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  1. Good morning , wondered if any could assist. In November 2017 i called into what i believed was a service station - SOUTH GATE PARK, A120 Stansted Airport , CM24 1AA as tired and falling asleep. i parked the vehicle in a bay went into one of the outlets McDonalds visited bathroom etc and left. Thought nothing of it . In December received a NTK about parking and fine. Wrote in as the driver as thought there must be a mistake . Met parking said i was only allowed to use starbucks Not Mcdonalds as was off their site. Then sent off to polpa who said no - guilty. Been fighting for 14 months , various debt collectors etc , threats . Now received letter from(JAN 19) saying i owe MET £160 and instructed to write . I Have never had such a nasty experience in nearly 50 years motoring. I honestly believe this has been designed to entrap people. I have a huge dossier . I believe the information /evidence is misleading as layout of site. AND FORGIVE me i was told this - (but not sure if true/applicable) - the NTK said the contravention was 08th Nov 17 BUT the Notice says date of issue of this notice 20th December 17- SOME 42 DAYS later , i was told only 14 days. What i cannot understand if true why did POPLA NOT pick this up ? Surely as experts(i am not just a pensioner) they have a duty of care - or are they independent and whose interests. If anyone can help please it would be most appreciated . And sorry if not to your rules on how set out not sure what i was supposed to do. tony213
  2. Hi all, Have utilised many a thread from these sites over the years with great success. Quick summary: Usual residential gated car park, management company bought in PPC - I actually from told the management company from the get go that I did not want my bay covered by the scheme because I knew the calibre of companies they would use and being a gated car park with fobs to get in, it doesn't happen that often and if someone was to park in my space although a tad inconvenient my world would not end. My management company actually agreed to this, not before however I had received a number of fake parking tickets! Have continued to receive the occasional ticket from the same UKPC lot and my management company just has them canceled. However, there were a number of tickets they originally issued that they refused to cancel. Fast forward 6 months or so and last week I received a claim letter of them trying to claim £800 for parking in my own space! I have read many many posts and useful guides on defending, however it is still fairly daunting. I am a lease holder, in my lease I have the right to use that bay to the extent that there is even a car park diagram A3 fold out sheet with my bay highlighted. I haven't read the lease with a fine tooth comb to check if it can be varied however. The claim form claims "I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after the service of the claim form". From reading the many guides & advice they say I have to acknowledge the claim. However some guides I have read say that if they are providing particulars seperately I have to wait until they arrive and if they don't to complain to the court. My first question I guess is, do I complain to the court after acknowledging or before? If before how do I do it and ensure it is received?
  3. I purchased a new 2 seater sofa and 2 chairs from SCS, the delivery turned up today and the delivery men were unable to get the furniture into the property. They were useless couldn't speak much English and give up. There is another attempt arranged to deliver tomorrow with a different crew, hopefully this crew will be more professional. What I would like to know is what would happen if the second crew also fails to get the furniture into the property? Could I request a refund? I have never had problems before with getting furniture in and out of the property and that is with larger furniture i.e a 3 seater sofa.
  4. Hello All I need some help. We went to SCS on 26/12 and placed an order on a sofa. The total cost was around 6000 pounds and we decided to go on 4 year finance. We paid a deposit of around 500 pounds and signed all the paperwork and everything was good. The very next day, I was informed that my mom unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer. It is a devastating news for us. I am in the process of arranging everything for us and it is a lot in terms of finances for us. I decided to cancel the sofa as I need money now! I went to the store again and explained the whole situation to the sales person he said let me speak to the manager. He than came back saying that unfortunately there is nothing they can do. He said either you pay 1500 pounds (25%) of the contract or we can delay the sofa for 6 months, but apart from that they can't do anything. I never said anything and came back. Today, I went there again because I am desperate and would like to cancel it. I spoke to the manager directly and he was very unhelpful. He repeated the same thing. I said can I speak to the regional manager and he said no you can only deal with me. Is there anything I can do? The contract that we signed states that we cannot cancel the order. It was never mentioned when we were signing the contract. It is totally my fault that I never read it correctly. But I would really appreciate your help on this? Is there anything I can do to cancel the order? Many thanks
  5. Hello there. First time poster, found you when googling for help. I went to SCS 3 weeks ago and ordered a sofa, albeit halfheartedly as the salesman was like my shadow. I have since that day found out I will not be financially able to pay for this with their credit company, due to genuine unforeseen circumstances. I spoke to Ikano their credit people, who was very nice and cancelled when Id explained, and gave me a reference number to take to the store to cancel. I did and was told to call their head office, who then told me to go back to the store which I did. He said Oh no I have to have it as they (scs ) have already paid...err no I was having credit. As its only 3 weeks I thought Id get in quick before it's delivered, so my question is is can I refuse the delivery when and if it does come? many thanks for any advice given.
  6. Hello, I have today received a letter from SCS Law who claim they've been instructed by Highview Parking Limited to recover an alleged penalty charge notice incurred by myself/my vehicle. Incensed by the content of this letter, I sought to establish what the address of the alleged contravention was supposed to have taken place it turns out to be my local gym where I've been a member for nearly 20 years and as such a legitimate user of their car park. I initially contacted Highview Parking to enquire about the reason for the letter and/or alleged contravention was advised by a lady to write to their Appeals Team who're based in Barnet. A second call to SCS Law drew a complete blank as the gentleman on the line advised that the firm had not been given any details on the alleged offence and had only been instructed by Highview to send out to me an initial notification letter. Now, knowing how some of these cases can be won and lost through technicalities and not wanting to allow my heated emotions overrule any logical thinking on my part, I'd be grateful for any advice on how I should proceed with this please, e.g. how and who to contact, my line of argument, etc. Thank you.
  7. Hi all. Had an electric recliner two seater for under a year with extended warranty. Over the last few weeks we've started noticing it flaking on the part which is the joint I guess which goes from curved to straight when you recline. It's on both sides but worse on one. Never spilt anything and only wipe with leather wipes when required. Called out SCS guy and he said we must have spilt something on it and as it's only on one area they'll want to put it down as an accident... Ready to go at it with them because this i is simply down to poor quality leather . But any advice would be appreciated. Hopefully the pic I've added had worked.
  8. Hi. im after some advice on how to proceed against SCS for what i believe to be unfair terms/treatment. We went to the store on Tues 30 May 17, approx 20 mins before the store closed. Having seen a sofa set (3 and 2 seater) we liked, we decided to place an order using the 0% interest payment option over 48 months. The salesman was in a rush to push the order through due to the fact that the store was soon to shut. In a nutshell, 20 days later we wanted to cancel the order in total due to no longer needing the sofa. I rang the store to advise and i was told that SCS don't have a cancellation policy and that I have to honour the reservation. I complained and the manager advised that according to the T&Cs that we had signed, this information was available and that the sales person would have told me aswell. For information, due to the fact that the sales person was in a rush, he never mentioned it to me and also while in a rush he told us to sign something electronically which turned out to be the T&Cs before we had a chance to read them. i argue that we were not aware of the T&Cs because we were not given the opportunity to see them before signing and were also not told verbally. The area manager advised that he would cancel the order but it would cost me 25% of the order total. I'm not even sure this is even in the T&Cs. On one hand they say there is no Cancellation policy and on the other hand they want to charge me 25% cancellation. I need to know how to proceed with this, who to contact (maybe the CEO) and also if there is anything within the Consumer Credit act that they may have breached that i can throw at them. I have not taken delivery of the sofas yet; this is scheduled for Oct 17. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  9. Hello, A number of PCNs from Smart Parking were delivered to my address in the last few weeks, for an alleged breach of the terms of parking at Matalan in Sutton, Surrey. This was subsequently followed by a Notice of Intended Court Action letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP), stating the reason for the PCN being issued as: "Overstayed Paid Time". Earlier this week, another letter was received from SCS Law who claim to act on behalf of Smart Parking Ltd who have allegedly instructed this law firm to recover the PCN charges. The letter then goes on to state that Smart Parking are entitled to the outstanding sum under contract law, adding: "When your vehicle parked at the above mentioned site(s), the driver of the vehicle agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking which was displayed on signage throughout the site(s). The driver of the vehicle breached the terms and conditions of parking on each of the above stated occasions for the reason stated. For each contravention, a parking charge notice was issued, for which the sums owed remain outstanding. We refer you to the Supreme Court decision in ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. In this case, the Supreme Court found that parking charge notices do not contravene the penalty rule or Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 provided they protect a legitimate interest. Unless payment is made within the next 14 days, we are instructed to issue court proceedings to recover the same and any of our client's legal costs, without further recourse to you". I visited the Matalan store last weekend and discussed my issue with a member of staff, with the hope Matalan would intervene and request for the PCN to be cancelled, being a regular customer of the store. The member of staff was not very helpful but did advise me to contact Smart Parking directly for any resolution and also pointed out that Smart Parking were no longer the contracted to manage the car park. I would now appreciate the kind assistance of our very valued forum members to advice on how to fight this PCN successfully and have provided some relevant pictures from the car park, if this helps construct a solid defence. Thank you.
  10. Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question but my wife and I are thinking about buying a sofa and like the idea of buying online because of the distance selling rights of being able to send it back if it turns out to be unsuitable. Please can I ask if buying in store and then having the goods delivered is classed as distance selling or am I really embarrassing myself here?
  11. Hi all, I'm in a predicament with 2 x sofas that I have recently purchased from ScS and would love your insight if possible. I ordered the sofas over the phone with the store manager and paid over the phone. I had, along with my daughter, been into the store that day to look at display sofas and had chosen a colour “ charcoal” by looking at a swatch. We wanted grey and decorated the lounge and re-carpeted (carpets from SCS too) according to a grey and lavender colour scheme. When delivered into the lounge the sofas totally look brown. We have a large window and a porch door that lets in light so it is not a dark room. I refused to accept delivery. I rang the Store manager who confirmed the delivery is what I chose and said that if I want to choose alternative sofas from ScS, I will be charged a 35% excess re-selection fee, which in this case would mean I would lose £429. This fits with the discretion cited in Terms and Conditions that Store Managers can use when customers cancel an order on sofas bought in store. However, the Cancellation Policy quoted on the SCS website is different for Cancellations and Returns and states….. "This cancellation and Returns Policy only applies if you made your purchase with SCS online, over the telephone, and via our website. if you have placed your ordering one of our stores, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on the reverse of your order.” Given I ordered theses sofas over the phone, including making payment, albeit to a Manager in a store , I would hope the policy from the website applies. I want a full refund. I don’t want to choose alternative sofas that will take 8 wks to make and deliver. I've included two images below - one of the sofa as it was delivered to my home showing the colour that appears to be brown rather than "charcoal", and a screenshot of the "charcoal" swatch that I was shown in the store that I placed my order based on. Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this takes the biscuit? (I have images but the forum isn't letting me post them as a newbie... but they can be found at the following address:) imgur dot com/a/4h8Hi What are my rights in this situation? Thanks.
  12. Morning everyone, First time poster on here, bit nervous as I've been a bit poorly recently but seen that this site has been fantastic support to so many people! I've received a claim form from UKPC/SCS Law regarding 5 PCNs from 2015 and are issued in a retail park car park where I worked in one of the stores up until about 3 weeks ago. The car park is a 3 hour max stay car park. I have not acknowledged or appealed any of the PCNs (I was following the advice of 'ignore all' but this now transpires may not be the best way, and I have lost some of the PCNs and NTKs) or entered into any correspondence with UKPC/DRP/SCS Law. I have not yet contacted the management company for the retail park as I thought it best to seek advice on here first before entering into any correspondence. LBA from SCS Law received 28/10/16 stating 14 days for payment. Claim Form from Northampton County Court Business Centre received 17/11/16. I'm going to acknowledge the claim on the MCOL website this morning. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi I purchased a sofa from SCS back in 2012. The sofa delivered was faulty and after months off arguing we agreed to get a replacement sofa. Ordered January 2013 delivered May 2013. At end of june this year the springs gave way on the sofa and i called to claim under 10 yr warranty. I was told I had to pay £75 to get someone to inspect(as per T&cs)and if it was a manufacturing defect it will be repaired so arranged for July 15th . The Upholstery technician assessed the sofa and we got a letter on 25th july confirming the necessary parts were ordered taking 5-7 weeks. We waited 8 weeks and called to be told they will arrive 3rd october making it 10 weeks. I tried to pre book appointment for repair but i was told no. I had to call again on 4th october they confirmed the part was in then told me 3-4 weeks before they can come to repair. i was not happy and asked for a callback from a manager. no call back so i contacted Consumer rights. I have put it in writing to the CEO of SCS and requested a refund under the sale of goods act1979 to which i got a cheeky letter back stating it was not a manufacturing defect but general wear and tear but made the desicion to assist in a repair and to contact to arrange a repair within 21 days or they are closing the case. HELP where do i go now as i checked and the are not registered with the furniture ombusman:-x:-x:-x
  14. we have ordered a sofa from scs and my wife has now had her hours cut at work so we have decided to cancel. we have been informed that we are not allowed to cancel the order, we were not informed of the no cancelation policy when we ordered the £2,600 sofa, surly this can't be right
  15. Hi, Having this on-going problem with SCS. ordered 2 leather sofa's, first delivery was a mess - the delivery team damaged my property as well as the sofa's. I initially refused delivery until SCS assured me the sofa's will be replaced, which they where recently. Sofa's where fine but they are sagging after a week of use - not what I was expecting from £3000+ worth of sofa's. Is there anything I can do about this? The damaged to my property is still to be resolved - damaged door frame/wall/skirting/scratches/etc. After 20 weeks trying to get compensation I was offered £60. Which I rejected and reiterated the damage as SCS did not seem to understand the amount of damage which was done by their delivery crew - I rejected this 2 weeks ago via email as it was via email I received the offer but it seems like I am being ignored now - I have sent them many pictures of the damage. At a loss of what my next step should be - Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. Paid cash for 4 pieces of furniture was offered discount if I paid in full there and then signed order but sales person didn't explain about cancelling terms now found out I can't cancel area manager for Scotland says he will not refund and my order is made its ment to be bespoke don't see how that can be made in a week he also says if I contact ceo by recorded delivery it will go straight to him help I have paid £950 any advice would be appreciated
  17. Hello, I need advice for my aunt & uncle. They ordered 2 sofas before Xmas. The sofas were delivered after a long wait. The cushions were the wrong colour. (Brown instead of green). There is a nail sticking out of one sofa, there is a flappy bit of material where it's unfinished. They paid extra for firm cushions but haven't got them. There's a dent in the back of one. The stitching is a mess. The large back cushions are quite flat, as if the pads inside don't have much filling & do not go all to the corners of the covers. My uncle went into the store the next morning and reported it. He was called a liar re the colour (he decorated the lounge to match the expected green whilst waiting). Thankfully, the assistant manager remembered them and confirmed verbally they ordered the green. Still, the manager was extremely rude and unhelpful which left my aunt & uncle very distressed. They sent out someone to inspect and offered repairs. My aunt & uncle don't want this. They have been so distressed by this whole situation, they asked for their money back as it is not fit for purpose. They have point blank refused. After weeks of stress they have now said they can choose a replacement. My aunt & uncle don't want to deal with them as they are just inviting more stress and problems. Do they have a right to a refund?? Sorry this is so long but thanks for reading x
  18. ordered sofa and carpet on 8th November. Carpet was due to be fitted on 25th November. They rang us the day before to change the date to 27th. They don't say what time they'll be coming, have to be home all day (day off work in my case). Didn't arrive on 27th, no phone call of explanation or apology. Eventually rang on 29th to say coming Monday (1st December). 1st today, again not turned up, no explanation. Tried to ring the store and got no answer. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER EXPERIENCED. Finally showed up to fit on 19th December (3rd attempt) said can't fit it. First said it would take them more than an hour and they didn’t have time. Then it changed to more than 5 hours to fit carpet on stairs (10 steps) and landing. Refused to take it back because apparently the warehouse is closed at 2 O'clock in the afternoon. spoofed us out of £30 for delivery charge Also just dumped the carpet in the middle of our house so it is in the way.
  19. Hello, I have stumbled across this website whilst trying to get some advice on a cancellation of a sofa my partner and I have purchased from SCS. This Monday (23rd March 2015) we paid for a sofa in full from SCS in store for a property we were due to move into. Unfortunately this property has now fallen through and we have tried to cancel our purchase from SCS to be told they have a non-cancellation policy, which obviously we were not informed of at the time of paying for the sofa. We haven't received any goods from SCS and the sofa isnt due to be delivered for 5-6 weeks. My partner has gone into the store to be told that he needs to speak to the manager, who wasn't around. He then called head office and this is when they told him about the non-cancellation policy and that we had signed a contract confirming this. However, we haven't signed a contract as we paid for it outright and was not informed of this policy. I have tried looking on their website for some information about this policy to no avail. then I itried to contact a consumer advice service which told me there isnt really any thing we can do as we agreed to this and that we do not have any consumer rights as it was purchased in store, not online. We were also told that SCS could agree to give us some money back but could keep some for the "inconvenience" even though we only paid for it on Monday and its not been manufactured or delivered yet. If anybody could please give me some advice on what to do about this I would be hugely grateful! Thank you
  20. Hello I have had a long complaint with the sofa retailer which first took place via letter/email and due to them not wanting to do anything to help has escalated to myself starting a claim online. my chair leather has become damaged. I have been cleaning it as per the care leaflet i was advised to follow by the salesperson which does not mention the use of any cleaning products, simply to use a damp cloth. An independent leather expert inspected my chair and concluded that the damage was due to not using cleaning products. This means to me that surely they are responsible due to me following their instructions which were clearly wrong. I will now write below what I wrote in my claim details when i filed it online and after that write their response (which if you ask me is full of inaccuracies and lies): I am claiming for a damaged La-Z-Boy Monroe chair which I have attempted to have repaired by the retailer who have no interest in helping me. I have had the chair for just over 4 years (within the 5 year warranty period.) The chair has had minimal use (144 hours approx). About 4-6 months ago I noticed the leather on headrest and one of armrest was slightly sticky and not smooth like the rest of the chair. This is due to the leather coating breaking down, an independent specialist confirmed this. The independent specialist also confirmed that the coating was broken down because no cleaning/protection products have been used on the leather. However I have been following the cleaning instructions given to myself from the retailer both verbally and on the care brochure I received when i bought the chair. I was given bad cleaning info from the retailer which led to the damage of my chair. I went in store to confirm and got same advice. I have the care guide as evidence which clearly does not state to use any products on leather, which matched the in-store advice. Below is their response to the claim which they are defending: The first occasion the defendent was contacted by the claimant was on 7th July 2014. This being a period of over 4 years since delivery has taken place. The defendent understands the claimant is seeking rejection of the goods as he is claiming for the full price of the goods. The defendent asserts the acceptance of the goods has taken place within the definition of section 35(4) of the sale of goods act 1979 and is fully supported by all known case law. The claimant has appointed an independent inspection of the product and the goods were outside of the guarantee period by over 3 years. The independent inspection of the product concludes the issues the claimant has reported are solely attributable to a lack of care and maintenance of the product. The claimant confirms in his claim that he has damaged the product and claims this is due to the care information given to him at the point of sale. The defendent asserts that care information was given from the retailer at the point of sale and the manufacturer at the point of delivery as per established practice. The defendent believes it is for the claimant to demonstrate his claim even though by the claimants independent report asserts the issues are attributable to him. It is for the claimant to demonstrate he has cleaned the product in accordance to the care instructions and demonstrate that following straight forward care instructions has resulted in a build up of damage claimed. It is also for the claimant to demonstrate he has a right to reject the goods and there has been a failure of consideration although he has confirmed receipt of the goods for over 4 years. The defendent believes it has acted fairly and reasonably at all times. The claimant has not complied with annex A of the pre action conduct contained within the civil procedures rules. At no point has the claimant intimated he will be pursuing the matter through the small claims track. The defendent believes this claim is unmeritorious and vexatious in nature and has little of no prospect of success. Any help with this would be good. Just translating the legal jargon would be great.
  21. Hi, i am new here so please bear with me, i received 2 PCN's from UKPC back in April / May of this year at the time i was now aware of i received several letters from UKPC & then i found out that my brother in law who lives in Spain was staying with us & he used my car at the weekend while he was here & he visited a friend twice in a private apartment block where he must have received the tickets but did not give them to me at the time. I ignored UKPC's letters as at first i thought it was a mistake until we researched the dates & my wife asked her brother who admitted getting the tickets but he said it was private land where he was a visitor & that they were not enforceable. The fines are now in the hands of a company called "SCS" Small Claims Solicitors & i have posted their letter in this post, they have given me a duplicate ticket on one of the PCN's adding an extra £160 to the bill, i have not contacted UKPC or SCS up until now but SCS are threatening court action & bailiffs & i need some guidance on what i should do.
  22. We have always wanted a LazBoy suite and we finally ordered one from SCS costing £5800.00 in August 2012 knowing you have to wait 12 weeks to get one. It was getting near to our delivery time so I called them only to be told that on production the leather was damaged so they have to make another one another 12 weeks. But to be fair to the salesman at West Thurrock gave us a suite to use till ours arrived. The suite finally arrived early in 2013 only to find that the order was wrong instead of a right and left recliners to go each side of a table unit they had sent a fixed 2 seat settee also the 2 seater manual was damaged . They agreed to order the replacements another 12 weeks. The replacements arrived only to find the frame under the left end recliner was twisted the repair people came out tried to convince me it was out but finally he did agree with me that it was twisted so he ordered a new frame another 12 weeks. After several weeks I tried to find out what was going on with no luck so I rang the salesman and he thought I was all sorted so he ordered a complete new set of furniture as after all the time the leather would be a different colour another 12 weeks. New suite finally turns up end of 2012 only to find the two end recliners lay to one side and the 3 pieces did not fit together properly. I complained again and they sent out their expert with 30 years experience only to be told that the carpet is to thick for it sit flat and to put 4 pieces of rolled up carpet under the feet which he did, this making no difference to the 2 end recliners tipping to one side and said there is nothing else he can do. I noted on his paperwork that it was not acceptable and waited again for someone to call. As I never received a call after a few weeks I rung the salesman and explained the situation which he was appalled and he emailed higher up to get things sorted. Waited another 3 weeks and finally got a call which was a worded script telling me there is no manufacturing faults and would not be doing anything. He would not listen to anything I had to say and the only thing he did say was take us the trading standards This is not the end watch this space
  23. briefly explain , we bought a new suite over 12 months ago the leather failed considerably on all the seperate pieces , we managed after writing a review on trustpilot to be contacted by an scs agent . the agreed to give us a swap for any suite within the same price range , we have waited 4 months for it to arrive , only to get the suite with one of the parts wrong even though the order sheet has the correct part ordered . I am struggling to cope with anything atm , in the last month i have been diagnosed with epilepsy ,then only one week ago i had a massive heart attack at the ripe old age of 42 . how do scs operate ? could someone provide me with the contact details of someone in scs who will listen as the rotherham branch just fobbed my wife off with "its not our fault must have been the manufacturer" .
  24. Hello forum, I hope someone can help me as I'm feeling quite stressed about my situation. I am stressed at the lack of customer service I've received where people misquote prices and don't seem to care you have a timetable you need to stick to - they're quite happy to mess around with timings and not be accurate enough when they quote timings, they just don't care and they just want the sale. Quick bit of background and then will ask my questions. I ordered a Tamla lazy boy sofa 3 seater and a 1 seater (manual recliners) and was told 7-8 weeks for delivery. I was unaware at the time there was a free carpet offer on. The offer was only for 16sq m of carpet anyway on certain carpets. This is what I'm having issues with. To begin with it was never really made clear which carpet was actually included as 'free' but he seemed happy for me to think the £12.99 per sq m was included. This matter was cleared up on a later visit and I switched my attention to the carpet that was actually included in the offer. The sales rep seemed knowledgeable but when it came to sorting out the carpet, he quoted me something that would only have been confirmed by the guy who came to measure my front room. He had not been given any information about my order, just told to measure the front room and quoted me for the price of a £5.99 per sq m carpet. Anyway, I went back to the store in Dartford twice to decide on the carpet and was told that the carpet fitter was not aware that I had ordered a lazyboy sofa which is why his quote was different to what the store quoted. I'm still not sure I was actually quoted correctly at all. I had opted for the £9.99 per sq m carpet anyway which was included as the free carpet and had to paid the remaining balance. I even took a picture and confirmed it with the same rep as before that that was the carpet that would be delivered. He told me it was called pewter. I have since found out that pewter is not the colour I wanted. I generally don't do colour coordination or know the variations of colours but if I show you a picture and point to the actual sample I want then how can you tell me a colour is pewter when it isn't? The carpet fitter came on Saturday morning - called me at 8 am to say he'd be there in 20 mins - so I'm rushing around to get my boy out the house and left my partner to deal with the fitting. When I came back I saw that the carpet was not the colour I was expecting - I had confirmed it twice in the store, even took a photo and made sure it matched with that I told the same sales rep. as above, he wrote pewter. The problem is, and now my questions: I cannot find anything on the contract about what to do if SCS mess up and have the wrong colour carpet delivered, particularly if the carpet seems to be the £12.99 per sq m carpet not included in the deal. It has now been fitted and even my partner said to the fitters that it didn't look the right colour but they weren't going to not fit it or contact SCS to check for any mistakes. It was really early in the morning and my partner let them fit the carpet, he doesn't mind the different colour but I usually sort this stuff out. If I had been at home then would I have been able to say 'no' to the fitters and call SCS there and then? The fitters didn't seem to care about having the wrong carpet. So, I now have the wrong colour carpet. It's not a major problem but my new sofas will clash and I don't know how SCS could confirm one thing and still get it wrong. I just don't know my rights. I'm ok with a different colour carpet but I don't want to be charged any extra for their mistake if they have given me the £12.99 per sq m carpet. 1) Is there anything in law that covers me for the mistake made by SCS meaning I don't have to pay extra if they've delivered and fitted a more expensive carpet? As far as I can see if they have misquoted then they bear the loss because I have already paid them. To add, if it's not the more expensive carpet they've delivered then there really isn't a problem at all and I can just complain that it's the wrong colour and leave it at that and call them incompetent. There is nothing in the contract that I can see that covers this type of event, only matters arising from defects. 2) Is there anything in law that covers me for any mistakes made in their quotations for the carpet fitting, underlay and fixings? - I am wondering if I have been misquoted and paid more than I should have. The fitters were supposed to bring 2 gold bars for the 2 doors but they didn't. I also haven't received the rug doctor cleaning kit which I was promised. 2) I am now worried about my lazy boy sofas not being delivered on time. If delivery takes longer than 7-8 weeks what can I do about it? It seems futile to complain to head office but is there anything is law that covers me? I'm not sure what this would be exactly. 3) I don't know how long I have to inform them of the situation but need to know my rights first. They quote 72 hours for sofa delivery issues but say nothing about carpets. I want to call head office to find out their policy on this but after reading reviews of their customer service I'm not sure I will be given the right information. I will go to SCS today to sort out the rug doctor kit and the gold bars issues. I will tell them I have sought legal advice in case I have been misquoted prices and have been delivered the carpet not included in the deal. I will not be paying any money to them but will ask them to make sure that the tamla lazy boys are on track and again quote that I have sought legal advice in case they are not delivered on time. Until someone can advise me on my rights I will just let them know I am aware of mistakes they have made and will take the matter further if I get any hassle from them. I apologise my writing's all over the place but is anyone able to help me? thank you in advance
  25. Hi, I ordered a bed and carpet from SCS and it is due to be delivered on Thursday (2 days time) They won't let me cancel the carpet from the order because it has already been cut from the roll. Surely I can cancel something I haven't received yet? They recon it is in the terms and conditions but still - I must be able to cancel anything at anytime before delivery has taken place? Any advice on this one? Matthew
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