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  1. As a landlord I am continuously surprised at what tenants will allow them selves to be conned into, this tale hurts my sense of fair play to tenants and I hope you guys can help. My friend is the 4th tenant T4, in a shared flat above a shop in south London (shop also owned by LL). It seems to be on individual contracts. The LL assigned my friend T4 with the responsibility of paying the metered supply water bill to the water company (lets call them WC as I am not sure who they are as yet). She calls WC and they arrange 1/4ly DD of £300. Although they did not change the name on the bill it remains the name of the previous tenant even though now T4 is paying the DD and collecting the other shared contributions from the T1, T2, and T3 At some point it is discovered that the shop below, with a loo and a kitchen, are on the same meter, and that the WC has them on a commercial rate. T4 asked the WC to come and see what was up and they confirmed single meter, commercial rent, and that meter had not been read correctly since june2018 and they in fact owe 2K in back charges. So T4 and her pals have been paying the water for the shop since June last year, the LL knew this but did not tell T4 or her buddies. They have spoken to resolver who have said because the water comes in via the shop, then they must pay commercial rates - its about twice what a normal water bill should be - now I think resolver probably cannot think outside the box here... Anyway what to do? I am tempted to advise T4 to just stop paying and give the WC the LL name and address as the bill payer. I feel like LL has committed a fraud by a) not telling them they were paying for the shop, and b) not paying to have a 2nd supply added to the flat. T4 is moving out at the end of April 19 and wants to try and resolve it so that she does not have to pay these ridiculous water charges. WC seem ambivalent, (as you would expect, they are making the dough right now) LL said tough **** sort it out with shop below. T's 1-3 are spineless and my friend T4 is trying to sort it out. Any advice?
  2. For the second time this year there has been a leak from the flat above me, first time was not much damage and was stopped fairly quickly Today the damage was more extensive, lucky no plaster work damage but it has stained the ceiling in my bedroom from window to almost the ceiling light fitting and from the wall opposite my bed to the light fitting as well, plus a small amount of decorative damage in the kitchen. I wasn't offered any help to dry out my bedroom, window been open all day and heating on, it still smells damp and musty And no help to repair the paintwork on the ceiling, none offered either for the first leak either. Do the HA have a responsibility to repair the damage at all please?
  3. I recently purchased a tenanted property with a leasehold of 125 years. As there are 3 other flats and a commercial premises as part of the building there is a managing agent in charge. It is a first floor premises and the agent recently requested access to the property for a bi annual inspection. The tenant was unhappy about this (as there had been a historical bad relationship between tenant and agent - which I inherited) so instead photographs were supplied. The agent is now insisting that going forward they are allowed access to the premises for such inspections. My tenant is still refusing access, I am happy to support this (for the sake of positive relations) but wonder where we stand legally on the matter? Do I have to allow access considering I own the property?
  4. Hi I have recently moved out of a privately rented property and have paid the rent up to the 31st of August. I did do the check out last Thursday and have received no information as to whether the landlord is wanting to deduct anything from the deposit (which he shouldn't as the flat was in immaculate condition and clean - unlike when I moved in!). This morning I have received an email from NPower informing me a new tenant has moved in - my question is whether the landlord can legally do this as I am still paying rent? Any advice very gratefully received!
  5. Hi guys / gals Not been around these parts for a while, hope you experts are all well ( merry xmas). Your advice has sorted me out many a time. May I add, I have had a couple of beers while typing this, so bare with me if it does not make sense. I will cut to the chase, my partner recently died. she was only 52 and was the sole signature on the council rent book. I have shown the council that I have lived in the property ( 1 bedroom flat ) for the last 2 years, and have asked to keep the flat on. She died 3 weeks ago, and I have not heard anything from them yet? do I have a chance of keeping the flat, and what sort of notice period can they give me? kind regards Mr Noughts
  6. Hi, I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but I need help. My daughters boyfriend has just received an eviction notice, stating the eviction will take pkace a week on Thursday. I'm currently sketchy on the details but it's all due to problems with housing benefits etc. Hes had a nightmare of a couple f years, he was persuaded to take a 16 hour a week job because he was on DLA and could claim working tax credits, he also kept his housing benefit. He then lost his claim to DLA when he had to change to pip and so lost his working tax credits. He also lost his housing benefit but that was reinstated. Currently he has a total income of £120 per week and is supposed to be paying towards his rent as his housing benefit doesn't cover it all. Now he's buried his head in the sand, my daughter had just phoned me to say that he's being evicted and the eviction notice was delivered on Saturday morning. He has tried to contact the council today to see if there is any way he can stop the eviction and they have said no not unless he pays all of the arrears. I don't know if the amount they are wanting includes all of the costs that will have been added to the debt outstanding. Is there anything at all that can be done to help him keep his home or are we looking at a lost cause?
  7. I wonder if I can ask for some help with a round floor flat....some months later I am finding that the surveyor has neglected to pick up that the basement is a fire trap because there is no means of window escape should there be a fire. Should a surveyor have flagged this up because it does not meet building regulations safety standards. The walls have been plastered and painted with wrong materials which is now causing damage to the walls and skirting as the paint is not breathable. Also I was advised that a DPC is required, however now told not to put one in as will make situation worse. Also the sound proofing is diabolical and my ceiling is showing signs of cracks and nails popping because flat owner upstairs has wooden floor stairs not covered with carpet. I cant afford to go to a solicitor at the moment so all help and guidance appreciated. Thank you
  8. In November 2015 I had the roof of terraced flat repaired/replaced (20 year guarantee on both labour and materials - ha ha!). The work involved repairing/replacing rotten timber and strengthening the roof where it was no longer supported by an internal wall (removed by previous owner). The contractor mentioned Building Control and consulting a Structural Engineer but when I contacted Building Control they knew nothing of the job. The roof is very poorly done, there have been a number of leaks and the structural work is badly done. The contractor has been back numerous times to correct many things but the whole job is so bad the roof will probably have to be stripped and redone. Re-doing the roof was part of a refurbishment project that should have been completed a year ago; it is still unoccupied so consequential rent and council tax losses are mounting up. The original bodge-job cost £9.5K; I have been quoted £15 by a reputable company to put it right (not satisfying all of the Building Control requirements) so any claim would be over the £10K Small Claims limit. The current situation: Building Control are waiting for Structural Engineer's calculations from the contactor (contractor has had site meetings with both). The contractor has not replied to my emails/made contact with me since The contractor's solicitor has not replied to my emails, not even to confirm if he is taking instructions from/acting from him. The manufacturer of the roofing membrane (warranty) has not replied either All the usual letters have been exchanged (reasonable skill and care, CAB/Trading Standards Pre-action Protocol) but there is a stalemate. I cannot afford to spend over £15K to get the roof re-done, even if I did the contractor's solicitor has objected to any work being done by a third party making it more difficult to recover the money. A Fast-Track court case would take about a year and be very expensive - then the contractor would probably not pay-up or settle out of court after I had spent a fortune on legal fees. Every month I lose over £500. I got a solicitor to write a letter back in July, that cost me about £600 and he basically said I had already done what was necessary letter of claim wise. Any ideas please.
  9. I own a long leasehold flat in a building containing 15 flats. My lease (and the lease of 13 other flat owners) states that we are each responsible for 7.1% of the service charge costs. We queried with our managing agent whether this made our leases defective since 15 x 7.1% would come to 106.5% and we are aware that if the total service charges collected at a development is greater than or less than 100%, this renders the leases defective. To our surprise, our managing agent informed us that one flat owner had noticed this anomaly a few years ago and had approached the freeholder to agree a lease variation which reduced his own service charge percentage to 0.6% - thereby reducing the total service charge collection to 100%. The annual service charges for our building are roughly 25K per annum. This means that 14 of us are having to pay £1775.00 each and one (sneaky) flat owner only pays £150.00! My questions are these: Is it legal for one flat owner’s service charge percentage to be so much lower than the rest of the flat owners? Should the freeholder have re-distributed the service charge percentages evenly so all 15 flats would pay the same service charge percentage?
  10. In view of two similar threads regarding right of forced entry for criminal fines, it might be good to clarify the situation where the front door of the debtor's residence is not immediately accessible: Flat block with secure entryphone system no trade button Postie has access code Flat block with secure entryphone system with trade button Secure OAP extra care facility with entryphone, Resident might have a speeding fine for their mobility scooter when plates were cloned or camera garbles the reg no of a speeding car (actually happened to a Flint Pensioner) Gated development with entryphone to street gates are 2 meters high and electrically operated by keypad and phone to residence Presumably unless they get in when someone lets them in or they ring flats at random hoping someone will let them in they cannot force entry to the external main door.
  11. Hi all Nearly 6 months ago my Father in Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The Palliative Care team at his Hospital immediately requested that the council fit a level access shower in his council flat. 4 months later, his wife had heard nothing so rang the Council up. Was told that the adjudication Panel had rejected the request! The next day his daughter phoned to plead with them to reconsider. They immediately phoned back to say they had granted the application. No reason was given for the refusal or the reconsideration. She was phoned in August to say they would start work on shower on the following Monday. They never turned up. No reason was given. He passed away mid-September. The shower was never fitted. For the last few months of his life he refused to leave the flat because he was worried that he smelled. This despite his wife washing him frequently using cloths and bowls of soapy water. I have registered a formal complaint and I'm awaiting the response. I have had a phone call from the Director of Adult Social Care who apologised but refused to provide any explanation. He told me to register a formal complaint if I felt his apology wasn't sufficient. I have made FOI request for the minutes of the Panel meetings. However, I am now considering legal action to seek financial compensation for his wife. Would she have a case and if so, how would I go about it?
  12. Horizon are incoming at my flat. I have been informed that only one permit will be issued to my space. I give my space to a girl I know, while I'm at work for free. I'm not in it and it's never been an issue. I have phoned the management company who hgave informed me that the block management team have voted on this. ( We have a development residents association, which have voted this ) I'm not on it nor ever wish to be. I know that by parking my own car in the space, they would have to ticket me and go through the process of chasing me on multiple tickets. Ive never paid one before, thanks to this fine forum. I just cant deal with the grief of it all. It stresses me out and it's a lot of messing around for something I gain nothing from except a favour for a mate. It does make her life much easier and cheaper and I'd like to carry on. I own the flat. I have owned the flat for 12 years. I was there before the current management company and multiple parking companies. Is there a straight forward legal issue with someone telling me what I can do with something I own a lease on and will until I'm long dead? Apologies if this is in the wrong place.
  13. Hi , I received a charge from MET parking, apparently my charge was observed for 20 minutes. The reason my car was parked at the front was because i had just returned from the school run, unfortunately for me, where i live they are building the Royal Wharf. which means that every day for the past 18 months if you move your car from 7.am and after, your space will be taken, and all the other roads have no space due to amount of contractors they have working on the site. ive seen some people arrive as early as 5am and sleep in their cars until they have to start, and of recent vans are parking and leaving their vehicles on the road until Fridays, meaning less and less space for residents on the road, on the day of the offense, i arrived from school run with my 2 year old daughter, and there was no parking spaces on my road or on any of the other road around. My daugher was bursting to do a number 2, so i parked at the front and took her upstairs. When returned i had received a ticket. I don't have a permit to park in the 3 car space available on the grounds. Im stuck on how to appeal
  14. I have just given Foxtons my 2 months notice to end my assured shorthold tenancy. Foxtons have phoned me numerous times telling me they will be doing viewings in 2-4 hour slots across the days & that I dont have a choice to be there nor the right to find mutually convenient times enabling me to be present. I have said I am happy for viewings to be arranged at a mutually convenient times when I can be present in evenings & weekends. I have said that I wish to be present for viewings. Foxtons are being very aggresisve & bullying telling me I don't have the right to restrict their viewings to when I can be present & that I have to do as they say - I have to allow them to conduct viewings as much as they like when I am not able to be present. Foxtons are intimidating me telling me I have to do it their way or things will get very difficult for me. Where do I stand? I understood a tenant has the right to be present at viewings and they should be arranged with the tenant at a time to suit the tenant too. Any help much appreciated.
  15. It's a brand new build, and is suppose to be very energy efficient, however I'm not convinced it has been properly insulated. The heater is a "heat exchange unit", so there is no boiler in the property, just a big unit somewhere else which pumps hot water to each flat which is used for hot water from the taps, and heating. The issue is that I would leave the heating on its highest setting (30), for several hours at a time, but the flat never gets warm, it stays below 20 I would imagine. The radiators warm up (can comfortably hold your hands on them), but no where near the temperature I have seen with gas boilers. I am having to use electric heaters along with the central heating to warm the flat. Is there any duty for them to provide me adequate heating?
  16. A primary school teacher from Wolverhampton has designed flat-pack cardboard beds for homeless people which he's giving away for free. If you click on who they are available from there is more information Read More Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-34910855
  17. So, I've noticed my black glass table has been covered in white flakes or whatever, Anyway, I'm hardly in the flat at the moment because I'm in the process of moving in. Anyway I've came to the conclusion that the up stairs flat must be jumping that hard on the floor it's caused damage to my ceiling... I've got some pictures for anyone who might be able to offer advice, I have a good mind to go to the council office on Monday. Clearly just using the place as a party flat or something. Thanks
  18. My Mum owns the freehold to her flat - one of 16. Most of the flats are owned as second homes (It is at the seaside) The management committee have a rule that the flats cannot be commercially let/ rented - they can only be occupied by the owners and their families. My question is: is such a rule enforceable ? Thank you for reading !
  19. My partner is going to move into my rented room with me which is in a shared flat. I am paying £370 for the room currently and our contract is up for renewal at the end of the month. The landlord is happy with her moving into my room but is going to charge £170 (half my rent value). This means we are now paying ~£540 for the room which is £140 more than my housemate pays for a room twice as large as mine. The landlords justification is that this is an industry standard (i.e. to charge half rent to the second person) is this the case? Apparently its to cover additional wear and tear. It seems more like greed to me as the deposit is to cover any damages and wear and tear should be expected and not covered by the tenant, especially not to the tune of £170/month.
  20. I think my landlord or someone else may have entered my property without my permission and this has made me feel very uncomfortable. Obviously at this present time it's just a suspicion. I think this because I have a coin meter for my electric, it doesn't seem to read the amount of coins entered well but it says not to exceed 80 coins. I have been in this property over 7 months and at a guess I have probably put in 150-200 coins and it doesn't sound anywhere near full, leading me to think someone might have let themselves in without my permission to empty it and I don't know how many times they have done this if it is the case. I have emailed my Landlord to ask what the procedure is with the meter and that it's never been emptied since I have been here (to my knowledge) It will be interesting to see his response. What also concerned me a little was on Monday I heard 2 people talking and they were knocking on the door of the flat that's right next to me and the lady wasn't in, they let themselves in, after that they knocked on my door and I said just a minute as I had just got out of the shower and they said oh sorry wrong door, I found this very odd too. If people acting on behalf of the Landlord or my Landlord have been in here without my prior consent and without giving the required 24 hours notice, I feel it would make it untenable for me to stay here as not only is it a breach of tenancy but I would feel it's a breach of trust and a lack of respect, nevermind not obeying the rules of the tenancy. Thanks for reading.
  21. We are planning to sell our flat and we know that our neighbors had issue with selling his property. He said the landlord told him that he can't sell it until they refurbish it to a good standard. He then went to his solicitors and they told him that the landlord has the authority to do so. He eventually refurbished the flat and sold it. But he said the landlord was even able to choose which buyer he wants and whether or not that they agree with the price. Is that even possible? Could it be that he has a shared lease ownership? I tried searching online to see if landlord has any control over the selling of the lease but I couldn't find anything.
  22. The council is revamping the flats where my son lives and they done an asbestos test and found asbestos flooring and also where the wall heaters are. I knew the toilet was made of asbestos .which they changed. He is not happy about this and nor am I. They want to do the works whilst he is there considering he lives in a one room bedsit. He is refusing for them to do the works as this could be a health hazard. What can he do I think personally they should rehouse him. Regards Mashmallow
  23. I have recently sold my 2 bed flat in Apr but got a water bill for Nov 2014 to Apr 2015 from the mgmt company, which showed I used 92 m3 water and charged me almost £240! But I paid only 104 for Nov 2013 to Nov 2014 and I don't use much more than usual water. How can it jump so much! I forgot to take the meter reading when I moved out. Actually not read it for years. So I can not really argue the meter reading with them. Anyone can have some good advice on what I should do?
  24. Hello, Me and 2 of my friends viewed a flat in London we liked it enough to take it off the market and then paid the full deposit and first months rent. Then when we went to move in (after signing the contract) there was no one to check us in or do an inventory check then when we finally got the keys we discovered that the flat they had 'given' us was in a different building, much smaller and worse condition than the one we viewed. We tried to speak to the agents but they denied ever being in the property we viewed and refused to show up at their office on the day. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to resolve this issue because we don't want to live in the property they provided as it is nothing like the one we viewed in the first place! We also have photos of both properties one with the agent themselves standing in the one we viewed. The estate agents we used are quite a large chain so they can't disappear over night or anything like that. Thanks in advance, Jacob
  25. Hello, I'll try and be brief here. Years ago i returned home from work to find i had been broken into, I reported this to the council and they came around and put a steel door on the flat effectively making me homeless, I kept going on at them to do the repairs but they just kept putting me off, this block of flats was due for demolition a few months later. A couple of weeks ago I filled out a housing form for Sandwell council and have been refused housing because they say I owe them £1090 for all of the time that the steel door was on the flat but all of this time I had no access whatsoever The council also emptied the flat of all of by belongings (all of which was new) and they denied that they did this but when I finally gained access I found everything was gone and the steel door was still in place and intact My question is......Can they just deny me access and charge me rent? As i said this has been a while ago but I do still have paperwork from that time and they still want their money
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