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  1. This is a thread to contain my payday loans, my original one is here: HERE Here is a list of the payday loans i taken out from 2011-2014 (ish) The last contact i made with them was December 2017 as instructed by Redbridge Finance a company who was "supposidly" going to help me claim compensation from them. Wonga Quickquid Payday express Mr lender Myjar The money shop The cheque centre To name but a few, there are probably more but it really hurts my head when i try and think back. I am not being chased for any of the above debts at the moment, and not all of them are on my credit report. The only ones that are on my Noddle credit report are: Lantern: a debt collection agency wanting £262 default date 11/08/2014 Advance against income Active securities LTD a debt collection agency wanting £442 Default date 07/09/2014 I'm not sure which company they are from (original creditors) , i haven't heard anything from them ever although all of my debts were taken out at my old address. There are probably more than the ones i listed at the top of the page, but it's going back a long time and feel free to read the thread linked in the top for a short back story going back to 2012. I was hoping for some advice on where to go from here, redbridge tried to put a claim in against Wonga, filed a complaint against the FCA to find they went bust. Thanks so much in advance.
  2. Hi there. My husband is trying to claim ppi from Littlewoods/shop direct. He has received a letter from then saying he did have ppi with cover plus. Start date was in 1994. It was fully paid. The thing is, they have enclosed a claim form from the FOS. Why would they do this? Many thanks
  3. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  4. Hi Im not sure if this is correct place to post this so I'll be brief and wont object if someone moves my post to the correct place! I have done a DSAR and noticed on my Bank Statement in 2007 that a cheque I wrote was presented on Tuesday 02/01/2007 and it bounced. It was further presented on the Friday 05/01/2007 and bounced again.* 02/01/2007** *Tuesday 05/01/2007** *Friday If cheque clearing took 4-5 days at that time, how could it be possible that a cheque could be represented 3 days after bouncing in the first place. I am mystified! Please can anybody shed any light on this. thank you
  5. My 86 year old aunt still pays her council tax in full by cheque every year. Her cheque stubs show a cheque written for exactly the right amount and there is a corresponding debit entry on her bank statement on 4th April. She's now however being threatened by the council who claim she hasn't paid. The payee wasn't filled in on the cheque stub I've only looked at the date and amount and admittedly made an assumption that such a very individual figure was in fact her council tax. Do banks still keep cleared cheques? Can we ask for it back to check it was what we think it was?
  6. Daniel Head can’t take credit, move banks or even secure a new mobile contract because his bank mistakenly put a fraud flag against his name and refused to remove it Daniel Head has worked hard to build up a strong financial base and an excellent credit rating over the years. He has never fallen into debt or suffered financial difficulties. But he can’t take out credit, move banks or even secure a mobile phone contract because Barclays (LSE: BARC.L - news) , his bank for 12 years, mistakenly put a fraud flag against his name and refuses to remove it. Financial institutions (NasdaqGS: FISI - news) have almost unfettered powers to share concerns about customers with other companies through credit reference agencies and fraud prevention registers such as Cifas and the National Hunter database. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/paid-us-cheque-barclays-account-080751591.html
  7. Hi On Saturday morning we paid a cheque into Natwest, it was a PPI Refund, I was wondering why it is not showing up? It was paid into our account and were were told it would be cleared this week, surely it should be showing as paid in? We were given a receipt and I have the letter to prove we were given the cheque , thing is I can not find the receipt but was definitely given one. Any idea why it is not showing as paid in?, even on the balance and the actual amount nothing shows up Thanks in advance Sandy
  8. We stopped for lunch with friends in a country pub in the middle of nowhere yesterday. As we tucked into the main course the waiter appeared and said they could not take card payments as their machine was down. We didn't have enough cash on us to fully cover the bill and it was roughly five miles from the nearest ATM. I mentioned a cheque and the waiter didn't say anything. The bill arrived and the bar staff and then the Manager refuse to accept the cheque which was already signed and completed. It was being handed to them and they refused to take it as a solution to a problem not of our making. Instead they asked me to leave my card details and security number on a sheet behind the bar. I refused having had a card cloned in a restaurant previously. Then they asked me to leave name/address details and they would phone for the card details, which we did. On reflection I am not minded to give my details over the phone to a company which would suggest we leave the card info on a list by the till, who knows how the information will be disposed of? So, when we get home and they ring for payment can I insist on sending them a cheque?
  9. Hi All I heard that Cheque Centre had gone out of business? I had a payday loan with them a few years ago (xmas 2013) for about £300 that then became over £500 with their added interest. They took £200 from my account before I contacted my bank to prevent them from being able to take anymore money. I then stopped hearing from them for a few years, however they started contacting me a few months ago demanding the outstanding balance. My experian credit report is showing the debt as settled and not defaulted - I did say this to them when they called but apparently " I'm wrong" - I'm not stupid I can read what my report is telling me. I'm just confused now as they vanished and then came back demanding the money, also why would my credit file say its settled? Is there a way I can fight this or even get it wiped off my report? Thank you in advance
  10. Hi Again, I'm still struggling with Accord mortgages over a shortfall from them selling the property for half of what was paid 9 years ago. My ex did a deal recently so I'm left with my half of the debt. I've made a small settlement offer 8% of debt over a month ago. Accord keep pushing me to deal with them over the phone, which I have no wish to do. They also keep pestering me to fill in an expenditure form. I've explained I'm about to be out of work so I don't see how filling in the form is a fair representation of my financial position given I have one more pay day before unemployment. I can't fill in the form based on being unemployed as not sure how much benifits I will get. I've explained all this, given them proof I'm not in perm employment, I've also given proof of what the property is worth and that I feel they should never have sold so cheap given value has increased so much. They came back to me saying I refuse to talk to them despite them willing to discuss over the phone. They feel they have done no wrong and as a good will gesture have given me a cheque for £50. I'm writing again asking them to clarify why they need the form given I'm going to be out of work, or do they want me to wait until April and do the form then? Surely they have to answer those questions rather than keep sending long letters pestering me to chat on the phone? These forms are just such a headache to do so I don't want to do one based on this month if they then are going to want another next Getting a bit frustrating and the cheque they sent felt like an admission of guilt
  11. It's just a cash gift to me as he's "splashing the cash" after the sale of his deceased parents' house, but I don't know if I should declare it to the DWP, because they might then decide I don't need the ESA or HB at all and just use that money instead for a couple of months. I wouldn't put it past them, frankly. What should I do?
  12. Hi, I received a letter in the post today with a cheque attached for £50. I have dialed the number for customer services but no anwer just automated then music. I have an old debt to Capital Bank lost my job and defaulted but think it was after 2007 so if they passed the debt out to a DCA would be around 2009. Anyway things going through my mind 1) is this just an out an out $cam 2) Is this a clever new DCA technique I bank the cheque they now have my confirmed home address and my bank account can be identified from the account it is cleared through. 3) Just paranoid about my past catching up to me, it is legitimate. Thanks [ATTACH=CONFIG]58079[/ATTACH]
  13. just op[ened this mornings post and 2 my surprise a cheque from rbs relating to a charge they made on a loan I had with aa in 2007 . the only loan I can recall with aa was through centrica the parent company which was paid in full and in correct order, the £50 cheque was compensation for rbs giving my data to a dca incorrectly I must add ive never heard of the dca but lo and behold guess whose name pops up: the leeds losers, who claim the account is still active, on further examination of letter its a preprinted letter from Lowell,RBS don't nhave a head office in Sheffield, a little bit naughty I think.
  14. Hi just wanted a of advice - I had a pay day loan with these, and after defaulting managed to get reduced payments. However, although I asked them for bank details on many occasions they did not give them to me and I paid via postal order, sending it recorded delivery for several months. I am now finally paying them via bank transfer at £2 per month. Do I have any rights to take off postage and postal order costs as they would not respond and give me bank details? The debt is not on my credit report. Many Thanks for your thoughts
  15. Hello all from this forum, Lets start back from 2012, on september 2012 I was going to complete 14 year living in this country and for the ones who think I am another foreigner trying to reach the easy life, i can assure you that I have done more to the english elderly than a lot who has bourned here and I am very well documented about that. but the matter is not that yet. Two months before I completed the 14 years life in the UK which would give me the right to apply to the ''leave to remain'' the prime minister, Mr Cameron changed the rules of 14 year to twenty two years, but gave the right for the ones close to complete the 14 years, we need to prove our good character and that we lived in this country 14 years or ''close'' uninterrupted and also be able to pass from the test life in the UK which I done, so with all my homework done and a dossier made by myself explain everything I had done in this country during these 14 years and with all photos you can imagine sustaining my claim, it was a matter of time as it couldn't be any better application as far the home office were concerned, so got all together with the solicitor application and I issued two cheques, one of four hundred something for the solicitors fee and another of nine hundred something for the home office fee, my account had all the funds in it just waiting to the cheques to be presented and one day before the closure for the applications to the home office, I had mine sent by my solicitor. After one month got a letter from the home office confirming the receipt of my application and that I should keep waiting until their decision, by this time I had all the monies laying on my account ready to cover the cheques I issued, and then first come the four hundred something cheque cleared without any problem whatsoever and strangely the home office cheque was taking too long to be presented until after a month I got the letter from Barclays stating they had refused to pay my cheque to protect my money as I didn't have a mandatory signature and making things worst the letter from the home office saying that my cheque bounced and my application was not considerate, it was like the impossible happened, i couldn't breath, I couldn't react to that news and after proving the solicitor it was not my fault we agreed to sent the home office another cheque with a explanatory letter from barclays proving i had enough funds on my account and after a couple of months I had my entire application sent back to the solicitor office still saying that my application it was refused because my cheque bounced and that was their final decision and since then my live become a hell, after spending so much with solicitor and having to move due to the home office threat of deportation and many other events related drove me and my partner to contemplate suicide every single day until now, we are suffering from a very bad depression which make us fell really numb for anything and wanting to die, everyday I think about taking my life, it is so bad that I got phobia to answer and make phone calls and also having depraved sleep. So if anyone could help me with some advice I would really appreciate and please believe me, if I had done nothing for this country I would really leave without a question, but apart of learning to love this country I gave my bit for some guys life which really made a difference on their lives and would again and again if needed. Thank you all SM
  16. HI, a friend of mine who i have been helping with PPI reclaiming has just recieved a whole host of cheques totaling almost 10k, thats the good news. However one of the reclaims was for a loan she took out with a friend of hers about 15 years ago when they started a small business together. The reclaim has been up held and she has recieved a cheque for around £1600 but it is made out to her and her friend instead of 2 seperate cheques for equal amounts. They ceased their business partnership at least 10 years ago and no longer have a bank account in joint names, so there is no where to pay this cheque into. She has queried this with Lloyds TSB and they say it has to be passed to a supervisor for a decision of whether 2 seperate cheques can be issued and this could take up to 3 months for a decision. Surely this can not be correct ??? surely situations like this must have cropped up before ie couples who are now divorced, couples who had a joint bank account but now have seperate accounts etc etc. Anyone came across this before ??? Thanks.
  17. Anyone have experience in litigating against their bank for reputational damage over an incorrectly bounced cheque? Brief story. I issued a cheque for £20k as a deposit for a property bought under auction terms and conditions. Cheque seemed to clear my account but then was returned. More than sufficient funds in the account. Bank said that they didn't have an up to date cheque mandate for the account despite the fact that I submitted them for both my personal and business accounts. Bank made no effort to contact me by phone to confirm whether I had issued the cheque. I submitted a complaint on the day this happened (30 August) and sent two follow up reminders but so far I've had no acknowledgement, let alone an apology. The bank weren't to know this but bouncing a cheque for a property purchase under auction terms and conditions is a breach of contract with potentially dire consequences. In the event I sorted this out but it has damaged my reputation. I have told the bank that I want a clear apology that I can show to the auctioneer and a sizable charitable donation in compensation. However, given that don't seem to give a damn about the matter and that I seem likely to have to either go to the Ombudsman or litigate, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the way forward and specifically whether the legal option is worth considering.
  18. Hi, Today I received a cheque from RBS for a Service Charge Refund relating to an account that I closed in 2008. This was a business account which was me trading as a business name so the cheque is made payable to "MY NAME T/A BUSINESS NAME" My question is - can I pay this cheque into my personal account which is with Santander? Hopefully as my name is on it it won't be a problem? Thanks Mick
  19. my ltd company bought a laptop from someone on the express condition it wasn't faulty , stolen and as described. He was paid by a crossed cheque (ac payee only) A day later i got a call from a cheque cashing company who asked me a couple of questions , namely did i issue the cheque , how much , who to and what for. they also asked me if there were funds in the account to cover it and that there were no stops on the cheque. i answered all their questions.. I only tested the laptop breifly on mains power , after a day i found that the battery wasn't holding a charge and that if you did anything more than open a browser it overheated and died. I called the guy who sold it and after not being able to get hold of him that day put a stop on the cheque. He eventually turned up 3 days later and collected the laptop. I received a letter from the cheque cashing company , telling me the cheque is unpaid and demanding i pay them the full amount + £25 or they will "take further action" can the 3rd party , i have no contract with enforce this. If they can this means i'm out of pocket to the tune of £600 with no goods to show for it. a quick google search found this on http://www.chequeandcredit.co.uk "Crossed cheques The rules concerning crossed cheques are set out in Section 1 of the Cheques Act of 1992 and prevent cheques being cashed by or paid into the accounts of third parties. On a crossed cheque the words “account payee only” (or similar) are printed between two parallel vertical lines in the centre of the cheque. This makes the cheque non-transferable and is to avoid cheques being endorsed and paid into an account other than that of the named payee. Crossing cheques basically ensures that the money is paid into an account of the intended beneficiary of the cheque." The Cheque was a/c payee only , surely it was non transerable and there not enforceable by a 3rd party ?
  20. Hi, I have recently received a statement from Nationwide and i have been charged £15 for a cheque that i wrote and had no money in the account to honour. However i wrote the cheque of £10 which was to pay for a SAR at another bank, that other bank returned my cheque and although i have tore that cheque up, i have a letter from them stating that they returned it. The reason they returned it is because i complained that the bank in question was being deliberately obstructive when it came to the SAR, so im assuming they chose not to charge me for this as they were at fault in taking so long to uphold the SAR, what should i do with Nationwide though?
  21. Undercover film reveals inner workings at loan firm The Cheque Centre Reveals hard-up families on council estates are targeted by company Many sold loans with interest rates of up to 3,000 per cent Managers boast 'they've never turned anyone down' on camera Workers instructed to cold-call previous borrowers offering new loans Staff 'swipe' customers' accounts when they don't pay up Comes as Financial Conduct Authority announced new rules on industry Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2571091/Undercover-MoS-film-exposes-payday-loan-firm-preying-poor-heavy-drinkers-Waving-wads-cash-man-brags-lend-pay-raid-bank-accounts.html#ixzz2ulKgItm4
  22. If this is fact,will they check on your employment. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576609/Now-rogue-payday-loan-firm-targets-jobless-encouraging-debts-sky-high-interest.html Regards,John.
  23. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/cheque-centre-stops-selling-single-repayment-payday-loans-fca-tougher-consumer-protection One down. Many more to go
  24. Can anyone tell me have they got the bank details for the Cheque Centre?I want to start paying back a payday loan I currently have with them.I am trying to get a repayment plan in place but I am getting numerous calls daily from them after defaulting. What is the best way to deal with them?they have me worried sick and I am feeling very low because of this daily harassment.
  25. Hello, I apologize for the dumb question but I need a clarification about a cheque that I will receive. A few months ago I asked the HMRC for a tax refund (PAYE) for the last fiscal year. They usually pay into a cheque but I asked for the money to be paid into my account. In the meantime I made the decision of moving abroad, so I called the HMRC and left a "care of" address at a friend's of mine. Now he has received a letter from the HMRC confirming that they owe me money and the amount will sent by cheque. Good news, apart from the fact I am already abroad and not planning to come back any soon. Would my friend be able to visit a local branch of my bank and deposit the cheque onto my account or can it only be done by me in person? Thanks
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