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Found 14 results

  1. Britain’s most advanced jets touch down on home soil READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/britains-most-advanced-jets-touch-down-on-home-soil
  2. NatWest reveals most common financial scams http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/NatWest-reveals-most-common-financial-scams-265e30b4-d606-4361-9fd1-ff8449f6a521-ds Along with the usual scams there are a few new ones - This article worth a read, especially for businesses
  3. Fines for misusing bus lanes are overtaking parking tickets as the main cause of complaints from drivers, according to the AA. The motoring group said thousands of drivers were being "entrapped" by worn road markings and poor signage. A junction in Lambeth, south London generated the highest number of fines, totalling over £6m, the AA claimed. Lucrative rat traps' Edmund King, AA president, said: "Whilst we support the use of bus lanes in the right places, functioning at the right times, we are totally opposed to 'entrapment' cameras on poorly designed or poorly signed bus lane junctions. "If thousands of drivers are getting tickets at the same junction then something is wrong and that junction or bus lane should be reviewed. "We fear that too many local highway authorities have become addicted to the lucrative income from these rat traps." BBC
  4. Experts say most people only use 10% of their brain’s potential. What if there was a pill that could unlock the other 90%? Clinical Trials have shown that the ingredients in this pill can boost your brain power, sharpen your mind, and sky-rocket your energy levels. Has anyone heard about this Pill. Good,bad etc.Just came across the article.Not had time to go into it in great depth.Just wondering. The link. Is This Smart Drug The Most Powerful Brain Enhancer in the World? http://secret-brain.com/?source=socialpubs&a=69 Another article. Scientists: Drugs to boost brain power should be legal for wider use. Healthy people should have the right to boost their brains with pills, like those prescribed for hyperactive kids or memory-impaired older folks, several scientists contend in a provocative commentary. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=6428947 I am thinking of donate ing my brain to the scientists.Sort that out if you can thoughts.
  5. Is something happening that we do not know about. Three people i know have said,one in Yorkshire and 2 in Lancashire who do not communicate with each other have heard strange unexplained noises from the sky. A loud humming,whining noise. Rumbling,not storms in the distance.Not tinnitus,going on for ages.A mixture of sounds. Are we chasing UFOS about perhaps.You cannot pinpoint it,it is everywhere it seems. I had better leave it there or else you may send the people with white coats to my house. Just wondering.
  6. People who are the victims of so-called "vishing" scams cannot always rely on their bank to compensate them, a study has suggested. In nearly two-thirds of cases the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) found that banks were not responsible for victims' losses. It looked at 200 examples of the telephone fraud, in which account holders lost up to £100,000 each. But it ruled that the bank was liable for those losses in only 37% of cases. In 63% of them, consumers were left without compensation, having, in effect, given their own money away. As a result it is warning that account holders need to be much more aware of the risks. "We really want to share what we are seeing in the complaints we handle, and encourage people to get talking about scams with their friends and relatives so they become more alert to the risks," said Caroline Wayman, the chief ombudsman. More ...
  7. When the Work Programme was introduced, and ever since, the Government said that it would be funded by the money it saved from future benefit spending. I took the following figures from DWP's own statistics and placed them here to see whether anyone else can find where any expenditure on benefits has been saved, far less the cost of the Work Programme. Total expenditure directed at working age 2010/11...................£51.17bn 2011/12...................£53.00bn 2012/13...................£54.98bn 2013/14...................£51.66bn 2014/15...................£51.91bn This figure is projected to rise by almost another £5bn by 2020. The proportion directed at Jobseeker's Allowance 2010/11...................£4.47bn 2011/12...................£4.93bn 2012/13...................£5.17bn 2013/14...................£4.34bn 2014/15...................£3.06bn The increase in this benefit cost in 2011/12 to 2012/13 levels out any gain in the overall reduction shown for the 5 years to 2014/15. The proportion directed at Employment & Support Allowance 2010/11...................£2.23bn 2011/12...................£3.55bn 2012/13...................£6.78bn 2013/14...................£10.44bn 2014/15...................£12.74bn Total expenditure directed at pensioners 2010/11....................£100.34bn 2014/15....................£114.03bn This figure is projected to rise to £126.50bn by 2020 We are told that 2 million people have been placed in work since 2010. If this is so why do the benefit spending figures show an increase? Surely we should be seeing a decrease. Even if everyone on JSA (761,962 May figure) got a job tomorrow, what difference would it make if 2 million did not reduce the benefit spending figures? Now, if no saving has been made, and not likely to be made, how is the WP to be paid for? DWP estimates that the value of Work Programme contracts will be between £3bn and £5bn up to 2017. Even with the huge margin of error that they give themselves this is a 'conservative estimate', more likely to be at least double that figure. Up to Sept 2013 a total of £1.047bn had already been paid to WP Providers.(Only figure I have managed to find so far). No further evidence of the Work Programme's uselessness should be necessary than the Government's own verdict on it in 2013. The Autumn Statement of 2013 confirmed that the Government would be investing £700 millions over 4 years in the new Help to Work Schemes. This requires JSA claimants who are still unemployed after 2 years on the Work Programme to undergo further training and mandatory activities. Claimants will be expected to be on a training scheme, Mandatory Work Activity or intensive work preparation within days of finishing on the Work Programme. Another £30 millions is allocated to that particular scheme. I would suggest that the cuts so far, and the cuts yet to come, far from going towards reducing the deficit, is going straight into the pockets of the Work Programme Providers. Otherwise, if they expected to be paid from the money they saved the Government in benefit spending they would not get a penny. So, not only are the unemployed made to suffer the indignities of those totally pointless, hopeless schemes inflicted on them, they also pay for the dubious privilege through sanctions and cuts. It looks now like people who work, many who have never been on a Work Programme but get working tax credits, the sick and disabled, are going to have to foot the bill as well, because even if all JSA benefits were stopped now and given over they would not cover the cost. When this dawns on the hoi polloi, stand well back.
  8. People who are the victims of so-called "vishing" [problem]s cannot always rely on their bank to compensate them, a study has suggested. In nearly two-thirds of cases the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) found that banks were not responsible for victims' losses. It looked at 200 examples of the telephone fraud, in which account holders lost up to £100,000 each. But it ruled that the bank was liable for those losses in only 37% of cases. In 63% of them, consumers were left without compensation, having, in effect, given their own money away. As a result it is warning that account holders need to be much more aware of the risks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33386934
  9. There seems to be so many stupid adverts on just recently so here goes 1) Moneysupermarket and the bloke wearing shorts & high heels 2) The moam couple on E4 ( Big Bang Programme normally ) 3)The advert with ugly mug George Clooney in 4) Adverts for pay day loans There are more and am sure you all have adverts you do not like
  10. I'm thinking of taking a small loan for this amount maximum, and would even settle for just £300 if I could get a reasonable repayment schedule and rate of interest. The thing is, I want to avoid Wonga like the plague, considering the horror stories I've heard about them, I don't need an interest rate with 4 decimal places and I'm willing to repay within 2 years at most. The thing is, technically, I could save up, but it would take a few months at least, but I'm wondering if that is my best bet. What is the best advice you can give?
  11. Thought we should have this as well, so here goes a smile costs nothing nor do manners
  12. After working for a Company for the past 18 years, holding many, many different positions within the Company. I was informed 2 weeks ago that the Company were restructuring again & my job role was being made redundant. 4 'new' job roles ( 1 Quality Manager & 3 Quality Auditor's ) were created & i along with others were encouraged to apply for these jobs & after various one to one meetings & an interview i was finally informed yesterday by telephone ( Due to being off sick ) of the Companies decision that i had failed in my application & therefore would indeed be made redundant. I am currently on 12 weeks gardening leave where at the end of this period i will receive 19 weeks redundancy money. Now, my bugbear with the Companies decision is that i am, in my honest opinion the most qualified ( Having Certification & Experience of all aspects ) person who has been doing most of what the job role entails for the past several years & to not be deemed good enough for one of these 3 roles beggars belief. When informed of the decision i took it gracefully & without complaint or argument but, the more i thought about it the more irate i have become, i have decided to telephone the individual who carried out the interview & ask for a one to one to ask the reason(s) why i was not chosen & then to appeal the decision & then if need be claim for Unfair Dismissal. At the present time this is more of a rant & to vent my frustrations than a thread asking for advice ( Unless someone has any advice which they would like to offer ) Thank you for listening.
  13. This is just fantastic. Pick out any interesting location around the world and click on it. A page will come up with a photo. In the center is a circle with a triangle. Click on the triangle. Now you get a full picture. If it's not a full screen, click on the 4 dots in the lower right corner. Now with full screen, place your curser anywhere on the screen and slowly drag the picture in any direction you want. Left, right, up, down, slow or stop. Try the Egyptian Pyramids in Egypt or Moscow, Kremlin to get started. This is a one e-mail you will want to save. Enjoy. Panoramas and 3D Tours of the Most Beautiful Places Around the World! Click on the below City Names & Enjoy ! Victoria Falls, Zambia • Venezuela, Surroundings of Angel Falls, Venezuela • Angel falls, Venezuela • Kalyan Minaret, Bukhara, Uzbekistan • Miami, USA • Las Vegas, USA • Lake Powell, USA • Manhattan, New York, USA • Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA • Millennium UN Plaza Hotel, New York, USA • Oahu, Hawaii, USA • Las Vegas, Nevada, USA • Millennium UN Plaza Hotel, New York, USA • Golden Gate Bridge, USA • Statue of Liberty, New York, USA • Manhattan, New York, USA • Hollywood, California, USA • San Juan and Colorado rivers, USA • Goosenecks, Utah, USA • Mono Lake, California, USA • Millennium UN Plaza Hotel, New York, USA • Chicago, Illinois, USA • Los Angeles, California, USA • Kiev, Ukraine • Ay-Petri, Ukraine • Dubai, UAE • Dubai, Islands, UAE • Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE • Bangkok, Thailand • Sankt-Moritz, Switzerland • Cape Good Hope, South Africa • Cape-Town, South Africa • Moscow, MSU, Russia • Moscow, Kremlin, Bolotnaya Square , Russia • Moscow, Russia • Moscow Kremlin, Russia • 55.748765;37.540841, Russia • Moscow City, Russia • Kremlin, Moscow, Russia • Moscow City, Russia • Trinity Lavra of Sait Sergius, Russia • Saint-Petersburg, Russia • New Jerusalem Monastery, Russia • Saint Petersburg, Russia • Novodevichy Convent. Moscow, Russia • Ramenki,Moscow, Russia • MKAD, Moscow, Russia • Moscow, Russia • Moscow, Russia • Krokus Expo Center, Moscow, Russia • Moscow Region, Russia • Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand • Fiordland, New Zealand • Nepal, Nepal • Maldives, Maldives • Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia • Grimsvotn, Iceland • Amsterdam, Holland • Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany • Egyptian Pyramids, Egypt • Hong Kong, China • The Iguassu Falls, Brazil • Twelve Apostles Marine National Park, Australia • Sydney, Australia • Buenos Aires, Argentina • Egyptian Pyramids, Egypt
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