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  1. Hi, Whilst filling out a tax return I checked the information HMRC held regards PAYE from what is now a former employer. The information shows the dates, taxable income, income tax paid and National Insurance paid, all totalled up. The amounts I noticed didn't add up to the totals at the bottom of the page. It seems one month a payslip was issued, then a revised version issued. The totals on the revised version were correct but the following months payslip uses the totals from the original payslip. I contacted HMRC and they said yes it doesn't add up but we can't say why - you need to contact the former employer. So that's what I did, they gave me a P60 and said everything looks fine, but the P60 just contains the incorrect totals they gave to HMRC. I've now advised in more detail but without even having checked yet they advise everything "looks about right". Just wondering if they refuse to correct the totals what are the options? Do I need to go back to HMRC with the figures and rationale? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi. I had a problem with a PCN from Indigo a few years ago and received excellent advice from here to "sit tight". Was successful. Thanks. However, we now have another similar case and someone told me that recent case law has changed things, so I wanted to check that sitting tight is still the right course of action. My wife parked at a Southern Railway station car park recently and used the automated phone response service to pay for a day's parking. Unfortunately, the regstration number used on the automated system was incorrect - one letter was accidently missed off. There was no windscreen ticket, so I assume control was by CCTV. We have now received a PCN from the PCN Admin Centre (29 days after the event) acting on behalf of Indigo requesting payment of £100. It's a "penalty notice by post notice to owner" quoting byelaw 14. In the time between the incident and receiving the notice she has parked there twice more, so I assume we will receive more notices in respect of these dates. So, should we just sit tight? Would it be better to write to Indigo explaining what the mistake was? They could check their records and see that they did receive payment each time. Also, I don't think the registration number used actually exists. Thanks for your help.
  3. Hi everyone, My son works for a sole trader and yesterday informed my son that due to a PAYE error (which he admits was his mistake) my son had underpaid tax for the past three months and an amendment would be made to this months wages. This morning he checked his pay with the bank and found that his employer had deducted almost £1,000 as the unpaid tax (incidently, he only pays about £1200 for the whole year. He is now left with insufficient funds to pay his rent and other essential bills. His boss freely admits that the error is fully his error. The HMRC haven't notified my son or the employer.
  4. We moved a while ago, about 10 days ago my wife Mrs x finally got in to a branch of Halifax to change address, job done. Mrs x then applied for 2 credit cards (1 from Halifax and 1 from BOS) and an overdraft for her current account, all were accepted, she was delighted. 1 of the credit cards arrived today and it says Mr x on it, her correct female first name but have put Mr and not Mrs. I thought this was odd so checker her online banking and her current account now also says Mr x She went in to change address, which they done, but also changed her from a Mrs to a Mr Will this affect the 2 credit cards or the overdraft, will all be removed. I assume we need to go back in to branch now to ask why a change of address resulted in her gender being changed. Very annoying.
  5. Hi everyone. I could really use some help with this nightmare. I opened a GymEtc membership about 4 months ago. Somehow during the process the membership application got duplicated and i ended up being double charged for 2 accounts. I stopped the duplicate account direct debit, then get an aggressive letter from Harlands. I called them, explained the situation and they said they would close the duplicate account and refund the 2 payments. 4 weeks went by and I got no refund. When I contacted them again they said it had been initially rejected by GymEtc, then processed but still didn't make it to me or my bank. At this point I said i would collect the refund from my bank and contacted them to reverse the 2 direct debits on my duplicate account. I was very specific and gave the references and dates. They instead reversed 3 payments on the active direct debit then cancelled it. After this happened I called the bank and they admitted the error and reactivated the correct direct debit. I then called Harlands to pay the 3rd payment which should not have been refunded but they told me they could not take payment as this was not showing on the account. They told me they would watch the account and now call me when they could take payment. They also stated they would mark the account to not be charged. Another couple weeks go by and Harlands send aggressive correspondence. I call again to ask if i owe them and am told again that I don't own any money. Today they send me a letter saying I owe 2 admin fees of £25 each plus a membership payment. If i don't contact their customer care then my account will be sent to debt collection. I'm on my lunch hour, I have called them 7 times. I waited 20 minutes at one point for them to pick up, when they did, the person cut me off just after I finished the above long explanation. I am at my wits end and I now want them to terminate the contract with no fees. What are my options for resolving this now?
  6. I arrived home earlier this week to find a Marston agent sitting in his car across my gate. He had a warrant and was collecting £393 for an old speeding fine that I knew I had finished paying off, and told him so. Usual intimidation, he was only acting on the info he had. I should pay the fine now and then appeal it. He'd already filled out the form for the next stage which would mean another £600. He said he had a team "following him around" to seize goods, which they would do the same evening. So I coughed up the £393. Then I emailed the Court who had issued the fine and warrant. They replied today that it had been issued and enforced in error, and that Marston had been emailed and instructed to refund my money. Whilst I feel somewhat vindicated, is there anything I can do to complain and escalate this. Does it do any good? Will anyone compensate me, or even apologise? cheers
  7. Hi, My relative attempted to book a train ticket from destination A to destination B in the EU. Instead she bought it in reverse from destination B to A, the prices are the same either way. Immediately after purchase she contacted the website to adjust the error. She was told she made a mistake and that the tickets are non-refundable entirely blaming her for the error. However, I am not sure the error on the ticket was entirely her fault. 1) She has a disability and found the website was confusing and difficult to use. There were web accessibility problems. Web accessibility problems will have a disadvantage to people with certain disabilities and it will cost them money in a situation like this one. 2) She had to keep on moving back or refreshing pages as they kept timing out. The error made in the purchase might have been the result of the poor website performance, or because she had to go back on the pages. 3) The information provided on the site was not clear enough, or was not delivered in a way that was clear enough, further increasing the possibility of the error being overlooked during the check out. 4) Despite reaching out to the seller immediately after making the purchase for a ticket for a journey that is to take place only in July, the seller refused to reverse the charge or fix the error on the ticket. 5) The seller blamed my relative for the error, when the fault could lie with the website itself. This would actually means that a seller can design a website that would deliberately lead some customers to make errors, thus making people buy two tickets instead of one, and in that way sell more tickets. It’s concerning. Do we have any rights in these situations? Or do the ticket selling sites do what they want more or less? Any views would be great. Thank you.
  8. Sorry for going in to so much detail but I think it is relevant. I tried several times without success to book myself on a speed awareness course. A message stated that as my course was to be taken very soon I needed to ring them. I tried to ring them several times but as I work during the day and the waiting time was so long I had to give up. I did finally get through to them only to be told that yes I was too late to go on a course. I was told to ring Go Safe, who have the responsibility for issuing NIPs and offering Speed Awareness Courses. I finally got through to Go safe and explained my situation. I was told that everything was fine and they could see no reason why I was not able to take a course. After double checking again I was assured that I should be able to get on a course if I ring them again. As I was about to end the call the lady at Go Safe said just let me check one last thing. I was then told that an error had been made and they had my final date to take the course down as 31/07/2018 and not 31/08/2018 and I only had 2 hours left to get on a course that had to be taken before 31/08/2018. I finally got myself onto a course in Telford 122 miles from my house as it was the only course available before 31/08/2018. I then recieved an email to say forget the 2 hours just do a course before the 31/08/2018 and the matter is closed. This is Go Safe sort of admitting responsibility for the error. My question is: Where do I stand on claiming travel for a 240 miles round trip for a course I could have taken a mile away from my house. Should I request an extension to allow me to go a a course nearer to home as the courses are done by the same people? Thanks in advance
  9. Yesterday booked a vehicle over the phone paid by credit card. Discovered today that I am unable to take the vehicle where I want to so need to cancel. They have said as there is less than a month to when the hire was due to start minimum charge is 7 days, as I booked for only 4 days will lose all my money. I did not see the terms and conditions and was only told my cancellation rights when I tried to cancel. Bearing in mind it is 15 hours since I made the booking, do I have any rights? Thanks
  10. Having been a loyal customer over a number of years every time I wanted to hire a car on holiday. When we were needing car hire from Stuttgart Airport to take us down to the Black forest I contacted Rental Cars. Com for a quote. They quoted a price I found acceptable and booked our hire car, this I found was through a supplier called Europcar. When we arrived at their airport rental desk the lady spoke poor English and after between us completing our hire agreement, she drew on a map to direct us to find our car a long walk away across the airport dragging two large cases and two cabin cases. I had requested a Sat Nav which I found still talking to me in German! I managed as it was built in to find a way to switch the language to English and we set off for our booked overnight stay in Stuttgart. After breakfast it was time to head off to our apartment in the black forest, and as we got onto the A8 and started to travel faster I noticed a smell of burning from the boot area but decided as it didn't get any stronger it may be the cat exhaust as I had not driven this make of car before. Fast forward to 2 days later now in the Black Forest this smell appeared again so I decided best to ring and tell Europcar of my smell and concerns of was this car safe to drive. The supplied number rang and was answered by a recorded German message which I didn't understand and after repeating it I was disconnected! So I left it and continued driving on our holiday and the smell again vanished. The day before we were due to leave the smell returned in the evening as I parked up. The following morning I went to the car to load the luggage in and couldn't open it, so this time I searched the internet for another number for Europcar. Rang it got answered and after finding some one who spoke English reported my problem and was told I needed to ring the other number as I was speaking to sales. When I explained he told me he would call them explain and get them to call me by someone that spoke English. They rang told me to remove a plastic handle insert so I could open the car with the key. Luckily I tried to start the engine as it was the battery that was dead, so I was told a local garage would be sent. One hour later this non speaking german man arrived started the car with a machine and passed me a piece of paper saying follow me to garage to check car! When we got to garage the owner appeared saying how you paying please? I told him to call this number which he did after asking us to both get out in the cold, and sitting in the car while he rang, he pushed a number before it disconnected him and he said will call back? After what seemed to be ages standing in the cold his phone rang he spoke in German he got out the car said ok and walked away. So we left and travelled back down the A8 to Stuttgart airport with this smell of burning still. I took a safety risk assessment not to go into a garage to bring the hire car back to full as it was meant to be returned. When we returned the car again I tried to tell the guy there was a fault and not to hire it out again before it had been checked but he didn't understand and just said ok go? I immediately rang Rentalcars.com to tell them of the problem and why i had not refilled the car and to contact Europcar urgently. I was requested to put all this in an email on my return which I did? Fast forward to three weeks later I am given a one day rental refund and told over the phone and confirmed by email that there would be no further charges due and the matter was now closed by Europcar so there would be no need to change my credit card number Europcar had. Three months later Europcar charged my credit card £83 which is for fuel and a penalty charge for returning the car not full as per their contract! After again contacting Rentalcars.com and sending emails too and throw I have never been given that money by either Europcar or Rentalcars.com so needless to say I am no longer a customer and I wanted to share this to warn others as this is a story that couldn't be made up I promise you! Thank You Soundguy:shock:
  11. My employer has changed their payroll system and as a result they have declared all my income correctly up to the end of December and then re-submitteded it all again to HMRC in January so now it appears to HMRC that I earned £2x,xxx inthe first nine months of the financial year and then was paid the the whole total sum again in one payment in January and that no PAYE was collected on this bumper payment the supposedly made to me. It is obvious that the employer has made an error and entered the year to date figures rather than the pay period figures but the implication of this is that HMRC are now looking to recover the PAYE on this generous lump sum my employer has declared I have earned in January. My employer will not acknowledge he has made a mistake and HMRC say they can do nothing as the employer has declared that the figures are correct and he paid me £2x,xxx in January. So we have a deadlock. Has anyone any suggestions? (I have suggested that the employer pay me the money he declared he had paid me in January and I would sort out the PAYE but needless to say that wont happen!) Many Thanks
  12. Hello, I've been over the HMRC guidance and related sites lots of times but still unsure. Apparently nowadays you can show 'exceptional and relevant' reasons for late Appeals (Mandatory Reconsiderations) - examples given are being in hospital or out of the country. The longer it goes on, the better the reason needs to be. What about when the person was around but they have chronic language/cultural barriers that led to a delay, combined with the fact that the HMRC Compliance Office phone was and is apparently set to permanently engaged (not sure if the notorious Concentrix). The person did send a letter a little past the 30 days deadline but the Compliance Office decided it didn't have quite the exact required wording to trigger a Mandatory Reconsideration, so they simply ignored it. There's then been several further months of inaction until now. Alternatively, 'Official Error' review can be requested for a long time afterwards. But can anyone explain what counts in laymans terms? In this case it would be the Compliance Office phone number never answering (acknowledged as a 'recurring issue' by an HMRC official); the stated reason for the original query appears invalid (their own website specifically says child benefit cannot be considered in deciding main responsibility - at least if there's a dispute which there wasn't here); a decision to remove a child without specific evidence (only lack of reply to a confirmation question - this strategy has been criticised in tribunals before); not contacting the other responsible parent (logically one had to be responsible if the other wasn't according to them). Thanks in advance for anything.
  13. Hi Guys..My first post and i need some advice please... I've attained judgement, elevated to High Court and entered agreement with The Sheriffs. The HCEO called at the LTD companies address to collect payment, although i instructed them to go to the actual place where the work was/is carried out and where i have viewed lots of assets. They then called at the "asset address" some two weeks late, giving the defendant plenty of time to move/relocate/hide/change ownership of the assets. Not much of a surprise that there were no assets at the second address.... Where should i go from here ?? and are the HCEO at fault ?? and why cant i speak to the agents, only an office clerk...
  14. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/penalties-for-social-security-fraud-and-error/penalties-policy-in-respect-of-social-security-fraud-and-error#introduction Dated 14/07/2017
  15. My PCN situation: I did not pay a PCN issued in Houslow, London for a bus lane contravention (dated 8 June 2015) in the agreed time as I was unaware of it. The first I knew of the PCN was an email from Collect Services Ltd. (13 June 2016) about warrant issued against me for an undisclosed sum owed for a bus lane contravention. I thought the email was spam or phishing and ignored it (I do not live in the area etc. and get spam from various 'companies' asking for money'.) On September 8th I was emailed a bill (again from Collect Services) for £512. I got in touch with them to ask what the bill was for. Collect Services responded, explaining they were collecting a driving fine debt on behalf of Hounslow council (where my grandmother lived). I realise I moved house in June 2015 and had omitted to change the address with the DVLA. Additional info: I sold the car in Oct 2015 so never updated the car's registered address to my current address. I called the DVLA today and the new owner omitted to register the car with DVLA to his address. so the car is still registered at my 2015 address I would have addressed the September emails before now but I was working away with limited access to email. I have proof of travel etc. When I called Collect Services I gave them my new address I am looking for advice on the following: I know that I made a mistake in not registering my car to my new address but want to avoid paying some of the fine which I believe is disproportionate to the offence (The PCN has spiralled to £202 / the initial Bailiff Fee was £75 and the most recent bailiff fine was £235) I am petrified (single woman) of a bailiff arriving at my door. Is sending off the TE7 and TE9 form the correct action for me? The TE9 seems only for parking offences. If so, have I completed the TE7 form correctly manner? (TE& attached) and how would I complete the TE9? My Dad suggests writing to Collect Services and offering them the original fine doubled. He says they are very unlikely to take me to court. I do not have a car anymore so have no public goods that an be taken. te007-eng.doc
  16. Tens of thousands of people will receive refunds, plus interest, for charges incorrectly applied to student current accounts held with RBS and NatWest between 2002 and 2016. The RBS Group, which RBS and NatWest are both part of, says it has written to affected customers. The two banks offered interest-free overdrafts on their student current accounts. However, some people had the option to increase their arranged overdraft limit, in exchange for interest being charged on these higher balances. But following a business review this year, the RBS Group discovered this went against the terms and conditions of the account, which said students would not be charged interest on any authorised overdrafts. As such, it is refunding any interest it charged on these authorised overdrafts, plus interest. http://www.moneywise.co.uk/news/2016-08-25/thousands-due-refund-after-rbs-student-account-error
  17. So I was nightshift last night and woke up this afternoon to a letter from scott and co telling me that a summary warrant has been granted against me for unpaid council tax, thing is I don't have any unpaid council tax. I did have a small amount last year but that was paid off months ago. I called the council in a rage who told me there was no one available to speak to me but that my account was showing as up to date and they couldn't understand how this had happened, i could wait 45 mins (!) on hold or call back later. So I called back later and they have recalled it from the sheriff officers but are refusing to take the 10% court fee off it. The council are claiming there have been two late payments on the account and this is why this has happened, the first in April which I accept as I went on holiday and forgot to pay it before i left (i pay with a swipe card) so the payment was a week late, they claim a second late payment in june which i dispute but cannot prove, they say it was paid on the 4th rather than the 1st, surely even if that is true it falls within the seven days they give you to catch up with a late payment? I dont understand why if this allegedly happened in june am I just hearing about it now? Why didn't I get my second reminder letter from the council? How can a summary warrant be granted against someone whose account is up to date? and is there anything I can do about it? I am not happy about paying the extra 10% at all but at least they have recalled it from Scott and Co so I wont need to deal with them. Is it even worth fighting them on it or should I just pay the 10% extra and forget about it. Also they assure me this will not affect the mortgage I am hoping to get in the next few months, the bank have already told me I can have the mortgage I am just saving the deposit, please tell me they are right?
  18. Hi I am new to these forums and would appreciate some much needed advice, because in May of this year (2016) I got a letter from the HMRC saying that I was entitled to a tax refund of £2500 as I had applied for the married mans allowance, which I duly accepted, but then I got a letter this morning 19/11/16 stating that I owed them £2300, which I was totally shocked by, as I strongly believed that I had been awarded the rebate and it had been backdated, as I dont really understand tax affairs, I am going to strongly appeal against this as I feel the HMRC are the ones responsible for this error, and failing that I will take it to the financial ombudsman, but can anyone tell me what are my chances of a successful appeal
  19. Hello all, I normally just look at these sites but after seeing the helpful replies I thought why not. In Nov 2014 I had missed two payments on a card, and I was aware by this time that hiding did no good, I called Capital One to explain I was starting a new job and it would be maybe 1-2 months until I could get the balance back within it limit (which I did). I was then sitting on £227.57 on a £200 limit due to charges and interest. The advisor said sure, we can setup a payment plan, but no mention of the different types. I got an expenditure form and filled it in. On the form there were two options longer and shorter (max six months) in section 8. The £10 per month I agreed to pay was double the interest on the account if within it's balance (I think 28%) I thought well, they are giving me the option I will take the longer one, not realizing it had consequences. Oh boy what a mistake. This option defaulted the account immediately. I never received the letter they said they sent about stating this so it went untoticed until around a few months ago when I did a credit check. I contacted the financial Ombudsman who said they decided in the companies favour. I have since replied stating a few facts they got wrong and are now reassessing. The thing I feel is wrong that nowhere on the form I filled in explains the two options or their consequences. I had a look on the consumer report and wondered if it applied? I had a look on the consumer act and seen the below which I don't feel applied to the agreement form I filled out. 55Disclosure of information. (1)Regulations may require specified information to be disclosed in the prescribed manner to the debtor or hirer before a regulated agreement is made. [F155APre-contractual explanations etc Before a regulated consumer credit agreement, other than an excluded agreement, is made, the creditor must— (a)provide the debtor with an adequate explanation of the matters referred to in subsection (2) in order to place him in a position enabling him to assess whether the agreement is adapted to his needs and his financial situation, (2)The matters referred to in subsection (1)(a) are— ©the features of the agreement which may operate in a manner which would have a significant adverse effect on the debtor in a way which the debtor is unlikely to foresee, Any advice? I seen a post somewhere else that said anything detailing to time and action should be more profound in size/bold/undlerlined. In the defult letter, i never got its all the same size. I think they also kept the older higher amount on the default notice. za1.pdf za2.pdf
  20. Hi, I've got a problem with the delivery for an eBay item I purchased from Japan, and hope someone can provide some helpful advice. I received a letter from Parcelforce saying the package was subject to Import VAT of £14.08 plus a Clearance Fee of £13.50. My problem is that these charges are wrong, not incorrect, but wrong. The sender uses a tracked mailing service, and the address label on their packages ( I have bought similar items from them before) shows the value of the contents. My guess is that someone has misread the value, which is typed not handwritten, hence the request for import fees. I went to the Parcelforce depot with copies of the payment receipts, Paypal etc but they wouldn't even let me look at the package unless I paid the money. The value of the item is $10.00 including postage, so well under the limit allowed. I suggested they open the package to see the receipt to prove my point, but they refused and said if I didn't pay the item would be returned to sender. Provided the sender pays to have it returned, otherwise the item will be 'disposed of'. Yes, I am aware that I can pay the fees and then try and reclaim them from HMRC or whoever, but surely this is unfair, and assumes I've got £27.58 spare to pay out. Things would be a lot easier if I didn't care about receiving my purchase, but I'd like to have what I paid for as its unique. I've contacted the sender, on the off chance the package does go back to Japan, but I got the strong impression the item will just be dumped by Parcelforce. The sender is willing to re-ship, but that'll be another story. I can't be the only one this has happened to - has anybody got around this problem please?
  21. It's a 'only wish it happened to me' moment, when Amazon (well marketplace trader) put the wrong price on an item in my favor. What is the position in insisting that I get the items I bought? I think much depends on 'the contract'. ie is it an offer and your acceptance -or- is it a contract? So far I have found in the "The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013" Under part 5 section 42 paragraph (3) states: Unless there is an agreed time or period, the contract is to be treated as including a term that the trader must deliver the goods— (a) without undue delay, and (b) in any event, not more than 30 days after the day on which the contract is entered into. So some hope? However, I note in my case, that Amazon have in their T&Cs regarding 3. PRICING AND AVAILABILITY "Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our catalogue may be mispriced. We will verify pricing when processing your order and before we take payment. If we have made a mistake and a product's correct price is higher than the price on the website, we may either contact you before dispatch to request whether you want to buy the product at the correct price or cancel your order." Anyone any idea how to test the validity of this clause?
  22. Hi, I am new to this forum so forgive me please if I have posted this in the incorrect section. We paid off (in full) a council tax debt for a previous address on 30th August. I called Newlyn with the payment and asked them if the debt was paid to the penny and if that is the last of it, they said yes. Also we paid the amount shown owing on the Council's email to us, we thought that was the end of it. yesterday 22nd September we received a call from a mobile saying they were Newlyns officer and that they were going to visit our home today if we didn't pay the balance of £77. I asked what balance and they said there had been an error and now it was owing, I spoke to the council who said it was Newlyn's fault. After being on the phone for an hour to a very rude Newlyn agent they said we have until the next day to pay, I said I was happy to pay if I had written breakdown of how/why and when this error was made (apparently the council allocated a payment to our account by mistake, this didn't come to light until yesterday). The agent said he could not do that and could not give me anything in writing, with a lot of arguments he has now given us 7 days to pay. I don't understand how it has gone straight to the baliff without first a letter to us notifying us of their error, as far as we were aware and told the balance was paid and nothing more was owing. Am I wrong to ask for something in writing before I part with anymore money? What is to say that another "error" won't appear a few more months down the line.
  23. Need some help please a few years ago i could not work and fell behind with my council tax and was taken to court which was my fault and i took it on the chin and agreed to pay the arrears off at £100 per month this plan is up to date and has never been missed. However the council use the same agreement number for arrears and the currant years tax and this is where the problem is. I was sent a letter to say i had missed payments on the currant years tax which i had not so i spoke to the council and they said they would sort it, next thing i know is a summons is at my door. So i attend court and provide receipts that show all my payments have been made both on the arrears and on the currant years so both are up to date. The council do not take records to court so could not comment and asked for the case to be brought back to court in a months time. So i attend court again and the council admit they have taken this years payments and taken them off the arrears along with the £100 i have been paying for the arrears. The summons is withdraw so i have now had 2 days off work travel to and from the court because the council made a mistake. I find it hard they they could not have withdrew the summons the moment they found out saving me a day of work and trip to the court so i am planning to sue them for the cost of my days work and travel to court
  24. I appreciate any help and advice I can get on my case as I feel I have hit a brick wall with Vodafone. I will try and keep the summary below brief. In short I sought to upgrade my old 12m contract to a new 12m contract and upgrade my old iPhone 6 to a new iPhone 6s Plus. I placed a pre-order, only to receive a 6s and not a 6s Plus which was delivered around 5 weeks ago now. Phone was returned promptly as possible. Vodafone charged me for the upgrade via direct debit and have yet to refund me for the returned handset. Furthermore they have not rolled back my tariff as I was advised to ask them to do, and there has been a problem with my contract dates, meaning they do not see me as being owed a new handset, believing I have already upgraded. My old iPhone 6 has been associated with this new contract and I have had problems unlocking it as a result, to this day I have not been able to successfully unlock the phone. So to summarise, I am owed £385 plus the difference of my new tariff versus my old tariff (approx. £10 for the 2 months that have elapsed), an apology for the sheer incompetent and inaccurate customer service wouldn't go amiss either. Given the time elapsed I will soon be considering legal action if not resolved to my satisfaction. Long version: On Sep 12th, 2 weeks before the release of the new iPhone I received an email inviting me to upgrade. I called customer services and explicitly placed an order for a 6s Plus and agreed to a new monthly tariff. On Sep 24th I received an email from Vodafone thanking me for my 6s order. I queried with customer services to be told not to worry and a 6s Plus was on the way. On Sep 25th I took delivery of a 6s and not a 6s Plus. I called customer services who told me I could try and return the phone to store, but would most likely need to wait for a returns bag which I was told should be with me within a couple of days. 1 week on and I had not received a returns bag. Another call to customer services revealed a returns bag had never been ordered for me, but one would be dispatched. Extremely frustrating, but this time a returns bag did turn up. It was also confirmed to me I was due to pay for a 6s Plus and not a 6s, so appeared to be a "picking error". I received the returns pack and posted the unopened box back on Oct 7th, and can see via tracking the package was signed for on the 8th. No confirmation of receipt of return was given to me, despite customer services claiming I would be sent an email or text updating me with the status. On Oct 14th I called customer services to confirm they recognised I had returned the phone, which they did. I was informed I would be charged for the phone in my next direct debit payment. I asked if, given receipt of my handset, they could reverse this charge, but they said no. I was told the refund payment would be processed within 72 hours, but to this day there is no sight of the refund. I was given the option of cancelling the direct debit payment (including the contract payment), which I declined as I didn't want to end up in a situation where I was showing a missed payment opening a whole other issue. At this point I asked for my tariff to be rolled back to my previous contract terms, and was told this would be done. On 15th Oct I was unable to make or receive calls, despite having full signal. I thought this might have to do with a tariff adjustment. On visiting my local store to home this seemed to be a network issue that was resolved 3 days later, but over this time I could not make or receive calls via 4G. No notice from Vodafone on any network issues. On 19th Oct I visited a store local to my work to check on the process of my refund, my tariff change and my showing of eligibility to upgrade. Nothing had changed despite being more than 72 hours since I was told these changes would take effect. On 20th Oct I attempted to unlock my iPhone 6 which was now past its 12m contract date, only to receive an email saying I hadn't yet paid 3 months worth of bills on this device. It then became apparent my old phone had been linked to my new contract. A further visit to my work branch saw me have to repeat the sorry story again, and this time the sales rep sent an email to "HQ" telling them what needed to be done. I saw him type the email and it covered all the necessary points. Despite promising to keep me updated, this individual has not contacted me once with an update. The manager local of the branch local to my home has called sporadically but hasn't manage to resolve any of the key issues. On Oct 27th I sent a recorded letter to Vodafone head office, detailing the above points, requesting I wanted the above to be rectified; a refund for the handset and the excess tariff charge, to be able to upgrade my phone and to be able to unlock my old phone. It has been a week now and the letter has still not been signed for. I cant recall sending a recorded delivery letter and it not being delivered within a couple of days. I called customer services last night on 3rd Nov, explained my story again and was told it takes 72 hours for a refund and they had been promising this for nearly a month. I told her I had written a formal letter of complaint and would be seeking further action to recover monies that I am owed if not resolved, to which she hung up on me. Throughout this process customer service has been atrocious, plain and simple. Lies is a strong word, but it would appear I have been told false information on numerous occasions. No one seems to be able to help, and no one I have been able to reach in the company has any authorisation to override what is a relatively simple mistake, and a mountain has been created out of a molehill. I have spent hours on the phone to 191 and would estimate the average wait time is about 45 mins, and on more than one occasion I have been cut off. I will not hesitate to proceed with a small claims charge if need be. Vodafone have been quick to take money from me, and slow to refund, and have not refunded when they have said they would have. This has caused me some financial inconvenience as I have had to move money around to cover this handset charge that would usually be offset by me trading in my old handset. I would be extremely grateful if anyone with sufficient authority at Vodafone could contact me to resolve this (if this person even exists), and to also receive some advice on how I would prepare a case for a small claims court and what I should be looking to claim for. I would need to take a day off work, so would seek cost associated with this too. Beyond the financial aspects, I would like to receive an apology from Vodafone, for what is their error, but yet I am the one having to chase all loose ends to try and get a resolution. Thanks for taking time to read.
  25. My son received a copy of a letter, sent by his former employer to a court in Reading, in reply to their request for information about his current employment. The request was made in connection with an attachment of earnings order issued against him, about which my son knew nothing. He was employed by Cumbria County council on a zero hours contract and as his wages varied from week to week, didn't realise that two payments had been made on this order, one in February and one in March. He has not been employment since then. On contacting the court in Reading, my son was informed that the AEO was made to recover fines imposed by Reading magistrates , in connection with motoring fines. One of these was for failing to report and accident in Maidenhead (which my son has never visited) and for failing to notify the DVLA of a change of ownership (of a vehicle my son has never owned). He has not received any letters about the motoring offence, or about the court judgement, or about the AEO. He has been told that he has to send an email to the court, giving all the details, but that he will have to go to court to swear on oath that he is not the person who was fined by the court. Has anyone any idea how this could have happened and if the AEO will affect him in any way?
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