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  1. I received a Penalty letter of £100 from NHSBSA all because my dentist registration lady misled me into believing that I was entitled to free dental treatment. I have gone through Stage 1 & 2 complaints procedure to no avail. Now, they have said I can go on to the Ombudsman if I am still not happy. My argument is - I was told I was entitled to free dental because I showed the lady my NHS Medical Exemption Card and asked if being diabetic, was I entitled to free dental as well? The lady said yes I was and asked me to sign the FP17FR form. I signed but didn't tick any box of date it because I didn't see any relevant boxes that applied to be. I thought she was the expert right? I haven't been to a dentist in 10 years. the next time I went was 9 months later, the same thing happened - I got the form to sign and I did but once again, I didn't tick or date the form. A few weeks later, I got a shock in the post - a penalty of £100 plus the dental charges of £56.30. phoned up and asked them what it was about - they told me I falsely claimed free dental. said I had a Medex card - they said that was not inclusive of free dental. said the dental lady said I was entitled - they said I signed the form and ticked the box and dated it. I went back to the dentist and asked why they gave me the wrong info - the owner told me I was responsible for signing the form When I asked to see the forms, I saw that the first form I signed had no tick and no date - but the second form someone in the dental surgery had actually ticked and dated the form - the handwriting was different. Then to illustrate my point - the owner and I both noticed that the first form was still unsigned and undated - and it was submitted to NHS which had rejected the payment because of that so that was why the NHSBSA didn't/haven't penalised me for that "false claim" yet. I asked for copies of the forms but the owner refused to give them to me - she said she will only give it to NHS if they asked for them. After my complaints to NHS, they spoke to the owner's husband (also an owner) and he said I was welcome to get copies of the forms. I went to get them - imagine my surprise when I saw that now, both forms had been ticked and dated - obviously the first one by someone in the dental surgery and probably resubmitted to NHS for their claim. How devious is that? After being told by me that I had been fined - they didn't ask me to pay for the dental fees for the first treatment - and instead preferred to tick and date the form and resubmit it to NHS! So now, I am left wondering, if I agree to pay £100 penalty for the second form, will it be a matter of time before the first from gets flagged up and I get another penalty? Has anyone gone on to the Ombudsman or even to court to fight their case?
  2. I'm currntly on ESA in the Support Group. I received one of these ESA 3 (IBR) this morning, it says I am on CB based ESA but they need to look at my claim to decide if I should be getting IR ESA from Feb 2015. So what is the significance of this date as I have always had CB ESA since they switched over from IB, and I'm sure it was earlier than 2015. And now they want me to fill in a 44 page document to see if I may be entitled to extra money. Surely they only have to check their own records to see if I may be entitled to more money by switching over to IR related ESA. Another point of concern by moving to IR ESA is that doesn't any IR related benefit now come under the dreaded UC umbrella ? Is this form compulsory to fill out ? What are the "Premiums" that they mention that I may get if I am on IR ESA ? There are 3 options to tick if I don't want them to reassess me for IR ESA. 1. You had or have a partner and they were or they are working for more than 24 hours a week 2. You have or had more than £16k 3. You had or have a partner who had or have savings over £16k, or together you had or have savings over £16k To be honest I'd rather eat grass than rely on UC, just tonight I was speaking to a friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, she is still on basic ESA and this month her UC hasn't been paid !! As if she doesn't have enough to worry about But what the heck, it gets people back to work apparently.
  3. I signed up for the 12 month student deal £11.99/month a few weeks back decided to stop it as I no longer needed the gym. As I hadn't activated my account for their website I just cancelled the DD (which weirdly just said £0.00?). I realise that was not sufficient enough. Skip forward to yesterday, I receive the lovely email from Harlands saying I owe the first month's fee + the classic £25.00 admin charge - adding to £36.99 . I then go on X4L website and submit the cancellation form (saying I'm relocating and backing up with a bill). I then received an email today from X4L saying my account is in default and in order to move forward with the cancellation process I need to call "their support team on 0113 2038602" - which I checked online goes to Harlands. Now, despite not even setting foot in the gym I am willing to pay the first month's fee and even the second (as you have to give a months notice). However, that admin fee is not happening. How should I go about paying the month fee to allow the cancellation? I get the feeling I will have the "if you don't pay the full amount we won't cancel your subscription" which I want to avoid. Could anyone help me please? Thanks
  4. Could someone please point me at the appropriate bit of legislation that best suits the following problem. Hints regarding any known, suitable course of action would be appreciated as well. Rather than ask loads of questions on here, I’d like to try and work out what to do, then ask questions when I’m aware of the basics. There are no names and no pack drill as I don’t want to alienate a dealer -yet. It’s tricky to decide what is unnecessary detail, so I’ll take advice on how much I should post here but in short: We are experienced and extensively travelled motorhomers. We bought a new £60,000+ motorhome last year, part exchanging our old one at approx £42,000. The handover started on 30th November 2017. There were several significant faults discovered during the handover, ie, leaking water system, faulty lighting system, faulty battery charger. They were addressed by the dealer and we took delivery late in the day. We stayed at the dealers overnight but by the next morning we had to get them back to fix others. One (an inoperative fresh water pump) was fixed and an agreement made to return with the remainder, along with any others that arose, at a later date, That’s where it all began. We have had a LOT more go wrong. Some have been fixed, others fixed and reappeared, parts replaced only to fail again. Some are significant, eg: - water ingress from a roof window. - a bed with broken slats, no ventilation and serious condensation problems. - basins and a shower that will not drain properly and smell. I could go on – and on – and on…………………….. We persevered and have spent a lot on improving the specification, eg, solar panels, inverter, water filtration, loo ventilating system, etc, etc, but now, after the latest broken, mouldy bed incident............................. The bottom line is we are so sick of it, we want rid of it. It is NOT what you expect when spending £60,000. Heaven knows if it will ever stop being a problem. Some of the faults turn out to be significant design problems. It is spoiling all our use of it and we cannot trust it any more. What should I be looking at to find out our rights and to what extent can we demand a remedy, up to and including a different vehicle, or refund? Will
  5. Hi guys, Following my recent situation, I've been reading your very informative forum, and thought I would ask for your help. In November 2016, I attempted to cancel my membership at Xercise4Less Glasgow online . Having worked in a bank, the first thing I did was cancel my direct debit to stop any further funds coming out. Although I'd completed the form, I now, in hindsight, realise my system must have crashed before it went through completely - and I take full responsibilty for this! I had also moved address, so did not recieve any correspondence from either the gym or Harlands. Fast forward to Wednesday 1st February: I recieve a text from Xercise4Less stating: 'Dear Member, Harlands have advised they will be sending your account to a third party debt collectors in 14 days. To settle with us please call 01132038602'. I rang straight away, explained the situation, and the Xercise4Less worker informed me that he would waive the fees and I had to make a 1 off payment of £64 to resolve the matter. We agreed that I would pay the amount this Friday - 10th - and that was that. Fast forward again to February 6th - I recieve a panicked phonecall from my mum, telling me a debt collection letter (dated Feb 2nd) arrived for me. Bear in mind this went to me home address in Northern Ireland - I don't know how they got those details. This letter was from CRS, and detailed that 'Our fees of £102.50 have been added. Therefore your account balance now stands at £162.49'. I rang Xercise4Less straight away to question why I had recieved this letter, when I had agreed upon a settlement with the gym already. The employee assured me that the payment on Friday (tomorrow) would end the matter and to ignore any further correspondence from CRS. Finally, today Thurs 9th, I recieved a text message from CRS saying they want to speak to me. Having read these forums, I have no intention whatsoever to respond to CRS/Harlands at all. Fingers crossed the matter is settled tomorrow, but I still have a very uneasy feeling about the entire scenario. Any tips or pointers will be greatly appreciated!!
  6. Hard to believe that this question was asked by a DWP advisor of a claimant who has Mental Health Issues !! Other claimants were asked... "How would you commit suicide" and "Why have your attempts to kill yourself failed?" They reckon that the training enables their staff to deal with claimants sensitively.. hmm !!
  7. Ok. Let me try and be brief but also give you all the relevant stuff. Switched to EDF last November. Gave them the readings, which they got wrong 5 times. Eventually correcting them in February. Paying by direct debit. Also applied for warmer home discount and was assured by their chat service it was all sorted and would be applied around March. March came and nothing, told April. April told May. June 1 and I aksed again to be told there was no record of my application thus I would not get it. When I said I had a print out of the transcript in which they confirmed it was all fine, they backtracked and decided that as I had not provided a phone number they could not complete the application - I am deaf so do not use the phone. I stopped the direct debit as with the £140 discount I should have received, I would be in credit a fair old way. And also I regarded them as in breach of contract for failing to do what they said they would on multiple occasions and lying. When I got a manager to read the transcript they agreed as a ''gesture of goodwill'' to credit my account with £140, so that in effect was resolved. But I was still in credit. This week I got an email saying my new bill was ready, so logged on and saw it. The rates I am now charged have increased. I asked via their chat today (another 40 minutes wasted) why these had increased. I was told I would have been sent an email, but then they backtracked to say that a maessage was left on my account. How would I know????? Anyway, they have increased my rates so I want to leave. They tell me I cannot without paying 2 x £25 fees for ending contract early. Correct me if I am wrong, but as they have increased my charges I can leave without panalty. So, can I leave without penalty??
  8. Howdo Folks, I was sanctioned in 2012 for six months for a failure to attend a Work Programme appointment with A4E I knew nothing about. Naturally, I appealed and the First Tier Tribunal handed down the Judgement at the end of May 2016 after all the legalities with Reilly & Hewstone and Jeffrey & Bevan were sorted out. The result was that my Appeal was upheld. I received a letter from the DWP at the end of July saying that they were considering an Appeal and that I would not be receiving any payment at that time. Fast forward to the middle of September and my copy of the Tribunal's Statement of Reasons arrives - I should note that the DWP asked for this as they were the losers here. Since then, its been radio silence and I'm wondering what steps are open to me to find out what is going on as I have as little to do with the local JCP as possible. I'm not receiving any benefits at the moment as my JSA claim was terminated with no reason given in January 2013 even though a Compliance Officer was happy. I became a carer for a friend, but his PIP assessment did not go well and he has been denied PIP; he is waiting for an appeal date after his MR was refused so the Carers Allowance which paid the bills is now not coming in. Needless to say, the money situation is now getting a bit tight... Cheers for any pointers you might have.
  9. A bit of background, when I got my first job after being a student circa December 2008 I got my first CC - a Barclaycard Platinum. Within the space of 2 year they'd thrown a £9,500 limit at me and having something of a love for travel back then it got used up. At the time I was living at home with the parents and therefore regular payments of £600-700 were not a problem to keep the balance going down faster than it went up. Roll forward to 2013, I move out and start renting, the Barclaycard becomes my only source of 'offset' spending and the payments I'm able to make drop down to the minimum amount of around £200 which when combined with interest barely shifts the balance and it slowly rises and hovers around the £9000-9500 mark for about a year - some months it crept over the limit and I'd have to find the funds to get things back in check. In 2014 I admit defeat and go on a payment plan, they refuse to freeze the interest but do reduce it and my monthly repayment goes down by around £100. I keep to that plan and when it expired I renew for another year. When that second plan expired they refused to offer me a third agreeing only to an informal arrangement of £110pm but with frozen interest which I've kept to. The months on the informal plan appear on my credit file as months of sustained arrears. On November 28th I received a letter saying my debt - which has now reduced to £5700 has been transferred to Link Financial who I've yet to hear anything from. The letter from Barclaycard says I should go on paying them until I have details for Link and any funds will be passed along, my informal agreement will also be honoured for at least a further 6 months. Since the debt is no longer with BC, should I continue making payments to them or stop payments all together until Link get in touch? if the answer to that is yes, will not paying anything in the meantime put me at a disadvantage when it comes to them continuing to honour the informal arrangement? will I in a sense forfeit that arrangement. I've also read horror stories about Link and they're love for CCJs, how likely are they do this if payments to a debt are being maintained? the thought of a CCJ fills me with horror as I work for a company who deals with Pensions and as part of that I get credit checked every other year - I don't know what affect a CCJ would have on that check and I'd like to avoid having to find out! Am I stuck in a state of limbo until Link eventually pipe up? I've seen people speak of full and final offers, were I in a position to make such a proposal in a few months time - assuming they bother to get in touch - would a history of paying a decent chunk per month go massively against me compared to someone who has paid £1 for instance? would they see I'm good for more and try and rinse me for every last penny? Thanks in advance for any advice, it's stressing me out no end.
  10. This is a longish post but bear with me as it involves consumer safety and the fact that a few Chinese companies are trying to sell goods in the UK whilst supplying fake plugs and fuses. I recently bought this item: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01NCMF1XJ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 On looking at the 'kettle lead' that came with it, the Earth pin is partially insulated when it should be solid with no insulation. On checking the fuse, it is also fake. These fake fuses have no sand within to absorb the shock when the fuse blows. For example. http://tinyurl.com/j7oycpv What follows is my email exchange with the seller. ME: Their first response: Not quite the answer I was expecting so I replied with: I did contact Amazon expecting them to take action. All they did was to take the product away from their 'Fulfilled By Amazon' tag so as to distance themselves from sending out shoddy products. Anyway, it has been over a week since my last email to the seller so I was surprised to find this in my inbox today and these are their word in full. I just couldn't believe that any company could say the bit in red. Yes, sure, I will give it to someone else so that they have the problem of fake plugs and fuses instead of me. The saying, "You couldn't make this up." is so apt in this situation. As it happens, I have a spare kettle lead so it doesn't matter to me one iota.
  11. Hi Guys I originally joined CAG about seven years ago to seek advice after being sued for a personal injuries claim. Judgement was made by default - court papers being sent to a previous address by recorded delivery and not received by me, so I was unable to defend myself in court. My subsequent application to set aside was dismissed. Quantum hearing was heard in August 2009. An oral examination was also conducted as to my means. It was evident that I was not in a position to pay and I offered £1.00/month. This was considered "unacceptable" by the Judgement Creditor and I have never been advised the amount that would be acceptable. I have only made payments totalling £6.00 in the early days after the case ... I have never received any correspondence relating to this case from the Judgement Creditor's legal team and no payment enforcement has ever been attempted. This morning I was handed a summons to appear at court for another oral examination later this month. I have no assets, am self-employed, in receipt of WTC, HB and CTR -- my weekly income is considerably less than the £72.40 the law states I need to live on each week. I'm sure the oral examination is just a formality really .. but if anyone could offer any sound advice, I'd appreciate it. Best wishes Imp
  12. Earlier today as I was about to enter a shop I dropped my roll up on section of ground outside their entrance. I was approached by an environmental office equipped with a video camera who proceeded to fine me. I pointed out that it was on the shop's property but he said that it made no difference and that the wind might blow it onto the public highway. Am I liable for the fine? I appreciate that litter is a problem but by the time I have ground a roll up into the ground with the sole of my shoe, there is no visible evidence. His distraction prevented me from doing so on this occasion
  13. ... in August 2015 BT hoovered £50 out of my bank account. I had cancelled BT sport in 2014 when my team were relegated and now out of the blue without any authorization from me they take my money. A year after cancellation! Their phone system is a joke. I was on the phone for half an hour (I timed it) just to cancel a contract I had NOT taken out. Later a guy from BT Billing rang me back who refused to listen to anything I was saying. Not least that I had cancelled the service in September 2014, that I had not been having the service since September 2014 nor been paying for the service since then. All he kept saying was that I hadn’t cancelled until today! Whenever I tried to point out the previous points he just talked across me. Why have you not been charging me then? I kept asked him. He refused to give me any address to complain to but did give me an address which will provide a recording of the phone call for £10! As soon as I get it I will stick it on Youtube. Offcom will not involve themselves in matters of billing and BT have no means of discussing the issue. Nice one. They are answerable to no one. My advice to all is to stay away from a bunch of rogues who will flush money out of your account a year after cancellation. Steven
  14. Third Special Report The Work and Pensions Committee published its Fifth Report of Session 2014–15, on the Benefit Sanctions: Beyond the Oakley Review, HC 814 on 24 March 2015. The Government’s response was received on 22 October 2015 and is appended to this report. In the Government Response, the Committee’s recommendations are shown in italic text. The Government's response is in plain text. For the full report this can be found here http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmselect/cmworpen/557/557.pdf What are peoples thoughts on this document please?
  15. Of particular interest is the Energy companies apologist group saying it will improve when smart meters are installed and they are rolling them out to th whole country NOW.. Rather strange when many of the complaints were after correct readings were given. Seems they are just trying to justify smart meters, not actually address the issues. ... Other than that just the same old same old - 3times proper size billing, multiple different bills, dozens of emails/calls not fixing issues etc etc as has been going on for years. Link to BBC site detail and player added: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06kn2pq
  16. Hi everyone A couple of years ago I looked into trying to reclaim PPI that was brokered by Norton Finance as part of a secured loan I took out in October 2004 to consolidate some debts. I borrowed £ 40000 repayable over 25 years and the broker insisted I have the PPI which was to cover loan repayments for accident, redundancy and sickness for the first 5 years of the term of the loan. they added £ 9790 for the PPI. In October 2006 I decided to remortgage and so the secured loan was repaid after just two years. Now, when I enquired to First Plus about the mis-sold PPI, they told me that I had to take up the matter with Nortom Finance. However, by that time, the broker had stopped trading so went to the FCSC and they said that no claims before 1st January 2005 could be considered. However, my argument is that the PPI payment would have been paid by Firstplus to the broker and what is more to the fact, I only have the loan for two years so only two years of premium were used - I never was refunded the PPI premium as there were three years of cover still not used ? Firstplus are using the same excuse as the FCSC but they are the ones who paid the premium and they were the ones repaid in FULL when I redeemed the loan in October 2006. I am sure they are just making excuses to not pay but fee that even if I cant make a claim fro mis-sold PPI, I can atleast expect some of the PPI premium paid to be refunded as the original term was for 5 years and I only had the loan for 2 years. thanks - any advice would be great. I dont have statements anymore - just the account number, principal borrowed and PPI paid out in en email from FP. Dean
  17. I find myself in new territory and would appreciate some guidance if possible. My sister is terminally ill and we are a very small family. This consists of: Daughter (K) 2 Grand children Older sister in Europe (RB) Me (sister) been caring for her (RD) My niece (K) has no problem with me dealing with all official and non official things because she is not coping with her mothers prognosis. However, I am obviously aware that my niece is the next of kin and we are communicating everything together at each step of the situation as it arises. Big sis in Europe not coming over until Christmas or the funeral, whichever comes first! Now, as my sister has not made a will this will leave us managing her estate in accordance with government guidelines. There is no property involved - under £2k funds - £500 debt besides the usual utility bills. In receipt of P.I.P and motability vehicle in operation. In receipt of Tax Credits (albeit they have been calculated incorrectly and I am currently dealing with, via letter of authorisation) Funeral paid for in cash 6 months ago Old PPI plans are being dealt with/ or have been dealt with accordingly. In order to reduce timesframe and undue stress (I lost my husband in April) I would very much appreciate 'official quick fixes' if they exist or alternatively, smooth solutions to keep anxiety to a minimum. P.S: Title appropriate because we have a good sense of humour - NOT intended to offend. Many thanks Shelley
  18. Not to be confused with another case I have ongoing at the moment. Been trawling my Credit Reports regularly for some time now (only because they are 'free') and the only outstanding issue showing on them is an older Natwest account that Defaulted in late 2010. The default came about as I bailed out of the account with an O/D of about £2200 and the monthly charges were something like £28 + Interest. This was taking a significant chunk of my monthly earnings at the time and the Unfair Charges thing was ongoing. Now, the account is still shown as being with Natwest and I was expecting it to go Statute Barred before the end of 2016. However, as a result of fighting Cabot/Restons/Black Horse on a Statute Barred case I have been paying some more attention to the details. What I have seen is that at some time on 2013 the outstanding balance of the account went down by £39. I know I didnt make a payment to them or anybody else and not did I authorise anybody to do so on my behalf so where has this come from and what does it mean? Could this be an internal adjustment/refund/correction or would this be the value of the account that they sold? I 1/2 expect that they sold the debt for £39 (1.5%). Question is though, do I SAR them for a full copy of their records on me now or not? They dont know my most recent address which is important because the other case I am fighting has an element of 'address discrepancy' in it but as I dont recall receiving much on the account once it defaulted I dont really know how this one is being played yet. Chances are it is with a DCA already but they havent adjusted the account details with the CRAs yet so I have no idea if anybody is actively searching for me or not. I know Hillesden and Cabot have been nosing in my files but thats related to my other claim. If they have this account as well though then they do know where I am. What really bothers me though is that reduction of £39 and is this another 'Phantom Payment' or not? I guess a SAR should show that but does it then wake NatWest up to take another look at this account bearing in mind it is close to going Statute Barred (subject to where this £39 came from). As Cabot/Restons have already got one CCJ against me by using knowingly incorrect address details I would like a chance to try and kill that path off from them. Mind you, I dont see too many Cabot/Reston cases coming from NatWest so do their debts go elsewhere?
  19. Hi Again, I'm still struggling with Accord mortgages over a shortfall from them selling the property for half of what was paid 9 years ago. My ex did a deal recently so I'm left with my half of the debt. I've made a small settlement offer 8% of debt over a month ago. Accord keep pushing me to deal with them over the phone, which I have no wish to do. They also keep pestering me to fill in an expenditure form. I've explained I'm about to be out of work so I don't see how filling in the form is a fair representation of my financial position given I have one more pay day before unemployment. I can't fill in the form based on being unemployed as not sure how much benifits I will get. I've explained all this, given them proof I'm not in perm employment, I've also given proof of what the property is worth and that I feel they should never have sold so cheap given value has increased so much. They came back to me saying I refuse to talk to them despite them willing to discuss over the phone. They feel they have done no wrong and as a good will gesture have given me a cheque for £50. I'm writing again asking them to clarify why they need the form given I'm going to be out of work, or do they want me to wait until April and do the form then? Surely they have to answer those questions rather than keep sending long letters pestering me to chat on the phone? These forms are just such a headache to do so I don't want to do one based on this month if they then are going to want another next Getting a bit frustrating and the cheque they sent felt like an admission of guilt
  20. I have been a Vodafone customer since 2003. Back in September 2015 I asked Vodafone to change my direct debit to another account (apparently they have a record of the request on my account notes). The other day whilst trying to set up new mobile phone account for my 11 year old daughter with another provider my application was turned down following a credit check. I have never had a credit problem so signed up with Equifax to see what was going on It appears Vodafone failed to set up the d/d and consequently my account has been in arrears for several months. At no stage did they contact me to notify me of the situation - clearly that would be too difficult for a mobile phone company! I immediately called up Vodafone, cleared the o/s balance and set up a new direct debit. I asked for the credit file to be cleared. Apparently they will not do this because it is 3 months in arrears. To cut a long story short ( hours on the phone hanging on etc) I have made a formal complaint through one of their customer reps...made so much harder as you cannot do it through their web site - currently undergoing some modification - either that or they can't cope with the volume of complaints. In making the complaint I have advised them that I will begin legal proceedings against them unless I hear back from them within the 5 days that they promise. I have also made a Subject Access Request and have begun the process of complaining to the Information Commissioner – Vodafone are in breach of Principle 1 of the code of practice set up “Principles for the Reporting of Arrears, Arrangements and Defaults at Credit Reference Agencies” agreed with credit industry and the Information Commissioner i.e. Principle 1 is: Data thatis reported on your credit file must be FAIR accurate, consistent, complete and up to date. Given the appalling customer services people have come to expect fromVodafone, I do not expect to hear back on my formal complaint any time soon. I have drafted the LBA to kick off the MCOL process for damages in respect of my financial reputation due to their negligence, my time, extra expense etc Is there anything else I can do? Comments appreciated
  21. Sent to me earlier today. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/gateshead-motorist-racks-up-55000-11127527 Also http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/watch-moment-fenham-two-drivers-11126935
  22. Hi, I did something a bit daft and need to know where I stand. I joined Xercise4Less in August or September 2015, went once and promptly forgot about it things got very tight this month and I was looking at my statements trying to figure out what to cut so nothing would bounce and was all "oh yeah, gym, I should cancel that" Looked around for my member details and couldn't find them. Cancelled the DD anyway since it would either have bounced or caused something priority to bounce. Figured I'd get a letter which would include my membership info and then be able to sort out paying whatever I needed to and cancel the contract. Of course today I got the letter and there's a £25 admin charge and threat of another if I don't payup. Now I know the admin fees are unenforcable but I can see this turning into some sort of circus where they claim I owe them piles of money and refuse to let me cancel. I know I should have cancelled my membership first but it was an emergency (I figured paying my water rates was more important). Part of me is "Meh, ignore them, they don't deserve money for services you don't use and what are they going to do?" and part of me is "But I don't want to be bombarded with threatening letters even if the threats are empty". Any advice on how to deal with this would be appreciated. Thanks, Becky
  23. End of March I received a letter from the hmrc telling me I was overpaid working tax credits by almost £200. Fair enough! They stated I would receive a letter shortly with instructions how to repay the amount. It's almost end of April and I've received nothing yet. Should I worry? I wouldn't want them to contact me later asking me to pay up fines or penalties. Should I make the first move? Or is it normal procedure? Thanks
  24. You only have untill the 29th of this month to get the upgrade for Free!
  25. If there is a dispute regarding goods that may have been seized by bailiffs and the debtor considers that those goods should not have been taken as they were considered (for one reason or another) to be exempt, then the regulations provide that there is a proper and FREE procedure that should be made under section 85 of the Civil Procedure Rules. Unfortunately, it would seem that debtors are wrongly making application to the County Court for injunctions and so far, we have yet to see one succesful case. Instead, there are many cases now being reported where debtors are having substantial cost orders made against them (in one case last week a debtor was ordered to pay the local authorities costs of £3,200. Details can be read here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?445251-Goods-on-HP-a-Judge-says-they-can-be-sold(8-Viewing)-nbsp Today, I have received details of yet another failed injunction but most importantly, the Judgment makes very clear (yet again) that the wrong procedure was used and the claim has instead been transferred to a District Judge at another court pursuant to CPR 85.7(5) for further directions. Details will follow in a moment.... PS: It should be noted that in this particular case, it would also seem that the wrong party had issued the proceedings.
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