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  1. Ace and Studio customers who purchased optional accidental damage and theft insurance are entitled to a refund Through our own review we have identified concerns with this insurance, which was sold through the Ace and Studio brands, and have notified the FCA. We concluded, along with the FCA that the insurance did not provide adequate value to customers. Therefore, together with Assurant General Insurance Limited and ANV (which is now part of AmTrust at Lloyd's) who were at various times the underwriters of the insurance, we wish to put customers back in the position that they would have been in had they not purchased the insurance. What we're doing to put things right We have designed and agreed a customer contact and refund programme and will refund Ace and Studio customers the premium they paid for the insurance together with interest. The average premium amount to be refunded will be approximately £38. We have identified approximately 330,000 affected customers. https://www.express-gifts.co.uk/looking-after-our-pp-customers And ... https://www.thinkmoney.co.uk/news-advice/bought-cover-from-a-catalogue-company-how-to-get-a-refund-0-8575-0.htm
  2. UK first: Parents who lose a child entitled to bereavement leave READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-first-parents-who-lose-a-child-entitled-to-bereavement-leave
  3. Hi All, Please bear with me. I was made redundant over a year ago, and as a single Mum, I've just started my own business, but am still relying heavily on benefits while I find my feet - financially. Our landlady's told us she's selling the house in June and as we've been here for 5 years and are so happy and settled, I'd love to somehow be able to buy it. The house is expected to go on the market for 220K. My mum recently sold her house and has a 30K deposit she can give us and I'm now considering the following options: 1. My ex, who earns a good wage (100K) can 'Buy to let' for us? This sounds too good to be true - what are the issues surrounding this? 2. Would my 71 year old Mum be able to re-mortgage her house that she owns outright? It's value is 200K. Is she able to do this at her age - how much could she raise - again - what are the issues surrounding this? I'm pretty convinced that our dream's not achievable, but I thought I'd ask here first - I've heard great things about this forum. Here's hoping, Many thanks in advance.
  4. I got out a Carphone Warehouse contract on 14th of December 2017 after much haggling over prices. I called back after ordering it to find out if I am entitled to the free gift as I realised it wasn't mentioned when I took out the contract on the phone. I was assured I would get one sent with the Samsung phone (Free Samsung Gear VR offer). When the phone arrived, no free gift. I called up and was given a link to Samsung gift page to redeem the gift, I tested this out on the phone and the link was expired back in November and I told them this. They then told me it would be sent out on 28th (2 weeks after my contract started). It's been over 4 weeks and no sign of it and the offer has now changed to a watch instead. Do they legally owe me this free gift? Or is it their discretion whether or not I should receive it? I factored it into the price of the contract when choosing between two companies. I feel that they have intentionally been fobbing me off just to push me past the 14 day cooling off period.
  5. Hi. For the last 3 years, I've been the carer for my wife. Through unemployment, we have a joint ESA claim. Due to unemployment, I had the spare time to look after her, and did as I imagine any partner would do. The claim is in my wife's name, we get £280 a fortnight, as she was last put in the work related group, although her advisor believes she should be in support... But we need to wait for the next medical, and the people doing that have previously failed her 3 times with 0 points, before we went to court each time and they found she should have scored between 10 and 16. Anywhooo, it's a struggle. We recently had a friend, who was also on ESA. She lives alone, but has a partner. She got put in support group, and got enhanced disability, despite being far more capable than my wife of working. She gets £140 for that a fortnight, and gets a total of more than £100 than us. We asked at the CAB about what help the was for us, to see if my wife was entitled to more help and we were told to apply for enhanced disability and carers allowance. We did this 4 weeks ago (told it will take 9 for carers allowance to be checked). Enhanced disability, I phoned them for a time frame, and got told flat out that my wife was entitled to nothing. Because I'm not getting PIP (my wife does) as I'm her partner, and look after her, she is entitled to nothing. So I asked for their advice on what to do, to which he said don't bother with carers allowance. Because of I get it, at £62 a week, they will deduct £124 a fortnight from my wife so we end up with no difference, just a load of hassle? Is this true? I knew some of the £62 would be taken, but I thought you got an extra £30-something as a carers premium? So you do actually end up slightly better off? It's confused me now, and I don't know if it's with just cancelling it, to avoid the hassle of the benefit being split, deducted, etc. From what the disability premium guy said, it sounds like being in a relationship is a punishment, especially if you choose to be your partner's carer If it does work out better for us though, how much is back pay entitlement? It'll be 10 weeks from claim date by the time it is awarded, if we get it, but can it go further? We're a bit annoyed really, because our advisor knows I've been my wife's carer for 3 years, and not once has she mentioned the extra help we could get, that apparently we should have been able to request all that time ago
  6. I work two days per week in an office and theres only myself and the boss on the payroll I have worked there since the start of 2014 I was told that they didnt do holiday pay Now, there have been times when I have been off work the odd day and they have paid me, that was in 2014, in 2015 and 2016 they havent, I have never taken time off when busy, and only when really slack. I keep getting told by friends I should get statutory holiday pay, and was pointed to the ukgov website, based on a two day week the entitlement should be 11.2 days annual leave. I have asked the question to see if it can be applied, but I suspect I will be told to put up or leave. Whats the general opinion on this matter? ta
  7. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/motorists-entitled-refunds-over-wrongly-issued-pcso-parking-203555260.html#4TDwUhA
  8. Around £3.7 billion of benefits is going unclaimed by pensioners each year. A staggering 40% people haven't ever checked to see if they are eligible for help, with things like Pension Credit. Around half have no idea that, if they live alone, they can get 25% off their Council Tax, too. If an older person gets Pension Credit, it can free up a lot of other financial help as well, so it is well worth looking into. The charity has launched a free Moneywise advice guide for older people, their families and carers, which gives tips on how to make the most out of older people's income. http://www.independentage.org/
  9. I am hoping someone can give me some advice. My partner has been signed off work since September and has all his sick lines etc from doctor. His boss has point blank refused to pay SSP, has threatened us and has said he doesn't want him back but not given him a p45 or SSP1 form. We are dealing with a lawyer with regards to the refusal to pay SSP and unfair dismissal and the cases are progressing. However we have just been told that he cannot get ESA because he should be getting SSP and we have no way of proving that he is not getting it. His ex employers are not nice people, I don't need to go into the details but they will not give us anything believe me and after spending at least half an hour on the phone to ESA helpline they will not change their decision without either form SSP1 or a letter headed letter from his old employer - neither of which I can get. I don't even have anything to prove when his employment ended. They advised claiming jobseekers which shows how much they know about their own system since you cannot get jobseekers if you are not fit to work. We don't expect him to be fit for work in the near future. Surely there must be something we can do?
  10. Hi, I have googled this and am confused. I hope I am posting in the right place. My husband has been seriously ill for several years. He currently receives ESA and DLA. I get carers allowance for looking after him and IS as a top up payment. Recently I have started to get health problems. I cant find a way of finding out whether I can claim ESA or DLA as well as my husband. If I do claim benefit will we lose our carers allowance and IS? I don't want to poke a wasps nest and end up worse off than we are now. If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Following the new regulations in April 2014 many people (in particular those who support the Freeman on the Land ideology) have tried to avoid bailiff fees by making payment direct to the court (in the case of court fines) or the local authority (in the case of council tax ). In the early months of the regulations many local authorities were still trying to grasp the new regs and computer systems needed to be updated and accordingly, the local authorities (and magistrate courts) were slowly coming to grips with the way in which payments made direct to them after a warrant had been issued should be apportioned in line with the regulations (ie; the Compliance Fee of £75 being deducted in full and the balance being split on a pro rata basis between the debt to the creditor and bailiff fees). As many will remember on this forum, an astonishing number of Freedom of Information requests have been made to local authorities (and magistrate courts) by a handful of people seeking clarification as to how an individual local authority (or court) deal with 'direct payments' and sadly there are many examples on the popular Freedom of Information website; WhatdoTheyKnow.com of local authorities being subjected to costly 'internal reviews'. Worryingly, these 'reviews' have almost always been against those local authorities who had responded to the FOI requests confirming that they forwarded direct payments to the enforcement company. Yesterday an article appeared in a popular trade magazine that is circulated to all enforcement companies and local authorities addressing the subject of 'direct payments'. The article is written by the Director of a well known enforcement company and I have been given permission by him to reproduce the article on the forum.
  12. Hi Thank you very much for looking at my thread.........I was looking to buy a vehicle from an independent dealer After we had paid the deposit a friend suggested we HPi check the car, we had already asked the dealer and he mentioned that that they had done a HPi check as standard procedure. When we purchased a report it stated that the vehicle was a write off? Am I entitled to my deposit back? Thank you very much to all responders Kind Regards Nick
  13. Hello, I bought Modern Combat 5 for my galaxy S 2 in September, which was listed as compatible when I bought it. I downloaded it and it ran fine. Seems somewhere down the line though, they released an update that made my phone incompatible with the software. Google won't even let me search for it on their store anymore. When I it find on my computers browser, Google won't let me download due to not having any compatible devices. This is a fully released game btw, and not an early access. So I was curious if I should email their CS about a refund, or would it be a waste of time? Thank you.
  14. Hi all, I just have a question. My father is 73, retired, owns his own home and is a widower. He has a reasonable pension but would he be entitled to a council tax rebate as it is only himself and my younger unemployed brother that live in the family home? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  15. HI, My daughter has been working as a Teaching Assistant for a teaching agency for the past few years and been working at the same school since September last year. She only gets paid for the days she works so during the school holidays she doesn't get paid. My question is, should she be entitled to any holiday pay as she has been employed by them at the same school for the past 7 months and before that a different school for a year. I would appreciate any advice on this.
  16. In 2010 I had a hysterectomy due to cancerous cells in my ovaries. Following the operation I was very ill and didn't cope well with the immediate Menopause. It was also discovered at the time that a heart murmur I had, had for years was more serious than I was aware of. So serious I needed to have the Aortic Valve replacing. I was also diagnosed with early stages of COPD in the right lung. I worked full time and had held my position for 6 years. Just before I was diagnosed with Early stages of Ovarian Cancer my employers wife had come back from her maternity leave. On her return she made it very clear she wanted me out of the office. I was demoted but my pay stayed the same. When my boss was around she was the perfect office buddy. When he wasn't she would make back handed comments and accused me of being an emotional wreck. I felt bullied and humiliated at a time when things were just not good for me. I developed complications during 2011-2013 and my heart operation was delayed. Then in January 2013 I had a series of small heart attacks and I was rushed into hospital for heart surgery. My employer was on my back all the time asking me when I was returning. Which I understand as a small employer he needed to know. But I was just to ill for working. I was also a little scared to go back because of the way my bosses wife had treated me. Last week a lady who I used to work with contacted me as she needed to talk to me about how my boss and his wife had treated her. She has breast cancer and has just gone through chemo and breast reconstruction. She told me that they didn't beleive she was so ill she couldn't work. In distress she had sought advice from ACAS. They had informed her that whilst she was of from work that she should have been paid holiday pay as well as her SSP. We wondered if anyone can clarify this for us? We are both still employed by the company despite the time we have been of. They do keep asking me when I shall be returning I was recently told by the consultant I wasn't fir enough medically to return to work. I have been of work since October 2011 and my colleague has been of since October 2013.Have we got a claim ? TIA
  17. Hi I am on on a low income JSA I have one child living at home, another returns at weekends and holidays from university, and am living off £80 a week. My husband deserted us and in divorce proceedings court ruled that the house is trust property. Although property is still in both his and my name.Can I claim housing benefit? Thank you
  18. My friend has been married for 25 years. 10 month ago her husband left to go with another woman. He never contacted the children who are 17 and 14 and still in education. They run a business and until recently he was covering all the bills, she gave up work to do his paperwork and generally be his secretary. Last week he turned up and said he wanted the kids to live with him, they were happy about this and went. My friend is distraught. he has stopped her bank card and all money. She is still in the marital home but not for much longer as she has no money at all. Basically what are her rights? He has asked her to move out so he can move back in!! Any help would be welcome.
  19. I am a adult learner studying at college for 15 and a half hours a week. Due to this I am unable to claim benefits as my course is classified as full-time. I do not have a part-time job and have been relying on my son and dad for assistance since September. However I am now in serious rent arrears and have had a Notice of Seeking Possession and have been informed that I can claim housing benefit and council tax reduction as a student however they will have to assess the benefit on my son's full-time income as I do not have any. I have tried to get hardship grants from college however I have been told that they no longer do this as the budget has been cut and do not know where else to turn. Any suggestions:?:
  20. My wife asked her employer recently if she could go term-term only, so we don't have to pay out expensive childcare costs when it is school holidays. Her employer agreed to this, but are querying her claim that she is still entitled to accrue holiday pay (either as time off during the term-time, or as extra pay equivalent to what she would have earned). Am I right in thinking that term-time members of staff are still entitled to accrue holiday pay?
  21. jordigirl

    Am i entitled

    Got my letter from the dreaded atos assessment today. Do not qualify as I only scored 12 points seemingly I rang them up, to put in, what is now a mandatory reconsideration, which can take upto 2 weeks, but i will receive no money in the meantime. Is there anything else I can claim to put me over this time, This whole process has got me seriously stressed out Thanks for any advice
  22. I bought an electric item from a retailer on eBay. Within a few weeks of using it, it developed a fault. I contacted the seller, and they offered to collect it, and either repair/replace it. They said if it can't be fixed they will send out a new one. The courier came to collect, and they ended up replacing the original item. Within a couple of weeks of using the replacement, the new item developed the same fault. By this time I had lost confidence in the item, it seems there is a fundamental issue with this model. It's also a rather essential item for me and I needed a working one ASAP – I also need something reliable, so I went with another brand, shelled out another small fortune, assuming I'm entitled to a refund for the faulty one and would get it. I contacted the seller (and am supposedly speaking to a manager) and end up playing a game of head-banging. We must have sent each about 20 mails, and every time I tell her I am entitled to a refund and explain that their terms of service do not have precedent over my statutory rights, I just get a 'we will repair/replace, this is our terms and condition, you are not getting a refund'. They also insist they are operating 'within trading standards'. They are flat out refusing to refund me. I believe I am entitled to a refund. I know that any companies terms of service cannot 'out do' my consumers rights. I also thought that if an item develops a fault, then in a reasonable time frame I am entitled to a refund. I guess I am seeking confirmation of my belief, am I entitled to a refund? If so they are refusing to refund, so I guess the next step would be small claims court? I am reluctant to go that far as I am extremely busy, and do not want the hassle, but I will if I have to. Another odd thing I've noticed is that the price of the original item listing has gone up to approximately 10 times it's original value. Thank you in advance for any help.
  23. Hello you kind people. I believe my long standing case fighting an energy company has, to some extent, contributed to my anticipated divorce. After 42 years of marriage, I am considering divorce. Indeed as you always advise, there are many financial factors to consider. Nevertheless, in the absence of money, I need to make some preparations at this stage before letting him know of my action. My husband has a private investment pension pot. It is set up in connection to his company and he shares the scheme with one other director partner. I am sorry to describe it so naively but I really have no idea of the scheme name. I know that he has included shares, a number of properties and perhaps other assets in the pot. I believe he is entitled and benefits from annual cash withdrawal up to a percentage. He can add to the pot by buying and selling those, new properties and shares. This pot does not bare any connection to me. However my concern is that I need to know how I can protect my share of interest in the pot in the case of divorce. He has kept all our assets within this pot and I guess immune from SHARING THEM WITH ME! Once he finds out about my divorce action, he can easily empty out the pot in no time. What is the name of this scheme? And can I put a freeze of some sort over his assets and at what stage? Do I have a chance or is it a lost cause? I hope I can get some opinions from you kind people here; believe me, I know I should go to a lawyer! many thanks and as always I am grateful for your support.
  24. I work backshift, driving for a total of 5 hours, It is not possible for me to have a break during my 'run' which starts 2 hours into my shift. Am I entitled to a break before my 'run' starts.
  25. Hello, I had car finance back in 2002 (apprx). I was with Welcome finance and was paying monthly. We fell on hard times and i could no longer afford the amount I was paying. So Welcome got me to sign a new agreement that was over a longer term and a less monthly amount. I've stopped paying it now but it went on for years before it was settled. I no longer have the contract, so I cant see the details of the accounts. I have no idea how to go about claiming ppi? I've had a good look round but I'm just getting more confused. Do I just call up Welcome and ask for my account details? Is there a link for a step by step guide to claiming back? I've had a look round but cant find it. Any help would be appreiated.
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