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  1. Hello all I banged off a ppi enquiry to every single company that I had ever borrowed from, in case, although I'm fairly sure I always declined any extra services. Egg/One Canada Square replied last to say that I did have ppi on a very old credit card back in the day. I complained and today got a letter saying that my complaint was upheld but there was nothing to refund as no premiums were ever applied, something like that. Does that sound sensible/likely? If I dig out some old statements will it show on them as a separate line? SAR? Thanks Micky
  2. Hello all. Excuse me if this is a really silly query but I have been chatting to someone at work who told me this might not be allowed so am asking here in case I need to take it further. My employer has a sickness policy where sickness is counted in a 12 month rolling period. However, is it allowed to count 1 time of sickness twice? My employer states 3 absences (or a total fo 60 hours) triggers a "stage". This happened to me, I was off for 3 different times with sickness, the last date being 06/02/2017 - this triggered a "stage 1". Then I was off sick in September and again in December 2017. My sickness in December then triggered a "stage 2", this is because my sickness in Feb 2017 was being counted against me again. Is it allowed that they can count 1 period of sickness against me twice? punish me twice? know the policy is a 12 month rolling period but I've been told that it doesn't sound right that the 1 period of sickness I had in Feb 2017 has caused a trigger twice. Just want to put the feelers out there to see if this policy is fine or if I can take it further at all because the stage 2 I am on has cost me a promotion and an end of year bonus. If this is fine I will gladly accept it as it is what it is.
  3. Hello, I got a pension savings pack from my father now passed away for a large sum. The policy seems legit with a policy number, its a defined contribution policy and it has payable before death of pension age. I thought the lawyer dealt with all his affairs turns out he didn't. So, what does the law say on pension savings for someone who has deceased do the next next of kin, children inherit it just like property rules of intestacy? Thanks.
  4. Hello, I had work done by a builder about a year ago, but since then I have had nothing but problems. The beams in the roof have not been installed correctly, causing major cracks in the loft room and below, the windows have not been installed properly and many other issues. Does anyone know if this sort of thing would be covered by a builder's product liability insurance? He built and installed my roof incorrectly and also installed my windows wrong, which in turn has affected by brickwork. Given that he built and constructed my extension, does that mean any faults found after he left can be claimed for, or would he have to claim for each and every fault that I have found. By the way the builder has accepted that he did bad, so I am going to assume that if the insurance company play fair, they will pay out.
  5. Hi.. I am insured on vehicle and my current insurnce compnay will not transfer me to the car I want to drive, they even said no one was coming back with a quote as I was uninsurable... I knew this was rubbish. I went on go compare and got a quote for £995 (still high but given my circumstances I knew it would be about that). I have a short while left on my current policy, I want to know am I good to get another policy out before old one has ended? i am giessing yes?).
  6. Hi all I've just been pulled up by the police who told me, to my surprise I had no insurance on my car. Our insurance was up for renewal in January so we let it automatically renew. £200 fine and 6pts on my license I came home to see what had happened. I have been driving this car for 3 years now. The Insurance company (first Central) told us on chat (can't get hold of them by phone) the details were correct that only my husband was insured. We looked for emails regarding policy documents etc. They said that they got details from confused.com and that's how they based their/our policy. Our previous insurance company always insured the name driver and spouse. I am not sure if my husband has ticked the box which states spouse or not and there is no way to check. Could I have been driving around with my kids in the back of the car without any insurance for over 2 years??? In December last year I had to go on a speed awareness course for doing 34MPH in a 30 zone. My question is wouldn't this issue have flagged up then? I did the speed aware course in December. Our insurance for the car was automatically renewed in January. Please help.
  7. Hi all Had a standard life endowment back in 1989 , stopped paying it probs 10 year into it, not got any details of old policy , is there anyway I can get policy details from standard life cheers
  8. My mother of 82 took out a Policy with yourrepair in July this year She had swapped from a previous cover as it was getting a bit to expensive for her. She saw yourrepair online and read the reviews and all seemed good so She chose top cover as it was still cheaper than previous care cover. Now she has happily been paying for a good few month with no problems. The boiler has now incurred a problem. It keeps cutting out leaving her without heating and hot water intermittently. She made a claim online as there doesn’t seem to be a telephone number. She was told an engineer would respond within 3 days or less. After 5 days no body had contacted her and the boiler was still cutting out. Now being 82 and having a problem with your boiler can cause unnecessary stress. In her head something serious is wrong if it’s cutting out. i took over and made a complaint she finally gets an engineer out After 13 days. He diagnosed the problem as the sensors and said they need changing. He said he would speak to yourrepair and get back. Next day heText messaged my self saying that the repair had been refused by Yourrepair. i made another complaint about the refusal of the repair and get a phone call almost straight away from a lady saying that the problem is sludge in the system and it’s not covered in their policy. But I can have a 2nd opinion and if he says there’s sludge there will be a £90 call out charge. I have had issues with the boiler previously and the company has been straight out and fixed the problem or had to order parts in and then fixed it. There has never been any mention of sludge. I told them im not prepared to pay £90 so i had the boiler looked at by an independentBoiler repair man and he didn’t find sludge. I have complained again to Yourepair and have since been offered another visit which would be chargeable if they found sludge I have refused for obvious reasons as they have already lied about sludge. I told them i want the policy canceling but they are refusing to cancel my policy and expect my mother to pay the rest of the 12 months even though that cannot offer the service which she is paying for. In the mean time i thought it was strange that all the reviews on their site were positive i checked with Trust Pilot they have a warning about Your Repair and their reviews saying they believe that their reviews are being manipulated Overall this company seem very iffy to say the least I just want rid of them but theres no way we are going to pay them the rest of the policy, mom has called the bank and they said its a 12 month contract DD and cant be cancelled Not sure which way to go with this so any help would be appreciated
  9. Hi. im after some advice on how to proceed against SCS for what i believe to be unfair terms/treatment. We went to the store on Tues 30 May 17, approx 20 mins before the store closed. Having seen a sofa set (3 and 2 seater) we liked, we decided to place an order using the 0% interest payment option over 48 months. The salesman was in a rush to push the order through due to the fact that the store was soon to shut. In a nutshell, 20 days later we wanted to cancel the order in total due to no longer needing the sofa. I rang the store to advise and i was told that SCS don't have a cancellation policy and that I have to honour the reservation. I complained and the manager advised that according to the T&Cs that we had signed, this information was available and that the sales person would have told me aswell. For information, due to the fact that the sales person was in a rush, he never mentioned it to me and also while in a rush he told us to sign something electronically which turned out to be the T&Cs before we had a chance to read them. i argue that we were not aware of the T&Cs because we were not given the opportunity to see them before signing and were also not told verbally. The area manager advised that he would cancel the order but it would cost me 25% of the order total. I'm not even sure this is even in the T&Cs. On one hand they say there is no Cancellation policy and on the other hand they want to charge me 25% cancellation. I need to know how to proceed with this, who to contact (maybe the CEO) and also if there is anything within the Consumer Credit act that they may have breached that i can throw at them. I have not taken delivery of the sofas yet; this is scheduled for Oct 17. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  10. Well done those lads, how ridiculous - A Head Teacher of a Devon School threatened to put any boy who turned up to school in shorts in the recent spell of heatwave weather, into Isolation ! But sarcastically said they could turn up in skirts.. so a group of 5 did. Apparently 50 more of them were frantically trying to borrow skirts from their girlfriends and sisters to wear to school today Read the full story..
  11. Can insurers take the excess twice for the 1 claim? I have queried a settled claim and the insurers have decided to pay me a 2nd payment but deducted the excess again. I thought they could only take it once.
  12. I had a bit of a battle as I think I narrowly missed being a victim of the 'refund spoof' but because I fought hard and won my appeal against the buyer who initially opened and won a 'Returns Case', I successfully got it reversed and they sent me the following message and I'm not sure how to interpret: ""We've reviewed your concerns and have reversed the outcome of the case. You don't need to take any additional action to reimburse eBay for the refund paid to the buyer, and eBay will make no further attempts to seek reimbursement from you. Because we decided in your favor, this case, any feedback left, and all detailed seller ratings left, will not affect your seller performance. In addition, any feedback left for this transaction will be removed. If you have other questions, please contact us. You can reach us by going to the eBay website and clicking "Help & Contact" in the upper right corner and then selecting "Contact eBay." Thanks, eBay""" Exactly what do they mean by their first line as they did actually return back to my account funds equal to the value of the sale - and if they are not coming back to me for reimbursement, who is going to pay the buyer who has since returned the item to the delivery company for insurance reasons but only AFTER ebay reversed it's decision against them? And if ebay isn't going to come back to me to take the refund and I can't refund because the option has gone since they've closed the case, How comes the buyer's out of pocket as this doesn't sit well with me either All really confusing. Although to be fair to ebay and the buyer - the buyer was acting rather 'oddily' as if they knew exactly how to play the Refund spoof and thankfully I followed the advice of others and checked with ebay at every aspect and I believe ebay did say they would be investigating the buyer further as they felt something was not right either. If anyone could shed some light on how ebay works once a Returns Case has been reversed and what their first line actually means, I'd be less confused Thanks in advance.
  13. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/penalties-for-social-security-fraud-and-error/penalties-policy-in-respect-of-social-security-fraud-and-error#introduction Dated 14/07/2017
  14. I took out a policy on my car 2 years back for alloys and light scratches to the body work. Last month I ended up scratching the alloys and scratching the rear bumper. I reported this last week and was advised that they would not entertain the claim for the following reasons 1. The claim for the alloys needs to be reported within 14 days. I missed this by 2-3 days. I simply wasn't aware of this. 2. They claim the rear bumper is two panels where as its one rear bumper with a silver edging going across it. They don't cover two panel claims. its not two panels. A panel is a rear bumper as a whole. I was not advised any of this when I took out the policy. It was imply a we cover it all sales pitch. Do I have any rights here? Bump.... Anyone?
  15. Guest

    homeless at home policy

    I understand there a homeless at home policy, is there anywhere I can get information on how this should be implemented by the local housing authority please. I am asking as all requests to them regarding this are currently being ignored.
  16. This company has some very poor reviews - my friend only discovered after purchasing a CV joint , which was badly made and would not fit. They refused a refund and would only offer a exchange. I believe my friend returned after the 30 days period ("No quibble returns policy"??) Looking at the T/Cs -there is nothing to me that says they are complying with any aspect of "No quibble returns policy" What do other's think-are they within their rights -or taking the pxxx ?
  17. At the beginning of October I booked a one night stay at the Black Horse Hotel in Otley via Laterooms for the night of 15/10/2016 at a cost of £80. The terms of booking are payment on arrival and if you cancel less than two days before arrival you forfeit the cost of the first night’s stay. On 13/10/2016 a pending transaction of £80 showed up on my account On arrival at the hotel I was asked to pay, which I did. This resulted in a second pending transaction of £80 appearing on my account, which, when combined with the £80 from two days earlier reduced the available balance by a total of £160. Effectively, in terms of my available balance, what they’ve done is charged me a cancellation fee two days before I was booked in case I didn't show, charged me again for accommodation when I checked in but not refunded me the cancellation fee at the same time. The manager was unavailable at check-in I was assured they would be around in the morning. Unfortunately, in the morning, the manager refused to speak to me directly but said, via a member of staff that; it was just how the Laterooms did things, it wasn’t them that had taken the money, that it was security in case I didn’t turn up and that it didn’t matter because the money hadn’t left my account. Fortunately this hasn’t caused me any problems (at least not yet) because the balance in my account is high enough to cover both payments but I’m annoyed at being deprived of the ability to spend my own money and it certainly would have caused me problems if it had been nearer the end of the month. Leaving aside the dubious morality of the hotel’s behaviour have they actually done anything legally wrong or actionable? I suspect not because, when the transactions go through the £80 reserved on 13/10/2016 will be cancelled and I will have made no loss. The only thing perhaps is that, although on 13th it was certain that I was going to be liable to pay the hotel £80, either for accommodation if I turned up or cancellation if I didn’t, neither of those events could happen before 15th so it was only on 15th that my card should have been processed PendingTrans.pdf
  18. After 6 years of fighting the NHBC they are now trying to force us to accept their decision to implement a ludicrous repair, even though we have proven the following: 1. crib wall not built in accordance with British Standard 2. crib wall structural loading is outwith the maximum allowable as specified in design calculations. 3. crib wall has suffered multiple failures 4. the wall was damaged by the builder and repaired by the builder (who does not have a BBA certificate). 5. the original design and installation company have stated that the crib wall failures are due to bad workmanship. 6. crib wall built using different cross section of headers. 7. numerous areas where there is no overlaps of stretchers. 8. that the investigative work as specified by the NHBC was never completed. the independent consultant used by the NHBC engaged the original design and installation company tp develop repairs despite the NHBC terms and conditions specifically stating that this cannot happen. the proposed repairs are 1. to attach replacement bits of wood to the existing failed components using screws (despite NHBC specifying design calculations should be supplied for repairs, non have been produced). 2. to locally remove the fill and hammer the headers along the stretcher until they cover the incorrect joints (physical impossibility as the soil at the rear of the wall will prevent movement). They will not address the incorrect barter of the wall (maximum is 1:4 according to the british standard we have 1:6.5, ie the wall is near vertical in places). They will not address the design issues of loadings which exceed the maximum allowable. they will not address soil migration. they will not address the fact that the wall currently does not have a BBA certificate due to unauthorised repairs. they say we should now address the issue with the builder despite the NHBC taking over the work and dealing with the builder under the NHBC disciplinary procedure as the builder would not agree to investigate or repair the wall. We contacted the FOS and they have said this is not covered despite actually reviewing this issue between 2012 and 2014 when they put the issue on hold as the NHBC were addressing the issues. can anyone advise what we can do without having to spend significant amounts of money taking the builder to court?
  19. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  20. Hello, I hope someone on here can help before things get worse. I have taken out car insurance with Octagon and emailed them all the required documents. I even called (expensive hotline which is the only way to contact them) to confirm they received all documents. All of a sudden I have received a text message saying they will cancel my policy unless I get in touch. I have called them again and asked what the problem was. All I was told is that some documents are missing. When I told them that I have emailed all documents twice and have previously been assured that they have all required documents, I was just told that no one from "that department" was in today. I was then advised to just email all documents again "for a third time". Having done so I today received a letter that they will cancel my policy on 17/11/2015 because I have responded to them. Firstly I have responded every time they text, wrote or emailed me. Secondly they are not saying in the letter what it is that is missing or why they want to cancel my policy. I am worried that this is just a [problem] where they cancel your policy to charge a cancellation fee and then charge an additional deposit to re-start the policy. Can someone please help me?
  21. insurance company have cancelled my policy due to going 10 miles per hour on the speed limit on my black box policy. they are not giving any option to keep the policy and not refunding any money. I am only a student an have nearly paid 1,000 for 4 months on cover. I have not done anything wrong. Please can anyone advise they have charged me £1000 for 4 moths. Please help Mashmallow
  22. Hi I had a call from my car insurer saying that I haven’t paid anything towards my policy for last 6 months, although I have a valid policy. I had a DD setup with them from my last year's policy, but obviously they have done something wrong and cancelled the DD during my renewal and kept my policy valid, only to find out 6 months into this year's policy. Now they are asking for last 6 months payments to be paid in 2 drops (which is their payment plan), on addition to start the monthly DD as of this month. Just to add to the mix, I had 2 accidents last January in which were still under investigation at the time of my renewal (Last April), so they dropped my NCB and gave me a higher premium until the 2 accidents are declared non-Fault then after I could request back a recalculation for the policy and can get some money back accordingly. Now the 2 accidents are declared non-fault and my NCB is 4 years. As this the insurer fault I told them that: I need them to recalculate first the policy again based on NCB for 4 years. I need the last 6 months to be re-planned over a 12 months period so I can afford to pay, and not to be paid on 2 payments as per their payment plan. I confirmed that I am willing to pay the last 6 months. They will get back to me within 2 days, however they assured me they won’t cancel the policy. Can you please advise: am I doing the right thing? I had colleagues advising me that I am not liable to pay the last 6 months as this is their fault, and they can’t come after me for the money, so is that true? I am feeling uncomfortable doing that anyway, but would be good to know as I am negotiating with them. Can I leave them and go for another insurer? Or they won’t give me documentation proving my NCB? Please help. Thanks
  23. READ MORE HERE: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/31/right-to-buy-policy-scrapped-scotland-social-housing
  24. needed an Interim Service ASAP,checked online Kwick Fit, cost advertised £69.95,phoned local branch they could do this in 4 days time,which was just OK, and they repaired a puncture as well,on returning home I found that they had charged £99.95,for the service element,phoned them and the branch stated if I had booked online it would have been a week before the service could have been done.Not Happy sent of the online complaints form to head office, stating you cannot advertise a price online and then allow your branch manager to charge what he likes,they say I should have arranged a reduction in price with the Branch Manager.The fight goes on,Perhaps next move Trading Standards Will never go back again FS
  25. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice, my dad took finance out with a company called Motonovo finance in July 2015 he paid £500 pound deposit and paid a double payment the month after taking the finance out with Motonovo. All payments have been on time and are up to date the payments get payed 21st of every month. Last month December 2015 my dad was working and has his own van which he is fully comp on, I was in the middle of moving house so he said I could lend his car to help me out doing me a favour. I insured the car in my name on the Friday 10th December 10am. Two days later on Sunday night at midnight I got stopped by police for no insurance I advised the police I had insured the car on Friday and phoned my mum who confirmed to police I had took the insurance out on the day I had said. The car was filled with all my belongings as I was in the middle of moving house. I begged for them to let me go in the following morning with the proof but they dismissed what I had said and compounded the car As you can imagine I was really upset a week or so before Christmas an also as the car was filled with all my stuff and I had done nothing wrong . I was crying so my brother rang the police and made a complaint about the police as they was very intimating towards me when I was stopped it was pitch black and they had pressed the panick button all police came from no where there wasn't any female offices there just all male cracking joke and laughing whiles I was crying I got treated disguising a young female on my own. The following morning I rang my insurance and they confirmed I was insured and informed me that it was harsh what had happened as police know it can take up to 7 days to show on the police data base. My policy got sent to me by email and I had printed it out to take to the police to show them I was insured, I then rang the police and they said take it up with Motonovo we haven't got the car no more my dad then rang moto novo who said the police had the car and had been in touch with Motonovo to inform them I had been the police station and could not provide the documents I needed to so not to release the car to us we was confused with this as we had been told not to bother going the police station as they never had the car. I then sent the proof over to Motonovo showing the car was insured at the time it was taken from police. We got told to take it up with the police this went on for days and days police refused to release the car even though Motonovo didn't have a problem with the car being released at this time. Motonovo recovered the car we then spoke to the manger in the recoveries at Motonovo who said if we could get the police to confirm the car was insured they would release the car either though the proof had been sent to show it was he wanted the police to confirm. I then went on to get in touch with the police man who had took the car who confirmed to me he had looked it up and the car was insured and legal to be on the road at the time it was taken, he refused to put it in wrighting but said he was speak to Motonovo direct. I then rang moto novo who then said they want full settlement due to the terms and conditions being broke because my dad wasn't on the insurance policy they took another payment on the 21st of December all payments have been on time and they have had a payment whiles having the car. The car should never of been took in the first place also there are no missing psyments on the account but they are refusing to release the car I think this is completely unfair on my dad he's a honest hard working man who had provided for his family all his life , they are saying they will sell the car at auction then he will have to pay whatever remains so not only has the car been took unfairly and payments are up to date he will be in debt with them. if anyone has any information on what we can do thatvwould be grate thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing back sorry if there is any spelling mistakes also in advance ha thanks again, Lois.
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