of harassment from 'MMF ' and various people claiming to represent you. I was also threatened with a home visit within hours for removal of goods which is downright wrong. You should know you need to apply for a court order, for the court order to be granted and subsequently broken before even considering these activities. With regards to paying the loan itself, I have paid a total of £100 on a loan of £200. All of the charges you applied would breach the FCA's guidelines on collections activity as you have levied unfair and disproportionate charges to the account. Based on the complaint I request the following: - A refund of the sum paid above the initial capital of £500 plus a further 8% simple interest for four years - For the account to be settled as paid - A formal apology concerning your collections activities and subsequently an offer of compensation for the distress caused over numerous years Should this matter not be resolved adequately I will be taking my complaint to the FCA for further investigation This Week i received a reply from complaints saying this " Thank you for contacting QuickQuid. The contents of your email were duly noted. Your query raised several questions on what loan affordability is based on and what statutory checks are processed before assessing credit approval. Please be advised of the following information in relation to your query: -We processed a credit check, the search id: {Took this out} confirms one of the affordability checks that were ran. You can find additional information on checks by contacting Callcredit which is one of the Credit Reporting Agencies we use. -We also run various checks, which include but are not limited to, affordability assessment based on current financial commitments, as well as verifying any personal details provided on the application. -After the application was submitted, we send our customers an email which contains the pre-contractual agreement and also contains a hyperlink that leads to an audio version for your convenience. -Prior to making a lending decision, your loan application is reviewed and all of the information discussed above is analyzed and taken into consideration. -Once that information is reviewed, we make a decision and subsequently contact the consumer to advise of the final credit decision. After careful review of your account and the information you submitted at the time of your application, we have determined that we diligently followed our processes and conducted a credit and affordability assessment on each credit application that was granted. Furthermore, your request for a refund on the charges and fees associated with your loans has been denied. If you have any queries, our Final Resolution Team is here to help. Kind Regards, Tiffaney What can i reply here : shall i report it to FOS. This loan was back in 2005/2006 Thanks
  12. Hi Everyone Good news regarding my complaint against Quickquid. I referred it to the Ombudsman after receiving their standard response they did all the necessary checks etc, etc. I loaned from them constantly from Dec 2008 to Sept 2013 when I requested a repayment plan. Had a call from my adjudicator at the Ombudsman to say Quickquid are willing to refund all interest paid from October 2010. Just waiting for her to confirm the figure. My initial loans were fairly small so I can accept they were affordable but from 2010 onwards the amounts escalated each month. If their figure is anywhere near mine then I will probably accept it. This is the last payday loan company I have a complaint against. Had a 100% record against the 10 claims I made and am happy to say have been debt free for 2 years. Just want to give encouragement to others just starting their claims, its a long process but keep at it, it will be worth it in the end.
  13. Hi, I sent in a complaint to QQ and they have emailed me saying that "in order to better assist you, we ask that you fill out below information so that we can thoroughly review and respond to your complaint". The questions briefly 1. Income per pay cheque at time of loans 2. Monthly expenses (mortgage,rent, travel, bills etc) 3. Recently, we have seen an increased number of complaints where the complainant has obtained a template from a website or blog. Did you use a website template? If so, can you pleaserovide the name of the website? 4. Did you tell us that you were experiencing financial hardship? If so,when? 5. Copy ho banks statements from roughly time of loans 6. Payslips from roughly time of loan. Surely they should have all the information they needed before providing the loans regarding g income, expenditure etc
  14. Hmmm - Quickquid said via email, when asked for info on my previous loans; "Please forward your request along with your cheque for £10.00 ( the cost of the copies requested, per loan or extension)" Per loan or extension? Surely that's not correct? I have sent £10 for everything... Anyone had similar?
  15. Hello all, Long time lurker, first time poster. The wisdom and knowledge of this forum has gave me the confidence to ignore all previous calls/threats but this latest letter is something new, that I haven't seen listed before, so feeling a little anxious. ARC have taken over my QQ account after QQ failed to accept my monthly standing order payments and insisted on a DD only (we all know why). I have since moved to another bank and get my wages paid into that new account. The old account still exists. I received this letter this morning. ARC have been phoning me 3-4 times a day but I have blacklisted all their numbers and it goes straight to voicemail. Any advice welcome. I have not sent the 3 letters, choosing to ignore all correspondence instead. Thankyou Kev
  16. Hi all, I sent a complaint letter to quickquid about my payday loan on the 30/10/2014. I sent it recorded and they signed for it on the 31/10/2014. They have now had 8 weeks and I sent a letter to another Payday lender (Payday Express) around the same time. They replied with a Deadlock letter so I've gone to the FOS with them. I'm thinking should I just go to the FOS with quickquid because they've had the 8 weeks and not done anything. Here is my letter: Quick Quid 483 Green Lanes London N13 4BS 30 October 2014 Reference Number: 000000 Dear Sir/Madam I have a payday loan agreement with your company and wish to make a complaint in relation to the product you sold me. Your product has resulted in me suffering serious financial hardship and becoming unfairly indebted. In particular, my ability to pay rent, mobile phone contract, overdraft, food, clothes and basic essentials. I would not have suffered such detriment had your company complied with the relevant consumer credit laws in relation to my individual circumstances; in particular I believe: When I took out my payday loan the Representative APR and true costs of the borrowing was not made clear to me on your website and advertising. This was unfair and contrary to the Advertising Regulations and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. Your company also failed to provide me with the proper statutory pre-contractual information before I entered into the loan – including a clear explanation of the consequences of missing a payment, default and rollover charge. Had I known this, I would not have taken out the payday loan. Your company again failed to provide me with adequate pre-contractual explanations on the suitability of payday loans in relation to particular types of use, and how much I would really have to pay and what would happen to me if I was unable to do so. Because of this failure, I have been significantly prejudiced and have suffered loss & hardship. Your company also failed to properly assess my creditworthiness when you first lent me money contrary to section 55B of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, had you undertook a sufficient assessment I would not have incurred additional interest and default charges. I would ask you to write-off the interest and charges you have applied to my loan. If you are not prepared to do so please explain why, within the statutory 8-week period, so I can take my complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. In the meantime as this debt is in dispute please desist from debt collection or contacting me until this dispute is concluded. Yours Sincerely, Name Printed Would like some advice on were to go from here. Thanks Andrew
  17. I have a default with QQ dated 16/07/2012 it should fall off my file July 2018. Will it stay on my file after this date if there is still a balance on it or will it be removed regardless. Can they add another default at anytime?
  18. Hi all posted on here last year when i was really in debt since then i have had repayment plans and managed to pay 4 creditors off so slowly getting there! Now to my problem one of these creditors quick-quid flexicredit i had a standing order repayment plan with since the end of April 2014 and so far had 5 payments gone out of my account and have the bank statements as proof. I had an email off them today first one ever saying it was a statement so i logged on to my account and wanted to know how much i had left and was shocked to see i still had £727 from an original balance of £787 i was advised to phone the final resolutions team up where they told me they have only received one payment and that was in July, yet i have the proof on my bank statements that i have made 5 payments of £60 each month. they asked to see proof of these bank statements via email so I'm wondering is if this is actually legal? and where has all my money payments gone? Thanks for any help you may be able to give me!
  19. Just received an email from QQ saying they've sent out a statutory default notice through the post. What does this mean for me? They're demanding immediate payment of £530, which I can't do as im unemployed. Have tried to set up a repayment plan in the past but they haven't been interested after I was unable to stick with one earlier. My worry is people knocking on my door, i live with family and wouldn't want that stress on them, does this happen still? Can someone help, what should i do, im willing to pay small amounts on a repayment plan, 40/50 a month etc. Really worried and stressed out.
  20. Hello I have a Flex account with them, i contacted other day about setting up a repayment plan, i do not want to give them my bank details again in order to set up a new direct debit, I will be getting a money windfall on 12th May, I was wondering what would happen if I didn't pay or contact them until this date and paid it off them. Would I incur a lot of charges which would put the amount due up a lot higher?
  21. I'd done so well for months, completely debt free (many thanks to people on this site that helped during the time) and then landed myself in financial trouble recently after losing my job. I took out a loan with these guys again to cover christmas, but my plan to repay was scuppered by an unexpected medical complication. My due date was last Thursday, for which the direct debit was bounced back. I contacted quickquid that afternoon and came to an arrangement whereby I paid £8.50 then from £31.50 debt, and the remaining balance for £23 (amounts are not exact) today. When I went to make the payment today, I found that they'd added a late payment fee of £12. After trying to contest this and failing I asked for them to cancel my card. Instead they debitted my account for the full £35. They did not tell me they had done this, I only found out when I chcked my bank account balance a few minutes ago. A late payment fee was not applied last Thursday, yet it was today, even though I tried to pay today. Apparently my account is being forwarded for review (the last time that happened was several years ago, and it took weeks to recieve a response...rather than the 48 hours I was promised) So...my question...do I have a leg to stand on here? Am I in the right, or are they entitled to do that? Many thanks
  22. So i would start a thread in the QuickQuid sub forum for my CCA sent to Mack Hall as the original creditor is QQ correct?
  23. I just wanted to know if its true what they say and isnt there a way around it so i can just pay the £60 a month until the balance is gone ? Hello! Thank you for choosing QuickQuid, where if approved, get cash sent to your bank account within 10 minutes after approval, 24/7. A representative will respond to you shortly. You are now chatting with Antoinette. Antoinette: Thank you for contacting QuickQuid. I'd be happy to assist you with any questions you have. Before we start, can you please verify your full forename, surname and full date of birth? Me: Hi there i contacted your company by email a couple of days ago but i have had no reply. I have had a drastic change is working hours and im income has dropped significantly so i can no longer afford to pay the partial or full amount, i have worked out my income and i can afford to pay £60 per month only. if my situation changes i would be happy to pay more but until then this is all i can offer. my phone is also gone so i can only be contacted by email or live chat Me: My Name 17th XXX XXXX Antoinette: Thank you for providing that information. To fully access your account, can you please confirm your post code and one of the following on file: your email address, phone or customer ID number? Me: ABC DEF Me: XXXXXX Me: im not sure how to find my customer number Antoinette: Thank you XXXX and I am sorry to hear of your change in income Antoinette: I do apologize however we do not offer payment plans on flex credit loans which is why you are given the 10 month option at the time of application Me: Oh im sorry to hear that, well unfortunately i cannot come up with the £277.29 its asking for so im not sure what to do Antoinette: How much are you able to pay towards the loan today? Me: nothing unfortunately, my card has been flagged for fraud and i have just phoned them but they have to send me a new debit card and pin out Me: he says 5-7 days
  24. Hi, I have a loan of approx £1300 next week due to repaid to quickquid. I just cannot afford to continue to repay interest on the loan so I am going to stop now. I am so worried that they will contact my workplace and demand money, I am going to email them with a very acceptable repayment plan which I hope they will agree to. Has anyone have experience dealing with this company? I fear the worse being honest. I will get my wages to be paid into another account so I should be okay but I just want to get an agreement with them and get on with my life.
  25. Hi All, Just thought I would share a very positive experience with Quick Quid, I have had a few loans in a row with them now and I owed £950. It's not that I went out of control I just rolled them over, paid them off and then took out another. Well an unexpected car bill this month seen me unable to pay the balance so I called them, After speaking to someone in the call centre and explain difficulty, They arranged 4 monthly repayments, No interest no charges and starting from next month to give me some breathing space! I phoned straight through to collections never bothered with Customer Service BEST BIT IS I DONT EVEN DEFAULT UNTIL TOMORROW and they still created a payment plan and have it in writing too via email. For one of the big companies I was very taken aback by the service! Wishing I done it sooner now!
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