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  1. Britain’s banks face the threat of a huge new PPI bill that could add billions of pounds to the £30bn already paid out in compensation, following a court ruling lauded by claims management companies as “hugely significant”. The case opens the door to a renewed claims bonanza as it suggests that even if the PPI policy was not mis-sold, the buyer may still be able to reclaim because the scale of the commissions paid were excessively high. While the ruling does not mean any more cash for people who have already received compensation, it may allow cases that have been rejected to be reconsidered. The ruling is likely to be appealed against but if it stands it presents a fresh PPI nightmare for Britain’s banks, after one claims expert said new payments could run into the tens of billions. Lloyds Bank has so far paid out £18.8bn for mis-sellingicon claims, while Barclays has paid more than £9bn and RBS nearly £5bn. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2018/jul/02/uk-banks-could-face-new-multibillion-pound-claims-after-ppi-ruling
  2. Hi all, due to a massive cock up by myself I have missed a claimform deadline and judgement has been issued according to MCOL, this was because I went on holiday and was too late when I got back, yesterday....completely my own fault! Is there anything I can do?
  3. Hello, A number of PCNs from Smart Parking were delivered to my address in the last few weeks, for an alleged breach of the terms of parking at Matalan in Sutton, Surrey. This was subsequently followed by a Notice of Intended Court Action letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP), stating the reason for the PCN being issued as: "Overstayed Paid Time". Earlier this week, another letter was received from SCS Law who claim to act on behalf of Smart Parking Ltd who have allegedly instructed this law firm to recover the PCN charges. The letter then goes on to state that Smart Parking are entitled to the outstanding sum under contract law, adding: "When your vehicle parked at the above mentioned site(s), the driver of the vehicle agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking which was displayed on signage throughout the site(s). The driver of the vehicle breached the terms and conditions of parking on each of the above stated occasions for the reason stated. For each contravention, a parking charge notice was issued, for which the sums owed remain outstanding. We refer you to the Supreme Court decision in ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. In this case, the Supreme Court found that parking charge notices do not contravene the penalty rule or Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 provided they protect a legitimate interest. Unless payment is made within the next 14 days, we are instructed to issue court proceedings to recover the same and any of our client's legal costs, without further recourse to you". I visited the Matalan store last weekend and discussed my issue with a member of staff, with the hope Matalan would intervene and request for the PCN to be cancelled, being a regular customer of the store. The member of staff was not very helpful but did advise me to contact Smart Parking directly for any resolution and also pointed out that Smart Parking were no longer the contracted to manage the car park. I would now appreciate the kind assistance of our very valued forum members to advice on how to fight this PCN successfully and have provided some relevant pictures from the car park, if this helps construct a solid defence. Thank you.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39792170
  5. Name of the Claimant - H Cohen Solicitors, Hoist 2 Ltd. Original creditor MKDP LLp (Ex HSBC). Date of issue: 12th September Acknowledgement submitted. What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? This claim is for the sum of £1089 in respect of monies owed pertinent to an overdraft facility under bank account number x. The debt was legally assigned by MKDP (Ex HSBC) to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant has failed to repay overdraft sums owing under the terms and conditions of the bank account. The Claimant claim: 1. The sum of £1089 2. Interest charges persunt of the county court act 1964 at a rate of 8% from 24/09/12 to the date hereof 1436 is the sum of £343.06. 3. Future interest at the daily rate of .24 4. costs. Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Overdraft When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Account set up in early 2000s Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not sure. Why did you cease payments? I didn't, I was a student conducting fieldwork abroad. The overdraft was within its limit, but not enough money was paid into it. Whilst away, HSBC closed the overdraft facility and demanded full payment. (OD Limit was £1500, amount in account was -£1090) What was the date of your last payment? Early 2012 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Unsure. Hello and thank you for any help. I am a UK citizen but have been living and working abroad for three years - Estonia and Hungary. This is making it very hard for me to deal with this... I was unaware of being chased for this debt. I recently found out about a court summons as post was forwarded to a family member. I called Cohen and Hoist about this debt asking for documents to prove to me the age and the fact it is mine and they said they did not have these. The debt is from 2012, I tried to get access to my statutory C report but as I am a resident abroad this is very difficult and basically is not possible. I have sent a CCA request and CPR 31.14. These were only sent today. I have very little time to submit my defense. I have a defense written - can I submit this even though the solicitors have not had the time to respond? I basically want to say - I don't know what this is, I would like them to show me documentation. 1. I received the claim xxxxxx from the Northampton County Court on 12th September. 2: Each and every allegation in the Claimants statement of case is denied unless specifically admitted in this Defence. 3: This claim appears to be for an overdraft agreement regulated under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 4: The Claimants statement of case fails to give adequate information to enable me to properly assess my position with regards the claim. 4.(a). The defendant is unable to reconcile the amount claimed with any account he may have had with the original credit and remains at a disadvantage not having access to relevant record. 5. The defendant is Litigant in and domiciled outside the UK requests for inspection of documents on which the claimant intends to rely have been made via the provisions of CCA 1974 and CPR31.4 and he awaits replies. - I am well out of my comfort zone here, this process has caused considerable stress in the last week, please excuse any ignorance on my side! - I am really struggling with this - is what I have written above logical? Is there something wrong with this, should I be doing something else? What happens next - where does the process go from here? Thank you very much for any help.
  6. The taxman has been accused of using small businesses and the self-employed as a “cash cow” after unveiling plans for a “draconian” new penalty regime. HMRC has announced that millions of companies and individuals with an income of more than £10,000 will have to file quarterly tax returns online. Those that are late in supplying information about their tax affairs will face a new “penalty point system”, similar to that used for motorists. Four offences will result in an automatic fine, which could be as much as £100. Every additional point will result in a further fine. Under the plans the points will only be “reset to zero” after two years in which all information has been submitted on time. The scheme will see those who repeatedly fail to file their tax returns on time face hundreds of pounds worth of fines. At present those who miss their annual deadline face a single automatic penalty of £100. HMRC is also proposing to treble fines for the late payment of tax. At present people are charged three fines worth 5 per cent of any outstanding income tax after 30 days, six months and a year. A consultation document published by HMRC proposes that the penalties should be 4 per cent after 30 days, 10 per cent after six month and 15 per cent after a year. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/15/taxman-accused-of-using-small-businesses-as-a-cash-cow-after-unv/
  7. Hello, I am due to move into my new flat on 11 December. I made an offer for it over three weeks ago, which was accepted by the landlord on 18 October (3 weeks ago). I then went successfully through reference checking and all that, and on 25 October (16 days ago) I made the payment for the first month of rent and the six-week deposit, plus various fees (in total circa £4500). The issue is that, as of today, the landlord has not yet signed the contract; the lettings agency say they are trying to get a hold of him but he is not returning their calls, the last time they spoke to him was "some time last week". they say they are sure he will sign eventually but cannot tell me when as they do not manage to speak to him. I am concerned that something may be going wrong on the landlord's side and that he may not sign at all in the end, otherwise I see no reason for such a huge delay. As my move-out date is approaching and the lettings agency keeps telling me that they can't do anything but insist calling him, I am getting more and more worried and am thinking of looking for alternative solutions, i.e. considering finding another flat. But as they have my deposit I feel my hands are untied, at least until either he signs or he pulls back from the agreement. The questions that I have are: 1) Does the landlord have an open-ended option to sign the lease whenever he wants, and possibly never sign? Can he basically keep me on hold until 11 December? Or is there such a thing as a "reasonable time" after which I can withdraw my offer without my incurring in any cost (i.e. I get everything back)? 2) Is the agency or the landlord to be considered liable for any of this? If I need to look for another flat, I will have again to take time off from work, go through the annoying and frustrating flat-hunting again, which I suspended because both of them agreed to signing a contract (as proved by offer acceptance letters, reference checking, deposit, etc.). I am trying to put some pressure to the agency but they are a bit helpless (and useless). Thanks, Daniele
  8. Has the UK got the continuing-violations doctrine in its Laws. I was under probation with a company and I raised H & S issues. A lot of documented bullying occurred. My employment was later terminated and the director cited the contract I signed in which they have the right to terminate my contract without reason. Much later after the expiration of the time limit for the Tribunal I made a Subject Access Request. I discovered that my line manager has been telling lies about me all this time. And these are lies that are easily disputable (Like I was found sleeping while on that day I was over a 100miles away on training). In a personal review list done six months after I left the manager still wrote down a lot of easily disputable lies. Now if the UK has a continuing-violations doctrine or something similar, I will still be in time to take the case to the Tribunal. Please I would be grateful for any advice. Regards
  9. Im just after some advice on a speeding ticket. The offence is from 16/04/15 it took 2 months to come through as I had accidently delayed in changing my address on vehicle when i moved, so I know I cant quote the 14 day rule to them. At the time i said i thought it wasnt me as i had sold the vehicle, after a delay I got a letter back saying the photo looks like me. I then asked to see a copy of the photo which i admit does look like it me but im still unsure as the picture not clear. It probably is me though. However, todays date is 15/10/2015 meaning tomorrow the offence will be 6 months old. Ive read that the police have 6 months from offence to prosecute. What is best course of action? Should I just write back and point out something along the lines that im still unsure weather its me driving but the 6 month deadline has now passed to prosecute whoever the driver is?
  10. I am trying to help a friend who received their EAS50 form dated 1st December for a deadline of 1st January 2016 to be returned. My friend has a complex medical history including mental health and the benefit advisor hurriedly completed the form as he finished work for Christmas and New Year on 17th December, The main hospital consultant who co-ordinates healthcare is providing a supportive letter but this has been delayed as his secretary retired and it has waiting in a pool of secretaries at a hospital and the consultant is also on holiday, I rang DWP and they were not supportive at all. The 1st is a Friday and public holiday and in Scotland they have 1 and 2bd as public holidays. Can any advice me what other action I can take. This is a migration from IC to ESA and I have been told by other the deadline is strict and my friend could get their current benefits stopped. A little panic given little time. Any suggestions would be appreciated. They letter maybe ready on 29th but might not be signed off by the consultant. Many thanks
  11. The Financial Conduct Authority has published its consultation paper on plans to bring in a 2018 deadline for PPI claims FCA research shows 74 per cent of people know what PPI is, but some have not got around to claiming yet because of the 'open-ended nature', which the watchdog says has created inertia. The FCA believes that introducing a deadline – alongside a high profile campaign to highlight it – will prompt many into action. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3334759/PPI-claims-deadline-likely-2018.html#ixzz3uJ3GJTaG
  12. I had been with Natwest for 22 years and had a black account with the Gold Advantage Charge card. I was advised to become a company as I would be delivering a service through several agencies. Unfortunately, due to exceptional circumstances and include a bad personal relationship left me in debt and I am about £8 -9k in mortgage arrears on a house I rent out and a personal overdraft that was £12k. In 6 months that OD was cleared and both business and personal accounts were in the black. The difficulty in meeting the mortgage department for an arrangement to be put in place was mainly because this period was over the summer, they would meet with me after 5pm and if I called at 4.45 they would not deal with me. I sent in 2 income/expenditure spreadsheets but they clearly didnt see them but I managed to set up a DD for the mortgage online and I met the deadline. That evening all three of my accounts were closed. I called the callcentre and they said they didnt have me on record. I tried to log a complaint and they were too busy on the Friday but promised they would be in touch the next day. They never did. As a prelude they stopped my access to online banking even though there was no way of spending money or transferring out into other accounts so it made knowing where I was financially and who had paid me and hadnt. The worst thing is that I couldnt operate, I need supplies, sundries and I was without any money to buy food or even some milk. I told Natwest this but they told me all my funds were transferred into the mortgage. It took a further 3 months to work out what had happened and the cause was not offered to me by the bank whose level of investigation was looking at the screen in front of them whilst on the phone. They hadnt cancelled the previous direct debit so every month the original arrangement would draw funds then the older previously arranged dd would be rejected. This was recorded as a default. I tried to make it clear to them there was an arrangement in place, it utilised a payment system set up and approved by the bank and it was their job to find out where the money was disappearing to every month for three months instead they left it to me. I complained about being oushed further into hardship by continued charges I had no way of keeping track of as the online facility had been taken away four months before they closed me down, failed to log 6 out of 8 attempts to complain and didnt care that I had not a penny for two weeks. They tried to issue a repossesion order and I wrote in to the lawyer to say that was illegal as the account was under dispute. In the meantime, I asked for SAR to get all the account information and after three months all I have is mortgage account copies. The lawyers are now calling me and I am sure its about instructing me to pay the arrears within the week or they would issue a repossession order on the house. They cancelled the direct debit that existed so I was conscious to keep puttting funds in every month but trying to function without a bank account lost me more money and irretrievably lost more clients. I am expecting a lump sum of money that will clear the arrears but the knock on effect meant that I was late paying my suppliers and one has taken a county court judgement out against me and bankruptcy is where I am at if I dont have some means of a reprieve. Yes, they said that if i didnt have an arrangement in place my account woud be closed and they talked about recovery. Sounded to me it was going to get better! The arrears werent as much as my overdraft which i cleared in less than 6 months and they had said the the charge card was a different legal entity and when I called the credit card company customer services before they closed my accounts they said that there wasnt any money owed and that it would be fully operational once the mortgage arrangement was in place. That wasn't true and I also lost my 36,000 reward points as I had no online access and frankly more serious things to worry about. i cant really afford a litigation lawyer at the moment and have little faith in the FSA from what I am reading. The banks replies to my complaints are to issues that weren't raised and they have not taken notice of my plea to allow me access to funds I had to eat and drink. I was not notified clearly that every account would be closed down and as far as I am concerned there was an arrangement in place that obviously isnt integrated into the RBS network as they couldn't see that the money had been taken from the holding account and HSBC provided a fast pay reference number. You cannot open another bank account if you have mortgage arrears is what every other bank told me but once I called the Business Debtline they advised me to walk into a bank and ask to open an account. Why didnt the other banks suggest this to me? A week after submitting an application form for a Cashminder account with the coop was i able to restart rebuiding what Natwest pulled down.
  13. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  14. Hi all Just looking for some advice on timings. I posted 3 CCA's to Lowell on Friday 20/02/2015. Would I be right in thinking they have 14 days from receipt - so basically by the 9th March? Should I be doing any preparation now in the event they do not reply or are unable to fulfil the request?
  15. Hi, Can someone please confirm I have the correct date to file a defence against a claim. I dont want to get this wrong! Claim Form issue date: 27th Feb 2015 Defence Deadline: 31st March Also, I have read to file it at midnight (MCOL), is this midnight on the 30th or 31st? Thank you
  16. Last chance to claim mis-sold CPP card protection. Anyone who was mis-sold credit card & identity theft cover by banks and CPP should have been sent a claim forms to get their money back. If you've got a form, but haven't returned it, you should do so now. If you think you're eligible to get your money back, but haven't received a claim form or have lost it, it's still not too late to claim. But don't hang about, you only have until August 31st 2014 CPP Redress Scheme
  17. Hi. my frind had 4 PCN`s issued by 2 different councils, he did`t pay them within 14 days and now they want him to pay about £180 for each. Is there any way to reduce the penalty to its original reduced amount? if anyone could help resolve this issue will be nice as he is got financial problems now and would like to resolve this issues but due to financial hardship he can`t afford to pay nearly £800. thanks in advance
  18. Dear all I took 3 court actions against hsbc based on BCOBS unfair treatment and breach of data protection act as well as breach of contract The deadline of the witness statements was on 17th July which I (claimant) provided them within the deadline I received a letter on 19th July dated on 17th asking me by CPR 3.8 extension of this deadline I gathered some information on the internet and this website and responded to them the following (as I did not want to be seen who is not co-operating but at the same time I don't want to allow them to get away with their mistake as thee is no valid reason given) "The claimant may wish to not oppose your request of extension however at the time that claimant received your request (19th July) the deadline had already expired. According to the claimant's interpretation of CPR; 3.8 (as you mentioned in your letter) might have not been effective in our current position unless the court were persuaded therefore any extension is a matter for the court at this stage" So they ignored this part of the letter and they provided their statements and last one I received yesterday, the court is on 31st July So far they have not filed any application to the court What do you recommend? Shall I provide these correspondence to the court? Regards
  19. Hi, I bought a domain name in 2006 and renew it until 2008. However, in 2008 when I tried to renew it again (received an email notification for this purpose) my payment has been rejected and the company started claiming that I did not renew the domain name during the two last years. Since that was my first purchase of domain, I also made a complaint only to the company which was in fact a simple reseller : they told me that the true registrar had closed and themselves were migrating. I thought that the domain name was locked and I will be informed (with first priority to re-purchase it) as soon as the finished their process however they didn't and in 2011 the company itself has closed (trading under another name). In further research I found that I could have directly file a complaint to Icann but I was not aware of this last nor the company/registrar didn't provide me any complaint procedure (but just on phone that "they will contact me later"). My present problem is that icann is presently saying that they may accept my complaint since it was more than 3 years ago. Thanks in advance for help, William
  20. Due to strike action by staff, HMRC is extending the deadline to apply for tax credits to 11.59pm on Wednesday 6 August, regardless of how you renew. 550,000 people still need to renew their tax credits or risk losing their payments,HMRC is offering people renewing their claims this year the option of doing so online for the first time. They can do this either by going to the web page or by using the free HMRC app, which is available in the iTunes and Google Play stores. Claimants can also renew by post, or on the phone by calling 0345 300 3900. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/jul/30/tax-credit-renewal-claimants-week-strike
  21. Hello All I am not going to go into details as my story would be extremely long. Anyway, i have received a CCJ (Down to a dodgy company lying). It has just been added to my Credit File with a judgment date of 16/01/2014. If i pay the full amount before the 16/02/2014 will it be removed from my credit file? I have read this somewhere but not sure whether it was true.
  22. I posted this on MSE and Pepipoo but haven't had much help. In March last year my vehicle received a Parking Charge Notice and after reading advice on here and MSE chose to ignore it. Four months later a notice to owner was received. Several letters have now been received even received some stating PoFA which was not in place at the time of being sent the notice to owner. Now I've received county court claim forms and have logged into MCOL to defend it. Particulars of claim states that the terms and conditions were breached by not displaying a ticket. I now have 7 days left to submit my defence (I have already sent back a response saying defend in full) and ma panicking a lot! The driver has never been identified and no contact has been made with SIP. When the car was parked the sign stating these so called terms and conditions was round the corner from where it was parked so the sign wasn't seen, plus the car wasn't parked in what was considered to be their car park. I already know that SIP do not own the land and attempts to get in touch with the landowner have been fruitless. The building on site does not belong to the land owner so surely there was no loss of business. Also because the sign was not seen (I've since returned to the car park and the signs are really high up!) does this mean no contract was entered into? Please help! Also, do I submit a full defence, or just bullet points and build on it in a letter to the court?
  23. Had brokers fee taken from myloan, I don't even remember using them and certainly didn't get any referral or loan as a result of them I stupidly put in my card details thinking they were a lender. So their t & c state 14days to cancel, now it was almost 2 weeks before they took any money and I realised what I must/could have done. Pretty convenient waiting 2 weeks. I've missed my chance to contact them in writing, although I did email them in time, within the 14 days, although as you can imagine, no response from email, do I have any hope, can I show the FSO the email? Total crooks.
  24. I know that another body is handling PPI reclaims against Welcome Finance for agreements post-2005, but are Welcome still handling pre-2005 claims? I'm sure I read somewhere that Welcome were no longer investigating claims on agreements made prior to a certain year, but I can't remember or find out the year in question. I've just found some information from an old car purchase (1998) and 2 personal loans (1999, 2000) that would suggest I would have a claim against them, but given the dates I suspect I may be onto plums trying to raise a claim now.
  25. Morning, This year is my first time self employed and first time doing a tax rebate form (online) I've searched for deadline's which seems to be October 2013, but most people are doing them after 5th April. Does this mean that it can be filed anywhere in between these dates? Thank you.
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