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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Again, I'm still struggling with Accord mortgages over a shortfall from them selling the property for half of what was paid 9 years ago. My ex did a deal recently so I'm left with my half of the debt. I've made a small settlement offer 8% of debt over a month ago. Accord keep pushing me to deal with them over the phone, which I have no wish to do. They also keep pestering me to fill in an expenditure form. I've explained I'm about to be out of work so I don't see how filling in the form is a fair representation of my financial position given I have one more pay day before unemployment. I can't fill in the form based on being unemployed as not sure how much benifits I will get. I've explained all this, given them proof I'm not in perm employment, I've also given proof of what the property is worth and that I feel they should never have sold so cheap given value has increased so much. They came back to me saying I refuse to talk to them despite them willing to discuss over the phone. They feel they have done no wrong and as a good will gesture have given me a cheque for £50. I'm writing again asking them to clarify why they need the form given I'm going to be out of work, or do they want me to wait until April and do the form then? Surely they have to answer those questions rather than keep sending long letters pestering me to chat on the phone? These forms are just such a headache to do so I don't want to do one based on this month if they then are going to want another next Getting a bit frustrating and the cheque they sent felt like an admission of guilt
  2. I wonder if anyone has a view on this please? I took out a sub-prime mortgage with Accord a few years back as I was paid commission and had a poor credit record. After I came off the fixed rate it was supposed to revert to the standard variable rate, which it did, and I found it increasingly difficult to meet the repayments and got into arrears. With brilliant help from this site I have managed to get back on track but only by switching to interest only as I pay a massive 7.75% interest. This has always seemed hideously high - it has gone up at least twice since base rate has been 0.5% and something caught my eye today about unfair practice by lenders. Accord's current standard variable rate is 5.99% yet I am being charged 7.75%. Are they able to do this? Obviously I have a poor record with them because I have had arrears but it seems wrong that having accepted me as a borrower they can, apparently, charge me anything they like! Does anyone have any idea if they are treating me fairly in this matter. Thanks.
  3. Hi Folk Just received a letter from Accord (my main mortgage account) saying that "Unfortunately, the level of arrears on your account is such that we will shortly be instructing our legal advisers to begin legal proceedings against you for possession of your property" they then go on to say that "its still not too late to avoid this happening. If you can clear your arrears in full straight away or agree an arrangement, we'll be happy to avoid this step" However there is a paragraph that goes on to say "Before you contact us, you should know that we will not be able to agree to an arrangement if you have defaulted on more than one previous arrangement. In addition, we'll need you to reduce your arrears to less than two months payments first" The amount of arrears is £2000. We have already had a visit from one of their agents they employ (at an £80 charge to the customer for the pleasure!!) who carried out an Income and Expenditure. surely this is not treating the customer fairly (I'm in Northern Ireland, does the mortgage protocol rules and treating the customer fairly apply to me in NI?) Any advice would be much appreciated. Doc
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