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  1. What is the score with someone signed off on long term sick, and on UC with income based ESA being called in for a Review to see if they are doing enough to seek work or increase their hours They haven't had a report from a Work Capability Assessment as yet? this is what was on their To Do List about the interview: "This is to check you're doing everything you can to find a job, or earn more". If they say they are signed off with a Fit Note stating they are Unfit For Work would they get a Sanction for refusing to look? A neighbour has asked me about this, as they are a tad confused.
  2. Hi All, Possibly a hypothetical question but like to be prepared. Had an interview earlier, job sounds great but when I got home invite to interview from another employer in my inbox for next Wednesday. This 2nd job would suit me better (nearer home, more akin to my current role and better hours). I was told at this morning's interview that they would let me know either way today. If I am lucky enough to get the offer, I would be mad not to accept, but still inclined to go for next week's interview as well. What are the ethics of accepting a possible offer today, then changing my mind if I get the other offer next week? Other half says I need to do whats best for me, and if I end up needing to rescind my acceptance its not a big deal, but I hate to let people down. Might not even get the offer from today, but trying to get my head straight on what to do if it does come good ... Thanks
  3. Hi There, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a situation that involves myself and my x partner. I will try explain this as best as I can. I had been with my partner nearly 5 years when are relationship had broken down. We have two children together aged 2, 5 and did live in rented accommodation. When we separated it was mutual and was not messy, part of the separation was my job I work away and long hours. We separated two years ago and she like any single mother claimed benefits for herself. As a good father I would visit my children as often as I could, I would stay over sometimes and while I was home spend as much time as I could with them, as I am still very good friends with the mother we in regular contact. Both myself and my x partner are both still single. When I am not working away my place of rest is my mothers. -She pays council tax -She pays housing rate -She pays her shopping -I provide maintenance money Two weeks ago she had a meeting (interview under caution) with the DWP who had two (investigators) grill her for over an hour about her personal situation, rather nasty and rude but she explained the truth that I am actively involved and do visit the children to this I did not think they liked as the sort of wanted her to confess to something! It turns out that the evidence was based on a data match as they had the following documents of mine at her house: -Bank Letter -Sky Bill -Phone bill **These had been setup whilst I was living there and simply had never changed.** Car finance document. The car finance document was harder for her to explain, as most of my mail was still at my x partners when we split up they would only consider financing me against an address with some form of history, So i used my x address for this. Funny they did not mention her sending me money which she often does if she cant get to the shops for food she will send money and ask me to get these items. (But i assume they never had her bank statments) After the interview they demanded to know my parents address, she did not know it fully as she moved from say Liverpool to Manchester but drew them the address on paper they also wanted my employer details which she said she did not know.. She collected the kids back from me in tears and scared that she had done something wrong, she still is in fear and now not eating! said it was like they where not happy with my answers (i assume it was not what they wanted to hear and gave them nothing to go off) The interviewer who had seen her wanted information on me, I went to the job centre hours later and spoke to him, he immediately wanted to take me into a private room which I agreed. He was scared of me as naturally I deal with people for a living I led the conversation in which he would give no comment, my objectives to speak to him where originally to give me my details but when I could see how rude and sneaky he was I gave him the no comment and the interview quickly broke down and I left. Today they visited my parents and questioned them, as my parents both hold professional jobs connected in some way to the government they told them the truth. I stay at the house, I have a room, I pay board and I have lived on off there since 2002, I can be there one night and then away and then back there days later there Is no pattern. My parents quite rightly have given me an earful as they feat they may be involved now as they hold professional jobs they no longer will speak to the DWP. They offered to show them my room etc.. but they declined? This leads me on two my bigger questions and to see if anyone can help me? From the above and visits to parents house, as this claim is against my partner not me (they must have little to go off from what she told them at the interview) 1) Is this legal (my personal rights and family) 2) Is visiting my parents legal 3) The issue is with me rather than my x partner why cant they deal with me? 4) I hold a professional position with a company and I fear that them asking or poking around could somewhat possibly lead me out of a job! I I am at the point where I will pay to look after her, if it means I can see my children. She is that scared she has begged me that she wants to come off the benefits and can I pay for her, which is madness as much as I want to help her I have my own life to live! Can anyone help shed some light on this situation and advise me how I should move forward with this? Many thanks!
  4. Hi wonder if I could ask for some advice from anyone who has undergone a similiar situation. I have received a letter from my local job centre advising me that I have to go for an interview with them to discuss some changes that may affect my benefits payments. I claim HB ESA Support Group and PIP. I called and spoke to person on the letter who told me that they have had anonymous report that I am working which is not correct. I am pretty sure I know who this person is as I provided support for seriously mentally unstable person in my road last year in terms of helping them with forms, appointments and in dealing with their multiple suicide attempts. Following their behavior becoming uncontrollable and indeed dangerous in April I told them I could no longer be involved. Since then they have hacked my Facebook account and posted derogatory information and called several organisations with allegations. I involved the Police following the hacking of my facebook account and subsequent phone calls. I am very concerned and also confused as the letter says that you must come to office with various pieces of ID. I have not worked for about 10 years as have severe physical impairment and depression. I also live alone and have no dependents. The letter does not say under caution although I have been told that all interviews are conducted under caution automatically. I am very upset as have done nothing wrong and yet am being treated like a criminal just on say so of this anonymous person. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you
  5. Hi all, I am new to this forum and have a query about an interview I attended in the UK. The hiring manager beforehand said certain questions would be asked a specific test would be given. I was disadvantaged compared to other candidates when I spent so much time preparing only to discover on the day that the test and questions were completely different, hence why I was unsuccessful in landing the job. Also, an interview question was more restrictive when asked to myself compared to other interviewees. Is there a potential case I can bring to an employment tribunal to seek compensation (i.e. relating to Negligent Misstatement, fraud, etc.)?
  6. Hello! This seemed to be the place to put this, though equally it could have gone in transport or benefits. I had a look through and couldn't find any similar threads. I have fibromyalgia and have been trying for the last two years to get a disabled bus pass. It's been complicated by the fact that I have never been in receipt of mobility in PIP, something I decided not to appeal the first time round as I just didn't have the strength. When they re-assessed me, I decided to take it to tribunal and have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting... In the meantime, I have been trying to get a bus pass. There was a form on their application form for a doctor to fill in and stamp to confirm disability, which I made a (non emergency) appointment to do, she filled it out, I sent it off with a photo and expected it to be that simple. The first time was rejected for no reason, and again I did not have the strength to continue to fight, but a year later I decided to try again. Now they say that I must attend an 'assessment' with one of their County Council 'independent mobility assessors' to see whether or not I qualify. Apparently evidence from my GP and specialists is worthless. I have several concerns about this and was wondering if anyone had experience of this? How long does it take? How do they assess you? Do they seem genuinely interested in finding out if you have an 'invisible' illness or just in finding a reason to turn you down? I have a bit of a dilemma, because I *could* just wait for the court date (whenever that is) when I am hoping I will finally be awarded mobility, and then I can provide that as evidence and not need to undertake this 'assessment'. But then again, that could be a while. Thanks for any advice or info on your own experiences. I appreciate it.
  7. I am posting on behalf of a neighbour, not sure if anyone can help here as its beyond me. Husband and wife window company, based at home. They were both working in the business until 3 years ago. Sadly their youngest child was born very ill and she was doing less and less and less work. They claimed carers allowance and took on a part time bookkeeper. The wife hours were reduced and the wages dropped to reflect this. Last year, the accountant upped her wages to be above the threshold and for 10 months they have been claiming illegally. They were not aware of this as the accountant doesn't send weekly wage slips and the wage is more of an entry into the books rather than an actual sum paid into an account each week/month. The accountant has told them that he knew about the benefits and forgot. He refuses to put this in writing! As a layman it seems that they are very naive, trusted an accountant and landed themselves in hot water without going out to defraud the system. Anyone have any advice and able to recommend a specialist solicitor?
  8. hi I have a family member who had one HCP interview, the interview was not fair, so we complained and eventually find we have tribunal. it had been well over 12 months waiting for a date for the tribunal, so again, another hcp interview was appointed as the ContributionBased benefit stopped after 1 year of waiting. The second hcp interview we feel was unfair too, so we have to complain against that also. so that is 2 interviews to deal with, is this normal? We thought the tribunal date would have been sorted out last year some time, now we have to deal with two complaints regards two interviews and DM issues; maybe even another tribunal, who knows? As we know, The hcp's use a WCA handbook, but what policy book do the people in the background refer too? How do we find out the rules and code of conduct regards treating people in this system? Thank you for any help you may offer.
  9. Hi Went for my interview today for the installation engineer role passed everything did my medical and passed all that and been told their recruitment recruitment will be in touch soon to do CRB checks and a credit file check. Only thing im worried about is the credit check few years ago after i lost my job i went through a stupid patch with silly loans and an over draft, i paid the loans off, still currently paying the overdraft which is not far off setteled since then things are getting better was recently accepted on a credit card to boost my credit history which ive been using and paying off on the payment due date. I am still worried about this credit check though as my credit history still shows very low on noddle or clear score. I have never had a CCJ or been bankrupt i have set payment plans with the lenders and are paying them all off in full. Why do employers want to do a credit check this role isnt dealing with cash or anything so dont see why its needed. Thanks as for my CRB this will come back clear as ive never been in trouble i was going to ask today but didnt feel it was the best idea
  10. hello there i wonder, what is the max length of time in an pip dwp assessment, with no lengthy physical, only talking. is there a max or minimum time allowed? does the HC person have a timer on screen to remind there is a limit soon to be reached? Or is it the client who should note the time and say "time enough" Thank you.
  11. hii i have been caught in john lewis store for shoplifting of £42 been stopped by security and they had called police was told will be called by one of the colleague i had a called and been interview under caution was having no idea about that yesterday had interview but was not aware of all this i had admitted that i had done it as i did it so dont want to get a penalty and a note: i had been caught shoplifting before and had paid a penalty as dont want to risk it but i m being destressed after this so kindly need your help like how much time for investigate and what's the result type thanks
  12. Hi My friend is a carer for her husband who has early onset dementia they are both 62 he is on income based ESA and she also has health problems including several strokes, angina attacks and has difficulty getting out as she has fainting fits. Last week she had to attend a compliance meeting, it seems that her husband has a works pension and a building society account which she was not aware of ( he left her for another woman and only came back to her when he started becoming ill so there are parts of his life she didn't share), she has had no letters addressed to him from either the BS or the pension company and obviously she cant ask him about it, the DWP asked her about the date the pension started amounts etc, accused her of withholding evidence and have given her 3 weeks to get that evidence She contacted both the BS the DWP say the account is held and her husbands old company, the BS refused to give her any details about the account but are writing to her husband and her husbands old employer have refused point blank to even discuss it with her, both are citing the data protection act as she does not have power of attorney she can apply to the courts to get access she said protection order but I am not sure what that means but in any case it would take longer than the 3 weeks the DWP has set. I have advised her that if her husbands old employer wont write to her that she writes to them confirming the telephone call and confirming they have refused to release the details to her due to the DPA, send it signed for a get proof of signature then at least she can prove to the DWP that she cant get the information they require. What I don't her to be is 'piggy in the middle' where the DWP say get information and BS and husbands company say 'you cant have it' and she is left floundering surely the DWP themselves can get this information anyway without the DPA so the only evidence she needs to supply is that she didn't know about the pension which could be tricky as they don't have to believe her and that she has derived no income from the pension which would be clear once BS statements are provided and there has been no movement of funds, obviously there would still be the question about capital which may have resulted in an overpayment, she is going to CAB but any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you
  13. I have been suspended from work on pay. It has been over two months now and I was invited in to work last week for an investigative (fact finding) interview. I had already prepared a statement of fact which I presented at the interview. I also answered all questions asked of me. I completely deny the allegation set out. I am extremely stressed and anxious by the whole situation and I 100% know I am innocent of the allegations (I know, that's what they all say..). I have said all I need to say - I have given my side of the incident and do not wish to say anything further. Do I have to go in for this further interview? I really feel they're just going to try and trip me up (even though facts won't allow it but that's not the point). I'm not confident in their ability to carry out a fair investigation. What are my rights to not have to give my account a third time?
  14. I received a letter from the DWP asking me to come into their office to discuss my housing benefit claim. I have already been through the mill with the council who regularly check my entitlement for HB and I have given them bank statements over the past years. The last request from HB was only two months ago and I gave them what they asked for and got a letter saying everything was OK. This letter from DWP has came as a bit of a shock as I do not claim anything from the jobcentre. What has my housing benefit got to do with the jobcentre?
  15. Hello all I'm going for my first signing on JSA after many years. I remember previously I had 3 different types of job titles that I was looking for - eg, care assistant, sales assistant etc. I'm wondering if that's still sufficient or is there a minimum number I need to list? I just want to know what I should expect really - bit nervous. I've been told to bring in my CV (haven't signed up for UJ) for my first interview - should I have it redacted? I'm very privacy conscious and I've read how very little I can trust the DWP with anything. Thank you - appreciate any guidance
  16. Hi there, Please help me. I'm terrified right now. I received a letter out of nowhere yesterday saying that I was being investigated and interviewed under caution for alleged undeclared work. It is in 2 weeks time. No other information than that. Just that it would be under caution. I feel like a criminal when I read that. Of course I rang up to say that I would be attending - the man on the phone was horrible and cold and downright rude - refused to give me any more information. I am signed off work long term sick due to mental health problems and currently on ESA (have been for many years) as wellas housing benefit and council tax benefit - I have had mental illness problems since my early teens but I had a nervous breakdown last year which made things a whole lot worse. My head went totally west. My partner looked after me single handedly for the whole of last year. He worked for two weeks so we could have a Christmas because of the horrible year we both had, even though he was not fit for work at that time. My partner is named on my ESA claim and worked 2pm-10pm Monday to Friday for 2 weeks from the end of November until mid-December as he also has depression and anxiety and really couldn't do it anymore. I sent the DWP the payslips as soon as he had finished work in December. I heard nothing back from them so I thought they had received them and everything was okay. I sent the original payslips which I realise now was a really bad decision as I can't now resend them. I wasn't in the right headspace during this as recently I'd had a total mental collapse - I was in a really bad place. I automatically assumed they would get them so sent them as quickly as possible. He has worked every Christmas since 2014 for no more than four weeks a time and hasn't had any employment other than Christmas work in a financial year. We have always sent the payslips. Always heard nothing back so assumed we were under the threshold that we can earn and that we wouldn't have any money deducted because of this. We are not criminals. Neither of us have ever had a criminal record. I'm terrified of going to prison just because for some reason they must not have received the payslips. I can't sleep right now because of the fear of going to prison. There was no fraud or deception involved. That wasn't our intention at all. Far from it. We have always been honest from the start. I made a stupid decision by sending the original payslips that I can't now resend and I was neglectful with that because of my illness. I am still on diazepam and have been for 11 months since my breakdown (as is my partner more recently) and also I see my psychiatrist every two months as well as my partner is on the waiting list to see a psychiatrist. I/We don't deserve to go to prison because the payslips were lost. I always assumed that no news is good news and that they would write to us if anything was amiss. If they have lost the payslips - I don't deserve to be sent to prison because of that. We don't have the money to hire a solicitor and we are pretty much estranged from both of our families so we have to go through this alone. We really need some advice. To receive a letter like this is really scary and this has made me really paranoid that the DWP have been watching us because of the new Snoopers Charter. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Terrified right now. This is a big part of why I am awake at 4am in the morning. I just can't sleep through fear of them sending me to prison for this. :|:| :frown: Please help because I am at my wits end. Only positive responses please. xxxxx
  17. A friend of mine has been notified of a telephone interview she must have on 12th January. I called the DWP on her behalf and they confirmed that it is in relation to the £6000 she has in her ISA and that they (the DWP) have had some sort of notification that it may now be worth more than £6000. The interview is merely to confirm this fact. Has anyone on here had experience of this process?
  18. Hi, I received a letter last week for a ' Local Compliance Telephone Interview'. The call will take place in just over 2 weeks. The letter says the telephone interview has been arranged because your circumstances may have changed and we need to ensure your payments are correct. On the back it says i need my bank statements at hand and any savings or pensions (which i don't have!). I rang the women who will be doing the interview to change my mobile number as it was wrong, i asked her what the interview was for as i had never heard of it. She said "its just to check your getting / on the correct benefits." Since googling i have seen so many stories of the LCO being part of the fraud team, i haven't commited any fraud but its still worrying me as to why I have this interview! I have had an issue with housing benefit that i have been overpaid (roughly £135) which isn't my fault it was my housing associations fault, could it be to do with this? It is sorted now though i went to sort it out last week. I also rang income support to tell them about a part time course i will be doing and i asked what a local compliance interview was and he said its the fraud team!! Sorry for rambling on. Any advice to put my mind at ease would be great, seen as i have to wait just over 2 week!!! Thankyou.
  19. Hi, I have been claiming Esa and Pip for a couple of years and in May was awarded Pip again till 2027 and was informed that my ESA would also continue. I have recevied a letter from the DWP compliance office saying I have to go to an office interview in THREE weeks, that is along time to worry as my situation has not changed since being awrded ESA and PIP. The headline says, "We need to talk to you about some changes that may affect your benefit payments.You must be available for this isterview and have all the information listed on page 1and 2 with you". Just so I can calm down a bit does anyone know what this is about, do I need to see a solicitor am I having a recorded interview under caution?. I have looked through the internet but the more I read the more I panic. Some say it's abou fraud?. As I have said none of my circumstances have changed at all over the years being on benefits. Thankyou in advance nickscrypt.
  20. Hello team CAG, This is a little long, but please bear with me. I applied to one of the Emergency Services in London, and after passing an assessment was invited to an interview on 18th August. On 30th August I made contact with one of the two panel members who interviewed me as I had received no feedback. I had a lengthy conversation with this person who raised concern about unaccounted gaps in my employment but also stated that I sat a good interview and did not fail it. I was informed if I were to send a complete employment history covering the gaps along with key skills gained/used, there would be potential of a second interview but this would have to be with somebody else. On 4th September I emailed the person above (also Cc’d two other HR staff members) my complete employment history accounting for the gaps. I called my interviewer on 9th September as I had received no communications. I was informed that my information had been passed on and I should contact HR. On 12th September I received an email from one of the two HR staff members I had Cc'd informing me that I have been unsuccessful? No reason/feedback provided. I called this HR staff member the following day seeking an explanation and feedback. To my surprise I was informed that my interviewer had mentioned to this HR staff that she (my interviewer) had informed me that I had failed. My interviewer never mentioned this to me during any of our conversations. I emailed my interviewer on 13th September seeking clarification and feedback, which I am yet to receive. I sent a letter to the Head of Recruitment for role applied for on 16th September, expressing my dissatisfaction and seeking clarification/investigation. I also attached comms I made by email. Received an email acknowledging my letter and will respond no later than 14 days from receipt. GUESS WHAT?...NOTHING!!! Emailed this person on 9th October seeking an update, only to be informed my interviewer has been away, investigation is ongoing and will get back to me by the end of this week (14/10). If I do not hear from the Head of Recruitment OR if I do and the result is not in my favour, can I pursue this further? Your input would be greatly appreciated on this matter.
  21. I am currently receiving ESA support group which i appealed over a year ago and won. I have recently moved back to my mortgaged home ( it was empty due to pending repossession process), I am currently pregnant but we are not together, we have never been in a long term relationship, he has his own property and doesnt live with me, he will pop in on occassions to check how the pregnancy is coming along, we dont get on and know that being in a long term relationship just for a child would not work. The DWP advised that an allegation has been made that he lives with me and i have to attend in two weeks. Can anyone shed any light on what they will ask me? Thanks in advance
  22. Hi Guys, Please help I am so stressed and anxious and making myself sick. I have been on Incapacity Benefit since 1997, i was medically retired from the NHS. I cant remember exactly when i converted to ESA but was placed in ESA support group then when the 365 days were up (maybe a couple of years ago) they re assessed me to see if i was legible to continue, the outcome i believe was as i was in support group i would continue getting CR ESA. that carried on then in march i recieved a letter stating as i get £74.36 a week occupational pension x 2 I have one for £13.23 and one for £61.11 and that was to come out of my ESA. And that I may have been overpayed ESA. I looked up online about CR ESA and pension and it says that if you have extra money over £85 they would take 50% over the £85 as i get under that i assumed i was ok. I phoned in DWP in march and I asked them about this they then said I was on Both IR ESA and CR ESA so that rule doesnt apply to me. Then Today I have been sent a letter from DWP inviting me to an Interview under Caution about my ESA and my pension. can anyone advise me i am so nervous as far as i'm aware they new of my pensions as i sent them P60 in the past. please help. Regards
  23. hello I had an interview with a health care professional ( HCP) When I arrived the HCP said he had 'not' read my questionnaire form This bothered me inside because i was hoping the HCP would be up to date with my condition and i could then just reaffirm what i had said in the form and add a bit here and there. On one of my first questions he asked me, i decided to elaborate a bit, to inform the HCP that my condition varies due to my depression and sleeping issues.. .but he interrupted and said "i only want short answers such as yes or no." I had no proper time to talk about my condition and how it effects my day to day tasks. i was all lost. I found a moment when he paused and I tried to explain the basics of how stress depression combined with lack of sleep greatly effects when i can get out the house and be confident. i said politely "does this make sense"... he said "no not really"! he tried to move on without asking me to elaborate... I turned to my mum and said: did that make sense to you ? and she said yes. I speak quite clearly. I was shocked he did not care to understand. my mum tried to make notes on a pad in pen.. ..he told my mum she was not allowed to take any notes as it could be used in court. so she put the pad away. The HCP cared not one wit how my poor health effects my tasks, how it varies. All he wanted to do was to type down what I could do at my best moments of health. The fact that at times I am so tired i can't move or get out the house does not seem to matter. I then decided to make it perfectly clear " My depression and poor sleeping and stress greatly effects all my day to day activities. Will you write that on your report?" he said "I don’t have to do that." not only did he not read my questionnaire, he also did not wish to type up my illness or care to understand. The HCP also kept referring to my old questionnaire not my new one ( which he had not read). kept asking me about my elbow ... but that healed years ago I said yes it is fine....yet 5 mins later.. "so your elbow. is it o.k now"? i said yes and moved my elbow about, not a trouble. But again..10 minutes later he asks..." your elbow? its o.k? " it is was just so weird that was from an old questionnaire also. surely the new one should be the most important? it was a very sharp, short and bitter interview. approx 25-30mins I was not asked at the end: would you like to add anything? I had a page full of items i wanted to say and my questionnaire content had hardly been touched upon. there was no care and I do not think at all professional, just bitterness, i dont think he wanted to be there. and hated his job. i am glad i had a witness even though neither of us was allowed to write anything down. btw. i did say to the effect: this is unfair you are just writing things down I can do 'at my best' without including how my poor health effects me too.. You just want to get me in the job que or cut my benefit. he then said: We can cancel the interview now if you like? I said: Well, that would not be a good idea as i would lose my benefit. I think you know that!? so we carried on. Thanks for reading and for any advice. : )
  24. I received a letter yesterday with the following wording: We're reviewing your benefits and circumstances You must come to an office interview. Dear Miss --------- We need to talk to you about some changes that may affect your benefits payments. You must be available for this interview and have all the information listed on page 1 and 2 with you. It asks me to bring something proving who I am which the bank statements will do. It asks to bring my latest bank statements. I saw at the bottom it has a code FESL2T which many people on other forums has said is from the fraud department. My circumstances haven't changed I have sever anxiety and agoraphobia and I receive ESA and am in the work related activity group. I share a bank account with my sister purely because we both don't handle money well and it's easier to manage the money if it's all in one account. It's been this way for the whole time I've been on benefits and nothing has ever flagged before. I also got a personal loan and wondered if maybe that could have flagged. I literally don't talk to a single person, I'm scared of people and have no friends so I don't know anyone that would report me unless my adviser said something. Please help, I can't sleep at all and the interview isn't until the 3rd of January. I'm worrying myself sick.
  25. Hi all I'm new here and desperately seeking some advice. I've phone 3 local solicitors and not 1 has got back to me. Anyway, I have received a letter from the jobcentre asking me to attend an interview under caution about my claim for income support and that they want to talk to me about a partner I live with. Now I only claim income support as I live in my own home which is a joint mortgage with my ex partner. Now, I'm thinking this could be 1 of 2 things. Firstly I have a boyfriend who comes over and stays every now and then. He had his own place until November last year as he couldn't afford to live in a for bed house on his own so has moved to his sisters. His name is on no bills at his sisters address except his driving license and his car insurance. Now the other thing I think it could be and am pretty sure it could be, is like I said I have a joint mortgage still with my ex and it's for the house I am currently living in. We sperated due to domestic violence. He was bailed to his parents address in 2015 (he didn't change his address over to there if I'm correct). Sometimes he paid the mortgage and I paid the bills and a few months I paid money into his account towards the mortgage. He tried to get me off mortgage and then tried buying me out so the bank only wanted him to pay the mortgage for xxxx amount of months and told me not to pay anything for mortgage. He met someone else in that time and moved in with her around Feb/march last year. We came to an agreement that I would stay in the house (we have a physically disabled daughter and the house is fully adapted to meet her needs) we agreed I would pay £400 a month towards mortgage into his account and the remaining £250 would be a maintenance payment but used to make up the rest of the mortgage payment. We agreed it to be paid from his account as it's easier for it to come out as one lump payment each month and he sends me a screen shot each month. The life insurance and home insurance are still in both our names for obvious reasons. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated because at the moment I've got no where with any legal advice and the interview is on Tuesday morning.
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