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  1. Hello, I was completing a credit check after being refused to get a specific type of finance and to my horror I found out I had been issued a CCJ on the 2/10/18. After ringing Northampton they informed me that the CCJ was issued over a parking ticket issued on the 30/01/17 by JD parking. correspondence to do with this had been sent to a previous address, and even when I was living at this address at the time of the alleged incident I never received any letters about receiving a parking ticket. Now the location that this occurred was at my friends flat where he has a parking permit that was in my car at the time. I have received the evidence from JD parking's solicitors and there are a few reasons why I think their evidence is not credible, firstly the photo of the windscreen is not a full photo and has clearly been taken to omit the parking permit from the photo, the timestamps on the photos have also clearly been manipulated and added after they were taken - the timestamps state it is 22:45 yet in the photo you can tell it is the middle of the day, not that the time makes a difference to being allow to park there it just shows they are not credible. (if anyone wishes to see the photos I am more than happy to share them). I am on the electoral role and I pay council tax and many other utility bills so I feel like they have not even tried to find me in my absence of a reply and just let it all happen. I know I need to fill out a N244 form but I need help to make sure I complete all the sections correctly and that I have a strong chance of being awarded with it being set aside My hopes is that I can get the money for the N244 for back from either JD parking or their solicitor and also having their claim thrown out for being absolutely false. After reading the guide on this site I should also contact JD parking and ask for their consent to set aside? this seems bizarre because they are surely going to say no? I am looking to be applying for a mortgage in the next few years and fear that this will seriously affect my chances of being successful, so thank you for all and any help. This is a template letter I am going to email to JD Parking to get their consent to set aside the default judgement. "Dear JD Parking, Reference: Claim xxxxxxxxx JD Parking v xxxxxxxx Your Reference: parking ticket ref from POC I have recently become aware of a County Court Judgment in Default obtained by yourselves/your client on 2nd October 2018 for an alleged private parking charge from 30/01/2014 for Vehicle Registration xxxx xxx. I am writing to request JD Parking/your client consent to set-aside the Judgement. I am currently drafting my formal application to the court to request the judgement be set-aside pursuant to CPR 13.3 for the following reasons; 1) According to your Particulars of Claim in the case the alleged incident took place on 30/01/2017. At this time, DVLA records would show that the vehicle xxxx xxx, was registered at my current address, with myself as the registered keeper. 2) I have never received any communication from JD Parking and was entirely unaware of any Private Parking Charge being made against my vehicle until finding the CCJ registered against me when checking my credit file, and obtaining copies of the original claim and judgement document from the court. 3) After reviewing the evidence received from your solicitor it is clear that I should not have been issued with a private parking charge, I had a permit to park where I did but that was blatantly omitted from the photo taken of my car parked in the bay. The time stamps have also been manipulated and added on after the photos were taken, there is no seconds displayed and the time stamps state it to be 22:45 which is clearly wrong as it is broad day light outside, this proves your evidence is not credible enough to have served me with this private parking charge. According to publicly available information my circumstances are far from being unique. The industry’s persistent failure to use correct and current addresses results is an unnecessary burden for individuals and the justice system across the country. This is a topical issue: I note that the Justice Minister The Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP announced on the 23rd December 2016 a consultation and information campaign to help protect consumers from debt claims. The consultation will look at ways to; better protect consumers who are sent mail to inaccurate addresses and verify addresses again before a claim is sent. The Minister added that In the digital age, we must ensure companies pursuing unpaid debts make every reasonable effort to contact individuals, rather than simply relying on a letter to an old address. I therefore request you/your client consents to set-aside the judgement and provides me with all documentation / information relating to the original parking charge so that I may consider my position. Had I received the original charge it is likely it would have been settled immediately. You will be aware that this application without consent will cost a £255 court fee. As it is your/your clients failure to take reasonable care that any letters and the subsequent court claim were issued to the correct address I will be asking the court to order you/your client pay the costs of the application along with any further costs allowed by the court. I look forward to hearing from you/your client within 7 days after which time I shall be submitting my application to the courts. Yours sincerely xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  2. I've been contacted all of a sudden after a 5yr gap of silence regarding a Barclayard they believe was mine, from my calculation it would be a few months off 6 yrs since this would be defaulted on. First letters were to say it had been transferred to Robinson Way and was quite nicey nicey, second was to say get in touch we could wipe off a quarter of what you owe, today's was we have looked at your account and believe we have enough to go for litigation and MAY pass this to Howard Cohen and co in 10 days and then it may go to court blahdy bla ~Is this a last gasp effort to get me to pay back or are they being serious about going for court ?
  3. Hi, I received my CCA from Aqua some time ago. For a while I thought that the CCA I received was actually for another account that I had also requested a CCA from. ...sometimes it gets confusing as you're no longer dealing with the familiar name but now various debt collection companies and the solicitors with unfamiliar refs! after realizing my mistake I sent in an offer of payment via email with my income/expenditure I was obviously too late two days later I received a court claim. I put in an acknowledgement to try to get a bit more time and see if I could arrange a payment plan with them. They replied to my email a few weeks later asking for my dob (which l then emailed back to them) as a security question to then proceed with email communication but I haven't heard back from them. Today is the last filing day for my defence but I really don't have one and as they've not responded to my last email what shall I do? Thanks PB
  4. Hi Everyone, thanks for reading. I have 2 defaults amounting to about £15k. I went through the entire process of seeing if they were enforceable and it seems they are. So i just moved on, this was about 2 years ago. I was just waiting until they drop off after 6 years. But i heard somewhere that these guys can come back after 5 years and start threatening you with court action. I couldn't care less, but i don't want the CCJ and going through another 6 years of rubbish credit. Has anyone had experience of this and am i better off giving them a tiny settlement and just being done with it? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) are asking China to slow down electric car mandate. The auto industry is once again attempting to slow down the rollout of electric vehicles. Virtually all automakers, except for Tesla of course, have sent a letter to the Chinese government in an attempt to have them drastically weaken their zero-emission vehicle mandate. As we previously reported, China, the world’s biggest car market, has somewhat of an aggressive ZEV mandate that would force Automakers to have zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. Interesting comments. https://electrek.co/2017/07/13/automakers-but-tesla-china-slow-down-electric-car-mandate/ I have heard that many Taxi Companies are now using Electric Taxis but are there enough charge points available in Great Britain for this rapidly increasing market. Have you got one.What are your views. And who will try to resist this market.
  6. I had a couple of bank accounts dating back to around 2011 go deep into over draft and then I left the country and abandoned them. Not big, not clever, but it is what it is. These particular accounts I had attempted to claim the bank charges back on during the test case a number of years back and been refused when the test case failed. Now that I'm being chased for these debts I want to try claiming back the charges again, which I am fairly sure totalled around the amount, or even more than the debts (which are £2100 and £730 respectively). These charges, however, go back anywhere from 5 up to 12 years distant, and I'm not sure I can claim these back any more, or if the bank will still have the information regarding them on file. In addition to this 1st Credit have indicated that they are now the holder of all information pertaining to these accounts and I imagine I would need to ask for any statements through them. Any help on how I should proceed would be lovely. I have not yet acknowledged the debt with 1st direct, fairly sure its not statute barred yet.
  7. Hi all, Few months ago I have been assaulted by several persons (causing serious and remaining injuries) and then made a complaint but for unknown reasons (despite of cctv clearly identifying my offenders) I have been informed that my complaint/file has been closed for lack of evidence: I am also trying to save money in order to move and later hire a private detective for an investigation regarding my assault with a better standards. However, as I stiĺl at the moment working in the same area than my offenders, these lasts are trying to work by harassment and intimidation (obviously using other people (who even told me that my case could be worst)). Few days ago, one of their friends who is a lady wrongly accused me of assaulting her and callex the police to me.When I have been put on custody by the police due to the wrong behaviour of some officiers (an few days before) I signed a statement drafted by a custody solicitor saying that I recognised a crime I didn't commit. I have been now wrongly charged for a common assault that I didn't while I am innocent (I have refused the caution). The trial at a Magistrate Court will be next tuesday but despite of my low income I have not been granted legal aid. As a resutlt I would like to know how I can make my own defence. Can I send a written statement to the court before the trial (by special delivery explaining that I am totally innocent)? Thanks in advance.
  8. Ive never posted before and my spelling is really bad so I apologise in advance! I went to drive my car this afternoon and it was gone!! I panicked and called the police, they told me it had been towed due to no tax. I couldnt call the company because its shut. I checked online and said untaxed! I went in my direct debits and its still active, went to both dates (read somewhere they will take it 4 days after if failed) and a week either side of both and there is available money???! THEY HAVEN'T TRIED TO TAKE IT? Can anyone give me a reason why this would happen? I'm guessing the clamping place are going to be a problem and I'm going to have to pay the release anyway but can I claim it back? Also havent received any letter or email. .it was only supposed to be taken out last week on the 2nd?! Such a ball ache before christmas and majorly panicked as I thought it had been stolen! Didnt think they could do that, thought theyd clamp jesus! Many thanks for any help x
  9. Hello. im new on here but ive been reading some of the threads with interest. In 2010 i took out a payday loan with Quickquid as my credit cards were maxed out at nearly 16k...... id just come out of a relationship that had left me financialy challenged. It was so easy to borrow from them ... had the loan and paid it off as planned. Anyway i had a 2nd larger loan when i needed work doing to my car....... this where it all went wrong because when it came to payday time i wasnt going to have enough money left to live on...... so i took out another payday loan with a different comapny. Yet again so easy to borrow, things just spiralled out of control and between 2010 and the end of 2013 when i finaly saw sense and seeked help id been using QuickQuid Payday UK Wonga Payday Express Lending Stream Pounds to Pocket 1 month loan Swift sterling Mr Lender every month for the time period, either rolling over loans or taking out new ones to pay off exsisting ones the borrowing off them again. I was so stupid, they ruined my life for 4 years, if id been turned down id have faced my issues sooner and got sorted.... at one point i was doing 80hrs overtime per month and still couldnt get straight. How could these companies not see by the credit checks that i was in meltdown? Last week i added up everything id borroweed and paid back to payday loans companies....... i borrowed £38,711 and paid back a whopping £61,409. Im worried about asking for refunds because i dont think i was honest about my disposable income...... i was in such a mess and not thinking straight, i was just desperate for the money, to pay tha payday loans etc. Im so stupid. Any advice? Thank you for reading this, Burke
  10. I am not going to name names. I just read of one MP who claimed a Large amount for tidying up their constituency home and garden. Then votes for a cut in ESA of 30.00 a week. I am neutral but feel free to have a look around at MPS expenses in your Town,City,Vllage,Hamlet. For whatever year you would like to see. Does it matter that much whether the woodwork has six coats of Chelsea Blue paint or Postbox Red or whatever coulour you like. Or whether the grass,flowers look like Chelsea flower show or a bowling green. And all the rest you can think about. Aggregated Annual Expenditure by MP In addition to publishing data on the individual claims for MPs every two months, we also publish a summary of all these claims once a year. We also include some additional information, such as the salaries of MPs and their connected parties and details of reward and recognition payments made to staff. From 2013-14 onwards, we are also publishing the maximum budgets available to each MP. The business costs MPs are entitled to claim are separated into different budgets: http://www.parliamentary-standards.org.uk/AnnualisedData.aspx
  11. I have received copies of letters sent to a person who parked in a car park managed by UKPC. Originally he got screen tickets slapped on his car and he ignored them and waited for the NTK. After just under 2 months he got letters thouth the post saying "final reminder" and they go on to say that he has been idnetified as the driver at the time by the keeper. Well, as the vehicle is his and he hasnt said a word i wonder how UKPC can leap to taht conclusion. It is more likely that they know they will have to spend good money making their case at POPLA so have just let the clock run down, invent a cock and bull story and hope that someone will be impressed by the novel approach With UKPC's track record I would say deception but that would imply they are deliberately trying to deceive but I am happy to accept that they are just palin incompetent or stupid. however, if you have received a screen ticket at the Valley retail park in Croydon please let us know so I can compare the wording on the NTK (or "final remninder" if you didnt get the NTK in time) This doesnt change the rubbish incoherent signage at the retail park into ones that are actual contractual offers though.
  12. Hi all! I made a half hearted PPI claim v Barclaycard circa 2 years ago. As I did not escalate then I was under the impression that I could not go to the FOS now. On another ( MSE) site mentions that I CAN go to the FOS but only if I complain to BC again first.. any thoughts? Thanks
  13. Hi Everyone, Newbie here who found this website whilst googling for information on F & F debt settlement offers. I'm looking for some advice please, on our next course of action. My husband and I jointly have 5 debtors, one of whom is our son. We used some of his inheritance money to try and pay off credit card debts when I was made redundant, something we are both deeply ashamed to admit. In 2010 we sought the help of the CAB who arranged a debt management plan with our debtors. We have been paying minimal amounts ever since as we have virtually no disposable income. This what we currently owe:- Tesco credit card debt 2994 Natwest credit card debt 11,811 M & S card 6099 Store card 900 (This account has been sold on to Moorcroft and was the smallest sum!!) Son 9000 We are paying them a total of £25 per month (between them all, excluding son) and as my husband and I are 56 and 57, I don't see our financial position improving substantially any time soon. We have substantial mortgage shortfall on various endowment policies and this needs to become a priority for us, if it's ever to get paid off!! (We re-mortgaged 3 times to pay off credit card debts over the years). due to the changes in the law I can now access a pension lump sum of about £10k and was going to try for a F & F settlement of our debts with this sum just so that we don't have this hanging over our heads right into retirement. I don't see that we will ever be able to pay off the full amounts owed to the credit card companies. Our son has agreed not to press us for any amount now, he knows we have no way of getting more money at present. We will eventually inherit a lump sum from our mother in law and will pay him then, but she's currently in rude health So, should I try and use my pension to pay off these debtors, and is it likely that they would accept such a small percentage of their total debt? We are not worried about what's on our credit record now as it must be totally trashed and we never want another credit card anyway. Also as we are homeowners is it likely that they will try and get money from us if we ever sell the house (which we don't want to do)? Many thanks for any advice.
  14. Hi all, I was caught speeding a few weeks back, 106mph on a motorway. Going to court at the end of the month. I had no excuses or mitigating circumstances, I'm planning to hold my hands up and apologise, be humble etc.... My job involves driving to many different sites all around the country. I take lots of equipment so can't really get public transport. I plan to take a letter from my employer which says words to this effect. I basically want to get across that any disqualification will affect me (fair enough) but also affect my company, colleagues etc.... What should the format of this letter be? Who should it be addressed to, what sort of content etc....? Thanks in advance!
  15. In the middle of April last year my car was hit while on display at a car meet. The guy who drove into my car was sorry and admitted full liability. The next day I rang the local main dealer and asked to be put through to the body repair department. I explained what had happened and was told that someone would contact me to sort everything out. Within the hour I recevied a call from what I assumed was the garage. The chap on the end of the phone took some details of my car asked if it was roadworthy,which it was not. He said that I would have a replacement hire car at my home address the next day. The following day a car was delivered.That evening I sat down and read some of the paperwork left with the car.This car was £500 per day to hire!!!! I was unable to contact anyone over the next four days due to Easter holidays. On the Tuesday I rang the guy who hit me insurance company and told them about this car and the cost of it. I then explained to them that I was able to source a similar standard of car from a garage in the village I live in for £125 per day.The insurance company agreed to this and confirmed this in an email. I cancelled the first hire car and started to hire the second. At the end of July I was doing a charity event with my make of car for a childrens hopice. I rang the insurance company and explained the situation. They supplied me with a hire car of the same make and model for that weekend,they also rembursed most of what I had paid out on car hire up to that date. It took their assessors three months to come and look at my car. It was agreed that a new nosecone was required. I have been paying out for the hire car for the last five months[a now eye watering amount of money]. I have been in contact with the insurance company recently regarding payment of my costs and they have started to fob me off with excuses.One of them being that my car is fit to drive!!!! The car is still in the same unroadworthy state as it was before.[part of the damage to the nosecone has made it impossible to fix the indicator or sidelight to the car] They even mentioned could I try sticky tape to fix it on!!!!! The car is quite bespoke and I am lead to belive by the bodyshop that we are on the final leg in regard to obtaining the parts. My question is what can I do about recovering my money????? Your thoughts and sugestions will be greatly appreciated!! Sorry for the long story and spelling mistakes
  16. I bought a salvage vehicle earlier this year. Repaired it. It was a cat. Then later on the car was reversed into by a tesco insured driver. My vehicle was taken away to the body shop while i had a courtesy vehicle. Two weeks later i was told that as my vehicle had been involved in a previous accident and the damage had not been fully repaired. My insurance company offerred me £100 as salvage and told me the vehicle would be a cat c. I asked for the engineers report which stated that the damage was similar to the damage the vehicle had sustained in a previous accident and that the vehicles value was £1000 plus the mileage quoted was incorrect as the car had only done 68000. The engineers reoprt stated that the milage was 83000. I told my own insurance company about this and they said chase tesco who will be able to handle this claim . I then contacted tesco who have sent me from pillar to post. I.e Wanting proof of repair, Where the repair happened, How much i paid etc. Where the parts came from etc. I got a letter of the garage who repaired it. over the 3 months i have been given the run around. Something i found out earlier this week. My vehicle has had a cat c marker placed on it by my own insurance company who will not remove it until tesco place their own category marker on it. MY company is ageas and the policy underwriters for the third party are ? youve guessed it Ageas. Tesco came back with a offer of £290 after their own engineer came out to inspect. Then after waiting for 2 weeks for this payment to arrive which i was going to reject. i phoned up only to be told that i claimed major damage to my car where as there was minor damage to it. So now it is being further investigated. What do i do ?
  17. Hi I am new to this forum , although did originally have some excellent help at the end of 2009 , from the original Penalty charges forum on other debt matters , so Im desperately hoping I can gain some help now in dealing with this final matter that is still ongoing since then and has now escalated to a CC claim being issued . Firstly I sincerely apologise for the length of this thread , Im just now desperate to know best action to take and so wanted to try and included all details that would be required. Im in a position of not knowing whether there are any grounds for this CCA is unenforceable or whether I need to try and quickly reach a settlement agreement with Cabot who have issued the CC claim as now the legal owners of this debt. I have already registered on MCOL the “acknowledgement of service” on the 20/3/15 , having received the CC claim issue date of the 4/3/2010. Im simply cannot deal with a CCJ being issued , as I have recently been suffering from health issues because of Stress & anxiety , consequently off long term sick from work and having to have medication for the stress and depression. I have managed over the last 5 years to try and start to rebuild my life and dealt with all other debts and cannot face another 6 years because of a CCJ ! Im afraid Id just reached the point & desperation with this Cap 1 account , as I managed to sort other debts out however it all become to much for me to deal with as I was getting nowhere reaching a similar settlement figure with this as I had with other creditors. Im afraid I suffered ill health most of last year and just wasnt in the mental health to deal with it any further , so it got ignored ! Very Stupid I know but as I say I simply was not well enough to focus on this any more at the time. Any help and advise would be very much appreciated , I really dont want this matter to send me over the edge again . Thank You Details I believe you will need are detailed below : (any other details required please ask & i'll try to post up asap ) Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Financial UK Limited Date of issue : 4th march 2015 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1.The Defendant entered into a credit agreement described by the original creditor as CAPITAL ONE – CREDIT CARD and having account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (‘the Account’) 2.The Claimant, a UK limited company with company number 3757424, is the assignee and legal owner of all rights previously enjoyed by the original creditor in respect of the Account. 3.The Defendant is indebted to the claimant in respect of the account in the sum of 16919.87 4.The claimant claims the said sum of 16919.87 , plus costs. What is the value of the claim? 16919.87 credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 22/7/2002 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Letter from Cap 1 on 4/5/11 advising they have sold the account to Cabot Financial UK Ltd on the 29/3/2011. Cabot Financial UK Ltd will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes on the 7/5/2010 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes debt has been passed from Cap 1 , then FPC debt collection services (on behalf of cap 1 ) , Then Fredrickson International Ltd , then passed back to Cap 1 on 15/12/10 , then sold to Cabot on 29/03/2011. Sent series of e mails to cabot through 2012 stating they had failed to provide the required details and a valid true copy of CCA to me. Why did you cease payments? Redundancy / marriage breakdown & costly divorce / returned to live with parents & they offered some limited financial support to try and resolve & clear my financial crisis out ! Made offer to Cap 1 along with all other creditors on a pro rata basis as I was advised to . Capital 1 was the only one that failed to accept. What was the date of your last payment? Last payment on 3/1/2010 , then could no longer afford to so missed payments from Feb 2010 onwards Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I disputed the amount as at the time I originally contacted Cap 1 and advised of severe financial difficulties the amount was £15613.65 less £748 charges so £14865.65 Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan ? Yes made a offer of £6237 to cap 1 , as full & final settlement on acc as represented circa 42% of the debt at the time . the same % basis that I made to all other creditors that accepted the settlements on a pro rata basis. Offer made on 25.01.10 , details attached . Later offer made to Fredricksons International Ltd as DCA on 22.11.2010 of £7500 as circa 46% of the debt. Response from Fredrickson on 30/1/2010 indicating offer would be accepted but need me to call to discuss matter. Letter from Cap 1 on 15/12/2010 advising matter no longer with DCA (Fredickson Int Ltd ) but been returned to Cap 1
  18. Hi , Good morning to all you cag's , there's something I wish to share with you, if you have had a mortgage, or a loan and paid it of early. A few weeks ago I wrote a letter to several banks and building societies requesting they look at the redemption sum I was given as it may of been miscalculated . yesterday I received a letter from Chelsea Building society stating that they had charged me £273.36 early repayment charge they should not have done they are paying it back with 8% int in the letter was a cheque for £408.22, I suggest Other people try the same , you never know I am still waiting to hear from two more who are looking in to my complaint. Dear Sir or Madam Re. Account number: Could you please investigate my complaint, when I paid off my mortgage I was given a redemption figure, I now believe this to of been miscalculated and I have over paid. Please could you let me Know the outcome of this investigation, and let me have all the calculations of how you came to this figure. Yours faithfully,
  19. Hope someone somewhere can help as at end of my tether, for weeks now we have been messed about by the Benefits people, my JSA for contributions ran out in August and was told to fill in a form for income based JSA and that my wife could now be added, this we did, explaining my wife could not work due to undergoing tests etc so she got an exemption form, we took that to the Job Centre and waited and waited for money, many calls later we got a small amount but not back pay as was promised, they gave us a bit more, then last Thursday I signed on to be told they had lost my file and gave me a bit of paper to say I had signed on, moeny was due to go into my account today, but it did not. gone beyond mad now, still waiting after promise after promise for my money, they actually phoned me today, said SORRY! and that my money would be in my account TODAY! , it is now 8.20pm and NO MONEY, I know Natwest for some reason do not seem to process money like Barclays etc ( they do it at midnight ) and it normally goes in next day or think it does, lost count now how long it has been without money, they lost my file so they said when I signed on last Thursday, how can they lose a file. Any help/advice is appreciated, just had enough now, Sorry for long post but we are in arrears with everything now.
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