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Found 25 results

  1. New code of conduct for artificial intelligence (AI) systems used by the NHS READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-code-of-conduct-for-artificial-intelligence-ai-systems-used-by-the-nhs
  2. Hello Not sure if this is the right platform for this I am sure someone will advise. My daughter works for an employer whereby she is sometimes required to go offsite and use premises to conduct specific types of interviews etc. This could be a church hall a leisure centre even a cafe virtually anywhere they can get a seat. After some rumblings about health and safety each employee has been sent out a form to complete. It is a full health and safety questionnaire regarding the places they visit. for example here are just a few questions on the form that my daughter is being asked to complete, there are many many more questions. Please bear in mind that she has no Health and Safety training or any associated qualification. "Does the area to be occupied by us appear to be in a reasonable state of repair and without obvious health & safety hazards? Are there adequate fire arrangements for the site, including: means of escape from the areas that you intend to occupy, in case of an emergency? all exits clear of obstructions? adequate signage on fire exit routes? clear fire evacuation arrangements, including Fire Action notices and Fire Wardens where necessary? Are there adequate security arrangements, such as CCTV, panic alarms, security personnel etc.? Is there adequate connectivity on site? She has then to sign the form and return it to her employer. To me, these assessments should be conducted by a fully qualified H&S officer prior to any scheduled visits by employees but like my daughter many others are visiting these places on a daily basis and have been for some time now. Anyone give me some advice on this matter, is this the norm or is it bordering on the illegal.
  3. Hi I have a council tax bill outstanding that has been passed to Marstons. They wrote to me about it and the amount seemed wrong I disputed it with the council. Once that had been settled, I have tried continuously to get in touch with Marstons probably for about 4 weeks, and each time been on hold for at least 30 minutes. I finally got through on Friday and was told my account had been passed to a bailiff and I would have to speak to him. I rang the man who was rude, aggressive and abrupt. I offered to make two payments (the debt is £1000) as I couldn't afford to pay it one go. He said OK but he would still attend my property and add £235 to the arrears. I asked why as I had just offered to pay him and he said because he could. I said very calmly that no one would be in and we wouldn't open the door anyway he started shouting that that was it, I couldn't pay in two payments any longer and he would 'see me Monday'. I once again asked for an explanation as to why he wouldn't accept my payment offer and he shouted 'goodbye' and put the phone down! I tried calling Marstons back but once again couldn't get through I emailed and complained about his conduct and offered to phone and pay via the office. The bailiff has since attended twice and put letters through the door, but I will not ring him again to be shouted at thank you. I have also emailed the council to offer payment directly and as you'd expect they said I have to deal with Marstons. Obviously he's attended so they can add money on and I will not pay the £235. Just wanted to check where I stand legally? If neither the council or Marstons will accept my payment offer, what am I actually meant to do!?
  4. Hi there I am about to start proceedings against somebody in the judiciary and by a quick search I have found this website https://judicialconduct.judiciary.gov.uk/ . Before I delve headlong into it has anybody had dealings with this Investigations Office ? All replies answered.
  5. Hi I am new to forums so i apologise in advance if this is in the wrong forum. I had a call from a foreign gentleman called "philip" claiming to be from the complaints department of the Financial Conduct Authoruty stating that certain creditors (Santander Barclays and capital one) of mine had got together and complained to his department as I was in a debt management arrangement, gave an approximate value of debt owed and wasn't paying them enough to clear the debt quickly enough. While we do owe money to these creditors two out of the three are in my wifes name. I told him that i didn't believe he was from that orginisation and put the phone down on him. I got a phone call back immediately from him which he was more threatening. I advised him to send me details in writing. and that i would not deal with him. He said that he had this recorded and would send Bailiffs round. 1)I believe this to be a [problem] 2) Has anyone else had this type of Cold Phone Call 3) i dont believe that these companies who we have got agreements to pay back would "club" together to make a complaint. Any suggestions would be gratefully received
  6. Debt management firms We have written to debt management firms recently. This follows an increase in customers with debt management plans being transferred between firms. In a letter to firms, we reminded them of their responsibilities when buying or selling customers' contracts or contact details. In particular, the letter emphasised the need for firms, which are considering selling on their customers, to advise the FCA of this at an early stage. A copy of the letter is available on our website.
  7. http://www.csa-uk.com/assets/documents/compliance-and-guidance/code_of_practice.pdf
  8. The Financial Conduct Authority has taken over from the OFT. You can find all you want to know about Debt Collection Guidance, etc HERE Also in the CAG Library HERE
  9. OK so it's not that new, but I haven't seen it posted up yet. They came into force on 26th August 2013. Some of the main points: Full standards of conduct can be found here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/new-standards-conduct-suppliers-domestic-consumers
  10. 'The (mill) wheels... grind slow, but they grind exceeding small.' I noticed the thread HFO/OFT Minded to Revoke thread had its last post eight months ago, so I'm putting this in a new thread - I hope admin will move it if they see fit. With help from many CAGgers, specifically DonkeyB (good luck in the Rugby World Cup:oops:) we were part of a process that ended in a thorough, days' long interview with the OFT to do with being hounded by HFO using draconian and humiliating practices on a debt we didn't owe them. We were asked but due to ill health were unable to be witnesses. It gives me great pleasure to share the mucho satisfactory letter received today: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Sir/Madam HFO Services Limited, Roxburghe (UK) Limited, HFO Capital Limited and Alasdair Turnbull ('The Appellants') v The Financial Conduct Authority Further to our recent correspondence, I write to update you on developments in the above proceedings. Following settlement discussions, the Appellants have agreed to exit the consumer credit market and to write off any outstanding consumer credit debts which they own. The FCA has agreed to the quashing of the determination made by the Office of Trading on 27 January 2014. It follows that the Tribunal proceedings have concluded and therefore there will not be a Tribunal hearing in this atter. A statement reflecting this outcome will be published on our website soon. We are grateful to you for all your assistance in this matter. ============================================ Alice in Limboland! It couldn't happen to a nicer bloke. Thank you again for all your help.
  11. Hello all, I was wondering if any of you knowledgeable people could help me out with an issue I’m having regarding a previous place of employment please? (I removed potentially identifying details here) After three months I had a successful appraisal and was actually given a pay rise and a permanent contract… and then I was fired a couple of weeks later. Out of the blue. No disciplinary, no discussion, nothing. I was called out of the office one morning by a feared manager, who dragged me into a spare office with the HR lady (a long story, she was hired it seems to find any way at all for existing staff to be punished) They told me they were giving me four weeks’ notice and I had to leave the building immediately. When I asked why, she told me ‘I don’t have to give you a reason why, you’ve not been here long enough. It’s your conduct that’s the problem.’ I asked her to define her reasons; she was literally shaking with anger, and told me again she didn’t have to tell me why. I remained calm (which seemed to infuriate her further), while she fumed and the HR woman smirked. They then escorted me back into the office, and I was shocked to see it had been emptied of all the staff! It was so overly dramatic. They stood over me as I packed my things, and escorted me off the premises as though I’d committed some terrible crime. Of course, after this event I went straight to the jobcentre for advice to be told that as I’d been there for less than a year I had no rights (but they were very eager to get me onto their trial of universal credit!). My phone blew up with calls and texts from my colleagues completely baffled as to what had happened, telling me they’d all been told to go to the upstairs office and then told that I’d been ‘let go’. No reasons were given to them. They were left very scared it could happen to them too. Thankfully, I had been looking for another job in the evenings and had secured a new one that I started a few weeks later (the job that fired me had no idea about this as I was not using them for references, and I hadn’t shared this information with anyone else), otherwise it would have left me in a terribly difficult position of having to explain why I’d been fired for ‘conduct issues’ when I didn’t even know what they were myself! Couple this with my previous disability (which they were fully aware of when they employed me), and they would have made finding a new job incredibly difficult for me (as well as forcing me back onto benefits). They paid me the four weeks of notice and outstanding holiday pay (I’m sure they’ve taxed me far too much but that’s beside the point). I’ve now scrubbed that job from my CV and have been very happily in my new position for a few months. I’m still in contact with most of my previous colleagues who have been filling me in on continued issues in my absence. SO, to finally get to the point, I believe that there is little I can do about the way I was treated there due to the length of time I was employed by them, but is there anything I can do for my colleagues that remain? Can I report them somewhere? What would I even report them for? Even though I’ve moved on, I’m occasionally gripped by anxiety for what could have happened to me if I didn’t have another job to go to. I’m angry, of course, but more concerned for those I’ve left behind. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, I hope it made sense.
  12. Ofgem Investigation into npower and its compliance with Standards of Conduct (Standard Licence Condition 25C), Standard Licence Condition 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 Publication Date: 19th June 2014 Company being Investigated: npower Ofgem are investigating whether RWE npower is complying with the Standards of Conduct (SOC) (SLC 25C) of its gas and electricity supply licence and with the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) Regulations 2008 (‘Complaints Handling Regulations’). On 4 July 2014 the scope of the investigation was widened to include SLC 27.17 and 27.18, in relation to final bills. More info: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...complaints-handling-standards-regulations-2008 New Standards of Conduct: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publ...clearer-fairer-energy-market
  13. Hello, This is my first time using this forum, I hope that I am posting this question in the right section. My name is Luis, I come from Portugal and have been here for over 7 years. I was made redundant from my last job where I was over 3 years, I have found another job but it is in an insurance company and I was told that it requires a credit check. Here in the UK I have checked with Experian and Equifax and there are no issues, no missed payments, no debt of any kind and no fines. My criminal record is also clean both here and Portugal. However a few years ago I did have CCJ's in Portugal, will this show and affect my chances of getting this job? The CCJs were a few years ago, this was a credit card and a bank loan but the company that I owe money to has gone into liquidation so I am not making any more payments as they don't exist anymore. In August I was in Portugal, went to see a lawyer and he said that there was nothing I could do, he also said that after 6 years the CCJs would be deleted from the credit reference agency in Portugal. How is this likely to affect the chances of me getting this job? Thank you very much for your help on this matter. Luis
  14. Investigation into Scottish Power’s compliance with Standards of Conduct (SLC 25C), SLC 27 (provision of final bills), and the Gas and Electricity (CCHS) Regulations 2008. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-scottish-power%E2%80%99s-compliance-standards-conduct-slc-25c-slc-27-provision-final-bills-and-gas-and-electricity-cchs-regulations-2008
  15. The Financial Conduct Authority have already managed to show great incompetence and lack of awareness of legal requirements by breaching the Data Protection Act and sharing personal information with a third party without consent. If they have any integrity they should hold themselves to the same standards they hold others and pay a mutli-million pound fine. This isn't just some woolly vague principle they have breached that can be interpreted retrospectively. It's a clear law that most people are aware of. Shame on you FCA.
  16. Hi all im looking for some help please. i have been off work sick for 7 weeks due to deppression and panic attacks.I was considering going back this weekend as i do not earn enough to get ssp and i dont earn enough to pay national insurance so cannot get any help there work had been paying me company sivk pay but im only entitled to 5 wks which i have had i was fine with going back as my docter wanted me to have a trail period i was all set to return when i find out that the whole of my department know i was off for deppression and have added that this is cause im suicidle i now feel a compleye freak and it has caused me to have a panic attack no one but my manager and supervisor knew i was off sick for this reason and i have told no one surley this is private info that should not be shared ? .I just dont know what to do know can anyone help please?
  17. I am embarrassed to raise this as it involves such a small amount but I suffer from MH issues and threats tend to have an exaggerated effect on me! In brief: 1. I am a lessee with a share of freehold in our block of flats. I applied for some company records for which the statutory payment was £5. I authorized our managing agent to pay this and any postage to the company secretary from a surplus on my service charge account. I got no answer. 2. I was subsequently advised by the company secretary the total inc. postage was £6.17 and asked for a cheque payable to himself personally. To avoid any confusion I therefore electronically sent that additional amount to my service charge account and authorized the agent again to transfer the amount to the company's client account. No response. 3. I advised the company secretary that it would not be appropriate to pay him personally as the fee was payable to the company, the Companies Act set out that this was the case and any out of pocket expenses he should get from the company, not me. 4. After obtaining some very unpleasant emails, I re-stated my position the money was due to the company but offered to pay the company by cheque or electronic payment if he provided the payee and (for electronic payment) sort code/account number details. He continued to demand payment. 5. By this time the matter was getting to me psychologically. I therefore wrote to the chairman of the company (with whom I have recently had arguments about whether the company was properly run - so he is not exactly on my side) asking whether payment could be made personally to the company secretary. He said yes. 6. I issued a cheque to the company secretary personally. 7. He has just written back returning the cheque and now demanding payment to the company threatening legal action if I do not pay promptly. I have offered to pay if the payee or other details are provided as requested on 9/9/14. There has been no response. 8. I believe the company and company secretary have behaved totally unreasonably. Payment is still available from the service charge account for which it would be easy to arrange transfer. I have bent over backwards to arrange payment. I believe the threat of court action is intended to cause harassment actuated by personal malice because I raised difficult issues with the company and also brought a motion to replace the company secretary. 9. Do I have a defence if a court claim is issued? Can I get it dismissed on grounds of payment made or other unreasonable conduct? Any advice would be welcome as I feel the company officers (who should be acting in the interests of all the owners of the block) are abusing their position and the resources of the company. Unfortunately a lot of the owners are non-resident, so it is difficult to hold them to account.
  18. Hi, and thanks for looking in. Capquest recently bought an old credit card account from Lloyds. In the last few weeks I’ve received the attached 3 letters from Capquest, CQ 3 is a pre action conduct letter. I would be very grateful if someone could advise me how to respond to that letter. Background: It is for a Lloyds credit card opened 2002. Balance £12K. Last payment or acknowledgement 2008 although Lloyds say 2009. When Wescot were trying to collect they said in a letter that Lloyds had informed them that they don’t have an agreement. Same with Iqor Many thanks in advance
  19. At my place of work we were recently given a document called "code of conduct for healthcare support workers and adult social care workers in England". We were told that these guidelines apply to us. The link is below: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/component/docman/doc_download/2246-code-of-conduct-healthcare-support.html My concern is under section 1 called be accountable by making sure you can answer for your actions or omissions There is a statement which reads: 2. always behave and present yourself in a way that does not call into question your suitability to work in a health and social care environment. For me what type of offences, committed outside of work, could be deemed to make you unsuitable? I'm happy that things like theft, assault and the other obvious things which would preclude you from working with vulnerable people BUT I see this as a very broad spectrum of things that could be used as an easy way to dismiss a member of staff who has committed an offence. For example, a person who does not pay a parking ticket. Are they unsuitable? Where do you draw the line here? This is a very worrying way to threaten staff.
  20. taken from this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/surveillance-camera-code-of-conduct-comes-into-force New guidance in place over police and local authority use of CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Recognition. Public authority use of surveillance cameras will be subject to a new code of practice published by the Home Office today. The code will set out new guidelines for CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), encourage transparency in their use and ensure public bodies such as local authorities and the police consider whether they are proportionate before erecting new cameras. It follows Andrew Rennison’s appointment as the first Surveillance Camera Commissioner last year. The commissioner’s role is to encourage all operators to comply with the code, review how the code is used in practice and provide advice and information about it. Surveillance by consent The principle of surveillance by consent is at the heart of the new legislation – meaning the public can be confident cameras are not there to spy on them but to protect them. Minister for Criminal Information Lord Taylor of Holbeach said: "CCTV and ANPR are crucial tools for cutting crime and protecting the public, but for too long we have seen these systems grow without proper oversight". "Through this code - and with an independent commissioner - there will be a framework in place for the first time that helps police and local authorities in the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour, while reassuring the public that cameras in public places are used proportionately and effectively". The surveillance camera code of practice, which has been laid before Parliament for approval, is part of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Here is the New Surveillance Camera Code of Practice its in PDF:
  21. Obviously they had to change it due to a significant number of DCA's being in breach of CPUTR2008. Lowells Head Of Compliance - Sarah De Tute (who is also President Of The CSA) probably instigated this as they rarely complied with the old code..... - http://www.csa-uk.com/media/editor/file/CSA%20Code%20of%20Practice%281%29.pdf Certainly they omitted the points they had no hope of complying with namely a) Conduct its business lawfully, comply with all relevant UK legislation, regulation and judicial decisions and trade fairly and responsibly. Comply with debt collection Guidance as Published by the Office of Fair Trading b) Adhere to all relevant requirements under the Consumer Credit Act 2006 and any other relevant legislation.
  22. Hi there, I served a Prohibitive Conduct Questionnaire to my employers for discrimination and harassment regarding my disability prior to us locking horns at a tribunal(I'm confident I'll win, I have some great evidence!). They have come back to ask if I have any issues with them supplying the response in email form. It sounds a straight forward request that I would usually accept without question but they are being a little trixy so I'm just checking first! Any advice, as always, is appreciated.
  23. I think the following article may be of interest to all those CAG's who are interested in HSBC's penalty in the United States. This is from Forbes magazine which is a pro-business pro-capitalism publication: http://www.forbes.com/sites/halahtouryalai/2012/12/12/final-thought-on-hsbc-settlement-how-much-bad-behavior-will-we-tolerate/
  24. Hi, Working in the creative industry, I recently decided to become a freelancer using an umbrella company. I have been offered a one month assignment by a recruitment agency. However they require me to sign a conduct regulations 2003 opt out form Can anyone explain what this is? Not sure if it´s just some bureaucracy or something I truly should worry about? Advice is very welcome! Thanks, Mia
  25. Hi A bailiff is claiming they have made a Levy of my 'goods' from "outside the property" in October 2010. I did own a car at this date (on finance, so didn't actually really own it) They are using this Levy as basis for enforcing a liability order made against me just before I went bankrupt in Nov 2011. Im aware that if there was no levy made before the bankruptcy then the liability order would make no difference and the council tax debt would still be provable in the bankruptcy (and written off) I believe this is why they are still pursuing me for the debt despite my bankruptcy. My conundrum is....... even if they accurately identified my car as an asset (I live on a main road in a terrace and often my car would be parked some way down the street) and it is listed on the Levy, what happens now?, as the car was returned to the finance company shortly before the bankruptcy and I am obviously no longer i possession of it. Would this make the Levy void? any advice would be greatly appreciated
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