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  1. I’m looking someone who can help relating to Reeds Rains, a property management company based in Halifax, yorkshire that I used up until October last year and who now appear to have sent me a claims letter demanding £633.90 I realise this is a relatively small sum but i'd like to see if i have any options and not panic and just pay. I left because when i signed with them the contract stated 4 inspections a year, i asked them not to do 4 inspections per year, 1 a year was enough as they're my existing tenants, i've had them a while they'd been great and i trusted them to look after my house. Roll forward 2 years i find out from my tenant that she'd been having to take time off work for 4 inspections every year and was being harassed by reed rains if she didn't reply when they were wanting to arrange them. She doesn't earn a huge amount so taking time off work was difficult and she worked at a hospital so having to sort out cover on shifts. Understandably she was frustrated and got in touch with me They also issued my tenant with a new AST and charged them a fee (which i hadn't realised) so on the 2nd year of being with them, i told reed rains i'd pay the fee for my tenant, count many many emails later from me to them to several people telling them over and over again that i was paying it, they were still harassing my tenants to pay the fee so again, my tenants is left frustrated and upset Responding to their emails and trying clear up their confusion was taking up so much time (and becoming stressful and frustrating for me too), I gave reeds rains 3 months notice (by email and i got a response back from them) and i thought that was that A week ago i found a brown envelope through my letterbox, i was a county claims letter All it says is i owe them £633.90 for a 'withdrawal fee' which i know nothing about, i can't find the contract i signed as remember scanning it and emailing it back to them but i can't find the hard copy Prior to this i don't think i've had any communication (I did have block their emails as kept sending me marketing information (gdpr?) Has anyone been through anything like this or offer any advise at all?
  2. Last night, an unknown tall vehicle drove past our home and ripped the mains power cable and bracket out of the wall in our house, causing significant damage to the wall and roof. The vehicle failed to stop. UK power networks were very quick to respond and restore power to our home within a few hours, however, the damage to the building still exists. My question is - Does this count as criminal damage, and should we report it as such? Or is it really not worth it? Does the repair bill for this fall on our shoulders?
  3. Dear sir, Will be very grateful if you can help me regarding unreasonable charges levied against me for not paying service charge ,reserve fund and service charge deficit fees. I agreed to pay the original charge in 3 instalments which was agreed to by the management company HML Anderton in september 2017 . I failed to make the last 2 instalments which were due in february and march 2018 for 500 pounds and 490 pounds becaue I forgot . They claimed to have sent me a reminder letters which I never received. I have now received a letter from PDC property debt collection company dating 26 april 2018 with the following charges Service charge - 670.33 Reserve fund - 390 service charge deficit - 45.67 Reffereal fee - 300 managment fees - 96.00 PDC instruction fees - 240 PDC additional costs - 10 I called PDC to make payment of what I initial owed of service charge,reserve fund and service charge deficit which was 1106.00 but they refused and wanted a payment of 1751.90. Can please advice how I go about this . The letter sent to me includes 1. register of title 2. information sheet 3. reply form Have filled the reply form saying am only prepared to pay what i owe and need an explanation for unreasonable fees added. will appreciate the help Regards, Dennis
  4. There are five manhole covers on my driveway but the drains they cover are not to my property. I now want to re-surface my driveway and I've been quoted six thousand pounds. 1250 pounds of this is to deal with the manhole covers. Yorkshire Water sent someone out to look at them, but all they have done is replaced one cover that was cracked and therefore dangerous. I could put up with the drains and covers if Yorkshire Water was prepared to contribute to the cost of setting them in the driveway properly. They are saying they are not prepared to do anything. The drains in question serve our next door neighbour and three other houses going the other way. Does anyone know if there is any way I can force the issue?
  5. I am asking generally as I can see things going this way if I'm honest. Embarrassingly I have been married around 13 months after a 6 year relationship and we bought a property Feb 2017. Mother in law provided £60K as gifted deposit (proof that it was non returnable) and Wife provided £100K that was gifted to her by her mother. We set the TR1 up as tenants in common 70% her way and 30% mine due to the fact that she provided roughly a third of the houses value upfront and then we went halves on the mortgage. We also setup with a solicitor that the first £100k of the sale of the house would go to my mother in law to cover renovations she's paid for. Now I have strong evidence my wife is carrying on with a work colleague (been seen out, tracked to his house, shes hiding messages and always on the phone). Am I right in saying that if we divorce and the house sells, given that it'll be worth around £420k the following is correct: Value - £420k Mortgage O/S - £200K MIL - £100K Remaining = £120K The remainder would be split 70/30 based on the TR1? I hope this is the case as wife has put me in a bad situation but equally herself by messing around so soon into the mortgage. She's indicating that a solicitor has told her that her £100k investment would come off first but that makes no sense as we have paid the mortgage 50/50 and the TR1 would be a pointless exercise. Hope this makes sense and someone can offer something before I seek legal advice.
  6. Hi all, I was told that this site may be able to help. We currently Rent via a letting agent who to be honest isn’t the best. Neither is the landlord of the property after we had a lot of bodged jobs doing we have had to rectify a number of things ourselves. Example of this was the toilet cistern been replaced which then leaked from the restrictor valve which was fitted. They came back and bodged it again the valve still leaked, finally The guy listen to what we said about the leak and found it . The carpeted bathroom (terrible idea carpeting in bathroom) was saturated and started to smell as a result. So when we noticed after a couple of weeks that the carpet still hadn’t dried out properly we then found that the flush pipe that went into the back of the toilet wasn’t fitted properly either. So again the same guy who did it all came out fixed it or so we thought. Again the carpet failed to dry and then we noticed it was coming out from the bottom of the cistern, the guy had forgot to put a washer back between the Cap That screws the flush pipe in place. In the end did it myself no problems. fast forward various other things going wrong being fobbed off as by letting agents. It’s led me to question the room size of a third bedroom. Currently we have two children boy and a girl aged six and four. My son is horrible to his sister and frequently makes her cry . He’s recently had a diagnosis of ADHD and now medicated, so ideally would like to put in his own room. We have lived in the property five years and never used the third bedroom except for junk. We came to fit a bed in there and nothing else will fit. Not even a chest of drawers. Have we been mis-sold a three bedroom house when in fact it’s only two what is the minimum area to be classed as a bedroom. Because just the bed isn’t very practical. The bedroom ones was a lot larger however it looks like the bathroom has been moved from downstairs, upstairs and cut this room and half to accommodate it. I keep googling and seen HMO been 70 ft.² but didn’t know if Applied to residential places as well. Wondered if people can help and advise me Thanks
  7. Ive been in a dispute with npower for a few years now ever since they stopped us paying by standing order saying it was no longer available wilko and chapman (npower soliciters) have taken me to court which ive never known about and it looks like they have put a charge on my property because attached to their letter is the deeds to my house. I owe them £4000 and the only reason its that high is because they wanted me to pay £250 a month which i simply cant afford they tried the " we are going to fit a meter through the courts" which was declined due to 3 members of family having asthma. I really have no knowledge of this going to court am worried sick can anyone help me.
  8. Hi, I was hoping if someone could give me some advice in best way of tackling the damage to my property caused by my local council this morning. :-x:-x I came home this evening to see my rear gate in the garden which leads on to the access road at the back of the house broken, as well as brick wall knocked down. It appears this morning around 11am one of those caged type vehicles operated by the council was collecting rubbish along the road. From the CCTV footage I have (link below) the vehicle stops outside my back gate, as it drives away the gate at the back of the vehicle swings open, hits my gate taking it clean off it hinges and taking a wall down with it and damaging my neighbours garage and fence. Someone witnessed the incident and took the registration details of the vehicle and it does seem it's from my local council. What is the best way of approaching this, as it's going to cost a lot of money to put right and I don't see why I have to pay for this though my home insurance knowing full well what and who caused the damage.I will be making a formal complaint to the council tomorrow and have also reported this to the police. Can I issue a council with a 7 days notice to repair the damage or go to small claims court. I can't leave it like this for to long as my house is not secure and anyone can walk in through the back even through I have temporarily fixed the problem. Any advise will be greatly appreciated, particularly what you would do in my situation. https://ibb.co/b5vmuz https://ibb.co/d98T7K https://ibb.co/ivPPge Link to video below. https://vimeo.com/user89721934/review/290783305/28eaa7e079 Thanks
  9. We had a property agent managing our property I asked for a quote for some repairs to a fridge freezer but given the costs I never went ahead with the work A year later and after a years battle to get the property agent to authorise the tenants holding deposit to be paid back to me for other damage to my property the agents have now deducted the cost of repairs to the fridge freezer. This is the first time that they have stated that there is an outstanding amount and I have never authorised for the works to go ahead. They state that I had a telephone conversation with someone who has now left and I agreed to the work. I know full well that the work never happened. I have since had the fridge replaced as it was cheaper to get a new one than to repair it. What information can I insist that the property management company provide me with to show that I authorised the repairs? For example invoice from supplier any others? Also, are the allowed to deduct the money from the deposit money?
  10. Hiya! Im hoping to get some advice for my partner on an ongoing work issue. My partner works for a company where it relies heavily on contact with customers. This company has always said that because people now a days have a mobile phone plan that includes unlimited minuites and texts they dont see why they should supply a mobile phone or contribute to the bill. This company give every customer my partners personal phone number to contact him on. My partner now has had his phone temporarily cut off ( this is due to having to make a call to India for work purposes which they have not paid for despite being shown on the bill that it was a work call which has added additional money on to the bill) My partner also has to use his data on his phone which always goes over his limit as he needs to use the maps to get to customer locations. I also want to add that this company ( my partner has been working for for 3 years) has issued him with a warning about his phone which has absolutley infuriated me! This company also use our electrcity at home and our broadband to update their console systems for the bus! They also use our money to buy batteries and cleaning products for the bus ( which they hardly ever re-imburse) Also he cannot have sick days. They said to him if he is sick and there is no cover he will be charged from his wages the cost of the party ( upto £300) Also he has missed out on holidays and weddings as they are booking parties so far ahead we as a family cannot plan anything. They have also said that if a party is booked that day ( parties are always booked 6 days a week..upto 3 parties a day so he has one day off a week) he absolutley cannot have that day off. I'm honestly so sick of this company, i feel like we are being taken this pee out of completely. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is so much to get our head around. I think them issuing him with a warning over his personal mobile phone for work usage was the last straw. Many thanks for your help
  11. I defaulted on a bridging loan and Receivers have been appointed. They have secured the property (changed the locks) and have asked me to book a time to remove my belongings (Torts Notice served). The property was and is my home and my only home but I have not lived there since taking out the bridging loan is because the loan was unregulated and I did not want to be in breach of the terms. However, it was never rented out; in fact, I never removed my belongings from the property. I have never desired to be landlord and the only reason for taking out the loan was to keep my home. This was declared to the lender from the very beginning; nonetheless, the product offered to me was an unregulated loan. As I was not eligible for a mortgage at the time and it was very unlikely that I would be by the end of the loan term, sale was my only option of exit strategy. This was a better option than having the property repossessed. The Receivers have said I must either remove my belongings or pay for storage. I have not abandoned my belongings or “left them behind”. I am in the process of remortgaging and they are aware of this, as I have kept them informed. The mortgage has been agreed subject to valuation which is due tomorrow. Can they force me to empty the property?
  12. Hi All, I'm hoping someone can give me a steer on the correct course of action here. I "own" a leasehold property with an annual service charge of £150 payable annually in advance. I foolishly missed the payment in April this year and received an invoice for the payment due plus a "reminder fee" of £34, which i duly challenged in writing, accepting the original £150 was payable but asking where in my lease it states that the reminder fee is payable. I also requested a breakdown of the £34 fee as I believe it to be disproportionate. I received a response stating that this fee will not be waived but no breakdown and no reference to the clause in my lease that allows a reminder fee to be charged (I'm unable to find such a clause). I challenged again, stating I was happy to pay the outstanding balance, less the reminder fee unless they responded to my request for further information. I received no response but have today received a letter from Property Debt Collection Ltd, in respect of the outstanding amount of £150, plus the reminder fee of £34, plus another £80 admin fee, plus an additional £150 for PDC's instruction: a total of £414. My questions are: 1. Are any of these fees lawful 2. Should I contact PDC or the original management company and pay the outstanding balance of £150 whilst I challenge the remainder? 3. Is there a valid challenge or should I just suck it up and pay? 3. Is there some other action I should take? Any advice would be gratefully received... Many thanks
  13. I purchased a new 2 seater sofa and 2 chairs from SCS, the delivery turned up today and the delivery men were unable to get the furniture into the property. They were useless couldn't speak much English and give up. There is another attempt arranged to deliver tomorrow with a different crew, hopefully this crew will be more professional. What I would like to know is what would happen if the second crew also fails to get the furniture into the property? Could I request a refund? I have never had problems before with getting furniture in and out of the property and that is with larger furniture i.e a 3 seater sofa.
  14. Hello Try to be brief. had a ltd company back in 2005 with an overdraft linked with a personal guarantee. The company is now dissolved and Lloyds obtained a CCJ against me for the bank overdraft of £7900. I did not know about this until I searched Land Registry and saw a charging order on the property. The charging order was dated 2009 I contacted Lloyds who inform me that they no longer have the debt as they sold it and passed liability first to Hillsden and then to Cabot and lloyds. I have requested from lloyds all the copies of the original loan details, Ts&Cs etc. They have refused to pass on these documents as i am "Not Entltled" to these documents as the company does not exist. I have had no communication or updates from Cabot. Lloyds say that I must ask Cabot to release the charging order although in the name of Lloyds. Is all this correct? Any advice appreciated
  15. Hi all, I am new to this forum so please forgive any mistakes. I am having an awful experience with the above companies. It all started with a service charge debt.. not very old..was due in December 2017 in advance for months Jan/Feb/March/April. Hands up.. I can never afford to pay in advance but have always paid by the end quarter month. In April 2018 received a letter from Property Debt Collection for the service charge (which obviously had no quibble with) but they had added excessive fees. £250 for the Managing Agent to instruct them and £350.00 for their initial letter to me (which contained land registry entries which imo a bit premature at this stage). I offered to pay the Managing agents the service charge and they flatly refused to deal with me saying I could now only deal with Property Debt Collection. I tried to pay Property Debt Collection the service charge debt, plus £250 for the Managing agents fee (ok.. it was late so that's my fine), but only a reasonable fee for their letter of initially £10 which I increased to £50.00. They flatly refused this saying they do not take part payments. I offered them this on more than one occasion and also went back to the managing agents... no joy To cut a very long story a bit shorter, it was passed to PDC Law (obviously related) who have taken me to the County Count Money Claims. It has gone through the process and it seems that the Judge has entered that I pay them £833.20. This is a lot more than I expected to pay as I sent the court a part admission and defence and acknowledgement of service etc within the timescales. I also sent him all evidence of me trying to pay and the various parties refusing payment. So today at the last final hour I gave in and as the Judge instructed rang PDC to pay them the money of £833.20 as on the Judgement for Claiment . I was in total shock when they refused to take this payment from me. They said they had issued a Section 146 Notice, on the 5th October, which I have not received (I run a business from home and every piece of post is logged in), they also said they had sent one to the Building Society. I said sobeit but this is what the Judge has ordered. I literally begged them to take the money as I said it was the last day for payment and the CCJ could then not be lifted in the usual way apparently. It appeared they were blackmailing with this as they said it would be if I paid them a sum of £2308.15 !! I have informed the Court about their refusal who said this was unusual and asked me to send this in to them in writing. I so worried about this. .. I have been dealing with this for my son and it appears that I have go him into a whole lot of trouble. Can any help please??
  16. I have a flat and owe ground rent and insurance charge the total outstanding was £597. Then the debt was passed on to PDC I offered them £60 per month but they refused it. The next thing I received from PDC is a court summons and the claim has escalated to £1882.59 within this amount is a PDC fee for £250 and another to PDC for £840. The balance is made up of Solicitor's fee £80 Court fee £115. Can someone please explain how can PDC charge £1090 which is almost double the original debt. Thank you all
  17. Hi all, I am posting on behalf of a friend who has been privately renting a flat for the last ten weeks. The flat is one room part furnished with communial kitchen and bathroom facilities. The room has no bed, just a matress on the floor, a sofa, a sideboard for storage and a chair, there is no radiators and no heating. There is no working shower and when you run the tap on the sink the toilet leaks ???. In the kitchen there is no working appliances (e.g cooker fridge etc.). There is no fire escape, so if a fire broke out downstairs, he would have to exit via a window with a twenty five foot drop. There is no lock on the door to his room so this can be accessed at any time by anybody with access to the building including other residents. He has no written tenancy agreement and the landlord just sends him a text when he is about to arrive, without prior notice. There are other issues but I think this initial post is long enough any advise would be much appreciated thanks in advance
  18. Hello, I am hoping to find some direction or legal advice. I split with my ex-husband 7 years ago and divorced 3 years ago on the grounds of his adultery. I moved out of the marital home so that he had somewhere for our young daughter to stay when he had her at weekends. I went and got myself a rental home. The agreement was that he paid my half of the mortgage and I in return didn't ask for any maintenance. I was somewhat shocked this week when the mortgage company wrote to me this week at my new address which they didn't have the details to get in touch with them. I asked my ex if he knew what it was about. As always he said not to bother speaking to them as everything was ok. Curiosity got the better and I called them, I was horrified to learn that the property is in severe arrears and legal action has started to get the property back! when I spoke with my ex he tried to claim that everything was ok and he will pay all the money back. I know that this will not happen as the arrears are far too high and if one payment is missed then the court will enforce the order. I have asked my ex to sell the property but he is dragging his heels and lying to me when he says he's got someone coming out to value the house. What legal route can I go down to force the sale of the house. The property needs to be sold as I know it will be repossessed if not as the payment schedule is huge to clear the arrears. I am a bit lost as to who to speak with, would it be a family solicitor or a property solicitor? Any advice is appreciated.
  19. Afternoon all, My mum passed away 2 years ago in May 2016, she left a Will and 3 executors in charge of it. Not sure why she didn't have a lot bless her. They started sending bills soon after my mum died despite me telling them the house was empty and we were waiting for probate. Probate was finally granted in October 2017. My brother and I have no intention of selling it. I received a bill of £668 and paid £334 beginning of Jan, I then received a letter to my home which is not in the same city, saying the remaining amount was due by 31 March. I wrote it down and blatantly forgot. My fault. As soon as I remembered I paid it but 2 weeks too late! I set up a DD for 2018/19. In the meantime I get a text from on of they executors saying they have issued a court summons. They have my details on file yet wrote to someone else. The balance of £668 is clear but they want the court summons fee. I'm happy (not happy as such as it's a lot on top of my own bills) to pay the council tax and have done so but why should I pay for a court summons that you sent to an address because as they said "someone in admin must have taken the executive decision to". I don't understand? When the payment was late why not just write and say we are still waiting for the second payment as agreed? instead they went straight to summons and then sent it to a random person who they don't have on file? Can I challenge the court fees?
  20. After a sibling died the others came together to clear the property with the sibling who is executor. This help was given freely and at no time did anyone mention or talk about getting paid or expenses for said help. Now suddenly an invoice has been sent to the executor for work carried out, this is a proper invoice as person is self employed. But is the executor legally obliged to pay this from the estate? We are aware that once the estate is settled if anything is missed the executor is liable personally. So although this is clearly immoral it's the legal side that concerns us.
  21. Intellectual property laws and Brexit READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ip-and-brexit-the-facts
  22. Sorry for the long post.... After a burst pipe (the condensate pipe from gas boiler froze during snow storms) in crawl space above my kitchen the landlord agreed to update the consumer unit in my property [the corrosive water had leaked over two plug sockets and nothing tripped off even though water was inside both]. The guy sent I suspected wasn't qualified [on a previous visit to check for safety he checked the plugs by poking around the sides - and making a hole in the plaster]. I asked if he was qualified before he started [on the previous visit to check damage from the leak he told me 'he shouldn't be doing this' but didn't expand when asked why] and he shrugged; as a tenant, I believed the Estate Agent would have checked and so let him continue. He has changed the fuse box, cut the meter fuse seals, not replaced older wires, not fitted the cover properly, put the switches in the wrong order, left the wires completely messy inside the unit and also labelled it incorrectly - plus, the oven now trips one of the RCD's when it's on for more than three minutes and a plug socket is no longer working - although this may be due to the junction box he put in the crawl space replacing connection taped with electrical tape, leaving a live wire improperly crimped and not connected - he'd stuffed them into the wall cavity. As he left I ask about the 'signing off' and was told 'I have nothing to worry about' several times, because I was worried! I asked again about the certification and he said that wasn't anything to do with tenants. He didn't say someone would be back to carry out any checks, or follow up, or even to sign off on the work. I've complained to the Estate Agents and the following day a guy turned up as I'd had problems with the oven. I asked for credentials, but he'd have to go and get them cos he hadn't bought them with him. I allowed him to look at the issues, but no work would be carried out until I had seen proof of his ability to sign off on the work. He's looked and spouted a lot of blurb obviously covering his firms ass. He looked, said he saw no issues with the work carried out, said the fan was the reason the oven wasn't working properly - it wasn't turned to oven, just grill - he didn't even blush. He checked to see if the wire left out of the crimp was live - it was! He left to consult his boss and turned up 2 hours later with his sons training certificate and a weird looking NICEIC card saying he just needed to connect the crimp and everything would be working for me, which I don't think is true, plus the ID looked pants to me and so I turned him away. I then received an email from Estate Agent - the house owner lives in China - saying the contractors had told them i had not allowed them access and would they be allowed in with a rep from the Estate Agent's local branch. I have replied saying they didn't satisfy me that they were qualified and that anybody coming should be able to sign off on the work done - but hey presto, 24 hours later and I've heard nothing... What can I do next to get my oven working and the electrics safe?
  23. Hi I wonder if I can get some advice please? I part own a property 30% me 70% estranged father in law It’s been a messy business but I just want done with it now and need to figure out the best way to end all ties Can anyone tell me how I go about getting my share of the property and my name removed from anything to do with this vile man? Thanks so much for your time
  24. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with this I am coming to the end of my tenancy and will not be renewing with my current letting agent. They have told me they will start arranging viewings within the next month, and that they will give me 48 hour notice prior to each viewing. I work 9-5PM and would much rather be in the property while someone is viewing it however they have told me no, and that they will enter whatever time is best for the potential new tenants. Is there anything I can do about this? There is a clause in my tenancy agreement that says I allow the landlord or letting agents or anyone with written permission from the landlord to enter the property at "reasonable" times of the day providing they have given 48 hours notice. Do I have a leg to stand on here? I would much rather they arranged the viewings while I am at the property? Many thanks for any advice!
  25. In our contacts, it says we must give access to our properties when required. The Housing Act 1988 states "In accordance with the Housing Act 1988, your landlord or letting agent must notify you in writing at least 24 hours before they wish to enter your home". They're not giving notice and are sending people without notice and then sending tenants letters when the tenants turn them away due to it being a bad time. I'm guessing the law overrules the landlord?
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