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  1. After a sibling died the others came together to clear the property with the sibling who is executor. This help was given freely and at no time did anyone mention or talk about getting paid or expenses for said help. Now suddenly an invoice has been sent to the executor for work carried out, this is a proper invoice as person is self employed. But is the executor legally obliged to pay this from the estate? We are aware that once the estate is settled if anything is missed the executor is liable personally. So although this is clearly immoral it's the legal side that concerns us.
  2. Free bus passes for older and disabled people protected for the future READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/free-bus-passes-for-older-and-disabled-people-protected-for-the-future
  3. BFPOs included in the MOD enduring families free mail service READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bfpos-included-in-the-mod-enduring-families-free-mail-service
  4. Hi, I (and my wife) applied for the 30 hours free childcare through the gov.uk website last year. I have been renewing/reconfirming the application details on the website every 3 months, as required. Last reconfirmation was in mid-January, but a couple of days ago, the HMRC have written to me saying the following: "Unfortunately, our checks have shown that you're no longer eligible for 30 hours free childcare for xxxxx because: • from the evidence we hold we have decided that you didn't have a reasonable expectation of your partner earning at least é ú1555.72 (no idea what the symbols mean!) between 15 January 2018 and 16 April 2018 However, you may still be able to access 30 hours free childcare for a short period, known as a grace period. You can check what your grace period arrangements are with your childcare provider. You can still access the 15 hour universal early education entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds. For information on eligibility, go to http://www.childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk. What happens next Your childcare provider and local authority will be told that you no longer meet the requirements for 30 hours free childcare for xxxxx. If you don't agree with our decision Check the details you entered on your application are correct, you can do this in your childcare service account. If you entered the wrong information, and still want to apply for 30 hours free childcare, you can make a new application. However, if the information on your application was correct, and you've checked you meet the eligibility criteria, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again by requesting a Mandatory Review. You'll need to do this in writing within 30 days, and include: • your name, address and child's full name • reasons why you think our decision is wrong • the words 'Mandatory Review' in the title of your letter Send your letter to: The childcare service, HMRC, BX9 1GR We may ask you to supply original copies of evidence to support your Mandatory Review. If your Mandatory Review is rejected, you have the right of appeal to a tribunal. If your circumstances change Go to http://www.childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk to reapply for 30 hours free childcare. Yours sincerely Childcare service team" I do not understand what has happened suddenly for them to reject it. My wife started working a contract job (by setting up her limited company) in November 2017. In the reconfirmation form on gov.uk, I have given her job as "Director of Own company", which if I remember correctly was from a drop-down list. Does anyone have an idea why this could be happening? Oh, and she earns more than £120 per week in her job and less than £100,000 per year.
  5. It's in good condition and has a nearly new battery but I feel like I've had my money's worth from it so would prefer to give it away. Anyone know a charity who would take it? It's in Dorset.
  6. Hello! I'm new to this forum so please be gentle! my partner and I moved into a flat almost three years ago. For the first few months we had no boiler, gas, radiators etc as the building is very old. Only electric. The landlord finally got gas installed, so we had heating. Great! Only thing is, the men who installed the gas meter seemingly did not hook us up to the supplier I had requested. ..in fact no supplier at all. Having not had a bill for several months, I contacted who I 'believed' was our supplier, to be told that we weren't on their records. And we weren't on anybody's records. She told me that essentially the gas is coming direct from the grid, it's free, and if I keep quiet, I'm not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately at the time I didn't think to record that conversation. here we are, nearly three years without paying gas, and we are planning on moving out in a few months. We're panicking that our letting agent will find out we don't pay gas and will forward us a giant bill, or that if we try and start a gas account that they might back date the bill? Please does anybody have any advice or know how this stuff works? I put my hands up to the fact that we've been aware of this situation for a long time, and usually we're very play-it-safe types, but we threw caution to the wind for once and now I'm wondering if we'll be punished by the utility gods for eternity for this tiny thrill of free gas... HELP! Thanks for reading!
  7. Hello I took out a two year contract with EE, in September 2016, on their 4GEE Max Plan, for £45.99 per month. That plan was £5 per month more than the one below it, as it allowed you to use your call and data allowance whilst in the EU. Awesome! Except that when I took out the contract, I was unaware that everyone would be getting EU roaming within their price plans on the 15th June 2017! Called EE and basically it's hard cheese. The only thing they will do is move me to one of their new 4GEE Max Plans and have allowance calls in USA, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand for an additional £2 per month. Personally, I think it's a bit rough. In my eyes the contract has changed significantly and I'm not getting everything I was paying for. What does everyone else think?
  8. Hello I recently made a Planning Application to the local Council to make some adaptations to our house for a disabled person. On the application form/guidelines it stated that the application was exempt from application fees, if the application was for use of a disabled person. The application was made and adequate proof was provided to show that the person was disabled. The Council accepted the application. However, after a week they called to say that as the Disabled person was not currently living at the Planning Application site , that the application was invalid and the fee would have to be paid to progress the application. I had a look into this and the following rules apply: P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 In that regulation, a “disabled person” means— 4. (2) (a)a person who is within any of the descriptions of persons to whom section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948(1) (welfare arrangements for blind, deaf, dumb and crippled persons, etc) applies. In those rules can be found : P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } Exceptions – access and facilities for disabled persons 4.—(1) 4.—(1) Regulation 3 (the requirement to pay the local authority a fee) shall not apply where the local planning authority to whom the application is made are satisfied that it relates solely to— P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } for the purpose, in either case, of providing means of access to or within the dwellinghouse for a disabled person who is resident in, or is proposing to take up residence in, that dwellinghouse,or of providing facilities designed to secure that person’s greater safety, health or comfort. I pointed this out to the official and they have now reinstated the application for free. So, Contrary to what you may be told by your Local Council, if you are making a Planning Application for a Disabled person it is free!. even if the Disabled person is not residing at the Application site. Which makes absolute sense, if you consider that a disabled person may want to see if he or she can alter a property for their use before purchase. Hope that helps someone uphold another regulation that the Council seem unaware of. nn
  9. Hello everyone! This is my first time and I am happy to join this community of consumers. I have a parking 'fine' by Smart Parking in a retail parking at around 22:5hrs for 10-11min, with a 3hrs free parking but must obtain a ticket. Now it is late at night and the two ticket machines are situated together at one end of the parking which is 50m from where I am parked and as a current blue badge holder , I have difficulty in walking that distance as the place I was going to was less than 50m. Also as the retail park closes at 20;00hrs the car park is virtually empty. Hence, I appealed the PCN but was rejected by a response to a car and details that are not mine, so now I want to put an appeal to POPLA, what points are my strongest so I can get this PCN cancelled? Thanks in advance for any positive help or advice.
  10. Just received Civil Parking charge notice for exceeding allowed duration of stay by 40mins at Lidl. Did not enter car reg at terminal, do not have any shopping receipt either. Says amount due £90, discounted ot £45 if paid in 14 days. It has photos of car entering and leaving site with car reg, can't see driver in photo. PCN issued by Athena ANPR Ltd " the creditor". what do i do? no income, no savings. thanks
  11. I apologise if this has already been reported here but I could not see mention of it. I thought it might be of interest. It is a newspaper article about the failure to get out of paying Council Tax by referring back to the Magna Carta. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/801648/boxer-jailed-magna-carta-avoid-council-tax-oliver-ringmaster-pinnock
  12. I got out a Carphone Warehouse contract on 14th of December 2017 after much haggling over prices. I called back after ordering it to find out if I am entitled to the free gift as I realised it wasn't mentioned when I took out the contract on the phone. I was assured I would get one sent with the Samsung phone (Free Samsung Gear VR offer). When the phone arrived, no free gift. I called up and was given a link to Samsung gift page to redeem the gift, I tested this out on the phone and the link was expired back in November and I told them this. They then told me it would be sent out on 28th (2 weeks after my contract started). It's been over 4 weeks and no sign of it and the offer has now changed to a watch instead. Do they legally owe me this free gift? Or is it their discretion whether or not I should receive it? I factored it into the price of the contract when choosing between two companies. I feel that they have intentionally been fobbing me off just to push me past the 14 day cooling off period.
  13. Very good link for free credit report from Martin lewis. Quite recent too not like some of the other free ones http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/creditclub?_ga=2.51313065.101823794.1503503150-982205561.1477396387
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jan/24/link-atms-proposals-tabled-in-bid-to-keep-cash-machines-free It will be those of us that live in rural areas where banks are closing down that will suffer - if we cannot get into a branch then we have to use the ATMs.
  15. Hello, I received a PCN from smart parking on 12/12/16 which states that I allegedly breached the t&c's within the shopping park. Contravention = "over free time". I have read through other similar threads and am planning to reply with the following: xxyyy is not compliant with the POFA so no keeper liability has been created. Do not contact me again or a complaint of harassment as both a criminal act and a civil tort will be made"... as helpfully posted in one of the threads I came across. Just want to know if this is the best thing for me to do please with my own situation? Thanks in advance
  16. More than 50,000 homeowners have signed up to receive fraud alerts in a bid to stop [problem]mers stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds by taking bogus loans against their properties. The property alert service, offered free by the Land Registry, helps people detect fraudulent activity on their property by sending them email alerts when, for example, a mortgage is taken out against it. They can then decide whether they think the activity is suspicious and can act quickly to alert the the Land Registry, their lender and the police. Property fraud is where fraudsters try to steal a property, most commonly by stealing the homeowner’s identity and selling or mortgaging the property without their knowledge. They then disappear with the money leaving the true owner to deal with the consequences. Since 2009, the Land Registry has stopped fraud on properties worth more than £92million. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthe[problem]mers/article-4000954/Land-Registry-service-helps-prevent-property-fraud.html Sign up to the scheme here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/property-alert
  17. Name of the Claimant: Civil Enforcement Ltd Date of issue: 13th January 2017 Date to acknowledge = 31.01.2017 DAte to submit defence = 4pm 14.02.2017 What is the claim for: 1.The Claimant claims the sum of 248.05 for Outstanding debts and damages including 12.05 interest pursuant to S.69 of the county courts Act 1984. Total debt and interest due - 248.05. I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form. What is the value of the claim? £323.05 including all costs. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Only Civil Enforcement Ltd are mentioned, no mention of creditor or account being assigned Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No. I didn't even receive a letter before claim. I have attached the claim form and the separate particulars of claim form (dated 24 January 2017). The particulars were sent after I acknowledged the service. (I have attempted to upload redacted version but correct me if its not all correct!) My first question is how long do i have to submit my defence/skeleton defence? A claim was issued against you on 13/01/2017 Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 22/01/2017 at 14:55:15 Your acknowledgment of service was received on 23/01/2017 at 01:09:20 The website states Before you can file a defence to the claim against you, you must make sure the following apply in your case: you are filing your defence within 14 days of service of the claim on you (a claim is considered served on the fifth day after it is issued) or where separate detailed particulars of claim were served, within 14 days of service of those or if you filed an acknowledgement of service, within 28 days of service of the claim (or separate particulars) Hey knowledgeable ones..... I was hoping you are able to help advise me on the next steps in the scenario below. As they sent a separate particulars of claim dated 24 Jan - am i correct to assume i have 28 days from this date to submit my defence? Secondly i have not recieved a letter before claims. Nor do i recall the NTK - although this may been sent i would like to see if its valid and also i can't see any evidence specifically any images of the vehicle alleged to made the contravention. So how am I supposed to accept their allegations - based on their nothing but their words? Do i send a CPR requesting evidence and if so do i include in the above points. I have seen the template CPR request but can i include the above in it and if so how best to word this please? I suppose the skeleton defence can be addressed later after the CPR but any thoughts welcome! If you have any links you can direct to me that might help that would be most appreciated also Many thanks COURT LETTER.pdf PARTICULARS OF CLAIM.pdf
  18. Got a call today, the message was made using a automated weird voice. Message was: Reward of £30 in vouchers for Black Friday - all you need to do is provide your signature and name of organisation I volunteered with - to be eligible for the vouchers. the number is 0786-***-1261 maybe belongs to someone else trying to get credit for my work placement?? Anyone else had this at all?
  19. Elderly parents cold called by British Gas and talked into having Smart Meters fitted with the promise that they could then choose to have free energy either on Saturday or Sunday. Meters duly fitted, told by engineer to call to pick their day, only then are they told they can't have the free energy until they set up an online account. Had they been told that from the outset they wouldn't have bothered as they don't have wifi, don't trust online stuff and are probably beyond learning how to do it now anyway. BG have given them £30 for their failure to mention the online requirement, but they're still disappointed.
  20. hi cag, just signed up, looking for advice and offering it aswell.
  21. Heritage Open Days is England's biggest heritage festival . It celebrates our fantastic history, architecture and culture; offering people the chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences - all of which are FREE to explore. Free of charge and right on people’s doorstep, Heritage Open Days is an event for everyone, whatever their background, age or ability. From castles to city halls, tunnels to tower tops, police cells to private homes, workshops to woodland walks, the variety of places and ways to discover them are endless. - https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/visiting
  22. I have an 18 year old friend who bought a brand new Ford Fiesta in May 2016 on HP. She drove it for just 1 month – in hindsight she feels was shoe-horned into the deal & was given 30 days free insurance by the dealer to get her on her way quickly. The car has been parked up since June (all monthly payments have been made) but no one would insure her at the end the 30 days free insurance period. Yes .. she should have looked into insurance BEFORE signing up (Naïve 18 yr old girl) Does she have any form of re-dress with the manufacturer (dealer doesn't want to know) or with the finance company?
  23. Half of Britons have not made a will, leaving them with no control over what will happen to their assets after they die, new research from Will Aid has revealed. Over a third (35%) of those without a will have children aged under 18, meaning they have no legal say in who would look after their children if they died. While young people are the least likely to have written a will, 19% of those aged over 55 have also neglected to make one, the charity's research reveals. Read more: http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/09/half-of-brits-dont-have-a-will-452123/ - Which? Will Aid runs for the month of November each year. http://www.willaid.org.uk/will-makers/find-solicitor-2016?postcode=IG8+0PN Free Wills month October 2016 Free Wills Month brings together a group of well-respected charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in selected locations around England, Scotland and Wales. An up to date Will written by a solicitor ensures your wishes are respected. It also avoids difficult decisions and legal complications for your loved ones. Free Wills Month allows you to provide for family and friends and leave a gift to your chosen charities too. The next campaign is in October 2016 and you can register your interest now to be sent a reminder email on the day the campaign begins. http://freewillsmonth.org.uk/
  24. Tesco Direct has dropped its minimum payment charge for click and collect. Until now, shoppers were charged £2 for orders under £30. The supermarket said in February it had to introduce the charge to cover rising costs and was in line with rival supermarkets, which charge similar fees for their click and collect services. But now it says that it wants to give shoppers more choice and convenience, particularly in the run-up to Christmas http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/money/mortgages-bills/tesco-direct-drops-minimum-payment-charge-for-click-and-collect-11364098202576
  25. Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster (Cheesy phrase but meh) Bit of background: 6-7 years ago at the ripe age of 19 and 20, I fell into quite a bad gambling habit and like many around 2010, I got roped in a vicious PDL TRAP! I'm a big believer NOW that at that age, we should not be allowed the credit afforded to us. I knew nothing of the consequences at the time and it took a few years for me to realise how detrimental the effects of bad credit were. I borrowed from Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes, at astronomical rates of APR from all of the lightly regulated (at the time) pay day lenders - Wonga, Payday UK, wageday advance, lending stream, text loan, uncle buck etc etc. This obviously didn't end well and eventually the wolves where at the door! Also at this time and In my desperate situation (and on a teenagers wage), I was somehow allowed an overdraft with Halifax of over 2k + Natwest wanted me to open an account with them, and allowed an overdraft...to a 19 year old....of £4000!!! Obviously I don't blame anyone but myself for these issues and actions, but I do feel that the regulations weren't there to protect me from these spiralling issues. Now its 2017. My creditors are all paid off and satisfied. My defaults begin falling off at the end of January and my final one (CCJ) ends in November. The advice I'm looking for from the 'forum experts', so to speak is this: - Is it possible to discuss with ex creditors to have defaults removed a few months early? (There is some sketchy data on my credit report including missing markers all over the place etc and obviously back in 2010 there was less regulations and the affordability was pretty much none existent). -I have 1 default with 'Lending Stream' On my 'Noddle' and 'experian' report it states the default date as 'November 2012', yet...I took out a credit agreement with Lending Stream in 2010! And I'm aware they only have 6 months to add a default marker once the relationships as broken down so how on earth do I have a marker over 18 months later on a PDL? Surely this is arguable. - My CCJ is solid in place, aside from a court appearance and great argument I'm assuming this is unremovable until 6 years after initial application of the CCJ? I haven't sent off my satisfaction request letter yet though and need to soon, Do you guys think this will make much of an impact on my file? - My main question, When will I be able to start going to a broker to apply for a mortgage? When will my credit be 'A OK'? I have been accepted for 1 credit card over 8 months ago with vanquis to which I have stayed within the £150 limit and paid off in full each month but this doesn't seem to have affected my 'score'. And I have recently been accepted with Capital One for a £1000 credit card Which I intend to use at the same amount as the Vanquis card only I read somewhere "Credit accounts over £1000 show CR checkers that you're a lower risk". That's about it really. Thanks for reading and sorry for the wall of text. If anyone is having similar issues to the ones I have mentioned, feel free to message me. I've had some pretty nightmarish times over the past 6 years. Key advice: Don't bury your head if it gets really bad, it will genuinely only get so much worse. It just keeps adding up until you eventually speak to someone. Tell each creditor you're struggling, set up a plan. If it's gone to far, research free DMP companies, I paid £50 per month admin fee for mine for 6 years to which I now regret as all of my money wasn't going to creditors.
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