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Found 25 results

  1. Hi. Right Kind of upsets, but here we go. I WAS self employed. Had an accountant, etc. I gave this up in March 2015. I told my accountant, etc., and they said they'd deal with it. I then took up full time employment with a company. HMRC sent me a letter to my name saying I owed them for tax and a late filing of returns. The bill was £1654.72. I agreed, and for the last four years or so, I'm been paying it through my PAYE. In about February this year, they said it was paid off, and my codes, etc., returned to normal. Today, an enforcement officer arrived, demanding £9,198.66, plus saying he was going to lump on £1735 more on if I didn't pay. An additional factor is that from March 2013-April 2018 I was in an IVA, which I paid every payment to, and was discharged in April of this year. Don't know if it's relevant or not... Now, as far as I can tell, the following has happened... My accountant didn't do the right paperwork in 2015. The HMRC have been sending "demands" or whatever you call it, to the wrong name and address. They admit I've paid (On average) £1700 per year to this debt for the last four years They don't care, they want money now... They don't care about the IVA, although they were invited to the meeting at the beginning. There is a clear discrepancy between my name and the one they're using for the enforcement. Any advice?
  2. MOD confirms the death of Corporal Jonathan Bayliss, Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team (The Red Arrows) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-confirms-the-death-of-corporal-jonathan-bayliss-royal-air-force-aerobatic-team-the-red-arrows Such sad news my Condolences to his Family/Friends/those who new him and served with him RIP.
  3. We learned yesterday that our entire catering team are to be made redundant as the contract we are working under has been terminated. But we also know that the new building owner has every intention of providing catering when they take over in a few months! This cannot be fair and surely that is what the TUPE regulations are designed for - does anyone have any advice?
  4. 10 years ago, my motorcycle was clamped for allegedly being on the road when SORN. I do not believe that this was the case, I paid the release fee and shortly afterwards moved to Guernsey. I learned that I had been prosecuted without my knowledge, but as there was no way I could be pursued for the fine out of jurisdiction, I forgot about it. Having moved back to the UK, I received a letter from HMCTS historic debt team demanding £523.75. I contacted them to say I had been prosecuted without my knowledge and was advised to make a sworn statement to that effect in my local Magistrates Court. I am currently awaiting an appointment to do this, but have today received an attachment of Earnings order. Where do I stand? If I am successful in my not guilty plea, will the money be returned?
  5. Prince Harry unveils the UK team for the Invictus Games 2017 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prince-harry-unveils-the-uk-team-for-the-invictus-games-2017
  6. Guest

    csa complaints team?

    is there an actual complaints team to contact and how can the email or postal address be found please? numerous phone calls with different people saying different things, wrong calculations, threatening letters, and no reply to letter of complaint to the office address given on the letter. seems like all letters to them are ignored and they say different things on phone calls.
  7. Hi all Nearly 6 months ago my Father in Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The Palliative Care team at his Hospital immediately requested that the council fit a level access shower in his council flat. 4 months later, his wife had heard nothing so rang the Council up. Was told that the adjudication Panel had rejected the request! The next day his daughter phoned to plead with them to reconsider. They immediately phoned back to say they had granted the application. No reason was given for the refusal or the reconsideration. She was phoned in August to say they would start work on shower on the following Monday. They never turned up. No reason was given. He passed away mid-September. The shower was never fitted. For the last few months of his life he refused to leave the flat because he was worried that he smelled. This despite his wife washing him frequently using cloths and bowls of soapy water. I have registered a formal complaint and I'm awaiting the response. I have had a phone call from the Director of Adult Social Care who apologised but refused to provide any explanation. He told me to register a formal complaint if I felt his apology wasn't sufficient. I have made FOI request for the minutes of the Panel meetings. However, I am now considering legal action to seek financial compensation for his wife. Would she have a case and if so, how would I go about it?
  8. The shop where i work was visited yesterday by a member of the revenue protection team. Stating their meter had been tampered with and they have been billed £14402. (13500 is for estimated gas usage) Firstly the reason I am looking into this for them is that they are Malaysian and have a very basic understanding of English. They took over the shop from a previous tenant in 2007 and have had the meter read throughout this period of time. Last week they came and changed the meter and stated the meter would be sent for forensic testing etc. This resulted in the RPO turning up yesterday and dropping this bombshell on them, he would not give any extra info when asked when i arrived he point blank refused to talk to me at all, despite being told I could speak on their behalf. They have to pay £4400 today or they will have the gas disconnected. I have spoken to them and they are adamant they have not touched the meter or any of the parts. Some info that may help 1, Payments have been made to British gas over the whole time they have had the shop. 2, Checking the new meter it shows 280kwh used in just over 7 days. I checked back at this years bills and over a 4 week period it averages out at around 260kwh over the same period of time (4 week period divided by 4) so we are talking a similar amount of usage with old and new meter. 3, The meter has been read and viewed by meter readers for the last 7 years without anything being said. Not sure what course of action we can take, the letter states nothing about being able to appeal the decision and they are terrified they are going to lose their livelihoods. I have advised them to scrape together the £4400 today by any means they can so they can at least keep operating as a business and we can look at appealing this. If anyone has any advice on which way i should go to help them it would be much appreciated.
  9. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prince-harry-unveils-the-uk-team-for-the-invictus-games-2016
  10. Hi Guys Could someone please set up an announcement regarding emails received by Lowell last night? I would like to see how many people were affected. If they could please let me know the would be great. Quote Lowell "We were attacked last night and out IT team switched off the exchange server to prevent other emails being sent. We have not been able to confirm numbers of people affected and if any data was compromised. If you have been affected please contact Lowell directly and they will put you in contact with their IT team who will endeavour to help you remove the virus if you have opened the affected attachment"
  11. All the web links to the Sky accessibility team are broken and emails to them bounce back as 'mailbox closed' leaving the only options for contacting them as the phone. If you're registered with them in the first place because you have difficulty using the phone, that is less than helpful. Using Live talk (through billing queries, everything else just says there's no one available, try later) I managed to 'speak' with an adivisor who promised to get someone from the team to contact me urgently, three days ago. Needless to say, it hasn't happened. I presume all will be fixed fairly soon but as customer services go, this is pretty bad. It's difficult to believe a company as large as Sky really has no means of accepting emails any more!
  12. Hello, can anyone help us please? A family member of my OH died recently and we're trying to sort out his mobile phone with Vodafone. I can't find a non-premium rate line for customer services and their website is very quiet about a bereavement team. One possible problem is that this relative has a Vodafone account that also includes his wife's phone on the same monthly payment. We're trying to cancel his account and leave her account running, with the same mobile number. Any suggestions gratefully received. HB
  13. After Nigeria was eliminated from the world cup the Nigerian captain personally offered to refund all the expenses of fans that travelled to Brazil . He said he just needs their bank details and pin numbers to complete the transaction.
  14. Hi Everyone, On the 2nd and 3rd May totally £1250, my card was used and a refund was given for a number of transactions from a betting site. But then on the same day as the refund they used up another £1800. I then disputed these again. My daughter also put £2000 in my account without knowing what had been going on and this was also taken. In total I have £3550 missing. The fraud team at Nationwide said that they have a great relationship with the casino in a 'we don't believe you way' and asked me to go in the branch and present my passport to verify my ID and speak to them while I was there. I arranged that I would go on Friday of last week and I went but the woman I arranged it with was on holiday! They said I would get a call back on Monday but no call was made only a message stating that I had to again go in the branch. No apology or explanation. I phoned them up and said that I had already done that and was told that someone would call me back. No call back. I sent a steaming email (several) to Graham Beale and got a call back today telling me that I had to go back into the branch as it wasn't done correctly and sorry but that is procedure and nothing can be done without me doing so. I explained that they have left me with no money or no account, my husband is recovering from brain surgery and that I have limited walking capabilities because I had a knee replacement that is still painful. All I was told was NO NO NO they couldn't help. I have been on the phone to the BBA, FOS and the FCA to get advice and was told that they should make reasonable adjustment in regards to my circumstances. So another hot head email sent to Mr Beale. I have done what they wanted and its not my fault their fraud team are incompetent. I wouldn't mind but I have to take a taxi to get their which costs £10 each time. This would be the 2nd time. I had to lend money to go to the branch on Friday and cannot do it again. Isn't there anything else I can do as I can't see them helping me at all. Thanks Carole
  15. I today went to see the mental health team regarding my stress and anxiety. The guy i spoke to said i probably have health and social anxiety and could probably do CBT therapy to help. Will i get a letter from them showing my diagnosis??? Because i will need this for my ESA appeal.
  16. i know this is not the place to put this and dont know where to put it but i guess someone will put this in the right place,,,,,,,,, just would like to wish all the cag team a very very merry xmas and a happy new year to you and ur family and a big thank u to the guys helping me here couldnt do it without u thank u to one and all and keep up the fantastic work you do for each and everyone of us here. MARRY XMAS
  17. I recently spoke to Vodaphone about leaving them as my bills at £50 a month were too high for me. of course, their Retentions team were falling over themselves to help keep me. They offered me a new contract at £21 a month with free texts, free calls and alot more data to use. I also asked if they could replace my iphone 4s for an exact same model as part of the deal as I had dropped it in water awhile back and although still working, it occasionally turned itself off and lost sound etc. When my new phone came I was really pleased but it took just over a week to realise that I had hardly any memory. Thats when I realised that i had been tricked into receiving an 8G phone instead of the 'exact replacement' that they had promised. Although I dealt with them via live chat and have full transcripts of the conversation, they will not replace the phone. Looking back at the conversation, each time i asked if the phone would be the same they said yes and dodged around the issue. I didn't realise to check the memory when it came until all of a sudden I took a few pictures and was out of memory. Surely its almost false advertising to not mention any differences when I explicitly asked? Any advice anyone could provide I would be grateful as im apparently now stuck in a 24 month contract Amy
  18. Hi, Can anyone help please I had some loans with wonga through out 2010 but paid off loan and never used again, anyway after getting into a bit of difficulty I went to stepchange who checked my credit file and came up with a wonga debt of 1569.51 so of course I have contacted wonga who said the loan was from 9/12/2010 and as I had no knowledge of the loan except on my credit file they passed me to fraud department - who are now investigating. What I want to know is if i did owe this money why haven't I heard from them in last nearly 3 yrs? Are the investigators competent as in will they investigate and not just say no you owe money? Worst case senerio if they say I am liable what do I do its a lot of money and they said original loan was for 500 now its tripled I am really worried. What do they do in their investigation???i
  19. http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/news/Pages/pr_210812_HMRC.aspx?auto=True&l1link=pages%2Fnews.aspx&l1title=News%20and%20press&l2link=news%2FPages%2Fdefault.aspx&l2title=Press%20Releases
  20. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2012/08/15/nl-olympic-athletes-touched-by-timbit-815.html
  21. I found a PDF where it is possible to see the adressee details please advise how I can pass this info on to yourselves thanx. I have posted in the thread as well.
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2167529/Amelia-Earhart-Explorers-set-mission-aeroplane-75-years-vanished.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  23. I got a letter: I already know they're reducing my Housing Benefit to £90/week (central London) - this will happen in a couple of weeks time. They told me this ages ago, i'm not sure why they are now coming to see me? As the HB will be lower than my rent, will they make me leave by private landlord? I had assumed they would be okay if I just made up for the deficit myself, somehow. (My rent is, and has been, lower than HB for some time. In a few weeks time it will become much, much lower) They want me to arrange an appointment for them to visit. Which is fine, I just need to tidy up! My bedroom is messy and needs to be cleaned. I would have been so embarrased if I had been in, earlier today.
  24. Hi all. Wondering if I could get a bit of advice here on a situation I'm facing with Barclays. Basically I called on the morning Thursday the 7th due to dodgy transactions on my account, the card was cancelled and a temporary credit applied to my account (I've contacted the police etc). I was told that my new card should me with me Saturday or Monday at the latest. Come Monday - no card! So I call them on Tuesday and they say the system was slow and to allow until Thursday, if it hadn't arrived by then I was to call up and they would cancel the card that I had not received and send a replacement out as a priority delivery. Bang! Come Thursday afternoon - no card! I call up customer relations, and speak to a guy who tells me that it has to be given until Friday and thats the banks policy (I find out this was not the case at all!) he says he's checked with Debit Card Services and the cards been sent out and that I should receive it on the Friday. Low and behold, come Friday - still no card! I call up the bank and speak to another Customer Relations/Response member who ordered me a new card and cancelled the one that I didn't recieve - while on the phone and checking online banking, we discover that the card I didn't recieve had been used online and over the phone on the 13th and 14th! Something which the advisor that I spoke to on the Thursday should have noticed and could have stopped it. Its at this point I'm fuming and the advisor tells me that he could have cancelled the card as he was supposed to (notes were left by the manager on the Tuesday) and now I have to wait until these other fraudulent transactions that were made with the missing card debit from my account before I can dispute them or do anything - Leaving me currently £200 out of pocket. Basically I want to know where I stand and what, if any, other options there are! And I'm still without a card!
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