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  1. HSBC now owns HFC Bank in Brighton. I wrote to HSBC Coventry PPI claims office giving my name, DOB and precise former address, last week, but they replied to say: no records of my account can be found after 32 years, and that they are not legally obliged to retain documents beyond the statutory period if an account was closed. I also opened a Loan Account in Bournemouth and fully repaid around 1983. -- same answer from HSBC: no records. I myself have retained no records whatsoever, but I am absolutely certain I had those accounts, and 70% sure there was PPI as was standard custom in those days. Is this a dead end? Should I invest in £10 requesting a SAR, if so SAR sent to HSBC Coventry or to HFC Bank in Brighton? Later to complain to FOS if we suspect HSBC does have records? Thanks to all for sharing experience.
  2. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/408616-trying-to-reclaim-ppi-but-paragon-says-no/?tab=comments#comment-4978454 same boat mate, paragon say no and not regulated Paragon informed me that the PPI was done by warranty Holdings Ltd, guess what, now dissolved
  3. Bells to ring out and 10,000 to march past the Cenotaph as the nation says 'thank you' READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bells-to-ring-out-and-10000-to-march-past-the-cenotaph-as-the-nation-says-thank-you
  4. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, -by his parents, Truth and Trust, -by his wife, Discretion, -by his daughter, Responsibility, -and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; - I Know My Rights - I Want It Now - Someone Else Is To Blame - I'm A Victim - Pay me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
  5. Fascinatingly complex scenario when you make an effort. After being made unemployed in July I have been trying to do bits and bobs with casual work for three employers whilst I look after my ill mum and look for a more permanent position. I get a nice tax rebate with a pay packet of just one weeks work for one of the employers and therefore do not get any Universal Credit for October because the pay plus the rebate takes me over the threshold of income for that month because the DWP takes tax rebates as pay. Fair enough but they then go and tell my council that my Universal Credit claim has been cancelled so I have to go through all the rigmarole of sending pay slips, hours worked, bank balances and the like to the council re council tax benefit and the council interestingly "do not" class tax rebates as income or pay! Regardless having more than one employer on a casual basis is a nightmare with the council who don't seem to know how to handle it and I may well have full whack council tax one month and then have to reapply monthly depending on wage which is always low anyway! So I have now had to email UC to see if I need to reclaim because I might not earn anything from the three employers this month although another nice little confusion arrived in the form of a small pay check from one employer with yet another healthy tax rebate,,,, two in one month from different employers?!?!?! Transpires that rebate earlier this month may be an error but I won't find out until the end of the tax year when I might, or might not have to pay it back!!! Either work full time or not at all seems to be the easiest way to avoid mega confusion on all counts as three mini employers is a logistical nightmare!!
  6. Hi, hope someone can advise me on this. My letting agent is telling me that at the end of my current contract, they want me to sign a 12 month contract otherwise I will have to leave. I looked on my tenancy agreement and it states the following TWELVE MONTHS beginning 6th july 2017. If the tenant does not leave at the end of the fixed term, the tenancy will continue, still subject to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, from month to month from the end of the fixed term until either the tenant gives notice that he wishes to end the agreement as set out in clauses 6 and 7 below or the landlord serves on the tenant a notice under section 21 of the housing act 1988, or a new form of agreement is entered into, or this agreement is ended by consent or court order" clause 6 and 7 talk about giving the landlord 1 months notice before I want to leave. Am I within my rights to ask to stay on a monthly rolling contract based on the above? Thanks
  7. I had a personal loan from 1999 which had PPI on it. I didn't request PPI but the box on the CCA had a pre-printed tick in it. On challenging the PPI, Paragon claim the loan wasn't dependent on PPI and that they weren't regulated at the time so I have no claim against them. The FOS haven't been much help. I've read a thread by user justice4me from 2012 where they managed to successfully make a PPI claim in much the same situation. Does anyone have any information regarding what is needed to successfully make a PPI claim against Paragon? Cheers, OMWO
  8. Hi there I have a question relating to a loan that I took in 2004 through Zenith Windows to install double glazing. But Zenith windows went into administration in 2010 I believe. Loan amount 5K. It is now paid off. How do I go about getting the PPI back from them and the unfair charges. Can anyone help please? Many thanks and much appreciated.
  9. Martin Lewis of MSE. Listening to the radio whilst in the car and Martin Lewis was being interviewed - he mentioned that if you even have one drink whilst on holiday, it could invalidate any insurance claim.. I did a googly when I got home and yep... he says it again HERE If you've had even ONE drink, it can invalidate any claim
  10. For the full story - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/24/broadband-users-in-line-for-millions-in-ofcom-compensation-plan
  11. I have been sacked one and a half weeks into a two-week trial period. The employer says that, because I only worked for a short period, he doesn't have to deduct tax and Ni from my wages. I was working a 37-hour week for which my pay (due at the end of March) was £7.50 per hour. My employer confirmed this in an email to me before I started work. I was directly employed (not through an agency) and was not self-employed. My questions is this: Is the employer legally obliged to deduct tax and NI after such a short period and does he have to give me a P45? Also, what can I do if he doesn't do any of this? I am from Eastern Europe and feel that the employer is deliberately attempting to recruit EU citizens for a short period and avoiding his legal obligations to pay tax and NI. There was nothing wrong with my work. I believe that it was all along his intention to sack me and that this is ongoing company policy towards temporary employees. Your help on this would be much appreciated.
  12. I have been on work related ESA for about a year or so, my adviser has been pusihing me to volunteer at a charity shop and I have. But it isn't my anxiety that's effecting me. I have trapped wind(very painful and makes me sick) so had a blood test and was diagnosed with a failing thyriod, no medication given yet. When I first went onto ESA before the interview to determine where I go, I wrote down trapped wind. But was not allowed to put that down on my sick note. With my thyriod problem it has casued me to suffer from on/off depression, I have anxiety which makes me sick. I am due for another blood test for diabetes as my blood sugar was high last week. I didn't know that my thyriod was the reason why I am always tired and sometimes depressed. Can I add these to my ESA claim? My adviser thinks anxiety is curable and I should get over it. Not in that way, but she thinks I'm ready to work. I have never worked and I never pass an interview.
  13. Hi everyone. I'm a new member on here. I came across the site when researching tenancy deposit schemes and I've read through several threads but can't seem to find and guidance in relation to my particular problem. Briefly, in September of last year I agreed to rent a property with a private landlord. I had a few concerns about the property but the landlord assured me they would be dealt with once I moved in. But I needed somewhere to live quickly and my mother paid the deposit. The rent was to be paid by housing benefit. There was mould throughout the property, there was a leak from the soil stack or a blockage causing it to seep out from where the two pipes join, a couple of electrical sockets that were loose from the wall etc. I paid the deposit in cash and received a receipt. After several weeks the landlord had not repaired any of the above despite my texting and phoning him. At the same time he began to phone and text me demanding the rent but there was a delay at the housing benefit and the payment had not yet come through. He threatened in the text messages to come round to the property on specific dates and turf me out and take the keys back. I felt intimidated by him and told him by recorded delivery letter that I was going to give him 28 days notice to leave because he hadn't fixed any of the things he had promised. He had no problem with this and texted the sooner the better and that he still hadn't had the rent. I left the property and asked him for the deposit back and he said he was keeping it because he was still owed money. I then found out online that the deposit should have been protected. I asked him about this so that it could go to a resolution but he would not give me the details but kept on saying that he had protected it. He then came back to me and said that I owed him four months rent for leaving early, fees that he had paid to an electrician to fix a pendant - which was one of the jobs I had asked him to fix - fees for a skip to empty the property even though it was empty when I left etc. I realise I'm rambling on. What I'm trying to determine is whether the tenancy was valid when he didn't protect the deposit? Has he a right to claim back four months rent from me when he didn't protect the deposit in the first place? Did the agreement lose any legitimacy when he failed to do that? I ask because despite my continued asking him he will not return the deposit and I'm thinking about taking it to court. All I want is my deposit back. Nothing else. He has since had the back payments up until the time I left the property. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  14. OK last year i set up a monthly DD to pay my car road tax. This has been paid every single month and i have never missed a payment. At the beginning of April i received a letter saying my car was not taxed the letter was dated around the middle of march. I checked my bank and found the DD for April had been paid so i assumed it must have been a mistake. I just received a second letter telling me my car was not taxed so this time i checked online and it shows my car as being not taxed. There is no reason why my car tax is not taxed. The monthly DD is still being paid and has never failed the M.O.T was renewed in March 2017 1 week before the old M.O.T was due to expire and the insurance has just been renewed a few days ago. I dont know who to contact to sort this out as all the phone numbers seem to be automated and im now worried about being finned for a mistake that is clearly the DVLA's fault. Any advice please? Thanks
  15. I'll try to cut a long story short. Yesterday a good friend with own business wanted cash to buy car today. No time to go to bank due to work pressure, so online transferred £7000 to me. I rang Lloyds to make sure ok to withdraw £7000 and they said yes with my id. I went to branch with my driving licence to withdraw cash. Computer said "no". Branch official needed paper statement from my friend. Friend and I met at branch around 4.15pm. Friend had brought statement showing online transfer but bank wanted actual bank statement. Friend and I walk to his Barclays bank to get statement but he'd left his bank card at home (10 miles away). They couldn't help him get a statement without bank card!!! Back to Lloyds. Offered to show clerk phone statement but not good enough as she wanted paper receipt. Couldn't offer us internet access to print it out. Branch closed at 5pm. Back to my house to online transfer £7000 back to friend. Computer said "no" again I rang enquiry line. Several questions later (which I correctly answered) I was told go back to branch with photo id in order to allow transaction to go through!!! Tried logging onto internet banking to check my statement and it's been frozen. Rang enquiry line and was told go to branch with photo id!!! Branch closed today (Good Friday). So car sale fallen through for friend. The two of us will turn up tomorrow at my branch so wish me luck
  16. The Great Repeal Bill – which does the opposite of what it says http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/theresa-may-great-repeal-bill-parliament-brexit-negotations-deal-a7837616.html One of the key points in the Brexit referendum and since has been the returning of power to the elected British Parliament YET the great repeal bill - includes a part which effectively gives absolute power to the PM and a handful of her senior ministers COMPLETELY bypassing the British democratic process. "The Great Repeal Bill proposes to delegate power to Government in the form of a Henry VIII clause which will enable Government to change all EU-derived primary and secondary law by means of a secondary act (usually a statutory instrument) with limited or no Parliamentary scrutiny or oversight. In the second of her two posts on the Bill, Joelle Grogan argues that this runs counter to democracy, legal certainty, the rule of law and the ultimate supremacy of Parliament itself." http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/06/05/the-not-so-great-repeal-bill-part-2-how-henry-viii-clauses-undermine-parliament/ This should be opposed with your every breath whatever your beliefs on Brexit or ANY other subject. I have no real issue with the main part - bringing required EU legislation into British Law, ONLY with the complete negating of British democracy which May has bolted on to it - Which I unequivocally oppose.
  17. Ryanair has told lawyers acting for a woman claiming compensation that it will no longer accept the jurisdiction of the English courts, in a case that has raised concerns over air passenger delay rights. The claims management company acting for a woman known only as Ms Menditta, who claimed against the Dublin-based Ryanair after a delay in 2015, have been told by the airline that a clause in the airline’s terms and conditions requires disputes to be decided by the Irish courts. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/09/ryanair-says-womans-delay-claim-must-go-through-irish-courts Clause 2.4 of Ryanair's terms and conditions states that contract disputes will normally be subject to the jurisdiction of Irish courts, but until now has rarely invoked that clause. Ryanair has now declared it WILL recognise the jurisdiction of British courts in flight delay compensation cases, but only if customers shun third-party claims firms and approach the airline directly.
  18. Hi all. I have a good friend who just happened to mention in conversation two weeks ago that he is using a claim firm (that he heard advertised on the local radio) to make a claim on a loan he had years ago. My wife says that my face was a picture at that very moment. Needless to say, I spent about 15 minutes going over the reasons why he should do it himself:wink: He added that they had told him that there was PPI on a loan back in 1994. However, yesterday my friend said that the firm had been in contact and said that the bank had said that the PPI had been taken off after 30 days of the loan starting. I am now going to help my friend send a SAR, along with the £10. My question is - has it ever been know for banks to claim something like this but then when challenged for the proof, show otherwise?
  19. http://news.sky.com/story/fca-says-750000-mortgage-customers-could-net-compensation-payout-10623570 I dont think this is or was a blunder - it was a deliberate action by the mortgage companies.
  20. Hi and thanks again for the forum. I purchased a used car from Profiled Cars in Pitsea, Essex on the 21 of September 2015. I drove the car home and went to lock the car with the remote and it would not lock or unlock from the remote. locked the car manually and sent a text to the dealer. He advised at this point that he was not aware the key didn't work and he advised me to change the batteries and to reset the key as per the handbook. T he key wouldn't reset. I texted the dealer back and he advised me to bring the car in at the weekend but to check first when he would be there. Saturday came and he advised me that he wouldn't look at the car. He said that a £200 discount we had agreed before the sale covered and "niggly" faults. He said he would only pay £20.00 towards a repair. I said I'd been quoted at least £80.00. I suggested that I'll get the key fixed and bill him. He advised me that I should not threaten him. It then became apparent that the car had other faults which includes a lazy window motor and knocking from the suspension over bumpy roads (not apparent on the test drive). I've now realised the blower only sends hot air even in the cold position. I emailed the dealer saying I want a full refund because he refused to fix the key. At this point he said that I had verbally agreed to any small faults as a result of the discount. However, this is not true because he agreed the discount before I had even viewed the car. He's now also saying the new 30 day rule is NOT retrospective. The car has a warranty, I've booked into a local garage for the faults to be assessed. The garage will then speak with the warranty company and they will decide if the faults are valid and if they will pay. However, the key is not covered. I want to return the car but naturally the dealer is refusing. What next please ? Many thanks in advance.
  21. Fines for misusing bus lanes are overtaking parking tickets as the main cause of complaints from drivers, according to the AA. The motoring group said thousands of drivers were being "entrapped" by worn road markings and poor signage. A junction in Lambeth, south London generated the highest number of fines, totalling over £6m, the AA claimed. Lucrative rat traps' Edmund King, AA president, said: "Whilst we support the use of bus lanes in the right places, functioning at the right times, we are totally opposed to 'entrapment' cameras on poorly designed or poorly signed bus lane junctions. "If thousands of drivers are getting tickets at the same junction then something is wrong and that junction or bus lane should be reviewed. "We fear that too many local highway authorities have become addicted to the lucrative income from these rat traps." BBC
  22. A study by Checkmarx and AppSec Labs specifically looked at the security of hundreds of the most popular apps found in the respective platforms’ app stores, testing them for security risks and vulnerabilities. According to the report, 40 percent of the iOS apps tested were found to have vulnerabilities rated as “critical” or “high severity.” Android apps fared marginally better at 36 percent. Android isn't that far behind, but this is 'another' one in the eye for those that continually brag Apple are safer.
  23. Well, not quite yet but the emdrive or Qdrive http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/emdrive-news-rumors/ Those interested in the field may remember Eric Laithwaite, the inventor of the linear induction motor (maglev). and his inertial propulsion theory See him in BBC's Heretic series and http://richannel.org/christmas-lectures/1974/1974-eric-laithwaite
  24. Hi Everyone, About 3 weeks ago I bought some vitamins with a total value of £37 off Ebay from a US seller on the 1st November which was fully tracked to my door. A week ago I realised it hadn't turned up yet, so checked the online tracking only to find that it showed the item as being delivered on the 12th when it most certainly was not. I complained to the Ebay seller and got not reply, and when I lodged an Ebay dispute, they ruled in favour of the seller because the item was marked as delivered. I complained to Citipost about this who said they contacted Yodel who they subcontracted it out to who said that the item was delivered to my address at the time stated and that they have tracking location information from the driver to prove that, although I don't quite know what that proves, other than than he was at my location, especially as I live in a 21 storey tower block with 126 flats. Citipost are absolving themselves of responsiblity by saying: "you may or may not be aware that we are a mailing house only and as such have no control over any courier group your seller decides to utilize with his contractual partner." Yet I am a bit confused as to how they can claim this as the tracking information leads me to Citipost's tracking site, not Yodels, which on the tracking info is the subcontractor. I could swallow the £37 but it really is a matter of principle and I am absolutely furious about this, especially as Citipost scores a dismal 2.9/10 in their Trustpilot reviews. I would have no hesitation in taking them to the small claims court if I had a case, but I don't know if I do, because how do I prove that is was not delivered? But the fact that they are saying it was leaves me with no other comeback. The only thing I could use as proof that I don't go around making false claims is the fact that a few weeks ago, I lodged another missing claim for an item with another Ebay seller which turned up after the seller had sent a replacement, and the second it did, I contacted the seller to pay for it, proof of which is contained within my Ebay account. Does anyone have any advice on what I could do in this situation? Thanks.
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