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  1. Hi, I would greatly appreciate some assistance with this parking issue. Apologies that this is a bit long – have tried to summarise it. I live in a cul-de-sac (close) and until a few years ago the local authority tried to CPZ the close but found that it was private land belonging to my housing association. It is a small close with bays that residents park in. The local authority persuaded my housing association to get a private parking contractor which caused an almighty confusion between the residents and the housing association. To cut a long story short, PEA Parking got the contract. Signs were erected and one letter sent out about registering with PEA for a virtual permit. The housing association then stated that they would not get involved in any disputes with parking and disowned themselves from the matter. At that time, my son had a blue badge and I was given a mobile permit that I could put in my windscreen when parked. My car broke down on the close and I purchase another second hand one and informed the local housing office of the events of then I would be disposing of the old car. The then housing officer emailed PEA and c.c'd me into the email. Around the end of 2016 my housing association informed us of a consultation of merging with another housing association and this would be on-going for a while. Unbeknownst to us, the local office closed down as staff was restructured, no phones were answered for months - office telephone numbers were changed and all we were getting were mail shots about the merger continuing. At the same time, my permit expired and there was no appearance from PEA so we the residents assumed that they no longer had the contract - I had left my car outside my door for months when on leave and saw no parking contractor - let alone not being able to get through to head office to query where the new local office was. On 15 May 2018, I had a medical appointment for a minor op. I returned home and to my surprise and horror found a Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen. I was shocked as they had not patrolled the close for over 1 year and even the neighbours were sure they were no longer the contractors and felt that when a new one got the contract, we would be informed. I appealed and sent evidence on the 28 May 2018 on the following grounds: 1. The Notice mentions the old housing association's (landlord) name which no longer exists. 2. My letter from my housing association dated 15 January 2018 re 'Change of Landlord' the old landlord ceased to exist on the 2 January 2018. 3. Letter confirming that I pay service charges for the maintenance of the car park so can park in the bay. 4. Their Notice is difficult to read as dyslexic and font is very small. PEA acknowledged receipt of my appeal on the 1 June 2018 stating that if I do not hear within 14 days – do not assume it has been cancelled. I had to contact the British Parking Association who stated that I should have had a decision within 36 days and they would contact them. I emailed PEA on the 12 July 2018 for a decision/POPLA reference number. PEA replied on 19 July 2018 – appeal rejected on the following grounds: - No displaying a valid permit and warning signs etc. - My old landlord still exists as the rebranding with the new landlord has not yet been completed. The parking restriction times were between 10.00am – 2.00pm Monday to Friday. There has been no written confirmation from PEA or the new landlord to confirm that they will continue to have the contract nor had I been contacted on the expiry of my son’s disabled mobile permit to change it to the virtual permit. Where do I stand? Any information appreciated.
  2. Hi need some advice on this please. I'll try to keep this brief basically we don't have allocated parking, you can't park close to the house as there's no road up to it so I need to park as closely as possible. I have asked the housing association many times for disabled parking and they've delayed and now their latest excuse is they need to survey the other tenants, why they need to ask other tenants when i'm the one asking for what I think is a reasonable adjustment? I'm not in a wheelchair but I do receive both elements of PIP and I do have a mobility scooter, some days the difference between parking as close to the house as possible and in the normal car park is whether I can leave the house or not (or possibly be able to get in the house when I get home). The HA have been fobbing me off since December and they claimed they would ask other tenants in January and they still haven't done so. Am I being unreasonable? I'm not asking for allocated parking just a yellow disabled parking bay. I have complained and written to them etc but nothing ever seems to happen, any advice gratefully received.
  3. In our contacts, it says we must give access to our properties when required. The Housing Act 1988 states "In accordance with the Housing Act 1988, your landlord or letting agent must notify you in writing at least 24 hours before they wish to enter your home". They're not giving notice and are sending people without notice and then sending tenants letters when the tenants turn them away due to it being a bad time. I'm guessing the law overrules the landlord?
  4. We recently made a request to our housing association to be re-housed due to health problems and my wife suffers with mobility issues. My wife's doctor also provided a supporting letter to the housing association to verify that there were health problems. The housing association arranged for their own independent occupational therapist to assess my wife's mobility issues and to provide a report to the housing association. The housing association agreed that there was an urgent need to be re-housed although the property must have a number of major adaptions in place and the housing association has very limited stock of adapted properties and a very long wait is expected. We could not understand why the assessment outcome was for all of these adaptions to be in place. The housing association provided me with a copy of the occupational therapist report and most of the information is inaccurate and way over the top. I have complained to the housing association that the occupational therapist report is inaccurate which has resulted in us unlikely ever to be re-housed. I have contacted the occupational therapist's firm to see why they have made so many errors on their report and they will not comment. My legal question is that I wish to challenge the findings of the occupational therapist's assessment (which was organised by the housing association by their independent OT). Do I challenge the housing association who arranged the assessment or the occupational therapist's firm? Thank you
  5. Statutory intervention in Wellhouse Housing Association - June 2017 Can be downloaded here: https://www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk/publications/statutory-intervention-wellhouse-housing-association-june-2017
  6. Awoke to a letter from my housing association (Radian) today charging me £60 for dumping a sofa bed in a communal alley. I was a little surprised as ive not ever owned a sofa bed at this property. I gave them a ring but the person who deals with it was not available and is going to ring me back. All i could find out was that someone had apparently seen me do it. I was looking for advice on what i can do about it. Can they throw charges at people like this with such flimsy information? is it enforceable? i asked for the persons details but they wouldn't give me them, isnt evidence supposed to be public? I use this alley nearly daily and haven't seen a sofa bed out there anytime in recent months which worries me even more, if this incident has been reported as happening a very long time ago haven't they made it very hard for me to defend against? Many thanks for any input.
  7. Hello For 10 years I had a quarter share in a HA flat. I always paid my occupancy charge (rent on the three quarters owned by the HA) on time. When I moved in the HA actively had a list of people suited. I got the impression that several people looked at the flat and it was sold quickly however by the time I gave up the tenancy in December last year I was told (this is not in my terms and conditions) that I must sell my share on the open market. Hopefully the contract will be complete any day now but in addition to the mortgage on my house I was told I must continue to pay the occupancy charge. I did so at first understanding that it would take a while to sell but 8 months on it's making me penniless. Is there anything that I can do? I also feel that the HA have made it harder to sell. They've discouraged enquirers (to the point the estate agent had to contact them and ask them to desist). Please help. We're talking thousands of pounds.
  8. My mother has been a housing association tenant for 12 years. Recently, she has had to come and live with me as she is unable to live independently at the moment. Housing Association found out that she was not living at property for a short while and served Notice to Quit which ran out today. I wrote to the HA saying that I have been let down with removals and explained my situation that I work full time and have caring responsibilities and need more time to arrange something. Just had Housing Officer at my door saying that they have taken possession of the property on the date of expiry of the NTQ and have changed the locks. I said that they cannot go breaking into the property and changing locks without a court order. Housing Association said they have every right. Surely this can't be right, have they performed an illegal eviction. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks jb000
  9. ....after being caught prowling trains to film up commuters’ skirts. Oh dear, oh dear https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3133778/british-parking-association-quits-film-up-skirts-patrick-troy/
  10. I have number of plastering defects around the flat that i rent from Radian housing association. Im a complete failure when it comes to anything diy related so have asked if they would do it as i feel it falls under their responsibility as quoting from their online documents i would only be responsible for 'filling minor cracks in plaster'. The defects are several 'plaster pops' where the head of a nail/screw protrudes out the wall with a head of plaster on it giving a kind of roundish raised head of cracked plaster which protrudes when any weight is put on the wall. you cant just plaster over it it has to be excavated, re-screwed then plastered over. Also lot of joins in the plaster where one or both edges move independently creating an unsealable crack unless the boards are fastened properly and then re plastered. They have ofc said that this dosent fall under their responsibility which from experience they always say when they feel they will get away with it anyway Should i chase them up on this? Thanks.
  11. Sorry if this is in the wrong section . I would like to send a subject access request to a housing association but i am not sure on how to proceed. We think there has been some major mistakes [ deliberate ] in procedure in dealing with complaints & we feel that there is cover up being covered up . Who do we SAR What legally can can we request , we would really like internal cross department communications if possible but all data held on this case is our aim. Apologies if this sounds stupid but we really have no idea on the SAR procedure & how to obtain all information & data that pertains to us . Thanks in advance Snowy .
  12. Can anyone give me advice? We were first in line for a Housing Association bungalow and a multi viewing was arranged last Monday. It was pouring with rain and there was no electric so very dark. We looked around with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th in line, some with babies which made us feel very uncomfortable. We had to make our mind up at that viewing and although we had some reservations about the size felt we had to say yes there and then or lose it. We had to pay the first month's rent immediately although obviously we have not had chance to let our (private landlord) know and give notice. We now wish we had a cooling off period of even a day as we've now looked in the light and realised we haven't room for hardly any furniture. We take responsibility for our decision but feel we had less rights than buying double glazing or something where there is a window to change your mind. We are now stuck with 2 rents and possibly 2 council taxes for the next month. My question is surely we should have been given more time and a month's grace to give notice to our existing landlord. Would welcome any feedback.
  13. I have been harassed by a neighbor because I wont be his friend. I am from a domestic violence background came out of a refuge and I am an attractive woman in my 20s with mental health issues of anxiety and depression (also recently diagnosed with PTSD due to current events) The HA placed me between two older men, this wouldnt usually be a problem but they both became obsessed with me. I had to tell both of them to please stop knocking on my door, I am private. This is when the false noise complaints from downstairs firstly came however I wasnt the victim because he was elderly means he automatically will be believed despite having noise recorders with no evidence and me going out my way to put thick underlay and carpet which nothing in my tenancy states I must do so still I was apparently harassing him with noise. when I told upstairs to leave me alone and not knock on my door he would purposely make noise. He use to pretend to be someone from outside by ringing my doorbell because I never answered when he knocked on my flat door. I found this really weird and after he knocked on my door for about 20mins I told him to leave me alone, he was only knocking to ask me personal questions. After I complained about upstairs noise this is when his counter claims came to avoid prosecution. Said I threw things on his door and slammed doors. Agin he has noise recorders and nothing. I however had noise recorders and it stated he made loud bangs like I said however the HA did nothing and suggested rugs. The neighbor upstairs was also caught liasing with the one below me to make up complaints about me, which was admitted by the one downstairs to the manager (now the manager hates me she is denying he ever admitted this to her) the manager was fine with me until she spoke to the man above then suddenly she turned against me, I have no idea what I did to her but she started to ignore my complaints and be really rude to me on the phone. She also denied he not allowed laminated flooring and cannot provide me with the apparent previous tenancy which states he can have laminated flooring. the HA have been blocking me from going to the Housing ombudsmen by longing out my complaints and not allowing me to escalate or give me replies. This neighbor however went on to key my car, write die on my flat door, push me (when I was pregnant), kick my door whilst threatening me, put dog poop on my car handle and make several false complaints about me. I got the police involved who were useless to the point I made a complaint about them this they did not like then their harrassment against me came. I asked for the neighbour to be issued with A Harrasment order and the police reluctantly did so. However around a week later i was also issued with one based on his false complaints. I have challenged this, how is this proper procedure? The police gone on to make false claims I making reports to crimestoppers about the neighbour and told the HA this. the police also have come to my address several times banging on my door and invited me for an interview on neighbor false allegations. The police tried to bring charges against me for court. However when it got to court even the CPS said it is clear I am the victim due to the amount of calls and dates ect and they told the court they did not want to pursue the case against me as it is very one sided and seems like a witch hunt. Even the prosecution saw what was going on. of course the police did not like this because I still have a complaint against several officers with strong evidence of harassment and breaches of the law and data protection. However now after some weeks the police have again come to my address this morning to "deliver" me a letter from the housing associaiton, since when are police used as personal post men for housing associaitons? I know the HA manager was .... I never got convicted or it even went to court, she hates me and wants me out and I know the police are also .... I do not know what this letter is but I am guessing an ASBO because they can issue these based on the police word and HA word alone. If it is this how do I challenge this? The HA manager I have a complaint against her with several organisations due to her breach of data protection and harrasment against me so she is also trying it with me. The HA or the police wont even let me present my strong evidence or prove my innocence that this neighbor is a liar, they dont even care they just want to shut me up for complaining about things they have choosen to do which are against the law and human rights rather then just deal with the case against the neighbor. I know they are trying to break me but I cannot lie it is working, I am broken. I feel like maybe I should of just given into this mans advances because then I wouldnt even be going through this and despite sending them proof of my medical evidence they refuse to move me, they want me out. It is bullying and I do not know where to turn because they are blocking everything. (there is another thread on here from 2011 which someone else complained about this HA and their bullying tactics so I know I am not alone) I know I need to stay strong but it is hard, they are now trying to issue with me an ASBO which means even on medical grounds I cannot move because before i couldnt move because i had "court proceeding" against me, now I dont they need to make something else so i cannot move and the complaints about me keep coming or I break and leave and be homeless. I hold a lot of paper evidence, witnesses and recordings. I have several complaints with the professional standards with police. I have a complaint with the housing ombudsome who obviosuly cannot help until The HA complaints has finished I have a complaint with the ICO due to data protection breaches By them issuing me with an ASBO I can go to prison and since the man makes false complaints it is likely i will so another way to get me out and ruin my life.
  14. A couple of years ago we lost our house due to ill health, we sold the house to a housing association so we could still live in it, as we liked the area. Thrilled to have a house in a popular area the HA snapped it up and promised to help us, and look after the house, so we'd have no worries except rent. They did some modernisation, including double glazing that apparently amplifies noise from outside, and redoing the kitchen floor and a new roof. About 6 months later, we noticed damp patches on my son's bedroom wall. Both he and my wife are asthmatic, so damp is a real issue. I called the H.A. and explained the problem. 2 weeks layer, they go on the roof and say the flashing is damaged. They redo it. About 6 months later again, the damp patch is still there, having faded a bit, it seems to be spreading. So I called again. 2 weeks later, new flashing. 3 months on, still damp patches with a bit of mould too. I call again, 2 weeks later someone comes out and once again claims it's flashing. I explained it's been replaced 3 times, if you include the new roof fitting. 'Oh right' he says, well see what we can do, leave it with me. 3 months later, I heard nothing. Damp is spreading. A month later, I called them. Recent rain had made it worse. Don't worry I'm told, it's being looked In to. A month later, still nothing. I called again. After 2 weeks of passing messages, I eventually got a date for yet more new flashing... despite there clearly being a bigger issue. It would be in 7 weeks. 4 days before work is due, the scaffolder turns up asking for permission to put some In the neighbours garden too. They're at work, so i ask that evening and tell the H.A. in the morning that it's done and it's OK. I do this in the office, the woman I told this to phones the head of the works team whilst I'm there and confirms it's ok. 3 days pass, no scaffolding. I call to complain and am told it will be up in the morning. First thing in the morning, sitting having breakfast in the front room when a card is shoved through. From the roofer, that says "no scaffold, no access" I run out, to try and talk to him about the scaffolding. He sees me, shrugs, smiles and drives off. I've called the H.A. today, but can't get through to who I need because as is common he's worked a half day. During this time, I've also explained that my son's wall is ruined. It has wallpaper that is peeling off, along with plaster, behind which is damp uneven wall. It needs work doing on. I was told the best they could do was a 25 pound voucher for paint to tidy it up. If I paint that wall, the paper will be too heavy and will fall. He'll, if I tap that wall you can hear it crumble behind the paper and fall. It has a main solid wall (uneven and damp as it is) but the plastered front layer is totally wrecked. When this complaint started my son was an asthmatic 3 year old, just about to turn 4. He's 6 now and they've shown no care. During damp weather he has to share our bed (I take his) to make sure he's not in the room where the issue is whenever it gets bad, which this summer has been quite frequently So where do I stand? Can I do anything besides complain to them and ask them to please hurry up time and time again?
  15. I would like some advice regarding the rent to home buy scheme. we entered the scheme some years ago and was told within the paperwork and contract that we would receive the first years rent back toward the deposit and fees. when the term was up the housing association wrote to us asking if we were going to buy the property. in this letter they said the first year rent allowance would be deducted from the asking price upon the completion of the sale. because we did not have the funds for the deposit ourselves as we were expecting the funds from the housing association we had no alternative but to advise them them that we could not afford to purchase the property. they proceeded to issue us with an eviction notice and we were declared homeless by the local council. Have they failed in their duty of care? have they breached contract?
  16. I rent a ground floor flat from the Housing Association. There was a leak from the flat above (also circle 33) which poured into my cupboard over a period of weeks. (Just found out today after I noticed a stench which smelt like a gas leak). It has ruined the electrical items stored in the cupboard, but circle 33 has stated that they will make good the leak from above and damp proof my cupboard, but I will have to claim on my own insurance for the items damaged. Is that correct? I thought they took responsibility but I could be wrong......
  17. It's a brand new build, and is suppose to be very energy efficient, however I'm not convinced it has been properly insulated. The heater is a "heat exchange unit", so there is no boiler in the property, just a big unit somewhere else which pumps hot water to each flat which is used for hot water from the taps, and heating. The issue is that I would leave the heating on its highest setting (30), for several hours at a time, but the flat never gets warm, it stays below 20 I would imagine. The radiators warm up (can comfortably hold your hands on them), but no where near the temperature I have seen with gas boilers. I am having to use electric heaters along with the central heating to warm the flat. Is there any duty for them to provide me adequate heating?
  18. The following press release has been issued today,1st September; New Professional Association founded for Certificated Enforcement Agents. Following the implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 in April 2014, and a year of consultation with Certificated Enforcement Agents, a New Professional Association has been launched to represent Certificated Enforcement Agents and will be known as The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). It has been formed by Enforcement Agents for Enforcement Agents, representing those that act on the front line of enforcement and hold a current certificate under “The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014”. For further information please refer to our website http://www.ceaa.co.uk
  19. I'm a secure tenant in a property. I've recently contacted the landlord asking if they will give permission to let me build a conservatory. But they are refusing to give it! They say its because it will cause more expense if they need to do any maintenance however there is nothing to maintain above where it would be as everything is plastic and maintenance free. It states in my tenancy agreement that I can make improvements to the property as long as I get the correct planning permission etc. but I don't need it as its within the alowed limit and the are not allowed to unreasonably withhold consent but they are! Anyone help please!!
  20. Long but i would appreciate some answers, im so sick of these people and their treatment against me, so i beg you help if you can. I lived in one of their properties after coming out from a woman refuge for 4 years with no problems, however my ex boyfriend found me and kept harassing me. I was living in Brent (lets say) and on my report from the police and national DV workers it CLEARLY stated i cannot be re housed in Brent. However i was re housed in Brent, i took this property as i was TOLD if i refused it i will be kicked off the management transfer list as im only allowed ONE choose. so im in the same borough i was fleeing and told not to be housed in. Whilst at this property i had a woman upstairs who racially abused me, harrassed me and threatened me several times. she never admitted to racially abusing me but she did admit to the neighborhood manager, knocking on my door to start arguments (harrassment) and banging on the floor at me (harassment) she was also recorded as i had noise recorders in my flat banging around on purpose to harrass and upset me, however because i only recorded for 5 days and not the whole 14days they said it isnt a "pattern" even though legally a pattern constitutes of more than two occurrences. I also contacted the police who didnt do anything, nobody wanted to do anything. In fact they didnt even want to move me only because i brought up i wasnt meant to be housed in Brent they moved me again. I actually developed BAD depression from all of the above. I was pregnant and i lost my baby from the stress. I have a claim with the Housing obud but they have a "backlog" of work and a year later still NO answer from them. so again im only allowed ONE choose as it is management transfer and im now in Camberwell london again had issues with the neighbor downstairs, he constantly knocked on my door, followed me to the end of the road, stared through my windows, had some stuff on cctv and he admitted to knocking on my door. This time the police were great however Had to go to top management for my neighborhood manager to even tell him to leave me alone. They kept saying its a "police matter" even though it says in the tenancy to not harrass other tenants Instead my NHM was more interested in harrassing me about getting carpet as the man downstairs kept complainin , as when i moved i left my job and was on benefits i had no money to get carpet, so i again had to go to top management to get £300 worth of vouchers for carpet, which ONLY covered a hallway, the flat is BIG NHM never addressed the fact the guy downstairs was harrassing me, in fact none of them did they seem to justify his stalking behaviour with the fact i didnt have carpet like that some how means he is allowed to stalk me because im making normal living noises. NOWHERE in my tenancy does it state i MUST have carpet, it just says you cannot have laminate flooring. they blackmailed me because they gave me £300 which didnt even cover the flat, they constantly mentioned this £300 and said i will have to give it back if i somehow dont carpet the whole flat with this £300 the flat actually cost £800 to carpet and underlay, thats CHEAP carpet too Now final issue the guy upstairs to me has laminate flooring, this is making it very noise upstairs, i have complained about it and stated i was told i had to carpet my flat (even though i could of had vinyl or lino due to tenancy) and again they bring up the £300 vouchers they also said to me that the man upstairs is just normal living noise and they will have to prove he is intentionally making noise i asked them if thats the case why wasnt i considered normal living noise when the man downstairs was complaining about me instead i was harrassed and blackmailed and they said because i had no flooring which i stated is untrue as i had carpet in my living room within 3 weeks of being here and he was complain about noise from the living room. they said guy upstairs has old tenancy and it doesnt say anything about laminate flooring i said well mine doesnt say anything about carpet but i still laid carpet and was told to lay it. QUESTION: I find their treatment of me very unfair, anytime i have a complaint it is brushed off, anytime anyone complains about me it is legitimate. They discriminate against me, ignore me, harass me and apply the tenancy when it comes to me but when it comes to others the tenancy doesnt include. they refuse to deal with harrassment which is stated in the tenancy they refuse to deal with noise nuisence which is in the tenancy for me but for guy downstairs they dealt with it what can i do? (i know some people may think im a nightmare, im not, im an easy target, im 21yrs old, short female who is usually home alone doing my uni work, im an easy target for bullies which is why i get into so many issues) just to add, when i made a complaint about the guy upstairs and his walking in boots on laminate flooring, he got the letter and came and banged on my door bout 20times in a row. I was asleep and he woke me up, it sounded like a police raid no joke. When i complained the next day to the Housing management they said he only wanted to talk to me i said NO this is untrue he wanted an argument, why wopuld you knock on someones door so much and i KNOW if i was a male he wouldnt of been bang down my door like that. they again brushed it off saying the guy is reasonable and i should talk to him, which tbh i dont want to i find him creepy. this guy has started to run up the stairs and stamp on the floor ever since i complained about him, but HM ignore it and act like im making it up because the guy has been here for 8 yrs with no complaints. but they fail to aknowledge the fact his flat has mostly been vacant within those years and the last main tenant who lived here was a deaf old women. the man upstairs thinks he owns this flat, he used to get his visotrs to press MY bell (because its so loud due to the last deaf tenant and his is broken) the fact that he even brings up he has been here 8yrs is irrelvant
  21. I moved into a housing association property around three years ago. I received a letter from the housing association today stating that they now intend to introduce a service charge for the TV aerial maintenance costs and the door entry intercom maintenance cost. The reason why these new costs are being introduced from the 1st April is that when the tenancy agreement was signed the housing association did not apply the correct charges for provision and maintenance, however they will not be seeking the recovery of previous costs. Surely because a contract had been signed it cannot be changed?
  22. we have been bidding on properties for over 3 years with this housing association, but in band d, after having shelter involved as environmental health say out property is not safe to live in. Shelter sent the reports and our sons report about his disabilities, we have been bidding with no problems for 3 years, then all of a sudden i couldn't log on to there system, after calling them, i was told the application was deleted due to rent arrears on a old property, of which we had paid off, but still want 1500 in charges from us!! i not happy, Environmental health have said this house is not safe, but the local housing is run by this housing association, who have now told us we can no longer bid or be with us. I've asked why they have done this after shelter got involved! they are refusing to answer us.
  23. Trying to get a bit of advice for my step daughter, as with most teen tenants they can be a bit noisy at times and she had some justified complaints made against her, she has listened and turned things around and now has stopped the noise however the complaints keep on coming, the last one came today in writing stating on the 1st of December there was people urinating on cars in the communal car park and that she was verbally abusive towards another tenant, My step daughter was not at her flat all day having stayed over a friends the night before and I myself picked her up at around 5pm I had with me her mother, sister and brothers in the car, and we didn't leave her flat until around 10pm (helping her with a bit of decorating) she has spoken to Gwalia housing about the issue but the person basically got very abrupt and said I don't believe a word you say I believe the complainant (she had the phone on loud speaker so I could here), she informed them she had family members over on the evening in question and he in a round about way blamed them (us) for urinating on the cars in the car park! She told them she was not there during the day and he tried to say it was her friends then, she has asked for in depth information (time's etc) as the allegation was false but he said he was not at liberty to disclose the information, she has had a spare key disappear which she has reported to Gwalia and offer to pay for her locks changing over 2 weeks ago which they agreed to do but as of yet have not done so, so even when she is out her flat is not technically secure so if someone lets them self in and makes a racket would she still be responsible for the complaint as Gwalia says she would be? This is a worry now as she had a warning letter last month and could now loose the flat, as I stated yes she was noisy at first but has now turned things around and is just trying to get on with her life but the officer at Gwalia seems to not want to help and is just interested in getting her out.
  24. HA have done things i believe are a breach of data protection and it is bascially to turn everyone against me, it is two particular housing officers who are starting this hate campaign because they have lied and claimed the tenant upstairs is allowed laminated flooring and he is not. 1) I asked the HO not to speak to police about my case, she did this anyway and she also used my "block" on her speaking with police against me (even though i found out she did) 2) HO has told tenant above me I am getting an eviction notice. I was informed this information via the mediator. I spoke to the mediator today who claimed the HO only "said if there are any more complaints" funny he knew I was being served one though 3) HO has told mediator I had issues with another neighbour, she also told mediator i am from a domestic violence background which is why i had to move out my last property and the criminal is from "said area" 4) HO has told tenant upstairs i have other ASB against me, she said "loads" (from who?) the only thing i have written proof on is her saying she hasnt spoken to police due to my block but an email from police to confirm she is and that "several neighbours" apparently have a problem with me what can i do about this? I dont know if the mediator will admit to anything maybe if she was interviewed or required by court
  25. Hi there, I am hoping for a quick bit of advice. I move into a new property of Monday, and the housing association have told me the following - 1. They want to take photos of myself and my wife for "their records". I am not particularly happy with this as I dislike cameras in general. It makes no mention in my tenancy of this. 2. As we are on Housing Benefit, they want us to start paying £10 a week in anticipation of Universal Credit, so we can build up a credit on our rent account. I have not had to do this with my current council place. Again it makes no mention of this in my tenancy. I am moving from my Council Property with a secure tenancy to a housing association on one of their starter tenancies. I don't want to rock the boat too much as my tenancy will not be a secure one. What can I do? Has anyone else had these issues? Thanks
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