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  1. I have used this company in the past, at least 2 times for low value items where their £20 base compensation amount would suffice on my last experience I used them to carry an item of higher value and that is where things started unfolding. As a parcel broker, I though they are just brokers like travel agencies I was wrong because the moment you purchase a delivery slot through their company with one of the main shipping agents such as UPS, DHL, TNT, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, YODEL and many others, you cease to be the sender of the package as they are the sender/shipper so the actual shipping companies don’t want to know you and always refer you to the [removed] at Parcel2Go.com. For my most recent service request, I booked a collection through Parcel2Go via UPS late October with next day delivery on 1st November for a printer I purchased from eBay The seller kindly agreed to allow me to organise collection at my own cost through my own courier of choice. 1st November came and late in the afternoon, the UPS delivery driver arrived at the delivery address and rang the bell to state that he has a parcel for us to my surprise, moments later he stated that the parcel in question was not my one and that my parcel would follow on the next delivery. I could clearly see my parcel in the back of his van with exactly the same box, make and model of the item ready to be unloaded but the packaging appeared to have been tampered with. After the driver stated that he actually has 3 more of the same boxes in his van and that my one would be delivered on the next delivery, I took his word for it and let him go here I was wrong because that was indeed my package. (I am taking this matter with the UPS on a separate complaint and will also address this issue with the driver in question in due course) This is where things get even uglier by the day. I contacted Parcel2Go via chat after that day passed and no delivery took place the same day or the next day or the day or week after. They started a so-called investigation. During this time the tracking details for my parcel were updated to state that my parcel was incorrectly sorted and then days later it was updated to state that my parcel was now damaged. I made countless calls to UPS and made countless chat contacts with Parcel2Go.com to ensure that regardless of the damage to my parcel every effort was made to return my parcel to the address on the shipping label. Whilst the [removed] at Parcel2Go claimed that they were making call and sent emails to UPS to request that the parcel would be returned to the original delivery address, UPS was telling me to go back to Parcel2Go as they are their customer not myself and that they are the official shipper not myself even though I booked the collection and I am the recipient of the parcel. UPS was able to confirm on numerous calls that Parcel2Go was not telling the truth about the state of my parcel and that due to confidentiality reasons they urged me to go back to them they kept on apologising day after day without offering any concrete solution. UPS agents did however confirm that Parcel2Go did not make any contacts with them regarding a request to allow my parcel to continue its journey to the original delivery address. Clearly Parcel2Go agents acted dishonestly and gave me incorrect information on every occasion. I recorded all my phone conversations with UPS and have kept all the chat logs with Parcel2Go in case the matter escalates. I am now glad I did because things took another turn from bad to worse. Following many contacts with UPS and Parcel2Go, I was then told that UPS could not return my parcel to my address and that it had to go back to the sender (Parcel2Go warehouse). I was then given numerous assurances by Parcel2Go that my parcel, regardless of its state would then be returned to my address. Subsequently, I was told by UPS that the parcel was indeed sent to Parcel2Go and then during another live chat session, the agent from Parcel2Go did confirm that the parcel was at their warehouse and that it would be returned to my original delivery address as agreed. By this time, as per their claims process, my claim for damage in transit was settled with an offer of £20+shipping fees but here is when things got worse. After 2 weeks passed since my last contact and the promise of return of my parcel (as recorded on chat logs), during one live chat where I queried what was happening, this time I was told that my parcel is now lost in transit. I challenged them but they kept on giving me scripted excuses, apologies but no concrete response. I was very shocked and complained to their claims department but they kept on stating that as my original claim for the damage in transit was settled there was nothing else they could do. [Removed] Because they have non-disclosure agreement with the courier company, the customer is always sent back to Parcel2Go and the courier does not accept any liability. [Removed] I am giving you a brief account of my experience here [Removed] as well as false promises about the actions they would take to resolve my issue. In the end I wrote to their CEO and every other email address I could find because they don’t have a dedicated customer service call centre and all I get was a bunch of staff with fake aliases or accounts of what they will do to resolve my issue but no honest action on the problem. As a result, I demanded for them to at least refund me the declared value of the item plus compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused for more than a month they even failed to realise and acknowledge their underhanded practices aside from scripted apology lines. I am now convinced that if I had taken insurance for my parcel , I am sure they would have jumped upside down to get my parcel back to me and to find excuses to pay less or no compensation. Just because I did not take insurance, they are trying to take advantage of the situation like they have done with many other people. I am very disgusted, angry and disappointed with authorities for allowing such a dishonest company to trade. They are [Removed] with disgusting ways of dealing with customer complaints and have no regard for customer service. They should be banned from trading. I gave up on dealing with them directly, so here is what I am planning to do with immediate effect; 1. I will publish my story on every forum, website where there is concerns raised about [Removed] so that others don’t fall into the same trap that I did. 2. I will report this matter to the local trading standards in Bolton, {removed] 3. I will use social media to highlight the dangers of dealing with these dishonest companies and will name and shame each of their employees that are involved. 4. I will log a complaint with ActionFraud to get the police involved in investigating [Removed] 5. I will initiate a Small Claims Court action to recover my losses. I have sufficient evidence to sue them thanks to their chat logs and the UPS call records as well as emails but what will they have to defend themselves. Hope justice will be done to prevent them from trading any longer. More importantly eBay and other responsible companies should not allow the services/lack of Parcel2Go and the likes ever. Stay clear of this company at all costs. If you have been a victim then do not wait and put up with their crap, take the matter further and report to the relevant authorities and take action to recover your losses. Don’t be an easy target.
  2. http://cag.tw/22e4 (link from original article contains banned word)
  3. lately I've been reading a good few pages of all the bad rep certain X4L gym's have been gotten over the membership situation, I decided to post and give some enlightenment to the situation.... When you cancel your direct debit with the bank, you are obviously going to get charged still. and debit.... Because this i the wrong way to go about cancelling.. I strongly suggest, you visit the X4L website and cancel that way. Also when the sales rep sees you before signing up, they are told not to mention the canceling option.... All the gym cares about is making a profit.... The staff are treated like rubbish. please do not take any of the issues you have with the direct debit out on the staff, they have been fully trained not to answer cancelling questions. This problem comes direct from the higher up's who actually own X4L.... If you have any questions I'll be willing to reply.. Yours A concerned friend.
  4. Action Fraud has received a number of reports where people have been defrauded by criminals claiming to be “Action Fraud Litigation Services” who they say work with Action Fraud and the City of London Police. How the [problem] works The fraudster phones their victim and tells them that they are phoning from the “Action Fraud Litigation Services team”. They say that they are legal prosecutors who will be able to help the victim recover the money that they have lost in a previous fraud. They tell the victim that in order to recover the money that they have lost, the legal prosecutors will need to represent them and that there will be an advance fee which they will need to pay immediately. They normally say that this fee will be £239, but the price can vary. Once the victim has made their payment, normally over the phone, they are not longer able to make contact, even when they try and call back the number which they received the call on. Please be aware that Action Fraud would never ask victims to part with money over the phone or via email and "Action Fraud Litigation Services" is not a legitimate organisation. http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/alert-watch-out-for-fraudsters-purporting-to-be-from-action-fraud-litigation-services-oct15
  5. I have been with vodafone for years so would like to think I'm a valued customer. I've never had problems up until now. I switched in september from a 2 year contract to a sim only contract. In my bundle i was meant to have 20GB of data. In my old 2 year contract i had 12GB of data. Anyway whats happened is that when they have changed my tariff, one half of vodafone system says i am entitled to 20GB of data, yet the other half of there system has been changed to reflect. So whats been happening is that every bit of data that i go over 12GB is being charged for. So last month i questioned it with vodafone, and they raised a bill query to cancel £71 worth of charges. But this hasn't taken into account the remainder of the charges I've incurred for the remainder of the month. Anyway long story short again, i used 16GB of data, My contract allowance is 20GB and they have billed me 4GB over the 12GB. The first bill amendment was for £71, but they then started to say that this was final and that the final bill was £46. When i questioned what it comprised of they went a head and confirmed it was for £20 of data. I asked how i can be charged for data when its in my bundle. The advisors each time agreed. But the bill still stood as they refused to do another bill recalculation. Anyway i asked to have my contract terminated due to the hassle and then i was happy to take out another contract which should have been clean without any glitches. They told me for this i would be charged. I suggested a data test drive in order to give vodafone time to sort the problem. This was refused at first. I phone up to pay for the £26.50 which is what the bill was. after they reluctantly took the payment. the following day i received a text threatening/blackmailing me to hand over money or the remainder of the bill or i shall be cut off. I then phoned them again asking why i received this. they apologised. They said it wouldn't happen. The advisor then said that he would apply a data test drive to my account, which he had done. But also told me that there was still a picture message outstanding on my account for £0.45. I agreed to pay this. I checked my online banking today and they have taken the remaining balance of the account being £19 ish. So basically after the advisor agreed an amount he then proceeded to falsely enter an angered amount and charge my card. I spent 3 hours on the phone today complaining going around in circles. Ive had enough now. Ive spent in total 10 hours plus on the phone trying to sort this problem out. And I'm just getting passed from person to person. To make things worse, I'm being charge again for this billing period until the data test drive went live. And they have had the cheek to add a late payment charge onto my account. Which now they have agreed to wipe. They have also agreed to refund the £19 into my account but will take several days. There quick enough to falsely steel it. So my question to the forum. Where can i go from here? I don't want to be having to go through this hassle every month for the remaining 9 months of my contract. Do i have ground to have my contract terminated due to a failure on vodafones behalf. Cos they are adamant that i will be charged and i have to pay the charges. Ive phoned Natwest fraud department up, and basically they have said that if i don't have it in writing what the charge was going to be for which i do, then they have nothing to act upon to carry out a visa charge back, even though its on my bill, and i recorded todays phone conversation for proof. Also ombusman want 8 weeks and this has now been 4 weeks, and they say it could take a further 8 weeks again so 12 weeks all in total. I feel its every week I'm having to spend hours on the phone to vodafone At one point they had great customer service and had no problems recommending them, even got my wife onto them Im stuck guys and need help. They have proven they can't fix the problem, now i want out help
  6. Just to let you know that there is a con going around at the moment. People receive the letter attached below. The free phone numbers in the letter don't belong to Lloyds. If you call them they will try to con you. Ignore or report if you receive one of these CON letters. Not sure if similar letters have been sent 'on behalf' of other banks.
  7. Hi guys signed up to exercise4less about 5 months ago got on a coperate deal through work so went in to enquire and as always was pressured into joining up, wanted to get fit and couldnt argue with £10 a month so decided to speak to someone they said because you work at VM you can join for £10 and then my monthly payments would be £9.99 a month So was happy with this went away 3 days later was paid by work and on returning the bloke i spoke to was not available when i mentioned the £10 joining fee the young lad who dealt with me said he had not heard of that before and it would be £37 to join but i would get what they call a chicken hamper, loads of stuff like gym outfit, gym bag, water bottle, sweat band etc etc, never received the hamper, was told on a weekly basis the stuff i need is out of stock unsure when delivery would be made took the £37 out of my bank, then £9.99 2 weeks later. So i was patient and waited another 3 weeks up until they still decide no delivery has been made so i got really annoyed went home cancelled the direct debit joined another gym with a few friends who has been brilliant with no issues, 2 months later Harlands who deals with Exercise4less direct debit payments decides to tell me i have cancelled the direct debit and they have added there own £25 admin fee for failed direct debit, ignored this letter then 4 weeks later another £25 added for another missed direct debit These people have done nothing but stress me out i got on email to exercise4less where they ignored my complaint, i emailed them again yesterday and the new manager got in touch about me filling out a 30 day cancellation form but said the penalty would still stand, or i can pay up the oustanding balance and continue with them, Way i see it is they never supplied me with the goods they promised and now have the cheek to tell me they are in stock for collection anytime but yet i cant use the gym because i owe them oustanding money aint this breach of contract from there end ? I want nothing to do with this company and just want the whole thing cancelling any help or advice please Many Thanks
  8. When the Work Programme was introduced, and ever since, the Government said that it would be funded by the money it saved from future benefit spending. I took the following figures from DWP's own statistics and placed them here to see whether anyone else can find where any expenditure on benefits has been saved, far less the cost of the Work Programme. Total expenditure directed at working age 2010/11...................£51.17bn 2011/12...................£53.00bn 2012/13...................£54.98bn 2013/14...................£51.66bn 2014/15...................£51.91bn This figure is projected to rise by almost another £5bn by 2020. The proportion directed at Jobseeker's Allowance 2010/11...................£4.47bn 2011/12...................£4.93bn 2012/13...................£5.17bn 2013/14...................£4.34bn 2014/15...................£3.06bn The increase in this benefit cost in 2011/12 to 2012/13 levels out any gain in the overall reduction shown for the 5 years to 2014/15. The proportion directed at Employment & Support Allowance 2010/11...................£2.23bn 2011/12...................£3.55bn 2012/13...................£6.78bn 2013/14...................£10.44bn 2014/15...................£12.74bn Total expenditure directed at pensioners 2010/11....................£100.34bn 2014/15....................£114.03bn This figure is projected to rise to £126.50bn by 2020 We are told that 2 million people have been placed in work since 2010. If this is so why do the benefit spending figures show an increase? Surely we should be seeing a decrease. Even if everyone on JSA (761,962 May figure) got a job tomorrow, what difference would it make if 2 million did not reduce the benefit spending figures? Now, if no saving has been made, and not likely to be made, how is the WP to be paid for? DWP estimates that the value of Work Programme contracts will be between £3bn and £5bn up to 2017. Even with the huge margin of error that they give themselves this is a 'conservative estimate', more likely to be at least double that figure. Up to Sept 2013 a total of £1.047bn had already been paid to WP Providers.(Only figure I have managed to find so far). No further evidence of the Work Programme's uselessness should be necessary than the Government's own verdict on it in 2013. The Autumn Statement of 2013 confirmed that the Government would be investing £700 millions over 4 years in the new Help to Work Schemes. This requires JSA claimants who are still unemployed after 2 years on the Work Programme to undergo further training and mandatory activities. Claimants will be expected to be on a training scheme, Mandatory Work Activity or intensive work preparation within days of finishing on the Work Programme. Another £30 millions is allocated to that particular scheme. I would suggest that the cuts so far, and the cuts yet to come, far from going towards reducing the deficit, is going straight into the pockets of the Work Programme Providers. Otherwise, if they expected to be paid from the money they saved the Government in benefit spending they would not get a penny. So, not only are the unemployed made to suffer the indignities of those totally pointless, hopeless schemes inflicted on them, they also pay for the dubious privilege through sanctions and cuts. It looks now like people who work, many who have never been on a Work Programme but get working tax credits, the sick and disabled, are going to have to foot the bill as well, because even if all JSA benefits were stopped now and given over they would not cover the cost. When this dawns on the hoi polloi, stand well back.
  9. I took out a vehicle based membership for my son last year for his birthday AA changed this membership to a personal one and when son wanted to claim he was forced to take out new membership AA refuses to acknowledge they are at fault I am taking them to Financial Ombudsman - and have requested copy of transcript of phone call i have all original docs to prove vehicle based membership Be very careful with them...poor customer service, they only want your hard earned cash. I will peruse through small claims court Very poor service and complaints handling - -dreadful
  10. I have been trying for some considerable time to get a PPI miss selling claim paid by Welcome Finance. The problem is that I have now reached the conclusion that the process being used by Welcome Finance and being endorsed by the FSCS is not correct to avoid the correct processing of PPI miss selling. My original claim was rejected by Welcome ....reason given that I did not make a claim to their insurance company . The fact is, that I was never made aware of the insurance company. I was self employed when I took out the loan and when I broke my shoulder and could not do my work, I contacted Welcome and was told that I was not covered by their PPI policy. I made a complaint regarding their decision to reject my PPI claim and was paased on to a manager at FSCS. He has now agreed with Welcome that I must make a claim to their Insurance company ( Direct Group, Doncaster) I have received forms from this company. These forms make it almost impossible to conply with their terms. I have found that the NHS hospital who treated me seven years ago for a broken shoulder will not supply me with the details athat they require. I have since made a complaint to the FSCS, that this insurance situation is just a smokescreen to avoid paying out on PPI claims. I maintained that any claim has nothing to do with the matter of being misssold the PPI. I have now received confirmation from the FSCS that the insurance issue must be dealt with first before the miss selling can be delat with. I belive that this is proof that this is a ruse Has anyone else had a similar problem and any success with this company. Regards Alastair
  11. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-undergoes-life-saving-kidney-transplant-4424880
  12. Hello, I wonder if anyone could help. I'm sure you've all heard of the Makeover Photo shoot con in London and seen them on Watchdog recently. I entered to win a free makeover by magazine this year and was called and told I had won. I was told I could bring up to 5 people and we would experience a celebrity style makeover with top London make-up artists and hair stylists, drinks throughout and an elite photo shoot followed by dinner in a London restaurant for us all. Naturally I was over the moon as I have never won anything before. I invited my friend and because we live 2.5 hours away from London we decided to bring our husbands for company/safety and to stay overnight in London, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to have the meal as we would need to catch a train home that evening and would be too late. They took a £120 deposit from me which they assured me would be returned and was redeemable against photos. What they didn't tell me was that the purchase of photos was mandatory and that the minimum cost would set me back £400. Had I known this I wouldn't have gone because I just don't have that kind of money. Anyway, off we went to London blissfully unaware that it was a complete con. We arrived and had a speedy and shoddy makeover by a very young just qualified Makeup artist who was also the 'top London Hair stylist'. The drinks served throughout turned out to be 1x orange squash. The photographs were awful! Really cheesy and tacky. When we were shown them we were stifling giggles because they were so terrible and we looked awful. We soon stopped laughing when we were told we needed to buy 11 photographs for £400 otherwise we would have to pay for the makeover and shoot which was worth £800 and would be subject to court action. We asked which part of the experience was the competition prize and were told the free Makeover and shoot was the prize but now we needed to buy the extortionate dis-proportionate pictures- or else! After it got heated we had to get up and leave without the return of my £120 deposit and with no evening meal as promised. We were absolutely starving, thirsty and shattered form all the travelling and waiting around. I'm sure if our husbands were not with us it could have turned nasty and I have seen that for some women it has, with locked doors and physically being held against their will till they paid. The long and short of it is that myself and my friend and our husbands are out of pocket because of them. We paid for train tickets, accommodation, an evening meal, tube tickets and refreshments plus our husbands lost holiday time from work in booking the time off to accompany us. We have lost over £700 being involved in this [problem] (including the deposit) and I have opened a court claim online against them in an attempt for reimbursement of our expenses. I opened the claim on 24th May, it was issued on 27th May and deemed served on 1st June. The Makeover company issued an acknowledgement of service right at the eleventh hour on Sunday 15th June and as at 1st July there was no defence listed as being received and I had nothing more in the post so I requested judgement on 1st July. I have logged in today to MCOL and it says that judgement has been refused. Why could this be please? I thought I had followed the correct timeframes and done everything by the book and there is no defence so why have they refused to grant judgement? In addition the makeover company have been calling my mobile leaving messages asking me to call them but I want everything kept in writing as evidence since this is now a legal matter and I will have no proof of anything they say to me. The way I understand it is that I am not obliged to speak to them over the telephone. I am sure if they genuinely wanted to negotiate with me and make an offer to resolve this it would be done by the book in writing. Going by the fact that they operate a business ripping people off, you can understand I don't wish to speak to these people on the telephone. How do I proceed with this now? I thought the timeframe for their defence had elapsed and with no defence should it not be judgement by default? They've had plenty of time to put their side across but haven't bothered yet. I don't see what defence they have to be fair, what they do is daylight robbery! In the meantime I'm an extra £60 down trying to get justice not just for the return of the expenses these jerks cost us but also to help stop them doing what they're doing to vulnerable girls and women. Please could somebody advise? Thanks guys x
  13. I had my air con refilled by them for £50. It's not particularly cold, but I understand it can be due to the car. Are they suppose to replace the pollen filter? I assumed it was a part of the service, but they didn't replace it and it smells like old sweat when it's running.
  14. Took my car in to a local garage for its service and MOT. I also asked for an air con service at the time of booking. When picking up my car I was told that they couldn't complete the air con service as there was a leak when they put the oxygen through, when I asked what had happened and why they hadn't fixed it, I was fobbed off. On driving home, the air con wasn't working at all, just blowing hot air, it was working fine before. I took it to an F1 Autocentre who diagnosed instantly that there was no leak, just no pressure in the system- most likely due to a botched job. Where do I stand about complaining about this? I didn't lose any money, just time and my air con ended up re-gassed. However I'm not happy with the service I received from the garage.
  15. Hi there, I am looking for some advice on a car sale any help would be much appreciated.The story: So I contact the independant dealer that I purchased my car from 2 yrs ago to inform him I would like to resell ,he initally says why dont I sell it on your behalf on my forcourt at a fee of £1500 to which I agree so the car goes on sale for 31k ,2 weeks later he calls and says the car needs £1600 of work to it ok I say book it in.1 week later he says I will buy it from me at £26600 minus £1600 =25k for the work that need doing to which he says I will pay you next week I agree . So I found out the car has been sold prior to the deal we had and someone else is driving it around before he has paid me.My issue is that he had car up for sale on my behalf to which he sold at cira 31k then told me he would buy at the 25k making a profit at no risk of 6k and I beleive no work was carried out on vehicle(£1600).Please note through out this I have not been paid anything. He doesnt know I know the car has been sold so I text him to say actually I am going to keep the car obviously I will pay you a fair fee for advertising etc. To which I am awaiting a response.Any advice or opinions would be a massive help
  16. How can it be possible to pay an endowment mortgage for 12 years at about 240.00 a month and when you come to change your mortgage over to another company..you owe more than you borrowed!! how much interest do they put on..Even though we did struggle with paying it..late payment fees etc...must of paid them over 30.000...
  17. Hi do not buy AA repair and cover warranty its a big [problem] the insurer is brc please be aware my car a 2005 Peugeot 407 broke down last Friday car was vibrating really bad as man came and said it was flywheel he towed me to local garage where they stripped gearbox they found that the flywheel dual mass had broken and seized so wasn't moving and not doing its job brc phoned and said it was not covered as its wear and tear now how can be that if its broken the flywheel has no wear on it they then stated that the clutch plate was worn down to rivets this is not the case there is thousands of miles left on all parts and if flywheel had not broken it would be still going car was not slipping at all just really bad vibration they say in there terms it is not covered for wear and tear but it doesn't say we do not cover cars over a certain age it is a big rip of so any part that fails they can say its down to wear they refuse to pay car is below average milage and fully serviced please helpa
  18. Our company switched to Opus Energy in Nov 2012 for a 12-month contract. The tariff was good at (something like 9 pence/kWh). In August 2013 we received a letter telling us the fixed contract was ending in Nov 2013, and if we didn't respond within 30 days, the contract would be automatically for another 12 months. I was away from teh office at the time. We were told the new contract details were overleaf. This was followed by paragraphs about where does your electricity come from? renewable sources, £10 off for ebilling, smartmeters, etc. The last line on page 2, stated the unit price of 17.69 p per kWh. No mention of the previous unit price, no mention of the percentage increase (ca 80%). Yes, we were too trusting, yes, we should have checked, but we felt we were dealing with a reputable company (like us) who would treat their customers fairly. Opus Energy appear to be deliberately attracting new custom, then sneaking out punitive increases on the unwary. Opus refused to justify their increase and are currently trying to hold us to the 2nd year contract providing which will end providing we give 90 days’ notice. The government's policy of opening up the utilities market to make it more competitive is to be applauded, but at the same time it has to prevent unscrupulous companies like Opus Energy from taking advantage of consumers. A search on Google reveals this company has many, many dissatisfied customers, so buyer beware.
  19. Riisk

    Failure To Notify

    Hi all, been reading a lot about these lately as my partner has just received her requestion through the post. I've written 2 letters, one to the court as we are unable to attend due to been out of the country and one to the dvla as they seem to enjoy losing our post as you will see from the information in the letter. Anything you would change or advise? She plans on pleading not guilty. Letter to the DVLA Letter to Court; Going to court is a massive hassle and is going to cost enough in fuel as it's not local (45miles away) and time off work to attend, just need it sorted and forgotten about. Hiring a solicitor is also out the question due to cost. Thanks
  20. My Bank, (HSBC) has been negligent and mis-sold me an overdraft on the basis of funds coming from an investment which turned out to be a con trick the bank had said the investment was sound and actively encouraged me to run up a large overdraft knowing I only had a very small income- they were so desperate to get all of the funds from the investment deposited in their bank they advised me badly and when it was found to be a con trick, they placed a charge on my property to cover the overdraft and are now trying to repossess my home! I have complained to the FOS but they were biased in favour of the bank, so I complained to the Independant Assessor who said I`d been treated badly by the FOS and things had been done wrong and awarded a small amount of compensation- I believe things were done wrong as they were biased in favour of HSBC. Now the Bank is going for a repossession order for my property so I`ve been to see a solicitor today who`s told me I have a good case and may get legal aid but after ringing the legal aid line I was refused legal aid...probably because I`m not on any benefits! I can`t afford to take the bank to court myself as this whole fiasco has ruined me financially and seemingly I can`t get free help but surely there must be something I can do? Please help if you can as I feel so helpless and am at my wits end. I was at Court on 10th June for a Possession Hearing and put in a Defence and the Judge adjourned to enable me time to submit a fully pleaded defence and counter claim but I can`t afford a Solicitor to do this? The day before I was at Court in June, HSBC e-mailed me and offered to knock the amount they claim is owed down from £91500.00 to £59500.00 and no costs would be payable, provided I signed an agreement saying I wouldn`t take any further action against HSBC either now or in the future...I find this `offer` all very odd and feel I`m missing something that HSBC are worried about? Sorry for the length of this- can anyone advise me please as I`m due in Court again next week...thank you
  21. Hi guys, need some advice. I'm a london bus driver. All our buses have air con for the driver, however, the buses on my route only about 3 out of 15 have working air con. Most, when you switch the air con on blow out HOT air. The buses have been reported countless times for non working air con. Today, both buses I drove had non working air con, and, tbh, if my shift was any longer, I would not of been able to carry on driving. My arms felt like lead, I felt very tired and larthargic, and was losing my concentration. If This happens again, I will stop driving and refuse to carry on for safety reasons. My question is this, do my company still have to pay me? I'm not going 'sick on duty', i'm happy to carry on driving, as long as the bus has working air con. Your thoughts?
  22. I have fallen foul to this company, even people like myself who thoroughly look into things before they buy can get caught out by these shrewd websites. Even when you read the T&C's thinking that you know what you are doing, they sneak in and get your money and its too late to stop it from happening. These people dont believe in following their own terms and conditions. You can cancel this "programme" within 14 days (which I did), However on the 12th day they had already taken £180 plus from my bank account. It certainly wasnt a free trial. I ordered my two free product's which was a months supply, you had 14 days to cancel, as i said I did on the 13th day. However I hadnt received my free products at his stage so on the 7th day I emailed them as suggested in their T&C's but no response. i called them 2 days later. The number has technical problems. called a few more times over the next few days, still the same problem. on the 13th day I wrote and cancelled. Unbeknown to me that they had already taken the next months money out of my bank. T&C's clearly state they take the money out of your account on the 30th day for the next months supply. I hadnt even had the 1st months yet. Phoned my bank, nothing they can do until it shows up on my statement, shows up on there end though, but I have to wait to see who has taken this money out of my account. From what I can figure out going by their T&C's, is that I have 1 months supply of A product, plus P&P of £4.95 and another months supply of B product plus P&P of £4.95. It comes to £180/190 plus a few change. Kicking myself is a complete understatement. I feel pretty stupid, especially as I always advise people to stay away from places like these. I really have no excuse. Safter I have wallowed in self pity for a while, i shall be off to my bank first thing in the morning to try and recover my money. I have to say that I was lucky the money was in my bank, or unlucky, but I had been saving hard for something I had wanted for a while, that I was getting on Wednesday, but looks like that wont happen now until I can get the money put back in my bank. I was told this morning from the bank (phone banking) that its unlikely I will get the money back. However I wont be leaving my bank until they do something in getting my money returned to me. I have a few bits and pieces of info that I can take in the bank with me. so wish me luck for Monday. In the mean time I shall be making a few complaints. I am also wondering if they have acted unlawfully?
  23. Quick run down, Needed to insure my van, done it through compare the market. Got happy quote and took out the policy. My van then after 9 days unfortunately broke and to expensive to repair, a friend offered a cheap car to get me through so i rang gladiator to swap it over. They could do it but it turned out to be £95 extra even though its a smaller cc engine. So they say they will cancel the policy and because its within the 14 days i will be entitled to £14 refund (from £64 up front fee already paid) and put me through to sales BUT said i needed to listen to a recorded message. Message played and i carried on doing other stuff as you do. Sales could not help me as they could not match the quote i had already got from else where, so that, as i thought was the end of it and expected a refund of mentioned £14. Today I received a letter from them asking for proof of no claims so i thought kill two birds with one stone here as not received money and they had not cancelled direct debit and had also took £19.99 from my account a week after the cancellation. Rang and told them the policy was cancelled and man whom i spoke with at that time said he cancelled the policy, she said did he play you the auto mated message, i said yes but did not understand it. She then said , well it says in the message that you have to ring us back again to cancel, i can cancel this with you now but you need to pay US £17 now ! so from them owing me just under £35 i now owe them ! Unbelievable , Should i ring them back and say that when i was on hold listening to underhand dribble did you not hear me say that any communications with myself incur costs of £50 a time.. really what is it coming too Eggy12
  24. I am not able to work as i am deemed long term sick, i was put onto employment and support allowance then added to the support group. i have been in this group now for over 2 years, my wife passed away in January of this year so i had to go through all the stress off cancelling her benefits . This opened a whole new light on ESA ,as the support group is for long term sick you are put into the contributions based benefit as there is no support group for income based. This makes life difficult as you are not entitled to free prescriptions, dental , opticians, no help with community care grants , budgeting loans , warm home option and lastly i have to pay some of my housing benefit and council tax. It seems if you are signed off indefinetly through ill health you cant get any help at all. Why are they punishing people who cant work? if i was in the work group on income based i would be entitled to all the above help. i have been told i can appeal to go onto income based benefit BUT my money would be stopped while this was going on which could take 8-12 weeks and they have already told me i dont qualify to go into this group as the medication i am on disqualifies me from doing any work. What can i do ? have they got the benefit scheme wrong i think so no help for those who need it most . my meds are weekly based and cannot be changed to monthly 9 items per weel which is about £70
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