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  1. In December my carry on bag was lost/stolen whilst queuing to board a flight overseas. It contained just about everything important, laptop, camera, clothes, sunglasses,makeup the lot. As terrible and distressful this was I knew i had travel insurance to cover me for up to £2k of personal possessions. So i thought! I submitted my claim at the beginning of January. When you submit the claim they take 10 days to respond and tell you if they need further info,this has happened twice, meaning that today 20/2/19 still battling with this. "Please note that your insurance policy has a limit of £150.00 in total for unreceipted items. Therefore, as you have only been able to provide a receipt for the trainers of £73.97, our maximum liability for your claim will be £223.97. This will be paid into your nominated bank account within the next 5 days working days. This has been paid as a gesture of goodwill based on the report you provided as it still does not give all of the necessary information. We suggest you contact the airline for further compensation as they are responsible for the loss, we trust this clarifies our position". I called them and said I was very disappointed with this, as there was nothing for the laptop (It says they will cover upto £500 - the laptop was a gift from my late partner and i sent them receipt which was address to me). I also clarfied that the airline were not responsible and provided documentation accordingly. I.e lost and found reports comcluding item not found. I have missed my mortgage payment as have had to replace my laptop (as i cannot work without it) - they are taking so long to come back to me. Also I purchase essential items on arrival and they have not covered them either. They are not covering the majority of items in my bag basically. They have suggested i contact them via the complaints procedure. I am so annoyed, I took out this cover for peace of mind and it was hardly worth it. For the amount of time its taken to get the claim together, I should have just worked more hours doing my job and i would have basically been better off. Does anyone that is familiar with insurance policies know if it is acceptable to time they take to respond to these things, if i complain today (for them not covering the laptop and essential purchases which were receipted) they will probably take another 10 days to respond!
  2. A friend, who is on benefits, has been asked to take part in the Family Resources Survey. It seems this is part of the Office For National Statistics (ONS) who are doing the survey on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The survey visitors are exceedingly persistent. The interviewer came round four times (my friend was out each time), left their mobile number, left notes in the letterbox urging contact, provided a reply paid envelope, gave a helpline number and even sent a £10 cash voucher. From what people have posted on other sites, this is a very detailed intrusive survey asking about your state benefits, bank balances which they ask to see, investments, how much interest you get and such like . It turns out the interviewer knows most of this already. They explain that the survey data is shared between the ONS and DWP and say the data is anonymised for the survey and is confidential. I have seen the Family Resources Survey is referred to in official publications and seems to be a serious organisation, howeverdoes the information this survey collects also get passed on, as a sideline, to help review the status of individual benefits claimants?
  3. Well, Not really "Inhuman" rather "Non-Human" Just trying to follow up a problem with the Post Office. CAB website and online searches shows 0345 611 2970 for PO Customer Care as number for complaints. The automated message says 'or to complain press....' then you're told to email or write. Their complaints form can be found here: Doh! system wouldn't let me post a link could an admin please tidy up it can be fount at www post office co uk / Contact us complaint So don't waste another 12p and your time on a phone call to a machine only to be told you need to write. I've emailed CAB requesting they update their web page. Hope this helps Kind Regards.
  4. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  5. hi guys just hoped i may get a bit of advice on a situation that has occurred today. i sub let an office from a company on the floor above. they have decided to leave in 2 months and i have subsequently been notified. My question is this . I have no contract of lease, it expired 2 years ago we have nowhere to move to and in the forseeable future. Of course i will speak with the landlords about renewing a lease as a sole trader but how long could i feasibly stay in the office after the notice period if we have nowhere to go
  6. Hello, I owe service charge backpayment to my management agent for my leasehold property. They took it to county court, then fast tracked to high court without informing me. I only knew when I received a demand for £2100 from the Sheriff's office. I offered to pay in instalments but they said their client wanted full payment, which I could not do. I sent them a copy of my Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form, they said their client rejected it. A Baliff visited my property when I was not in. I submitted an income and expenditure form (both mine and my wife's)to the sheriff's office, which clearly shows a minus. Even so I offered to pay £50 a month. I have now had an email saying they will forward this to their client and if it is rejected I will receive a visit from the Baliff without any prior notice. The amount has risen from £2100 to £3700 in just over 6 weeks, with interest at 41p a day. There is also a charge for a Baliff visit that never happened. I am worried sick. Please, if you can, please advise. I feel due process was not followed regarding the secrecy in taking this to court. I suffer from depression due to my debt issues and this is really affecting me
  7. What exactly happens under Universal Credit if you work part time, are you still expected to attend fortnightly signing so if I were working lets say 24 hours per week under UC, would I still have to go to the JCP each fortnight to make a declaration ?
  8. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  9. Hi there I am about to start proceedings against somebody in the judiciary and by a quick search I have found this website https://judicialconduct.judiciary.gov.uk/ . Before I delve headlong into it has anybody had dealings with this Investigations Office ? All replies answered.
  10. http://cag.tw/22e4 (link from original article contains banned word)
  11. My partner has had a letter regarding WTC. They are pushing her to open a bank account. She has been using a post office account for child benefit and wtc for many years now. Has anyone here had the same? is there a reason for it! usually is regarding dwp/hmrc. EDIT: Forgot to say we already have bank accounts but my partner has always liked using the post office one for budgeting etc. Tia
  12. Hi, Travel agent Agoda owe me circa GBP500 and repeated attempts to have them remove their heads from their butts have failed. I've learned that they have a registered office in London, would anyone be able to provide me with the address of that office so that I may do a 'Money Claim Online' on them? Thanks
  13. hi. looking for some advise. I have had the sheriff officer at my door today. I was out at work and my neighbour saw them. They asked who lived there (just moved in) and my name. She never told them anything and said no one new has moved in. I have got married and they have my maiden name. Nothing has been put through my door and as far as they are concerned I'm no there. To be honest I don't know if it was the sheriff officer, but the only debt I left at my old address was my council tax. So I am putting 2 and 2 together. Do you think they will come back? They don't know where I work and everything is under my married name anyway. Help
  14. Hi We changed broadband and landline provider in May 2017 from Fuel Broadband to EE, we were not tied into a contract with Fuel Broadband at that time. When we tried to pay the last bill of £20 we were unable to as the site wasn't active nor were any of the contact details to pay them. Today we received a text message from the Post Office saying that we owe them £20 and threatening us with debt collectors. This is the first contact we have had. On phoning them they couldn't find details of our account and told us they would have to get Fuel Broadband to contact us. They rang us and told us to ring the Post Office back when we were ready to pay and pay them. Do we owe them? The contract was always a month in advance to begin with and we can't check on what the final £20 is for because since switching to EE we no longer had access to account history and Fuel Broadband disappeared. Can anyone give any advice? Should we just pay the £20 and hope that is the end of the story? Many thanks for any help.
  15. A guide to Ministry of Defence Medal Office READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-guide-to-ministry-of-defence-medal-office
  16. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered
  17. A guide to Ministry of Defence Medal Office can be downloaded. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-guide-to-ministry-of-defence-medal-office
  18. Good morning! I have an interesting issue here. Last week a friend of mine came to a Post Office branch at Canning Town. There was already a small queue of just 3 people. It was Saturday. Closing time was 12:30. She came to the branch at 12:10. All she needed was to register her biometric details. The procedure normally takes around 4 minutes. But the staff of the Post Office refused to service her, because otherwise they would have to stay at work later than 12:30.. After several minutes of arguing my friend had to leave the branch, it was 12:20, still 10 minutes before closure. What should my friend have done in that situation? I'd like to know if the Post Office staff violated the law by doing so? If yes, how could the girl make them act in accordance with the law?
  19. Hello, tried everywhere including sheriffs office itself.... it is a long story but i will start from getting CCJ against me, which i was paying £15 a month (in total until HCEA came £360 of £1490 original debt) just to clarify i admit the debt and i have intention to pay it in full. I had arrange £15 a month but has few hard months and debt been transferred to HCEA, in the mean time we have moved shops (this is business debt) when EA came he couldn't do anything as address on writ was wrong EA said all letters has been send to our old address and he need to go back to office and send new letter to us (not sure if i am right but i was expecting Compliance letter), we never received letter (i did even contacted EA to ask about where letter is) instead i had EA visit with Enforcement stage 1 £275 added to my bill then we arranged to pay £100 a month (£1690 at the time) from 1st of july. I was paying £100 a month in December i forgot and in the 14th of December EA came back adding Enforcement stage 2 £490 plus Sale or Disposal Stage £600 all that plus VAT and been asked to pay £500 or he will start to remove goods i did read a bit but cant find anywhere if they can charge me few stages at the same time . If someone please can check this out and see if that is all correct because from original debt they received £1130 (i am aware they got compliance fee and other fees) i since then paid (in 5 months) £1000 but still got £1950 to pay!!! I am not very familiar with debt recovery but it all looks like [problem]. Thank You
  20. Hi, I have searched the forums for a couple of hours trying to get my head around the next step to take in reference to my letter titled: "Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing)". Copy of letter [ATTACH=CONFIG]59738[/ATTACH] The case is regarding a landlord who took close to 2,000GBP without a signed contract in place and refused to refund my money. I never received the room or anything in return. Question I have (Sorry if they seem obvious, I haven't been to court before and I have searched for a while trying to find the answers) 1) Is this called a "Court Bundle"? 2) Do I send EVERYTHING to Edmonton Court AND my landlord who is the defendant? (I actually send all my evidence to the defendant? Witness statements and everything?) 3) What is typically included in this scenario (Court bundle?)? Are there any templates online for any of these documents? 4) I have incurred extra fees leading up to the hearing, how do I add this to the amount of attempting to claim? Is it possible? I have so far... - I have two witness statements (They are kinda just letters stating what happened; signed by the witness, nothing special) - A copy of my bank statement and an event log (The event log is what happened in my own words with times and dates) - The original contract (It has been signed by me, but not my wife, who was the TO-BE dual tenant). This contract never changed hands back to the landlord. Should I bring it? - I opened an original MCOL claim after the landlord provided me with false information regarding his name and address. I was told I couldn't proceed and had to open a new MCOL with his correct information. I spent £80 on doing this and wasted a lot of time. Should I include this? - I also found a lot of information online regarding the landlord, very bad posts on forums of very questionable nature (Like ripping off the UK government and terrorism). Is it worth including anything like this? or just leave it alone? Sorry if this seems obvious to the training eye, but I hope the comments also help others in my situation. Thank you
  21. Hi, newbie here. I'm not sure this is a 'consumer' issue, but I do need tangible help . For years I have collected my pension from my Post Office. Or I did until 24th August, when after transacting my pension, I went to pick up papers, when the newly installed ex-Guildford - nightclub bouncer? - sub-postmaster dashed round the counter , slammed his hand on the paper and bellowed I am not having papers from his shop - indeed to enforce his still voluble and physical aggression he hard gripped my right arm - it felt like a stab wound, and frog-marched me from the shop. Thanks to an intended entering customer the doorway was blocked, or I'd have been in a final thrust onto the pavement! This is the gist of my very traumatic and wholly unwarranted ordeal . My arm is still acutely painful, and I'm having relentless physio. I complained to PO, fobbed off by 'customer services' (sis) right through to Executive - citing there's no CCTV in the papers section (pardon, right next to the till?); that this is a non-incident as there is no case for him to answer! (pardon?) and so not even a contrite apology; yet they refuse giving me his surname, et al; that I am not prevented (by Post Office) using that Post Office! I am not risking my life to attempt entering Hades again! Post Office consider the matter done and dusted - heads in sand would, wouldn't they (rhetorical). I am absolutely abhorrent a representative of the post office is allowed to even touch, let alone violently manhandle a customer (frail, disabled pensioner to boot), without someone taking responsibility. Where do they get these (BUCHAN) mental incompetents from? Who WILL help. [i take no comfort that he has upset many customers, yet wonders why his takings went down in three weeks; that a 15-year longstanding employee he initially praised helping him, is now 'incompetent' (huh?) and he's given a "written warning" to (inducing untenable stress, making her ill]. WHO WILL HELP, pls?
  22. Winnie came to the UK in 1967 aged just 5 on her mothers passport from Malaysia. Her mother was made a British Citizen in the same year. Now at aged 53 and is recovering from cancer, Winnie who lives in Burnley is both a mother and a grandmother, and since her mother became a UK Citizen in 1967 when Winnie was aged just 5, Winnie had no idea her status was nothing less than a UK Citizen herself!! Yet, the Home Office has now deemed her as an 'illegal immigrant'. They have stopped her from working in a job she has held for many years and is threatening to DEPORT Winnie back to Malayasia - a country she has no memory of, cannot speak the language and has no family there. Having prevented her from working, despite the fact Winnie has been a UK taxpayer for over 35 years, has a National Insurance number, a UK drivers licence and has a mortgage and pays council tax - and to add to her distress, she's has been denied ANY support or benefits - because she is being prevented from working! More ...
  23. Hi All, I am a new poster on this forum. So therefore I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. the sheriff office in croydon. I had received a letter from the county court stating that I owe a ppi company a certain amount of money, which is true. However, I can not deal with company direct anymore and they have now handed it over to the sheriff office who are dealing with it all. They have sent bailiffs to my premises twice now and literally the payments have been increased from 658 pounds which is what the court issued to, 1300 and now 2700, which is ridiculous I must say. There were, no stamps on these letters they dropped through my letter box £1300 and £2700. I cannot afford to even pay these amounts at all. After their first visit, I gave them a call and I had said that I would like to set up a payment plan, I was told to put this in writing and send it to them by post. I had given them a letter and attached a cheque which has cleared and now gone through. I stated in this letter that we will stick to what the court said I should pay and never heard anything back, the payment had cleared, however to my surprise I have now received a 2700 fine which I cannot pay and they threaten to seize my goods which have no value despite them taking the cheque which insists that they have agreed to what I put in the letter. Any advice or help will be grateful
  24. In a nutshell: Last September, we noticed that the cover of the external junction box on our house was missing (presumably blown down in the high winds we'd recently had.) My husband called our home phone provider, the Post Office, who asked various questions, such as whether it was affecting the line etc. He was very clear that it wasn't, but he was concerned about the wires being open to the elements. The P.O arranged for a BT Openreach engineer to come out. He arrived, looked at where the box is sited (under the eaves of our house, over our porch) and said a cherry picker would be needed to get up there. Cherry picker duly arrived, the whole box was replaced with a new, modern one and the engineer told us we wouldn't be charged, as it constituted essential maintenance. Several months later, our phone bill arrives...with an additional £140 plus vat for the call out. According to the P.O, we are responsible for the external junction box, so we have to pay. Fast forward to last month, and the new junction box has come away from our property and is hanging in mid air, suspended between 2 cables. My husband has gone back to the P.O, saying that he is not happy to have to pay again for work carried out less than 10 months ago. The P.O try to argue that there is no such think as any kind of guarantee on work carried out by Openreach, and we would have to raise a complaint with them directly. Meanwhile, Openreach inform us that we should never have been charged for the call out anyway, as it was an external issue and not inside the property. Who is right? And where do we stand, now that the junction box needs re-attaching to the property?
  25. Hi all, thanks in advance for reading and any advice. I'll try to be as concise as possible. I have an iPhone provided by my work. It states on the iPhone Policy that if you lose the phone or it is stolen, you will have the price of the iPhone taken off the next payslip. The only exception is if you can provide a police certificate that it was stolen, but there is a sub-exception here that states you still have to pay if the theft was facilitated to clear negligence on your part, e.g. leaving it unsupervised in a public place. In November 2015 there was a fire drill at work. I immediately left the building. When the drill ended and I returned to my office, my work phone had been stolen off my desk. When I informed Asset Management of the theft, the person at the desk seemed understanding and stated verbally that this should be OK and I shouldn't be charged as when there is a fire drill, you must leave immediately and not stop to pick up personal belongings. I was provided with a new work phone a few days later and there were no other comments made by them. Come end of November, I have £300 taken off my payslip for the cost of a new iPhone 5. Before even considering whether they can do this, the price is not right. They currently retail on Amazon at £251, and I strongly suspect my employer gets them at a far lower price seeing as they order hundreds for their employees. So they are making a profit on this. By email, I questioned the deduction (and the price). In their email reply, they didn't dispute my story but said I was negligent as I should have taken the phone with me. I pointed to the fire regulations, which state, word for word: "...evacuate the building immediately and do not stop for any personal belongings. Delaying the evacuation to gather personal belongings risks the lives of you and your colleagues and may constitute gross misconduct." Their reply to this was that it was "obvious" that small items like your phone don't count in this rule, as your phone will be sitting on your desk (where we have a dedicated power cable for our phones) and so you will lose no time in picking it up. And they said making a police report for theft is pointless as it was now "too long ago" and in any case I was negligent (see 1st para.). I also raised the fact that there is CCTV - not in my office, but in the hall adjoining it. I.e. my office door is in clear view of the camera, so can see everyone who enters or leaves the office. This is the only door to the office. Even if the phone isn't recovered, I told them they can at least find out who stole it, on a matter of principle/ethics. They replied "data protection" and were extremely obstructive. What's the point of CCTV in this location if not to stop things being stolen from the premises or find the people who do steal? I issued a written reply by recorded delivery, challenging the deduction by quoting the fire regulations and stating that no exceptions are listed. I received no reply. I waited for my December payslip and there was no £300 refund. Where do I stand here? I was simply following the fire regulations. I am not in a trade union. Would CAB be a good start? Could I also claim interest on the money they are withholding from me? I have been careful not to mention legal threats as I know most people who say this never act on it. I am now at the stage where I would be happy to leave/lose my job to fight this. Threatening with going to the press would be futile as they are a very large company that has had a few controversies in the past and couldn't care less about negative coverage. Even if I can't get a refund on the facts, can I challenge the amount that they deducted as it is considerably more than the retail value of the phone? Thanks in advance, sorry for the long post!
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