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  1. Hi, I had a van through Moneybarn which they repossessed in Aug 16 and sold it at a loss and now are wanting £6403 out of me. What options have I got to get them to play ball nicely? I know they had what I borrowed back plus about 2.5k in payments etc in my mind they had the initial loan back. There is a big fat default on my credit file that I would like sorted as trying to get car finance is an issue currently. thanks
  2. This happened on June 19th, I was caught abusing a loophole in the self checkout where I scanned cheaper items to put in heavier, more expensive items down. I had being doing this for a while quite often, but didn't take anything of high value, just food on my lunch breaks. When I was caught, they said they were on to me for the past couple months. I had visited the Tesco only 2 to 3 times a week and at odd times during lunch (could be from 12pm to 2pm) and not everytime I did this, sometimes paying for a bag of crisps, etc. The thing is, the security guard didn't even pull me into their office, he took me to the side and gotten my personal details and didn't even bother calling the police because what I took that day was such a low value. Told me I would receive a letter telling me what action they will take in 2 weeks or so. Just got down my details from my drivers license, paid for what I had taken on that occasion, didn't take a photo of me and said I'm banned from the store. Did not mention civil recovery action. He said it's likely the head office will review the CCTV footage of previous times I went in and will probably take it to the police. I immediately wrote a letter to the store manager and head office, showing deep remorse and apologised, in which the customer service manager replied with a letter thanking me, but not saying what actions the head office will take due to data privacy laws. Not heard anything from the store itself. I was expecting this to trigger a DWF letter to pressure fines on me, but it has almost been 3 months and haven't heard anything else, other than that one letter so it's making me so anxious and worried. If it's taking so long, is it likely the are building a case and the police are getting involved? Or were they pressuring me into not going in again and have just left it at that? Or should I expect a late DWF letter and nothing else? Does it take multiple months to see one of these letters? People have said they're letting me sweat it: it's too much time to sit through hours of CCTV to see what I had took of relatively low value and it would not be cost effective to involve the police, but still a possibility, or it could have even been forgotten about. I have been told it might be sitting in a pile with others, but a lot of people on this forum seem to have received DWF / RLP letters relatively quick. Someone else had even told me there won't be any complicated background police investigation and my punishment would be very minor if I was to receive one, but I am still unsure and very very worried about it still, I stress about it often. I had also been told waiting this long could have potentially harmed any chances of a case, since it would have been proceeded with sooner after the incident? Would they still hold onto CCTV from April to June?
  3. Hello. I am just about to edit a Subject Access Request to a company for my friend who has had a relatively long running dispute over the amount they charged him for work they did. Other than requesting copies of any and all letters between them and any internal memos or emails that he is mentioned in, is there anything else that you would recommend I include? Thank you.
  4. Hello, I used the Post Office self-service machines to post a parcel and my receipt only printed correctly on one side. So I don't have a correct receipt and most importantly the tracking number is not printed correctly. I have spoken to staff in the Post Office about this the next day but they have stated that they are unable to help and I sent a email to them but they have said there is nothing they can do to help. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Thanks.
  5. Hi all, due to a massive cock up by myself I have missed a claimform deadline and judgement has been issued according to MCOL, this was because I went on holiday and was too late when I got back, yesterday....completely my own fault! Is there anything I can do?
  6. Hi Guys, This is my 1st Post so not sure what the rules etc are. I am 25 years old and had unfortunately fallen into the trap of gambling however I have recently (2months back) started GA. The good news is that I have not had a gamble since starting the programme however the bad news is the large amount of debt it has left me in. Whilst gambling I was applying for payday loan after payday loan desperately trying to find the funds to continue with gambling. I was allowed to get payday loans easily to feed my addiction. At one point I believe I had 7 payday loans from different companies at the same time. I have paid off many payday loans however there are many that have now been sent to debt collectors. Is there anything I can do??? Any comments will be greatly appreciated - Cheers for taking the time to read
  7. Hi, I'm hoping someone here will be able to help. I'm at my wits end. On Wednesday last week the police turned up at my house and arrested me on suspicion of fraud. (A complaint made by my sister and about which I was interviewed on Saturday - I've done nothing wrong and hopefully that is what the result will be) On Thursday morning my Housing Benefit was paid into my account and I was able to use my account. By Thursday afternoon the money had vanished. I couldn't get hold of my bank immediately so I transferred my savings (only £100) into the account - assuming it was just an error - so I could pay for the food shopping. That money has never arrived either. I contacted the bank Thursday PM and was told the money was there, it was just 'not transactable' and they couldn't tell me why. Friday was bank holiday. I called again Saturday and was told the same thing. Then two more closed days. I called again this morning and was told the same thing and my child benefit that should have gone in this morning has now also not arrived. (well it has, I just can't access it) Strangely the balance that was already on the account was untouched and I was able to use that. (only about £50 which has now gone) I'm a single mum and it's the school holidays. I haven't been able to do any food shopping, take my son out, or anything and I'm now down to my last £8 with all my bills to pay. I have no idea what to do! No one will tell me anything. Has this come from the police? Is this something the bank have done by themselves? I have almost completely run out of food now and I have no idea what I'm going to do to feed my son. Can anyone shed any light?
  8. Hi, I am reaching out to you as I'm absolutely exhausted with the WCA saga and I would be grateful for any help, advice, guidance, support. I'll try and keep this short... Main medical conditions: - Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - its a rare conditions, but an accurate description of symptoms is listed here: potsuk dot org/symptoms (please note: to diagnose POTS the heart rate has to increase by 30bpm after 10 minutes of standing, upon test mine increased from 65 to 140, so its obviously a more aggressive form of POTS). - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome & Hypermobility (symptoms: ehlers-danlos dot com/what-is-eds/) - Previously had spinal fusion for scoliosis, in recent years the titanium rods in my spine broke; had a two-stage anterior and posterior corrective spinal fusion operation to take out the broken metals and extend the fusion, - Major abdominal complications post spinal fusion op (just uploaded video here: youtube dot com/watch?v=P4GraSbCCy4 - eating food is not fun for me) - Divarication of recti of at least 8cm. - Depression - Other less significant conditions The WCA saga (main points only): I had returned the ESA questionnaire and a bundle of medical records in total weighing quarter of a kilo by recorded and signed for delivery. The Health Assessment Advisory Service and DWP claimed they didn't receive the bundle in time, even though they signed for it, and my benefits were stopped (including housing). I tried to dispute this, 3 separate advisers at HAAS and DWP intimidated me accusing me for not accounting for their internal delays despite having submitted my form in line for the deadline - it was as though they've been taught intimidation techniques from the same script. Anyways, after a battle that got restored. I feel sorry for those who did not send their forms recorded and signed for... Due to various issues I registered formal complaints. In a complaint response HAAS wrote that medical records prior the year 2015 might not be considered, claiming its a DWP requirement for the documents to be 'recent'. This meant my medical records might not be accepted due to a 'bad' date and I did not have enough time to get my conditions to be re-diagnosed. (Note: this is contrary to their own WCA handbook gov dot uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/535065/wca-handbook-july-2016.pdf providing that medical history should be considered). Anyway, the WCA went ahead. As expected by this point, the outcome was work activity group with compulsory JobCentre appointments under the threat of benefit sanctions etc. My GP wrote a sicknote, only to find out that DWP does not accept sick notes from sick people and their is no way to formally register sickness, so you have to go to Jobcentre or loose benefits. I attempted to go to the JobCentre, my heart rate became unbearable and I ended up in the A&E on the drip. This happened twice. DWP told me I could submit for mandatory reconsideration, but would not grant me an extension for the deadline, nor would they allow me to access my medical report before the deadline to submit for the reconsideration. Effectively I was forced to submit a blind and a very week mandatory reconsideration request simply because I had no idea what I am disputing or asking them to reconsider. Naturally, I don't expect a positive outcome from that. After eventually receiving and reading my medical report it became clear to me that the WCA was purposely conducted in a manner that would lead to a certain (unfavourable) outcome; I conclude so due to the excessively biased nature of the medical report. I find the assessor covered up my physical medical conditions and struggles, with some very significant medical history either left out or very subtly hidden at the back in the notes. The assessor went as far as to deny the symptoms of my conditions, making serious allegations and negligent recommendations. The effects/symptoms of my condition are not being recognised by the assessor (who apparently is a doctor). The assessor effectively denies all the symptoms and even alleges that I don't have any such symptoms (in relation to POTS) and that I only have an increased heart rate. It is even recommended in the assessor's report that I can "remain at a workstation standing unassisted by another person...for more than an hour before needing to move away in order to avoid significant discomfort or exhaustion", which to me as a POTS sufferer (I faint from such activities) is just unthinkable. The assessor forgets to mention the broken metals in my spine altogether. Frankly I think the report is an outrage. I believe aggressive practices are in place to disallow positive WCA outcomes. I also feel discriminated. After getting my share of bullying from the DWP and their party of association I am starting to think it's not possible to get ESA anymore, unless you have a solicitor or the law behind you. I'm just really tired now... Any help is much appreciated.
  9. Priyadr11: did you pay£150? Did they ever come to your address to collect the money? The same thing happen to me yesterday. i said sorry and they made me sign in a paper and let me go. Could you tell me what can I expect? I really don't want to let anyone know about this because I live in a extended family. .I'm really broken ..couldn't eat or sleep ever sinc ..can anyone suggest me what I'm going to do ..I'm regretting very badly.. ..��I feel like my life is just going to stop now...
  10. Hi guys, I actually had a very quick reply from the FOS. Less than a month after I made a complaint I had the answer - not the one I wanted but the service was quick, professional and the guy was extremely easy to deal with. My complaint was re MBNA. I took out a credit card in 2006 - fell into arrears in 2009 - finally came to an agreement with them in 2010. I maintained the arrangement to pay and then they sold the debt to IDEM in 2012. Due to serious illness, I couldn't keep payments up with IDEM and now pay them 15 per month. Arrears are 9144 on 10310 balance. I wrote to MBNA to tell them I believed that they should have put a default on my file - they said no they didn't have to as our "relationship didn't break down." I disagree but the FOS agree with them. He quotes the ICO guidelines saying the customer relationship is paramount. He said MBNA treated me fairly, agreed on a reduced repayment plan (200 pm ) and therefore no need for default. I explained I believed IDEM cannot put default on the file as they are not an original creditor - is that correct as he was under the impression they could if I broke the terms. My credit file is a mess, it shows more than six months in arrears with AR even though I have kept to the AR I made with them. So can I do anything now? I don't have ten grand. I could increase payments but how long with the AR remain on my file? Also, could I ask them to accept payments of 200 pm now and capitalize the arrears - like a new loan? Do you think I could argue anything with the FOS. Obviously, if I had stopped payment in 2010 instead of trying to do the right thing, the debt would have fallen off my file.
  11. Hi, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but wasn't sure where to post. Recently I attended Minevention - an event advertised as a convention for Minecraft lovers. Unfortunately we left after 15 mins due to there literally being nothing in the arena. It was a big event with about 4000 people showing up and there were some "popular" youtubers there. This was the only thing there really, plus a merchandise stall (which had counterfeit goods) and a sponsor stall and about 20 computers to play minecraft on. I think really it was missold - many people said if they had stated it was a 'meet and greet', they would have never have went. It turns out though, that many companies who said they would be at the event, bailed last minute, leaving a very empty arena. Lots of people have complained about the event and wanted refunds - quite a few people got them without question on the day, but many more (including myself) complained once we were home. Unfortunately the Organiser has since deleted all the negative feedback off their facebook page. They have finally responded to refund requests with offering tickets to their next convention, which most people are unhappy with - due to how poor the event was/travelling the distance to be let down again etc/feeling very ripped off. I personally wouldn't go to another one again. I am not too concerned about the money for myself - it was a lot of money to spend 15 minutes in an arena, then to walk out with a disappointed child, but I think I am more concerned with HOW MANY people were upset about the event. Some people travelled a long way for the event (fortunately we lived close by), even booking hotels, taking children for their birthday's - only to go to an arena with semi-popular youtubers, a few computers and queues and queues for food. I feel like something needs to be done for them (rather than myself). Some people have complained to BBC Watchdog but I am just wondering what could be done? As a collective could anything be done? Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate any suggestions/feedback.
  12. Dear all, I desperately need advise ... here is my situation (long text as i am writing a complete recollection of what happened): On Saturday 24 October 2015 i received a letter through the box from Collection and Compliance Titled "Further Steps notice" In essence it says that since i have failed to make payments as directed following steps will be taken ... a few lines of VERY scary stuff. After that they give me 10 days to pay 800 pounds or the scary stuff will start to happen. Now this comes as a complete shock i had NO idea what this is about. On Monday i called them and they told me that there has been a court case against me and they have been ordered to collect this money by the court. I have never been aware there is a court case to begin with. They put the collection on hold for 28 days and gave me case reference number. On Monday 26 October 2015 i went to Levender Hill court to check what is this all about. I was told the following that the current case against me is for failure to provide information to the DVLA related to traffic violation or accident in addition to that for failure to show up in court and a few other failures related to the fact i never got anything. I asked what adress all of this was sent out and they gave my old address. They said that one of the notices were sent september. After talking with a friend he said i should check my V5C i just did that and it is on the new address. I checked the dat eof the document and it is 29 04 15. This should mean april, if they sent the stuff in September no idea why they were trying my old address. I also checked my driving license and it is on the new address since April as well. I made a Statuory statement .. or something like that not sure what it was named, that said i never received anything and the first time i becase aware of this issue was Saturday 24-th. They took my details and scheduled a court date for 10-th of November. I still have nothing through the post 29 October 2015 and i still do not know what the original offense is. All they said that the current case is for failure to provide information which carries 6 points and 660 pounds fine the rest is fines for not showing up and not paying when asked first time around. This is as much as i can say right now and as much as i remember. I am completely lost. Never been involved in accidents, i have one speeding ticket in my entire life from 5 years ago and it never went on my record as i took the speed awareness course. Neither have i ever had problems with the police ... so you can imagine how scary this all feels right now. Any advice is very welcome, initially i thought of just going to the court and being honest but i was advised by friends and also someone sort of related to law that i should not do that and i definitely need advise especially since its has gotten to the court and one needs to know what and how to say ... so here i am.
  13. Can you remember Christmas Day as a child.-Your presents. What memories do you have of this day.
  14. Hi My gf has some debts, and she is thinking of trying the same thing. One of the debts has put a ccj in place on the house value, and the creditor is listed as solicitor so anything we can do there? i thought id ask just to be sure thanks
  15. Hi, I've recently had a debt relief order granted. However I have seen that creditors get 30 days to appeal the order, but they can only do it under certain grounds. What I'm worried about is one particularly spiteful ex landlord trying to pursue matters further. Is there anything at all that they can do now that I have a DRO in place? For example, can they drag me into court with an "order to obtain information"? Or am I completely protected from any court proceedings related to this debt? I don't think there will be a problem, but just wanted to double check. I know they use a law firm and there may be angles that I'm not aware of that could stop my DRO.
  16. Hi, Firstly thanks for all the help and advice in the past, I have donated previously to help keep this fantastic resource continue it's good work. As the title says I was caught on speed camera on the M25 a few months back, I immediatly pleaded guilty as I knew on that day I was over the speed limit ( I am shocked by the amount though). You will read from my letter below why I was speeding, as I say in the letter it is no defence and completely agree it was wrong, it was the first time in years I had forgot my son's vital medicine, two large mistake's in a day - which is why I held my hands up straight away, as mentioned in the letter the road was completely empty, it was near midnight and the weather was good and clear - again I realise it's not up to me to judge what speed is safe in those conditions. My concern is we are away for two weeks starting on the court day, in the requisition pack I received a yellow form saying there's no need to attend court when pleading guilty, I tried to plead online the day we received the pack, unfortunately the gov online system is not working for new cases as it's a new system, I called the number, the receptionist took my details, name, case number and told me to return the forms by post, I have filled in all paperwork and the income questionnaire and supplied proof that we are away and that my son does indeed have this disability, also proof that we had attended the London event and based on the camera time it showed that we did indeed have to leave early. I have a full clean license for nearly 30 years only ever having a past SP30 some ten years ago for 35mph in a 30 zone. I dont want to court to think I'm showing any disrespect by not attending. is there anything else you think I should do? I have included the letter text below (will get the wife to check grammar and spelling before sending) which I was going to include with my plea: I am writing with regards to the charge of driving at a speed exceeding 70 miles an hour, I wanted to ensure the court was aware that I immediately completed the first form which was addressed to my wife, I notified Kent police that I was in fact the driver and pleaded guilty to the offence, upon receiving the written charge (26th July) I tried to make a guilty plea online on the same day – having received errors online and speaking to the plead helpline – I was informed there where problems with the computer system and that my case number was one of the one’s that wouldn’t work, I left my details and have made my plea direct as enclosed. We received a court date of 8th August, My family and myself are away for two weeks starting from this date, Our relatives and helped us take this break, This has been booked for over 6 months, I have enclosed proof, I wanted to make it clear to the court that my non appearance should not be seen as any lack of respect for the court or a sign that I do not take this offence very seriously. I am a family man and have never been in trouble with the police before, I have a full clean driving license and this serious offence has brought great shame on myself which indeed reflects on my family – for this I am truly sorry. I am fully aware that this serious matter could lead to a driving ban, I am prepared to accept the courts decision and agree with what ever punishment is imposed, I have included my drivers license and even though away will not drive until I receive the courts verdict. I am shocked at the speed recorded, I know it wont help my case but I wanted to let the court know that I was aware that I was over the speed limit, I honestly didn’t realise it was by that amount, I mentioned my children, My son George received tickets to a wrestling match at the 02 arena, it is the second time just father and son have been out without the rest of the family, he has a growth disability (endocrine system non functioning purity gland, he is just one of 50 children in the UK to have this problem) every day for 16 years he has had deep tissue injections and has to take hydrocortisone tablets twice a day, the last time he missed tablets was 6 years ago and within an hour of felling unwell he was taken to East Surrey hospital where he was taken directly into intensive care, We never miss this daily tablet, George realised later during the show that he had not taken his tablet and that we didn’t have any after leaving early from the performance we also didn’t have them in the car, again this like the above offence is totally irresponsible on my part, we immediately headed home after George started to panic, my wife drove towards us and we met at junction 5 the junction after the offence took place, this is not meant to be a defence, I understand what I did was wrong, as you can see from the pictures provided, the road was completely empty and the weather was fine, dry and clear. Finally, I feel I let my family down twice on this evening when it was supposed to be a celebration, I can assure the court that this will not happen again, and I apologise to all concerned. I am willing to attend the court directly after our return should I need to to accept a ban, I will also pay the court courts and fines as soon as we return on 23rd August. Mr xxx Offence: on 18/04/2016 drove motor vehicle on a motorway at a speed in excess of 70 mph - speed recorded by means of HADECS 3 was 100mph. I am not looking for any get out's - I just want to ensure I provide the details the court requires. Thanks.
  17. Just wondering if any of you could tell me where we stand with this one. My elderly father has terminal cancer and wanted to move 250 miles to be closer to us, we initially tried to get him into a nursing home but found this difficult due to the homes needing to assess him first. The only option we had was to sign a tenancy agreement (in our name due to him being 250 miles away) with my father as the named tenant. As expected he was unable to care for himself and within 4 weeks we were able to move him into a nursing home. The tenancy was an assured shorthold taken out from the 1st June 2016 for 6 months. We paid deposits (which I have never recieved a TDS reference for) and we paid the entire 6 months rent due up front as this was the only way we could secure the property quickly. We kept the estate agents in the loop and they knew the situation from the outset, we had the property cleaned and handed the keys back into them on the 26th June. I last contacted the estate agents on the 3rd August and have been told that the property is now under offer (as in being sold not rented again) but because the sale is not likely to complete within our tenancy period which ends 30th November we will not get any of our pre-paid rental money back. They have also refused to give back our deposit money until the tenancy ends even though we no longer have access to the property and they were happy with it's condition when we gave the keys back. Now on face value, I do know that technically we are liable for the 6 months rental but I'm hoping you may be able to direct me here as to what (if anything) I can do? Many thanks in advance for any advice/help you can offer Dydie
  18. Blemain say I owe them £2946. I have had the loan secured against my house since 2007. They keep sending me letters requesting payment. I'm unable to pay the full amount so I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to setup a payment plan or to even get some of the charges removed They used to charge you when there was no money in the bank. My money used to go in Friday afternoon, and they always tried to take it in the morning. They also used to take it out before bank holiday etc they charged me for that, and they also charged me for every letter they have sent. Any idea what the next step is? Been paying them £ 10 a month for a while, and I'm on a minimum wage.
  19. Planning on going to France for a few days. I've had a quick look on the Virgin Media website in regards to charges when using my phone abroad. Do I need to actually do anything? IE, do I need to inform Virgin that I'm going abroad?
  20. Hi all, I just have a question. My father is 73, retired, owns his own home and is a widower. He has a reasonable pension but would he be entitled to a council tax rebate as it is only himself and my younger unemployed brother that live in the family home? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Hello. My Mum lived all her life with her sister who bought their house under the right to buy scheme. Sadly, my aunt died prematurely last November leaving no will and an outstanding balance on the mortgage of 70k. House is worth about 120 approx. The mortgage company are Amber Homeloans and are notoriously dreadful. They have merely sent letters saying she has 12 months to sell. In the meantime she is paying the interest only. My Mum is sole executor and has been granted letters of administration. Under intestancy rules she is only entitled to a 6th of the estate as there are 6 siblings (all comfortably off, married, secure) but 3 of them think they are entitled to their share despite my Mum being left with hardly anything to secure her future. Just wondered if there was anything I've not thought of that would allow her to stay in her home
  22. I live in a council house and have a secured tenancy. I'm a single parent with one child, the other 2 have left home. When my youngest is 18 can I have her put on my tenancy agreement, in case anything ever happened to me, she wouldn't be homeless? or is that illegal?
  23. I am a adult learner studying at college for 15 and a half hours a week. Due to this I am unable to claim benefits as my course is classified as full-time. I do not have a part-time job and have been relying on my son and dad for assistance since September. However I am now in serious rent arrears and have had a Notice of Seeking Possession and have been informed that I can claim housing benefit and council tax reduction as a student however they will have to assess the benefit on my son's full-time income as I do not have any. I have tried to get hardship grants from college however I have been told that they no longer do this as the budget has been cut and do not know where else to turn. Any suggestions:?:
  24. Hi all I have been looking around the site with a view to attempting to reclaim excessive charges from Birmingham Midshires, I just wondered if there was anything new, I should be aware of. Most threads are pretty old, I'm obviously a bit behind the times! Fee's charged equate to £2,000 which would bring my mortgage arrears down nicely. I'm sure we've had our mortgage longer than the 6 years statement of charges they sent me. Would I be right in thinking, we could claim up to 12 years? It may be the case that we remortgaged 6 years ago, is it possible to reclaim on the original one too? Any answers would be really appreciated, Maddie
  25. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
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