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  1. Hello I am deaf and me and my wife took a loan out of £16,000 secured loan through igroup Ltd via loans.co.uk. We believe we have been misold with PPI. I wish to make a PPI complaint so can you please point me to the right direction to who I should make a PPI complaint to? The loan was taken out sometime between 2001-2003, not too sure and we have lost the original agreement, unfortunately. Please help? Many thanks Angus
  2. HSBC now owns HFC Bank in Brighton. I wrote to HSBC Coventry PPI claims office giving my name, DOB and precise former address, last week, but they replied to say: no records of my account can be found after 32 years, and that they are not legally obliged to retain documents beyond the statutory period if an account was closed. I also opened a Loan Account in Bournemouth and fully repaid around 1983. -- same answer from HSBC: no records. I myself have retained no records whatsoever, but I am absolutely certain I had those accounts, and 70% sure there was PPI as was standard custom in those days. Is this a dead end? Should I invest in £10 requesting a SAR, if so SAR sent to HSBC Coventry or to HFC Bank in Brighton? Later to complain to FOS if we suspect HSBC does have records? Thanks to all for sharing experience.
  3. Hi All I have instigated a PPI claim to Lloyd's bank regarding credit card PPI. I have sent paperwork including a copy of my CCA where the PPI box is ticked. They now wish to speak to me on the phone as they need further information Is this a wise move to answer them and can I shoot myself in the foot by answering questions incorrectly. Many Thanks
  4. I am just getting round to starting my PPI claims - somewhat late I know. Please can someone let me know what the first step would be after remembering which companies I had the loan or cc with. Would it be a SAR request?
  5. Hi Had a BC from 2003 - 2017. PPI Claim went in through Resolver 2018. BC Paid over payment of coms under Plevin ruling, so i pushed to FOS. FOS rejected on both occasions. I passed my case to a CMC. They have told me that i have a reasonable chance of winning a claim, but there just inst the money in it for them to proceed. (apparently a claim to the value c£2.5k). Is this worth continuing with, and putting a legal claim in? Thanks G
  6. Hi I'm a newbie here and could do with some advice regarding my Mother in Law. She showed me some old solicitors paperwork yesterday from when she took a mortgage advance cheque back in 1995 for £33,000. On the breakdown, there is a payment to Chartered Trust for £8057.00. She thinks it was PPI. Anyone know if this is worth pursuing and if so where to start? Thanks
  7. HI guys, I’m currently assisting my mother with a PPI complaint with Barclaycard (formerly an egg card taken out Online in Q1 of 2004). I would really appreciate if someone could categorically tell me that EGG had the PPI box pre-ticked during Q1 of 2004 i.e. they have been successful in calming miss-sold PPI with egg. I would be especially over the moon if someone could tell me that it was not possible to proceed with the application if this box was not ticked as that seems of a complete own goal by egg. Barclaycard have offered us quite a chunk of a refund due to Plevin, but my mother believes she did not knowingly apply of the PPI insurance, which would be the case if the box was pre-ticked. We are is still the early stages i.e. we stated that we believed we have been miss-sold to Barclays and the 1st letter had was this Plevin offer, but we still have not sent our evidence nor our full reasons of the miss-selling to Barclaycard as of yet. Note: Barclaycard have stated the application was made online, I have no way to confirm this, but I have a paper copy of the 15 year old agreement from egg which I found filed away. The card is still active and has PPI premiums ongoing although I have made her paid off the balance of the card (+£2000). Any Help is much appreciated.
  8. a few years back I took out a secured loan with Norton Finance (as they were then), which I could only take out if I took out PPI in the region of about £2.5k (the secured loan was for £25k (ish). The account moved from Norton Finance to Matlock Bank and then to Ascenden (#vultures!!!). The PPI was with Sterling Insurance Services or something. The secured loan was taken out in either 2004 or 2005 for 90 months (and I got into some difficulty with it - it is all resolved and paid off now - about 3 years ago). Can I claim PPI?
  9. My partner finally decided to claim her Capital One credit card PPI. The card was issued in 2003 which was more or less when PPI was introduced I believe with a avg credit amount of £500. About 2 weeks ago she made a claim using the Capital one/resolver online application. The original card application was completed on the phone and her complaint was it was not fully explained to her what PPI was and why she should be accepting. Within a week she received a reply stating she was not eligible for a PPI reclaim due to the following reason: aged 16-64 Employed and paying class 1 NAT INS Living in UK Based on the above we are confident the PPI was not mis-sold !!! They confirm it was sold on a telephone application which they do not have the recording ! How is this confirming that it was not mis-sold ? They have however agreed to just over £1200 as a result of redress scheme which was introduced in 2014 re a high commission rate which is unfair to the consumer under the CCA 1974. Not sure how to work out the PPI as not much statements are available. Given the above info, what would be the best course of action? Thanks in advance
  10. Hi all, Just a bit of a background, I called Blackhorse on the 23rd December 2018 to check whether I had any PPI on loans that I took out many years ago. The first and most relevant was taken out in 1987 as I recently found out from them. They found I had three within 87 and 91. They didn’t indicate or tell me whether or not there was PPI on any of my agreements and instead sent out a complaint form and explain to them why I was misold any of the policies attached to each loan. I had no paperwork at the time of calling. A week later I sent back the form and gave the reasons why each were misold. Before doing this I called Blackhorse again and requested a copy each credit agreement agreement they hold on file which they said ok but still fill out the form and send it back which I did. 2 weeks after sending of the form, instead of receiving credit agreements, I was sent each loans running Statements from the opening payments right up until the last. 2 do not show an indication of PPI. But the largest and earliest loan clearly stated PPI £1637.11 included in a total amount of £15,387.78 to repay back. This is on the first page of the statement. Ive keep asking them to comfirm and they keep saying that there is a strong indication and a final response would be provided The Final response date I was given was 18th February. But I received a letter today stating they need at least another 8 weeks to fully respond to the complaint. It’s quite frustrating that they are not providing a final response. I understand there busy and that’s why they have such sufficient time provided to them under their regulations. The reason they have provided for this responses is that they are busy and it hasn’t gone to the relevant departments yet. It funny because I’ve spoken to 3 different people so far during the weeks that have gone by and they have each stated completely contradictory stages as to where the complaint currently is positioned. 2 weeks ago someone told me it’s half way, a week later someone said it’s not even been seen yet by the case handlers and now they have decided to extend for another 8 weeks. I don’t know what to believe. I’ve mentioned to them that I’m going through hardship at the moment as I’m now disabled and require funds for a needed private operation and the money would come in very handy at the right time. Is this common practice or is there something more to it? Would it be wise to take the complaint to the ombudsman? What’s the best thing to do going forward? Given that there is records of each loan, whats the hold up? Could they be passing liability onto someone else, and would have they not of done that already to address the matter ASAP? Any advice or experience anyone has with dealing with Blackhorse PPI dpt is very welcome and I look forward to receiving everyone’s responses on how to best get a reasonable response in a reasonable time. Thank you
  11. Hi, HSBC responded to SAR request as nothing on the system for 2003 - 2004. Then after I sent them a policy number for CRP PPI on closed credit card. We have an offer as Full and Final settlement of Miss Sold policy! Premiums total £150 Redress Total £460 inc premium. Does this look about right? Many Thanks
  12. In August 2018 I had my complaint against Barclay card upheld for my PPI Insurance held on my Barclay card from 1992 until 2004, the card continued without PPI from 2004 to 2011. I was unhappy with the redress offered as I knew that this card would have had an average balance of around £2400 a month during the period up to 2004. Barclay card offered me compensation which was inadequate. They stated as they had no records of my account previous to May 2004 (my PPI was stopped in April 2004, I found that to be a little too convenient that all my statements prior to May 2004 had gone missing), that they had created an offer based on historical averages for a typical customer. I wrote to Barclay Card asking them to reconstruct the balance on the card from Nov 1992 to Apr 2004 based on my spending patterns on the same card from May 2004 to Nov 2011. They refused to do so. As a consequence of this refusal I contacted the FOS. At the same time I raised a GDPR request which I received in due course with statements from May 2004. I passed these statements to the FOS as part of their investigation. I have now received the FOS adjudication. The adjudication states that Barclay Card have acted unfairly in this instance and need to reconstruct my credit account from 1992 to 2004 using an average balance of my card between Apr 2004 and Feb 2007 when my credit limit increased. They are to use the average balance and then work from that point. My question is what methodology will they use as I can find nothing indicating how a calculation will be done either on the FCA or FOS websites. I do have a copy of the FCA Handbook 10/12 which has working examples of how to calculate PPI in most instances, but I am afraid not in this situation. I would like to be able to work out what is likely to be a fair and reasonable offer from Barclay Card if and when it arrives.
  13. Hi everyone, I joined the site yesterday and I've been having a good look at PPI threads along with the interest calculator spreadsheets. I am in the process of claiming PPI from 4 NatWest loans that my deceased parents took out in the 80s. NatWest have made offers on all 4 claims but I'm not sure they've worked the interest out correctly - I have queried this with them but they've just sent me a letter repeating the same information as their offers. I've used the PPI spreadsheet on here but NatWest are saying that interest is paid at 15% up to 31st March 1993 then 8% from 1st April 1993 and the spreadsheet I tried only showed 8%. Is there a way I can change it to work out interest at 15%? The loans were taken out in 1983, 1986, 1987 and 1988 so will all have at least 5 years interest at 15% on them. If anyone can offer me any help with this I will be really grateful. Thank you
  14. Hi Everyone, I am hoping someone can give me some advice on whether or not I should make a complaint about Mis sold PPI on two credit cards and a loan I had with Halifax when I worked for them. I started working for Halifax in 2002 and with a couple of months of starting I was offered a credit card and a loan as other staff members needed to hit their sales targets. I applied for both by basically sitting beside a colleague in the office who did the application and told me it was successful. He never once mentioned PPi and I was not aware of it as I worked in savings and investments. I would also like to stress the card or the loan was not on any special staff rate. anyhow my girlfriend has being pestering me recently to call Halifax to check if I had PPI. I was very reluctant as I was 100% sure I didn’t have PPI. Anyhow I called them and was shocked to learn that I in fact did have PPI. I left Halifax a year after starting and continued paying the credit card and loan for 5 years after that. I was off ill from work for 8 months during this time due to an undiagnosed illness. I was investigated for Chrones but it came back negative and thankfully I starated to recover from the mystery Illness. My point is if I had of known I had PPI I would made a claim. I just dont know if my case is strong enough as I have no paper evidence. any advice would be greatly appreciated
  15. Hi everyone, I'm new one here and sorry for my mistakes, english isn't my first language ))) The question is about PPI claim. I moved to UK in 2010 and opened my bank account in Lloyds bank. Because of I didn't speak in English very well the lady in bank sold me Silver account and I didn't know I can have a free one. I knew only this year (2018) in April and I did complain through Resolver and than escalated to Ombudsman. Today I received the answer with refuse. They write it's too late because of it's more than 6 years from opening account date and I should receive the letter with AES (annual eligibility statement) in 2014. How do you think can I fight for my PPI money back or not? thanks
  16. After lots of reading and research, I'm going to attempt to claim the PPI for a loan that I took out with The Associates, before they became a part of CitiFinancial Europe.A I was a student at the time with, two young children aged under 3 at the time. It was the first time I'd borrowed money and I took the loan out to help pay for their nursery fees after a mess-up with my Student finance. So glad those days are behind me now! They have recently paid out PPI for a credit card that I had with them. They stated that they couldn't find any details of the loan but would look at it again, if I sent them documentation relating to my account. I did - I found my credit agreement, a statement of account that showed all the payments that I had made on the account (bar the final one). I also found various letters that showed the Associates account number and the account number when Citi took over. I even have a letter informing me of the "exciting change" of their name change from Associates Capital Corporation to CitiFinancial Europe PLC, on 11 April 2003 Despite all this irrefutable evidence, they will not investigate my complaint any further as they cannot locate my account on their system. As the loan was taken out in 2000, it is out of scope for the FOS. Therefore my intention is to issue a claim through the small claims court. I'm going to need some help with calculations. This is because I have read about 4 different ways of calculating the redress and it's doing my head in! My figures are as follows Loan amount = £1050 Insurance = £400.17 Arrangement fee = 75.00 Interest rate was 3.020% APR 48.8% Any suggestions and/or help with calculations will be appreciated. I've had a stab at it and will post up what I've done shortly. Thanks in advance CAG family!
  17. Step-daughter had a loan with Beneficial Bank back in 2006. Part of it was to repay a previous loan too, so two PPI claims to be made - maybe more. Have just sent SAR to HFC Bank in Coventry to see what they can tell us. We have a copy of the 2006 agreement, detailing the loan, repayment of previous account and PPI.
  18. Hi, need some advice if possible its for a friend of mine, she filled in a form for a credit card back in 2001 filled the form in and post it back to the abbey national and in the form she ticked the yes box for the personal protection cover, she filled the form in the branch, now she tried to claim misold ppi but they have refused her twice as they claim by ticking the ppi box she understood it was optional and it was her decision to purches the ppi,, they also claim they sent out policy documents which confirmed the ppi sale and even if this had not happened they still think you would have found benefits from the policy. can anybody give any advice on how to dispute this please,look forward to any advice thank you.
  19. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/408616-trying-to-reclaim-ppi-but-paragon-says-no/?tab=comments#comment-4978454 same boat mate, paragon say no and not regulated Paragon informed me that the PPI was done by warranty Holdings Ltd, guess what, now dissolved
  20. I made a PPI claim online for an old Littlewoods account. I have a few questions. The account was opened in 2010 and sold to a DCA in about 2012/13. I paid very little directly to Littlewoods and very little again to the DCA. On and off etc. I'm not even totally sure I had PPI and the claim was made more in hope than expectation, but does it matter how old the account is and whether or not it remains unpaid? How long should I expect to wait until I hear something? I didn't even get an email receipt of the claim when I made it about a week ago. If anyone has made a claim like this recently would love to hear your experience
  21. Hi Guys Need your help and advice. I had some old loans with PPI sold by welcome, for which I both was able to claim my PPI! Not just we were told that we had to take those policies as our credit history in the uk was almost non existent, to be able to get the loans! This loans were taken with my ex partner, which now is trying to claim, but they saying that the policy was only to cover the 1st named person, whcih was me, however we both clearly remember that we disclose to sales person my serious liver condition, and we were assured that we were both cover, as stated verbally and as he didn't crossed the i/we wording which he said was to show that we were both covered, Back then this in 2000 our english understanding was not the best and the guy not just spoke 1000 miles an hour as he had a strong accent, he even had the "face to add " a health care product for which he knew at least me I would not be ever able to make a claim! We have the original paperwork which show both our names, the ppi premium-together with healthcare product which we were told was a part of the PPI, and it clearly shows the we not crossed, so I believe that not just serve as proof that the otherwise stated, is in place- I mean we were both covered, as proof that he stated this verbally! We should never been forced to buy those products due to my pre medical conditions, as also this should had never been as a condition to get the loan?! My question, W as my ex partner is trying to get her refund, because she also paid for the loan and her name was in the agreement, does aviva ( underwriter for 1st ppi) and welcome are correct when saying that only me was cover, as technically in the agreement- the we wording was not crossed and left untouched and back then we disclosed my health conditions and were assured by salesperson that was not a problem and that both of us were covered by the ppi, am I correct in my line of thinking and she is entitled to a valid claim, as CAB advisor told her that she had a strong mis selling case? Thanks
  22. Submitted claim for mis sold PPI on Debenhams store card in Feb 2016. The card was sold to me whilst being served in Debenhams clearance dept in 2000. Queue of people waiting : assistant "crossed" the parts of the form including payment protection. Santander dismissed my claim : not mis sold : Couldn't refer to FOS as pre- regulation. However Santander then wrote back after the Plevin ruling. Possible unfair relationship because of the commission. They rang me last week for further info ie employment, savings etc at the time I took the card out (18 years ago!!). They say I will have a final response by 5th July 2018. Not holding my breath, but let's see. Am I correct in my understanding that if they refuse my claim I can then contact Genworth Insurance and if they also refuse I can then refer Genworth to FOS?? Many thanks as always
  23. Firstly i will say hello and thank you for any help i obtain here the basics of what i had are a ppi policy for a car loan with welcome finance from march 1999 i have a copy of the loan agreement i have tried to claim against welcome but have been told to pursue the underwriter i have contacted the underwriter ( a bit confusing Lloyds say they weren't the underwriter but admitted the would pay out the policy if it had been claimed against and said jubilee group were the underwriter which have replied on behalf of lloyds i have had much correspondence from Lloyds mostly contradictory and i getting nowhere they told me to claim against welcome i asked the question why are Aviva paying out on policies as underwriters in the exact same circumstance yet Lloyds are not the response was they cannot comment on what another companies position is. im at the point of not really knowing how to go on any help would be appreciated thanks Kenny
  24. Hi all I made a mistake and tried a ppi agent to deal with Cap1. they paid them and the agent deducted their commission and sent me the balance together with Cap1 letter calculations. Cap1 determined that since i was aware of PPI in 2005 when i cancelled the ppi then i was not entitled to receive interest since it was over 5 years ago. I wrote back asking them to pay the interest since i cancelled the ppi because i could not afford it... NOT THAT PPI HAD BEEN MISSOLD... DIDNT AWARE OF THAT UNTIL MY CLAIM WAS SUBMITTED. They will not budge their offer was final. Questions: do I have a reasonable case for interest? should I lodge complaint with FOS or go to court?? thanks
  25. Over the last month or so I have started looking into old loans and credit cards to see if I had mis-sold ppi on any of them. These are all accounts or financial products that I had from about 1999 to about 2006 so pretty old and I had no information about them. I initially took the advice to use the resolver tool before I really knew what I was doing so might have scuppered myself there but after reading through more information and lurking on here I used the PPI checkers on various bank websites such as Halifax and Canada Square who were able to find my old accounts with them send me the account numbers and some have told me that yes I did have PPI. The thing is that even though I only checked to see if I had PPI with Canada Sq. on my Egg Loans and Halifax about an old credit card they both now seem to have opened investigations. At this point I haven't been sent any forms to fill in. Egg initially wrote to me a couple of week ago telling me one loan account number and saying if I wanted to make a complaint I should write to them. I have not yet written to them. However today I received a letter from them with three Loan account numbers (I guess from when I increased the loan amounts) and acknowledging my complaint and telling me they are investigating my complaint and that they will resolve my complaint in eight weeks. I thought I would have to fill out forms to initiate this complaint? It had been my plan to find out if I had PPI, then send a SAR and then make my complaint but if they have started the complaint already then what can I do, is it still a good idea to send in a SAR to these banks then follow it up with the FOS form making my official complaint? I appreciate that banks I first contacted via Resolver are within their rights to start an investigation but can Egg and Halifax start an investigation without my formally requesting one? I still have an old store card with Santander I want to chase and another old credit card I have no details for should I start with a SAR for them? Sorry for the long post I’m just feeling very confused as what to do next!
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