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  1. I came home to a letter from Moneyclaimonline today, the instigator being Moriarty Law on behalf of Utility Warehouse. They contacted me about a year ago for a debt they claimed I owed in 2014, during the phone call I asked them to provide me with proof of the debt which was never supplied plus this does not show up on my credit file with Experian to date (I checked today). How this happened, if relevant is I needed an EPC for my home, the surveyor pressured me into consolidating my utility bills which I wasn't keen on but they kept telling me I was under no obligation and could always say no at the end.... which I did. convinced me to take out the gas / elec / internet / phone but when my mobile came in the redemption fee put me out of pocket and UW wouldn't cover it so I had a huge mess but managed to sort it out. After this I lost faith in the UW and requested to cancel the service with them, they were awkward to I went straight to my old utilities who transfered the services back. I wasn't aware of any outstanding debt, I believed my old company had figured this out. So I'm concerned I have a small claim's court form to complete, potential damage to my credit file but no default on my account to date. Any advice please?
  2. Hi, This is my first time on this forum, so please excuse me if i've posted in the wrong forum. I received a letter from Moriarty Law today(attached) claiming that they are acting on behalf of Utility Warehouse recovering a debt of £3093.15 dated from 22/10/2013. I have moved around a lot in the last few years but have been at my current address for over 2 years yet this is the first I have heard from them. I have absolutely no idea where the debt of £3,000 has come from, I was renting a house with my friend back in 2013 and Utility Warehouse were our energy suppliers (all bills were in my name as it was easier) I have checked my emails and my bank statements, I can find a payment to Utility warehouse in March 2014 for £150 but nothing else. I should also mention, the property that this relates to, we only lived there for six months until April 2014 and then both moved in with our parents. In regards to the letter, I have been working really hard on getting out of debt over the last few years and recently took out a debt consolidation loan with the aim of getting the last few things I owe, paid off, my credit score has only recently recovered after a few family members went rogue with my credit score when I turned 18. I cant afford to have a CCJ on my credit file. What should I do? I cant see how we could have racked up a £3000 debt in the six months of living in a 2 bedroom flat. I cant see anything from UW on my noddle report either. Do I write back to Moriaty law? Any help is massively appreciated.
  3. I was stupid enough to sign up with utility warehouse who gave us low quotes for gas and leccy bills then upped them after 3 months....then when we got fed up and left sent us a final bill for £788 because we were on their bill protection scheme....no warning about this other than the small print. i want to setup a payment plan with them but as they've already dipped into my account to take £200 out without notifying me via a card payment. i do not want to pay via card or direct debit. They're saying that i can only setup a payment plan if i pay via card or direct debit. I want to pay via standing order as i do not trust this company. are they allowed to do this? If i'm making regular payments are they allowed to used a debt collection agency?
  4. Hi All, In 2014 - there was a clarification from the Information Commissioners Office - on whether the domestic customers were allowed to record calls with utility companies. The article states that the ICO - said this was permissible: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-2683569/How-watertight-records-calls-online-chats-case-s-dispute-later.html Now that we are in 2018 - and with all the new legislation that is being passed: Can we get a crystal clear update about what we are allowed / not allowed to do? This should cover - if/how/when we can use our copy in the pursuit of settling a dispute. I think exploring this topic will help many of my fellow community members - as it is one of the very few ways consumers can demonstrate their honesty. My sincere thanks to any, willing to help map this out.
  5. Usio Energy are the latest electric supplier to cease trading with Ofgem awarding First Utility all their current customers. https://www.usioenergy.com/
  6. Hi, In 2013 I received a default from a utility company for unpaid bills. I continued to live at the property but didn't speak to them again until 2015. At this point I pulled my head out the sand and faced my issues, paid off the default and money owing for the period from after the default to the time I called them. I have been clean on my credit since then and during this period it was just them I didn't pay (i'm an idiot). I am trying to understand how defaults for my period of no contact works - one was issued in 2013 but obviously I was accruing further utility bills until I took a hold of things. Should these further missed payments feed into the original default (so it gets bigger) or should they be further individual defaults on my credit file? To me it was all part of the same issue and between 2013 and 15 there was no contact from me although I am sure they sent me letters. Is it right that they can default me on separate dates for the same ongoing bill or should this all be one default linked to 2013. I am not trying to get out of anything - I didn't pay the bill, I own that and if I have to have a default on my account for 6 years from when I finally settled in 2015 then so be it - I have no one to blame but myself, I am keen to ensure that the correct procedure has been followed for reporting though. Thanks
  7. Hi All I've read a lot of horror stories about Utility Warehouse but none that quite matches my scenario. My partner and I recently moved house and the previous tenants must have been with Utility Warehouse as we received tons of mail from them, telling us the house had previously been supplied by them and trying to coerce us into sign up. I only opened the first two and consigned the rest to recycling. Then today, I received a letter in a plain white envelope, which I opened. The letter is a demand for a 'missed payment' along with a membership number. It is addressed to a Mr . It also states we will be liable for a £6 late payment fee. Now, I've written to them stating neither they, nor anyone else, can enter us into a contract without our consent, and telling them where and just how far up they can shove their unsolicited spam, I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I'm guessing they were forwarded our details by the letting agent (as the current supplier) but has anyone else experienced this? It's one thing to bombard you with marketing mail in the hope of signing you up, but it's quite another to sign you up then claim you've missed a bill. This crosses over to fraud in my book. Thanks.
  8. I've been writing to and arranging plans with other creditors for several months. I hadn't had a meter reading for some time and my electricity supplier have just presented me with a large bill. So it seems my regular electricity payment hasn't been enough to cover our usage, so I need to increase that, but also now need to deal with the arrears. Is this now a priority debt? Do I write to other creditors and reduce my payments to them? cheers
  9. I need some help urgently as I'm really on the verge of a breakdown with this. Until Sept I had a near perfect credit record and then as I was looking to take advantage of a renewing a few 0% credit card deals I started to be rejected. It soon became clear that I had a default for £4,600 on my credit file. I enquired with the company concerned and it relates to a property that I owned and had to take possession of in April 2013. It's a long story but it was derelict after it was abandoned by a previous long term tenant. Because I could not get insurance I sold it within 3 weeks of the possession order to a local builder. I also asked the utility company to remove the meters as with the property empty and falling apart it was the safe and right thing to do. So I thought it would be straight forward after I explained to them but not at all. After numerous calls and letters they say that it was in my name since Nov 2011 and sent me a bill with my name on. This could only have been obtained by the land registry or added on since I asked them to remove the meters in 2013. I have not been able to obtain finance since Sept 2017 and am falling into arrears with my finances. I'm in constant tears - I know this might sound irrational. I have just issued a summons for the costs and absolute distress for over £2,800 because I'm getting absolute desperate. I'm not greedy but this is really tearing me apart. I've kept the name of this major supplier off here as I can't think straight and don't want to say anything that might damage my case. Any thoughts please?
  10. Hello! I'm new to this forum so please be gentle! my partner and I moved into a flat almost three years ago. For the first few months we had no boiler, gas, radiators etc as the building is very old. Only electric. The landlord finally got gas installed, so we had heating. Great! Only thing is, the men who installed the gas meter seemingly did not hook us up to the supplier I had requested. ..in fact no supplier at all. Having not had a bill for several months, I contacted who I 'believed' was our supplier, to be told that we weren't on their records. And we weren't on anybody's records. She told me that essentially the gas is coming direct from the grid, it's free, and if I keep quiet, I'm not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately at the time I didn't think to record that conversation. here we are, nearly three years without paying gas, and we are planning on moving out in a few months. We're panicking that our letting agent will find out we don't pay gas and will forward us a giant bill, or that if we try and start a gas account that they might back date the bill? Please does anybody have any advice or know how this stuff works? I put my hands up to the fact that we've been aware of this situation for a long time, and usually we're very play-it-safe types, but we threw caution to the wind for once and now I'm wondering if we'll be punished by the utility gods for eternity for this tiny thrill of free gas... HELP! Thanks for reading!
  11. Will not name the company (for now) it's the procedure I am trying to understand. No outstanding amount on account (may be a variation on the amount used due to estimated readings but it wouldn't be a lot but essentially all bills have been paid, nothing was outstanding until now. Utility company write stating that they need to check the meter for safety reasons and quote 'Must Inspect' G4S are those wanting to read the meter, however some years before a member of g4s threatened the householder at the time that if they didn't let them in they'd get a warrant and break in....this from a meter reader and before any ''must inspect' notices had been issued, meter reader dispensed, complaint made with the householder stating any further visits for meter read would need to be anyone other than G4S... Fast Forward a couple of years to end of 2016, Must Inspect letters sent, but these were from G4S and were ignored (see above) Utility company write stating they must be contacted within 7 days to make an appt to check the meter or action will be taken, they were contacted about 14 days later and put on notice that both the utility company and the service distribution company had been in the property just 2 months earlier due to a power outage and where the meter had been checked/ main fuse taken out, tested, put back in, sealed and the road dug up for a week (generators etc) both the distribution company and the utility company had been in and checked the meter safety etc.... At around the same time a letter from G4S arrives stating the householder needs to get in touch as they needed to visually check the meter, the utility company were called again (not G4S) and the same conversation again (paragraph above) and they said not to worry, they'd get it dropped etc. Fast forward to this year, utility company process a bill, usual bill, standing charge and usage..10 days later the householder goes to pay the bill, but when going to notices a further charge of in excess of £50 ....there is nothing on the bill or the account to show as to why the additional price so a call was placed to the Utility company and where they stated 'oh, thats for the warrant application fee' Discussion ensues, they stated they could see contact had been made (as per their and G4's requests) but that the meter still needed to be checked???? The time difference between the letter requesting contact to the time the warrant application fee was applied to the account was 75 days ... G4S requested to remove the application, they state it can only come from the utility company and that as they had heard nothing the warrant application was still to go ahead. Utility company contacted again, complaint raised to a different department and where they appeared to be less than helpful, householder felt somewhat threatened/intimidated (they're registered disabled both physically and mental health) utility company are aware of the status re disabled (householder is registered for priority assistance should there be a outage) They refused to remove the fee, said it still applied, they could see that contact had been made when requested but that G4S needed to check the meter, they acknowledged that the property had been visited by them and the distribution company but still the meter needed to be checked as they'd tried for some time now (yes but it had been checked) Utility company seemed altogether oblivious to any of the points raised re: 1:/Why the fee had been added when no notification as to a court date for the application had been made and that had not the householder queried the additional fee on their newest bill they would have been oblivious to the date at court to see a warrant (only 3 weeks from the time of the fee being added (so not long to go now for the householder) 2:/ Why the utility company acknowledged that when requested they be contacted that they were contacted which in essence nullifies their 'if you dont contact us we'll do......) and where situation explained and they appeared to have accepted it that they then reverse that acceptance. 3:/ Why the extra fee levied does not correspond to their online 'charges' for the same 'application' 4:/ Why they or agents acting on their behalf (G4S) took (a) 75 days to apply the fee and presumably make an application to the court and why they did not inform the householder when the court date was or indeed what court it was to be at? 5:/ Why when they can see both themselves and the distribution company have been in the property and at the meter (checked/resaled/) previous to their warrant threats that this appears not to register with them --- The final contact from the elongated and somewhat intimidating/threatening Utility company wasa followed up by an email to the householder stating 'thanks but we're not withdrawing the warrant and that g4s would still need to attend. ... Further to that, there are a couple of other points to ponder and as yet the householder has not put this to the utility company and any advice confirmation (if applicable) be given. 1:/ G4S as a meter reading company no longer exist, they were sold with the sale complete in January 17, so any court application and when G4S were called a few days ago and where they answered the call as G4S and spoke regarding a reference number on their letter from last year? would need to be from the American company that purchased G4S? 2:/ The legal requirement to inspect a meter was repealed in 2016, becoming defunct from April 1st 2016 , yet 9 months later the Utility company in their letters stated they are 'required by law to check 'your' meter every two years and where you are required to allow them access. I have read the repeal on Ofgem's site, it's quite clear. (they also state somewhere that any utility company using the 2year argument post April 2016 would be pursued Calls to the Utility Company were recorded and they were informed as much, I've listened to some of them, they're dreadful listening and I as an individual could clearly hear the distress in the householders voice and also detect the undeniable intimidatory tone from the Utility company employees The Householder going to court would be detrimental to their health, physically difficult, mentally pretty much impossible but court they will go, better to be avoided but when the above is the situation any homeonwer/tenant would want to protect their home from what is pretty much unlawful entry. Deb Any thoughts ? views? re the Must Inspect repeal?
  12. Hi Looking for some advice please. I was a customer of First Utility they stopped being able to issue me with a bill after almost a year I referred the case to the Energy Ombudsman and the complaint was resolved to my satisfaction. During this time I switched my supply (October 2015), I agreed a final amount with F/Utility of £111.52 & this was paid. Today I received a letter from their credit management company stating that I owe them £112.50. I'm reluctant to respond to the letter to be honest but I don't want the situation to blow up. Surely F/Utility should have made contact with me if I owed them money!? Thank you
  13. Hi CAG, hope this doesn't come across as too trivial. I have a pet hate about unwanted marketing emails / messages etc, particularly from companies I use, when I've expressly asked not to receive these. It's the reason why I've had the same email and mobile number for over 10 years with little-to-no junk. On the occasions I do get something, I usually pick it up with the company directly to sort it. However, First Utility seems to have crossed a line this time - in the last week or so, I've had a postal letter, 2 texts and an email. However, these aren't strictly from First Utility - but from Siemens, on FU's behalf, trying to get me to buy a smart meter. Am I right in thinking this is not only breaching my request not to receive marketing information, but actually breaches Data Protection by passing my details to a 3rd party? Would be good to go back to them with something more robust than 'please do not send me this' for them to then ignore.
  14. Hi We have been harassed with debt collectors by First Utility. We switched suppliers on 9th February. On 22nd February First Utility put a stop on our account for 8 weeks whilst the final bill was re-assessed. They sent debt collectors to our door on 27th February. The bill was paid on 3rd March. They continued to send many texts asking us to settle the bill. I continue to receive emails and texts harassing me for payment up to yesterday (16th March). First Utility promise to resolve the matter; then the texts and emails continue. They say our details have been wiped from the debt collector's database, but the texts and emails continue. So today I called a charity who get significant funding from First Utility and whom First Utility proudly publicise on their website. I spoke to the account handler who assured me that they have stringent controls and carry out full due diligence on their relationship to companies they are associated with. I pointed out that there could be many desperate families, some of whom they help, who are being similarly harassed by First Utility and that First Utility have a dysfunctional administration system plus a fine disregard for the legalities of sending round debt collectors. Was that really a company they wanted to be associated with? If you have a problem like mine, contact a charity that First Utility supports. Ask to speak to the account handler for First Utility and send them your story. Once you have done that, call First Utility's media centre. I spoke to: Joanne Murefu, First Utility: 07885 966269 These are desperate ways to make First Utility listen and react; but as I had already written to my MP, and the Guardian, and the Telegraph, I was left with no other choice. Challenge the hypocrisy of First Utility: they say on their website: 'We want to change the face of the industry by fighting on your behalf. We're not happy for things to stay as they are so we challenge the status quo to make energy simpler, fairer and cheaper.'
  15. I have been waiting a couple of months for a migration from one energy supplier to another to be completed and get my final bill but I kept getting the same lame assurances that it will happen soon, could be aonther month etc. I found out that my old supplier, Greenstar, hadnt been given the electricity final reading so I got on to the new supplier, who assured me it had been forwarded. I found out that the numbers are passed through various middle men first and then put on a database where the oldco can look at it. Well, guess what? A company called SMS (smart metering systems) based in Cardiff hadnt forwarded the reading given to them so they werent on the database. When I compained to them about their inability to do their job they said that it was a data flow problem insinuating that it was a computer glitch. What they meant is they forgot to do it. These third parties get paid handsomely for basically doing nothing and there is a chain of them involved, not just one. No wonder this country looks like it is struggling, we create methods of cocking things up that others simply couldnt comprehend.
  16. Daughter moved into student rental on 1 sept 2017 had set up her own energy supply on a dual fuel deal at a great price with scottish power take over date was 12 sept. on 2nd sept before it was taken over by sp from british gas and sse, a company called Snowdrop energy hijacked it and took it over. problem is now when snowdrop return gas/elec to british gas and sse who will have to put her on standard rate which is way more than she would have been paying with her new supplier scottish power. Can she get compensation from somewhere for the price difference and the stress/calls etc that have had to be made?
  17. Wasting the time of consumers is a method seemingly being employed in the litigation process, by which time the consumer with the claim runs out of energy and capital. Had a claim for an event against a utility company, a specialist charity informed me that I had one of the best cases they had seen. Hired a lawyer, spent a large amount of time writing the claim and making sure the facts were correct, it was sent to them via the correct legal channels. Then the corporate passed it to a loss adjusters who 'sat' on it for 95% of the time they were allowed, sending back a response which made absolutely no sense. Simply, they lied about maintenance that the utility company performed along with some other very strange facts. Decided that you cannot fight stupidity so put the case on hold. Then, many months later, a family member contacted the loss adjusters mentioning myself, even though they were told directly not to, and the response was something truly unimaginable. You could not make it up, then I started to piece together how the legal system works. As a consumer, most will need to go through the process of a lawyer to write the claim and send it via the correct process, however the corporate can hire a representative that has no legal training and is not part of any professional institute. It means that you have to spend both time and money 'training' their representative to 'see sense', with them adding more irregularities that you need to unravel each time. Simply, the corporate can hire a company with the intelligence of an amoeba following an approach of incremental double-binds, and there is very little you can do to unwind it. I went to both country lawyers and the best London lawyers -not one- noticed that the loss adjusters were -not- legal representatives. They did however, without fail, always ask for a retainer. This begs the question, is it part of the legal system that the consumer pays for trying to coerce sense out of other parties representatives. It is a very successful tactic if you are trying to make the claim ‘go away’. The only solution which seems to neutralise this problem is to fight fire with fire, which would explain why the simpler 'no win no fee' lawyers appear to have a higher success rate. Any settlement would be much lower, however when taken in the overall context of fighting ‘folly’ is that the least worst!
  18. Hi all, I'm hoping someone with knowledge can help. UH are applying for a warrant to enter and fit a prepayment meter. The amount I owe is 349.65. This includes £200 security deposit. Ive got a bit behind but will be able to pay the actual 149.65 I owe next week. They are saying they wont accept that and will pursue the applucation on the basis that I still owe them 200.00. Can they do this? They were the supplier when i moved in and i told them I'd be happy to pay by dd but they wouldn't accept. Legally, is this 200 even a debt?? Thank you!
  19. Hi, on the 17/07 apparently a meter reader attended my home address to read the meter, as no one was at home, they were unable to do so. As such, they pushed a leaflet type letter without any packaging through the mailbox informing me about this. On there, it says that the letter is on behalf of Utility Warehouse (a company I never heard of before this) and it says to contact a mobile number which is always either switched off or is busy. There is no time frame or anything as to when I can call, such as Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 or anything. There is no reference number or membership number on there, despite those words being written at the top. I have always been with British Gas so I have no idea why someone from a completely different company would want to get a meter reading. British Gas have their guy come over on a regular basis to do so as they provide the address with gas and electricity and have done so for over a decade. It states on the letter that if I do not get in contact with them (which I have been trying but the private mobile number is busy or switched off 24/7), that they will get a warrant to come and do so by force. There's a signature but no name or role within the company is stated on there, so I don't even know any names. At the bottom it says that Revenue Protection Services is a business of British Gas Trading Limited. However, as mentioned above, the letter is on behalf of Utility Warehouse. I have tried looking up Revenue Protection Services but have not found any legitimate information or contact details for them anywhere. I have contacted Utility Warehouse via email in relation to this but have not heard anything from them. I saw that another member on this forum got a similar letter a few years back, so I thought I would give it a go. At the moment, there is no mention of money or anything of the sorts - only that they will get a warrant if contact is not made. Has anyone else had any dealings of this nature? I don't know if this letter is even legitimate considering how fake it looks. Any information would be helpful. Kind Regards, G
  20. Hello there Utility company is billing me for tenant’s usage – I have rented a house that I never actually ever got to live in! The first tenants registered the utilities in their name, the next tenant who moved in did not. The Tenant moved into property for approx. 12 months and did not register with Gas and Electricity provider. The tenant moved out of the property and EON I assume have found my residential address from land registry and wrote to me in February advising that there is a £1400 outstanding bill. I contacted them and advised that the tenant was responsible and provided them with her details I had on file. I heard no more from them in July 17 I received another bill from them and then a money claim online order for the outstanding amount. This time billed up until June 2017 so I assume that a standing charge is being added. I have looked at a few sites and think that I might need to do the following, I wondered if anyone else has had this problem and if so how it was resolved. I have completed the response pack to advise that I will defend the claim and I now have a further 12 days to file a defence, I was thinking the relevant points for the defence would be; I have notified them of the tenant’s details that I have Name DOB and time at address. The tenant is responsible for the utility bills as stated on the paperwork the tenant has signed. (This was a single family let and not shared accommodation) Is there any further relevant information I should include? Has anyone used a good solicitor to deal with these issues or do people normally file their own defence? I have also seen that a few people with utility issues have submitted a subject access request to obtain the actual readings that have been taken at the property should I need it later bearing in mind it takes up to 30 days to receive the information. Thanks for reading and any input gratefully received.
  21. Hi all, Looking for advice... National Grid dug up the pavement outside my and my neighbours house last Thursday to replace gas pipes (scheduled work, not emergency). Unfortunately my car was trapped on the drive and they made no effort prior to notify me of works and ask for the car to be moved. The hole was open for 5 days, after which (with warning to them) I took it into my own hands and filled it in. I lost a days work (Saturday), and invoiced them for half a days labour on the Monday (this is confirmed in a recorded phone call). Just wondering what the forum think my next steps should be? It's clearly illegal to block a car on a driveway (New Roads & Street Work Act 1991 / Traffic Management Act 2004) but what and how do I proceed? Thanks in anticipation, Chris
  22. Misleading, and Untrustworthy After having dismal internet connection, my teenage sons couldn't tolerate the awful connection for their ps4. I decided to change my broadband to Virgin so my boys could have really fast broadband for gaming. I have all of services with UW and until that point was a genuinely happy customer. When I informed UW that I wanted to change my broadband, (but keep all my other services, gas,electricity and 3 mobiles) I had the rude retenti...ons call. Essentially I was blackmailed into keeping UW broadband or face a major price rise in my gas & electricity prices and the loss of insurance cover for the mobile phones. As a single parent I couldn't take the financial hit of being forced into fuel poverty. I was patronisingly 'upgraded' to a 22mb per second modem & was assured that would be more than adequate. Not surprisingly we weren't given the installation date we needed and the connection is still useless. After 5 years of being a customer, I thought I was angry until I saw this months bill where I was hit with a £83 data charge. I've had to use my mobile data to see emails since I've been constantly applying for jobs. I emailed UW to challenge this & was informed that it was justifiable since I had been texted to warn me that I was near my data limit but had continued to use my data. So I'm stuck with a bill for over £300. I pointed out that this company relies on people's opinion to save on advertising. I was given the customer number to call. The moral of the story is they are not as cheap as they profess to be. However they are cheap and trashy with their customer service and don't see anything wrong in blackmailing people into staying with them to avoid fuel poverty. Avoid them like the plague, unless you like atrocious customer service and hidden costs.
  23. Im not very good with technology I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place but I am desparate for some advice Im having a horrible time with utility warehouse. its causing me sleepless night and aggravating my health conditions. I have also had to have anti depressants put up from the stress and had to go to bed today for four hours after speaking to them. I am disabled suffer from anxiety stress and depression and also have CFS made worse by stress. I had utility warehouse on bills paid on time every month. sent meter readings as much as I could. (I had to get someone to read my meter cos A) im dumb and didn't understand them and b) I couldn't get to the meter it was low to the floor. After nearly a year they decided to tell me id been underbilled and owed a debt £500 £250 gas £250 electric. They came and put pay and go meters in and said I could pay back through them. They kept either not taking the payment or taking random amounts. One time I only had £5 left to top up and it took it and left me with £1. I was so fed up I decided to switch (not knowing they can object if you have debt, like I say im not very clued up at all) I tried to transfer to ovo, they allowed my electric to transfer, but not my gas. it was very stressful cos everyday id get a letter saying they were going to let me then they weren't. then I got a letter from ovo saying they now had my gas as well and I have been using their card to pay my gas. without problems. I phoned ovo to make sure this was correct and asked on the phone and they confirmed 100% they were as I asked them to. One month later I get a nasty letter from UW asking why I want to transfer. I phone up and said I had already transferred been using new company card and expected to get a letter from them regading making payment. They said I am still with them they wont let me transfer and they will send me their card which I need to use. I called OVO the new supplier 1 hour on phone to be told ive been misinformed, they do not have my gas its still with UW and they were so flippant like oh well we were wrong. yet ive been using their card for over a month top up. Im so miserable and stressed I have so many problems at the mo and health problems making my life a misery plus some scans and tests for cancer coming up which im so worried about. I have m/e and fibromylga get brain fog and really struggle sorting and understanding things. I don't know what to do or were to turn to sort this. it will take years to pay the debt with UW so am I stuck with them? and now am really let down by the new company who I thought wre great, and they have taken over my electric even though that had a debt with out taking the debt themselves. im so confused. any advice would be so appreciated. Thanks One fed up lady
  24. i've recently moved out of a flat i shared with a friend we passed on our final meter readings and we have now received our final bill. To my absolute shock the electricity bill read £628! Immediately i rung up saying there must be some mistake the woman on the phone said it is correct as it was part of the monthly payment plan. Never once when being signed up by someone who works for Utility Warehouse was i told about or explained what the payment plan was. Apparently to keep your monthly bills low they will only charge you a little amount of your electric bill (£7 in my case) but then when you decide to leave you get hit with this massive bill of all the electricity charges you actually owe. When asked why i wasn't told about this and why we weren't just charged for it at the time each month i was unable to get a proper answer. i was just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or know what i should do next ?
  25. I moved into a new apartment just a month ago. Within a week, I got my first letter from Utility Warehouse: September 10th - I received a letter from UW demanding my bank details for direct debit, otherwise asking for a deposit. September 17th - Demanded a deposit of £100 per utility (gas/electricity), with a threat to install pre-payment meters. September 28th - Another introduction as my supplier and demand for £100 per utility. October 12th - Demanded payment for £200, threatening a court warrant to enter premises by force and install pre-payment meters with a further charge of £720 for being a dual-fuel customer. Fortunately, I have changed over to another supplier (SSE), though that was blocked because the gas meter didn't have a serial number. I couldn't get the serial number of the meter until I had a bill. So after all those letters grief and aggro, I finally get a bill for £12 from UW.
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