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  1. I recently went on Nat West website to inquire about a loan, I progressed it but decided not to go any further as the interest rate was too high so I didn't apply for credit. I then discovered that Nat West had placed a hard search on my file for a credit application. I disputed this with Equifax as I had not made the application, they told me to take it up with Nat West who then told me that is how they do things. surely this isnt right or is it? any guidance would be appreciated.
  2. Hello people, My name is [removed - dx], I am 26 years old., From Bedfordshire. I have 4 kids (please don't judge) with 3 mother's, 2 of whom we are good, my youngest child's mother always causes issues if I give her money like the other 2, she is not grateful and wants more, which is unfair to the other mother's, she went to CSA and claimed I never got involved with my child and also went to my work place and put in a complaint, claiming I was breaching data protection a case was brought up but I was okay as she kept changing stories. But it got to me mentally and I eventually quit my job, I took a few weeks out of work and worked in a new place now CSA sent me a letter saying they'll take 50 pound each week from my new wages which was less than I was giving her, then I received a new letter stating they was going to take 120£ a week. At the time I was living in a shared house and could barely afford to pay rent with this new job, let alone pay for my other kids, I ended up working overtime everyweek and loosing out on sleep, so I could hardly see my children, this started to affect my health, my life and was making me really weak, I wasn't eating. I rang them and pleaded with them, supporting my case with what I could and saying I couldn't afford what you was taking, but they had made it so it came straight out of my wages, I couldn't pay a single penny to my rent, I couldn't afford food, or even to pay for my other children, I eventually became homeless and turned to alcohol (iknow that isn't great, please don't judge) with no home, I lost my job (which was night shift) I had nowhere to go. I've had various mental health assessments also. Until I met a very old primary school friend and he took me into his home up north in Lancashire, he housed me for a bit while I started work, and got myself a place.. things was going okay, my mental state really improved. Until I received another letter this morning, stating they will be taking even more money. Is there anything I can do, I'm sure it is illegal to make someone feel so low and homeless. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated, even if it's something small.... I just don't know what to do.
  3. Hi, My relative attempted to book a train ticket from destination A to destination B in the EU. Instead she bought it in reverse from destination B to A, the prices are the same either way. Immediately after purchase she contacted the website to adjust the error. She was told she made a mistake and that the tickets are non-refundable entirely blaming her for the error. However, I am not sure the error on the ticket was entirely her fault. 1) She has a disability and found the website was confusing and difficult to use. There were web accessibility problems. Web accessibility problems will have a disadvantage to people with certain disabilities and it will cost them money in a situation like this one. 2) She had to keep on moving back or refreshing pages as they kept timing out. The error made in the purchase might have been the result of the poor website performance, or because she had to go back on the pages. 3) The information provided on the site was not clear enough, or was not delivered in a way that was clear enough, further increasing the possibility of the error being overlooked during the check out. 4) Despite reaching out to the seller immediately after making the purchase for a ticket for a journey that is to take place only in July, the seller refused to reverse the charge or fix the error on the ticket. 5) The seller blamed my relative for the error, when the fault could lie with the website itself. This would actually means that a seller can design a website that would deliberately lead some customers to make errors, thus making people buy two tickets instead of one, and in that way sell more tickets. It’s concerning. Do we have any rights in these situations? Or do the ticket selling sites do what they want more or less? Any views would be great. Thank you.
  4. Hello all, I hope I've chosen the correct sub-forum for this post, but if not would you move it for me? I have encountered an interesting situation this past week and I wonder if I could have some advice on what, if anything, can be done about it. It's probably clearest if I just bullet point the facts: I have a computer graphics card for sale on Ebay Tuesday 12th June I received an email from a potential buyer by the name of Dorothy Baynham telling me they wanted to buy the card for their son's birthday and would I end the auction early and sell to them. Wednesday 13th June I agree to end the auction once a PayPal payment is received. Later on Wednesday PayPal payment for £360 is received along with the shipping name and address. Thursday 14th of June I sent the graphics card away by Royal Mail Special Delivery. Friday 15th of June it is received and signed for by a Mr *** Saturday 16th of June I received an email from a gentleman, completely unrelated to either earlier person, asking me why I have claimed £360 from his bank account. Saturday 16th of June I emailed back making clear that payment was sent from his account in payment for the item sold via Ebay. Friday 22nd of June I have received an email from PayPal telling me they are reversing the payment. Sure enough, my PayPal balance is now -£360. My belief is that the person I was corresponding with has used stolen/hacked credentials for a PayPal account to pay for the Ebay item. Subsequently, the person whose PayPal account was compromised has initiated a charge back. There is a lesson to be learned here, which is to never believe what anyone tells you on Ebay and to stick to their rules and let auctions run their course. I understand that, lesson learned, apparently the hard way. My question is, on the basis that I know the address the item was delivered to and I know who signed for it, is it possible for me to issue a Letter Before Action or similar with the aim of bringing them to account? I should make it clear, I am located in Scotland (west coast), the item was delivered to an address in Dudley. I may very well have to simply suck this up and chalk it up to "I should have known better", but I thought I'd check first. Ideally I'd rather not be out of pocket by £360!
  5. Cannabis-derived medicinal products to be made available on prescription READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cannabis-derived-medicinal-products-to-be-made-available-on-prescription
  6. Sorry for going in to so much detail but I think it is relevant. I tried several times without success to book myself on a speed awareness course. A message stated that as my course was to be taken very soon I needed to ring them. I tried to ring them several times but as I work during the day and the waiting time was so long I had to give up. I did finally get through to them only to be told that yes I was too late to go on a course. I was told to ring Go Safe, who have the responsibility for issuing NIPs and offering Speed Awareness Courses. I finally got through to Go safe and explained my situation. I was told that everything was fine and they could see no reason why I was not able to take a course. After double checking again I was assured that I should be able to get on a course if I ring them again. As I was about to end the call the lady at Go Safe said just let me check one last thing. I was then told that an error had been made and they had my final date to take the course down as 31/07/2018 and not 31/08/2018 and I only had 2 hours left to get on a course that had to be taken before 31/08/2018. I finally got myself onto a course in Telford 122 miles from my house as it was the only course available before 31/08/2018. I then recieved an email to say forget the 2 hours just do a course before the 31/08/2018 and the matter is closed. This is Go Safe sort of admitting responsibility for the error. My question is: Where do I stand on claiming travel for a 240 miles round trip for a course I could have taken a mile away from my house. Should I request an extension to allow me to go a a course nearer to home as the courses are done by the same people? Thanks in advance
  7. After 25 years with my employer, a large UK financial business, I am being made redundant at the age of 51 as they are closing my office. They offered me Voluntary Redundancy with enhanced terms on the basis I signed an agreement giving up my right to an undiscounted pension which may be otherwise payable on my redundancy. (Due to my length of service, I still have a final salary pension). I have not been given a reason why I have had to sign this other than 'it's policy'. I was hoping to take Early Retirement but the minimum pension age is 55 now. None of my other colleagues have been given this agreement as far as I know but it could be they are either no longer in the final salary scheme or are over 55. I wondered of anyone had thoughts on :- a) Should I have been offered Independent Legal Advice as I have been given an agreement to sign? b) The implications if I don't sign the agreement - could they make me take another job elsewhere? c) Even though they are not offering me Early Retirement, could there be this option open in view of the wording the agreement? Any thoughts on this would be welcome.
  8. had a letter from a well known agency anyway gist of it is dear..... we're sorry we have made a mistake your account was recently transferred to ....from ...due to an error we started reporting this account on your credit file. we have informed the credit reference agencies to remove this account from your credit file which should be completed with the next 3 weeks...sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you now i know they trashed my credit file because i saw it...so do i have any redress over it or is it because they are now removing it lets all be friends and ignore it? any ideas?
  9. We learned yesterday that our entire catering team are to be made redundant as the contract we are working under has been terminated. But we also know that the new building owner has every intention of providing catering when they take over in a few months! This cannot be fair and surely that is what the TUPE regulations are designed for - does anyone have any advice?
  10. Hi, thought I'd see if I could find any useful advice here. I'm very anxious so any good pointers much appreciated! I'll keep it as brief as I can: I'm a one-man IT dept for a medium size organisation - permanent position that has risen in seniority over 12 years. My line manager is proposing a reorganisation that will end my current role and replace it with an extremely similar role on a 2-year fixed term contract. Redundancy is an option, and I am unsure as yet if 'they' are keen for me to take it, or take the new role. I want to stay on, and I believe the new role is precisely my current role just with a new job title and an improved job description. My current job description is pretty vague, but the new role describes precisely the work I have been doing for years. The only real difference is that some more junior responsibilities will be removed and given to a new, junior role (which is great). If I take the new role on 2yr FTC, I presume I will not get redundancy at the end of that contract if they choose to let me go. I cannot afford to lose my job security like that! I have a 1st consultation coming up, and I will argue that the new role represents what I do currently. So my questions are... Can they do this? If I can prove that the new role describes precisely what I currently do, can they still make my post redundant and leave me with the choice of changing to FTC? If I took the FTC, might I nevertheless be considered to have been continuously employed for my 12 years+, and would that render the 'fixed term' irrelevant as I would be considered permanent in law? I don't know, but this is a possibility I have gathered might be the case from googling around. If 'they' would rather I left, can they even make me redundant when they are replacing my role with such a materially similar one, albeit FTC? I have absolutely no history of failing to perform or being told of any problems with my work, so there are no grounds for dismissal. As I said I'm going to argue that the new role is my current role, I want it, and I don't want to be FTC. I think I have a good case, but I'd love to be able to reference actual laws that back up this position! Thanks again if anyone has any guidance.
  11. Hi My mother has been made bankrupt following a stat demand. I really need advice on this issue from someone urgently please The demand was served by a gentleman at her house personally, however had no dates on the demand. It just stated to pay within 21 days. It mentioned the case would be heard at the local court, but no date was given for a hearing. The debt was for £15877 which was owed. Yesterday we believed was the 21st day, but difficult to confirm as no dates on the stat demand. We paid the solicitors yesterday in full, but received a call from the receivers to say the bankruptcy order had already been made that morning. Should my mother have been made aware of the court hearing in order to be able to represent herself and offer the payment? I have read that she would have received a bankruptcy petition and a date for her court hearing, is this true? Is there anyway to get this annulled now, as bankruptcy would be catastrophic as she cares permanently for my father who has dementia and Alzheimer's, and this stress could truly destroy them both. Any help will be hugely appreciated as right now I'm feeling completely broken for them. Thanks
  12. My son bought a vehicle approx 6 months ago. After 1 week the vehicle broke down and it was returned to the dealer for repair under the warranty. They had the vehicle over one month and then it was returned. The same problem has occurred. The warranty has now expired but the fault on the car was quite a major one and I believe the work should have had some form of guarantee but the dealer is refusing to provide information on the work carried out and where the repair was completed staying that due to data protection they can not provide this and that they do not keep records. This all sounds dodgy and I would appreciate some advice on where to go next . Many thanks
  13. Hello Everyone, I am new to this forum so feel free to keep me right. I feel a little bent out of shape after my dealings with an online UK company that offers harnesses for dogs: You can find them at the web address fleece dog harnesses uk Here is the initial email I sent the woman: Message Body: Hello, I have had a challenging time trying to track down a harness for our 1 year old irish water spaniel. I have tried maybe 8/9 different models! She is still a puppy at 1- being a large breed. Irish water spaniels are slow to mature. She weighs 27kg of pure muscle and has pulled me off my feet on occasion ( running after a cat). Not only is she extremely strong and impulsive, but her skin is like lambskin- incredibly soft, particularly around the stomach, neck and chest. Conventional harnesses have caused abrasions. She has sores on her neck from her last collar. We took it off as soon as we realised. She often lies between size brackets which has made fitting more tricky. Often I order the medium, that fits her measurements according to the manufacturer’s chart but it turns out she needs the next size up. A lot of the harnesses have jutted into the back or front of her front legs. I am hoping you might be able to help. She currently uses a Hunter Norwegian Racing Harness which has been the best so far, but it is not terribly secure. She can be flighty for instance meeting a large dog or seeing a cat. She is almost able to wriggle her way out of the harness backwards. The other thing is that we really need a strong handle to keep her in check along busy roads. I will try and give you a ring tomorrow. I thought it might be helpful to send you a worded message as well since there is a lot of info! Kind regards, XXXXXX I subsequently followed up with a phonecall & placed an order for a custom made harness (as advised by the lady since she said the breed is too deep-chested for highstreet harnesses) I mentioned the handle again and i was told to look at a particular page showing a flyball harness. I confirmed i needed a handle. She asked if i needed a waterproof harness. I thought about it & agreed. So i paid an exorbitant sum (£58) thinking she had taken care of all my requirements. She did not warn me that the harness was non-returnable. Furthermore, I trusted her after a lengthy conversation on the phone & all the email correspondence. I felt reassured by a note on the website saying they wanted their customers to be happy. My order note also warned me not to let the dog wear the harness before seeking a return: ( Of course, the website mentioned that custom orders were non-returnable, but I ordered by phone & paid using paypal afterwards) Returns/Exchanges Please try your harness on but please do not wear, as worn items cannot be returned.Thanks. I would not have paid such a huge sum for a non-returnable harness that did not meet the requirements carefully laid out in my initial email. The harness arrived, awkward to adjust, with quite scratchy fabric and exposed seams on the internal facing of the garment. I have not been able to fasten the garment around the dog’s chest yet as it is so difficult to adjust. I will have to try again to check it actually fits her. My family agrees the exposed seams will rub on the dog’s chest. There is no handle. I sent a polite email on 23rd december. The lady has finally replied today, saying she followed my requirements to the letter and that I did not request a handle, therefore a return is out of the question. I feel very let down as I was so very specific in my written brief. It is as if she paid no attention to the dog’s particular requirements. The fabric is not soft either. Any advice gratefully received.
  14. October last year I had my van stolen. When the police came I told them the circumstances and wrongly stated that the van was unlocked. I believed this to be correct and even told the insurance claims handler the same thing. Baiscally I was loading the van (box van with tail lift) with two other guys. I had hung my jacket up with the van keys in the pocket . We were up and down stairs loading up furniture. Next thing i know is one of the lads shouted the vans been nicked , it was literally just speeding off up the road , tail lift down and furniture all over the road. Anyway this was in October 2016. I had told the police and the claims handler that I believed the van to have been unlocked. Sometime in December between Christmas and New Year I was informed that the insurance company would not be paying out and would not be refunding any of my premium either! In January I went to the Auction House where the theft occured and was asked about the payout on the van . I told the lads that were helping me load the van that the claim was refused because I had left the van unlocked. I still believed this. One of tha lads then told me that he had wanted to adjust the tail lift and could not get in the cab to turn on the power as it was locked. Obviously I was a bit peeved about this as I had told the insurance assessor and the police that there were lads helping me and could tell them as much as I could but neither were interested. Hed either of them spoke to the lads who were helping me then my mistake about the van being unlocked would have been discovered earlier. As soon as I realised there had been a mistake I wrote to ageas insurance . The are not interested in looking again as I had told the police and them the same thing ... because I believed it to be true. How can I force Ageas to listen , they have made the decision on incorrect evidence and even though the mistake has been pointed out to them , they are refusing to even speak to the guys from the auction house. I want to go to the Ombudsman but Im not sure if they can look at the new evidence or will just look at what was said to the police and insurance claims handler. Would it be worth correcting the mistake in my police statement ? Would a statement of truth help ? The van was on finance and I have nothing to gain but everything to lose . I thank you for looking and hope I can get some advice . Shaun
  15. Hi guys I was made bankrupt in October 2008 and was subsequently discharged 12 months later. In February I received a court claim from a personal debt that I forgot to include in the BO. I filed all the defence forms and the Judge ordered that I provide proof of my bankruptcy so they could consider the claim being struck out. I filed a copy of my credit report (showing date of BO and ref number), a letter from HMRC that was stating due to my BR my UTR was closed etc, a letter showing the release of interest from the OR in my property. I was unable to provide any more proof as none were still in my possession due to the time since the order. I have since received a N24 SO for settlement. The opening lines state that the Judge has stayed until a later date pending receipt of further information concerning the BO... I have a couple of questions if that is OK 1) What other proof can I file and where would I get such old docs from? 2) My BO was stated in the LG 3) The claimant reckons they knew nothing about the BR but it is my understanding that point 2 could make that a mute point (?) 4) The debt has been proved to have been incurred over 4 years PRIOR to my BO Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks
  16. Hi I purchased an inflatable airtrack for my daughter for xmas to help with her gymnastics. It arrived a couple of days before xmas but was not used until xmas day. The item does not stay inflated - there were no instructions sent with the item although there should have been. I tried a couple of further times to inflate the item but it just keeps deflating . I contacted the company on 27/12/7 to report that the item was faulty but they were closed until 3/1/18. I emailed them with the details and requested a return and refund once they reopened in Jan. When they reopened they did not reply to my email, I contacted them and they asked me to email them - I explained that I had already done this and asked them to check their emails . I contacted the company again yesterday and they said that they had not received any emails from me so I forwarded my original email to them - they have emailed me this afternoon to say that the item I ordered was custom made and that they are only obliged to offer a repair. They have asked me to arrange the return to them at my expense if I want to proceed. The address that they have emailed to me for the return is not the same as the address on their website - It has been a while since I had a problem with a return / faulty item and I know that regulations change but legally can they refuse a refund on a faulty item? Any advice would be appreciated thank you x
  17. My daughter hit a pothole on Monday evening (early evening) and today (Tuesday) she has noticed damage. Taking it to the tyre shop it appears the alloy wheel is buckled and tyre blown she is having to replace the wheel and the tyre at a cost of around £600. It's a fairly new car hence the expense. She didn't stop at the time because the pothole was on a bend and she didn't want to put herself at risk, went back Tuesday evening with her dad to photograph the hole and measure it, when she got there the hole has been filled in and it's evident the work has just been done. Is anyone able to please say how can she now make a claim against the council? She has hit potholes before that have damaged tyres etc but this is the first time she's wanted to claim simply because of the cost to her. thanks for any advice.
  18. This article from October 2016 - I dont recall it being mentioned anywhere? Has anyone had a bank try to reclaim some of their pay-out ?
  19. Hi, have another thread similar but not had many responses so I might have put it in the wrong place, sorry. I've had a quote from a solicitor through my bank which I accepted. The solicitor is asking for more than double. The middle man who supposedly provided the quote through my banks website and allocated the solicitor has said it was a technical error and I was provided an old quote which is now more expensive and I'll either have to pay what the solicitor is asking or find my own solicitor. It's took them 3 weeks of being passed between solicitor. Bank and middle man to get this response. I've submitted a formal complain which they say will take up to 4 weeks. This will mean 7 weeks of delay before any work is even started. I've spoke to the financial ombudsman who said usually they'd have to honour it but may be different as its in relation to legal services so contact the legal ombudsman. They said they weren't sure of anything in law but if I'm not happy with the outcome I can pass onto them. I asked for advice because I didn't want to wait atleast 7 weeks before any work was even started on the remortgage. She said there's no reason why work can't be started and them if upheld can be claimed back. I said I didnt want to pay out the £535 and she said I can go with someone cheaper but then there would be nothing to gain or claim back through a complaint. The cheaper company are £435 so still £180 more expensive than the original quote. Can I claim the difference back considering he was there fault I had to go elsewhere to someone more expensive than the quote they gave? On top of how much it is costing us with the delayed remortgage which the money will be used to pay off a loan and fix a leak. Is anyone aware of any legislation to confirm they have to honour the quote? We have confirmation the quote was accepted and they had all the information needed to provide an accurate quote. I've read elsewhere once accepted it becomes a contract? Thanks
  20. Hi There. My wife has just received through the post an attachment of earnings form from the MCOL Business centre. A CCJ was awarded in default as was sent to a previous address. My wife only found out about it when she received a Noddle credit profile change notification. She spoke to Robinson Way who advised it was issued at a previous address. She gave them our new address and interestingly the attachment of earnings form has come through to our current address. Details of the debt: Original creditor was Egg (so suspect any CCA would be "interesting" to say the least) Default was issued in 2012 according to her credit report Original agreement was taken out we think in about 2006. Balance was about 1650 CCJ balance was just over 2.5k (plus now another £110 attachment of earnings fee added) We are convinced the debt is statute barred as my wife is convinced she hasn't paid anything towards this for a long time. I know we need to look at getting this set aside but unfortunately we cannot afford the fee to do so, and we don't fall into the category where we can have the fees waived. Is there any other way around this? Surely they would have records and would know when the last payment was made, so if so then is this not an abuse of court process by submitting the claim? Any advice on next steps would be greatly appreciated.
  21. I own an apartment which I used to live in around 5 years ago before I moved into a house with my girlfriend, since then it has been let out and I have been paying all of the annual maintenance fees. I gave them my new correspondence address and they have been sending letters for the annual maintenance fees since then. In January 2012 the current management company took over from the previous management company. In May 2012 they applied a £114 late payment fee to my account. I disputed this, didn’t pay the fee and asked them to waive it. They did not respond and they have not chased me for this £114 since then. As the years went by I continued paying the annual maintenance to the present day, I am up to date with this and they have not sent me any letters until I received a letter dated 27 September 2016 where they state that I owe them £978.04 and they will shortly be commencing legal proceedings. I emailed them asking for an explanation and they have emailed over a sheet which explains how they have come to the £978.04: Extracts from their document: 28 May 12 – late payment fee £114 01 Jul 15 – general maintenance reserves including section 20 works £208.38 - paid 10/10/16 01 Jul 15 – insurance excess reserve £67.66 - paid 10/10/16 18 Feb 16 – legal fees re section 146 procedure £450 27 Sep 16 – administration fee £138 Total: £978.04 of which £702 is fees/charges I paid the one-off ‘general maintenance reserve’ and the ‘insurance excess reserve’ today as these seem to be acceptable charges relating to running the building. However, it seems they have added fees/charges/fines to the ‘reserves’ costs which they believe I have deliberately not paid but in reality I didn’t even know about the charges as they did not send me any letters about them. So I supposedly now owe them £114 late payment fee from 2012, £450 section 146 charge from Feb 2016 and £138 admin fee from Sep 2016. Total of £702 in charges which seems extortionate. I must stress they have not been sending me letters in regards to any of these ‘charges/administrative fees’ or the ‘reserves’ charges from 2015. I am totally up to date with all of my management fees and I would have paid the ‘reserves’ from 2015 if they had sent me a letter. I have told them that they have not sent me letters and they said they have. I have checked the address they sent them to and it is correct. I cannot believe they are threatening me with legal action – had I known about the 2015 ‘reserves’ charges I would have paid them just like I always pay my annual maintenance charge, and now they have added so many costs. How can I stop them taking this to court?
  22. RBS made me an offer of £2k for ppi from 2003 They said they would pay me by cheque. However, the other day I had a message saying "we have deposited the money into your current account. On checking this I found that they hadn't deposited into my account, but to their own holding account pending further investigations. I phoned the ppi office to be told that the loan on which I claimed the ppi had arrears and so they were investigating. However, I then phoned RBS credit management and they confirmed I had no outstanding debts, but then claimed they still need to investigate. If they suspected this, why did they agree that ppi was refundable and why can't they find any evidence. Really frustrating! I have to wait another 28 days now while they investigate. Anyone dealt with this before?
  23. Hi guys! This is my first ever post on here and I'm in desperate need of help. I was employed as an apprentice from June 2015 working towards my NVQ Level 2 in Customer Service. Originally, my NVQ was supposed to end in October 2016 but as my employer refused to let me work towards it (I was told that absolutely everything else in the office took priority over my NVQ work) the end date was extended by my NVQ assessor to October 2017. When my end date was extended, my NVQ assessor informed me that the minimum wage I was entitled to would have increased in June 2016 (after completing my first year of employment) and that my employer had been paying me below this amount for the past 4 months. My assessor told me that they would pass this information on to my manager and confirmed that they had done so via email. Four weeks passed with no mention of this at work at all. My NVQ assessor came into the office to help me get started on the next part of my course. At the end of the day, they asked me if anything had been said about my wage increasing and the money that I was owed. I confirmed that nothing had been mentioned. She went and had a word with my manager and came back and told me that my employer knows that they need to back pay me and that they were going to deal with it shortly. Two days later, my manager asked me to go to a one-to-one meeting where they confirmed that I was going to be back paid the amount of money that I was owed but that, due to a move-around in our department, my position no longer existed and that I would be out of a job this time next week. I was told that there were no problems with my performance, only that my role didn't exist anymore. A reshaping of our department had never been discussed, nor was I ever told that my role might not be there in the future. I was also only given 6 days notice when my contract said that I was entitled to a minimum of 3 weeks. Also, no-one else in the company has lost their job as a result of the reshuffle: I am the only person to have been negatively affected by this. I called ACAS and they told me to write down everything that I think my employer did wrong in a letter and then send it to my employer. The lady on the phone then said to wait 14 days and try to begin the early conciliation process. She told me that it sounded like what my employer did to me was illegal and I've gone through loads of other articles online posted by Law Firms which all seem to suggest that this I have been made redundant unfairly. I was just wondering what other people make of this? Has my employer acted wrongly and am I right in looking to escalate this? I'm really distressed due to the time of year where this has happened and I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right thing. Thank you all so much! Any help is greatly appreciated.
  24. Hi there, A year ago I took out a product with Buy as you view. I have had no problems and have paid religiously by DD every week. This week I returned from holiday to a letter saying the DD had been cancelled (my fault I was cancelling several DDs at once online before i went away). this means that the payments have mounted up to £89 owed. Due to the holiday and not realising they hadn't gone out I rang Buy as you view to advise them I could meet the back log in payments on my next payday but would continue to pay the weekly amount every Friday until then so I don't owe more. they said to do this I had to arrange for the area manager to come out (which I did for next Thursday) to reset my direct debit up rather than by phone. this evening having got home from a long day, feeling unwell and with a small child in the house and one on the way a Buy as you view rep bangs on my door. I didn't answer as I hadn't been expecting him; we had made an appointment for next week. It states on the website they can only visit by appointment. Can anybody advise me where I stand on this please? Do I have to let them in at all? Can I make the payments by phone. What has put me off answering and dealing with them in person is now that they have come round uninvited when I have specifically set an appointment. I tried to ring them but was on hold for 56 minutes then told phone lines have closed Best wishes and thanks in advance Emma
  25. Hi all, I had no idea that with my Barclays account I had PPi. Barclays contacted me a few years ago and i got the odd thing in the post from them, it always referred to the fact that 'IF' i had ppi, tbh i really didn't think i did. The most recent form they sent me was so long! With so many questions I could not possibly remember the answers. This company contacted me and said they could see if they could do it for me and that they would do all the hard work, but then they sent me exactly the same questions, I called them and explained this is why i signed with them because i thought they were going to do all this and the guy just tried to help with the answers. Shortly after this I get a refund from Barclays for £3700 approx. AMAZING! BUT they have sent me a bill for £1400. I'm annoyed because all i needed to do was fill in the form like i did for this company and send it back to Barclays, like they asked me to a while ago, now i have to pay this company £1400, so much money, for just this form... Is there anything i can do? I have been dealing with Barclays directly for a while on this and just hit a brick wall when the form came through with lots of questions that i couldn't remember the answer to.
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