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  1. Hi, This is an issue I'm having with Parcelforce at work. We had a package that we needed to ship from the UK to Belgium on a next day service. This was originally booked in for collection from our offices on 18th December last year, and the package didn't eventually arrive until 27th December (it may have been the 28th, but the tracking information is still not updated). I complained to Parcelforce over the phone because I had performed due diligence in searching for the best shipping service and our parcel hadn't arrived next day. The tracking information hadn't been updated either, which was contrary to their statement that they offer a fully tracked service. The service I selected was Parcelforce Global Express service. I was told over the phone that it wasn't a next day service and that they only quote "from" next working day. If I'm honest I was quite shocked I'd been caught out like that, and amazed that it would appear as though a company the size of Parceforce would intimate they're offering a speedy service and use wording to absolve themselves of any responsibility if the shipment was delayed. They also confirmed that they had in fact farmed it out to Fedex - Personally I think that if a company is masquerading as a shipping company they should be upfront about using third parties as this would naturally play a part in altering my business decision to use them as a company or not. For instance had I known they were using a third party and the delivery date was not guaranteed at all, and that they don't in fact offer a fully tracked service I would have not chosen to use them. I was advised to send a mail to [email protected] (I don't even believe this is a true e-mail address as it sounds like something they would give out to get rid of customers). E-mailed it a couple of times with my complaint. Had no response, and finally settled on raising a dispute with Resolver. To their credit, they did respond quite quickly. The first paragraph of their response outlined that "most" shipping companies describe their services as "from" but they offered me 50% refund. I went back to them to push our case for a full refund, and they then responded with the most astonishing thing I've ever heard - I disagreed with their earlier comment that most companies describe their shipping services as "from" and listed a few companies that did offer guaranteed services. Their response was that I was mistaken and confusing carriers and couriers. I believe what Parceforce are saying is that they are a carrier and the other companies I used as examples are couriers. My question would be - What is the difference? From looking on line, all I can find is that a carrier collects lots of parcels and delivers them all on one van. Whereas a courier collects your parcel on a given date and delivers direct to the delivery point? That's where I get confused because if Parcelforce are saying they are a carrier, the delivery service I selected was a pickup service delivered to my delivery address. Surely that puts them half in the carrier camp? Personally I find their response in arguing over semantics and terminologies to be quite laughable for such a company, because as a layman how am I supposed to be aware that they are a carrier, and what the difference is between the two? If someone selects a global fully tracked express service with collection from our door, surely it would be reasonable of me to expect that they would provide that sort of service?
  2. This is a thread to contain my payday loans, my original one is here: HERE Here is a list of the payday loans i taken out from 2011-2014 (ish) The last contact i made with them was December 2017 as instructed by Redbridge Finance a company who was "supposidly" going to help me claim compensation from them. Wonga Quickquid Payday express Mr lender Myjar The money shop The cheque centre To name but a few, there are probably more but it really hurts my head when i try and think back. I am not being chased for any of the above debts at the moment, and not all of them are on my credit report. The only ones that are on my Noddle credit report are: Lantern: a debt collection agency wanting £262 default date 11/08/2014 Advance against income Active securities LTD a debt collection agency wanting £442 Default date 07/09/2014 I'm not sure which company they are from (original creditors) , i haven't heard anything from them ever although all of my debts were taken out at my old address. There are probably more than the ones i listed at the top of the page, but it's going back a long time and feel free to read the thread linked in the top for a short back story going back to 2012. I was hoping for some advice on where to go from here, redbridge tried to put a claim in against Wonga, filed a complaint against the FCA to find they went bust. Thanks so much in advance.
  3. Hi, my friend took NE to London to apply French visa for January trip. The bus arrived in London one and a half hour late because of the driver went to wrong direction (which is unbelievable!) She missed the time slot for French visa, and it is unlikely to apply visa anytime before January. (She has bought tickets and booked hotel already) I searched NE website regards of compensation, but there is not much information. She allowed one hour between coach arrival time and visa. Could she claim the foreseeable loss?
  4. Hello All New user here so bear with me. My parents travelled on a National Express coach to London Gatwick for a holiday in October, and gave the driver a bag (Hand luggage containing medication and a laptop), which when they arrived at London Gatwick, was found to be missing. This was reported to the driver and also to the National Express office at London Gatwick, and they continued to check in for the flight. On return to the National Express office, the agents recognised my parents and said straight away that the driver had found the luggage but as had moved on, my parents could not be reunited with the luggage before the flight. After many phone calls, it turned out that the bag which had been identified as being found and belonging to my parents, actually belonged to another passenger who had been allowed to take my parents luggage. I tmade the point that as my parents handed the luggage to National Express, it should be expected that National Express be responsible for handing the luggage back, but they have taken a very hands off approach as below. Each item of luggage is loaded into a separate compartments depending where the customers are travelling from, in your parents case they boarded the coach at xxx which is the same location as Mr xxxx The driver has no way of knowing which luggage belongs to individual customers, the driver offloads the luggage and expect each customer to identify and claim their own property. We cannot be held responsible for another customer actions. As they now knew who the customer was who took the luggage, National Express asked for permissiton to hand my contact details over to the customer who wrongly took the luggage, so we could basically work this out ourselves. After not hearing anything, I am losing faith in national Express and to see the luggage returned. I asked National Express on the 30th October to chase up urgently, and if they could provide the details of the customer who took that luggage. Today, I received a very unexpected text message from National Express, containing the customer's mobile number who took the luggage in errors. Also suggesting that if I don't hear anything back, I contact the police. I will be honest, I was not expecting them to hand out personal information. Rather than act in haste and repent at leisure by phoning the number immediately, I have sat back for 5 minutes and asked a couple friends for advice, and remembered the stories on here I had read about people in similarlaat situations. So I have the person's number who has my luggage. National Express have washed their hands of this. The simple answer is phone the person who has my luggage who has been ignoring any attempt by National Express to contact me, so I have to be wary of who I am dealing with and how this could escalate. Not looking for excuses, but I am recovering form serious illness, been off work for 8 months and am just about to start reduced hours work, so this is going to add uneeeded pressurs on me at at very important time of my life. Basically, I want National Express to pursue on my behalf as they allowed the luggage to be taken, including contacting the police if it is found the luggae has been stolen. I am going to contact National Express to disclose what personal information they sent to the customer who took the luggae, but looking for advice in my next steps, bearing in mind I think National Express shopuld be progressing this case to closure as the luggae was handed to them and they then allowed someone else to take the luggage. It looks to me like a process problem by National Express which sounds really easy to fix, but I can't acceopt that they can't take any responsibilty in this situation. Thanks for any replies and hope to hear from someone soon. Any questions please ask.
  5. I recently applied for an Amex card to help spread the cost of a large house repair bill. Amex declined my application and specifically cited adverse information in the specific credit reference report. I have applied direct to the credit reference agency and my credit score is 98% and there are no negatives on the credit file. Has anyone come across this before? (apologies if this is posted in the wrong place but I couldnt see an American Express sub forum in the Banks, finance and credit forum. ) I thought it might be linked to my partner so we applied for her credit report and it is a 100% score so I cannot see why Amex would use this as a reason to decline the application.
  6. Howdy, I got myself into a real mess with payday loans, going back to divorce/unemployment in 2009. At its worst, between May 2012 and January 2015 I had nearly 140 loans with over a dozen lenders, in an endless bucket brigade of borrowing from one to repay another. I walked away from the whole toxic lot in January 2015 and am now redressing the situation. From May 2012 to October 2013 I borrowed 10 times from Payday Express - deferring, refinancing, reborrowing etc. 10/8/17 - Sent formal complaint requiring refund of interest (£968.97) + 8% interest (£331.21) + removal of adverse data. 11/8/17 - Payday Express acknowledge receipt of complaint outlining response timescale (within 4 weeks, not later than 8 weeks) 6/9/17 - Payday Express are sorry to inform me that - after 4 weeks - their investigation is not complete 5/10/17 - Payday Express are sorry to inform me that - after 8 weeks - their investigation is not complete. They don't say when it might be complete (at a guess, never) but inform me of my right to refer the complaint to the FOS. So, next? Prelim followed by LBA? Straight to LBA (previous formal complaint as Prelim)?
  7. Hi there, Can anyone help me, I have recently been going through some old paperwork whilst clearing out and have found some statements from credit accounts I had. These were paid off earlier this year after a lengthy repayment period however I do recall questioning the charges once before on the phone. One of these accounts was with Studio/Express Gifts. I have found a thread on here from 2007 but was looking for some up-to date information about reclaiming charges. The Default sum on this account was £20 a time, and I recall that there were many of these placed on my account over a 5 year period which ended in the account being handed over to debt collection as I was unable to pay the arrears. the account was eventually frozen before the balance was cleared but I still maintain that the balance was mainly created through charges and not the original purchases. I also have accounts with New Look, Simply Be and Marisota with similar issues. Any help or advice anyone could give would be great appreciated.
  8. Hi I took a loan out with these guys and struggled to pay it. I did make a complaint with FOS and they declined my complaint (which surprised me as I was in default already with this company and in major debt) However my account is in limbo land. Instead of defaulting the account they keep putting on my credit file its a late payment. My main issue, I have the money to pay. They won't take it (i have offered since December). I have asked and they keep giving me a standard answer advising they are waiting for the FOS to reply, I tell they have and they go quiet. I sent a faster payment to clear the debt and it was returned. I made a second complaint regarding customer service. Terrible company. Any suggestions? thank you
  9. I have my United States Postal Service tracking number and the package was delivered in London at 5.02pm Sunday 29th Sepptember 2015. Status, in transit to destination. it is a priority paid package and signature is required as proof of delivery. It took four days California the London. Day five and still no delivery. I have bent the ear of our postman everyday since Tuesday. We live 125 miles from London. This package is a book, not a big problem to some. This magazine has been out of print since 200015 and there were only two left, mine being one. If i want to buy a second hand copy from EBay I could have to pay up to £999.00 I am not kidding. If you are an emroiderer/quilter you might understand why this book has become so expensive. I exhibit at international quilt competitions these days. This book is a one of a kind and has a very intricate design. Royal Mail is nightmare, I cannot check to see if the package is stuck in the system. only the sender can do this via the United States Post office. There is no human I can speak to at Royal Mail customer Services. Not to be thwarted, and beiing an old campaigner i sent them an RM an email with all the facts needed to trace this package, as each step of the way the label has to be scanned for tracking purposes. It was scanned at Heathrow, despatched to Mill Hill, scanned there and no further scanning. No wonder Royal Mail is haemorraging customers.
  10. Hello, I'm looking to get some advice after reading about the redress that payday companies are paying. I had three loans, one with QuickQuid which I repaid in full, one with Payday UK and one with Payday Express, both of which I defaulted on in 2013 and remain a black mark on my credit file. I defaulted on these owing to losing my primary employment and sinking into a sea of debt. I took out the Payday Express loan on the 13/03/2013 and the Payday UK one on 01/07/2013. My first question is - since these defaulted in December 2013, and no payments made since, would it be possible to get redress? My credit file was already shot to bits at the time of these loans - having already defaulted on my credit cards (not able to make the minimum payments on those), and I will openly admit I went for them in hindsight to try and buy myself time and sustain myself as my job was coming to an end and I was just trying to get to the end of each month. My questions are - even though the accounts are in default, would I be able to get them written off under the redress scheme? It is certainly easily provable that I was a considerable credit risk at the time. Secondly, even though I was able to pay off the QuickQuid loan, managed it with some difficulty and by utilising the other two loans to continue making the payments. Is there any redress there even though I settled the account? Thanks alot in advance for any advice, I'd be more than happy to answer any questions.
  11. I'm just coming to my 8 week deadline for payday loan complaints, and just had a response from Payday Express and Payday UK. They have refused the complaint stating that firstly its older than 6 years and secondly its been longer than 3 years for me to realise there was a problem. Payday Express I had 2 loans 8.5.2009 £400 and 26.11.2009 £100, I then continued to rollover until January 2011. At that point I defaulted and started paying via a DMP. For £500 I have so far paid £2,472.07 and still owe £335.27. Payday UK I was loaning from these from 2008, but my last loans were 30.6.09 £350 26.2.2010 and 29.9.10 inbetween these dates I was rolling over and paying interest until again January 2011 when I defaulted. In total I borrowed £1,050 and I have paid back £2,642.39 and still have £195.11 outstanding. My question is is their refusal valid? they state that the ombudsman will not deal with this complaint. regards Joan
  12. Hi all, About 6 or 7 years ago American Express wrote to me to tell me they'd missold PPI to me and sent me a cheque for about £350. I'd made no contact with them prior to this so it came out of the blue. The letter stated the matter woyld then be resolved and that i could take no further action against them. I dont think I have the letter any more. Is this true? I suspect that they've duped me somewhat and that they actually owe me lots more. Has anyone else encountered this scenario? What should i do? Thanks, Drammy
  13. Hi admin, couldn't find a Payday Express forum, could you please move this conversation to correct place for me. OK I have made a complaint to payday express re a loan provided even though my credit rating at the time was shot to bits with lots of defaults and other pd loans. They have come back to me and said they have'nt been able to look into my complaint due to a heavy workload. So now I want to take my complaint to FOS but need help on how to word my complaint now that PDE have failed to respond within the weeks they were given.
  14. Hello, I am looking for some advice please. I have a standing order weekly to Fedex Europe paying off some outstanding import tax, however today I have received a Notice of Enforcement asking for £958 - includes a number of charges! I can happily print off the invoices for these payments and get these off to them, but I need to know what I can do re the letter? I have emailed them today asking for confirmation of whether any payments have been added to this account. I have until 31st March to get this sorted. Please advise. Thanks
  15. Hello, Been a while! I'm trying to arrange a PPI refund on my load with GE Money. I've sent them a form detailing my complaint - and they've come back to me today, saying- They've looked into my unfair PPI claim They've looked into the commission paid to by the insurer to the lender. They're not going to uphold my complaint, because, according to the copy of the agreement shown - the loan was dealt with by a broker 'The Personal Loan Express' it was taken out in September 2003. all the boxes were typed in, and all the boxes ticked for insurance. I recall this was all done over the phone, and they told me to sign the forms and send them back, and because of the type of loan it was, i would have to pay PPI. they're not upholding it because - it's not their problem - The Personal Loan Express. have gone out of business. i can't go to the FOS because it falls out of their remit because the ICOB 'Insurance conduct of business' wasn't started until 2005 They've reviewed my account in connection to the relationship between me and GE Money, in respect of the loan agreement being unfair under s104a of the CCA because of undisclosed commission paid by the insurer to the lender/broker. They're not upholding that either - apparently s104a of the act doesn't apply to the loan agreement, because the loan agreement was entered into before April 2007, and redeemed prior to April 2008. This also falls out of the FOS jurisdiction. They've suggested i approach the FLA, closed my complaint and told me politely not to bother contacting them again. Somehow, even after the length of time - i feel a little short-changed (pardon the pun) It's almost like they're saying 'Yes we knew you had PPI, you can't claim because the firms gone bust, and plus too much time has passed.' I've got a copy of the letter which i'm happy to redact and post, as well as the one page of the agreement. Any advice, would be very grateful Cheers Dman
  16. Hello All I am currently involved in a legal dispute with UKAR regarding a property mortgaged with MX. In order to defend the case, I need an original copy of their Terms and conditions 2004 booklet. I have several "Manipulated" copies that have been sent to be by UKAR however, each copy varies in detail. If anyone has a copy I could borrow/purchase it would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  17. I have a default of £536 with Payday Express. I CDA'd them and they returned the attached PDF (I've omitted dates/names etc.). the key points I have picked up are; Balance £536 Credit Limit £420 [ATTACH=CONFIG]55297[/ATTACH]
  18. Hi everyone, I had two accounts with Amex opened in 2003, One was Amex blue and the otherone was Gold Charge Card. I ran into financial problem and the accounts were terminated and sold to Capquest. I was first offered the Gold Card then followed by the Blue Card. Well, there is no outstanding debts on them now but there were penalty charges on both cards which I would like to claim back. I wrote to them requesting them to repay but they refused. I then sent a LBA and their response is basically the same. Below is their reply to my LBA: (Two letters for the two accounts but the contents are the same) WITHOUT PREJUDICE SAVE AS TO COSTS Dear Mr... Thank you for your letter dated --.12.2014 concerning the default charges applied to the above account. While we are disappointed that you rae not satisfied with our response, we confirm that your claim has been reviewed in accordance with time frame limited by law and that, as confirmed in our final response letter dated -- December 2014, no refunds of default charges are due in respect of this claim. If, however, despite our final response, you decide to pursue legal action, American Express will have no alternative but to defend such proceedings and recover its costs of doing so from you. We trust this will not prove necessary and that we can avoid unnecessary use of the court's time and legal expense. Yours Sincerely, Now, my question is, Has anyone had experience with Amex? Any success story to read? It is my intention to follow it through. I want to issue a claim but would want to hear your opinions before I do that. Thanks Dot
  19. I was wondering if anyone may have any thoughts on this email i have just received from Payday express. At the moment I am Paying them £1 per month. payment already assigned for 1st March. thanks for looking
  20. Hello Everyone, In October 2009 my Flat was repossessed by Mortage Express. I saw the writing on the wall and left the country a month before, I am still abroad now. I also had unsecured debts of circa 25k. Those with CCJ's have now all fallen off my credit report. I believe all the unsecured debts are now statute barred as its been well over 6 years since any payment or acknowledgement of debt. Mortgage Express sold my property with a shortfall of around 70k. My sister tried to buy the property at a higher price than it was eventually sold for, she went for exchange of contracts and the vendor pulled out stating that it was because she was related to me. I have heard nothing from Mortgage Express until they sent a letter and phone call to my parents last week, I have not lived at that address for more than 15 years. My parents stated I was not at that address and they did not know my whereabouts. Is there any significance that they are starting to look for me know after nearly six years? I have no assets anymore so they have nothing to recover, however I did get married 2 years ago and my wife has 2 properties in her name, I think that these will be safe from mortgage express? Please advise as to what I should do
  21. Hi there, I am not new, I have another account but I have forgot my login details also in the past I have post content which was not acceptable and I have learnt from that mistake and I am very sorry and it won't happen ever again and I created a new account as I need some very urgent advice. On 5th of February, I made a complaint against my advisor at Job Centre because she keeps threating me with a sanction on my Universal Credit claim all because of my gay slogan t-shirt which has the slogan (NOBODY KNOWS I'M GAY), she said that if I keep wearing my gay t-shirts then my payments will stop and it will go to a decision maker for a possible sanction. Then on Wednesday what's just gone, I received an outcome of my complaint it states my complaint has not been upheld, I have appealed against the complaint as it's not good enough, the advisors are not my employer. Can Job Centre do this? sanction me for a t-shirt? I always see untidy people in Job Centre with football t-shirts, love hearts, batman etc but they can wear all sorts of t-shirt but I can't wear my gay slogan t-shirt. I have been to Citizen Advice and the man who I saw said it's pathetic that they threating me with a sanction because of my t-shirt and he also said I could go to papers and put an article in the paper, I also spoken to my MP yesterday (20 February) and he wasn't much help but he did state this in his own words: ''In my opinion, no Job Centre can't sanction you because of your t-shirt, however you can try to challenge them and if you do get sanctioned then you can get a solicitor involved''. I always see people in trackies and you certainly don't go to interviews wearing jeans and trackies, I feel they just picking on me because it has the word gay on my t-shirt. On my advisor case load, she always has people in trackies but she doesn't say anything to them, I just want your input or your opinions if Job Centre are allowed to do this to me? I have appointment next Thursday (26 February) and I will be wearing my gay t-shirt, if my advisor starts then I will have no choice but to go to Burnley Express (Paper). By the way, just want to make one thing clear, I never wear these gay t-shirts at a interviews but I don't see what's the problem is wearing it at Job Centre appointments. I am not trying to cause any trouble on here, I just need to hear your opinions. Thanks. Note: I had a Job at Boohoo for 3 months but sadly got my contract terminated because of my picking performance as I wasn't going fast enough, I was going fast I could, I only made the Universal Credit claim last month and got my first payment on the 19 February.
  22. Hi, after some advice and investigation on the Which website, we discovered that there's been some issues around self-certified mortgages. We sent a letter to GE Money using the template letter - I'll attach this. We've now had a response that GE Money didn't sell the loan, The Personal Loan Express Limited did and they are no longer trading, so we should contact their administrators. They then go onto say that the issue is 'time barred' because the loan was taken out over six years ago. Then finally they say the complaint is closed and to refer to the Finance and Leasing Association if we're unsatisfied and not to contact the Financial Ombudsman because it is outside their jurisdiction. They also sent a copy of the original credit agreement, which I will also attach. Any advice of next steps to take would be hugely appreciated. The loan was taken out to consolidate debts but there was no checks done on my father's income which now due to ill health is non existant and no checks to ensure that it covered all the debts to be affordable.
  23. Hi all, I sent out a complaint letter to Payday Express Limited on the 30/10/2014. The letter about them unfairly adding on interest and charges. Them failing to provide me with the proper statutory pre-contractual information before I entered into the loan – including a clear explanation of the consequences of missing a payment, default and rollover charge. The company not complying with the relevant consumer credit laws and so on. It was a letter a payday loan help guide told me to send to my payday lenders. I will upload a copy of my letter in this post. Now they sent me a letter on the 07/11/2014 saying we are sorry you have had to contact us. We will ensure your complaint is fully investigated. And then it asked to provide full details of your concerns by the 14/11/2014 or we'll assume we have all the information for the complaint. Have I given all i needed for the complaint? also any advice on how to proceed from here will be much obliged.
  24. hello everyone ive recieved 2 letters from a company called control account claiming to be looking to recover import fees from federal express ive read a few things about control account but non of the threads ever seem to say what finally happened i would like to know where i stand with these letters ive never recieved any claim lettter from federal express just these letters from control account its only 35 quid but im not going to be bullied for any amount by these parasites ive added the letters as an attachment....hopefully you can all see them [ATTACH=CONFIG]54682[/ATTACH]
  25. Hi all. My sister has just returned to Nottingham Trent University after being home for the summer. She got on the tram as usual expecting to buy a ticket from the conductor as she always has done previously. When the conductor arrived, she asked him for a return ticket. He simply said "can you come with me please" then he took her off the tram at the station they were up to, and the tram drove off. He then told her that you now have to prepurchase all tickets before boarding the tram and because she had not done that she will be issued with a £50 fine. He said he can see from your face that your shocked and genuine, so I have to give you this but don't worry you can appeal it. He gave her lots of advice on the appeal such as mentioned how she'd been home for the summer and wasn't aware of the new arrangements. She was very flustered, close to tears, a car drove past pipping his horn and someone shouted "ha ha you haven't paid for your ticket" so she was very embarrassed, a crowd was watching plus about 10 ticket collectors were all watching. She gave him her details and ID under intimidation and with the promise that she could simply appeal it. All they have given her is a flimsy carbon copy with no details or websites or anything. She can't remember the appeals info he gave her as she was so flustered. He then said she doesn't need a ticket now and put her on the next tram to continue her journey! The fine is for £50. We assume they will send her a letter as there is no instructions on how or who to pay. Over the summer they have added an A5 size sign on a lamppost along the platform, some stickers on the tram doors which aren't visible when they're open and stickers inside the tram which is too late. The ticketmachine also has a new sticker, but the machine is at the other end of the platform where 90% of people have no reason to walk past. She's gone back and taken some pictures. See if you can spot the signs! Here is the platform with its big new sign This is the sign on the tram doors. It's that green bit, and obviously the doors are usually already open! Here is the PCN they gave her, after getting her to sign it There is nothing on the back. Should this NET ticket be viewed as worthless as those from private carparks or taken more seriously like those from the council? A Google brings up several similar stories http://www.nottinghampost.com/Tram-traveller-starts-petition-50-fines/story-21446293-detail/story.html http://www.nottinghampost.com/Vicky-victorious-pound-50-tram-fine-appeal/story-22875134-detail/story.html How should she proceed? Personally I would'nt have given him a name or ID but what would they have done about it? Being an unemployed student she is very worried, and also quite shaken as she feels like she has been found guilty of a crime and publicly shamed. Thanks
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