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  1. Hello, I've read other threads and the advice is to ignore all things related to RLP as they cannot legally fine you or collect a speculative debt without justifying the costs However, I wanted to ask in relation to this about what the guards said Firstly, they took my address, name and had me sign 2 forms, one being the RLP and another as a banning order They said that had notified/contacted the police and that no one was available after maybe 15 minutes I'm asking whether or not this notification to the police to check my identity will be recorded on my record of any sort They retained the alleged items and safely released me Should I be concerned with future police contact or is it unlikely it will go any further? Additionally, they said they had me on CCTV, if this changes anything Lastly, I am remorseful for what I've done and I'm going to seek help for it and I am aware that CAG does not support, nor encourage shoplifting Thank you very much for your time, Chaotic
  2. Submitted claim for mis sold PPI on Debenhams store card in Feb 2016. The card was sold to me whilst being served in Debenhams clearance dept in 2000. Queue of people waiting : assistant "crossed" the parts of the form including payment protection. Santander dismissed my claim : not mis sold : Couldn't refer to FOS as pre- regulation. However Santander then wrote back after the Plevin ruling. Possible unfair relationship because of the commission. They rang me last week for further info ie employment, savings etc at the time I took the card out (18 years ago!!). They say I will have a final response by 5th July 2018. Not holding my breath, but let's see. Am I correct in my understanding that if they refuse my claim I can then contact Genworth Insurance and if they also refuse I can then refer Genworth to FOS?? Many thanks as always
  3. Hi, Was contemplating a Mis-selling PPI claim against Debehams for a mid 90s account for my wife. I have the original letter which shows it was sold over the phone a few weeks after the account was opened. I think makes it clear that she can cancel at any point and encourages her to read the terms and conditions, so initial reaction was no mis-sell. However. having read the letter again it closes saying (paraphrase) "we encourage all our customers to take this good value insurance" Clearly the insurance wasn't suitable for everybody, and in my wife case she had alternative insurance. So given this will be painful (Santander then underwriter etc.) wonder what people thought the chances of a successful claim were, giving the misleading statement at the end Thanks Rob
  4. Good afternoon, Please advise with this PCN, i've stayed in that car park and paid for 4 hours ( Sunday) was late at the end of shopping day to leave car park in 15 minutes ( also take 5-10 minutes after we enter in the park and paid at the cash machine, as we waiting others customer who told us he will clear a space - only one at that time ), maybe that's why it give me now total 27 minutes overstayed paid 4 hours . ( I've assumed that's the reason for this PCN ) ""For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions: There were three tickets issued for the sake of clarity this is the answer for one of them: 1 Date of the infringement: 10/09/2017 2 Date on the NTK: 26/09/2017 3 Date received: 28/09/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No. ( just small note that CEL have photographic evidence ) 6 Have you appealed? No. Have you had a response? N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Civil Enforcment Ltd ( creditor) , 8 Exactly where [car park name and town]: in the basement, Dagehams Guildford, 164 Millbrook, GU1 3UU, 1 pond/per hour . For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. they have siad with small notes is the BPA. Also see attached my edited file (pdf extension- I've only deleted my name, address and car details). Please advise if I should start appealing based on that they send this letter after 14 days from incident date ? I must also ask them photographic evidence to better understand why is this PCN ? Thank you. Please rescan and redact the PCN number (showing in three places). Mr.P siteteam PCN ( saved ) - hiden name,car plate no..pdf PCN ( saved ) - hiden name,car plate no..pdf
  5. Hi, here I am again... .6 years ago I had a breakdown, got into about 35K of debt, 3 CCJs which 1 is a charging order and this has just popped up. I am DESPERATE not to get another charging order so want to negotiate with them. I don't have the original CCJ nor any of the paperwork from Debenhams. .this debt has been passed round various DC over the years, all of which I've ignored.. but this I think Restons will take further.. I am on ESA in the support group with no chance of returning to work. My dad will help me, so I want to offer then 10% but since this forum has helped me on others, I've come here first for advice! this is the letter Re: Arrow Global Management Limited Account number xxx Original creditor and Product type : Santander – Debenhams Store Card We act on behalf of Arrow Global Management limited who has instructed us to write to you concerning an outstanding debt due to them. Our client has obtained a CCJ against you. The balance outstanding to our client is £1492.77 Our client would prefer t reach an affordable repayment arrangement with you to avoid further legal action. Please contact us on 000000 to discuss the various repayment options available. To help us understand your overall financial position and to determine how much you are able to afford, we enclose a financial statement for you to complete and return to this office. Alternatively please visit our website at www… .to complete a financial statement online. We would like to discuss your financial position with you to establish how you can repay this debt. Alternatively you can also seek free independent advice from one of the organisations detailed on the reverse of this letter. It is extremely important that you contact us to discuss your situation. We can only assist you in resolving this matter if you get in touch. Please contact us no later than Wednesday, May 24, 2017, failing which we have instructions to enforce the outstanding Judgement debt. Please note that there may be an opportunity for you to discharge your liability through a short term settlement payment. If you think your financial circumstances do allow you to pay a lump sum, please telephone us on 0000to discuss this. We must forewarn you that you will be asked to provide full details of your financial circumstances when speaking to us on the telephone. Without that information our Client cannot accept a short term settlement as it is important that any such payment does not have an adverse impact on your financial circumstances. If a settlement is reached and subsequently paid, our Client will update your credit file at the credit reference agencies within 35 working days. Your credit file will show that the account has been partially satisfied. The record will remain on your credit file for 6 years from the date of default. Yours Restons… any advice on my best way forward? thanks
  6. Talk about cheeky!! I sent letter to address below G E Money Home Lending Limited Building 4 Hatters Lane Croxley Green Business Park Watford WD18 8yf and they have cashed the £10 cheque while advising they do not have 'any affiliation over store cards/credit cards or hire purchase agreements'. Okay I made a mistake but I don't see why I should pay twice and can anyone advise what address I should be sending off too
  7. Hi Starting a new claim re Debenhams Card. Unfortunately card applied for in 1988 . Definitely has tick in the box . Remember this was in store . No explanation . Santander have sent SAR no statements and letter states there is no PPI on account and I am almost sure PPI was charged. Can I claim direct to Genworth and if so can you please advise the address please Glad of any help thank you
  8. Hi , I was caught shoplifting in Debenhams worth £280 .The police was called.I was not arrested as i had a child with me. Its my first time offence and was petrified. I pleaded and Cried and was willing to pay the Amount.They finally agreed for me to pay the amount and close it. I paid the full amount and left. Was told i am banned from Debenhams.I have not signed any document with Debenhams or Police. I did not have my ID with me.I gave my Name and Date of Birth .I Did not sign any document.The police told they needed details for record purpose. The police told me i was very lucky as Debenhams told them they did not want to pursue the matter further. What will happen next.Can they still take any action on me.
  9. Dear All, I am hoping someone could assist my wife here with her rejected Santander for a Debenhams Store card. Herself and her mother, where in the store at the same time and both took out a newly offered card at the same time, and spent near the same amount and never again used it since, All they needed was some wedding stuff at the time., Now a month ago or so Santander got intouch with her mother out of the blue and said "hey we owe you some money" and she got £2500. The wife wrote off to them, and i think they have just fobbed her off, I have uploaded their reply and can be seen below. It would be fantastic if anyone can let me know if we can turn this around and put it back in our favour.. I feel she is being mistreated and fobbed off with a standard letter Regards PDF file now attached, Many Thanks santander.pdf
  10. Wrote to advise of financial difficulties. Have been paying min payment for last 3 yr due to other debts. They actually didnt renew my card when due 2yrs ago so they obviously not happy to extend credit. Have now defaulted (3mths) and advised will only pay £1pm. Also asked them to look at fact that interest etc over 3yrs is majority of debt. In light of this would they look to reduce debt accordingly. they have replied saying may consider my offer but need i&e. Gesture of gw have refunded x3 late payment fee and x1 returned payment fee. charges and interest are in line with my credit agreement they state. no PPI. they have asked me to provide i&e plus bank statements and payslips plus proof of other debts..... They know i have debts as they didnt renew my card due to credit history being shot! How much info are they entitled too? Any thoughts? Worth haggling over trying to get balance reduced due to their extortionate rates? Debt about £400. I didnt ask for cca as didnt think apply to store cards. Thx in advance.
  11. Hi, 3 days ago I were detained for "an offence of theft". I left the store (a Debenhams) with a small perfume bottle + watch in my pocket. I'know that i have done a big mistake in my life I can't deny. 2 men along with a security officer was outside and brought me inside a small room .They took the products back and they threatened me of calling police and finally they asked my ID (I'm not english, I'm from another country in EU), asked me for proof of identification ,I gave my DL and they took my EU address and asked me to sign the papers.I said them a correct address . They didn't call the police and they told me that i am banned from the entire shopping mall as well as they gave me a banned letter along with a RLP copy. Finally they told me that i wil be receiving a letter from RLP within a week. I have no excuses for what I did but I'm worried and I don't want to destroy my life in UK. So, I have many questions: 1) Will they give my details to police? 2) Will be leaving to my country,next week --> Will there be any detention in airport ? 3) Since i am for a short visit to UK,Would I have any problems to return in UK in the future(Related to VISA and UK on arrival verification)? 4) could I have any problems with a job? 5) the value was around £108 thats what they had mentioned, how much could be the fine? if it isn't too much I could pay and close the case (so I punish myself for what I did) Please help me on this, Since I am really tensed and Please let me know about RLP(Since they have taken the product back,Will they impose a hefty fine and will they put me in jail ??)
  12. Hi Apologies if this is long winded but here goes: 17/11/13 - Purchased Gloves from Debenhams.com £22.50 using my Debenhams card (Santander) No communication statement or anything from them. 02/12/14 - Letter from Lowell Group enclosing letter from New Day? advising that they had passed my account for collection to Lowell Group. £120.43 December 14 - Called Lowell Group as I had no knowledge of what they were chasing and I was informed it was Debenhams. Advised the call handler that I had received no statements from Debenhams in this interim period. Account was placed on hold at this point whilst they obtained the statements. 24/01/15 - Statements arrived and they were addressed to my old address which I had left in February 2012. I advised them that I had sent a letter to all accounts including Santander/ Debenhams advising them of my address change. Also there was a 12 month re-direct on mail and the new owner of the property was known to me and had regularly passed on any post received (including junk mail) to me. 30/01/15 - Telephone call to Lowell advising that this was the 1st sight I had seen of these and why had my address change not been carried out, I could send them a copy of the letter that was sent but as it was in word the date would probably update etc, this was not sufficient evidence. They could reduce the debt to £60.00, call was ended at this point whilst I tried to garner more evidence. Feb/ Mar - Mother In Law in Hospice and father receiving heart surgery 80 miles away, mother in law passed funeral etc...... Today 18/05/15 - Another letter from Lowell saying that they are passing the debt to a collection agent (me freaked out) back on the phone, gone back through the fact I had informed them of my address change and that statements provided had my previous address on. Advised them that I had been offered a £60 reduced settlement (I was going to pay today) to be told the offer was only valid for 30 days ( I was not told this) also that this would leave a partial settlement mark on my credit file for 6 years (again I was not told this) Asked to speak to someone more senior but got cut off. Frustrated to say the least..... So I searched my inbox and I have found the order confirmation for the gloves £22.50 and order update both displaying my billing address as my current address. I have a copy of the agreement and cant see anything relating to third partys? So where do I stand now???? Thanks for reading my post. Nuttytart08
  13. Hi there, I hope someone can help me with these cases. When I was young and naive I got offered in the Debenhams and River Island store cards under the premise of extra discounts so I signed up in the stores. I was obviusly not advise of PPI, nor did I know what it was, and obviously charge for it. I do not remember in any case the mention of PPI, just the offered extra discounts and offers, and even the store-assistant filling the form for me, and putting crosses where to sign, her going to make a phone call and having an answer there and then. A few years later and when I started to go into difficulties, such as redundancy, over-spending and so on, I started to look more careful into my outgoings and with the publicity of the mis-sold PPI then I realised that the extra charge in my statements wasn't interest for the card, it was the PPI. So I called to cancelled both I think. As I did with all the rest of cards. anyway I did try to claim back the PPI to Ge Capital that fobbed me off and I thought that was it. Until a few weeks back when suddenly I've got through the post same letter, different references for these 2 cards, saying that I may have been mis-sold the PPI and that if I wanted they could re-view my complaint. So I filled the form, stating that what I said before, no knowledge of PPI to be put on top, sale-assistant not mentioned to me, nothing about being able to cancelled, and so on. I post the letters form back and a few weeks later I've got a phone call asking details about jobs, and so on, to be honest it was quite difficult to understand the person on the phone and I am not sure she knew what I was saying, bad line. Also as the cards were obtain ages ago, I couldn;t remember well in which jobs I was, dates and so on. (this was in the Debenhams card) I also had another call for the for the River Island one, and as it was not suitable then, I asked them to call me later, which they did, but I couldn't reply and they didn't left a number where to contacting them back. So a week later and I've got 2 letters, the same one with different references, saying the the sales-assistant was not obligated to mention the PPI in those dates and that I received all the information by post regarding what it was covered, and so on, so my fault not to read the small letter pretty much. They did included copies on both of the credit agreement, the, Debenhams, and where I spend more, I do have it signed i both bits the credit agreement itself and the PPI, but they are X marks on both bits done my the sales assistant. So not sure how to proceed there, I still think I was mis-sold the insurance as I didn't know about it. Ok, well enough that they sent me paperwork, saying that, I did moved home in the short period between the card being activated so I may not have received all the paperwork necessary. The second one, it is more interesting, the Credit agreetment is not signed, just the PPI cover, so I think I've got more chances here to go for them, as I believe that it is inforceable in a court room if I'm correct and it probes that the PPI was mis-sold. Basically the sales-assistant didn't know what she was doing. What do I do now. I did managed to recover some PPI from other credit cards, but these two seem to be more hard work than the the big ones. Thanks in advance, Zara_goza
  14. Hi Guys, Had a credit card from Debenhams back in 2005. Due to financial problems I defaulted in 2008. I used the CAB to help me out, and we set up some minimum payment with various creditors. I was paying GE Capital (on behalf of Debenhams) about £5 per month. Over the next few years I increased my payments as my financial situation improved .The debt was then transfered to a company called CL Finance, and payments carried on. The company collecting payments was now called The Lewis Group. I assumed that they were the parent company of Debenhams. As far as I'm aware I never missed any payments, the payments over the last few years have been £15. A few weeks ago I checked my Credit report with noodle, and saw a CCJ for early 2012. The D.O.B was wrong, and I didn't recall any CCJ's against me since 2008 I rang the Northampton Bulk Centre, to check it out. They said it had been instigated by Howard Cohen solicitors, and it hadn't been acknowledged. I rang the solicitors and they said they had been instructed by CL Finance. Why would they do this ?, I hadn't missed any payments. When I said I had no court papers, obviously he wouldn't comment. He said that now CL Finance are no more, and the debt,s been sold to Hoist Portfolio. Never heard of them, shouldn't I be informed if this happens. my concerns are, are CL Finance allowed to get a CCJ againts me, when I didn't get any court papers?. Since reading this Forum, and thinking I was being 'Cash Cowed' I stopped paying them in March this year. Should I start paying them again ? Any help would be gratefully appreciated... Regards..Dave
  15. My wife ordered a dress online from Debenhams on 17th December with a stated delivery of 4-5 working days which included Saturdays although I was a slightly sceptical about this delivery in view of Christmas. Anyway the dress did not arrive and when I questioned Debenhams as to where it was and when we could expect it to arrive I was told that it was actually coming from the manufacturer of the dress, Phase Eight, and not themselves so they were unable to tell me anything until they had contacted Phase Eight and received their reply. To cut a long story short the dress has still not arrived and I telephoned Debenhams this morning to say I wanted a refund. I was told that they had received a 'template'(?) from Phase Eight yesterday stating that the dress had not yet been dispatched but that for "technical reasons" they could not process the refund just yet. I asked to be transferred to someone more senior and that person told me that he would have to check with Phase Eight to see if the dress had been dispatched. I told him what the previous person had just told me but he said that that person would have had no way of knowing if it had been dispatched or not so I asked him if it was Debenhams policy to lie to customers. Then came the big back tracking exercise,lol. He then said he could not process the refund as there were technical problems between them and Phase Eight but I pointed out to him that those problems were not my problem and that my contract was with Debenhams, not Phase Eight, and that payment had been made by myself to Debenhams, not Phase Eight and that Debenhams should refund me forthwith and then claim the amount from Phase Eight when the technical issues were resolved. I hope I was correct in my argument with them and would appreciate any further advice. Happy New Year to you all.
  16. Hi, Hopefully someone can help with this.. My wife took out a debenhams card back in 2005 due to difficult circumstances in 2008 she defaulted on the account. this lead to eventually having a CCJ registered against her and a charge put on the property in October 2009. i have all the paperwork for this including the original agreement she signed in store, default notice court claim form the works. we are in a better position now and would like to know what would be the best outcome for resolving this? The CCJ is for just over £2k The ideal outcome would be to get the charge removed removed from the property, the CCJ removed from the credit file and a chunk if not all of the outstanding balance written off but that maybe too optimistic. any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance Covers22
  17. This is an odd one from the start. As part of a previous claim we were given details of what we had paid off with a loan and turned up no less than 3 old GE Capital accounts, plus one that had been First National but we had sent GE Capital the settlement. So, SAR sent to GE Capital, not realising it's now Santander. Despite it being the same PO Box address it took them some time to send a very poor batch of documents. They have the agreements for 3 accounts, have returned nothing on the First National one and failed the SAR by not giving any info on a 5th account that was opened later. Yes, we did say 'all accounts' in the SAR. So, letter sent back to Santander to point out where they went wrong. They have, in the cover letter with the SAR, told us that at least two accounts had insurance. The oldest one clearly shows that this was requested and was even signed for on the application form. The next one had the 'account cover' option crossed out, no signature, but their own notes show that insurance was applied - nice of them. The third does not seem to have a transaction sheet to tell us if insurance was applied or not. The 5th account went into default and we know there were lots of charges applied before they passed it to a DCA (CL Finance/H Cohen) and they slapped on I don't know how much extra. We need the SAR to find out just what went on there and get it all reclaimed. Anyway, five FOS questionnaires have been completed and are on their way to them. We have account numbers for all, plus details of what was paid off and when. That should be enough for them to identify them all. Lets see what happens next
  18. Hi folks This is my first post on this forum, so sorry if this topic has already been raised here before and/or is in the wrong place. My ex wife and I separated back in August 2006 but having recently gone through a load of old paperwork, we found old store card statements relating to a Debenhams account from that time. These had payments on them for 'Account Cover.' As the account was in my ex's name she made a PPI claim on Santander (who now seem to be responsible for this). Her claim was that she was self employed at the time (she still is) at the card/protection was taken out and some of the cover provided was useless to her. They replied that, yes, the account did have cover for price payment and purchase protection but since the premium was clearly stated on the monthly statement breakdown it was up to her to cancel it. Santander's response goes on to say that her being self employed did not exclude the main benefits of the cover. Can any one please clarify whether Santander's response is a suitable defence. It sounds suspect to me. For example, I remember us signing up for the Debs card and the PPI was never discussed, we were never told it was optional and just assumed it was part of the terms and conditions for getting the card in the first place. And my ex's employment was definitely never discussed, as she'd have responded accordingly, having run her own business for yonks. Any guidance you can provide will be gratefully rec'd. Incidentally, our paperwork search threw up an old (pre-2006) Marks & Spencer store card with payment protection on it. As this account was in my name I approached M&S Bank with a claim. In contrast to Santander, they could not have been more helpful and I'm just waiting for an offer from them. And the situation with M&S is exactly the same as with Debenhams/G E Capital/Santander, in that I was and still am self employed and the PPI was never discussed - which formed the basis of my claim. As I said, any help gratefully rec'd. Thanks in advance good people. Kevin
  19. I purchased an Asus notebook from Debenhams Direct (Debenhams gift card and balance on debit card) in November 2013. Earlier this month smoke was coming out of notebook and could smell burning so contacted manufacturer as Notebook under warranty. Sent to their local repairers last week and returned yesterday, only to find that several letters on keyboard now not working. Asus are only offering further repair. Is this the best I can expect? Two faults in less than six months (Christmas gift so not opened until December) is a very expensive mistake. Who should I contact if I want replacement/ can I request refund? Help!!!
  20. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could let me know what they think of a little dilemma I have at the moment with NewDay Ltd please. Yesterday I posted a CCA request along with the £1.00 PO to their current registered address and today I checked the Royal Mail website and apparently the letter is to be 'returned to sender as addressee has gone away'?? I then went on to the Interim Consumer Credit register and the postal address I used is the one still on there. I have noted the email address of the main contact from the register when the letter gets back to me I shall email this person to ask what on earth they think they are doing. Does anyone have any thoughts on this as I would be grateful for some input before I continue trying to contact them - I could phone but I do not want to be drawn into a long winded conversation with someone trying to fob me off. Many thanks.
  21. Partner bought a bedding set (duvet cover and pillowcases) in Debenhams yesterday afternoon, got it home, took it out of the packaging (which had been unsealed in store anyway to test the material), realised it was the wrong size, so we took it back to our local store (different to one it was bought in). This was within a space of around four hours, the bedding had been out of the package but not put on. We were refused a refund due to the packing being unsealed due to "health and hygiene reasons", the manager maintained that it was covered in the exceptions to the returns policy, despite the returns policy clearly stating that the exception covers: "Quilts, duvets, pillows and mattresses, no exchange or refund once the original packaging has been opened or damaged unless faulty." Quite obviously a duvet cover/bedding set is none of the above. I have raised it with head office, who predictably have repeated the manager's mantra: "I can confirm that due to health and hygiene reasons, we are unable to exchange or refund bedding sets once the packaging has been opened or damaged unless faulty." There is absolutely no mention of bedding sets in the terms and conditions. "Subject to exceptions, Debenhams is happy to exchange or refund your purchase within 28 days of delivery" They've clearly gone against this. What are my rights and who would I complain to next if I wished to take the matter further? Thanks in advance.
  22. I purchased a bag for my Wife from Debenhams (through Amazon.co.uk) for an anniversary present. The bag arrived damaged, and I immediately informed Debenhams through the claims option of the Amazon portal. I was emailed back fairly quickly to say that because I had ordered through Amazon that they couldn't send a replacement and that all they could do was provide a refund. In light of this, I returned the bag, and ordered a replacement (directly from Debenhams.com this time). The bag was received by Debenhams on 9th May. Today, 14th May I got an email through Amazon to say that the refund was being processed and would be returned to my payment method within 10 business days! Add that on to the 3-4 business days that it has taken them to process the return in the first place, and we're looking at almost 3 weeks! I find it ludicrous and unfair that it should take this long. Someone somewhere is sitting on £125 that belongs back in my account. If payment from the account is authorised immediately then why don't refunds go back just as fast?
  23. So, I took out a pet policy in January and agreed a monthly premium with Debenhams. They get BDML to administer the policy. Premium paid in January February and March by direct debit. No problems. Now Premium Credit have taken a £10 fee - because I haven't returned the credit agreement. Cant remember seeing it but what a big rip off - if I haven't sent paperwork back then why take my money? Stupid is as stupid does? They say they wont repay the £10 until I send the paperwork back but the eight double sided pages I have from Debenhams/BDML don't even mention it.
  24. Hi Ladies and Gents, I have been offered a job with Debenhams, the contract arrived today and it states 'we anticipate you will be with us till 24th November 2013'. I knew it's a temporary contract but the Department Manager said it's more of a rolling temporary contract. Has anyone been offered a temp job with Debenhams before and whether they got to stay on longer than the end date? It seems illogical to leave on that date as the Christmas rush will be starting and they always take on Christmas staff! Any information would be gratefully received!
  25. Hi All,Firstly I am very sorry of this.I was caught shoplifting with my wife a few days ago from Debenhams. The security guard took me into a room in the top of the store where they checked stolen items and found few other items from others stores. They took our details and gave us a 1 year ban from the store. Then they called police because there were some other items stolen from other shops.The police officers got the details about our stolen items and wrote down in a notepad.They did not arrest us or take us to the police station.We have a 1 years 6 months baby. They told us that we will receive a letter from court after few days and will have to attend court for our offenece.It is our first time offence.We are both over 18.Value of stolen property was 180 pounds from debenham and 120 pound from other shops.Please help me in the my below question. 1.what are the punishments for the shoplifting? 2.how can we resolve this matter with less punishment? We would never do anything so stupid again.please help us.
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