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  1. Hello, I will keep it short. I bought a TV from JL in May 2018 I noticed a possible fault and have video evidence with dates etc so confirm it was within the 30 days and six months, I made a silly error of trying to put up with it as wasnt sure if it was a fault or that it was a characteristic of LCD TV's (I had a plasma) only down the line nearly six months later I am to find it was a faulty panel and a new panel for my TV was needed. I understand under the Consumer rights after 30 days but before six months I have to give the retailer a chance to repair if they think that is the best way forward (I asked for a refund/replacement first, they said no) an engineer confirmed it was faulty and a new panel was supplied by Panasonic and the repair at my home was to happen today. After an hour of stripping the TV down and the new panel fitted it was put back together and powered up but only to find that the new panel was smashed so you can imagine how annoyed myself and the engineer was. The TV has been taken away to be repaired in the workshop. I contacted JL and rejected the goods as unfit and the fact they have had one chance of repair which was unsuccessful. They replied that the TV will go ahead and will be repaired and returned to me and I would get a small compensation. I said no I am rejecting it but they insist that because it wasnt actually fully put back together (back panel was still off) and tested that it isnt classed as a unsuccessful repair. So what do you think, am I right or are they right? they are now waiting for a Martin Dawes report. I have sent a letter of rejection. I paid using paypal and £100 JL voucher. My mistake and I know I am kicking myself was not to do this within the first 30 days but I have my reasons. thanks ​ Fuming even more now. The engineer JL used, Martin Dawes have just rang to tell me they have put the old panel back in and say its within spec. it certainly isnt, this is the same engineers who stated it had a faulty panel in the first place and agreed with my complaints about banding, pixelation etc. I did notice when the engineer was moving the new panel on the trestle they use he bent it downwards but though nothing of it, maybe he had broken it and or Panasonic wont replace it so looking for an easy way out or JL have had a word.
  2. MoneySavingExpert founder Martin Lewis is suing Facebook for defamation following “repeated fake adverts from [problem]mers it refuses to stop publishing” In a statement on MoneySavingExpert, Lewis wrote: “I get about five messages a day from people saying, ‘I’ve just seen your Bitcoin ad and wanted to check it.’ If that is the number who get through to me, how many more must be just taken in?” Well i have seen these adverts have you. I very nearly lifted a floorboard to take out some of my secret stash after thinking well he is a chap you can trust. I came so close but nailed the floorboard back down again. The phone did not stop ringing for weeks.Trying to entice the old owl.From all over the world. Has anyone else nearly fallen into the trap. Or maybe fallen straight through it. Just wondering as you do.
  3. Here's the back story so far: 1. I order a washing machine from John Lewis online. 2. It arrives & is installed by John Lewis. 3. It starts leaking an hour or so after arrival. I call JL straight away & they tell me they can't refund or replace and suggest I call the manufacturer of the machine. 4. I call the manufacturer & they don't answer the phone for hours & it keeps getting cut off. I call back JL, they call the manufacturer for me. JL still insists upon a manufacturer's engineer visit, the next one is 8 days away. 5. A week later, engineer arrives at a unexpected time. He can't find anything wrong with the machine & doesn't understand why it's leaking. He can't wait 2 hours to watch it start leaking when turned on so I show him photos of the leak. He asks me if I use tablets in the drawer, I explain I don't. In fact I only use liquid capsules in the drum, he says that's fine. I explained it leaks even without detergent, so it's nothing to do with that anyway. He says he doesn't understand it. He leaves. 6. JL contact me to say the engineer thinks I used tablets in the drawer & that I should stop doing that then it will stop leaking. I explained I do not & it leaks even without detergent used. 7. JL tell me I have to arrange another engineer visit but might have to pay £90 if again no fault is found. I decline. I explain a second engineer visit won't make a difference & it isn't just about money, it's the time & hassle involved. I explain it looks like a design flaw- the water leaks under the drawer during filling up & drops down over the front of the machine after a couple of hours. JL refuse to do anything more about it. 8. I can't survive without a washing machine so I purchase a new washing machine from the same manufacturer from elsewhere, which works fine & doesn't leak. JL still refuse to do anything more. End result: I've had to pay for 2 machines, one leaks & I'll have to sell describing the problem with it, on ebay, making a loss. What are the consumer rights regarding this situation? Thanks
  4. Hello all, Just under 2 years ago I bought a 15" Macbook Pro. I have had an iPhone die on me before so to negate what I consider slightly fragile products I bought the laptop through John Lewis as it came with a 3 year warranty (as well as having a positive public image towards repairs/replacements). About 6 months ago the screen cracked, this was extremely annoying as I was sure that it wasn't my fault, the laptop had flashed up warnings of overheating I put it in a cool place, let it recharge when I came back the screen was cracked. I expected it to be covered under the warranty after having the laptop sent off I got sent a bill for £803 to have it mended. This i thought was excessive and I refused to pay to have it repaired (it was sent back with the damaged screen) after 2 months struggling without a laptop I decided to count it as a life lesson and take the hit. It was sent off and repaired at a cost of £797.84. I was annoyed I hadn't taken out insurance on the laptop at the start (when I first called John Lewis I thought it was included with the warranty) and considering how easily the screen had broken I was keen to have it insured from the start. After checking it was fine I left it in the blow up package it was sent to me in, and went to look on my home computer for an insurance company that would insure a device over 6 months old. The next day coming back to check that laptop was working I was dismayed to find a crack on the opposite side of the screen. This was unacceptable, the first time it was damaged I was treating the laptop properly but couldn't rule out damage happening that I didn't notice (ie something falling on it, someone knocking it over), this time I was meticulous in making sure no damage whatsoever could effect the laptop yet once again the hairline crack reappeared. I called up John Lewis technical support, explained what had happened and was keen to get it sorted again as soon as possible. Unfortunately I was going on holiday very soon and so it wasn't picked up for a good 2 weeks. The laptop was recovered and John Lewis went dark. A generic email I received when I organised the second repair mentioned it taking up to 28 days to repair I waited 27 and sent an email asking what was happening, I got a call the next day (a Sunday) saying the repair was on hold but the company doing the repair wasn't open till Monday so they couldn't ask why it was on hold. They were very polite and said someone would call me on Monday and relay their findings. No call came till Wednesday (an answerphone message asking to call back and quote a reference number), I didn't notice this voicemail till Friday, I was too late to call back the next day I called up and they explained that it was on hold as "it was accidental damage" and so once again I was to pay. I was furious and even more angry when it transpired this time the bill was £1380 as for some reason includes a new top case and battery (I believe the top case is glued to the screen so not surprising but the battery is a completely different issue and I am not sure either how it is damaged-it was working fine- or why I would be charged if it was faulty-surely it would be covered under the warranty). The laptop was £1600 to start with so these repairs will cost more than a new model. I am gutted this is all happening, I really like John Lewis and its ethos and have always heard they are very good with customer service and don't squabble about fine print etc. Like I said before I do treat my devices well, and especially in the second case I know this isn't my fault. Being left in the dark and constantly shuffled between departments is annoying but not my main concern, I am anxious that this second repair is not charged to me. I am considering making a small claims court case as a few similar stories (including one about a cracked screen) seem to have worked in the past against John Lewis but am unfamiliar with either the process, any documentation I will need or the chances of success. Thank you everyone for reading this, any help would be very much appreciated cheers, Alex
  5. Hi, I am hoping someone here can give me some advice as I am really worried about this I changed my home insurers to John Lewis (from NatWest) in January this year. No specific reason as I was always happy with NatWest but my premium had increased so I shopped around. To my knowledge I gave JL details of all previous claims (i.e. I am not aware that I failed to mention any) and I did not take out no claims protection or did I benefit from a no claims reduction in my new policy. In June last year I claimed with Natwest for a damaged speaker under the accidental section of my policy. Last Thursday my daughter dropped one of my wireless speakers and it was not repairable so, given the cost of it (£499), I contacted JL to make a claim. They offered me a cash settlement which I was happy with but then called to say that "due to the number of undisclosed claims" they would be referring not only my claim for the speaker but also my entire policy to their underwriters. Today I get a call from the Cotswold Group wanting to interview me over the telephone about my claim. I didn't answer because I was in a meeting. I googled them and they are private investigators and insurance fraud specialists I then received an email asking me to make an appointment to discuss my claim and policy naturally I am very confused and scared as to why JL have instructed them to contact me? I decided that given the simplicity of the claim I would call JL to advise them I no longer wanted to proceed as it all seemed rather odd. The chap I spoke to said "I will pass this on to our specialist team" which again caused some alarm. He was very abrupt and then literally minutes later I get another email from The Cotswold Group saying this: "I have received a call from John Lewis to advise of your call mentioned below. They have confirmed they are unable to accept the withdrawal of the claim as we have been appointed to carry out further enquiries in relation to your claim and policy before any decision can be agreed." They are INSISTING I speak to them and I am thinking Why am I being investigated for what JL obviously think is insurance fraud by a team of private investigators specialising in "deep web mining"? Even if i did omit to mention the NatWest Claim last year it was definitely not on purpose! I am quite literally terrified now. Can someone please help or explain why they are doing this and how I should respond to the email from The Cotswold Group. Why are JL refusing to allow me to drop my claim??
  6. Back in February we bought a fridge freezer from our local John Lewis store. We noticed around June that there was an excessive build up of ice on the back of the fridge. We called out the engineer and he said it was normal. He also showed me where the ice goes when it melted. We then noticed in July that the ice was melting and the water was landing/dripping onto food on the shelves beneath it. I sent another email to JL and they arranged for the engineer to return - his response was that because of all the fridge magnets on the front of the fridge door had caused the door to become misaligned, due to the weight of all the magnets, preventing the door from sealing properly! I did have to laugh ! What a pathetic excuse. Ironically, it was the same engineer who came before and hadnt said anything about the magnets then ! Hmmm ! I have now told the store that I am now exercising my rights under the sales of Goods act 1979 to either repair or replace the defective fridge freezer. However, should this fail would I have any redress from the bank as I used my debit card to pay ? How long do you have before you are no longer entitled to claim ? thanks Dean
  7. Hi on April 2015 i went to lewis's edmonton to buy bed eventually i liked one of the display model and it was half price i have decided to buy it by finance and paid some deposit onfront, i went through all the process and apply finance with lewis's with their partner finance company called ikano .After all my direct debit payment hasnt taken then two weeks aga someone called me from lewis's and told me that when they do finance, person who done the finance didnt click the e signutare therefore finance company didnt complete finance agreement dispate i did get copy of agreement which was including e signutare on it. They called me to store to get my signutare. I went today to store and i have been told that i had to go all the way again and apply for new finance. I told them i dont want to do it because when i have applied on april my application was gone through and i got my all papers lady admit their mistake and want me to do it again which i refused to do. Because when i did apply finance it was effected my credit score which was decreased by 30 points and i told them i dont want do it. I owned them total 350 pound and offered them 250 pound to settle but lady refused and told me to pay 300 pound cash which i refused because i prepered myself to pay it in 12 months and after all its not my faults. Then staff told me they going to come and collect the bed and if i dont give bed back told me that they going to take legal action. I would like to find out what should i do in this case? I have bought bed and got my finance approved but after all they come to me finance didnt complete then asked me to do again which i tought another credit application will affect my credit score again therefore i didint do it. I dont know what to do now, do i have any rights to go against them?
  8. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-writes-letter-john-lewis-152212297.html Well done John Lewis
  9. Hi all, Bought a hotpoint tumble dryer from John Lewis back in December 2012. So far I have had no problems. In december 2015 I received a letter (attached ) stating that the model I have TCFG87C6P, is faulty, a fire hazard and needs modification to make it safe to use. Now I have used the machine many times and gone out leaving it on, only now to find out that it could potentially have burnt the house down. Luckily this has not happened. I am aware the product is out of warranty but am I within my rights to request a new tumble dryer from John Lewis, considering that the one they sold me in the first place was never fit for use of more to the point safe to use. Any help much appreciated. Kind Regards BB John lewis tumble dryer indesit_Redacted.pdf
  10. I find this story quite amusing. The Mother has said she was made to feel like a rubbish mum - but instead of a quiet word of complaint to the Manager/Head office - she rushes off to the Newspaper ? Was the store right to ask the Mother and child to leave ?
  11. Is the mentioned DCA known as someone else now does anyone know ? If so can someone kindly advise contact details. Thank-you
  12. Hello there and thanks in advance for any help you can give. I have recently bought a Samsung 7000 series TV from JL and have persistently had lip synch issues. I have contacted Samsung and followed all their advice to no avail. I've now been back to JL to ask for a replacement TV and been told that there are non in stock, but 160 expected soon. However, they also say that they won't reserve one for me until they're in stock, and, the expected delivery may already all be sold. My question is, shouldn't existing, defective equipment, be replaced before any new orders are fulfilled? Surely, using their existing policy, I could potentially never get a replacement TV if JL always supply new orders before existing, defective units are addressed. Any helpful advice is gratefully received.
  13. Hi, Hopefully someone can help with this.. My wife took out a debenhams card back in 2005 due to difficult circumstances in 2008 she defaulted on the account. this lead to eventually having a CCJ registered against her and a charge put on the property in October 2009. i have all the paperwork for this including the original agreement she signed in store, default notice court claim form the works. we are in a better position now and would like to know what would be the best outcome for resolving this? The CCJ is for just over £2k The ideal outcome would be to get the charge removed removed from the property, the CCJ removed from the credit file and a chunk if not all of the outstanding balance written off but that maybe too optimistic. any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance Covers22
  14. Have a bit of a problem with the duo above. I had a welcome loan which I defaulted on and was initially passed to Lewis Debt Recovery. I agreed a payment plan with Lewis and set up a standing order which has been going out since 2009, the last payment was made in December. Haven't heard a peep of Lewis since so as far as I was concerned everything was fine. I received a letter from Welcome Finance today notifying me that I have been served under section 87 with a default notice and that they may exercise their rights to enforce collection unless I clear the arrears before 24th January. Can they issue two default notices on the same account as I already have one from 2009 and I have not missed a payment since agreeing a payment plan which I would like to continue. Can someone please advise me the best way to approach this situation with Welcome I would like some advice prior to speaking to them on the phone on Monday.
  15. Hello, I've finally dragged my head out of the sand with regards to my debt background. It's all a bit patchy and I'm trying to make headway, but some of it is confusing. I have an ongoing court threat I am dealing with on another forum. But I have a few other things that are confusing me. I was being chased by robinson way for a debt with next. I cca'd them last year and got a few letters from RW saying they were looking into it. Then last week i got a letter from the Lewis group, saying that my debt with CL Finance was now paid off and to stop making payments. I've not been making payments?! My first question is, Could it be that lewis/cl finance were part of the robinson way problem and it's now closed? I am also being chased for a mobile bill that is disputed, but that is SB'd and doesnt show on my credit file, so i can deal with that I think. I genuinely don't owe that money either Lastly I have a default on my credit file under the name hoist? It's for quite a lot, and I can't think what it could be for? I did have a small mail order account that had £100 on it, but surely this can't be it,as its for 6 times that amount! Has anyone heard of hoist before or know what they are about, and who they are related to? Thanks everyone.
  16. Hi all, i am wondering if you can help me. Ive had the most distressing phone call with an advisor from Eurdio. I was completing my deferment application and become quite concerned when I came to section 9 which asked for gross total income including state benefits. I currently receive rent that is heavily subsidised by housing benefit as I rent privately, I receive some council tax benefit, child and working tax and child benefit. My wages are only £900 per month but when I added the above benefits my gross total income was above their £2398 threshold for deferment. I contacted them to see if the above benefits were included in what they considered my gross income and I was told that they were. I tried to explain that the above were means tested that were used to help me pay my rent which is £1400 per month (I live in London) and my childcare and that I could not see how these could be used. They said that they had a list of all benefits that could be used in their calculations and that both housing benefit, child tax credits and child benefits could be. Is this right?, I have complained and will escalate to ombudsman if necessary Things are so tight for me at the moment I cant deal with another bill. Please help
  17. The Professionals star Lewis Collins has died aged 67, his agent said. The actor, who played Bodie in the crime drama alongside co-star Martin Shaw, died in Los Angeles yesterday after a five-year struggle with cancer. Link: http://www.itv.com/news/update/2013-11-28/the-professionals-actor-lewis-collins-dies-aged-67/
  18. I sometimes wonder what an earth these people think they are doing. Background first: Wife had a store card with Evans, I was out of work for a while and card was low priority so was not paid. Evans got stroppy, then passed debt to Lewis Group. Eventually, Howard Cohen obtained a CCJ. I was ill at the time and they did their usual opposing my wife's defence on the day before the hearing. We only got their letter on the day the hearing had already taken place. The CCJ has sat there for a number of years. We tried to get it set aside, I can't recall just what happened but it wasn't allowed. Cohen have sent an annual statement ever since and that's all. The original debt was only a fraction of the amount they claimed, that much I do remember, and was made up mainly of lots charges my wife had objected to. Now, out of the blue, she has two letters - one with Hoist and CL Finance on the heading, the other with Robinson Way, same signature on both, both in same envelope. First says that CL Finance (part of Lewis) has assigned all rights to Hoist. They confirm that Cohen have been instructed in this mater on behalf of Hoist, but to make payment to Robbers Way. I know that 'Howard Cohen' is a Leeds solicitor who just hires out his name to Lewis Group to put a legal-looking stamp on their activities. I had the mis-fortune to work at their Cleckheaton offices at one time, but got out when I realised what their trade was. Back then, 'Cohen' was just another little office down the corridor, attached to the same computer system but had a printer loaded with Cohen headed paper. The guys in there just filled envelopes and sent them out. all that aside - if a CCJ was obtained by Cohen (aka lewis) - how can that be assigned to Robbers Way/Hoist ? I know Lewis have 'gone' since being taken over. My first thought is to continue ignoring them, although I realise that a CCJ will not expire under the statute barred time limits. A CCJ can't just be assigned like this can it ? I'm now registered disabled and therefore on allowances and virtually housebound. We are not in a position to pay these people anyway. Another thought is to go back to Evans and do a SAR, get details of the inflated charges they applied to her account (pre OFT £12 max rules) and make a claim on that, then IF we manage to get any joy out of that, to offer it back directly to Evans as F&F. Any thoughts anyone ?
  19. I owe £9700 to the Cooperative bank credit card (which I originally took out in around 1995 when i was living in the UK although I now live in Spain). A couple of years ago I lost my job. I carried on paying the debt back at the minimum payments as long as I could but eventually could not pay any longer (about £150 per month). Initially the co-op said as I did not have any extra income, I did not have to pay for 6 months and they would freeze the interest. However, after the time was up they sent me a letter (which I did not get in time due to the vagaries of the Spanish postal system) saying I had to respond in 7 days otherwise they would pass my debt over to a collection agency. I replied to the letter the day I received saying I could still not pay or over anything in final settlement as I am currently unemployed and receiving no benefits and my husband (he is Spanish) salary is below the poverty line and we have 2 children. We have a house with a mortgage in Spain. I have no assets in the Uk. I do owe around 2k to Barclaycard which I have continued to pay throughout this time as well as an account with the Next Directory whcih I have now paid off. I received a letter back informing me that they had passed the debt to the Lewis Group and today have received a letter to my home from Lewis grp saying that they have been instructed by their client to recover the debt. That it is imperative for me to pay the amount in full immediately and that it is in my interest to ensure this matter is dealt with as quickly as possible. What should I do now please? I cannot repay the money. The amount I could afford to pay monthly would only be around £20 and that would be a push. What do you recommend please. FYI I have lved in Spain continuously for 15 years and co-op bank were aware I was living in Spain and have sent my statements and correspondence here for many years although when I initially defaulted they did try and call my parents home in the UK severak times (an address where I have never lived incidentally but which I have sometimes used for mailing purposes). Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Hi, I will try to make this as short as possible... In 2006 I received letters from the Lewis Group concerning a debt owed to NEXT. I asked them repeatedly for the CCA as I had no recollection of this debt and has not lived at the address they claimed it was taken out since 2000. They used their usual threats and because I did no know any better I started paying them £10 a month. To cut a long story short, I carried on paying this debt until this month. In the meantime, I had contact from Lowell about the same account, in 2013. I asked them for the same information about the account and all they could provide was a couple of statements dated 2004 as NEXT said the account was closed. In the end Lowell sent a letter saying they had taken a commercial decision and decided that no money was owing on this account. However, due to constant changing of reference numbers, I have only just twigged that I have been paying Lewis for this debt still. However, although Lewis have agreed they sent the account back to NEXT in 2011, they deny any money is owed back to me. I therefore have been paying Lewis £10 a month for the past two years for a debt that they didn't have. The problem comes that they have used a different reference number, therefore I have been paying under a different reference number for the past two years. It adds up to £220.00. I have complained to Lewis and they are saying they do not believe they owe me any money, but they are not acknowledging the amount I paid once the account was sent back to NEXT. They just say they do not owe me any of the £870.00 they claimed while the were dealing with it. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I get this money back?
  21. I've had letter from Lewis debt rec for 2686.82. They state I need to pay by 19th August. I can't find this debt on my Equifax report and though I have had past debts, t hey have been paid and upto date. I dont recognise this amount and no client is mentioned apart from CL finance and a reference number that looks like a mastercard credit card number. Should I ignore this letter? Or should I contact and enquire.
  22. In May of this year, two searches of my Equifax credit file were made by the Lewis Group - supposedly a debt collection agency. I ignored the searches, and a couple of months later, the searches were removed. This evening, around 6pm, I received a phone call from a pleasant sounding lady asking for me by name. I asked who was calling, after confirming my first name only, she said she was from the Lewis Cabot (or something that sounded similar, but did not sound like Lewis Group - I only got Lewis Group from looking up the number that called me). She wanted me to confirm my address, and I said that since she wouldn't tell me what the call was about, that I wasn't prepared to divulge any of my personal information. She said that they had written letters to me - if they have, I've not received any, and I've lived at my current address for over 6 years! She insisted that it was important that I speak to them - she said that she would write to me again, and that I am to call the number. As far as I am aware, I have no outstanding debts - I have had a couple of CCJs in the past, but my credit file is clear and has been for a good few years. My concerns are:- 1) My number is ex-directory - how can they get it? 2) This is not the first time a debt collection agency has contacted me. Late last year, another debt collection agency (McKenzie something or other) called me, and I did get as far as finding out that they were looking for someone with my name, but one of the addresses they had for this person was totally unknown to me. 3) I lived in a town about 9 years ago where there was someone else with the same name as me - I only know this because we shared the same bank branch, a nd that bank screwed up and my account got emptied out! (It was rectified soon after) It may not of course be me that they are after, but nevertheless, I am not comfortable to divulge any information about myself to a company that I know nothing about. Is there anything I could or SHOULD do, or do I just ignore it?
  23. Hi There Does anyone know the account number and sort code for the Lewis Debt Recovery Group based in Yorkshire ? I have run out of payment slips and need to make a payment. I rung them and they wouldn't give me the details as I refused to go through a in depth review of my account ! Thanks Honeypot xxx
  24. About a year ago I came home to find a card from a doorstep collector collecting on behalf of Lewis Group, I sent of a letter withdrawing any implied right of access to my property, I never heard any more from them after that until today when I came home (I've been working away from home since January so been away since then) and found another card from a doorstep collector on behalf of Lewis Group. This card had something about a Pre Enforcement Visit on it, and had the same name and number as the doorstep collector on the other card. There was no date or time on the card so I don't know when this visit was. I've got a few debts but none which are being handled by Lewis Group and I can't recall any other correspondence from them - I keep all letters regarding my money problems but nothing lately from Lewis Group. As I've already sent them a letter withdrawing any right to visit my property is there anything else that can be done? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
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