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Found 18 results

  1. I have been received loads of emails that say Amazon orders have been canceled, which is funny as i have not ordered anything from Amazon for ages. Thought it was SPAM, but checked online for reports just in case. http://www.hoax-slayer.net/amazon-canceled-order-spam-emails/
  2. Hi CAG, hope this doesn't come across as too trivial. I have a pet hate about unwanted marketing emails / messages etc, particularly from companies I use, when I've expressly asked not to receive these. It's the reason why I've had the same email and mobile number for over 10 years with little-to-no junk. On the occasions I do get something, I usually pick it up with the company directly to sort it. However, First Utility seems to have crossed a line this time - in the last week or so, I've had a postal letter, 2 texts and an email. However, these aren't strictly from First Utility - but from Siemens, on FU's behalf, trying to get me to buy a smart meter. Am I right in thinking this is not only breaching my request not to receive marketing information, but actually breaches Data Protection by passing my details to a 3rd party? Would be good to go back to them with something more robust than 'please do not send me this' for them to then ignore.
  3. Vodafone customers in the UK can apparently expect a significant reduction in spam calls, after the mobile operator installed new barring technology across its network. During pre-release tests, Vodafone claimed it had blocked 425,000 nuisance and [problem] calls in a single day, while over the course of a week-long trial, nuisance call attempts to its customers dropped to under a thousand. The perpetrators, Vodafone said, "realised their calls could not enter the network." http://arstechnica.co.uk/business/2016/09/vodafone-blocks-majority-of-spam-calls-across-its-network/
  4. Hey! , Just come across this forum in google and seen a bulk of posts about CRS who i have received a email from and just wanted to post my my situation and any advice on this would be much appreciated Its Fairly brief i have had the below email come through to my Spam account - this is the first and only time i have had any correspondence from them Hello XXXXXXX Following our recent e-mail, we note that you still have an outstanding balance £204.42. We want to help you resolve this as soon as possible. We can set up a payment plan or look at a settlement figure to resolve this. Please call us today on 01444 449165 between 08:30am and 6:00pm. Your reference number is --------. If you would prefer us to call you, please confirm a suitable number to reach you on. We regret that if we do not hear from you within the next 7 days, your account will be transferred to our Solicitors Spratt Endicott for further action. Many thanks, Rob Avery CRS Collections Manager Credit Resolution Services and CRS are trading styles of Harlands Services Ltd. Registered Office: : 2nd Floor, Rockwood House, 9 - 17 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3TW. Company Registration No. 2982925. VAT Registration No. 799 7113 70 It doesn't even state that the debt is for or who with what so ever I've had no letter and no calls , plus this came through my spam account i can only assume it has something to do with a X4L membership i have had two years ago , ,,, i also have a current X4L membership still running at the moment i still use that gym . if i find out this is to do with that i will be cancelling this also Im in the middle of a mortgage approval and fear the implications of this so feel the need to speak to them but this seems very vague ....? can anybody give me a insight into this Thanks
  5. The largest-ever fine for cold-calling has been handed down by the Information Commissioner's Office. Brighton-based company Prodial was fined £350,000 for generating more than 46 million spam calls. More than 1,000 people complained to the ICO about the automated message calls they had received from the company, which related to PPI claims. Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said: "This is one of the worst cases of cold calling we have ever come across. "The volume of calls made in just a few months was staggering. "This was a company that knew it was breaking the law. "A company director admitted that once the ICO became involved, the company shut down. "That stopped the calls, but we want to send a clear message to other firms that this type of law-breaking will not pay. "That is why we have handed out our highest ever fine." https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/company-fined-350k-46-million-155618593.html
  6. I received the following but can't quit work out if she wants me to build something or is being dirty? "Good Afternoon, We have acquired a render from you for the sum of £ 2669. Please would you provide me with a remittance, in order for me to align the statement. I will be sending on you a statement of outstanding invoices tomorrow, the aggregate amount of outstanding is £ 3195 less the 1 total acquired making a aggregate outstanding of £ 526. We would very much appreciate settlement of this. As previously referred we switched to a limited company on 1st December 2014. We are keen to terminate all the old accounts down, for both tax and year end reasons. We would be very grateful in your assistance in erecting the outstanding. If you need any transcript of invoices please do not hesitate to contact us Regards, Estella Franco"
  7. New Which? research has revealed a startlingly low awareness of the 7726 text service that enables you to report spam texts for free. A whopping 90% of people said they have never heard of this number to report spam text messages to their mobile phone provider. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is now warning of an imminent increase in spam text messages following the changes to pension rules coming into force on 6 April. You can report spam texts directly to your mobile phone provider. All operators now use 7726 - with the exception of Vodafone who uses 87726 - as the short code to report spam texts which is free of charge. Once reported you should get an automated response thanking you for the report and giving you further instructions. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/04/most-people-in-the-dark-about-reporting-spam-texts-399675/
  8. Netflix have confirmed that an email I received from secure @ netflix.co.uk asking for updated billing details is not from them. Luckily I don't have a Netflix account so it was pretty obvious to me, but perhaps not to everyone.
  9. I use different email addresses for different sites (e.g. for this one it's consumeractiongroup@*****.plus.com) so I can identify, if spammed, where my address has been harvested from. Look what I received today:- Yes folks, it looks like the email address list of CAG may have been harvested by spammers and sc ammers, because I doubt they'd just happen across that address by accident.
  10. I use an e-mail address specifically for CAG, and have never given it out other than as part of my CAG registration . I've just been spammed on it. The (probably faked) "sender" was [email protected] , while the subject line was "It's not magic it's a method to make lots of money." It promises me untold riches via playing roulette, and has a clickable link that goes back to urlpp.com (? A redirection site?) Is this a spam using CAG ' s e-mail list (has anyone else had the same?) Is this (rather than a "leak" of CAG 's email list) just spammers "guessing" valid email combinations??
  11. Several posters over on MSE have reported receiving this text today:- "To prevent bailiffs calling tomorrow visit www.bailiffs-gov.co.uk and enter PRN********* AND PIN ****" This is the experience of one poster:- I visited the website and it informed me that I owed £80 for an unpaid parking fine, broken down into £60 for the fine and £20 for fees. I no longer own the vehicle in question but I did when the alleged offence took place which was 22nd March 2012!! The whole thing smells iffy if you ask me for the following reasons: I don't remember receiving a note attached to my windscreen/posted to my address If I had received a Penalty Charge Notice from my council I would have either paid or contested it Why text me rather than write instead/as well? There is no reference to these alleged bailiffs on the government website All government websites are .gov.uk NOT .gov.co.uk My local councils procedure following non-payment of Penalty Charge Notices are totally different to how these 'bailiffs' work. Collection is sought for after 28 days via a charge certificate after which I have 14 days before bailiffs come out. So 42 days......not over 365! I then received an identical text from a different number (+447445674938) 14 minutes later which suggests spam Other posters have reported that they don't even own a car with that registration, or it was off the road, and even not owning a car at all. So be warned!
  12. We are getting reports of people receiving spam emails to their email addresses whcih they have used to sign up to the CAG. We are checking but it seems that our email database may have been hacked. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to you. You should always be very careful when opening emails - and especially be careful about clicking links contained in them. We'll report back here as we find out any more.
  13. Hi all have just got a new car through Motability lease and within 2 weeks have had at least 50 spam e-mails for all types of logbook loans. Love to know where these gutter scrapers get the info from had none before I got this car. dpick
  14. How can We prevent being spammed from journalist Martin Lewis if We follow the Twitter feed for CAG ? If I want Professional Financial Advice, I visit a Professionally Trained Financial Advisor. But, for anyone who does know about Icesave and the other Icelandic Banks which failed, the following Channel 4 news with journalist Martin Lewis will be quite illuminating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx-ySEKUURI
  15. I recently received a text from 84433 which is a company called Mediaburst. They seem to be real and respond to emails. The text was marketing some financial service. I googled 84433 and it took me to Mediaburst's website where it said that I could unsubscribe by sending "stop" to the number. I did this and then emailed the company to find out where they got my number from. Unsurprisingly I was told that another company had used their service to send the text. I asked for and was given their details and again, unsurprisingly, this turned out to be a marketing company. I have yet to pursue them to find out who they were acting on behalf of but I intend to do so as I'm fed up with spam texts. What has really annoyed me about this is that I now find that I was charged for the stop message. O2 treat it as a premium text. I don't see why I should have to pay to unsubscribe to a service that I never subscribed to in the first place. The charge was only 10p but if 10,000 recipients of the spam sent a stop message, someone is making £1,000 out of this. I have a couple of questions: 1) Does anyone know who is likely to have profited from this i.e. will Mediaburst receive any revenue from the stop message? 2) Is there a legal basis for the charge? I don't see where there is a contract between me and anyone other than O2. Of course O2 has offered to refund the charge but I would rather pursue Mediaburst or their client (or their client's client) if possible. I think there is a real point of principle here and I'm spoiling for a fight.
  16. I have received a text from the phone number : 07500580617 saying "Records passed to us show you're entitled to a refund approximately £2130 in compensation from mis-selling of PPI on your credit card or loan. Reply INFO or STOP" It is a Vodaphone number. How do I find out who owns the number? If I make a complaint to Vodaphone and the number keeps spamming me or I receive further similar texts can I recover time and costs etc from Vodaphone associated with delaing with this spam if I am unable to find out ( Or Vodaphone are unable to tell me ) who owns the number?
  17. Hello out there to anyone who can help. I currently have a thread running in legal issues http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/192275-ccj-interest-debt.html and as the advice I've been given has made me lift my head out of the sand a little more I thought I'd try and tackle my issues with Barclaycard. I had accounts with Goldfish and Morgan Stanley(probably around 7-10 years old) which unfortunately ran into difficulty. I arranged payments with both these accounts on an interest free basis and all was running smoothly. Since last year Barclaycard have take over both the accounts and I believe they are going to try and railroad me. They've already started to charge interest on the accounts (which I have had to get refunded)despite my arrangements and are starting to prove troublesome. Is it worth trying the account(s) in dispute tactic and sending SARs etc to see what they hold on me and if they have the CA's on these accounts bearing in mind the age of them. I've never trusted Barclaycard and previous accounts I have had with them I have settled. I did not choose them as my creditors and I would love to get them off my back if I can. Any suggestions where I might start?
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