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  1. I am looking for some advice regarding removal of Arrangement to Pay markers and a default from my credit report. I have an outstanding balance of £3486.90 with Link Financial who took on the account from Barclaycard in February 2015. Barclaycard applied markers to my credit report from April 11 to February 15 when they marked the account as settled, following an SAR it doesn't appear the account was ever formally defaulted. I was on a DMP until recently when I sent a section 78 request to Link and stopped paying. They did not comply with the request and subsequently issued a default notice. There is a note within the documents received following the SAR request that would indicate that the debt is unenforceable. I am looking to obtain a mortgage in the summer and these two accounts will prevent me from doing so. Should Barclays have defaulted me when I missed 3 month payments? Can Link default me as they aren't the original creditor? Should the debt be removed from my credit file as it's over 6 years old since I breached the original T & C's? How do I go about remedying this? Thanks.
  2. After some advice please I made a payment plan with Jacobs bailiffs for council tax debt back in aug, I missed 1 payment in sept but doubled up the following week. To cut a long story short after I was late paying I received a letter saying the payment plan was no longer in place. I've had several bailiff visits and I've not opened the door but I have continued to make my weekly payments with fail every week. I have continued to receive letters and texts saying removal action is imminent and today another text saying the removal team will attend today between 6am and 9pm. I don't understand why they continue to hassle me when I am still making my weekly payments. Any advice please would be great.
  3. Hi all, I work in the NHS, when we work overtime there are two methods of renumeration, we can take it as paid hours or take it as time off in lieu of overtime worked. We are being told that if we do not use our toil within a certain time we lose the hours owed to us. This to me is the same as saying "if you do not spend your overtime pay within a certain time we will take it back". I can't see how they can legally do this as toil is a renumeration for hours worked, exactly the same as salary is, could this be a breach of contract? Does anyone have any thoughts on this please. Many thanks.
  4. Hi Has anyone successfully had erroneous data removed from CRAs that was put there by Laredoute? I have a close family member who had previous credit with them many many years ago. She noticed about a year ago that Laredoute had updated her credit file with payment arrangements which she ceased many years ago.. then it was showing as being paid successfully, then again changed back to indicating missed payments. Will a CPR 31.14 help in this situation, though I doubt they will hold any data with the debt being so old, but thats only a guess. Any advice will be much appreciate regarding how to get the negative marks removed from CRAs. Thanks in advance WS
  5. Hi guys Just need a little advice really, we were looking for s removals company, we had a quote and they said they could move us no matter what, even if doubled booked they have enough men/vans to cater for that it was to happen We accepted a quote including supply boxes etc, as with house sales dates move and change, they supplied boxes and we Packed and we eventually have a date. Then said they couldn't move us as they have another booking Then then have tried to bill us for boxes. Do.i have to pay, no contact was signed and the verbal contract was they can move us no matter what and it was the removals company who couldn't furfill the contract. Any help with this matter would be great
  6. Hello all, My daughter has a joint account with her ex that she wishes to have her name removed from but the Bank/Halifax are making it difficult. Her ex left earlier this year and moved back to Scotland and left her with debts and a load of other problems which she has slowly managed to get sorted. She had to give up her courier job to look after the two children(6 and 4 yrs) and so has had to claim IS. However, due to this joint account the IS people are making it difficult to get the benefit and this has been ongoing since March. After many calls to the IS they said she would have to make a new claim which she has now done so has to get around the Joint account problem. Noe the bank says there are only two ways she can get her name off the account and these are, 1] she has to go to Scotland and sign a joint application paper to have her name removed as both parties have to go to the bank and sign the same time. She really really does not want to do that, 2] The other way is to actually get him to close the account and has he is out to cause as many problems for her as he can the chances here are probably a big fat zero. So, is there anyway that she can get this account closed/ name removed other than what the bank has said. She really wants it closed as to protect herself from any debts he may run up. The other question is now she's made this new IS claim will they take it from the date of the claim or will they back date it to the start of the original claim. Any help/advice is appreciated
  7. Hi, I am looking for some advice to try to attempt a default removal, if this stays on my credit file then I am looking at August 2020 before it falls off The balance owing is £509.52, this is made up of £300 in interest charges that they have added since the account was open in 2013. The last lot of interest was added in September 2013 of £97 on a balance at the time of £441!! I have written and complained but they will not write off the debt and have said that the balance owed is outstanding and needs to be paid. I have today received a copy of an unsigned credit agreement and the letter that was sent issuing a default notice (this I never received). Could someone point me in the right direction of what the next steps are please, in an ideal world I want the Default removed, but appreciate this may not be possible. I will upload the documents this evening, but just wanted to get the ball rolling - is there a letter template of irresponsible lending perhaps that I could use please? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, In September 2017 I lodged an Irresponsible Lending Claim with PDUK, who made an offer of £2,600 to settle the claim. I accepted this offer on the condition that all loans that were deemed to irresponsibly lent were removed from my credit file. They confirmed via email: Thank you for your email on XX January. In response to your query, I can confirm upon receiving your signed acceptance your credit file will be amended to remove the loans we have deemed to be irresponsibly lent to you. We can accept your acceptance via email in one of 3 ways. You can complete the final page, along with signature and bank details and send a scanned pdf to ourselves or post this to us, or, you can send us an email with the offer paragraph from your settlement page clearly shown and completed with requisite details (Bank details). I will also let your case handler know that you have been unable to get a copy of the statement that was requested. Kind regards, Anthony Palmer Customer Relations T: 0800 0093562 Last week I called to see how long this will take, only to be told that they would not be removing all information, only negative information and that the above email was an administrative error. I thought that emails were legally binding, unless there was a specific disclaimer in the email. Is this worth raising with the FOS?
  9. Hi My son has recently applied for a mortgage and has been turned down due to a default on his file which originally was Shop Direct which then defaulted and was sold to Lowell. The amount was £371 and was paid off in full to Lowell in Oct 2013. It is due to drop off his file in August 18. I am trying to help him get this removed because I have read somewhere that usually if debts like these are passed to Lowell they are in some way unenforceable by the legal route. Can anyone tell me who would I SAR so I can start digging to see if I can find anything and what would I look for? Cant find any old paperwork even relating to this account but I have some emails relating to Lowell. I have had dealings myself with Lowells and they are currently chasing me for an old debt with Provident and I was wondering if I cant help my son with getting the default removed by finding something untoward, then do you think I could use my debt as a bargaining tool to either remove the default from his file or transfer it to my name. I would rather it be on my file for the next 9 months than his. I know this is underhand but I dont think they are exactly saintly themselves. Can anyone help with this please. Thankyou
  10. Hi all, As I have posted in similar threads I got myself into a real mess with payday loansicon, going back to divorceicon/unemployment in 2009. At its worst, between May 2012 and January 2015 I had nearly 140 loans with over a dozen lenders, in an endless bucket brigade of borrowing from one to repay another. I walked away from the whole toxic lot in January 2015 and am now redressing the situation. Without going into the entire borrowing history, one of the many lenders was 247 Moneybox, from whom I ended up receiving a default for £483 in May 2015. I submitted a formal complaint just under a fortnight ago requesting repayment of interest and charges (£742.26) plus interest (£182.54) plus removal of adverse data. Response received today: "Please take this email as acknowledgement of your complaint. We will now investigate the issues you have raised within the timescales as set out in our complaints procedure below. A little concerned by the calculations you have attached - you seem to have some balances which are not payments or interest on your account. Concerned you may be adding transactions on from another lender. I also note you make no reference to your current outstanding balance of £687.00, towards which you have made no repayments to date. We are aware that there are many forums and templated letters available on the internet to exploit any previous credit commitments under the wholly subjective banner of affordability. To compare our actions with the reported behaviour of other lenders is inappropriate. We are confident that the required assessments were carried out prior to the advance of all loans. We are able to substantiate fully the information on which lending decisions were based. Our relationship was based on responsible lending in addition to responsible borrowing. We provided you with all the facts about our product and the charges and costs involved. We treated you as a rational individual able to make a credible decision as to whether to borrow or not. For our part of the relationship we acted on the information available to us at the time and the prevailing regulations and guidance at the time. We are happy as a gesture of goodwill to resolve today by writing off your current outstanding balance of £687.00. We can also remove all negative information from your credit file." I'm trying to obtain a mortgage at the moment so I'm more inclined to accept the offer and have the data removed asap than to dig my heels in and fight for more money.
  11. Howdy, I got myself into a real mess with payday loans, going back to divorce/unemployment in 2009. At its worst, between May 2012 and January 2015 I had nearly 140 loans with over a dozen lenders, in an endless bucket brigade of borrowing from one to repay another. I walked away from the whole toxic lot in January 2015 and am now redressing the situation. From May 2012 to October 2013 I borrowed 10 times from Payday Express - deferring, refinancing, reborrowing etc. 10/8/17 - Sent formal complaint requiring refund of interest (£968.97) + 8% interest (£331.21) + removal of adverse data. 11/8/17 - Payday Express acknowledge receipt of complaint outlining response timescale (within 4 weeks, not later than 8 weeks) 6/9/17 - Payday Express are sorry to inform me that - after 4 weeks - their investigation is not complete 5/10/17 - Payday Express are sorry to inform me that - after 8 weeks - their investigation is not complete. They don't say when it might be complete (at a guess, never) but inform me of my right to refer the complaint to the FOS. So, next? Prelim followed by LBA? Straight to LBA (previous formal complaint as Prelim)?
  12. Hi all, in 2008 I took out a secured loan of over £10k from Welcome and within a few years struggled to make the payments. The loan went to Cabot on Welcome's demise and then to Ascent. 2 years ago, instead of consulting this site(!), I started paying Ascent less than £100 a month (don't want to be specific, in case they're on here) and this has brought the amount down. The balance is still over £10k and there is a charge on my property. Having spoken to Ascent, I have asked for a settlement figure and they want and income/expenditure thing (not something I trust, it's just to see what they can squeeze out of you I think) before giving me one. I have offered around £4k. My main priority is to get the second charge removed. And hopefully for a substantial discount or nothing. Any advice from here please?!? I understand now that I shouldn't have paid them anything but as there is still a charge on my property I felt I had to.
  13. Hi I had a default filed against me about 3 years ago. Then they started threatening Court action. So I requested a CCA. They never could produce one, then they decided to file a court claim. I defended it and that was the end of it.... Haven't heard from them in about 2 years The default is dropping off the credit file in 2020, I was wondering if I had a good chance of getting it removed? Thank you edit forgot to say this was a DCA
  14. Hi I had a Bailiff knocking this morning they posted a removal notice through my door. On the back it says about them using lock smiths to gain entry. The money they are chasing is for an unpaid parking fine. My question is are they able to gain access using a locksmith?
  15. here's my situation. I appiedy for a mortgage and it gets declined. Head over to credit file and see a default going back to 2015 from Vodafone for £30. I had a sim for an Ipad for my job at the time. Left job, cancelled DD (stupid I know) then 2 months later get emails from debt recovery, pay instantly then call Vodafone to cancel the contract. All fine and dandy (or so I thought) I received no emails or emails chasing the money so assumed all ok. I call VF today to explain that this account was cancelled and I don't feel I owe the money and for them to remove the mark. "ok sir we will look into it for you and call you back" A few hours later I receive a call to say that there is no record of the cancellation and I owe the money, but if I pay the money they will review the default mark. I pay the money, am placed on hold ready to be transferred to the credit department. The handler comes back and advises that they won't remove the default. I explain that this is crazy, they are ruining me and my family for 6 years over £30. And that had I had known this was owed I would have paid it instantly (as I did today) he puts me back on hold for a while. Again the answer is "no" Do I have a case here or do I need to suck it up and live in financial purgatory for the next 6 years? Thanks in advance.
  16. I have been rather stupid and rather than dealing with my CCJ, I ignored it. I received a letter from the Bailiffs office, was dated 26th July, but didn't actually open it until Thursday 29th. I tried to call the bailiffs number with out any success. After looking for some advice on line, I made an application using N245 on Friday 30th June and was advised at the Country Court that the bailiff would see the application on Monday morning, which is the 3rd Of July - date they said they would be visiting. I was told that this application should stop the visit. The notice for removal was dated 30th and I received this today, 1st July. Will this form N245 stop the visit on Monday? I have sent a text to the Bailiff asking to phone me asap. Thanks in advance This was for a credit card debt. aqua, who have passed it onto Arrow and is for approx 3500.
  17. Hi there I have a fine with Staffordshire county council which has escalated to £398 and now at the stage where bailiffs are due back tomorrow (with the addition of another £110). I had an agreement which I broke. I was paying weekly but fell behind. I am guilty of burying my head in the sand. I have a few mental health issues and claim ESA at the moment. I have 4 kids and am a single mum. I sometimes get anxious about opening my mail and ignore and forget things. I know it's the wrong thing to do, but sometimes I can barely leave the house or get out of bed. Just a few years ago I was working as a full time teacher. Everything has changed since my divorce and now my life is out of control. I have called Jacobs and the council today and nothing can be done but for me to pay the full balance or he'll be back tomorrow. I offered to pay £50 today and rest in instalments, but the bailiff said the best he can do is 50% today and the rest in 10 days. I'm sitting here feeling so anxious and worried. It's my son's 9th birthday in 2 days and christmas around the corner. What a mess!! I have no idea what to do next... I know he has no right of entry and so will ignore the door tomorrow, but then the 110 will be added and so on.... there seems no way out. Any advice will be much appreciated.
  18. Not entirely sure if this should be in the banking forum, the benefits forum, or the debt forum, as it touches on all three. Site Team, m’dears, please move it to where you deem it best suited. Merci. My sister has a credit card debt with NatWest. Some time ago, they stopped her method of online payments which was her only way of getting money to them. Consequently the debt built up as it wasn’t being serviced. At about this time she had little or no income, eventually having to enter the benefits system. She has, I understand, been harassed by debt collectors regarding this debt. Whilst she has anxiety problems, amongst other issues, she is also the primary carer for her disabled son. Consequently, carer’s allowance and his PIP payments are made into her account. S ome of which is transferred into a savings account, her son is in need of alternative accommodation which would be more suited to his needs. The accrued sum is to pay a deposit and rent in advance whilst a housing benefit application is made. They are not currently in receipt of HB as it’s unnecessary for the current property. Without any notification, a couple of days ago, NatWest removed all the funds from her savings account and used it to pay the credit card debt. It is a four figure sum, the loss of which has been most devastating to her. A quick look through the process – it’s not my forte – and I’m assuming they are doing what is called ‘setting off’. This, apparently is something they are legally allowed to do, taking funds from one account to pay a debt on another. However, the guidelines for setting off appear to be quite clear that DWP benefits should not be taken and extreme caution must be used when dealing with financially vulnerable people. Not to mention that this is her son’s money and not hers. She has emailed NatWest to that extent, requesting the funds be returned asap. She is not in a fit state to talk to anybody on the phone and, as you may appreciate, is neither eating nor sleeping with the anxiety this has caused. Regarding the debt collectors, I’m assuming they shouldn’t be bothering vulnerable people at all. In the possible likelihood that NatWest refuse to return the funds, what would be the next sensible move?
  19. Hope you can help. We have just moved house over the New Year. We hired a removal firm for Thursday 29 December 2016 through a bidding website. I received an e mail from the company saying they would attend after 1 p.m. on that day which I felt a bit late. On the day they came at 4.55 p.m. for a house removal! We got stuck in and starting moving and when it came to our 52 inch TV asked their advice about how to move this, they said use bubble wrap which we found and put round it and the removal men said they would use blankets and they moved the TV . When we unpacked the following evening (Friday) the TV was smashed completely. The company did advertise insurance. I telephoned early Saturday morning to be told, and received an email, that the TV was not in its box, we wrapped it ourselves, we probably broke it ourselves, and we didn't report it in 48 hours (which we did). They are saying its too small an item for insurance but this was a £600 television. Can anyone give advice please I hope I have put this on the correct forum page.
  20. I've been on a DMP now for over 7 years and am looking into what I should be doing now. There are 6 accounts remaining on the DMP, 2 of which have been reassigned and are wtih Debt Colletion Agencies, the other 4 are with the original creditors. Default Notices were served on all these accounts and my credit file is no longer affected by them. I've had a look through some of the threads on here and it seems that I should be issuing CCA requests to the DCAs at least to see if the debts are enforceable. Just wondering what the position is regarding accounts still with the original creditors. I have a few concerns about doing this though as the DMP is running smoothly and I am planning on applying for a mortgage soon so am worried that by issuing CCA requests, the creditors may be triggered in to starting court action. just wondering if it is worth doing it now or waiting until I have a mortgage. Any advice would be appreciated.
  21. question on removal of car by baliffs if it was to prove that removing a car would cause hardship on the person such as living in the country no bus service to work possible loss of employment to both husband and wife children too costly to pay for taxi could you appeal against the removal of car this is just a question it has not happened just wondering in the back of my mind
  22. Hello, my name has been put on the CUE database by OCTAGON this is for life. My crime was to use a comparison site to compare quotes, i did this about 50-60 times and the reason was to check how they arrived at their prices. I searched all types including 1- all the different vol excess about 6. 2- declared mileage about 5, 3- different types of cover about 3, 4- different addresses about 4 , 5- what date to start ins. as they differ a lot, so does the price and also a host of other type searches. To be honest i was trying to get the cheapest but also curious as to how they arrived at their prices, hence so many searches. Finally i picked Octagon and telephoned them about the online quote , they refused to insure me saying over 50 searches was far too much as in their eyes it appeared fraudulent and I was the type of person that could lie. They were especially concerned about the 4 diff family addresses I used, but I explained that my family was present and wanted to know the price diff and it was entirely innocent. I declared my correct address at the time of submitting as with all my other details, in fact it was the most expensive. They didnt want to know me and said were not insuring me and putting my name on the CUE database What i want to know is can they legally do this on a whim and can i force them to remove, are there financial repercussions to sue them. Is there somewhere that specialises in helping me? or can YOU? Many thanks....waiting and suffering PP oh ive written to them and they have closed the matter
  23. I have recently embarked on a mission to clear the debt I ran up when I ran into financial difficulties in 2013. I was struggling in my job at the time and had trouble keeping up with my bills and ended up losing my house and car. I have since recovered and now in a position where I can clear all of outstanding debts. One of the debts that I hadn't got around to yet was around £1500 to Black Horse for the finance on my car. I missed three months payments of £407 and ended up giving them the keys back in December 2013. When I took the agreement out I lived at address 1 and then moved (informed them of the address change) and when they collected the car they collected from address no.2. I now live at a different address over the last 12 months have received numerous letters from Reston's solicitors in relation to the debt. The last letter I received from them was to inform me that I have successfully registered a CCJ against my name and against address no.1. Even though they know I have since moved from address 1 to address 2 where they collected the car and then to address 3 where they have sent me letters. If I had received the paperwork though about the CCJ I would have paid it in full because all of my other CCJs are satisfied and for the last 3 years I haven't missed a payment on any accounts I have and wouldn't want to reset the 6 years of being screwed on a mortgage clock. Is there anyway of me getting this judgement set aside if I have to pay in full? the downside is that I can't find any of the letters they sent me previously, I do have the letter that they sent to my current address to inform me after the CCJ was granted dated 5 weeks from the CCJ date) If I can't get it set aside what action should I take to look into making sure the 1500 is an accurate figure? any help/advice/guidance would be really appreciated
  24. Hi Everyone, I used to have a vodafone account many years ago and something happened where i thought it had ended all paid up but it turned out i still owed some money. Once i found this out i got it paid but after looking at my credit file i see that vodafone put a default on it . although the payment shows as being missed in 2010 the default never went on until 2013 which means the file will not be removed until 2019, is there any way this can be rectified as if the default was lodged in 2010 it would be deleted from my account now. I'd like to add that this was for a fairly small amount and is causing me a real pain in obtaining credit. if anyone can help me with this it would be much appreciated, i asked vodafone online chat for the contact details for their credit department and they gave me two phone numbers. ..i rang both. one was experian and the other equifax... not who i wanted to speak to. was not impressed. please help! Terry
  25. I've had a search around the forums and haven't found much in this regard, at least not where JD Williams/SimplyBe/Jacamo are concerned. Just a summary - in 2011/12 due to redundancy/ill health I got into some financial difficulties, end result is I have 3 defaults which I'm still contending with, but have repayment plans for and I'm currently trying to resolve/end. Besides these 3 accounts and since 2013 my credit history is perfect (bar the three accounts I mentioned). I worked hard to keep it this way so that when those defaults drop off my file at some point my other history is spot on. Fast forward to the recent couple of weeks when I've been mining my credit report - I noticed JD Williams have lodged a 1 month late mark on my credit file. This is highly aggravating, firstly because I'm normally pretty meticulous with my repayments but somehow this must have slipped my mind somehow (I was pretty poorly around this time, so that might explain it) and also I'm only £30 off clearing the complete balance (and closing the account). I emailed JD Williams for more details and this is the reply I received: To which I've replied: I know 1 late payment isn't the end of the world, but it's definitely bloody annoying. So my question is, has anyone had any success with JD Williams specifically or other catalogues with removing late payments? Especially when your account has always otherwise been 'perfect'. If so, how have you gone about it? Many thanks
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