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  1. Ive been in a dispute with npower for a few years now ever since they stopped us paying by standing order saying it was no longer available wilko and chapman (npower soliciters) have taken me to court which ive never known about and it looks like they have put a charge on my property because attached to their letter is the deeds to my house. I owe them £4000 and the only reason its that high is because they wanted me to pay £250 a month which i simply cant afford they tried the " we are going to fit a meter through the courts" which was declined due to 3 members of family having asthma. I really have no knowledge of this going to court am worried sick can anyone help me.
  2. Me again, So out of the blue SLL Capital have put a default on my credit file for a Mr Lender Loan from 2016 that i never repaid. Can they do that? The Mr Lender loan isn't on my credit file before this I will of course do a irresponsible lending complaint to Mr Lender, is it worth sending a prove it that i owe this debt to SLL Capital?
  3. Hi can some people give me advice please I’m really scared today I went into primark and tag changed a pair of boots and my daughter out 2 things in the pram now as I walked out security stopped me and took me to a room where the manager came in he didn’t show me I’d, no cameras in the room, no recordings were taken, no copies of the incident report, no police was involved they took my provisional license and photocopied it and said that I would receive a fine I’m a single mum of 2 and worried I won’t be able to afford the fine what can I do???
  4. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  5. hi all i took a contract out in sep 2016, couldnt use it, called to send back but they said i'd had it over 2 weeks so no. i never paid anything and forgot about it as they didnt take my compliant serious. they in november 2017 i they put a default on my file. just wondering if i have any recourse to get it took off or anything? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some help on this I have a property that is let out (with permission from my mortgage provider) while I have been working abroad. The mortgage provider has my correspondence address on file. The management company for my estate charges me an annual fee. I've been late paying this before so I signed up to their online account so I can track it online, which is easier for me. In September 2015, they emailed me saying that they were moving to a paperless solution and would be emailing invoices and other correspondence from October 2015. I did not receive an email and forgot about it until Jan 2017 when I got an email requesting payment for 2017 charges and promptly paid. I picked up my mail from my rented out property August 2017 (most of my mail is redirected but some slips through occasionally) to find a letter from my mortgage provider stating that a charge of approx £720 was added to my mortgage in respect of late rentcharges. This letter was dated June 2016 but they sent it to the address I have let and not my correspondence address so I did not get it at the time. I have received letters from them before and after this date to the correct address. I went back through more mail to find that PDC had sent me letters chasing the management company's invoice (that I did not receive). A quick summary (all these letters went to old address so I only got them in August 2017): early Feb 2016 - management company sent "final demand" letter for payment (not paperless!) (approx £150) late Feb 16 - PDC wrote asking for £370 and including a form asking me to authorise them to take it from my mortgage provider early March 16 - PDC wrote again asking for payment mid March 16 (10 days later) - PDC wrote again stating Section 121 and asking for payment of £720 to avoid legal proceedings. They sent this to my mortgage provider too late March 16 - Mortgage provider writes to me (at wrong address) saying PDC alleges arrears of £720 stating that they won't take action unless they get evidence that PDC can take forfeiture action early June 16 - Mortgage provider writes (to wrong address) to inform me that £720 has been added to my mortgage I called mortgage provider and they told me that PDC provided "evidence" of a CCJ against me in April 2016 and that is why they paid. I checked my credit file recently and no CCJ has been recorded. I also never received a letter from PDC after mid March. I've seen other posts about PDC on this forum but most people were able to stop action before they went to the mortgage company. I'm looking for advice on what I can do now to get those funds back from PDC. I have also filed a complaint against mortgage provider for not writing to my correct address.
  7. Hi all, Thanks to anyone who would mind taking the time to read this and advise me if possible. I received a 2 fines from the magistrates court. 1 for no tv license (fair enough) and one for driving without insurance (although the car wasn't been driven it was just parked on my street as it was broken down and id transferred my insurance onto a new vehicle. Taxed to be on the road but didn't realise it had to be insured as well, my bad but I guess that's by the by). In the midst of this I was granted a debt relief order and was granted £300 by the official receiver to cover the TV license fine (strange as that fine was for £200) but left the insurance fine outstanding. initially as I wasn't working deductions were been made from my benefits. When I returned to work in January 2017 this stopped I didn't make any payments as id lost my paperwork and expected to hear from them regarding payments and thought id pick it up from there. In the meantime I got myself another fine. ( I know, I know but it was cheaper to be found guilty and pay £400 than pay a solicitor to find me not guilty) I began making payments for this fine immediately. In mid May I received a letter from the South Yorkshire Enforcement unit giving me one reference number to cover all my fines. It showed the amount i'd paid and the balance. (though there was no reference to the £300 that the insolvency officer had written off under the DRO). Again I continued making payments and have regularly paid £50 a month every since. In total since April I have paid £560 towards the fines. Then I received a letter from collectica. A notice of enforcement. Showing the correct balance of £883.50 but they have also added on £75 for god knows what. I rang them and explained to the guy who answered that I had made regular payments to my fines and had been doing since April. I asked if I could continue making payments at the amount I had been - £50.00. This was a big no no. He wanted half the money up front before agreeing to a payment plan. I explained to him that I had just been discharged from my DRO and that I was very careful with my budgeting. I tried to explain to him that by paying him more that I could afford the money would have to come from another pot i'd be sorting one problem and creating another. He told me his was a priority debt, I explained I have no other debt anymore and that this was the only one outstanding my payment history should clearly show that I am trying my best to clear it. We went back and forth for about half an hour. I stood my ground. I refused to pay anymore than I could afford, explained that i'm certainly no sat with a 50" T.V on my wall and that if they come to my house the only thing they will find of value is my sons PS4 which is about 3 years old. (and my car which my mum bought me for work, now been parked out of the way of my house. His final offer was of an initial payment of £280 and a payment plan. Otherwise I would be charged for bailiffs attendance and get more fees, worst case scenario been arrested. I told him at this point id welcome a change to plead my case in court. Although I suspect they would rather just add more fees onto the debt that I have been trying to clear. I told him this was the most insane act of bullying ever. They can clearly say I have been making regular and timely payments directly to the court, now they want to eliminate all that money I've struggled to pay by sticking it back on in fees meaning that it will take me even longer to pay. How the hell is that even I thing?!!!! I told him I may as well have kept all the money I paid so that when they wanted an initial payment I could have made it. This makes absolutely no sense to me. I have worked my ass off to get out of debt and despite paying on time they are determined to land me back in it. I got off the phone and resolved nothing. He told me I have another few days to agree to his terms before a bailiff will call at my house (he'll be very disappointed by the nothing of value that I have ) its hassle I just don't need. I got off the phone and made my due payment of £50 but again to the courts not to collectica. Does anyone have any advise for me please? This is infuriating for me that they can see I am not ignoring the fines I am paying each month yet they seen hell bent on making the debt larger. Also can anyone advise what to do regarding the £300 the DRO shows they have allowed towards these fines that is not showing on the letter I received from the courts. Many Thanks
  8. Would very much appreciate some guidance in putting together an appeal for county court. Mainly in terms of putting paperwork together. All. help would be greatly appreciated. Martin
  9. My mate who I car share with at work has massive problems with the guy that lives next door to him, a while ago his sons dog 'nipped' the neighbour as he was walking through my mates garden which has a shared 'right of way' from way back when horses were used to transport coal from the mines at the back of the cottages where they live. Went to court yesterday after the neighbour pressed charges under the dangerous dog act, and this was the outcome... http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/dog-who-bit-neighbour-saved-10065141
  10. Hi all This one's a worrying departure from companies generally steering clear of taking people to court for old/possibly dead debts - Hoist Portfolio Limited (HPH2 Ltd) have had a CCJ issued on me for a years old debt that may be statute barred. *If* it is the debt I am thinking it is, it is from an old bank account and is an amalgamated loan, overdraft and credit card debt that I had when leaving them after I lost my job and became very ill. I had already made several years repayments on it while it was in the black, but then became unable to continue and had to default. I sought advice from CCCS and established I could not afford to pay them any more than a token £1 a month payment. Some time later, my father came into some money and kindly offered to settle it for me. I also had another debt so he divided the money up in a percentage between the two as advised by CCCS. The other company happily took the offer, this bank declined. He made them a second offer. They declined. We explained I was in ill health and would never be able to pay it back in full so they really should accept the offer as it was all they were likely to get and the offer would not be on the table forever etc. They declined. I am afraid I do not know the dates of any of this, only that it is several years ago now. I wrote to them asking them to correspond with my father not me as I was in poor health and could not reply in a timely manner. Several other companies bought the debt, my father made the first two or three the same offer, they all declined, we did not hear anything for about two years. Enter Hoist. They have decided 1) not to contact my father but myself and consequently I do not have most of their letters as 2) they also have the wrong address on their letters, the address of the 'main' building I live in, not the actual address so I have not been getting them. The first letter I did get was one from the court telling me they had issued a CCJ against me! immediately confirmed it was real and contacted CCCS (now Stepchange) who advised me to write to the court asking for motion to put aside, which I did and also sent a CCA request to them, which they returned with the postal order and no documents. still do not have the documents (August). the hearing to set aside is on Thursday, which I just found out, since they are STILL sending the letters - including the court - to the wrong address! made it quite clear in my reply they needed to address the letters properly for them to get to me. was not aware that there would be a hearing to decide if we were to have a hearing. presumed the judge would look through the letter I sent and decide. After digging through the junk mail, found a letter from Hoist, who said they will not 'challenge' this hearing to set aside, which is very nice of them, as long as I started making payments. They still did not enclose the documents I requested. the hearing is on Thursday am I was wondering if there was anything I should know/bear in mind from other people who have done this. My defence is 1) sent to the wrong address 2) asked to correspond with my father due to my ill health and have ignored request 3) they have added interest to the debt when I was told 'once it is amalgamated interest and fees can no longer be applied, so that's one good thing about this'. 4) the debt may be statute barred 5) I have asked to see original docs and they have ignored request 6) if this is the debt I think it is - my Dad made several offers which they declined, and he explained that they could either take it or nothing, and they declined. So...well... 7) it may not even be a real debt or mine - I need to see the docs, which they have not sent. My name is actually very common, it is not completely impossible. I guess I go there on Thursday in my best suit and go through those things? It is really having a terrible effect on my already terrible health and I am so fed up with the whole thing. I believe we have tried our best to come up with a solution and it is not my fault that I became ill and unable to pay. Our offer was fair and certainly, for a debt co who probably bought it for 15 per cent or whatever, I do not understand why they have chosen this route rather than the money. Thank you all in advance for your help. These forums are literally life-saving. xxx
  11. hi, im 60 years old and i am on jsa, and have health issues, (can not stand for long periods) my adviser knows this ,but now she says its time for me to move forwards, and she will find me a work placement ,when asked how many hours, she said ,most likely 30 hours a week. my work sheet states looking for work 16 hours a week max.but shes going to find me a placement for 30 hours ? if i walk out of the placement will i be sanctioned.
  12. Hi, long time since I have been on so hope I have put this in the correct place. I am taking two large loans from a friend and family, to clear some business issues, both of which need to be secured on my property. Lawyers are asking ridiculous sums for agreements and posting the charges. A full legal charge appears to be too complicated and time consuming for my needs so I am proposing equitable charges which should suffice. My question is, what forms do I need to submit to the land registry and can this be backed by a simple loan agreement between lender and borrower? Would there be templates on the site for loan agreement and charge as I cannot seem to find them myself? The loan agreement I can find online if necessary, it is the charge details that I do not have. Many thanks for any input. r
  13. Hi All, A friend of ours is in a huge amount of debt from her marriage, where her husband built up this debt, cheated on her and was also very abusive. Our friend had no choice but to go into a refuge with their 2yr old son. Whilst in the refuge, her husband didn't give her dog the medication that it needed and it became ill. the husband took the dog to the vets in the morning, but the vet put the dog to sleep in the afternoon. The dog belonged solely to our friend, not the husband. The vet did not call our friend on her mobile phone to speak with, as the dog's owner), they were happy to speak with her estranged husband. The vets have sent our friend the bill and asked her to solely pay it as the sole vet account holder and dog owner. She wants to know if they can do that? Someone takes the dog in ( who the vet knows) and destroy it without t=contacting the owner and also without checking that the vet account holder is happy to accept the charge for this treatment? many thanks in advance E5D
  14. I've read a couple of posts about HMRC writing to people about underpayment on tax from employers, My wife has been working for Leeds City Council for 15 years she left one job and moved to another (2012) as working in a school so didn't take a break from the her employers. about a year later (2013) she received a letter to say there had been an underpayment of tax for £80. She contacted HMRC explained and they said they would look into this. We never heard anymore. Till 2014 when a 2 tax self assessment forms for 2012/2013 came through the post she wasn't sure what it was and neither did I so just ignored it thinking it was sent in error. Come 2015 3 seperate letters came through the post again it was the self assessment forms one for 2012 and one for 2013 with a reminder for 2014 will need to be paid as well. there was also a £600 fine for late payment in 2012/13. So we just ignored them as wife was working never been self employed. then towards the start of 2015 we got letters come through post to say there was a £900 fine for failure to send our forms back for 2012/13/14. So wife spent the best part for 1hr 30mins on the phone to get through to someone to say that she had called them years ago and it was being looked into. "he wanted the persons name we spoke to" wife was like really? it was 3 years ago and other than these letters coming through we stupidly though was a mistake turns out to be real. The guy on the phone said it looks like when wife called the person had past it onto someone and they had put her down as being self employed. So he said she would now need to register for self employment and then write a letter of appeal to which she did. This was over a year ago and the guy said at the time inbetween you doing this and them looking into it you might still get letters filtering through. So we got the odd letter of reminder and then it stopped. 8 months later OCT 2016 my wife recieved a letter from Fredrickson for the sum of £4397.21 All this for £80. So I called them up this was the first letter last week but they wouldn't deal with me all he would tell me was that they are an independant dept compny not part of HMRC's internal collection and that it doesn't matter at this stage if she didn't owe the money or not they have bought the debt off HMRC and we have to pay it now or they'll take our goods to pay it back and suggest wife calls with a payment. So wife tried to call HMRC yesterday and was on hold for 1hr 40 mins they answered the call then it went dead. Now recieved another letter today stating that their next step if we don't pay will be to take enforcement action. Any idea what we should do at this point as wife has always worked so never been self employed I'm not paying 4k out when she has payed her tax through her wages.
  15. I switched to OVO Energy around 3 months ago and gave them the reading at the time. I kept forgetting to give a meter reading so they used their own estimates based on a 1 bedroom flat. I recently got a letter to say they want to put my direct debit from £32 a month to £57 a month because I was £1.19 behind. Remember that everything is based entirely on their own estimates, so how have they came to this conclusion? Just to add, I gave them a reading recently which was much lower than their estimates. How can they justify putting my DD from £32 to £57? Anyone else had this happen before? P.S, just to add, NPower did the same thing and put my DD from £36 to £72 because they took the highest month usage and applied it to the whole of the next year.
  16. Experian, one of the largest credit agency data brokers in the world, has been hacked. Some 15 million people who used the company’s services, among them customers of cellular company T-Mobile who had applied for Experian credit checks, may have had their private information exposed, the company confirmed on Thursday. Information from the hack includes names, addresses, and social security, driver’s license and passport numbers. The license and passport numbers were in an encrypted field, but Experian said that encryption may also have been compromised. More ... This appears to be US but could it also affect the UK and is the UK servers of Experian any more secure than the US. Clearly, the most important victims here are the T-Mobile users who have had their personal details exposed through no fault of their own, and are potentially running the risk of identity theft.
  17. Hi, I used MyHermes to return a parcel to Amazon. After the tracking hadn't updated for a week, I tweeted them to find out what was going on and got a reply that Amazon makes them wait 4 hours to accept delivery so they couldn't deliver it. They were going to return it to me. A few days later a parcel turned up that my wife signed for. On inspection, it isn't the one I sent out, but was also originally addressed to Amazon. It had a sticker slapped on it with my address, so it seems pretty obvious that the MyHermes agent had mixed these two parcels up. After a very frustrating run of messages back-and-fore where the customer service agents continually failed to grasp what had happened, they have eventually announced that they will give me £25 credit as compensation. The parcel I was returning contained goods worth £110. I also have someone else's parcel that MyHermes have said they will collect, but haven't done so. I don't have my refund from Amazon or the product I was returning. Any thoughts on where I go from here please? Thanks!
  18. I have to start at 9am and end at 5pm, but the bus doesn't arrive near the shop til 9..46am and last bus is around 4pm. I have never been to this town before, and don't know the bus routes. I have been suffering from travel sickness and have been to the doctor about my diareah(sorry, but the doctor said that was normal to go to the bathroom every few minutes). I have an appointment on Monday to pick up travel money and have to be there by 2pm. From March to June of this year I was volunteering at a charity in my home town. I am wondering if I should apply to a charity shop in town? But this woman (who was dressed like she was going out to a party) said that SEETEC only ran a few shops. Can I refuse this placement due to it being in a part of the county where I've never been? There is no way I am able to get to the placement in time, I'll be late. And according to the letter if I am late it can effect my benefits.
  19. We live in a road, that is made up of privately owned houses and flats and which also contains around 15 social housing flats. These properties were built 5 years ago. This morning, a man from UKPC put up a load of parking notices, with various rules about parking in designated bays, displaying parking permits, time limits on parking in visitor bays and non return to visitor bays within 48 hours ETC. Charges are £100, reduced to £60, if paid within 14 days. None of the residents have been given prior notice that this company was going to be doing this! The road is a private road, operated by a separate entity to the lease holders of the properties, and is only for the 90+ properties in this road. At this point in time, no residents have been issued with any parking permits for their vehicles. It seems to us that this company (UKPC) could, in theory, start issuing penalty/charge tickets to anyone now using this road. Is there any legal right for residents to be informed that this was going to happen, or do the owners of the road have no legal duty to do so, other than putting up these signs? Thanks.JD444
  20. I was working self employed for a company. In December they stopped paying me, I sent them an email on the 10 January 2016 stating that I wouldn't be able to come into work as I hadn't been paid for 3 weeks and I needed to now look after my 2 year old as I was in arrears with the childminder,I did say that I could come in once it was sorted, they called me 20 minutes later and said they will be picking up the company car and all of there property. there's 4 outstanding invoices for £1000 still unpaid, I tried to resolve the matter with the company but there not replying. I have now put though a claim and just need advice on what to put in the detailed particulars and what evidence to enclose. Thank you.
  21. Hello folks - grateful to anyone who can help with this. My wife has worked in the same organisation for the last four years. She has had four separate one-year contracts during this time. Her contracted hours have varied slightly from contract to contract, but for the last two (one-year) contracts has had 19 per week. She was told a few weeks ago that, due to the fact she's been there for four years, she is being put onto a permanent contract. The permanent contract however offers three fewer hours per week than she currently works, even though they will expect her to work the same number of hours this year and claim the three hours as "overtime" (though this "overtime" is not paid at a higher rate.) Is there some disadvantage to her with this arrangement? Her holiday entitlement will presumably be determined by her contracted hours, rather than the contract plus "overtime" worked regularly. Is this right? I guess the employer misrepresenting her normal hours worked, perhaps in order to maintain some flexibility if they decide they don't want her to work the extra three hours after all? Can they do this - putting her onto a permanent contract with three fewer hours than she has had over the less couple of years? What options does she have, if this arrangement does actually work against her unfairly? Many thanks to anyone who can offer advice.
  22. Hi all, I'm not entirely sure on the rules regarding erecting of fences on boundary walls, so was hoping someone could clarify for me. Basically our bungalow is very close to the house next door, their kitchen window/door looks right into our kitchen There's no privacy outside, except for a 3-4ft tall concrete/brick wall. Can I have a tallish fence erected/attached to the brick wall, to give us some privacy? This is the view from our kitchen door: [ATTACH=CONFIG]57799[/ATTACH] This is the satellite map showing how the houses look from above. The red line being the short brick/concrete wall. [ATTACH=CONFIG]57798[/ATTACH]
  23. just when I thought I could have some peace from jcp I get a letter inviting me for an interview with them. on opening the letter it gives you my name etc and then go,s on to say, about your esa allowance claim, in order for us to check the information about your esa claim is correct and that your circumstances havnt changed an appointment has been made for you at this office at 10am on the 19.2.15. please bring the following for you and your partner, driving licence, passport, photo id. also at least 3 months bank statements from all bank accounts plus tenancy agreement any property owned. please bear in mind I was granted esa on the 29th jan 2015 and am in the support group. when I called jcp they said it was a standard interview after being granted esa which is happening to everyone. when I explained well im in the support group the woman I soke to said it dosnt matter as its happening to everyone placed on esa. has anyone else had this happen after being placed on esa as like me ive been granted it for 3 years. many thanks in advance.
  24. Yes everyone my family has a lot of bad luck. I never mentioned this before because I forgot. About two years ago my adviser at Ingeus put me on self employed, because I found a leaflet job. Which I never went for because I didn't know how to do the self tax thing. Last year I got a letter asking for £30, I phoned back up and said 'I am not self employed my adviser did this for me'. He said it was OK and everything would be sorted, well it wasn't. Last week I receieved another letter now asking for £100, my dad said instead of phoning them we can send the letter attatched and I filled out the form, saying I hadn't worked in over 5 years and have been actively seeking work with the help of the Job Centre. Two days ago I got another letter now asking for the £100 and no reply to my form. I will call them and explain the situation, when I see my adviser at JC can I bring in the Self Tax letter asking for the money? I don't know what to do, what happens if it's not solved?
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