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  1. Hi Just a quick one.....bought a ticket for what i thought was 2.5 hours parking (on tariff paid for two hours and added extra 50p in case I went just over two hours, but next tariff was 3 hours and more than I paid) but if I now pay the fine can I take off the £2.50 I have already paid? Thanks in advance! Sam
  2. I bought a car for £6K but it was faulty and so I rejected it. The dealer promised a refund but has not paid it and I have obtained a CCJ. However they have now ceased trading. I have a name and address for the owner and will pursue via bailiffs. However is there anything more I can do? It seems rather odd if there is no criminal offence.
  3. Hello everyone, this is the first time I have ever used a forum, but I hope that someone can advise me. I am a 19 year old photographer and I was commissioned to take the graduation photos of a Malaysian girl and her family. She was graduating from UCL and the job was from 9am to 1.30pm. The fee had been agreed in advance. I have been trying to get payment ever since then. My problem is that she graduated in Law and I do not know where to begin. It also turns out that she is from an extremely wealthy Malaysian family and has appeared in the hit film, Crazy Rich Asians. She is no longer replying to emails or texts. Is there anything I can do to get my payment? Thank you to anyone who replies.
  4. Hi all, your advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Essentially I was sitting in my car in a private car park talking to a colleague on the telephone. An council environmental enforcement officer approached my window and accused me of littering and stated that he was going to issue me with a fixed penalty notice. Confused I asked what I was supposed to have done and he answered that I threw a cigarette out the window to the floor. I don't even smoke! I tried to discuss the matter calmly but the officer would not reason with me. I explained that I didn't smoke and that he must be mistaken. I was rudely told that 'he had seen it with his own eyes' and 'would not be worth his time making things up'....which he clearly was!! I then asked him if he had any physical or video based evidence to back his claims to which he replied he didn't. He then went on to explain that a letter would be sent in the post and that I would have 14 days to pay. Is there any course of redress here as I think this is very unfair. Regards, DD
  5. Advice people have given you did it work for you.From wherever,jobcentres,businessmen,husbands,wives,friends. Example Many years ago i worked on Blackpool Promenade A interesting place to work,could be 5am or ten pm all times of the day. Observing the goings on and meeting many interesting people.Such as the Snakeman,entertainers all sorts of people from many places. One of them was a multi millionaire. We became pretty friendly and i began working for him renovating and modernising a huge shop. I observed how he worked,he had the Midas touch everything he touched seemed to turn to gold. Well as you can imagine i thought to myself i want a piece of that,only natural. I was trusted after a while and the relationship became a little like Del and Rodney,Fools and Horses you can guess who was Rodney. I was standing next to him one day observing his empire on the prom and i said. Del how come everything you do turns to gold. well Rodney it is like this he replied. I have maybe ten ideas which i invest a thousand or two into. 8 might fail but the if the other two work it is happy jubbly. And some of his ideas swept the country. Right i said to myself,Rodney it is your turn now.The Mercedes will soon be here. So spent 20 quid on some necklaces,plastic miniature dolphins and some long grain rice. And the Finest architects pen i could find.and a huge magnifying glass. Stall was set up.Ladies and Gentlemen gather round which they did. I mean you can hardly fail on the prom. Your name on a Piece of rice put in this miniature Dolphin,filled with water which magnifies it,hung on a chain and around your neck it goes. So what happens, flaming Methelusah comes along says i will have three,have you ever tried writing Methelusah on a grain of rice.Once is a challenge but three times:madgrin: I thought everyone would be a Sue or a Dave,well you would wouldnt you. So it just did not pay and i am at the moment on my 990th idea waiting for the beam of light to land on me and say Rodney you have succeeded. So it did not work for me the advice but sure had some fun along the way. Your turn now,advice given was it acted upon,used and worked for you. You know,from grandma,grandpa,the wise ones.Mum- Dad anyone.
  6. Hi, I'm on a DMP with StepChange since 2014 and of the 8 accounts 7 have added a default within the 6 months period, apart from Creation. They have sold this to Lowells and I have written to them to ask for a backdated default to be added. they have refused and said they will update the credit reference agencies with details of any payments made. I'm worried that as all the others will drop off in early 2020 this will continue to be an ongoing nightmare. I'm not sure what to next :/
  7. HI, Sorry if not ciorrect forum, Ill try to keep it short we had been supplying our services to an independant letting agent for 4 months until we were dropped after a complaint was raised against one of their staff. Now they wont pay their last 2 invoices despite us jumping through hoops to keep sending it and changing the layoiut etc so they could understand. ( they had always paid us before until the fallout) They are now refusing to pay part of it as we threatened if we did not recieve by close of business last night then we would go to small claims court. They claim that we cant charge for 6 smoke alarms we have supplied, it is in the terms and conditions that we were to put them up if missing in properties and we were instructed to do this at the very first meeting. They claim we cant claim for cancelled appointments but our T&C's state we can. In fact everything they are trying to get out off ( over £1000) worth on the invoice is covered by our T&C's that was handed over at the first meeting and witnessed by 2 other people and the director ( who now denies it) . Our T&C's also state that once instructed by this company then we have deemed to be in a contract. They are claiming they didnt sign anything but no one signs T&C's .of their complaints procedure as advised but to no avail. We have done everything but they just bully us and are nasty in their emails ( which we have kept) We have also reported them to their governing trade body and have requested a copy Anyhow, so off to court it is, they want us to go through their solicitor, we cant afford to as we are a small independent business, they owe us £4500 and we can only just manage to cover the court application fee. My questions are, do we have to go through his solicitor? Can we just apply to the court for the amount owed. ? Many thanks
  8. I had builder coming in to do extension work Cut long story to short we agreed on price they came and worked 8 hours in 2 days and one of them asked me for some payment i paid £500 and they didn't come for 2 days turned up on 3rd day and made an excuse that they cant find the required doorframe i called them they promised to come after a week as one is sick and other one on holiday When the week finished i ask them what are you guys up to they start making excuses like they needed a skip so they could clear rubbish in the garden i told them that's not the priority, do the interior work and by the the time you finish i would have ordered the skip as it take upto a week to order They went funny they are not coming until i get the skip which made me angry and told them not to come i asked them to give me my money back and i refused to let them take their tools they have left at my property It escalated to them accusing me of robbing them of their own tools they turned up at my property they called the police police told them they will not get involved which they did not like After that incident they saw me at one of the guys building, i didn't know they were working in there they saw me and got physical and snached my phone i reported this to the police they asked me to leave the site and see them in the police station for an interview which i did i was told by police they will not get involved in this as it is civil matter but the police officer said that he will call the builders and warn them that physical behavior is not acceptable if they acted like again the police will get involved . After this i have received the letter below from the builder which i ignored them . Today i have police visiting me asking for the tools and telling me that i cant keep their tools as it is theft of tools which really got me angry i said ok fine you get my money back from them and take the tools they said this is a civil matter well then if you take tools and wont give them back to them that is the leverage i got on to them to get my money back so you are more welcome to take them but take they wont take responsibility for the money back they then said are you happy for us to hold the tools until you guys resolve the matter i said fine as long you promise not to give them back its fine they looked at the tools and kind of backed down holding on the tools saying there is too many they admitted they only came because they were told by the builder that i sold the tool i said look they all here they're no good to me they then took pictures of the tools to show them and ask me not sell them as that is not legal and will get back to me and they left . What is the best way i can deal with them now thanks letter prior to court action.pdf
  9. Major crackdown on abuse of 'debt' judgement by rogue parking and utility firms is announced Ministers will pledge action on abuse of county court judgments by rogue firms Anyone who has had a CCJ without their knowledge will have it removed The Govt plans to immediately set aside all backdoor CCJs for those who can prove to a judge that they did not know about it when it was passed. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214075/Action-debt-judgement-rogue-firms-abuse-announced.html
  10. I bought a rug from modern rugs last week. It arrived yesterday and while the pattern is the same, the colour of the rug is different. I have looked at their returns policy and they say they will refund the money if we send the rug back within 2 weeks at our own expense. It is a 116 x 170 rug and will be expensive to send back and as they sent a product that was not as advertised I do not feel I should have to pay the return costs. Does anyone know what rights I may have buying something online that does not match the pictures in the online shop?
  11. Hi, I have received a PCN from Premier Park for parking in Exeter Road Car Park in Braunton, Devon. I parked in this carpark for 20 mins at 19:06 and it was dark. I did not realise that it was a paid car park as the notices were not that clear and lighting was low. 'Contrevention date': 2nd November, 2017. The issue date of the PCN: 8th November, 2017. The PCN requests £60 if paid by 14 days from issue date or £100 afterwards. I have googled around and this car park seems to have a history of this issue. I do not live any where near the car park, I cannot get images etc. From what I have read, Premier Park provides images in daylight or with a strong flash to 'prove' that they have enough lighting. I cannot provide this evidence, but even in the images that they have provided on the PCN form shows how dark it is. Could you provide me with any advice for a potential defence. Also, if I apeal to Premier Park (which I expect they will turn down) and then go to POPLA, will this mean that if I am refused, they will charge £100. Any advice is appreciated.
  12. Please help, First time I received my salary and my outgoings monthly payments are bigger than amount received. I have unsecured loans and pay day loans and this Month I won’t be able to pay 3 of them, I read all the 10 steps but I am still panicking, I have more payments than my salary and I need at least 3 Month to back to "normal" when my paY day loans will be paid in full but this Month and next one I have to stop some payments. Please help and let me know how to go the creditors and what I can ask TO HELP ME, WHAT should I tell them? Can I ask to freeze 2 Month instalments or just offer pay a little? Many thanks
  13. UGH! This is a long one, so please bear with me :/ Last year, I had precious little faith in the DVLA's new auto renew direct debit for car taxing, so I set up a new one. As you may have guessed, they wound up double dipping and took months to stop. This year, because I was still leery, I emailed them back in March before my MOT to ask if I would need to manually set up a new direct debit. The response came back as follows: It may help if I explain that periodic scans are conducted on the MOT databases at time of renewal. Provided there is a valid MOT in place by the last scan date of 01/04/2017, the Direct Debit will automatically renew for a further 6 or 12 month period. A new payment schedule will be issued to the preferred communication method chosen when the Direct Debit was initially set up. The first payment will be taken within 14 days of the renewal date. My MOT was in place the week before the 1 April (the DVLA database confirms this, so it's not a problem with that) and I thought all was well, last week I received a penalty notice demanding £80 by 2 July or run the risk of having my car impounded and crushed. I called on Saturday and spoke with Olive in Team 31, who didn't know why it hadn't auto-renewed, but graciously agreed it should have and that I should use that email as evidence in a written appeal. Given that the penalty notice itself said I had until 2 July, I wasn't panicking or anything, and thought I could respond to the penalty notice in writing on Monday - until I went to do my grocery shopping today and they'd clamped my car! Now the contracting company is demanding £100 not to crush it. I'm sorry, but this remains, as far as I'm concerned, the DVLA's fault, not mine. I'd even *checked* with them, and have it in writing complete with a case reference number. I couldn't contact anyone helpful today - the clamping company gave zero hoots when I rang them, and I couldn't call the DVLA as they're shut on Sundays. I cannot lay my hands on my V5 certificate so couldn't even tax it online. I can't get to work in the morning (the trains are particularly difficult as I'm on Southern - a whole other consumer action story! - and struggle with the very long walk to and from the station near my office as I've got osteoarthritis and sometimes need to use a cane) and will be on the phone with the DVLA first thing, obviously, but the idea of paying either of these penalties is infuriating me. OH and to top it off, the spot the car is parked in is fine for parking on a Sunday, but on Monday it's a residents' only, and it'll be a straight shoot out to see if the DVLA's flunkies tow it before the council does, despite the fact I obviously cannot move it right now myself. Any suggestions?!
  14. Hello Today I needed to cancel order on floor panels that had value of around £2000 there was nothing wrong with them, well beside the fact I found similar quality panels for half of the price so it was obvious I would need to cancel my order with Carpetright as I'm not made of money just like most of the population. I went to the store with my order confirmation where I paid for the panels with cash(the panels were supposed to be delivered next week) I told the manager of the store I wish to cancel my order and that's where all of it starts. I've been told that I can cancel but I will be charged 20-25% of the order value which added to over £400 just for the cancellation and the explanation for this was the panels were ordered specially for me(Special Order) and the store wont be able to sell them now. I was rather unsatisfied with the fact and said this is too much which was countered with the response that even offering 25% charge is a sign of good will as the store has right to refuse cancellation. I would like to add that they failed to show me any term and conditions that stated charge of 25% but only a short snippet from a leaflet that says I can only amend order within 24 hours. After few minutes of arguments and call to regional manager by the shop manager they offered me a check for £1800 which I accepted as I felt I had no options left.( it will be sent by post within 7 days) My question is was actions of the store justifiable? Did they have the right to charge that much? Is there anything else I can do? Do I have right to a full refund? I can understand paying for handling but the price they came up with was ludicrous.
  15. Same price - exactly same size box but minus 2 sachets. Cappucino - box on left from last week - box on right from today You can hear the 8 sachets rattling around in the box - so I guess that will be reduced in size in a couple of weeks! Coffee.pdf
  16. Had to email the court to see where a claim against me was as hadnt received anything. Received an email from them today stating that due to me not filling out the questionnaire my defence was struck out, further down the email stated that the claim has also been struck out as the claimant did not file a directions questionnaire. I can pay money to have my defence considered, but its seems to be a standard email sent out as as the case has been struck out it is pretty irrelevant. My real questions are Can the claimant pay £XXX amount to reopen the case? If YES do I need to pay to have my questionnaire submitted or does it reset the clock? If they can do this will I be informed of this and my defence accepted? Full email below. Unfortunately we cannot process your Directions Questionnaire as it has been received outside of the time allowed. The defence has now been struck out. If you would still like to contest the claim you will need to apply to re-instate the defence. This application should be made using an N244 Application Notice and should be accompanied by a completed Directions Questionnaire. You will need to explain why you did not file your Directions Questionnaire within the deadline provided and why you feel you should still be allowed to contest the claim. All forms can be downloaded from www.justice.gov.uk/forms. If the claim against you was for over £10,000 please attach an N181 Directions Questionnaire; for claims of £10,000 or under please attach an N180 Directions Questionnaire. You will need to provide one copy of the application for each defendant, one copy for the claimant and one copy for the court. There is a £100 court fee to process the application without a hearing or a £255 court fee to process the application with a hearing, payable by cheque or postal order to HMCTS or by card by calling the Helpdesk between 9am and 3:15pm. If you are applying as an individual rather than on behalf of a company and you cannot afford to pay this fee you can check if you are eligible for help with fees by downloading the EX160A booklet. Please note that the claim has also been struck out as the claimant did not file a directions questionnaire. Please note, applications are not automatically granted. The outcome of your application is at the discretion of the District Judge or court appointed Legal Advisor. If you require any further information please contact our helpdesk on the number below. Alternatively you can email us at [email protected]; Please ensure that you state the above case number in the subject heading of your email
  17. Hi all This one's a worrying departure from companies generally steering clear of taking people to court for old/possibly dead debts - Hoist Portfolio Limited (HPH2 Ltd) have had a CCJ issued on me for a years old debt that may be statute barred. *If* it is the debt I am thinking it is, it is from an old bank account and is an amalgamated loan, overdraft and credit card debt that I had when leaving them after I lost my job and became very ill. I had already made several years repayments on it while it was in the black, but then became unable to continue and had to default. I sought advice from CCCS and established I could not afford to pay them any more than a token £1 a month payment. Some time later, my father came into some money and kindly offered to settle it for me. I also had another debt so he divided the money up in a percentage between the two as advised by CCCS. The other company happily took the offer, this bank declined. He made them a second offer. They declined. We explained I was in ill health and would never be able to pay it back in full so they really should accept the offer as it was all they were likely to get and the offer would not be on the table forever etc. They declined. I am afraid I do not know the dates of any of this, only that it is several years ago now. I wrote to them asking them to correspond with my father not me as I was in poor health and could not reply in a timely manner. Several other companies bought the debt, my father made the first two or three the same offer, they all declined, we did not hear anything for about two years. Enter Hoist. They have decided 1) not to contact my father but myself and consequently I do not have most of their letters as 2) they also have the wrong address on their letters, the address of the 'main' building I live in, not the actual address so I have not been getting them. The first letter I did get was one from the court telling me they had issued a CCJ against me! immediately confirmed it was real and contacted CCCS (now Stepchange) who advised me to write to the court asking for motion to put aside, which I did and also sent a CCA request to them, which they returned with the postal order and no documents. still do not have the documents (August). the hearing to set aside is on Thursday, which I just found out, since they are STILL sending the letters - including the court - to the wrong address! made it quite clear in my reply they needed to address the letters properly for them to get to me. was not aware that there would be a hearing to decide if we were to have a hearing. presumed the judge would look through the letter I sent and decide. After digging through the junk mail, found a letter from Hoist, who said they will not 'challenge' this hearing to set aside, which is very nice of them, as long as I started making payments. They still did not enclose the documents I requested. the hearing is on Thursday am I was wondering if there was anything I should know/bear in mind from other people who have done this. My defence is 1) sent to the wrong address 2) asked to correspond with my father due to my ill health and have ignored request 3) they have added interest to the debt when I was told 'once it is amalgamated interest and fees can no longer be applied, so that's one good thing about this'. 4) the debt may be statute barred 5) I have asked to see original docs and they have ignored request 6) if this is the debt I think it is - my Dad made several offers which they declined, and he explained that they could either take it or nothing, and they declined. So...well... 7) it may not even be a real debt or mine - I need to see the docs, which they have not sent. My name is actually very common, it is not completely impossible. I guess I go there on Thursday in my best suit and go through those things? It is really having a terrible effect on my already terrible health and I am so fed up with the whole thing. I believe we have tried our best to come up with a solution and it is not my fault that I became ill and unable to pay. Our offer was fair and certainly, for a debt co who probably bought it for 15 per cent or whatever, I do not understand why they have chosen this route rather than the money. Thank you all in advance for your help. These forums are literally life-saving. xxx
  18. So yesterday I was taking a look at my Noddle credit report and when I checked the section for previous searches I noticed that in early July there were about 21 searches all done on the same date. I was rather puzzled by this and at first I thought something serious was going on, but when I checked the names and Purpose of the searches it began to click. The purpose was mostly "General Insurance" but some were marked as "Identification Check" and "Quotation Search", and the names were things like, "Lexisnexis Risk Solutions Uk Limited Insurance Quote - Www.Lexisnexis.Com/Ukconsumer" "Covea Insurance Plc (Cr Bsb) Provident Insurance (Cr Bsb Api)" "Quote Me Happy.Com" And other Insurancy sounding names. And then it hit me, that was when I was searching comparison websites because my car insurance was coming up for renewal! Now I know I searched a few comparison sites, but 21 searches? Digging a little deeper I found that some of them also seemed to be for my previous address that I haven't lived at for nearly 3 years. It seems that old companies are keeping my details on file and even years later they're running searches, even if they don't seem to be contacting me about it. Even weirder, the date of birth shown on some of the searches is my brothers rather than my own. I have run insurance searches for him with his details, but that was also his name and address (Just in the same browser session) so something seems to be going wrong there with the same browser session not changing all details. This all just seems a little strange to me. Should a comparison site be running credit searches like this just for me getting some quotes? Should insurance companies be carrying out credit searches even years later like this? Could 21 searches on the same day, even if they're of these types, have a potential short term impact on my credit score?
  19. Hi I'm new to forums. I dropped an air passenger off at Liverpool Airport's "Express Drop Off" zone, in a car park that I could not avoid as it was on the end of a No Stopping road. I was stopped for 30 seconds. When I went to the barrier to leave they demanded £2 and went on about a contract and a sign on the road which I had not seen and more .... after about 20 minutes I snapped the barrier by pushing it out of the way and went to leave in my car. The car park called the Police who asked very similar questions about a contract. Now I've investigated and found PoFA S54 and do not like the idea that a person can detain me on the grounds that they demand that I have agreed to a contract of which I am unware. Oh my defence for snapping the barrier is that I was trying to prevent a crime. No further action. So I've begun the Practice Directions pre-action letters and get a reply from the car park supervisor. They have a ParkMark accreditation, but don't bother to display T&Cs, as required. No T&Cs = no contract, not just for me but to anyone. They detained me for 45 until cops let me go. I asked the cop if he was recording his trying to coerce me into agreeing to a contract. He was. Snapping the barrier was proportionate and reasonable in the circumstances cos I felt trapped. Does anyone know where they got the right to detain me from cos it ain't S54(3) PoFA 2012? No one should be confused into accepting a nonsense contract, that is not on offer, by hostile, sneering people claiming that a sign on a 40 m.p.h. road which is only in view for 3 seconds as it flies past means you've agreed a contract and pay up to leave. Already found, item 24 Sch 1 unfair terms, signage is substandard and does not conform to BPA, Fraud by false representation and abuse of position. Thanks in advance. I know I'm a nuisance but I don't want other people barracked like I was.
  20. I bought a 16gb Kingston SD card online for my phone from a company called Sweetcow Ltd. The 1st day I had it in my phone it failed completely. I packed it up and returned it immediately along with a letter explaining why I was returning it. For good measure I began proceedings with Paypal. Well I might as well not have bothered as Sweetcow claimed they never recieved the returned item and kept asking me to returnn it. They ignored all my messages that it had been returned saying I must send it by tracked post. As I no longer had it thart was impossible. The short story was both Sweetcow Kingston and Paypal all let me down as now I have no 16gb SD card I lost my money and none of them give a fig
  21. Hello all, I received today a letter from "marston High Court Enforcement Officers" : Strange thing is that I have NEVER received any letter, information or anything prior to above notice. ..but the stranger thing is that I NEVER drove a vehicle without a valid licence - besides on the date of this incident (13/06/2016) I was home off sick, after being hospitalised for 4 days (doctor gave me a sick note for 2 weeks) - I was unable to drive during this time due to heavy dosage of antybiotics & painkilles and the fact that my left foot was so swollen that I was almost unable to walk more then few steps (I had Cellulitis - which is an infection of the deeper layers of skin and the underlying tissue.). I think that this is happening because somebody either with the same name did that offence (and in some twisted way it ended up with me) or someone deliberately gave my personal information to avoid being fined for this ...in any case what are my options? How should I proceed with this case? Thank you kindly in advance for any helpful information, Mike
  22. Someone raised the issue of assumptions being made by companies, government and people that everyone has the internet. This is obviously not the case and to those that don't have it, there will be frustrations caused when told that they need to take an action online. Today there was some announcement that Skype was down around the world, as if it was a big inconvenience. We regularly see computer problems meaning that services are not available. I want you to imagine that tomorrow you woke up to find that the internet was no longer available and would not be available again. How would this affect you, the business you work for and the world economy ? I think the world would be as devastated by internet disappearing, as it would if hostile aliens invaded the Earth. So much is now invested in using the internet for every aspect of life, that any major issue affecting it would have a massive impact.
  23. My neighbor has a habit of parking too close to my vehicles This coincides with the fact that my car has been picking up mysterious dents and scratches for some time now.. This morning I noticed that my neighbors car was parked nose to nose with mine... Shortly after, he got into his car and backed straight into my rear bumper.. I witnessed the entire incident.. However before I could get outside, he'd sped off I just wanted some advise on how you would deal with this situation I am furious, but want to make sure that I do not overreact. The fact that I have always been very cordial with my neighbor makes the incident the more baffling, because if I had not witnessed the incident, my neighbor would pretend that nothing had happened.. and he would smile and ask how my day/evening was like he usually does..
  24. Brief summary/history Other half's card. Commenced 1998, defaulted 2006 with interest frozen from that date. Default card balance was £6,500 - progressively paid/reduced to just under £5,000. PPI claim made October 2012 - initially refused but upheld by the FOS on adjudication. March 2014 NatWest credited £4,664 to the card, leaving a balance of £323. By my own (spreadsheet) calculations the payment should have been some £1450 more than they paid. Their payment was arrived at as follows: Refund of payment made 1998 to 2006 £2334.14 Compound interest based on rates charged £ 712.36 Sub total £3056.50 Gross interest at 8% £2010.43 Less income tax at 20% £ 402.09 Net interest £1608.34 Net offer £4664.84 It is their compound interest figure that I cannot agree with. During the 8 year life of the card, monthly interest rates varied between 1.385% and 1.620%. The average card balance was about £3200. My calculations show the compound interest figure to be about £2077 rather than their figure of £712. This would also increase the 8% gross interest amount due by about £1000. I reckon we want about another £2500 from them (before tax) I have written to them several times asking for a breakdown of their compound interest figure and have been stonewalled each time. They say they cannot provide these (complicated) calculations but that they are in line with the FOS and FCA guidelines. Their last reply even went so far as to 'explain' to me how compound interest works. I can scarcely believe the content of it. Here is the relevant paragraph from their letter: As a basic look at the compound interest aspect, if you compared the monthly balance of the credit card with and without PPI and the difference was £20, then the interest element would be determined from this figure. If the monthly interest rate was 1% and 12% per annum, this would mean that the starting figure for the compound interest is 20p (1% of £20.00) if your card then ran for 5 years, the compound interest on this PPI premium would accumulate as follows, year 1 = 22p, year 2 = 25p, year 3 = 28p, year 4 = 31p, year 5 = 35p. Therefore the total amount difference in balance of £20.00 in this example would be 35p. So, this 'expert' from RBS thinks the compound interest would be 35p. Well, I calculate it to be £16.33. She seems to have worked it out at 1% per annum rather than 1% per month. (I am not a mathematician so if I have got this completely wrong and she is right, please, someone, tell me I am making a numpty of myself). So, ladies and gentlemen of CAG, where do I go next with this shower? Suggestions and comments most welcome, thanks.
  25. Ive never posted before and my spelling is really bad so I apologise in advance! I went to drive my car this afternoon and it was gone!! I panicked and called the police, they told me it had been towed due to no tax. I couldnt call the company because its shut. I checked online and said untaxed! I went in my direct debits and its still active, went to both dates (read somewhere they will take it 4 days after if failed) and a week either side of both and there is available money???! THEY HAVEN'T TRIED TO TAKE IT? Can anyone give me a reason why this would happen? I'm guessing the clamping place are going to be a problem and I'm going to have to pay the release anyway but can I claim it back? Also havent received any letter or email. .it was only supposed to be taken out last week on the 2nd?! Such a ball ache before christmas and majorly panicked as I thought it had been stolen! Didnt think they could do that, thought theyd clamp jesus! Many thanks for any help x
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