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  1. Hi, I'd be grateful if anybody could give advise me on my rights for the following issue. I bought a pair of waterproof boots from a well-know firm that sells outdoor & rock climbing gear. The boots have developed cracks on the panel that runs around the shoe and is attached to the sole. The sole itself is fine. The boots however are no longer fit for purpose. I showed them to the shop assistant who told me that it's general wear and tear and there's nothing they can do about it. I asked if they could repair them and was told I could (buy) and try a tent repair tape, but that they weren't sure if it would work. I am in doubt as to whether that is really the case and was wondering if anyone knows what my rights are in this situation. Thank you. Any advice will be much appreciated. Sweet Justice
  2. Hi, My Dad received a claim form with an issue date 1st November. AOS entered on internet. Says service date 8th Novemver. (they sent POC separately) Claim form amount is £35 more than owed amount, even their evidence shows original amount. (This is not including fees and costs). Background. Service charge (not disputed). Offer of £20 a week offered in August, was rejected. Offer of complete amount by family to extinguish burden by letter (The defendant is a disabled OAP) on 5th October. Heard nothing back. It should be noted the defendant tried to contact the claimant to settle many times but they wouldn't talk to him anymore. N1 received as above. Tried phoning claimant again, "not there, they will call you back". Never did. Phoned solicitors, they won't budge. Want the (wrong) amount plus fees, costs and interest. I'm bewildered by their behaviour. This is a large and very well known landlord in Kent. The issue of liability is not in question. P.S. It should be noted that had they accepted the offer of £20 a week it would have extinguished the debt before the date of issue!
  3. After 25 years with my employer, a large UK financial business, I am being made redundant at the age of 51 as they are closing my office. They offered me Voluntary Redundancy with enhanced terms on the basis I signed an agreement giving up my right to an undiscounted pension which may be otherwise payable on my redundancy. (Due to my length of service, I still have a final salary pension). I have not been given a reason why I have had to sign this other than 'it's policy'. I was hoping to take Early Retirement but the minimum pension age is 55 now. None of my other colleagues have been given this agreement as far as I know but it could be they are either no longer in the final salary scheme or are over 55. I wondered of anyone had thoughts on :- a) Should I have been offered Independent Legal Advice as I have been given an agreement to sign? b) The implications if I don't sign the agreement - could they make me take another job elsewhere? c) Even though they are not offering me Early Retirement, could there be this option open in view of the wording the agreement? Any thoughts on this would be welcome.
  4. After a sibling died the others came together to clear the property with the sibling who is executor. This help was given freely and at no time did anyone mention or talk about getting paid or expenses for said help. Now suddenly an invoice has been sent to the executor for work carried out, this is a proper invoice as person is self employed. But is the executor legally obliged to pay this from the estate? We are aware that once the estate is settled if anything is missed the executor is liable personally. So although this is clearly immoral it's the legal side that concerns us.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/feb/28/gps-offered-cash-to-refer-fewer-people-to-hospital I thought GPs were already finding it hard to cope with the workload? This sounds an odd way to try and fix the system. HB
  6. I have a joint account overdraft debt (First Direct) from 2005 which has been on my Payplan DMP since 2011. The current DCA (Arrow Global) appointed Restons Solicitors who sent Claim Forms to both me and the other party, my ex. Payplan sorted my reply offering £1 per month. I didn't realise that my ex needed to send Acknowledgement of Service and I told him, wrongly,that I had it sorted with my DMP. The claimant rejected my offer and the court issued me a judgement by determination for £20 per month. My ex was sent a judgement by default. (The amounts on the two judgements were different, and on his default judgement it stated he'd paid £1, which he hadn't - it was my £1 from my DMP). I subsequently applied for a redetermination as I thought we would each submit budgets and he would start his own DMP and we could get the monthly payments reduced. The redetermination hearing is next Wednesday and states both me and my ex as defendants. My ex is long term unemployed, on jobseekers allowance and housing benefit. I am 58, self employed, on a low income and in receipt of working tax credit. Neither of us has any property, savings, assets, insurances, or anything of value. The debt is the second smallest on my DMP (total debts £24.8k). My ex is furious that he now has a CCJ and refuses to attend the hearing and refuses to do a budget. I feel responsible for sorting out the mess. My girlfriend has now offered to pay the claimant in full & final short settlement if the claimant will agree that no further liability is due from either party. Total being claimed is £461.80 plus £107 costs, so £568.80. After a couple of offers and counter offers, Restons said on 22nd Nov they would accept £422.85. I offered £400. Restons say they are waiting for Arrow to decide whether to accept my £400 offer. They're both dragging their feet unnecessarily I feel. Since it's less than 5 days before the hearing it's too late to apply to "vacate the hearing" so I must attend the hearing, alone. I need to email the court to tell them of this new development and also include authorisation from my ex. I want to email the court today or tomorrow latest to tell them about my offer, also including email from my ex authorising me to do that, also that the delay is down to the claimant. How should I word my email, how should my ex word his email, and since its a redetermination hearing that I applied for, how will the offer of short settlement affect the hearing especially since my ex won't be there. I know I ought to have sorted this out sooner but I have ADHD and also long-term depression, which makes life difficult sometimes. When I originally got into debt, before my DMP, things got so bad that I had a breakdown I'm better now. I've spent hours and hours looking up civil court procedures, protocols, practice directions, legal processes, advice websites, CAB signposted me to RCJ free advice session and they suggested I attend the hearing with my budget, which I will do. I just need to know how to handle communicating with the court about the changes, and at this late stage I can't afford to make any more mistakes. Any relevant advice much appreciated. Many thanks
  7. Hi, I'm in the Support group for ESA, was on Contribution based Incapacity Benefit from 2003, transferred to ESA without a medical in 2013. Was also on DLA high rate Care and Mobility from 2003, transferred to PIP in 2016 (downgraded to Standard Rate by an one of the 'trusty' so-called HP's !). My query is this, I have been thinking about coming off ESA as I've been offered part-time work (16 hrs a week) at a sitting down job (I have mobility problems) and can claim Working tax credit. Question 1) I would obviously write to DWP to say I want to come off ESA, but do I have to give a reason and has anyone on here ever done this ?. Question 2) If anyone HAS done this, has it affected their PIP?. I've scrutinized the PIP rules and nowhere does it state that they have to be informed if one started work, they only need to be informed if a health condition worsens or improves. I would be financially a lot better off if I did do the part-time job, claimed WTC and came off the ESA so obviously wish to do so. Any help appreciated.
  8. I have a clear cut situation.... My original phone contract was on orange but after the merge of orange/T-Mobile which is now known as EE.....I was upgraded onto EE. Due to an internal error on their end (which they have admitted to the ombudsman) the original orange account did not get closed which resulted in the company automatically billing me twice (no money was ever attempted to be taken for the original account after upgrade) which resulted in missed payment/default put on my credit file. The kicker...... How I came to find out that this error occurred was when I was speaking with a mortgage adviser who recommended I check my reports before going ahead with application. To keep it short, the company ignored my "recorded delivery" letter and by the time the ombudsman was able to get involved (2 months after letter) I had to sign a years tenancy agreement wasting another year as I could not apply for a mortgage with a default, not to mention paying more for a house next year. I was constantly being hassled by dept collectors throughout this whole ordeal and taking into fact what this error has cost me....should I take this to court to get some form of compensation or take very small fee being offered by the company? Company has confirmed it was their error. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  9. There was a story in the financial section of today's Daily Mail about a chap who lived in south London and always had done being chased by Robbers Way for a debt that beloned to someone in Essex. it transpired that Experian does a people matching service and came up with the poor fellow's name and DoB being similar to the defaulter so they sold Robbers his details and they then put a default on his credit files and changed the original address to match the new erroneous data. Now I know that this crookedness and deception was down to Robbers Way but they wouldnt have ever had the opportunity to do so if Experian wasnt touting this service and then blaming others when they then hold false records on their system. RW even needed a big kick up the backside to remove the default as they werent going to do it willingly even after they were caught out by the DM. Vindictive sods.
  10. Hi, My company employed a receptionist in June and her contract said: "The Employee's salary is £20k per annum. Upon successful completion of probabtion period the employee's salary will be raised to £24k." Her probation period expires soon and we are not happy with her, but would continue to hire her on limited tasks. However we believe that she does not deserve her increased in salary of £24k. We are wondering how to hire her on a similar type of job, but not incerase her salary to £24k. One colleague mentioned firing her, and hiring her with another contract the next day. I think this is too "doddgy". I suggest explaining to her that we do not believe that she "succesfully" completed her probation period, however we would continue to hire her at £20k and would not increase her work load, as we originally planned. Any advice on how to to keep her and not increase her salary depsite her contract would be helpful. Thank you.
  11. Hi All, First time poster! I've been battling with Barclays over a default they placed on my credit file purporting to a current account with Barclays which I didn't recognise. Six months ago my partner and I were house hunting, at this stage we were really just getting a feel for the market. A house came up that was perfect and we set the wheels in motion hoping to get a mortgage offer sorted within the week and put an offer in. After visiting a mortgage advisor, he asked for copies of our credit files, which we duly acquired from the two credit reference companies and sent them to the advisor. Whom then told me I'd no way qualify for a Help to buy mortgage due to a recent default on my Credit File. I was utterly shocked, especially when I found it was linked to a Barclays Current Account. I have never been a customer of Barclays, ever...at least to my knowledge. I contacted Barclays and went through the SAR motions. It would appear that my very old Mortgage account with the Woolwich (circa 10 years ago the mortgage was paid off and account closed), had been migrated to Barclays and somehow they had issued a charge on the account which changed its balance from NIL to a negative amount...this Current Account now in unplanned overdraft accumulated fees for approx 9 years. In January this year I had received a letter from Barclays saying my unplanned overdraft is being terminated and I must pay them back £267 immediately or face legal action. I contacted them and was advised to pay it to prevent legal action and chase the cause afterwards. So I duly paid the outstanding amount, paranoid that I'd get a blotch on my otherwise pristine credit record. At this point I was writing to Barclays enquiring where the account came from. Now fast forward to April and my house hunting exploits with my wife I mentioned above. After much messing around and letters going back and forth between myself and Barclays Customer Services, They admitted fault and removed the Default from my record, refunded me the £267 they had originally demanded and offered me £50 by way of compensation. I'm literally about to write a response to Barclays about the £50 compensation. Basically, I would have purchased my own house months ago, if it were not for Barclays and the erroneous default, it has stopped us moving on with our lives, prevented my children from being able to settle into their new home (currently 2 girls and a boy sharing a room), its caused endless amounts of stress to myself and my wife and caused months of worry and unhappiness whilst we believed that nothing could be done. I don't think £50 really cuts it after I've had to pay months worth of rent, I wouldn't have had to pay, the emotional turmoil and stress they put us through (I lost 4st due to stress, though that's probably a good thing), my wife has been put on anti-depressants due to the stress and worry. I don't want to be THAT hard done by guy whom is out to line his pockets with someone else gold, but I feel we were forced to hold the ****ty end of the stick through no fault of our own and we had 6 months of misery because of it. I'm not sure what my point is, or even why I'm writing this post, I guess i just needed a rant. On the plus side, it is such a relief that the default is going and we got our money back, but I'm not happy with the compensation they have offered, in fact I find it a bit of an insult. Appointment book for the Mortgage advisor for tomorrow and hopefully we will find another perfect property soon.
  12. Hi there, I am new to this and would kindly welcome some advice if anyone could help? I'll keep it brief and to the point. Work for global corporation, my head office based in UK. Employed by this company for nine years, no complaints at all. Had various directors, regional managers and line managers over these 9 years. Company was restructured late December 2014, I inherited a different regional manager and line manager in January (both who work in a different division and have no knowledge of the job I do, regional manger been there for at least 7 years, line manager only promoted to line manager in January 2015, previously same job spec as mine only different division). Was given a complete new territory in January unannounced (had been consultant for a different territory for over three years and built up good trust and sales with these customers). Regardless, went out and done my job, hit my sales target in January despite the whole territory being new. Two weeks into February had a conversation with my new line manager who was enquiring why the mood was so low in our team ( a team of ten consultants) and I had offered a suggestion that "maybe the constant negativity wasn't helping" . I said this as we had all received a barrage of negative emails and phonecalls from said line manager, and everyone was moaning about it, seen as we were a new team that had been put together in January, me being the longest serving employee out of the whole team said what I said. The day after, at 7.30pm I received a friendly txt from line manager asking if I could meet him the following day to have a chat about figures, I agreed as didn't think anything of it, went to the meeting location the next day, was invited into a room by line manager, next thing regional manager walks in (unannounced) asks me "do you know what youre here for" when I replied "it was my understanding I was here to have a chat about figures with line manager, he said "no, youre going to pick your way to leave this company". He said "you can either resign, or I will make your life hell and make you leave". You have until Tuesday the following week to decide. I told him after a barrage of abuse from him, I wasn't resigning. The next morning the abuse continued, wont go into detail just now but will if anyone wants to know the details, just want to get the main points out just now. The next day I met with HR as I was disgusted at what had happened and told HR everything that had been said and proposed etc. HR (after hearing my side of the story), two days later, they wrote back saying they had spoke to both concerned and that they had all agreed that they would all meet with me to have a discussion. I was horrified at this, I had been duped into a meeting were it was a 2 vs 1 scenario, no witnesses, was totally bullied and intimidated, no witnesses, and HR wanted me to meet with them again under the same set up, ( HR are supposed to be impartial but in our company they are not). Before this week came around I was that ill after the original meeting, had nearly crashed my car on a busy motorway after suffering a severe panic attack, more followed, that my GP signed me off work and prescribed anti anxiety medication. To cut a long story short, I raised a grievance, it was heard by same HR I had spoken to initially and another manager who offered me a "new position" when accompanying me down in the lift out of the meeting room once the grievance had been heard, I said nothing. It took them 5 months to conclude the grievance stating time out of office and work commitments. When the notes came out it was clear that both managers had colluded, also my notes were missing, when I asked about these, they then sent a diluted version of my notes, when I asked them that I wished them to be amended to what I actually said, they thanked me for the ammendum but stated it wouldn't change anything. They also added parts to my grievance which were not included, to absolve themselves I guess. My post was on a recruitment site straight after (I know this is not against the law but trying to give an insight). None of it was upheld. The two investigating, made the conclusion. In between the grievance conclusion and me stating I wished to appeal, the person I raised the grievance about was promoted. The Grievance appeal was heard by same HR person and finance director, was cut short as they had a flight to catch. I was then sent the notes of said meeting, it was so heavily diluted that anyone who didn't know about it would have a hard time working out what all of the fuss was about, my witness emailed their notes, after that, although a conclusion was promised by the end of last week, straight after my witness submitted their notes I received a "without prejudice" email asking me to accept a paltry amount of money. I would gratefully accept any advice on what to do next, if anyone has any questions please ask, I just tried to keep this post short (ish) and to the point. Thanking you all in advance.
  13. I bought a pair of expensive reputable headphones from a high street store that also operate as an online retailer with good reviews. I purchased directly from the physical store as it was easier. In less than a year the headband formed cracks from normal use on the left and right ends. The manner which they appeared flagged a design fault or a material defect. I took pictures of the cracks, eventually one side snapped. The headphones are not usable, so not fit for purpose. I went to the store with the entire box, headphones and purchase receipt and asked for a replacement. The seller invoked 2 year manufacturer warranty and claimed he had to follow the repair/replacement process and send it to the manufacturer. I explained that my approach was merely based on SOGA rights, the product failed and it is not my fault as easily proven hence I wanted a new one. Because he was cooperating I tried not to make a big fuss and went for the warranty which I now regret. He admitted the damage is not repairable and as soon as they check back with the manufacturer they will replace with a new pair to avoid a delay on my end. I believe they should have given me a new pair and deal with the manufacturer on their end. On the other hand if I refused, it may have looked as they tried to provide a solution but I didn't comply with the process. Still I have to be without my headphones for unknown time...they claimed 6-10 days. I have in the meantime spotted information online that suggests there are batches with this problem and I plan to use it. I am not keen on the "repair" element, just want a new pair. I wanted to know if I got things wrong here, 1. would I be within my rights to demand a new pair if not satisfied? 2. shouldn't the seller replace the product? Why retailers persistently disregard the SOGA terms? 3. I have the option to invoke a credit card refund if not happy after all else...
  14. Hello good people, I'm receiving ESA, the higher element and am also living in a property supplied by my local London Borough costed as Temporary Emergency Housing since my break down in 2012. I've been offered a 'break', a holiday of sorts in Broadstairs on the Kent Coast next month for five days. No cash just a stay outside of town no remuneration. Although I've seen little activity regarding the Council, Brent, checking on my personal occupational life, in Haringey, I don't want to give the paying authority for my HB any excuse to cut me off at the knees! Help and advice would be welcome, Peter. PS should probably have posted under a pseudonym but I'm trying to stay above the radar.
  15. I recently completed claim forms re a debt being administered by Restons Solicitors for £770. I am in the process of setting up a new DMP with Stepchange and working off the budget figures and our other creditors, I made an offer of £5 per month. I received a judgment for claimant today saying the claimants have objected to the rate of payment and the court have awarded them £25 per month. I dont understand how they cant understand this is not possible for us atm. We did provide the budget sheet for Restons to show the £5 offer was all we could afford. What can I do now? Can I go direct to the courts to ask for a redetermination or is there another option. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you
  16. Hi, I've recently had a letter from robinson way, offering to close my account and to record partially satisfied. Ideally I'd like the default completely removed. I'd like to know if this is even possible, or is it a waste of my time trying to negotiate this with them? Thanks!
  17. After sending a LBA to my previous LL, who had not secured my deposit (£650) with the TDS, they returned the deposit in full. I re-sent the LBA reminding them of the maximum penalties (3x £650) for non-compliance. The LL has now come back with an offer of £650 in full and final settlement, stating that they were unaware of the law - even though it was specifically referred to in the LL's rental agreement. What is the chance of a claim for the maximum penalty of £1,950 succeeding, now that the LL has made this offer?
  18. Got a letter today from Lowell offering to settle my unpaid capital one account for £80. I owe £321. Ive not had any contact with lowell and am wondering if its a ploy. Your thoughts? cheers.
  19. Hi All, I recently completed a degree and prior to completion managed to get a job with a large organisation that will remain un-named. I was due to start a taster day 3 months later prior to a enhanced disclosure being completed when I was struck down with a chest infection. A few days later I received a phone call from the said organisations manager stating they would no longer be pursuing my application. The reason given was they felt that there were stronger candidates citing references as a reason for this despite them having these references for as much as 1 month prior to this. In addition I had since turned down another job for which I had a contract ready to sign to take this job in the organisation I longed to work for. So I shook it off and continued to search for another job. I managed to get an interview after much grovelling with the company that originally offered me a contract and was offered a job and as it happens applied for another job with the said organisation in another department. I was offered a job once again by the organisation that turned me down and decided that this time I would wait till I got a contract to sign before making a decision which job I would take. I can do this because by the time my enhanced disclosure and clearance to work arrives it will be January so I still have the option to choose either job. The problem is since being successful in the interview and being offered the job on November 10th I have heard nothing, I have sent an email to human resources on the 19th asking about the outcome and I have called twice before being redirected to the manager of the department who I emailed on Monday but I have still heard nothing. I know my enhanced disclosure is clean as I have one from the other company who have offered me a contract, and I know my references are good because I contacted them first to ask permission and they all stated that they would be giving my a glowing reference. I am certain this relates to them getting a reference from someone that I did not give permmission for them to obtain, this person would not have been fair I believe and although it would not be a bad reference they may cite weaknesses that might stop me from getting the position, either this or it is someone I have worked with before who took as dislike to me or another student who may also not have liked me. These are just theories to be honest because except for one person who I would never have given permission o gain a reference I cannot think who would cause the organisation to completly blank me out. Nor do I expect this from such a profession let alone the organisation. Is there anything I can do about this? Can they just be ignorant after offering me a job twice? Can I ask for a subject access request in order to rule out references as a cause?
  20. Well it looks like that there is a another company which is now offering Retail Loss Prevention. It is very confusing. I wonder if they are part of Jackie's Retail Loss Prevention company or whether they are independent. Maybe Jackie's Retail Loss Prevention company is merely operating on a franchise from the parent company SINSO - http://sinsoretailsupport.com/?utm_expid=94136120-1.KQXYxP2ZRlmLrRrg2_kZaw.0&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fsinsoretailsupport.com%2Floss-prevention http://sinsoretailsupport.com/loss-prevention#find-out-more
  21. I have just received a letter from Barclays saying they offered a PPI refund in July 2012 for two visa cards but i only queried these on 30/09/2014. One is paid and closed but the other is defaulted with them with a balance of £1800 and they are offering £720 refund but they want to pay the full amount towards this balance. I also have a transaction summary from them and on it it says this account is unenforceable. My question is o i accept the refund and advise them i am offer it to pay the account off as a full and final settlement to get rid of it, or request they return the money to me? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. Hi all I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and have been working for my employer since September 13. I am a surrogate and underwent IVF for my intended parents. I had a lot of problems with bleeding during the first 12 weeks which was really stressful and worrying. I work as a bookkeeper in 2 offices (Office A&B) using different software in each, in one of the offices (A) I have had no problems at all, in the other (B) I have been told I am making constant mistakes and clients are complaining about me. The director in office B and the manager talk to each other but not to me and have made me feel completely like an outsider. I spoke to the main director of the company saying I was concerned I was making these mistakes and I would lose them clients like I kept getting told. I told him of the issues with the manager in office B, he told me to not let her get to me and to stand up to her. I was called to a performance review meeting in office B where the director said I would be monitored for 6 weeks and to think of why I was making so many mistakes. I told him I had not been given sufficient training on the software in office B and was doing perfectly fine in office A. I was also given written instructions on each bookkeeping job by the manager in office B which every time I completed a job she would give the job back to me with a long list of review points saying I had done it wrong and the written instructions would have to be changed time and time again. I was told in this performance meeting to write my own notes and to think of ways to improve my performance. I emailed this director and asked if we could change the software in office B to what I used in office A to eliminate problems. I never got a response. My employers are aware I am pregnant and that it is a surrogacy and of the problems I have had and the numerous emergency scans due to bleeding. I was called in to the directors office 2 Fridays ago and told that my performance review would be on the Monday and that he would be bringing the HR and I was entitled to bring a representative with me. I asked him if I needed to, he said No. I took a colleague from office A with me and I was offered a settlement agreement. It was stated that as they are aware I am pregnant it would probably be hard for me to find employment therefore have offered me a tax free lump sum which would not total 4 months wages therefore not enough to cover me for the last 4 months of pregnancy. They did say I do not have to take the offer but if I dont, then if a vast improvement in my performance was not evident in the following 2 weeks they would start formal proceedings on me. Sorry for the long winded post but needed to inform of the background. I'm now to see a solicitor but don't want to go in with no knowledge at all. Can anyone help please? Thanks
  23. Hi, I recently signed up to a contract with O2. I started at carphone warehouse and was offered a 4g package with a free phone for the princely sum of £37 pm. Since the provider I was looking at joining was over the road I decided to go directly to O2 to see if I could get a better deal, You'd think you would be able to! Right. When I went over there I was told for the same network, tariff, data and same phone free the cost would be approx. £42 pm. At this point I obviously pointed out that I could get a better deal from a third party store. At this point the sales rep offered me a 30% discount on the airtime which would bring the contract in line with the offer from carephone warehouse, the only catch would be that I would have to pay the initial £42 for the first month and then a reduced rate of £36 and something. which would make the cost exactly the same. I would usually have said if you cant match that cost I will take the other offer but because of the time spent in the shop, the fact it was late in the evening, and they had the colour phone I wanted I decided to go ahead with the deal. The sales rep even wrote on the top of the contract that we would receive a 30% discount and signed it. We made the first payment as arrange then we changed the direct debit date to match up with our pay day. The adjusted amount seemed high but I believed it was because we had changed the direct debit date and without doing the calculation I would not have known at this stage that the price remained the same. This month the bill is still £42 pm. I contacted O2 directly over webchat but quickly realised that they would not be able to see the contract and thought it would be better to contact the store directly and speak to the staff member who sold me the contract, after all he said if we didn't get the discount he would put me on his family and friends personally which was a bigger discount. This has left me wondering why he might say this! I called them and he was not available but the person on the phone said he would get the manager to contact me the next day, that was Friday and I have heard nothing since. As a side note since signing up with O2 I was not informed in store of the price rise (RPI) that was due the next month and we were sent a notification of this on the 8th day of the contract after the cooling off period. I was given the impression I was getting O2 tracks free for a year but not told this expired in December two months prior to the contract start date and was subsequently charged for this service despite the fact I never actually used it. And I keep getting text messages saying I missed a call from so and so when I have had the phone on and next to me, not sure if the signal is a problem but it is very annoying I am not recieving all my calls when I should be, the network map shows this an excellent signal area and it is also happening in other area's. We left EE because of the signal issues we were having and now I feel I jumped from the frying pan into the fire and no longer feel I can trust this company like the trust we had with EE(T-Mobile) who we had been with for over 15 years. I no longer want a contract with O2 because I have contacted them 4 times in the last 2 months with complaints, I am far from impressed and feel mislead and undervalued as a customer. What can I do??
  24. Last month I received a notice of a claim against me for £850. I immediately sent off the included form admitting to the full amount and offering £40/m which would have seen it paid off in under two years. The next contact I've received is today, stating that the claimant has objected to rate of payment offered and has issued a judgement against me demanding £1025 (including interest and costs) by instalments of £100. £100/m is going to be a huge stretch for me at the moment. The other factor is that I've just taken a new job that starts in three weeks and I was going to be applying for a flat on Monday morning. A CCJ is likely to obliterate any chance of that being successful. Is there anything I can do?
  25. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/heavy-drinkers-to-be-offered-lifesaving-pill-that-helps-reduce-alcohol-consumption-9771600.html
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