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  1. Hello My friend made a personal injury claim after a car accident at the beginning of last year. The 3rd party & insurance company accepted 100% liability. She made a claim for personal injury due to neck pain/whiplash through Irwin Mitchell. In July 2018, an approximate settlement was made to the value of £3000 odd. My friend received £2700 and the rest was taken in fees by IM. On Saturday she received a letter from IM with a copy of court documents headed 'EUI Ltd v ********' - the papers state that they are not disputing liability but they are disputing the amount paid to her for 'special claims' and want to recover that money plus costs - amounting to around £3400. She spoke to IM who said that it 'probably' won't go to court. Not very reassuring, to say the least. She is really scared that they will take it to court and make her pay that money back (which she doesn't have as it has been spent!). I thought that once the case was settled and a settlement paid out, that was it? I think I might not be as educated as I think I am! Any thoughts? Incidences of this happening before? Outcomes? All help greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. I know someone who has been trying to claim compensation for a injury that occured in July 2015. The solicitors and company are taking so long to complete the claim. The result of the injury is bad enough requiring daily medication and walking issues, which no one really understands apart from you has had it before. Major distress in making appointments and contacting the solicitor has happen over the past 3 years can you be compensated for it either through making a complaint against your solicitor or other bodies?
  3. The same thing has happened to me to. I owe £20k. But never agreed to my credit limit being increased and staff purchasing without my authority. It wasn’t even pointed out I was signing a PA. I stupidly thought I was signing on behalf of my Ltd company. They are threatening personal bankruptcy. Even though I have 0 equity in my house. They are bullies. They had me tears on the phone. They are rude, aggressive, threatening and do not support small businesses in any way. I spent a fortune with them over the years and they end up treating me like I want to be in this position, it’s my fault. They should not be allowed to conduct a business in this way.
  4. Hello Creation ….what a nightmare I sent them my new offer at the same time as all the others, they said on 16th Oct they were putting account on hold for two weeks so that took it to 30th October to allow time for letter to arrive, review it and reply. Today not even a week on they leave me a message advising account now off hold! I rang them and could make no sense they say yes account on hold but not on hold????? Do I ignore them and wait for them to reply to letter as quite frankly I don’t trust them and at least if it’s all in writing I know where I am? Or should I call them again? I ended up hanging up on them today after they put me on hold for 17 minutes!
  5. Dear all, I mistakenly filled in a credit application for Screwfix in 2013 for a trade account (for a company I used to work at). This company has recently gone into administration and I have been sought after to settle the outstanding amount (nearly £1000) - as apparently the credit application doubled up as a "personal guarantee". Their credit app was not clear to me & it was blurred out and photocopied on a number of occasions. (yes I know I shouldn't have signed something I couldn't read) In addition I resigned and left the company in 2014. How can two different legal entities sign a credit app (as director) but also as personal (for a guarantee - without it being made clear?
  6. For anyone that might be interested a simple online process to obtain data they hold on you . https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions
  7. Hi, I have received a letter from Lantern requesting payment for loans I took out years ago. The loans do not appear on my credit file and have not been on my credit file for at least the last two to three years. I think I defaulted on most of them six years ago that's why they are not on my credit record. Lantern have called me on my work mobile number once recently, ( within the last two weeks) and I refused to answer security questions because I was not sure who I was speaking to. But they did say they where formerly MMF. I do not wish to engage with Lantern, what steps do I take to ensure I pay them or not Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi, i have a rather serious issue regarding a PG that was falsely signed and witnessed. I have received a stat demand regarding the debt. Do I have a hope in fighting this on those grounds, or is it very difficult to prove and fight?
  9. Santander Default Short story first – I had a financial Problems due to Gambling , pay day loans etc… I sorted everything having help from the Forum here sending complains and going with some of them for Monthly repayments plans. I have arranged all payment arrangements myself, and done all negotiating myself also. I have a Loan with Santander and from October my Monthly payments were not any more affordable for me I called Santander and we agreed minimum payments each Month of £20.00 where I was paid anyway usually £100.00 or even more. I never missed anything what we agreed. After a couple of Months I received letter about arrears I called them again and someone told me that its automated printed letter and because I am on the repayment plan I should not be worried about and I should continue paying what I can. On Friday I received another letter dated 22.05.2018 telling me that they going to place Default on my account. I was sure that being on repayment plan Default won’t be placed I just called them again and someone from collection Team told me that I am not an arranged plan or repayment plan so they can place Default. How many days I have to clear my areas (I have around 2,600.00) – I am not sure if I can pay this in full in one go but do I have some time to stop them? Can I put my account on hold and complain because of the wrong information given? I have to add that I don’t have any copies of the letters which I received from them, I didn’t keep them, probably my fault.
  10. Hi all, Santander have made an offer based only on the PPI amount and associated interest and no interest because... 'On a rolling line of credit account 8% out of pocket interest is only applied if the loan would have had a credit balance had the PPI not been included. ... This is in line with the requirements of the FOS and FCA' I believe this to be complete nonsense: I take a restitution approach with unjust enrichment. Had I had the PPI amount then I could have invested it and gained at least 8% interest. Has anyone challenged this and been succesful? Do you agree with me? How do you challenge their full and final offer? A letter first stating the argument I assume then ... FOS seem to be under pressure and likely take a while??? or... direct to county court? I have exactly the same argument presented to me for no interest offered on my Credit Card PPI.... Any advice would be helpful... thanks
  11. Hiya! Im hoping to get some advice for my partner on an ongoing work issue. My partner works for a company where it relies heavily on contact with customers. This company has always said that because people now a days have a mobile phone plan that includes unlimited minuites and texts they dont see why they should supply a mobile phone or contribute to the bill. This company give every customer my partners personal phone number to contact him on. My partner now has had his phone temporarily cut off ( this is due to having to make a call to India for work purposes which they have not paid for despite being shown on the bill that it was a work call which has added additional money on to the bill) My partner also has to use his data on his phone which always goes over his limit as he needs to use the maps to get to customer locations. I also want to add that this company ( my partner has been working for for 3 years) has issued him with a warning about his phone which has absolutley infuriated me! This company also use our electrcity at home and our broadband to update their console systems for the bus! They also use our money to buy batteries and cleaning products for the bus ( which they hardly ever re-imburse) Also he cannot have sick days. They said to him if he is sick and there is no cover he will be charged from his wages the cost of the party ( upto £300) Also he has missed out on holidays and weddings as they are booking parties so far ahead we as a family cannot plan anything. They have also said that if a party is booked that day ( parties are always booked 6 days a week..upto 3 parties a day so he has one day off a week) he absolutley cannot have that day off. I'm honestly so sick of this company, i feel like we are being taken this pee out of completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is so much to get our head around. I think them issuing him with a warning over his personal mobile phone for work usage was the last straw. Many thanks for your help
  12. Dear All, I’m looking for some advice please. Some time ago I had a road traffic accident. When cycling a car cut me off. I didn’t have a chance to break and hit the car, went through my handle bars and hit the ground. The driver drove off from the accident scene but the registration plates were known to the Police because one of the witnesses took photo of that car. I had many injuries and was taken to hospital. After sometime Police sent me a letter and informed me that ..."the driver of the other vehicle registration number XXXXXXX was unable to be traced"... and that I can submit a claim to MIB. I have checked DVLA records and the registration plates numbers are registered in the database and the make and color of the car matches the one that cut me off. I don't know why Police having registration plates numbers informed me that the driver is untraceable. This is a mystery to me. 1. Do you think it’s possible to handle untraced driver/personal injury MIB claim yourself or a solicitor is required ? 2. What kind of challenges will I have to face if I’ll go at it myself ? 3. Is it possible that I could receive less compensation if I go at it myself ? Many thanks for any help.
  13. Hi guys, I have been ignoring letters for several months now but finally now time to sort this out. personal loan around 6k / 17k (2 loans) and 2k credit card. I have started to get moorcroft letters as well. Just tried calling the bank but they are experiencing high call volumes and was going to be min 30 minute wait. no thanks I am planning to call them again tomorrow morning but I was not planning on contacting moorcroft. I want to only deal with lloyds. I can sort a payment plan out its not going to be much as I am not working at the moment although starting a business up but funds are tight. Does anybody have some advice for me? many thanks
  14. Hi all I am new the CAG i would just like to see if anyone could help or give me the best advice on bankruptcy on a personal agreement my partner and i are directors of a LTD company The LTD company had a debt with a supplier (not sure if i can post their name ) the debt was 11938.71 in March this year they sent us a statutory demand / winding up petition which we did not want to happen as thats our monthly income so if they wound the company up me and my partner would have no income to pay the debt off we agreed with their solicitors a payment plan of £500 per month ( under the understanding the winding up petition would still be in place but on hold if we fail to make our payments ) and they would look into it in 6 months time to see if we can pay more off the debt we paid them on time each month and stuck to our word then at the beginning of July the winding up petition went active again we called to see the reason why as we stuck to our word and never missed a payment their reply was they want their money sooner rather than later we have sold the LTD company on but because me and my partner signed a Personal Agreement they are coming after us personally (also the personal agreement does not have my correct D.O.B ) i had a gentleman come out to my house trying to serve me with a bankruptcy petition he has been twice and posted a letter saying he will arrive on such a day at such a time to serve me with the petition he came but i never answered to him he has been out in total of 4 times am not sure whats the best thing to do do i take the petition off him or not ? i am willing to set up a payment plan instead of going bankrupt just do not want the same to happen where i pay them a few months then they try to make me bankrupt again can anyone help please
  15. Hi, I have debt with a few different companies amounting to around £19k as a result of my company becoming unable to manage our cash flow. (We were bought down by several of our clients not able to pay us now the inland revenue are winding the company up.) The above aside I would like some advice on what I can do to manage the debt that I have built up trying to support the company which is as follows: Current account: - £2,600 over-dawn - overdraft limit is £3k Credit card 1 - £2,540 - limit is £3k Credit card 2 - £3,145 - 0% interest card for 18 months Credit card 3 - £3,320 - limit is £6,500 Also; A personal account with a joinery supplier to which I owe £7,800. So all in all about £19,405 and increasing daily due to living costs etc. All the debt I have above is from buying materials for the company, going without being paid for several months and not being able to pay my expenses for several months in order to support the company. (I also had £10k invested in the company that I have lost) and; The company's overdraft facility which is £25k shared equally between myself and my business partner. In order to get this we had to sign a debenture in order to personally guarantee it. I didn't include the above because I'm not sure if this needs to be considered for the time being, I guess that's question 1 because the revenue haven't completed winding us up so the account is still live and hasn't been frozen. My current personal circumstances as a result of this are as follows: I am separated from my fiancé and have a child with her that I obviously need to support and at the very least pay maintenance for. moved out and have been living with my mother for just under a year. no assets and no savings. (No car and certainly no house) no job and have not being paid for the last couple of months. The pressing issue I have is the account with the joinery company, which is question 2 My company had an account with them with a small credit limit so both myself and my business partner set up our own individual accounts as a way of extending our purchasing ability. My company's account is settled as is my business partners however mine isn't. As a result they issued a CCJ against me about 6 months ago because we were not able to pay it off. An agreement was reached through the courts and a figure had to be paid every month. As the company failed we couldn't pay this even. The court has sent me an interim third party debt order, the joinery company is seeking to get a court order to demand from my bank the contents of my account. Question 3 I guess is where I go with all of this next, I haven't got any way forward with any way to pay this off, and after years of sacrifice and going without I have come out the other side with less than nothing. I have done a little research into what my options are but I guess taking all of the above into consideration, what is the best approach: Debt relief order - for debts of less than £20k - although i'm now very close to the limit not taking the business's over draft facility so i'm not sure if eligible Individual voluntary agreement - If the above isn't possible perhaps this would work but would everything be covered in this? Bankruptcy - not ideal for obvious reasons.
  16. I had an accident at a VERY slow speed (about 5mph) in my local petrol station. I was reversing into a petrol pump place, and a black taxi drove forward into me. No damage to either vehicle, but the cab driver is claiming personal injury. This smells to me, and I think he's a fraudster. my insurance co say it's my fault - I would argue it's 50/50 as he should have seen my reversing lights and stopped moving forward. I exchanged numbers with the driver he only told me it wasn't his cab, but he was a friend of the owner of it. He gave me his name, but i didn't get ID from him. How do I know the person who's claiming is the actuial person who drove into me? Maybe this guy wasn't insured to drive the car? Also, I noticed the back bumper of the taxi was hanging down, and was secured by a seat belt tied round it. Don't taxis have to conform to strict legal obligations as to the state of the cab - was this cab roadworthy in this condition? I've asked my insurance for a copy of the driving license photo of the claimant to make sure it's the same guy, but they have refused to provide it. Any advice?
  17. Hi, I was a victim of identity fraud in around June 2012. "Someone at the time took out loans in my name with quick quid and lending stream". It was a lot of hassle at the time ( I went through the police action fraud, recived a crime number and after a month or so I signed a couple of letters from both companies and the matter was cleaned up. I also opted at that time to put extra restrictions on anyone else trying to fraudulently take out any more loans in my name. "Let me just say that I have never ever applied or taken out any loan in my life other that a mortgage for our home that is now fully paid off". back in June 2017 I started receiving letters from MMF motormile finance now Lantern, stating that I owed them £250 for another loan from what turns out to be taken at around the same time as the other loans in 2012! I phoned them straight away and explained what had happened. But all this did was for them to send demanding letters on a weekly basis! I forwarded the police action fraud crime number from 2012 thinking that that would be the end of the matter. But all they do is keep sending me more demanding letters. Are these people above the law or what! They keep asking for very personal details e.g bank statements from 2012, my national insurance number, payslips, photo id from a passport or driving licence. I'm sure it would be reckless to send such sensitive information to a bad debt collecting company! (Do they cover their costs by selling on this very useful and very accurate information to third parties?) It would be very lucrative if they did as they would have all the information to take out a loan in my name!! What's going to happen in another few years, Am I going to get demanding letters form another bad debt company?? As much I want to clear my name I am very sceptical about about how they would use that information. I lay awake at night worrying myself to death, I am frightened about what they might do. I have been to Citizens advice bureau who just say go to police action fraud! its bonkers. If a company doesn't accept a police action fraud number and the evidence from the time of the identity fraud then they are surly acting above the law!
  18. Hi there, I would like to get some advises regarding Vodafone had shared my personal information regarding (full name, address, DOB, email address) Undeniable, once a contract has been formed in between Vodafone, if without monthly payment, Vodafone will pass the information and shared with Debt Collection Agency because Vodafone appointed DCA to collect the debt on behalf. Vodafone claimed that, that clause was in the contract. (Thats what I have been told by Vodafone after the incident.) However, I do not owe Vodafone any money nor any outstanding amount, however, my account was closed yet Vodafone did not do a proper job to close my account, leaving my records in their systems as debit situation hence passing my information to DCA without me knowing it at the first place. A few months later, I got 2 letters, 2 emails from DCA (generic name Jayne Carter) asking for payment as I owed Vodafone, out of the blue, I have no ideas because during the time I had left Vodafone, I have ensure no outstanding payment, which I got a text message from the Customer Service department to confirm that (still have the text message as evidence). I went to Vodafone, they never admit it was their systems fault due to the system automatically flagged up as outstanding and and accidentally passed my personal information to DCA. During the months, no letters from Vodafone or emails to stated that I am owing them money, but directly passed my information to DCA. Numerous phone calls and complaints lodged, Vodafone finally contacted DCA to close my case and no outstanding amount. However, my concern is, Vodafone told me, they couldn't ask DCA to delete my personal information which they had passed to them in the first place because of their mistakes. I have phoned to DCA, they said the same thing and they will archive the record but could not delete my personal information even though they will not need it anymore (from my view, no reasons they will withhold my personal information). Could anyone please advice? is it worth for me to send the SAR to DCA to ask for the information they are holding? thanks for your advises and very much appreciate. Regards,
  19. Here's a new one, probably.... I went to a show on Tuesday. We placed our belongings in a void near our feet. Unbeknown to us there was a mechanism in the void and it damaged our belongings. The void was covered by a black curtain. I would like to claim for the damage, but I'm unsure if either: a) I was negligent in putting my belongings there, or b) The production company were negligent in leaving the void accessible or not having signage. I kind of feel that with the close proximity to the stage it was negligent to have the mechanism easily accessible and/or no warning. I spoke to Front of House at the interval and they agreed they would put a sign up. The belongings were our shopping, so we have a receipt. Photos of the proximity to the stage and the void. Thanks, Kris
  20. Hi, My 9yo son was injured on holiday and my travel insurer wants to use a solicitor for the personal injury claim that happens to be part of a group which also collects debt and I have had some dealings with. Can anybody tell me, if this solicitor secures compensation for my son's injury, if the company can then retain it against my debts? Many thanks in advance! rune
  21. Hi All, I understand that financial advise is not to be requested but without specifics, can anyone explain this ? I contribute to a group company pension and that contribution is deducted from my wages as a percecentage of my earnings. I have an o/l account with my provider and they allow me to make extra payments into my fund as and when I can afford it. I have done this twice with a few hundred pound , each time I have paid a small lump sum in , the provider adds a tax relief of 25 %. So if I pay £200.00p in they tell that I get £250.00p paid into my fund. Which i think is fine , but where's the catch ? Why don't I simply pay a small amount into my fund via my wages and then top it up with a lump sum payment which gives me a 25% bonus. Is HMRC really giving a dividend of 25% on monies invested ?? Or does it come off my personal allowance. It just seems too good to be true. Or am I just missing something ?? Or am I just thick ? TYVM.... GB...
  22. Good evening all, I took out a unsecured personal loan around 2 years ago with Tesco bank. My financial situation has changed quite a bit in the past 6 months, lost a family member, dealing with depression and anxiety and due to this my self employment businesses sales have plummeted. I got a part time job to help cover my living expenses so i'm trying my best to keep up with all of my payments. My outstanding balance is just over £16k. Monthly payments just under £400. The past 4 months I've been paying late. At the end of every month I end up giving every single penny I have toward this loan payment. Tomorrow I am planning on sending this letter off I found in the forums. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387346-Ask-Creditor-to-Accept-Pro-Rata-Payments-**Correct-as-at-October-2013** I was just wondering where I can find a I/E sheet? and do I include this loan payment in that sheet? Also what is considered a reasonable offer that they would be inclined to accept? Is this the best way forward? Thank you in advance
  23. Hello everyone, Please be nice, I appreciate this trouble was something that happened when I was not as smart around money. I have learned my lessons and now doing well. The problem I have is a company I used to be a director of. My partner left the country and me saddled with the personal overdraft guarantee of £2000. No other debts. It is difficult to remember all the details, but I remember it was for an overdraft with barclays commercial banking. I had to dissolve the company, appropriately notifying companies house. This all happened without a problem. Company dissolved as of January 2013. A year or so later I was told I was liable for that money via letter. I ignored it - I know, head in sand not a good idea, but just didn't know what to do at the time. The letters stopped eventually. Now I've had a debt collection company get in touch recently out of the blue. But, given this occurred that long ago, and I never communicated with the bank after dissolving the company about this debt, is this debt still enforceable? Would really appreciate help with this. Thanks, M
  24. Hi All I need help re clarification of the above I have started a civil court action against my housing association landlord I did send a LBA They did not response They have now responded that I breached the Pre Protocol procedure re disrepair Does anyone know what this means I have already sent my N1 form plus documentations to the court thanks
  25. Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me claim PIP. Briefly, I have severe mental health issues, whilst I was unemployed for nearly 15 months I was told by a local organisation who were supposed to help me find work (they didnt) that I would be able to claim PIP. They helped me complete an application, which was accompanied by medical notes, had a "medical assessment" by someone who didn't seem to know much more than I did about mental health and my application got rejected. I then asked the local organisation who helped me start the process to help me appeal and they left me to my own devices. Stating because I was no longer using their services they couldn't help me. So without seeking further assistance, I went through the first stage appeal process myself and the claim was rejected. After that I just couldn't face going through the further appeal process etc so gave up. The whole process and the questions asked etc is completely geared towards physical disability and does not really account for the mental and psychological elements. I would like to attempt another application with some better guidance because although I have recently started working again my mental health issues are not going away and I fear that holding onto the job that has taken me so long to get will be difficult. Any guidance would be appreciated and if I have missed anything please let me know. Thanks K
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