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Found 14 results

  1. Anglian Water pays £50,000 after water pollution incident READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/anglian-water-pays-50000-after-water-pollution-incident
  2. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/thousands-of-students-will-benefit-from-new-cadet-units-backed-by-50-million-government-plan
  3. Hi, This morning I had a very important meeting that I could not miss and went to park in my usual car park. Unfortunately it was full, this has never been the case before, but I sucked it up and used the larger car park across the road where the minimum stay is 4 hours and they charge £2.50, this is why I never use it. This car park is never more than half full, but was full today. Obviously something local was going on as this has never happened in all the years I have been parking. After driving around for 10 minutes and no space appearing I saw a space that was not blocking anyone at all, and it looked like a space. There was a small triangle of yellow lines right in the corner of the space, that made it look like you could maybe not park there, but I checked all around and it was blocking no one at all, there was ample room. I took the chance as I really could not miss this meeting and paid my ticket. When I came back I had a ticket on the car, this small triangle in the corner was half obscured by leaves and was not the easiest to see. I took a pic of the leaves covering it down the side and at the back, I also took a pic of the front of the car as it really did look like a parking space with white lines at the front and to show it was not blocking anything. It was just this small half obscured yellow triangle at the back that made me doubtful, but that made no sense as it blocked nothing. I am not trying to say I am in the right as I thought it maybe a non parking spot, but paid my money and had no choice but to take my chance, missing the meeting would have cost me far more than the ticket. Is there any point trying to challenge this ticket or do I just suck it up and take it, the least they could do is take the £2.50 off is the ticket was invalid. Thanks for any help Paul
  4. I know this is only small change but we went on holiday in August and put a £50 deposit down on a caravan (private owned) this was to cover costs of any damage refundable upon return home as long as there wasn't any damage. It was forgotton about till I mentioned it to the wife in late October she checked her bank and noticed it hadn't been paid back so she text the women who was away on holiday out of the country till early December and said she would check herself when she got back. We got a text message on the 17th December apologising saying she had checked and noticed she hadn't given it back and asked for bank details to refund back. heard nothing for a week then got another text to say sorry she had been working and it had been busy she would sort it over the weekend. Its still not turned up nearly 2 weeks later so my wife text her again yesterday and her text has gone ignored. Just wondering at this point if it was worth taking the matter further?
  5. Not that I am falling for it as the letter is already in the bin. Hi Mr W Tell us your budget and we will save you £50. We want you to start positively on your journey to paying this acc, once you start paying back we will reduce your balance by £50.00. All you have to do is fill in the enclosed budget form.... Oh yes.
  6. Hi All, First time poster! I've been battling with Barclays over a default they placed on my credit file purporting to a current account with Barclays which I didn't recognise. Six months ago my partner and I were house hunting, at this stage we were really just getting a feel for the market. A house came up that was perfect and we set the wheels in motion hoping to get a mortgage offer sorted within the week and put an offer in. After visiting a mortgage advisor, he asked for copies of our credit files, which we duly acquired from the two credit reference companies and sent them to the advisor. Whom then told me I'd no way qualify for a Help to buy mortgage due to a recent default on my Credit File. I was utterly shocked, especially when I found it was linked to a Barclays Current Account. I have never been a customer of Barclays, ever...at least to my knowledge. I contacted Barclays and went through the SAR motions. It would appear that my very old Mortgage account with the Woolwich (circa 10 years ago the mortgage was paid off and account closed), had been migrated to Barclays and somehow they had issued a charge on the account which changed its balance from NIL to a negative amount...this Current Account now in unplanned overdraft accumulated fees for approx 9 years. In January this year I had received a letter from Barclays saying my unplanned overdraft is being terminated and I must pay them back £267 immediately or face legal action. I contacted them and was advised to pay it to prevent legal action and chase the cause afterwards. So I duly paid the outstanding amount, paranoid that I'd get a blotch on my otherwise pristine credit record. At this point I was writing to Barclays enquiring where the account came from. Now fast forward to April and my house hunting exploits with my wife I mentioned above. After much messing around and letters going back and forth between myself and Barclays Customer Services, They admitted fault and removed the Default from my record, refunded me the £267 they had originally demanded and offered me £50 by way of compensation. I'm literally about to write a response to Barclays about the £50 compensation. Basically, I would have purchased my own house months ago, if it were not for Barclays and the erroneous default, it has stopped us moving on with our lives, prevented my children from being able to settle into their new home (currently 2 girls and a boy sharing a room), its caused endless amounts of stress to myself and my wife and caused months of worry and unhappiness whilst we believed that nothing could be done. I don't think £50 really cuts it after I've had to pay months worth of rent, I wouldn't have had to pay, the emotional turmoil and stress they put us through (I lost 4st due to stress, though that's probably a good thing), my wife has been put on anti-depressants due to the stress and worry. I don't want to be THAT hard done by guy whom is out to line his pockets with someone else gold, but I feel we were forced to hold the ****ty end of the stick through no fault of our own and we had 6 months of misery because of it. I'm not sure what my point is, or even why I'm writing this post, I guess i just needed a rant. On the plus side, it is such a relief that the default is going and we got our money back, but I'm not happy with the compensation they have offered, in fact I find it a bit of an insult. Appointment book for the Mortgage advisor for tomorrow and hopefully we will find another perfect property soon.
  7. I'm new here so I apologise if I'm posting this in the wrong section. My wife and I purchased a business a few years ago that we closed earlier this year. The seller tricked us into buying the business by inflating the figures and we fell for it. Anyway.. we have lost our entire life savings trying to keep it going and earlier this year when we had no money left we had no choice but to walk away as we could not find a buyer after trying so hard to sell it for over a year. We have a business loan for £45k with Lloyds which we have personally guaranteed (I've been told the PG is watertight). We also have a £4k overdraft. They've sent us a formal demand for the loan and overdraft. I called them last week to set up a payment plan and I was told that they would contact us back. I wanted to know if anyone has been in a situation where Lloyds have accepted a payment plan for this kind of situation or will they force me to sell my house in order to pay them? I'm quite worried as I really don't want to move. My wife and I are currently working but we have only been working for 6 weeks so we will not have the right paperwork to remortgage the house.
  8. Hi, I've been employed by my ftse 100 company for approximately 14 years. Our payslips are complex with overtime, benefits, car allowances etc but I noticed on a yearly statement I have received £600 last year. On further investigation of the payslips it appears I've been being paid a £50 allowance monthly for additional responsibility. About 1%ish of salary so I didn't notice a huge amount going into my account. I've informed my line manager that I am receiving this payment and to my mind shouldn't be as I've no idea what it is for. I assume he will discuss with the elusive HR team. I don't have any issue paying back over a long period. Are there any legal threats to my employment position? I can't see anything specific in my terms of employment? Thanks
  9. After all the years of stress from trying to defer with slc and them making mistakes with incorrect arrears etc. then rodeo trying to change the original t&c's with their forms etc. etc. etc. ... I get a cheque for £50 and a "sincere apology". This arrived with a letter watermarked with "copy" in large letters of a resolution letter that they supposedly sent last year .. ... but this is the first I've known of it .. . I was still waiting for this and the copy of my original signed loan agreement that I requested with a £1 postal order (this has still not been provided). I complained through the fos last year and it's obvious that they didn't manage to provide a solution in the time allotted so just left it till the 6 month time period for me to complain was up hoping that I would forget about it (which is what happened). Anyway, £50 .... just doesn't make up for all the years of hassle, infact it makes me more annoyed .. .. especially when it's accompanied by the out of date resolution letter that I should have got last year. Anyone else had one of these fob off payment offers?
  10. Hi Again, I'm still struggling with Accord mortgages over a shortfall from them selling the property for half of what was paid 9 years ago. My ex did a deal recently so I'm left with my half of the debt. I've made a small settlement offer 8% of debt over a month ago. Accord keep pushing me to deal with them over the phone, which I have no wish to do. They also keep pestering me to fill in an expenditure form. I've explained I'm about to be out of work so I don't see how filling in the form is a fair representation of my financial position given I have one more pay day before unemployment. I can't fill in the form based on being unemployed as not sure how much benifits I will get. I've explained all this, given them proof I'm not in perm employment, I've also given proof of what the property is worth and that I feel they should never have sold so cheap given value has increased so much. They came back to me saying I refuse to talk to them despite them willing to discuss over the phone. They feel they have done no wrong and as a good will gesture have given me a cheque for £50. I'm writing again asking them to clarify why they need the form given I'm going to be out of work, or do they want me to wait until April and do the form then? Surely they have to answer those questions rather than keep sending long letters pestering me to chat on the phone? These forms are just such a headache to do so I don't want to do one based on this month if they then are going to want another next Getting a bit frustrating and the cheque they sent felt like an admission of guilt
  11. In 2015 there was a important and high profile Judicial Review regarding the serious matter of summons costs in relation to a Liability Order for council tax arrears. The case was that of the Reverend Paul Nicholson v Tottenham Magistrates and the London Borough of Haringey. In short, the court rules that Tottenham Magistrate's should not have allowed London Borough of Haringey to claim summons costs of £125 for each Liability Order given that the court did not have sufficient information before them to reach a proper judicial determination as to whether or not the costs claimed represented costs reasonably incurred by the Council in obtaining the liability order; 
The court found that Tottenham Magistrates Court erred in law by failing to make further inquiries into how the £125 was calculated. Accordingly, J Andrews ruled that the costs claimed were unlawful. Following Reverend Nicholson's court success, there have been a lot of developments. Firstly, Haringey's Council's external auditors; Grant Thornton reviewed the level of costs, and, unlike the position before the Judicial Review where Haringey charged a fee of £125, the auditors instructed the council to charge separate costs of £102 for a summons and to reduce the charge for a liability order issued by Tottenham Magistrates to £110 from £125. Most importantly, Haringey Council have refused to make Grant Thornton's report public. The judgement made clear that it related only to London Borough of Haringey and was specific only to Reverend Nicholson's case. Accordingly, whist it may allow him to claim a refund for any earlier years, it did not assist the many thousands (approx 20,000) of Haringey residents who had been overcharged every year since 2008. It was with this in mind, that the Reverend made a further application to the High Court. The basis of this new application being that he wished to challenge Grant Thornton's decision not to apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is contrary to law under section 17(1) of the Audit Commission Act 1998. The Reverend considers that an audit is a public interest activity. Secondly, the Reverend wanted everyone who has been overcharged since 2008 to be repaid. His appeal was heard in the Divisional Court last Thursday (24th February). A copy of the press release and background to his dispute with Haringey Council is below. I will address the outcome of the appeal in a separate post. http://www.taxpayersagainstpoverty.o...paul-nicolson/
  12. No idea why? Just got a letter saying we were no longer entitled to Council Tax support. I got married in October, does this some how effect it? My wife works and gets 19k a year, I only receive DLA, Kinship allowance (both were disregarded in their calculations) and Child Benefit. My income is pretty much 0 in their eyes. Can anybody please help?
  13. hi all my daughter has a ipad contract with 3...she had this for 2 years never missed a payment..she phoned 3 up and they offered her another year for £5.00 a month which she accepted and now 6 months into this..she has never failed a payment..this month 3 took £50.00 on top of the £5.00 because she used 436mb ( less than 1/2 a gig )..of data..this is well over the top..we phoned them and after a heated exchange they offered to reduce this to £29..99 which we refused...what am I able to do can I cancel and is the amount excessive..cheers paul
  14. Hi, Some time back I noted on some Council paperwork that there was a new "£50 fine if you don't notify us of changes" which I can understand i.e. to stop dodgers. But does/can this apply both ways? I noticed some changes on my CT bill which I wasn't notified about and only found out by a pretty rude letter in the post. IMHO What's good for the goose, is good for the gander
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